The World as it Is (Pokemon RP; NSFW)

She was thankful for the space, and the talk that was far away from the lewd conversation they hadn't been able to escape since last night. Ilana finished up breakfast as she listened to his advice with a little bit of amusement. She knew Pokemon and their weaknesses, and which gyms had which leaders, for that matter, since her brother had connections with most of them, and the ones he didn't, he knew about through someone else. She divided the breakfast into three plates and picked up two of them, gesturing to the third, "That's for you."

She turned the stove off and started up the stairs, "I have had Evangeline for years now, and have made little effort beyond making her strong enough to best any Pokemon she comes across. Pokemorphs are a new ball game, as you have more difficult strategies you have to keep in mind and they know how to use all their advantages to their peak performance. The first few gyms I've chosen would be easy for Evangeline on her own, and doubly simple for her with you. I don't like taking any risks with Eva, which may make this game rather tedious for you because I'm patient."

Ilana reached the top of the stairs and paused, glancing back at him with a smile on her features, "I have a trip planned to Cinnabar in a day or two, but I have to adjust plans because I thought it would just be Eva and me. It's not to fight there, but to get to know the trainer and his Pokemorphs--it's odd for any person to have 2. I plan to have a whole team. It's important, though, that we scout, so we have the best advantage." Ilana knocked on the door to Evangeline's room with her foot gently, a soft bid to enter echoing from the other side with the tired Espeon. With the grace and practice of a cat, Ilana's foot came up and caught the door lever, pushing it down and knocking the door open in one swift motion.

Evangeline sat up to her breakfast with a yawn, rubbing her eyes free of sleep and giving a smile to Ilana's approaching form. The breakfast smelled fantastic as usual and she was happy to take it off of her master's hands. At first, she was too groggy to notice that there was anyone else in the room, her lavender hair a mess around her shoulders, cascading over her breast.

"With the two of you, we can take the easy--and I use that word in comparative fashion. Don't mistake me for being ignorant that these are some of the best trainers in the world--ones and watch out for another to add to our team along the way." Evangeline thought Ilana was talking to her at first before she watched Ilana's head turn over her shoulder. The Espeon's eyes went a little wide and her cheeks darkened a tad at the male Pokemorph in her room while she was still in her rather revealing nighty.
As Ilana moved up the stairs and into Evangeline's room, Arc was on her heels the whole way, listening to her and carefully considering her words while his eyes appraised her backside. He quietly cursed himself for his interest in the subtle swaying of Ilana's hips as she moved and wished that he could just ignore the human girl's attractiveness but he just couldn't. An attraction to the human form was now as much a part of his sexual attraction to a female as the pheromones that they put off and Ilana was a fine specimen of a human female. After catching her in the shower that morning, Arc would never be able to lie to himself about that fact.

After the incident with the shower, the little show that he was unknowingly given as Ilana dressed herself, and the treat of watching her bottom sway on the way upstairs, Arc was relieved to be in Eva's room. Seeing as Eva had been in her bedroom all night with the door shut, the room smelled very strongly of her scent to the male pokemorph. Now he could take comfort in the fact that the woman invading his thoughts now was much closer to his species.

Now wasn't the time for such thoughts however. Though he didn't care for being captive and he did not care for Ilana outside of the physical aspect of things, he did at least take an interest in Ilana's goals and he was interested in helping her in that respect. She didn't intend to use him as some show dog. She intended to let him get into the thick of the action as she forged her path to becoming a pokemon master. Battle, and the excitement that came with it, was what Arc had always wanted from his old master but had never been given it. Ilana, at least, would make better use of him. To him, it was a tolerable silver lining to his situation.

"You should know that there is another trainer nearby with the same goal in mind," Arc stated, raising his voice a little now that Eva would not be awoken. He was still not speaking in his usual voice, however, since he was unsure how many others lived in the house. "A young man tried to capture me yesterday morning before you had found me. He was accompanied by two male morphs - an aggron and a mightyena. His morphs are every bit as strong as me and his mightyena would have the advantage over Eva while the aggron has the advantage over me. If we encounter him, it would be unwise to engage."
Ilana was starting to get discouraged by how many other people had beaten her to a second Pokemorph. He seemed to be the perpetual bearer of bad news and irritating facts of life. She kneeled down beside a bedstand, resting her ass against her heels as she took a fork and cut a piece of her sausage off and put it in her mouth, chewing thoughtfully. Evangeline looked confused at the man in her room, but shortly followed suit with the same table manners as her master. It was the Espeon who spoke first, "I was unaware there were other Pokemorphs in the vicinity--must be a new trainer searching about."

Ilana took another bite and swallowed it before speaking again, her ice blue eyes turning out the window, "We'll put back our trip a bit and I'll see if I can catch a look at him. We've got no reason to go challenging him at the moment, so I'll just see what he looks like and how his Pokemorphs and he interact with one another." She let out a soft sigh of discontentment as she considered how far behind she was falling. She had to stop sitting around and go find a team, before everyone else beat her to it. Especially if this other trainer was looking for a Pokemorph team just like her, she had a need to be the first to make that work, and right now, it was sounding like he had the advantage.

Evangeline finished her breakfast and placed her utensils on the plate before she excused herself, the Espeon standing up from her bed and walking out of the room for a moment to go retrieve clothing from where she usually left it--in Ilana's dresser. She had to shower, too, and it was about that time for her. This left poor Arc alone with Ilana again for the moment as the other Pokemorph did her routine. The trainer was just finishing her breakfast and looked determined. She stood up and gathered the plates together, picking them up and smiling at him, "Where did you last see this person? I want to go take a look-see. You're free to come, but I imagine you'd prefer to stay here and chat with Eva, and it might be better in case the boy is overzealous and wants to pick a fight."

