You're A Human? [XenoSagexFrogger]


Sep 26, 2012
Today was the beginning of the school year for Yokai Academy. Blake had been looking forward for classes to start, as he'd just transferred in. He had moved in to his dorm the day before, just to make sure everything would go well on the first day of classes. He was being brave, knowing he was surrounded not by fellow humans, but by demons who could care less for humans.

The young man was handsome, his blue eyes and dark blond hair matching well with his looks. It looked like it would have been a great disguise. He'd decided to come to Yokai after being penpals for a while with a vampire girl who attended. He expected to meet her today. He hadn't unveiled his secret though. He was still some unknown type of demon to her.

She was late however, as his homeroom teacher let his class know who would be in tomorrow. Darn, he'd have to wait until tomorrow. Oh well. He finished the day of classes, and went back to his dorm. His classes all seemed that they'd be pretty easy. He'd have to be careful around some of the more aware demons though. He didn't want to end up dead.
Trees overhang the path, casting long shadows that would have been creepy if it wasn’t for the fact that it was a given here at Yokai Academy. Underneath them a young woman stretched her arms high above her head, letting out a sleepy yawn as she rubbed at one of her eyes. It had been late the night before when she moved into her dormitory, making it where she barely had any time to sleep. At least she didn’t really have to worry about the classes today. The beginning and the end of the year was always lenient and relaxed. No one bothered with teaching until the second week, maybe even the third. Maybe it was a good thing, being late… That way, she missed out on all the boring lectures, all the silly rules each teacher expected everyone to remember… It was certainly a bonus in her eyes.

“Oh no!” she gasped. The dark blue orbs widened as she found out what time it was with a watch, and she forced her feet to move faster. “I’m going to be late! Again!” Long midnight-black tresses flowed back with the movement, the short uniform skirt flirting with her shapely thighs. She was a beautiful young woman, what with rather exotic features and ever-present smile. Don’t ever push her buttons however. Behind the smile was a hot temper that flared bright whenever the fuse was lit. There was no reining it in once it was at that point.

Quickly she ran into the room, panting slightly as she came to a stop. “I’m sorry I’m late!” she told the teacher with a sheepish grin. A hand came up to idly tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. The school uniform accentuated her full chest and wide hips, really showing off the model body she possessed with no effort on her part. “I’m Trinity Shadow.”
Blake was already in class by the time Trinity came in. He knew her name, but had no idea of what she looked like. When the beautiful girl ran in, his eyes followed her, looking at how well the school's outfit suited her. He didn't think the green color of the outfit went too well with his skin tone, but he'd definitely noticed it looked great on most of the young women at the school. When the late student finally introduced herself, Blake's eyes widened; that was what Trinity looked like?

He felt his heart skip a beat. He'd talked to such a great looking girl for so long, but just now actually got to meet her. He watched as she finally took a seat, luckily close to him. "Trinity..." he whispered, leaning over. "Um, hi. It's me, Blake."
“Blake?” Trinity’s eyes widened, which then went on to study him. A faint pink blush made its way across her high cheekbones. “Wow… I didn’t think I would be meeting you in first period…” she told him in a low whisper. “I thought lunch, maybe… Just… wow. Hi. Um… Yeah, you already know my name… You know everything about me, actually…” How awkward is this? The first time they meet, and already she’s making a fool of herself. Wonderful. A hand rose up to flick a lock of hair behind her ear, the blush darkening noticeably. Why is she like this with him? They’ve been writing each other for years… It wasn’t like she was really meeting him for the first time… Not really. They met years ago, officially.

Once a few moments passed by, she glanced back up at the teacher, than at him. “If you don’t mind me asking… Why do you smell like a human? This is a monster school… Is it a special cologne you’re wearing, to disguise yourself better? It’s really good…” A smile crossed her face.
Blake smiled when he saw her reaction. So she was just as surprised at her was. "I know what you mean. I had no idea we'd have class together. I guess it's a good thing. At least I have class with someone I know." he said softly. She was so pretty, much more than he'd expected. He felt a blush coming onto his own face, thinking about how much luck it took to become friends with a girl like her; smart, nice, AND beautiful.

He had leaned back to his desk and was focusing on the teacher when she asked him about his scent. He had to try to contain his anxiety. Someone, no, the only person here he knew could tell? Crap. "Oh, y-yeah. I found it in a random store. I thought it might work very well, so I thought I'd try it..." he said, blushing slightly. He didn't know how else to hide his secret.
Trinity tilted her head, expression thoughtful. “I didn’t think stores sold such a thing…” she murmured. “Usually witches make that sort of potion, but only for special occasions… Huh. You must have a witch for a friend.” A warm smile replaced whatever she was wearing before, her eyes bright and intent on his. “That must be very handy for you.”

