Escape From The Prison Planet (Krys Snape & darkangel76)

Snake watched as she attempted to kick the bag he could tell her focus wasn't fully on the kick and he wondered what in the hell could be distracting her in a room like this. It was plain and pretty boring he never bothered to make it nice or anything because it was a personal gym and nothing more. When she lost her balance after the kick he caught her, "What's so distracting, why aren't you focusing?" ,he asked as he held the woman. He then helped her to her feet and looked at her, "And I told you I had you" ,he stated in reference to her reaching to grab something so she didn't fall.
Violet winced, her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson. God, more than anything she just wanted to run back into Snake's apartment where her makeshift bed was set up on the couch so that she could dive onto it and plunge herself deep under the blankets set up there. The idea of hiding was just so... pleasant.

"I... well... I..." Violet stammered. "I'm sorry." She looked down at the floor, unable to look Snake in the face at all. She was embarrassed and a myriad of other things. "I'll do better next time. I'm just not used to fighting or this style of learning." Her voice was soft and low. "I know it's not an excuse..." her voice trailed and she took a deep breath. "I... I won't let you down again..."

The girl bit down on her lip, her pale eyes still fixed on the floor as her cheeks burned. She hoped Snake knew she was being sincere, that she honestly wasn't trying to screw up or lose focus. It was just...

God, she felt stupid.
"You've got time to learn don't worry but just try and keep your focus alright" ,he stated in response to her apology. She still hadn't answered his question on what was distracting her but he just brushed that off not thinking anything of it really. "Take a break, stretch and loosen up those muscles we'll continue in ten" ,he told her as he grabbed an ashtray off of the weight bench and sat down on the mat with it then lit a cigarette. He looked at Violet as if waiting for her to begin stretching while he took a drag from his cigarette.
Violet just kept quiet and nodded, her cheeks still quite red. She walked over to a nearby corner and began to stretch, using moves she often used before she'd do her dancing. First she spread her legs a little so that she was standing in a slight 'V' and leaned to one side so that she could grasp her ankle with her hands. She then repeated it for the other side before bending down to middle to touch the floor. Slowly, she brought her legs together and stood up, taking care to roll along her spin until she finally had her head roll up and back at her neck. She then did a few neck and shoulder rolls before glancing over her shoulder at Snake. "I... I can try again," she said softly.
"Alright let me finish this then we can go back to work" ,he stated in response to her right before taking another drag off of his cigarette. When he finally finished it he stood up and looked at her for a brief moment, "Let's go you give me at least ten decent punches and kicks we'll call it a night" ,he told her as he stood next to the bag waiting for her to join him.
"Okay," Violet said as she slowly turned around. She watched him smoke his cigarette and decided to stretch a bit more while he did. When he finished, she walked over to the punching bag and looked up at him, waiting for his instructions.

Violet nodded as she listened to Snake tell her what he expected and wanted her to do. Her nerves ran rampant as she began to doubt herself, her mind filling with distracting thoughts of how warm his hands had felt when he'd touched her hip, guided her hands. God, she wasn't sure she'd be able to follow through with keeping her promise, but she'd sure as hell try. And it wouldn't even be because she wasn't meaning to...

Violet looked up at Snake and smiled slightly, her cheeks a bit pink. "I'm ready," she said a bit softly. "So, ten of each..." Her voice trailed. She blinked several times and took a few deep breaths before taking the stance he'd shown her earlier. Once in position, she began to throw her punches and kicks.
Snake watched as she walked over and he seen that she had gotten into the stance right and he was glad she at least got that down during their little session. As she threw her punches and kicks there were a few times he had wanted to grab her to make sure she kept her balance but she seemed to be doing alright this time. "Those were definitely better they still need some work but with time you'll get it" ,he told her. ""It's still pretty early in the day is there anything else you wanna learn or do you want to practice more? I've got nothing better to do so why not?" ,he asked as he looked directly in her eyes. He hadn't meant to it just sort of happened and when he realized that he was looking in her eyes he quickly shifted his gaze to something else.
Violet's cheeks were still fairly warm, though whether it was from the exertion, embarrassment or something else entirely, she wasn't sure any longer. She felt her lips turn upward into a tiny smile when Snake said she'd gotten better. That made her happy, made her feel like she'd kept her promise. But when his eyes suddenly found hers...