Ilana shrugged her shoulders as she started her way out of the room back down to the kitchen, "It's up to you."
Arc quite liked the idea of being left alone with Eva. To make the offer even more enticing, Ilana would be gone for most of the day if she went by herself without a faster speed of transportation. The trainer in question had been heckling Arc regularly as Arc traveled Kanto and had caught up with him last near Mount Moon. It seemed that with his mightyena's nose, he had managed to track Arc all of the way from Mount Moon till he caught up with the male arcanine again on Route One near Viridian City.

"I think that I will stay here," Arc told Ilana. "The man that you are going to find has been pestering me for the better part of the past year. He never fails to turn up at the precise moment that I believe that I have lost him, only to have best anything that he can throw at me and get away. Inevitably, he would find me again and we would repeat the cycle."

That gave Arc an idea of how she could quickly find this trainer. No matter where Arc went, this boy was not far behind. No matter how far Arc ran, this boy would follow. Of course, he didn't want the confrontation to be tracked here to the house, as he knew that it inevitably would. He was concerned for Eve being put into a situation where she would have to face the mightyena. Strong as Eva was, the mightyena was as strong as Arc, though not as fast, and would have the advantage over the psychic espeon.

"Does Eva have a pair of scizors in here, by chance?" He aked the human as the plan formulated in his head. "If you take a tuft of my fur with you and keep it somewhere that will allow the breeze to grab my scent then you will not have to find him. He will find you."

The plan was good on paper, but it could have put Ilana in more danger than Arc was thinking at the moment. Arc, who struggled with understanding human emotions at times, had not made the suggestion hoping that Ilana would be harmed. This mystery trainer, however, didn't have the best track record with manners or courtesy and it would be hard to tell what he might do if he caught another trainer alone and defenseless after that trainer had just captured a pokemon that he had invested nearly a year into.
Since she had no way of knowing that this trainer was anything short of another trainer who had missed an opportunity, she accepted the idea without a second thought. She opened the drawer next to the bed and pulled out a pair of scissors, moving over and taking a tuft of fur off his fluffy tail where nobody would notice it missing. "Great idea, and thank you. Do please be polite and enjoy yourself." Ilana tried to keep the sudden rise in worry out of her voice, that jealousy peeking over her shoulder once more. She brushed it away with a sweep of her willpower and shot him a very pretty smile before she started down the stairs with a hollered goodbye over her shoulder.

She descended down the stairs, stopping briefly at the bottom to set the plates down and pick up her abandoned bag. She tucked the fur into a small compartment in it so she wouldn't lose it, then slung it over her shoulder and picked up the plates again. She moved to the kitchen and washed them, then headed to the doorway where she stepped into her boots and laced them up. Her goal in mind, she was eager to set out and see this other trainer. She felt a little bit of pride in the fact that she had caught the Pokemorph he had been hounding so long, but it didn't change the fact that he had somehow managed to pick up two perfectly matched Morphs that could best hers.

That was a problem.

Ilana pulled her bike from where it was leaned up against the house and slipped her leg over the seat, giving one last glance back and biting her lower lip in concern. It would take her a while to get back--she should tell Eva, but she didn't want to go back in and wait for the girl to get out of her long, long shower. She wanted to get back before it was night out, and that meant that pausing to wait wasn't an option. She said a silent apology and made her way for the open path she had found Arc on. If she chose an optimal spot, maybe this would take less time than she expected.


Evangeline stepped into the shower and washed herself clean, taking her time as she always did with these morning rituals. She washed each inch of her pale skin clean and then scrubbed out her hair before sitting happily under the stream of water as it bathed over her body. She had been eager to escape when she had realized the Arcanine was in her room and she was dressed in nothing but a white, satin slip-on. The Espeon was still a little embarrassed from last night, but she suspected everything would be fine as long as Ilana was around. He wouldn't act that way, and she'd have no more humiliating slip-ups in his honor.

What a surprise it was when she stepped out after drying off and getting dressed to find nobody but Arc in the hallway, and smell no signs of Ilana. "Where...?" She didn't even finish the question to him at first, the Espeon woman stepping down the stairs a little ways and leaning about, "... did Ilana go?"
While Evangeline was taking her longer-than-necessary shower, Arc made his way downstairs to retrieve the breakfast that Ilana had made for him and left by the stove. As he ate, he found himself pleasantly surprised at how well the little human girl could cook. She had come across as spoiled and pampered to him thus far and he had been captured by one such trainer before. In his experience, such women were not well versed in the art of cooking. In his experience, such women were really only skilled at one thing and Ilana refused to be a part of that. It made him wonder if his old trainer was just a little backwards. She always did seem to enjoy herself just as much as he did when that part of show preparation came around...

As Arc finished his food, the sounds of the shower upstairs being turned off broke his train of thought and he shook the memories from his head. There was no use dwelling on old memories. He would simply need to either sweep Eva off of her feet or get Ilana to change her mind soon, however, because living and training with two females like them was going to try his self-control greatly.

Knowing that the silencing of the water meant that Eva was finished and would soon be out, Arc sat his cleaned plate in the sink and started up the stairs. It wasn't long after he had reached the top and neared the bathroom that Eva appeared and instantly went into panicked state over the absence of her master. Arc could tell in that instant just how close the two of them had to be. He was willing to bet his mane that they were never more than fifty feet apart at any given time. It made sense, though, given the purpose of those damn collars. Arc couldn't help but wander then how Ilana had manged to leave with Eva still here, but he wasn't going to look a gift ponyta in the mouth.