With that resolved, she focused back on the teacher, taking out a notebook and pencil to start writing notes. First period was chemistry, and so she was going to have to pay close attention. It wasn’t her best subject, though she still will try her best in it. “It’s really nice to meet you, Blake…”
Blake smiled softly, the blush still on his face as he replied, "Y-yeah. I haven't actually seen her here yet though." he said, going with it. He was so stuttery, afraid she'd be able to see through his thin illusion. He turned back to the teacher himself, beginning to take notes. He remembered most of these things from his previous chemistry classes in the human world.

When the teacher finally wrapped up class, he caught himself looking back over to his beautiful friend. "It's nice to finally meet you too, Trinity. I had no idea that you looked so pretty." he said, smiling and blushing slightly. He turned to his side and put his notes away in his bag before standing up. "Where's your next class?" he asked.
“Um…” Trinity hopped to her feet, starting to dig into her backpack for the schedule. “I’m not sure. I only knew of this class, since it was my first period…” Once she found the paper, she brought it out and read it over. “My next class is English. It’s going to focus on the famous writings of both human and supernatural writers. Isn’t that neat?” Excitement danced in her dark blue eyes.

An arm wound around her waist, tugging the woman into a hard body. “What would be even better is if you had the class with me…” a deep voice told her. He was big, with muscular arms and an animalistic glint in his eyes. The smile he wore wasn’t exactly friendly either. There was something almost possessive about them…like he was staking a claim. “Why don’t I walk you to class?” he suggested. “I’ll make sure no one bothers you…”

“How about no?” Trinity frowned. “For one thing, I don’t even know you. That means you better get those grubby hands of yours off me. Second of all, my friend here was going to walk me. So go find a leash, werewolf.” Her nose sniffed the air delicately. “While you’re at it, go get a bath.” A growl slipped from the man.
That class did sound interesting! He had no idea what sort of literature and writings people in this world read. Blake found it very interesting that they read both human and supernatural authors' writings. "Yes it is. I think my next class is math, so I'll probably ha-" he said, interrupted by watching her get pulled close to a large man.

He felt like his insides froze up, given how much larger the guy was than him. Blake was definitely frighted, but the way Trinity stood up to him made him feel a little better. Maybe it was good that he'd made a friend before coming here. But what about the periods they didn't have class together, like the next one? "Y-yeah, let's go, Trinity." he said, walking with her out of the class room. He felt like he'd have to deal with the smelly muscular werewolf again. That worried him, but he needed to stay strong and keep his human side concealed.

"Where is you class?" he asked, pulling his own schedule out of his pocket to look at it. His class was on the second floor.
Trinity looked down at her own schedule again. “My class is on the second floor, room B004. It shouldn’t be too hard to find.” She tucked the paper into her pocket, leaning against him to see what he had for his next class. “Math, huh? I’m not very good at math, myself… It just gets so confusing after a while. If you’re any good, maybe you can tutor me. Either that or I can find someone else to do it. Both ways work.”

A hand was on his arm, its warmth lending itself to his body as they walked. “As least we have classes on the same floor. Now you can really walk me to my class, every day if you want… I mean, if you don’t want to that’s fine… I’m not holding you to that at all! Just…it would be nice if we did…” There was a pretty pink blush on her cheeks, spreading across the bridge of her nose and coloring what skin it could reach. Her eyes even seemed a little darker because of it. Overall, she was a very beautiful girl, without even trying to be.

Students pressed in on the two at all sides. It was almost hard to breathe, what with the claustrophobic area. Luckily the stairs didn’t have as many students on it. Trinity hurried up them to the fifth step, waiting for him.
Blake smiled as they walked, happy to hear that they were both on the second floor. The earlier 'close' encounter slowly began to fade from his mind as he focused on finding his - and her - next class. "Oh, of course! I can tutor you whenever you'd like." he said, turning to smile at her. He continued walking, enjoying the feeling of her hand on his arm.

He liked how close they were. He felt like she did, like they'd known each other forever. Her comment and blush made him chuckle, as well as turned his own face red. "I wouldn't mind... Like you said, they're on the same floor. There's absolutely no reason why I wouldn't!" he said, smiling. When students began piling in, he fought through the crowd until he finally made it to the stairs. This was no different than his old high school! Maybe it would settle as the year went on.