Time stopped.

Her breath instantly caught in her throat and it was as if she forgot how to breathe for a moment. Suddenly, on their own they began to work once more, only her heart was racing, pounding hard beneath her breast, as she stood there. Violet swallowed hard and when Snake looked away, her own eyes drifted back toward the floor.

"I can practice some more," Violet then said softly. "God knows I could use it. I know that much." She paused briefly as her hands moved upward so that her fingers could run themselves through her long, dark tresses. Looking back at Snake, she added, "Whenever you're ready... I am too." At that, she gave him a shy smile, her cheeks still quite pink from earlier.
When Violet said that she could practice some more Snake gave her a smile something that was very rare for him to do. There was something about this woman that he was drawn to and for some reason he had a feeling she was drawn to him in some way. "I'm let me hold you again" ,Snake paused realizing how that must've sounded to Violet, "I mean let me hold you for balance, I think it'll help a bit" ,he continued. Snake made his way behind her again and placed his hands onto her hips only this time he ran them slowly down the length of her sides before firmly positioning then on her hips. His heart was racing and his breathing was starting to get heavy, he hoped she didn't notice his breathing, quite frankly he was nervous because he could feel something with her, something he hadn't felt in a while.
Almost immediately Violet felt her tummy flutter when Snake mentioned holding. Whether for balance or not... just thinking about his hands touching her again... She could already feel their warmth. "All right," she said softly, looking up into his eyes as she watched him move about her until he was finally behind her. She stood very still, waiting with baited breath to feel his hands reach out and touch her like they did earlier when she first tried to kick and punch.

Suddenly, Violet felt the warmth... that blissful warmth as Snake's hands glided along her body only to settle on her hips. The tiniest gasp escaped her and she closed her eyes. When she opened them, she turned to glance down at his hands and swallowed. Her heart was pounding even harder now than before, her hands trembling ever so slightly. And oh how her cheeks were burning, her body... reacting. Things were stirring inside of her. And the longer Snake held her, the more he touched her... the more awake and alive everything seemed to become for her despite the nervousness she was feeling. Despite the fears she had of being rejected.
Snake heard her gasp and then seen her eyes close his hands began to massage her hips gently, the thought of training had slipped his mind completely as he touched her. She was soft and somewhat comforting he couldn't help himself, "You sure you want to continue we can always pick up where we left off tomorrow morning" ,he stated quietly in her ear. He was closer to her now then he had been when he first placed his hands on her hips.
Violet swallowed and licked her lips, her eyes glancing down at Snake's hands as they not only rested on her hips, but gently massaged them as well. Her thoughts were drifting, so far from focused on training. In fact, she didn't think she'd be able to manage a proper punch or kick now even if she tried, though she would... for him... if he asked it of her. "Well, I..." she began, her body leaning into him just a bit as if seeking more of his touch, his warmth. "That's your call. I promised to listen to you." She glanced over her shoulder just then and up into Snake's eyes trying her best to read them.
She was beautiful and when she looked into his eyes and leaned more against him he enjoyed her warmth and the softness of her body against his. "It's been a while....since I've been this close to a woman" ,he began. "I promised myself I'd never get attached to anyone but there's something about you I just wanna touch you....all over your body" ,he stated. Snake looked into her eyes for a few moments then ran one of his hands up the length of her body then brushed some hair from her face, "I can tell you feel something too now what I want you to do is give into those feelings" ,he told her.
Violet blinked, her blue eyes staring back into Snake's as she listened to him speak to her, his warm hands touching her... distracting her. She bit down on her lip as her cheeks continued to burn, her mind focused on how his hand moved along her body, sliding back up it until he was touching her hair, her face. Her lips were trembling ever so slightly as her breaths grew short, her body betraying her and giving away her thoughts by reacting to his touch. Again, she closed her eyes, sighing softly.