"She went to find the trainer that I was speaking about earlier," Arc answered in a soft voice laced with an odd mixture of his wild growl and seductive purr. He wasn't speaking as softly as he had been earlier, but he was still trying to be quiet, lest he wake any of the other estate's inhabitants. "She did not want us to accompany her, lest our presence provoke a battle. Of course, she didn't seem like the type to worry about such things to me. Perhaps she wanted us to have some time alone together."
Evangeline turned her eyes back up to him as he spoke, her eyebrows raising. The ability to extend the leash on the collars or turn it off entirely was the purview of the owner. She shifted back and forth as she paid close attention to him. Being alone in the house with him was confusing for her. Her hands slipped over her hair, twirling in it as she shifted from foot to foot. "No." She shook her head and stared at him, his voice soft and seductive. Her eyes fell to his mouth and watched it as he pronounced each syllable, then flicked up to his eyes.

"Wanted... what?" She wanted to point out to him that he didn't know her master. Instead, the way he was talking was all that pervaded her mind. "I think that seems pretty normal," She nodded her head, "Ilana is very protective." The more she considered, the more she felt a little more worried. "But she'll be fine, and she is probably right that not bringing us along would avoid a fight." She let the worry slowly disperse with a heavy breath.

"Um, so. Yes." Evangeline turned her head away and started down the stairs. On her way to what she and Ilana fondly called the 'music room', which was just an empty den with a hardwood floor where both of them tended to put on music and dance in. "What shall we do, then, if we're both just.. alone here." That was the most awkward she had ever felt about words that had come out of her mouth. She just hadn't ever practiced talking to anyone but Ilana.
While Arc could certainly think of a few things that he and Evangeline could do while Ilana was away, he kept them to himself. He couldn't say that he particularly 'liked' Eva. He didn't know her well enough to form a conclusion on that particular matter, but the powers of attraction that she had over him, both mental and physical, were strong and she had displayed some promising qualities that he would have looked for in a mate even if he were still wild. Like her or not, Arc knew that would have to try not to do or say anything too overly bold if he wanted the chance to mate with a more tame spirit like Eva, so he held his tongue.

Silence settled between the two once Eva finished speaking. Her awkwardness and discomfort of this situation hadn't gone unnoticed by the arcanine, so he did not press the issue. Idle chat wasn't exactly at the top of his pass-times anyway. He was quite content, as it were, to follow along behind Eva and watch her hips sway as she moved in route to an unknown destination. Though Eva had brought up a good point. What were they going to do? Arc did give the question some consideration as he watched Eva walk.

Upon reaching their destination, Arc could only think of one thing that he wanted to do. Well, two things, but only one that he thought Evangeline might be interested in as well until he had properly seduced her. In the music room, Arc shut the door behind him as he entered before he moved about the room and opened all of the windows. Any questions that Eva might have thrown his way about his intentions in all of this were ignored. He wanted to catch her off guard. He didn't want her to think about what was about to happen. He wanted her only to react to it. Appealing to her more instinctual side was the only chance he would have with a tamed creature like Eva.

It wasn't until all of the windows were opened that Arc turned to look at Eva again and, even then, he did not speak. Instead, he only gave her a quick, appraising look before a small amount of flame began to gather around his muzzle. When he opened his mouth, it was not to speak, but to send an Ember attack in Eva's direction. It was a weak technique. Ember was the first fire type technique that most fire type pokemon learned how to use either from their parents in the wild or through trial and error with their trainers. Even if it hit Eva dead on, a trained pokemon like her would barely feel it.

In the wild, any other pokemon would have seen this as a playful gesture to initiate a mock battle. That is why Arc had been so quiet. He wanted to see how well in-tuned with her instincts that Eva still was. Would her base nature take over and let her slip into a more playful state of mind or would that human-like consciousness keep hold of her spirit? Arc needed to know which was more dominant and there would be no better time to find out than when they were alone in this big, empty room.
When he was opening up the windows, Evangeline was confused. She asked a few times what he intended to do, but he didn't answer. She suspected he was coveting the fresh air and let it go. The woman moved herself over to the small cabinet and flicked the button that would turn on the stereo, but a soft song came on and it took its time to build up. She then began across the way toward him, watching him argue with a particularly finicky window--not because he wasn't strong enough, but because he was trying his best not to break it. She watched him shift back and forth under the sunlight until it shook loose and rolled away, leaving the breeze to swim through his fur as it filled the place.

"That defeats the purpose of.." She was cut off when he turned, his eyes sweeping over her and fire boiling at his lips. Her blue eyes went wide and she shook her head immediately, trying to stop this from occurring the moment before it started, but the fire left his lips and Ea had a few seconds to decide whether she'd dodge out of the way or take it. A flash of insight in her mind told her if she stepped to the side it would travel to the very expensive stereo and so she stayed put instead of side-stepping.

The small fire struck her, warming her skin and burning away a good portion of the shirt she was wearing. It wasn't harmful, but Eva was regretting playing with a fire-type without particularly retardant clothing. Her instincts showed themselves in the form of a smile, the urge to fire back very strong in the back of her mind, but not here. They'd destroy one of her favorite rooms in the house and Ilana would throw a terrible tantrum. The Espeon looked around her, gauging her escape simply while accounting for the fact that if he put chase to her, he would certainly catch her.

"We can't do that here." She moved herself over to the door, steps oddly in time with one another and deliberately slow. She stood at the big open archway, with the doors pressed back, just around the corner, "The room downstairs is for that, and... don't break anything." The last words were punctuated by a flash as a psychic bubble formed around him and compressed, the Confusion technique a preferred starter of her own. Like Ember, it was one of the first a psychic Pokemon learned, and did little to no harm, but it did have the chance of dazing her target and making them unaware of their surroundings, which would give her the headstart she was blatantly taking as she rushed down the hall full tilt toward the stairs, giggling like a small girl who had just tagged someone and said they were 'it'.
Arc felt quite proud of himself when the attack that he had launched burned away at the espeon's shirt. The only way that could have gone better, he thought, was if he had caught her ants with the attack instead. Still, her shirt being burned away revealed more than enough of the female morph's pale skin to get his blood boiling, so to speak. He was surprised, though, when the espeon didn't just scream and cover herself when this happened. Surely, that is what her 'human' half wanted, but it would have seemed that she did have an instinctual side, after all. Quite a surprise from a morph so accustomed to human life.

