Transfer America (HP RP with Gashnaw)


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Estella Avery was bored, very bored, bored nearly to tears as the ancient headmistress rambled on and on about some foreign students who would be joining their Sixth year students... that was Estella's age group of course, but she didn't really care in the least. She just wanted to fill her aching belly with food, it was cruel and unusual punishment to make them ride the train with nothing to eat for hours upon hours! She was going to complain to her father!... not that he ever paid any attention to her, in fact, he went well out of his way to completely forget she even existed. It was cruel, but she was well used to both of her parents completely ignoring her. They couldn't stand a daughter who was so... abnormal. They lavished all of their attentions onto her little brother, who was in second year, Orion, oh how she hated him, with his perfectly blond hair and his charming smile and perfect looks, she wondered If it would be possible to drown him in the lake?

It didn't matter, she was Head Girl this year, she could give Orion dozens of detentions if she so pleased, and his pride would never allow him to refute her orders. She didn't need her parents, or her family, she was going on to do great things all on her own. She knew, that the minute she turned seventeen, they'd kick her out, so that was why she was slowly draining her share of the accounts into a separate Vault. Her family thought she was spending it on flashy jewelry, but she was stockpiling, getting ready for the moment when she would be FREE. She smirked a little to herself, imagining the looks on her parents faces when she became some perfectly well to do Ministry worker, maybe the Minister needed a secretary... or maybe a new minister altogether... yes, she could become minister, that would teach them all! She was so wrapped up in her own thoughts, that she never noticed the first years come in, trembling and terrified to be sorted.

She watched all of the ickle firsties get sorted, five new ones in Slytherin, good, they needed to keep their numbers up, and in came the 'transfer' students... some horribly muggle term that drove Estella up the wall. Maybe she'd be headmistress, and she'd put an end to all this silliness. It was sickening, all the muggle stuff they allowed into Hogwarts these days. Damn that Hermione Granger for finding a way to make certain muggle technology work on magic!.. though, Estella had to admit.. she did like the music player things that you put in your ears... not that she'd be caught dead using one. She'd rather die first. She watched the last First year get sorted, and then in came the transfer students, all five of them looking almost as nervous as the first years... some wonderful person on the train had been filling their heads about having to fight monsters to decide what house they went into. Rumor had been, that they'd gotten a dragon just for the Sixth years. Well, there was no dragon, just some stupid hat that took forever, Estella was annoyed now, she was hungry, she wanted to eat!
Alexandra miles, a simple fifteen year old girl entering her sixth year at a wizarding school. For teh first five yeas she had spent it at America in green oaks academy, however her father's company had its headquarters transferred to London, and thus, Alexandra had to leave wt him. Luckily Green oaks had no problem pulling strings with Hogwarts to not only allow the girl admittance but also kept her in her sixth year regardless of her age, besides with her birthday not much more than a month away she would be sixteen soon enough.

As she stood with the first yeas and four other transfer students she felt so out of place, almost on display of easy pickings. She was never a popular girl. Sure she was attractive and many men would admit it, she could never feel comfortable using er looks to get what she wanted, and with her nose in her books, she never saw a use for it. Of coarse no one at this school knew her and she could easily blend in right? Well regardless she could keep hiding in the background. Not with the Sorting hat only minutes away, when all eyes would be on her. That thought alone mad her even more nervous as she bit her lip nervously.

"Hufflepuff" The name rang out through the great hall and three of the house cheered, however the table where hufflepuffs sat was the loudest. Alex gave a weak smile her face beat red as she approached the table. Quickly greeted by a few other girl who then went back to their conversation. However what surprised Alex the most was that she understood what they were talking about. It was muggle stuff, not wizardry. She continued to listen intently as the final two students were sorted. One in ravenclaw and another in slytherin.

as the food appeared Alex quickly grabbed a plate and took some, she didn't have a big appetite. It wasn't that she was anorexic, its just she never at much to begin with and with how nervous she was, it only made her have less of an appetite, however she did eat some before dismissing herself to wander the school. Although it had not been suggested she figured getting a feel for it would be a god idea, or at least she felt it would be best to not have o stick with the seventh years giving a tour. Hell the other transfer students seemed to know so much about the school, even some first years yet, until her father was transferred, she never even heard of Hogwarts. She felt it would be best to find her way around, and so she began wandering the halls.
Estella sighed a little and shook her head as she examined the new students, the fellow Sixth years, they where all helpless and hopeless, chitchatting and chattering away like little animals. they where so annoying really, and none of them where very physically attractive either. Estella felt a sort of bitterness well up inside of her at the sight of them, so happy and carefree... maybe she'd go abroad instead of staying in London... yes, she'd go somewhere else... she paused as the last student stepped forward, her breath hitching a little at the gorgeous sight of red hair and green eyes... and such a meek expression. suddenly, the new students weren't as boring as she had thought. she suddenly wanted to... Merlin forbid she actually admit it... but she wanted to make freinds with the little red head. Estella had never needed freinds, in fact she went well out of her way to make sure everyone knew she needed no such things. she had spent the last six years, raising herself above the other Slytherins, through bribes, blackmail, and simple power, she practically ruled the school with an iron fist.