Snake wanted her to give in to what she was feeling and she promised to listen to him. To do as told. When Violet opened her eyes, she licked her lips and nodded slowly, her one hand rising to reach for his, the one touching her face. She let her lips brush against his hand as her body moved closer still, leaning into him just a bit more, daring to take a chance that underneath that hardened exterior was someone who not only wanted her, but needed her.
As soon as he felt her lips brush against his hand and her body move closer he took her hand and gently held it, his other hand making it way to her stomach. He ran his hand over her stomach and then back down to her inner thigh where he began to rub her softly. Snake could feel his body reacting to hers too and for once he didn't want to ignore the feelings he had, he didn't want to push her away like he did with everyone else. Truth was he did need her, he needed to feel wanted and needed by someone. After a few more seconds he leaned down and kissed her neck softly, "Tell me what you want Violet" ,he breathed into her ear right before he went back to kissing her neck.
Her lips, her whole body, were trembling and responding to his touch and every move. Violet was the instrument and Snake was the master of it. She pressed against him then, closing any and all gaps that had once existed between them, taking in his warmth, his everything. He wanted her to give in to her feelings, to tell him what she wanted. And what was more... she'd promised to do everything he'd requested of her without questioning him or without hesitation. Just... she hadn't...

Violet took a deep and shaky breath, one filled with nervousness over everything she was feeling—emotionally, physically. Her skin was breaking out into goose bumps as Snake slid his hands over her, a glorious feeling that made her crave more, her legs spreading ever so slightly as he rubbed her thigh. She rolled her head just a bit so that he had better access to her neck as he kissed and teased. Just then she let out a tiny whimper.

"What I want...?" Violet panted softly, her body reacting even more. She could feel her skin burning, her body screaming for more intimate touches and caresses as her sex ever so slowly began to throb, beating out its want for attention. "I..." she stammered, her cheeks pink with embarrassment, need and so many other things. "I... I want you to touch me more... I like it..." She blushed hard, whimpering as her legs remained spread and her one hand held onto him. She hoped he approved of her as much as she approved of him.
When she pressed her body against his he sighed with approval as he took in the warmth and the softness of her, he continued to kiss her neck as he waited for her answer. After she told him that she wanted him to touch her more he turned her around to face him then leaned down and kissed her lips, after a few moments he broke the kiss then picked her up and carried her out of the apartment then locked the place up before making his way back to his place.

Snake laid her down on his bed gently then laid down next to her, "If I'm gonna touch you more then I'm gonna do it in here not some messy old rigged up gym" ,he told her right before leaning in to kiss her again. He let one of his hands make it's way up to one of her breasts and he cupped it gently as he kissed her.
Violet's arms wrapped about Snake when he picked her up and carried her back to his apartment. When he placed her on his bed, she looked up into his eyes, her own unblinking as he moved to lie down next to her. She nodded when he told her that if he was going to touch in his place... not the rigged up gym... her body growing warmer with each passing moment.

His lips were softer than she expected as they moved over hers, working them good as he kissed her thoroughly. Violet could feel her tummy fluttering as her body shifted and arched in response, tiny noises escaping her as they kissed. Her body was loving the attention, moving slightly as he ran his hand up her body only to let his hand gently cup one of her breasts. Instantly, she let out a soft moan, her sex throbbing just a bit harder than it had been earlier as her nipple hardened against his palm. She was becoming aroused, very aroused. Every touch and tease was bringing her closer to something primal, something that was screaming to be awakened. Something that only could be touched by Snake himself.
Snake smiled into the kiss when Violet let out a soft moan in response to his touch, he could feel her nipple harden against his palm and it made him let out his own sounds of approval. He moved his other hand to grab a hold of Violet's hand and brought it down to his crotch and pressed it to him letting her feel the bulge that was growing in his pants. Violet was the first woman in a long time that got him that aroused and he wanted her to feel it, he wanted her to know that he wanted, no, needed her right then and there. "Take off your shirt so I can touch you more Violet" ,he whispered after breaking the kiss.
A gasp slipped over Violet's lips when she felt how hard and big Snake had gotten just by the bit of kissing and touching they'd done. It only made her whimper louder, her body react more and suddenly she could feel herself getting a bit wet between the legs. Her skin was on fire and her entire body was craving more of him. The moment he told her to take off her shirt, she immediately complied, keeping her promise that she'd listen to everything he said without questioning. Yes, she wanted this. She needed this. She needed... him. Just him.