It was when he was suddenly encased in a psychic sphere that he knew his plan had worked just as he had wanted it to. That awkward little pokemorph trying to be as human as she could shed away the instant that the embers hit her, almost as if they had lit a fire in her heart and soul. If Eva's instincts were dominant over her rational mind and could be tapped into so easily, then she didn't stand a chance at resisting a male specimen like Arc.

Being such a weak technique, the sphere from the Confusion attack didn't hold Arc back for more than a few seconds. In no time, he was free and giving chase to the little espeon girl who had dashed from the room and was making a bad break for the basement room. He couldn't believe that she thought that she could outrun him at first, but when he leaped through the Music Room's doorway and into the hall just in time to catch only a glimpse of her tail around the corner, he knew that she was faster than he had given her credit for. Still, that did not mean that she was a match for him.

Arc caught up with the espeon girl in the basement, just at the bottom of the stairs. When he did, he reached out to grab a handful of her long locks just as he had done the night before. If he caught her then he would pull her back against him just as he had done to both Evangeline and her master already. Normally, Ar wouldn't use the same move three times in quick succession like that, but why argue with what seemed to work?
The shirt had been burnt away at her shoulder and, while giving a large hint to her breasts and a lovely view of a slightly singed bra, it was not something she was worried about covering up. While Eva would not have wanted to be seen exposed, the state of her dress was not usually an issue to her, as long as her sensitive bits weren't out for all to see. She dashed down the stairs, taking them three or four at a time, before she got to the bottom and his footsteps had caught up with her. She had succeeded in her goal, though, and that was what mattered, but her hands swept up to grab her own hair as her head began to jerk back, easing the pain of the sudden stop.

The Espeon was pulled back against him again. Her body melted into his, every curve conforming as if it was its proper place. Her high energy and boisterous frivolity suddenly redirected itself somewhere else. Somewhere she didn't want it going. Her ears pinned down and her tail twitched against his member beneath his pants. Her heavy breaths from exertion changed to a racing heartbeat and arousal.

The girl froze against him, her eyes closing with her fingers bunching her hair together and his fingers tangled in her wavy strands. "That's not an attack," She stated the words simply, allowing him to read between the lines. It was a genteel, polite way of saying, 'don't do that'. But at the same time, she was confused by him. What she wanted and desired was muddled by the scent of him.
Arc just smirked when Evangeline spoke. No, hair pulling wasn't an 'attack' from the standard of pokemon training but he and Eva were no longer standard pokemon. Besides, it wasn't so much the pulling of her hair that he was going for. He wanted to catch her and pull her near him for a moment and her hair had seemed like a better and more preferable option than her tail. He knew that he didn't like having his tail tugged on, but maybe Eva was into that sort of ruff stuff. He'd have to find out sometime.

"No, I don't guess that it is..." Arc all but purred with his head bent down and his lips not more than two or three inches from Eva's right ear. He could feel Evangeline's tail against his member through the jeans that he wore and it began to excite him. Unfortunately for the both of them, Arc's arousal was much easier to notice as his manhood stiffened into a bulge against the small of the espeon's back. Arc was a gentleman about it, though. He made no indication that he cared or noticed that Eva was turning him on.

"... but then again, it was only supposed to hold you still long enough for me to do this." As Arc continued to speak, his breath heated up against Eva's ear until he was finished and sent out a stream of fire onto the concrete beneath them. The fire hit the concrete and began to encircle the pair closely. When the circle had been complete, fire surged up from the floor inside the circle, completely engulfing the duo in pulsing fire - Fire Spin. It was a weak attack, even weaker than Ember. The pulsing flames, however would continue for a minute or so and while they would not hurt Arc or Eva to any noticeable degree, it would still burn both of their outfits.

After that first pulse of fire faded, Arc's pants were burned away from the knees down and his jacket was fairly heavily singed. He hadn't thought this through well, as he had no spare clothes, bur Arc wasn't exactly modest about his body after being wild. He only wore the clothes to protect him from the elements, anyway. Of course, Ilana would be mad. Finding clothes to fit a six and a half foot tall arcanine wouldn't be easy.

Though the first pulse was over, Arc did not release his grip. He was going to hold Eva there as long as possible until the attack was over. "Think outside the box, Eva," he purred into her ear again after the pulse subsided. "Before I had hands, you could have run from this ring. Now, I can hold yo here and make use of its full effect."
She felt the bulge against her growing, sending her cheeks into a blaze as he whispered in her ear. This wasn't a fight, it was a mating ritual, and Evangeline had stumbled into it like a sap. The warmth of the air made the Espeon's lungs burn as she quickly panted, but she didn't attempt to pull away. Held tightly by the grip in her hair, all she could do was watch the flames lick up her body, taking with them the clothing in a slow, lazy gait. Fire slid up her calves as it consumed the jeans she wore. Each time the flames died, a new one took its place, renewing the effect he most certainly was going for.

Her legs came into view with a sultry scalding along their pale flesh, the heat just warm enough to be taunting. Her shirt, thinner than her jeans, was consumed in much quicker succession. Her hands above her head left her stomach exposed, the portion of cloth between him and her at the small of her back remained, the fire smothered by their bodies so tightly knit together. Evangeline tried to press them out of the circle, her fingers gripping her hair as she pressed back against him roughly, but his body, much larger and stronger than hers, did not move.