and yet, she felt crushed when that stupid hat yelled out the wrong house. Huffelpuff!? true, such a meek woman would do well in a house filled with tender hearts and soft personalities, many just as meek as her. Estella sighed a little as she shook her head, well aware that as soon as she got into the Huffelpuff Common room, they where going to fill her head with all sorts of stories about the cruelty of slytherins... she sighed an turned back to her table, ignoring the world again. she had never needed a friend before, she didn't need one now, Alex would be told horrid stories about the terrible Slytherins, most of which would be true, and would never have anything to do with Estella... she ignored how much that hurt, she was used to hurt. she ate carefully, using every ounce of pure blood manners she owned, her parents hated her because she 'wasn't a proper pureblood' yet she was more proper than most of the monkeys that where sitting around her at the Slytherin Table, she would always carry herself above her fellow Peers, she would always be better than them, this, she was making very certain of.

later that night she was patrolling the halls, helping the lost first years find their way to their common rooms. there where always lost students the first few weeks, and she made it a point to help all of them, as was proper of her station. after all, one never knew who those little first years where going to grow up to be. politeness now, meant allies later. she paused as she came across Alexandra who looked lost. "Are you lost Miss?" she asked, her voice toned and cultured and ever so rich. she clearly knew what she wanted in life, and Estella practically oozed self confidence and power. "Huffelpuff, correct?" Estella asked, blinking at the other. "would you like me to take you to your Common Room?" Estella asked, flashing her Head Girl badge o that Alexandra knew how important she was. "Come on, it's nearly time for Curfew, we don't want you getting a detention on your first day."
Alex simply smiled weakly at the woman. Why was she talking to her, no one ever spoke to her, yet this woman was. However regardless of how friendly she was being Alex felt intimidated and back up a bit "That's fine, i'm quite alright" She said and quickly turned the corner. she didn't bother walking off but just relaxed against the wall, greatly wishing she still had her invisibility cloak. Besides the map she had obtained showed her where her common room was. It wasn't too far away so she saw little need for the woman's help even if she was just being nice. However at the same time the woman was the first person to seem to be doing more than just being nice. She could tell by the colors that she was not form hufflepuff, so that was different and the hufflepuffs only said hi and that was the end, and only a few had done so.

Deciding to take the woman up on her offer she quickly turned back to the woman "Um, well, if you are not too busy, i would like a bit more of a tour" She said and bit her lip again nervously. What else was she suppose to say, talking alone was not common for her. the woman was bigger than her, Another thing that had intimated Alex was the girls size. Not giant, but every part was bigger, height, build, bust. Alex came from a small family and had a frail build, only reaching five foot two. and weighing eighty-seven pounds. She was extremely petite, even a few first years matched her height and a few women she walked by easily dwarfed her by about a foot.

Still she continued to smile nervously at Estella "My name is Alex" She said quietly and quickly shut up again, she no idea what was compelling her to speak.
Estella stared at Alexandra for a moment, her gray eyes unblinking as she awaited a response, glaring as she was so rudely shoved away. being shy was one thing, being rude was another thing entirely! she grumbled in her head about rude foreigners and turned to leave when Alex came back out of 'hiding' and Estella blinked at her, her head tilted a little. "oh, no i'm not busy, the first couple of days are almost always spent finding and helping the lost first years." Estella admitted, smiling at Alex. she looked very kind... but she wasn't really. she wasn't at all. Estella herself was a petite woman, standing at 5'6 she was the perfect weight and bust size to be considered highly attractive to almost ever boy in the school... too bad she made it very clear she held no interest in men, yet another thing that had her family thinking of her as 'improper'.

"come on, we'll start this way." Estella promised, offering Alex another smile. "my name is Estella." she chirped as she led the way through the school, pointing out everything the girl was going to need, even taking her to the kitchens and showing her how to get in. the painting of the fruit basket had been replaced several years ago, when a student accidentally set fire to it, now you had to press a specific stone to get in. "these are the kitchens, and those are the house elves, they will get you absolutely anything you want." and with that she turned to a house elf and asked for a cup of hot chocolate. they eagerly bowed and happily got 'Mistress Estella' her Hot Chocolate, with some cookies on the side, and turned hopefully and expectantly to Alex, hoping that she wanted something as well. "go on Alex, order anything you like, they'll pout if you don't." Estella admitted with an amused grin.
Alex was pleased to have the more in depth tour of the school, but in truth everything Estella was pointing out was not doing it for her. She wanted someone where she could alone. Maybe the back of a library or a classroom that had nothing to offer, like at her old school, where she could be by herself and relax spared form the snickering of people who saw her as easy prey. Even with her studies she would sometimes fail at the simplest spells, and only two years ago the worst happened when she had been attacked. As of late she had been fine and had kept her secret under wraps, yet a full moon would still force her to change. Of coarse she knew how to change at will and when she did she was still in control, for the most part, but when the full moon struck she lost all control over herself and would attack anyone. Only feral instinct and rage would feed he until she wore herself out.