"So, Trinity..." he said, stepping up the stairs with her, "Where will you be living on campus?" he asked.
“Oh, just in the dorms here. I can’t manage the travel between here and home every day. At least I’ll be able to see my family on holidays!” Trinity adjusted her backpack, hurrying up the stairs to the second floor. “I don’t even know if I’m going to have a roommate or not. I think it would be pretty neat to have a girl to live with, but I don’t know… There is that whole privacy thing…”

Whirling around, she waited for him again, tapping her foot against the floor. “Come on! If you don’t hurry up, we’re going to be late!” she told him with a smile. “I could just get you there myself, but I’m sure you have your own ways of getting to class. I think I see my classroom! Talk to you later?” Quickly she pulled out a sheet of paper, jotting down her schedule onto it. “Compare it, and see if we share any other classes together. Okay?”
Blake smiled hearing that she was also staying in the dorms. "Yeah, it's the same with my family. They're quite far away. I'm in the dorms too, so maybe we can have study parties or something." he said, chuckling. "I think I have a room to myself. That or my roommate hasn't shown up yet." he added, walking in the direction of her room. He'd lost track of time.

"Oh crap, yeah! I don't want either of us to be late." he said, looking down the hall and trying to see if he could see his room number. He took the paper when she handed it to him, and nodded. "Sure! I'll check it over when I get to class. I hope we have some together." he said. "See you later, Trinity!" he said, turning and running to his room.

He made it just as the bell rang. "Whew..." he said, finding and empty seat and sitting in it. He took out his notebook and the two schedules, and begun comparing them. They had a total of chemistry and history together. They also had lunch together, which was nice. Time passed slowly knowing lunch was next.
Trinity tapped the tip of her pencil against the desk, once again glancing up at the clock. When is this class going to end? she asked herself in a huff. Though she did like English, what always bored her was all the lectures on the first day. It was easier to just hand out the rules and let them read them over. Why couldn’t all the teachers do that? Besides…then they could just move on to the more entertaining stuff: the writers and poets of the Renaissance. That is what they are supposed to be covering first. It’ll be cool, seeing as how she knew of a few from familial relations. Her great-aunt met someone during that period… Maybe she can help with homework, if she’s in a pinch.

Finally the bell rang. Everyone jumped up from their seats, bursting into conversations as they gathered their things together and left the room. She did the same. Lunch was next, and she was rather hungry after hurrying out without breakfast. Even now, her stomach was growling like a vicious cat. With a pink blush along her cheeks she slipped her backpack on, following the main congestion into the hall. The noise ricocheted off the walls, making them echo.

“I wonder if Blake is going to lunch too…” she murmured. Her dark blue eyes surveyed the area, unable to catch a glimpse of him yet. A familiar voice off to her right catch her attention. “Hazel?” she called out. “Hazel!” The two girls met together in a hug, laughing and smiling. With long dark red hair and green eyes, Hazel could have been a sister…in the beauty pageant. “How are you?! It’s been so long since we last saw each other!”
Blake boredly took notes as the teacher droned on and on. It felt as if it was going to be the same experience as other math classes in the human world, just long lectures where he understood everything that happened. That was how math worked for him; it just clicked. He looked forward to being able to help Trinity though, as he'd never been able to tutor another student before.

As the bell rang in his room, everyone hurried to leave as they did in her class. He waited until most of the other students were out before attempting to make his way out. He had found the cafeteria the day before, so he walked quickly in the direction he remembered. He was excited to be able to spend more time with her, maybe meet some of her friends.

It wasn't long until he had reached the long room and saw Trinity standing and talking with her friend. "Trinity!" he called, walking over to join her. "We have lunch together, as if you couldn't tell. Who's this?" he asked, looking at Hazel.
“Oh! Blake, this is my friend Hazel. We’ve known each other since we were very young. Hazel, this is Blake, my pen pal. We have been writing back and forth for the last couple of years.” Trinity gestured her hand between the two, exchanging the introductions and explanations. With a smile and a soft giggle the redhead offered her hand to him. “Hi. It’s nice to meet you.”

Trinity beamed, almost falling into her friend when someone bumped into her. “As for lunch…I think that’s a great idea. We can sit outside, underneath that great oak tree I noticed on the way in here.” Hazel nodded in agreement.
Blake smiled at Hazel when she held out her hand. He did so as well, giving her a firm hand shake. "It's nice to meet you as well, Hazel." he said softly before releasing his grip and turning to Trinity. He would have to agree, Hazel was quite pretty well. It surprised him that the first two people he met were as good looking as they were. He felt lucky.

Blake glared at the person who bumped into Trinity, but they didn't notice. It seemed to be just an accident. He turned back to Trinity when she spoke and nodded. "Sure. That sounds nice and peaceful." he said, smiling. He walked with them to get in line, waiting for his turn to grab food.
Trinity reached out, taking the last plate of grilled chicken and sliced carrots. Despite her being a vampire and needing to ingest blood every week or so, she likes healthy foods. It was what kept her body in the best condition possible. Not to mention it was all rather tasty. A side of green beans was added to the meal, with cake for dessert. It looked relatively normal, but everyone knew better than to judge the food by its appearance. Strange ingredients were guaranteed.