Her pants fell from her body as the flames finally reached the waistband, left to smolder and burn on the ground as she was left in naught but her underwear, the white cotton singing quickly even as she stood on her toes and tried to escape the fire. "Okay. S-stop." She muttered the words almost too light to be heard. her bra strap snapped as the plastic fastener melted, the fabric still clinging to her sweating skin but no longer supporting her left breast. The fire caught to her panties at the edge of her hip and her tail swung through her legs to put it out quickly.

Her feet moved against his, the Espeon virtually trying to crawl away from the fire by pressing herself higher on his body, which involved her toes diigging into one of his legs and her pressing herself higher, balancing the act with one hand clinging to the arm holding her hair. Evangeline didn't mind being in her underwear, but naked invited a whole new problem--one that was pressed into her back and slowly becoming nestled between the curve of her ass cheeks while she tried to escape his flames.
Evangeline's plea for this to stop fell on deaf ears. Arc had no intention of stopping now. After all, this had been the entire reason that he had stayed behind instead of accompanying Ilana. He had told Ilana that he was going to court Eva at the soonest opportunity and that is exactly what he was doing, though courtship to him was vastly different from the romantic ideals that Ilana or Eva harbored. Arc might have been well informed of the world of pokemon and their trainers from his days as a Contest competitor, but his heart was, and always had been, wild. To him, courtship was the selection of a given female, or any number thereof, and the resulting struggle for power and dominance over said female. If the male won the struggle, and successfully mated the female, she would then be his mate, gaining her companionship and loyalty in exchange for his affection and protection. This was the rule of 'love' in the wild and this is how be believed pokemon and pokemorphs, should live.

As the fires had pulsed onward, Arc had kept a strong hold on Eva and made it all but impossible for her to get away from the flames. Together, they remained in the burning inferno that none-too-slowly robbed them of their clothes until they had came to the situation that they were now in.

Eva was red all over, her pale skin flushed by the kiss of the flame, and she was down to only her bra and panties which didn't seem like they were going to last much longer themselves. What's more, she had managed to put herself in a compromising condition in her futile attempts to escape the flames. While she had managed to get a few inches off of the floor by using Arc's arm for leverage and placing her feet against his legs, it meant that she was pressed back against him even more closely and it put her tight little ass right on level with Arc's member. Little did Eva know, that was far worse than it seemed.

Arc's clothes had burned far less quickly, having been made of a thicker and more sturdy denim material to endure strenuous activities like hiking. His jacket hadn't even started to burn yet and was only singed due to a fire-retardant material which was woven in with the denim. His pants, however, were completely gone by the time that Eva's little ass had rose to meet it and that 'bulge' between her ass was his fully erect member, no less than ten inches in length. The reason that it seemed like little more than a bulge in his pants was because her efforts had pressed it up against Arc's belly. Eva had unknowingly risen into a position where her ass was now hugging the base of Ark's cock through her panties.

As cute as Eva's struggles were, Arc was in no mood for cute. He had all but conquered the espeon woman and was ready to 'seal the deal' as the human's said. Arc kept his right hand tightly in Eva's long hair while his free hand reached around her small frame to wrap around her waist and lift her up. She was so light that it took no effort for him to lift her until her head was level with his, at which point he used his grip on her hair to pull her head to the side so that he could bite down on the back of her neck where it connected to her shoulder. It was the best place available at the time, leaving little risk of severing any major bloodlines while still grabbing a lot of nerves.

His bite was not gentle. His canines easily broke he skin to leave puncture marks and the rest of his teeth would most certainly leave marks and bruise the area around the bite. In the wild, this would have been an act of total dominance on the part of the male, serving as a warning to the female that it was time to stop struggling and allow him to mount. Evangeline, though accustomed to human life, would still get the message. It was in her instinctual hard-wiring. The question still remained if she would obey that instinct.

Even now, the fires continued. For how long Arc's Fire Spin technique could go on was anyone's guess, even his own. It was an ability that he rarely used these days now that he was not a show animal but back then it was extraordinary for a Fire Spin. Taking into account that he had gotten a lot stronger since then meant that it could be some time.
Evangeline had never been wild. She didn't play wild games and the few times she had felt horny were fixed very carefully with some buzzing gifts that had been bestowed on her by Ilana to help her manage her periods of 'heat'. She was held sturdy, his fingers keeping her hair captive as his other hand slid around and gracefully caressed her soft and flat stomach. This experience was completely new to her. Nobody had ever been really rough with her, especially not to this end, and when his teeth sunk into her shoulder, Eva let out a loud cry of dissatisfaction. His teeth pressed into her, daring her to fight anymore. The intention was made clear, a warning, a threat. Lay down. You're mine now.

The Arcanine would find that this would be more a fight of wolverines than lions.

Evangeline had no intention of just lying down so he could mate her. She hissed and growled at him as her clawed fingers dragged down his arm, and the other hand released her hair and dug violently into his shoulder. Neither could do the amount of damage she considered wanting to do, her grappled body unable to escape the guiding hold on her hair. She was awkwardly positioned, and her tail was not stopping the flames advances fast enough. Another small pop went off as her second strap gave way. The melted plastic felt like hot wax on her skin.

She growled her protest again, the sound coming from her lips no longer docile and submissive. "Release me, I said." The blood welling up around her claws scented the air, emphasizing her unyielding indignation. Her foot slipped down off of one of his legs and left her to jerk suddenly against those teeth buried in her neck. The action elicited a pained cry and another angry snarl as she righted herself, toes digging roughly into his flesh for the effort.