"Um, hot chocolate" She said with a shrug not knowing why she ordered, she didn't really want anything and she felt bad making these creatures work for her, but at the same time she figured it was just their job, she had no idea that they were slaves.
When she was handed her drink she gave a weak smile to Estella and sipped her drink.
"Is there anywhere, private?" She asked curiously.
Estela grinned a little as she watched the other woman, there was something... off, about Alex, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. something though, something... that could be used as very nice Blackmail maybe... she would either have Alex willingly, or not, but she WOULD have Alex. "private?" Estella asked, startled before hesitating, pondering. "there aren't many places left anymore..." she admitted, worrying her lip. "i guess i could show you one of my secretes..." she mused softly, looking a little hesitant to do so. "come on, i think i might know just the place." she admitted, offering Alex a smile. "i'm the only other person who knows about it, so it's really very private." nto only was she the only person who knew about it, she was the person who had made it. she knew that Alex would feel safe there. "come on, it's this way." she chirped, smiling as she led the way down into an almost unused wing of the Castle. "that room there used to be the History of Magic Class about fifty years ago." she informed Alex. "the old ghost who used to teach, refused to leave the Classroom, so he still sits in there and drons about Goblin Wars..." she admitted. "try not to go in there." she warned with a chuckle before facing what looked like a blank wall.

"it's just like at the train station." Alex admitted, smirking before turning and stepping through, vanishing into a massive room. there was a bed along one wall in gleaming black oak. the floor was covered in thick carpet that was also black, the walls where a gleaming gold color, making the room look almost like a sunset that was bordering darkness. there was a plush couch, and armchairs around a roaring fire, and there was a never emptying fridge stocked with butterbeer and other wonderful drinks. "i have other secrete places." Estella admitted. "so you can have this one. you can even lock the doorway." she admitted turning to the door and barking a command. "Close!" and the doorway there closed over thick with bricks, locking them in. "and to open it again, you just tell it, very sternly, to open." Estella admitted with a smug little grin. "how do you like it?"
Alex shy expression changed into a quite happy one. She was glad she had somewhere to go to be by herself or more importantly, to go in case of emergency. She kept her calendar marked with lunar alignment but there were days when clouds would take care of it or days where there were no clouds in the sky.
"So this room is all mine?" She asked feeling like it was too much of a gift, even if it did provide exactly what she needed. And with the addition of the bed it also gave her a place to be by herself, it reminded quite a bit of her dorm at Green oaks. Not exactly the layout, but the solitude.

"Why are you being nice?" She asked sitting down on the bed. "Your a syltherin, i heard slythers hated everyone who wasn't like them." Alex began. She also heard that in Europe most pureblood hated the muggleborn, but Alex was not about to reveal that about her. Nor was she willing to reveal her condition that took over during a full moon. The curse that imprisoned er in her own body as the feral beats that lay within took over. "I mean I'm hufflepuff, don't you hate my kind?" to ad to it she was also american, another feature that she was already feeling the disgust for. Mainly form other students, even the few girls she met at her table didn't enjoy her being american.
"Well either way thank you" She said calmly bowing her head slightly. "I am very thankful."

"Open" Alex said as she opened the passageway. "It was nice meeting yo, but i think i should get to my common room." She yawned and gave a stretch. "Thanks again."
she nodded a little. "yup, all yours... except for the rare occasion when i might need it, but i'll ask first. this room has unique wards around it, and sometimes my spell experiments would be better off in a well shielded room." she admitted shaking her head. true, she could always make new wards and shields, but... what was the fun in that? "besides, i'm nice when i want to be, and i'm above being a Slytherin at this point.. Head Girl, remember?" she asked, smirking as she tapped her badge. "i have to help every house equally. i even have my own rooms, which is why i don't need this one anymore." she admitted simply. "besides, Slytherins certainly are NOT 'my kind' they are shallow, and hate me simply because i don't sit down and shut up when some MAN tells me i'm supposed to." she sniffed, her expression so high and mighty it was almost frightening. "among other things about me, i'm afraid that the other Slytherins and i do not get along all that well. they are beneath me, and they know it now." she admitted simply.

"besides, i see nothing wrong about Huffelpuff, they are actually very useful spies." she admitted simply. "no one would suspect a Huffelpuff of listening in on private conversations." she smirked a little. "given the right training and the proper influences, some Huffelpuffs have remarkable talents just dying to be discovered, i enjoy uncovering those hidden talents." she studied alex intently. "i think your a person who is already well aware of your strengths though, hmm?" she asked, smiling at Alex. "if you must know, i'm being so nice to you, because you interest me... and because your simply very beautiful." she admitted simply. "you being from America only makes me all the more fascinated, i've been thinking of moving abroad after graduation, and i've heard America is one of the best places to go if your looking for enterprising businesses." she smiled as the other stretched, her eyes lingering over Alex's body. "would you like me to walk you back to your Common room? the other Slytherins ted to come out this time of night to find people to bully." she herself had never had any time for such brutish activities, and even went as far as to help those who where in trouble... even gryffindors, which made her House utterly despise her... not that they'd do anything about it... they where afraid of her.
"Uh, no its alright" Alex said with a grin "I think i can make it to my common room without help, but thanks" She said as she exited the room. Alex was truly not use to speaking much and yet she had started chatting with this girl. Not to point of holding a large conversation but she was speaking, and opening up. Maybe Hogwarts wouldn't be so bad, after all it seemed like she had already made a friend. That thought alone would get her to her common room, the joy of having a friend to talk to. It truly sucked they didn't share the same house but there was a room that they both had access to.