“Wow… this looks great,” Hazel commented. She herself picked up a plate of spaghetti, though the meatballs were screaming and flailing little meat arms. It didn’t bother her though. Instead she just stabbed one with her fork, sticking it into her mouth to chew and swallow. “Mm! Definitely great. You have to try one of these, Trinity.”

“No, I’m good. I have my own food.” Trinity paid for her lunch, then waited as the other did the same. When they were done, she took the lead, weaving through the various tables and people to head outside. The warm sunshine was like a balm on her skin. Luckily she wasn’t like the vampires of myth, and burned to a crisp upon contact. Basking in its glow, she settled down in the shade but kept her feet in the brightness.
Blake lookd at the various foods, noticing the moving meatballs. That's not... not normal. he thought, obviously deciding not to get that. The chicken and carrots looked appetizing though. It surprised him when Hazel took the spaghetti, causing him to watch her as she ate one of the pleading little meatballs. He smiled before saying, "Wow... I've never seen those before." He waited until the other two paid before paying for his own lunch. He grabbed a small bottle of milk to go with it as he left.

He enjoyed the temperature outside, how it wasn't too warm or too cold. It seemed perfect. He waited until Trinity and Hazel sat down to get down with them. It was a nice spot for lunch. He smiled at Trinity and said, "This is a great little getaway spot. Thanks for bringing us here Trinity." he brought one of the carrots to his lips and took a bite; nothing out of the ordinary there. "How was English?" he asked.
“English was boring. Of course, that was because the teacher kept going on and on about the rules, the different areas of poetry we will be discussing, and so forth. I just wish that the teachers here can hand out the rules, and let us read them over. Wouldn’t that be easier in the long run? We can get started on the material at hand…. Yeah, I would like that so much better….” Trinity bit into her carrot, chewing before swallowing the vegetable.

Hazel nodded in agreement, wrapping a few spaghetti noodles around her fork. “I know exactly what you mean. It was the same way in my first two classes. Usually I like History. It’s neat, getting a peak into the past and seeing what happened way back when. My teacher made today so boring that I actually fell asleep right at my desk. Isn’t that ridiculous?”
Blake took a few more carrots and ate them before beginning on the chicken. It tasted normal as well. He guessed that the chefs at the school offered human food in order to cater to those who liked it better. He'd have to hope on that. Hearing the two girl's discussion about their ideas caused him to nod in agreement. "I do too! I remember at my old school, it would take a good week to begin classes when they started back. I hated that. I enjoy jumping right into my learning." he said, taking another bite. He laughed softly at Hazel's sleeping comment. He wasn't that bored. Yet.

"So, Hazel, want to tell me a little more about you? I know quite a lot about Trinity already. What about you?" he asked with a smile.
Hazel ate at her noodles, then swallowed what she had in her mouth. “There isn’t much to tell, to be completely honest. I must warn you though. Whenever I try to use my magic, things tend to end up… not the way I intend for them to. One time…I tried to have it where it wasn’t raining, and instead I made a hurricane. Right inside my house. I’m not very good at magic…so. Beware!” She waved her fingers, trying to appear scary for a minute there. Then she broke out laughing, shaking her head from side to side. Trinity joined in on the laughter.

“You better mind that warning. It’s true. I remember this one time she cast her magic on the teacher, so homework couldn’t be assigned to us. Well… Miss Griffin turned into a horse.” The raven-haired beauty grinned, munching on her carrots.
Blake caught himself laughing as well at the description of her magic. Her attempt at seeming frightening incited a harder chuckle; she just didn't seem like a scary person. "Haha... I'll have to remember that! I may not want to be a guinea pig." he said, smiling. He hoped they wouldn't ask what his 'specialty' was, as he really hadn't thought of something. He took a bite of his chicken, but had to hold in a laugh at Trinity's hilarious extra info. "Woooooow! That must have went over well. How'd you change her back?" he asked inquisitively.
“Veeeery carefully.” Hazel at least had the nerve to appear sheepish, flushing pink. “Miss Griffin started galloping around the school, stomping on the flowers and well….it scared a few kids. Even the principal came out to try and catch her. That was an epic fail. It took me about an hour to find a spell that would work. Even then, she was munching on a carrot. To be all honest, that was probably the best day of my life! If it hadn’t been for my parents being summoned, and I was punished for what happened, then it definitely would have been in my top five favorite days at school.”

Trinity laughed, nudging her in the side. “I tried to make her punishment less severe. I told the principal I had tickled her right before the incident. The transformation happened while she was indisposed.”
Blake ate a few more of his carrots as he listened, interested to hear how her predicament turned out. Soon, his plate was clean with no food whatsoever left. "Aww... Parents and their punishments ruin a lot of peoples' days. I was always a good kid..." he said, moving his plate to the grass beside them. When Trinity told him of how he stood up for her, he smiled. "It seems you two are really good friends. Exactly how long have you two known each other?" he asked softly.
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