With no shame, the fire licked at her. Despite her efforts, despite her growling and cursing, it meandered up her body. Each time it caressed her like a teasing lover, barely missing its mark. When it found its mark, it found it briefly with small kisses that she swatted away with her tail, never holding still for a moment lest her fur suffer the same damage as her clothing. The effort was only a deterrent, though, and with the patience of Arc's fingers holding tightly to her hair, it finally stopped its coy aggressions and reached out once more, the heat caressing across her hip and her most intimate of areas at once. With a small cry of distress and confusion as it scalded her lips, the protective piece fell away and to the side, the scorched remains clinging to one thigh alone, just waiting patiently to have its weak resolve rended.

The cups of her bra resisted the flames, the padding that gave them their shape and allowed them to be so comfortable protecting them from quick demise. Her breasts were still contained, but risked with every jerking movement that they would shake free of the only piece of armor she still had from indecency. The white lace that decorated them, though, was disappearing in small patches as the flames took their turn lapping idly at the cloth.

The flame dared its way up the remains of the cloth hanging from her waist, tickling his heated member as it took some of the cotton from between the curve of her ass and the base of him. Her foot slid upward to reposition itself as she tried to move further away, but was only met with the tugging hand in her hair and no success accomplished. What she did suddenly realize was that his pants were no longer between her and him. The feeling of fur beneath her toes made its logical meandering conclusion up to her brain, which turned, much faster, to his erection snuggled firmly against her backside.

The heat from it was almost equal to the caress of the flames he had set, and certainly a more pressing matter as the base of it was tucked neatly between her ass cheeks, sending a shocked, almost whimpered sound from her lips as she realized how close she was to losing--if she hadn’t already lost.
The flames began to die once Evangeline's undergarments were no longer effectively there. Her panties might have still clung to her hips, but only one site still held. Her bra might have covered her bust from the now warm air of the basement room, but there was no longer any support to be had there and it was dangerously close to just falling right off of the espeon. The final pulses were weak, generating little more than heat to wash over the struggling duo. It appeared that Arc's fire spin had been just enough.

Again, Evangeline's plea, or rather command, fell on deaf ears. Arc was gone now, replaced with a more primal spirit that strongly resembled him. The 'passion' of their struggle combined with the rising heat of the room and Eva's natural scent had awakened an instinct in Arc that he hadn't felt in years - not since the last time that his previous trainer had studded him out to the neighbor's female ninetails. The marks that would be left on Eva's neck and shoulder where he had bitten her would be proof of that. Arc, in a fully self-conscious state, would not have done that. Before the transformation, Eva would have had a convenient amount of scruff to her neck that would have allowed Arc to grab hold without hurting her. The espeon's human body, however, had no such defense against the act.

Of course, the more primal adrenaline had its advantages as well. Arc hardly noticed that Eva's claw-like fingernails were digging into the skin beneath the fur on his arm. The pain was masked by adrenaline and the scent of his blood was masked by so many other scents right now. Between Eva's natural scent, her shampoo and body soap, the natural scent of the basement room, and Eva's own blood drawn from the bite right beneath his own nose, he could barely notice the smell of his own blood being drawn in such small amounts.

Though Arc had about as much intention of letting Eva go as she had of getting on all fours and letting Arc take her, the arcanine did realize that he was not in a good position to force the espeon to do so without harming her. While causing the espeon woman a little pain was no concern of his, even his most primal instincts wouldn't risk causing serious damage to the woman. What good was a mate if she was injured in a way that could not be healed? She would need to be strong to bear their pups, provided that pokemorphs could even produce young. None of the professors had been able to find evidence that they even could, as of yet.

With a little reluctance, Arc released every hold that he had on Eva at once. His jaws unclasped from around her neck and shoulder, his right hand released the iron grip that he had had on her hair, and the arm that was wrapped around her waist uncurled to allow her to fall back to the floor. There was little worry in Arc's mind about letting Eva free. If she ran, he would catch her again and he would be sure to put her in a more compromising position.
Evangeline had all but given up on him listening to her demands. She threw her head back and forth against the hold of his fingers and her claws ran divets in his body, trying to find a sensitive area that would release her. Then, without warning, he did. Every hold at once released its grasp and Evangeline fell toward the floor. Her fast reflexes moved her arms into position and she caught herself, hands beneath her and knees on the ground. The jolt was enough to jostle her breasts free of their confines, and the rather laughable amount of cloth that covered her lower bits slipped down her thigh and away.

For one moment, he had a view of her that was everything he wanted to see: in primary mating position, with every bit of her exposed to him, her legs spread and the signs of her body's arousal scenting the air.

She reacted quickly to bound up, her body turning quickly as she kept herself low to the ground. Her movement was akin to her animal form, her tail lashing in the air while she hissed at him from all fours and backed away from him. Evangeline didn't want to seem so damn feral, but it was the only thing she could do to keep him from getting a thorough and undeterred look at her body. Being naked was enough to cause her to feel uncomfortable righting herself, but there was also the secondary problem that she suspected he didn't care how much she told him to stop or shied away from him.

This was now a problem between them as animals, and she was at a significant disadvantage.

He had chosen the terrain. He had chosen the goals. He had chosen the way they were to fight. If ever there were a time that he had her at his mercy, now was it. She felt a rising panic in her throat, an angry frustration at the apparent futility. She empathized with him as her own words echoed in her mind--No matter how it is done, a fight is won by every preparation. She could not argue for honor. She could not call him a coward. Not without being a hypocrite.

A soft snarl rose to her lips as she prepared to strike at him if he came forward, trying to intimidate him away as the jewel in her head began to glow vibrantly.
As Evangeline scooted away from him, Arc could tell that he was not going to be able to take his prize without the mock fight that Eva had suspected of him to be putting on from the start. Fortunately for him, he had the advantage. He might not have been as dexterous as the smaller pokemorph, but he was physically stronger and much less shy about the ten to twelve inch member standing fully erect between his legs than she was of any part of her body.