Upon entering her common room, most people were asleep, only a single Boy was out of bed yet he had still passed out in a large armchair in the main area. Probably had to make sure everyone was in the room and since she was not back by curfew he had to wait for her. Well instead of waking him she decided to just head to bed, last thing she wanted was to be yelled at on her first day. So she quickly headed to the female rooms and fond an empty bed taking it for herself and drifting off to sleep.
Estella smirked as she watched the other woman leave, licking her lips eagerly. yes, the seduction was going well, the other girl was opening up a little bit, that was good. she had already made it very clear to the entire Slytherin house that anyone who picked on Alex, was going to get a taste of Estella, and she knew no one would ever risk her wrath in her own house... she forgot to take such precautions against the other houses. come breakfast, the entire Huffelpuff house was completely ignoring Alex, saying that she was a traitor to her own house for associating with the 'Slytherin Queen'. the Gryffindors where openly tormenting her, flicking anything they could find at her, from quill nubs to pees, to gobstoppers. none of it was physically painful, but the names they called her, while unoriginal, where damaging to anyone already suffering a low self esteem. they only stopped when Estella walked into the room, the Slytherin's immediately turning away from the show to eat breakfast and flee.

they knew what the others did not, Estella was in a mood, and her sharp tongue was itching for a target. she chose a gryffindor who was too slow in their cease of attack on Alex. Estella berated the fourth year Gryffindor in front of the entire house, giving him detentions, taking points, and calling him a lack witted fool, a bully, and a host of other, humiliating things. the Gryffindor head of house was angry, but the other teachers just smiled and nodded, pleased with this strange show of 'house unity'... the rest of the day, Estella took every chance she got to humiliate anyone and everyone she could get her tongue on. no house was safe from her acidic tongue, and only Orion Avery stood up to her, resulting in a ten minute shouting match between the two siblings that rendered Orion into tears. the houses quickly forgot about their hatred of the 'huffelpuff' traitor, and turned to wondering what the hell had the 'ice queen' in such a state. dinner, Estella basically vanished. the entire castle was relieved, Estella had rendered all house points back to Zero that day, and had assigned a record twenty two detentions, which all the teachers assured the students that they didn't need to serve.

no one else would look for Estella, who was in such a temper that most of the House Elves had fled the kitchen where she was hiding, most of them in tears. anyone who tried to enter the kitchens where immediately chased out. Estella was pacing back and forth over the smooth tiles, muttering in fury to herself, only a few, very brave house elves remaining, watching with wide eyes as Estella took up an entire table with massive piles of paperwork, bank statements, legal files, and other such things that she needed to put an end to this stupidity. there was no way her family was going to get away with this, no way! she snarled and threw a bottle of butterbeer at the wall, shattering it on the wall before slumping into a chair with a sigh, setting a hand over her eyes. "this is shit..." she hissed softly to herself. "it's just... shit..."
Alex had a pretty awful day, though through the entire day every time she often saw her guardian angel standing up for her. Estella had become the spine Alex never had. Hex being shot at her and then dispelled as the student who did so was getting his head chewed off. Come lunch most people were so furious with Estellas sudden liking to the girl that they were harassing Alex more than they would have otherwise. Even though Estella was quite the threat in the school, she wasn't around as long as she wasn't Alex was fair game. It had gone form just the new girl to "How much can we play with Estella's pet"

That phrase however, Estella's pet. It seemed worse than mudblood. She had been called mudblood quite a few times and it didn't bother her originally but slowing the actual pain of the phrase was sinking in. However being called a pet, to anyone even if it was her friend seemed a little more demeaning. Dog, bitch, whatever they decided, it always came down to a fear that they knew she was a werewolf. The harassment continued in any class she did not share with Estella and even in her common room she had girls and guys cornering her.

Tears were rolling down her face as she quickly headed to the kitchen planning on grabbing a meal and retreating to her room Estella had given her. privacy where she could cry and escape the torment. She had been bullied at Green oaks but it was never this bad. However entering the kitchen she saw Estella and quickly wipes her face all though the tears had left red lines along her face and her eyes puffy. She ordered something form one of the house elves as she ran up and gave Estella a hug. Sue she could tell Estella was not in a happy mood but she needed her friend right now. And so she did, hugging her and buried her face in the woman's chest.
Estella was getting even more furious as she realized she couldn't be everywhere to protect Alex, though the fact that they where calling Alex her 'pet' pleased her in ways that rather startled her... she suddenly wanted to buy a gem studded collar, something in the same color as Alex's eyes... she wouldn't of course... not yet anyway. she turned when the kitchen door opened, a snarl on her lips, freezing as she realized it was Alex, and that the girl was crying, she wasn't sure what to do though, she'd never had to comfort someone before. wasn't exactly in her job description... but then the other girl was there, sobbing into her soft, warm, squishy breasts and Estelle grinned, enjoying the sensation very much as she wrapped her arms around the other.

"oh Alex... i'm sorry... i didn't know that i was going to make everything so bad for you..." she admitted softly, running her fingers through Alex's hair, just to feel the so very soft strands with a small sigh. "everything seams to fall apart all at once doesn't it?" she asked softly, shaking her head as she pulled the other over to a chair and carefully settled Alex onto the seat, pulling out a hanky and gently dabbing the tears away. she stared up at Alex, her head tilted a little as she blinked at the woman, her head tilted a little as she examined Alex's face before she smiled a little. "you look so cute when your crying..." she admitted with a small chuckle as she settled the Hanky into Alex's hands, ordering two more butterbeer from the house elves, who where returning as they realized Estella's temper tantrum was ending. "do you feel better?" she asked hopefully. "i'm no good at comforting people..." she admitted sheepishly. "i've never needed to before..." she admitted shaking her head a little as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the other woman's cheek.