Once Violet's shirt was off, she felt her cheeks burn slightly out of modesty. She hoped he liked what he saw. She already had a pretty good idea of what he looked like having seen him in just shorts already, but he hadn't seen much of her at all... She didn't think of herself as anything much nor had it ever truly mattered before. Not really. But with Snake, she found that it did. She wanted him to approve, to be pleased. She wanted to give him everything, her entire self and more if that was possible. It seemed crazy. But then again, they were on Earth, a prison planet. The world was crazy. So that meant the crazy was possible, at least to her.

At that, Violet let out more tiny whimpers letting Snake know just how much she needed him to touch her again.
After Violet took her shirt off Snake looked at her body and admired how beautiful she was for a moment before he reached over and touched her bare breasts. A groan escaped his lips as his cock became fully erect within his pants, he began to run his finger around one of her nipples then pinched it between his thumb and forefinger. "You're so beautiful Violet" ,he said quietly into her ear before nibbling on it. "Touch me Violet, I want you to touch me too" ,he told her as his fingers still played with her hard nipple. Snake wanted every bit of her and he hoped she felt the same about him.
Violet bit her lip for a moment before letting out another groan as Snake touched her and teased her hard, sensitive nipples. When he pinched them, she could feel her clit begin to swell and throb between her legs as her panties slowly became soaked. He was already having such a profound affect on her, her body wanting him so badly. She looked into his eyes as he called her beautiful and then told her he wanted her to touch him too. At that, she smiled, slowly reaching out to him, letting her hands gently caress the flesh of his chest, his shoulders, his arms. He was all hard planes and muscle. A man hardened by times she knew she'd never understand, yet already admired him greatly for. She'd been so foolish earlier in her naivete. But she was starting to learn better of that. And it was thanks to this man. To Snake. She let her hands gently slide along his skin until her hands were touching his face and finally playing a little with his hair. She looked at him for a moment, her smile growing as her body pressed itself closer, still responding to him. "There's so much more to you than what's on the outside, isn't there..." She continued to touch him, shifting against him, panting softly as her body became painfully aroused, craving more skin on skin, more touch.
He closed his eyes for a moment as she touched his body it felt so good, so right, and he was glad he decided to let her in and give into what he felt. When she spoke he looked into her eyes, "Yes but nobody's ever had the privilege to see that side of me no one's ever deserved to....not until now anyway" ,he told her in response. Snake then moved his hand from her breast and slowly slid it down her body then into her pants, "You're wet baby" ,he stated with a smirk. "Good to know that I'm not the only one who's turned on by all of this, mm take them off so I can play with you and I'll show you where my tattoo goes" ,he told her right before leaning down to suck on on of her nipples, he let his tongue tease at it a bit while he did so.
Violet blushed and did as Snake said, slowly sliding off her pants until they were completely off her body and discarded on the floor in a tiny pile along with her shirt. When she was totally bare before him, she couldn't help but blush. Though she now knew he found her beautiful and worthy, she couldn't help the reaction anyway. Smiling shyly, she reached back out to him, touching his heated skin while he sucked and teased her nipples. Her body was melting into him, molding to his form as if designed to fit against him. She whimpered as she only grew wetter, her sex throbbing, her clit swelling. She then nodded a little. "I... I'm very wet..." she said softly before biting down on her lip. Her eyes stayed fixed on his despite it all, her hands caressing him as she moved against him, groaning softly with each shift of her body... her mind wandering and curious to see more of him, wanting to see more of him.
"Hm well a deal's a deal you took of your pants so I guess I'll let you see the rest of this tattoo" ,he stated with a smirk before kicking off his boots then getting to his knees. Again he looked at her body and bit his bottom lip liking what he saw, he reached down and unbuttoned his pants then took them off and threw them to the floor next to Violet's clothes he then removed his boxers revealing that the tattoo stopped at the base of his cock. After he finished undressing he laid down next to her again and let one of his hands trail down her body until it reached her hot, wet cunt, he ran two of his fingers over her slit then began to rub at her clit, "Do you want to touch me some more?" ,he asked right before kissing her collarbone and making his way up to her neck.
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