"You cannot hide your arousal from me, Eva," Arc said with his sultry purr, trying to lower her guard with his soft tone. "You want this as badly as I do - I can smell it. Now stop this indignant shoe of pride. Noone has to know what happens here if you do not tell. If you need me to pretend that we aren't mates when anyone else is around then I can do that for you. I can do that for my mate. You will need to take one eventually, you know. Would it not be best to take a fellow member of Ilana's little team?"

As Arc spoke, a fire started deep in his throat. His words were meant to only sooth, to calm, and at unbalance. He knew that Eva was much more rationally minded than he was and that the truths that he spoke would be wasted on her. She may consider them for a moment, but her mind would certainly override it. He would need to fight her into submission in the end, regardless of what he said or made her realize.

Without warning, only moments after he finished speaking, Arc let loose a stream of super-heated fire that split into a familiar five-pronged star shape immediately after parting his lips. The Fire Blast had been effective against her before. He knew that she could sustain the damage without too serious of an injury, but he knew that it would also do enough damage to cripple her efforts in resisting him.
His words rose her lips in a snarl of anger. The Espeon took great offense in his tone--like she could be just claimed. Her feet slid back away and she moved backwards, her tail lashing in the air. A deep growl sounded in her throat over his words, like a warning from a fox prior to a rabid attack. The gem flashed again, the hue turning a deep and violent red. Evangeline gave him one more warning growl.

The room erupted in light as the fire left his mouth. Eva jumped backward directly, putting space between them as her forehead glowed ominously for a brief moment and the flash of light blinded her. The beam that came forward this time was not to be taken by his flames, the power exerted consuming the blast and pushing forward toward him in the same way his had to hers the first time.

Evangeline was relying on the surprise, banking on the power of the Hyper Beam to cripple him and drop him back away from her. She was gambling everything on it as it left her drained and stunned, the throbbing headache crippling her for the next few moments and leaving her with no option to defend. It was a show of power--a rough threat.

She landed solidly behind a counter with her skitter as her hand came up to her forehead, putting pressure on the throbbing temples to calm them as she curled down into a kneeling position with her forehead to the floor. She didn't make a noise of pain only through the gritted teeth and tightly sealed mouth, expending all her willpower not to.
For the second time in just as many days, Evangeline had gotten the jump on the powerful male arcanine. Under normal circumstances, doing so just once would have been a feat in itself but the first time, he had been dozing off in the sun and this time... Well, this time he had clearly underestimated what the timid, house-pet-esque espeon was capable of. It was clear to him now that Ilana was no novice trainer. She might have been 'new' in the sense that she had not yet bothered with other pokemon, but she was certainly not knew to the whole concept. Eva's use of such an advanced attack that she would have likely never learned on her own in the wild was proof of that.

In the instant that Arc witnessed one of his most powerful techniques dissipate before his eyes under the force of the espeon's Hyper Beam, he knew that he would not be able to avoid the attack even with Extreme Speed. Even if he did, a technique like that would have surely blown a hole into the wall and woken up the other humans with whom Arc suspected Ilana shared this house. If they were awoken, that would be the end of this little mating ritual.

Knowing this, Arc brought his arms up to cross in front of him and he braced himself for the full brunt of Evangeline's attack just as the wave of tangible energy washed over him like a tidal wave. Then, in an instant, the attack was over and Arc was left standing there, battered by the attack but still very much standing on his own two feet.

The force of Eva's Hyper Beam had impressed him. Though he was still standing, his arms, which took the brunt of the attack, were trembling uncontrollably. His fir was singed at the area of impact on both of his arms and he knew that the following day, his arms would be almost too sore use properly. If he had taken the brunt of that attack to the chest without bracing himself for it, he would have been in worse shape than Eva but as fate would have it, he was capable of carrying on through his current state. Eva, he was willing to wager, was not. He had won. The espeon would now be mated to him. Ilana would not be happy, but this had nothing to do with her.

"You are truly astounding, Evangeline," Arc purred as he began to move slowly across the room toward Evangeline. "You have beauty, grace, courage beyond fear, unshakable resolve, and you are much stronger than I original credited you for. It will be an honor to have you as a mate."
The sound of her name on his lips made her shiver, the headache causing her ability to think coherently to be a chore more than an easy, natural occurrence. The Espeon heard him approaching her and growled out another warning, "I'm not your mate, and if you step around, I'll shoot you again." She didn't really want to hurt him, but he was forcing her hand. While that attack would take some time to be able to recharge itself again, she would certainly hit him once more. Evangeline would keep striking until she was unable, which was not going to occur from her firing on him.

His footsteps turned the corner to her while she was still praying to the floor with her forehead pressed tightly to it. Her ears twitched and she turned, still just hazy enough that she couldn't manage another energy attack without her mind spinning. Eva hissed and swiped out her claws for his legs, a warning shot for him to stay back as she scooted back again just slightly. Her hand moved back to cover one side of her head, pressing tightly to her temple to calm the angry throb.

She was unharmed but for the slight singes his circle of fire had given her, and he would be a fool to assume she wouldn't keep fighting in the state she was in. The daze from her attack would wear off after a few more moments and she'd be cleared to fire that monstrosity again if he gave her the leeway, and they both knew it. She didn't want to lay him out on the floor, and the observation of what it had done through the defense of his fire attack said it very well might if fired again. A perverse sense of joy flooded over her at the very thought of it--victorious in a battle initiated by him with him at the advantage.. he'd never be able to complain again.
As Arc approached the fallen espeon, prompting her to strike out at his legs, he could tell that words were going to be pointless here. He had truly hoped that she would have exhausted herself completely in the use of that Hyper Beam and that she would be unable to resist him after. He could have mated her with no further resistance then, but as fate would have it, Evangeline knew restraint in the use of what was most likely her most powerful attack. Arc would not be able to continue unless Eva was put into a position where she simply could not continue to fight. Arc would not enjoy what he had to do, but he would not allow Eva to slip away. She was, in nearly all regards, a perfect mating candidate.