"come on, we'll go to the secrete room." she promised, shaking her head a little. "the students here are jerks anyway, people like you and me, we're better than them. they are just low class vagabonds who refuse to see how life really works... really, it's the smart girls like us who run the world, you know?" she asked, smiling at the other. "after all, it's people like us who work in the governments, run the economy, protect the wizards who get in trouble, and solve everyone's problems." she admitted her nose high in the air, ever so proud. "people like us, we can be, whatever we want to be! and everyone else is just going to have to get out of the way, or get trampled!"
Smart? Did Estella just call Alex smart. It was nice to heard but Alex knew she wasn't. She may have known some spells other sdid not but it was simply from her extensive time in a library reading. However it was not just spell books she would read. The Library at green oaks had a muggle section, where they students could enjoy the literature of the muggle world. One that was successful was the twilight series. Of coarse it was quite out of proportion since they pages did not represent a vampire. When he first arrived at green oaks Alex had fallen in love, along with many other girls, however it was later learned it was his charisma and natural vampiric charm that charmed the girls to love him. Three girls were drained that year, and one was turned. The vampire was later slain. But even with that terror, at least he did not sparkle.

"thanks" Alex said as she wiped her teas again. "I don't want to bug you but you'e the only person who is being nice to me. Everyone else keeps calling me your pet" Alex began, which really didn't bug her when she thought about it. She didn't want to be considered something so little but, well it was kind of a nice feeling, having Estella protect her. "and mudblood"

That was something she wish she had not said, as far as she knew Estella did not know she was muggle born and she had the feeling that would cause a problem, but it was out now, and if Estella was true she would not care after all right? Oh Alex very much hoped so.

As they reached the secret room Alex quickly sat down on the bed. It room was dark with the moonlight shining in from the window. A quiet night with no students running around, of coarse it wasn't a Friday night so she suspected most kids were studying in their dorms. That however only made her want to return to the Hufflepuff common room even less. In fact if things continued, she would just move everything to this room, a bonus was the fact that it was so close to the Slytherin tower. only a few turns and short walk from Estella's sleeping quarters. "she quickly brushed that thought away, why was she thinking about Estella sleeping?
Estella smirked a little as she watched the other, shaking her head a little. "it's no bother... it makes me feel better to be with you." she admitted sighing as she flicked her wand at the piles of paperwork, the pages organizing themselves and shrinking down to be slipped into Estella's pocket. "... their calling you my pet?" she had known that already, but she feigned ignorance, an eyebrow lifted before she smirked. "shall i get you a diamond studded collar?" she teased. "with a emerald pendant with your name etched in it in silver?" she teased, grinning a little as she shook her head. "your never less than anyone else, unless you allow yourself to be Alex..." she paused at the word Mudblood and paused, studying the other woman intently before shaking her head. it didn't matter what the other girls blood was, Estella honestly didn't give a damn about the mudbloods and half breeds so long as they stayed out of her business, and didn't try to marry outside of their class... she was already so far out of Pureblood society, she might even make an exception for Alex.

"are Muggles really as evil as everyone says?" Estella knew they weren't, they where just stupid and ignorant really. but Estella wanted an American's view on things, and wanted Alex to talk some more. not to mention that it would make her own dislike of muggleborns more out of ignorance than out of hatred.Estella was really very good at playing the games that she was playing. "damn, it's dark in here." she muttered, scowling as she flicked her wand at the fireplace, the fire bursting into life, washing the room in light as Estella nodded. "there we go, much better." she chirped, looking around the place before shaking her head again. "with all those people bothering you... maybe it would be better if you didn't go back to your Common room until after everyone else has gone to bed..." she scowled a little before brightening. "ah! i know! i'll talk to your head of house! maybe he will let you room in here instead of in Huffelpuff since so many people are giving you problems." she stated, sniffing darkly.

"i'm going to curse everyone in the damn castle at this rate! i finally decide to make a friend and now their picking on her." she growled, mostly to herself. "if anything else, you could always come and room with me, i'll make another bed in my rooms for you if you'd like?" she offered, smiling at her. if Alex agreed, Estella could claim a 'sleepwalking' problem and crawl in bed with the other, oh wouldn't that be fun!? yes, indeed.
"Why couldn't i have been paced into slytherin?" Alex groaned as she rested against Estella. Sure Alex use to get along with people but never actually had a true friend, and it was a little hard to accept Estella fully yet. She did trust the girl, but growing up the way she did, just because someone seemed friendly did not mean they were. Plus what if Estella found out she was a wolf, would she turn her in? Maybe hold it against her. there were multiple possibilities, and with the moon being unclouded she would have a little trouble hiding it, already her hands were turning into large paws.

"An Emerald and silver collar?" Alex asked. She knew the colors were that of Slytherin. It would clash a bit with her robes however, if Estella did get her that as a gift, she actually would wear it. Plus the idea of showing that the Syytherin Queen was her "owner" may actually make the others back off. "I'd like that" She said resting her head against the woman. "Maybe even lead me aorund on a leash" she added with a joking laugh.

"We'e not evil. we are the same as pureblood wizards. Everyone has good and evil in them. I'm not evil, You're not evil, although everyone else in the school seems to have a stick up their a,butt" It was easy to tell Alex was about to say ass but quickly changed to butt. Alex didn't like swearing too often, it was pointless and often in bad taste. She felt it was more mature to be well mannered.
Estella actually laughed. "Alex... the slytherin's would have eaten you alive!" she admitted, smirking at the other, shaking her head. "i might be fine with blood status, but most slytherin's are so stuck on being pureblood that they hate anyone who isn't. and it's only getting worse." she admitted simply. "ever since that halfblood took his place as Minister and fucked everything up, all of the pureblood's are jumping on the 'half bloods and muggleborn's are useless bandwagon." she admitted shaking her head. "it's completely stupid if you ask me." she admitted simply. "we need the muggleborn's and half bloods, sure we pureblood's don't want to breed with muggleborn's because of magic issues, but we can't exactly keep screwing our cousins either." she admitted shaking her head before smirking at the other woman's comments on the collar. "would you really? and here i thought it was bothering you about being my pet." she teased, examining the other woman's neck intently. "...i really wouldn't mind having a pet like you..." she admitted with a smirk. "i would take you out for walks every day, give you delicacies every meal, you'd get only the finest clothes." she teased giggling a little. "and it would give my father one more reason to hate me!" she chirped gleefully with a clap of her hands, nearly roaring with laughter now.

"i might be Evil." she admitted, smirking at the other woman. "you don't know that i'm not, we havn't had a Dark Lord in a while, not since Volders kicked the dust. that damn Potters been keeping things too peaceful." not Harry, but Harry's great grandson Harrison, who was the head of the Auror department. "yeah, maybe i'll be the next Dark Mistress." she purred. "and all the lowly Purebloods will bow and scrape at my feet like the ugly little Peons they are!" Estella was only half joking, as nice as she was to Alex, it was clear she was very bitter about the other purebloods, the other slytherin's, and her own family. she seamed to be itching for a revenge of some kind, but she sighed and shook her head. "but i don't think i'm quite Evil enough to manage that one..." she admitted, pouting a little as she flopped back onto the bed. "Merlin... i'm so tired..." she complained suddenly, yawning as she blinked at Alex. "..Alex?... will you be my friend?... i've never had a friend before, so i probobly won't be a very good one.. but if i try very hard, i bet you could teach me.. don't you think?" it was probobly the sweetest thing Estella had ever said... and she actually meant it a little... she hadn't meant to, but she.. rather liked Alex, and not just physically.
"you'd spoil me" Alex said seductively and suddenly started giggling not expecting it to sound so convincing. She almost seemed like a giggling child from the way she was laughing at it. "That sounded weird" She said. "But yea i would love to be your pet, you're the only one I feel would treat me right, plus if everyone fear you like you say they do, i think the symbol of ownership would keep them off my back.
"Why do you hate your parent's so much? I mean you're form a wizard family, shouldn't they like you being strong? My Parents, they are muggles yet they supported me whole heartedly. yo would think muggles would have a bigger issue with magic."

"I thought we already were" Alex sighed as she lay nuzzled up to Estelle and curled up a bit, the light om the moon flooding through the window forcing everything it touched her body to turn. Luckily wit it not being full the change would not last all night and as soon as the light no longer touched her it would revert back to human. However it was lasting long enough to have Alex consciously hide her hands and other parts of her body changing away from her friend. She just got finished with the muggle born and the fact that Estella could handle that, could the woman also handle Alex being a lycan in the mix of things as well?

"Estella, if i wasn't just muggle born, you would still like me right?" Se asked sheepishly and waved her wand to brush out the fire. even if Estella was not looking she was worried the girl would notice. She wanted to let Estella know, get it off her chest, but she was afraid Estella would hate her for being what she was.
Estella smirked a little. "i would Spoil you." she agreed with a gleeful little snicker. "but only because you utterly deserve it." she chirped gleefully. "then again... the colors i chose might clash with your uniform.." she admitted, studying the other girl. "we'd need something that matches huffelpuff, and Slytherin, and yet bring out those ever so pretty eyes of yours." she winked at Alex. "i'll come up with something." she promised. "and i would treat you well, i would pleasure you every night, and every morning." she smirked. "i would get you the best Spa treatments available, just to make you feel as pretty as you are. i would buy you the best books, you seam to like books.." she mused playfully before wincing at the subject of her family.

"i'm not... they did not want a daughter and... when they had one, they wanted a soft spoken doll like my mother is." she admitted simply. "my father, he thinks that women are useful only for breeding with." she admitted softly. "he doesn't like that i 'embarass' him..." she admitted, shaking her head. "..he'll never accept me, i learned that a long time ago, so instead of trying to please him, i simply aim to please myself... i'm the only person who matters anymore, because i'm the only person who can never hurt me." she admitted softly. "no one in my family likes me, not even Orion anymore..." she admitted, sighing a little. "i also have a few physical... deformities, that my father wants me to remove... i refused and he's been trying to make my life hell ever since." she admitted simply, shaking her head. "i've given up trying to be an Avery... they don't want me, and i don't need them." she paused, blinking at Alex.