Now towering over the floored espeon woman, just out of her reach, Arc prepared to end this futile struggle. He did not speak this time as the fire for one final attack ignited itself in the pit of his stomach. Slowly, the flame crept up his throat until it was leaking from his muzzle. Then, as he had done twice before, Arc released the powerful Fire Blast technique with Eva as his target. This time, however, she was too weak to brace for it or destroy it. With him standing so close, she had nearly no chance of avoiding it, either.

In the back of Arc's mind, a worry began to sprout - Ilana. She would not be pleased when she heard of what Arc had done. Though it was only the natural process of mate selection to Eva and himself, such an act, in the human world, would have been a terrible crime. She could very likely separate them and take his new mate from him. This thought, however, was merely subconscious. At the moment, only his instinctual and carnal desires mattered.
Evangeline was still tired, and when the subtle flicker of the flames boiling out from around his muzzle cast their reflections down upon her, it was only in its infancy that she realized she needed to react. The Espeon hadn't expected he would continue physically pressing, the mere idea that it would be okay to batter her down in order to take her virginity such a foreign and cruel concept to a human mind that no amount of Instinct would have prepared her for it.

A look of surprise crossed her face as she tilted her head up in time to see the blast coming straight for her. The pretty girl would have taken the strike straight to her nose if she wasn't so fast on the reflex, scuttling to the side just in time to take the fire across her side and back. The sharp pain sent the woman to the floor directly, her mouth open in a silent cry as the fire scalded her skin. The impact of any strike from their kind resolved itself mostly in force, luckily, feeling more like a fairly hot kick than initiating painful and theoretically deadly third-degree burns.

Eva's eyes sparkled with tears as she lay with one leg curled beneath her and the other extended out behind her body. Her shivering form was flush with the cold cement floor. Her hands pulled themselves slowly beneath her and pushed her body up slightly, arching her back rather than lifting herself completely, as her legs didn't really want to respond to her body's desire to move. Her shuddering breaths left her lips in soft gasps as every bit of her mind tried valiantly to convince her body to move faster. It cried out for her to move at all.

She saw his approach through a veil of hair, her eyes blurred with pain and unspilled tears. This was really going to happen, and she could do nothing about it. Her words had fallen on deaf ears, and although Arc's words whenever he spoke were quite eloquent, they were laced with a level of inhumanity that left them both interacting from impossibly different points of view. There was no middle-ground. Evangeline was not a Pokemon. Arc was not a human.
While Arc might not have been human, neither was Evangeline. The two of them were something new. The transmogrified arcanine and espeon were a new breed of creature caught somewhere between the once-clear lines of human and pokemon that Team Plasma had skewed in their pursuit of equality between the species. For these new creatures, these 'pokemorphs', there was no clear way to live and there was no black and white form of right and wrong. Some morphs became more human than pokemon, while others remained feral. While this situation was 'wrong' to Eva, it was only natural to Arc.

Of course, Arc knew enough about human culture to know that Evangeline could only related what he was about to do to her with the concept of rape. In the deep sub-conscious of his mind, he wished that he could make her understand her wild side a little more so that she might be able to accept his actions. Just as his earlier concerns about Ilana had been stifled by his instincts, however, so too were his concerns for Eva's feelings. Perhaps she could be made to appreciate her new relationship with him once this was over and he could begin protecting her as opposed to assaulting her.

"I have won, Eva," Arc whispered in a barely audible purr as he moved his body to stand behind the espeon woman who was now having difficulty moving. "The right to claim you is now mine and considering your superior status as a potential mate, I think that I will be doing just that."

Once ARC was behind Eva, he dropped to his knees and reached out with both hands to attempt to grab hold of Eva's hips so that she would not be able to scoot away from him if she should happen to find one last bit of energy to make one final attempt at escape. If he was successful, he would then pull the smaller female morph backward so that her backside was against his own body. His superior size, however, would have made this an awkward mating position. Eva was so much smaller than him that with her on all fours and Arc on his knees, his cock hung stiffly in the air over her back with his package nestled against the base of Eva's tail.
His words were simple, straight-forward, honest, brutal. A small part of her rejoiced in the simplicity of it. That small part was the part that left her entrance damp and willing despite the heated fight she had performed to fend him off. His fingers slid over her skin, gripping her hips and holding her firm. She was pulled up, her outstretched leg curling beneath her in the motion while he rocked her back against his thighs. Eva's ass nestled softly against him, his cock resting against the top of it, the heat it exuded more startling than the fire he had shot at her multiple times this night.

Evangeline moaned a soft complaint, the ache in her body making it difficult for her to move to position herself or to struggle away. Her tail swatted him, the brush of it a mild deterrent that translated to a rough caress more than an actual pain. She shifted against the cold floor, tucking her hands beneath her as she mewled, her breasts pressed to the chilly surface where she lay curled in on herself. Her skin was covered in sweat, glistening under his stare.

She was in perfect position, shivering and cowed, her body laying prone before him with her head laid out on the floor. No matter how much she denied it, her body knew the ways of her previous life and followed that instinctual path. While she could have laid out on her back or on her side, she had instead fallen to all fours. Pheromones drifted off her in waves that were clearly impassioned with her heat. She could smell him, feel him, and her heart raced at the thought of what was going to happen next. Regardless of the fear, there was another, stronger emotion that drove her body to this state: lust.
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