"not a muggle born? are you a half-blood or something?" she asked with a smile, shaking her head. "i don't care who, or what you are." she muttered, holding Alex close. "your mine..." she admitted softly. "mine to hold and mine to protect." she'd never told anyone about her family before... she wanted to keep Alex... Alex made everything feel right in her world... even though she hadn't realized that something was wrong. "...goodnight Alex." Estella muttered softly, closing her eyes. "i'm too tired to talk about politics right now..." she muttered softly, pressing a kiss to Alex's forehead before settling down to sleep, she didn't want to talk about anything anymore. she was tired, and her heart hurt for so many different reasons.
Alex was going to show her the fact that she was a lycan but decided against it when Estella basically told her to go to sleep. She figured Estella would figure out eventually, and would rather not risk her hating her right now. "Anything you got me would be nice." She said nuzzling up against Estella and them added with a mumble "Even a dog collar to match the mutt i am."
In truth Alex was not all that into books, it was just easier for her to curl up and read rather than try to converse with others. That was why she usually spent so much time in the library and was originally looking forward to reading the book sin Hogwarts library, however with the presence of Estella that seemed to not matter, she actually had a friend now.

That made her realize, she had to show Estella in case when she did find out she was upset Alex was not truthful from the beginning.
"Estella" She said shaking the girl a bit "I'm sorry for waking you I have to show you" She said as she lit the room up again showing her hands as fury paws, along with some patches and fur and the most notable was the tail that had slipped out from the boom of her shirt wagging a bit. "You see, when they were calling me a bitch or a dog... well you can understand why it was a problem. I'm a werewolf, and I can always hear them talking. Even if it is not directed at me they could be making fun behind my back." She paused "If you hate me that's okay, but at least tel me now. Its alright i am use to people not liking werewolves"

Her Green eyes stared into Estella's hoping she could read the face enough to brace herself in case Estella could not handle her new friend's condition.
Estella chuckled a little and nodded a little. "mmm, i think i might get you a nice Cloak... fur lined... winters here are cold." she mumbled a little. "and maybe a nice pair of good shoes, and some nice silk cloaks..." she muttered softly, eager to have someone to spend her vast fortunes on. she groaned unhappily as she was shook, shaking her head with a glower. "i don't want to be awake right now.. it's sleeping time not sexing time.." she complained sleepily, rubbing her eyes as she blinked blearily at her friend before her eyes widened in astonishment as she stared at the woman in front of her.

"i... i don't understand." Estella honestly admitted. "werewolves are only supposed to change on full moons..." she complained, looking annoyed. "if this is some kind of prank i am MOST unamused!" she sounded grouchy as she got up and touched the fur on Alex's hand... paw, her head tilted a little. ".. it feels real..." she muttered to herself. "Orion doesn't have the brains to think of a prank like this, and no one else woul dare..." she muttered, almost to herself as she blinked at the tail, gripping the wagging thing with an astonished look on her face, her head tilted a little as she felt the fur, and gave it a very careful tug, to make sure it was really there, and attached. "... well fuck." Estella whispered, astonished and amazed as she backed away from Alex so she could examine all o her. "...i... i still don't understand... clearly your changing but... why!?" she paled so fast one wouldn't wonder if she was going to be attacked. "your not going to go mindless on me are you!? because there is NO way i could be a werewolf! i'm not good with pain!" she protested, backing up so fast she stumbled, hitting the ground with a grunt.

this kind of freak out was actually rather good. yes Estella was afraid, but what normal sane person wouldn't be when faced with the prospect of being bitten? but she wasn't calling Alex names, or trying to attack the girl, which meant once all the promises and reassurances where made... she might accept Alex... if she could stop blabbering about how she didn't want to be bitten, it was pretty clear that Estella was in a state of shock, or she probobly would have fled already. as it was, all she could do was sit where she had fallen and blabber on about how normal werewolves didn't do this or than or another thing and about how she REALLY didn't want to die or be bitten thank you very much because that would just be another reason for all the other purebloods to torment her.
"Don't Worry Alex said jumping off the bed to be with he friend, her cute dog face looking pleadingly hoping Estella would stop freaking out. "I'm not gonna bite you. My body reacts with the moon all the time, when moonlight hits me my body shows my wolf form, but only where the moonlight touches." She explained calmly "Well that and I can change at will, its a little tough but i can, One boy told me i was cute as a wolf, but really he wanted to just get me into wolf form to tease me." She explained calmly.

As she spoke her body change a bit more into more of a wolf than a wolf man type thing and she rubbed up against Estella's legs. At this point she could no longer speak but she was still well aware of her friend's behavior. Leaning up Alex licked her friend's face a bit and then sat wagging her tail. Usually Alex would not have brought it up but with the risk of Estella finding out in the wrong way and never trusting Alex was too much for her to bare. She only hope Estella could understand Alex truly meant no harm to Estella at all.
Estella was staring at Alex in silence now, watching with a mix of Awe and horror as she stared at the other woman. "all the time?" she asked softly, astonished. "and... and you keep your mind?" she asked, swallowing thickly as she studied her only friend, hesitating as she watched the woman changed more into wolf than into human and ever so gently stroked the other woman's head, scratching the large ears, before hesitantly smiling as her face was licked, uttering a small, short giggle that she would forever deny she had ever done. "you are a cute wolf..." she muttered softly, stroking the furry body carefully, her head tilted. "this is... so amazing..." she muttered softly. "why... your not a werewolf at all... or maybe you are? maybe there are different kinds of werewolves and we just don't know it... like.. there are different kind of pixies, and different kinds of elves..." she muttered, stroking the fur, calming herself down. "yeah.. your not the same kind of werewolf we have here... your not going to go mad and try to tear my face off..." she mumbled, burying her face into the furry neck. "mmm your so warm... and i'm so very tired..." she muttered softly.

it had probobly been too much for Estella. but she was snuggling the wolf now, holding and stroking her. she wasn't freaking out anymore, and was simply comforting herself away from the shock she was feeling. "... your going to be my special little puppy pet." she purred happily. "i'll get you all the best chew toys." she teased. "we'll start with that dick from Gryffindor, i'll flay him, and dry his hide into chewy strips for you." she teased, giggling a little. "you smell good Alex." Estella admitted, inhaling the musky wolf smell. "remind me to show you my secrete tomorrow... you showed me yours... it's only fair that i show you mine..." she mumbled, studying the other woman. "can you transform back to human at will too? will you still be a wolf in the morning, or will you turn into a human again when the sun comes up?... oh, you can't talk... well, lets go to bed then." she ordered, laying down on the mattress. "i'll have a house elf wake us up for breakfast." she decided, snapping her fingers and ordering the elf that appeared to wake them for breakfast, the little creature bowing and popping away, leaving Estelle to crawl back onto the bed, patting the covers. "come on alex... come sleep with me."
Alex was unable to change back at will. She was usually stuck as a wolf until it wore off. It took her forever to figure out how to change one way, and even if she kept her mind as a wolf, unless it was a full moon, she never thought about trying to change back. Seeing Estella pat the spot next to her Alex jumped up onto the bed and laid down next to her soon to be mistress. Curling up and falling asleep herself. The night had been quite active and even though thee had been little panic for Alex herself she felt pretty worn out as well.

As morning came she was back to being human abut with a small change, only thing covering her was her robe as the rest of her clothes had come off when she transformed. Along with that he robe itself was not really making an effort to cover anything posing her young virgin cunt and small b-cup breasts. She hated having small breasts but she also knew she had some more growing to do, and if ever needed, she could look up a spell that made her beasts grow bigger. She had seen it used before and seen guys use one on their cock multiple times. Her roommate was having sex with her boyfriend and while he was inside her cast the spell which caused his already large cock to stuff the woman. In fact Alex was a little curious as to what it was like, but no guy ever offered sex, in fact the closest she ever got was asked to give a blowjob, which she denied.

She continued to lie there the sun doing little to awaken her but she stirred slightly only fully waking when the elf entered to wake her. Waking nude was common for her due to her condition, however remembering that Estella was wish her she quickly tied the robe closed, she cold get dressed before they went down for breakfast.
Estella had happy, pleasant dreams all night, mostly about fucking Alex, as a human, and half transformed, and as a wolf. she had dreams where she tied the woman down, and hung the woman up, and stripped her, and dressed her in cute outfits, and fed her fancy fruit while the woman was bound, blindfolded and helpless. she was holding Alex tightly as she slept, her long graceful fingers barely an inch away from the other woman's breasts, she herself didn't mind small breasts, they allowed for her to pull more flesh into her mouth, but she was unaware of the other woman's state of undress, because she was currently enjoying a dream where she was dressing Alex up in an adorable little maid outfit, the girl holding a duster and blushing furiously with cute little wolf ears and tail... yeeeah.

when she woke, Alex was gone, which made Estella want to curse violently. instead she took care of her 'morning problem' and cleaned the mess, and went to class. during lunch she grabbed Alex's arm and dragged the girl to their secrete room, the students had been particularly harsh to Alex again that day, but Estella wasn't all that worried about that yet. "you never gave me a chance to show you MY secrete." she complained, sulking at Alex. "if i'm going to make you my Sex pet... your going to have to learn a few rules.' she warned. "the first being, that you NEVER leave without me if we spent the night together, i've had more than enough one night stands thank you." she complained. "i don't want anymore, and especially not with you. if we're going to be a couple, it's going to be on, all the time, understand?" she demanded before nodding. she seamed nervous about something. "i've kept this well hidden you know... there are rumors of course, bit not ones anyone can PROVE..." she admitted, running a hand through her hair and shaking her head a little.

"you see... i was born very different from most witches and wizards." she admitted simply, slowly slipping her robe off, her fingers nimbly working off all the buttons before dropping the exceptionally expensive garment to the floor before she hooked her fingers on the expensive leather pants, unhooking those buttons and dropping her pants, revealing two things. one, she wasn't wearing any underwear, and two... she had a dick. a firm, long dick that was limp at the moment but was clearly of impressive size and length. "i'm what's known as a Hermaphrodite." Alex explained. "i have fully functioning male, and female sex organs." she admitted. "i can fuck, or be fucked as i please." she admitted. "and it's the biggest reason why my father hates me so much. the hospital's he took me to, refused to alter my Gender until i was old enough to decide for myself what i wanted to be... by the time i was old enough to decide, i was perfectly happy being the way i was." she admitted with a sniff, staring at Alex, waiting for a reaction. "...well!?"
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