Escape From The Prison Planet (Krys Snape & darkangel76)

"Welcome to hotel Snake" ,he stated sarcastically in response as he puffed on his cigarette. When she started blabbing yet again Snake let out a low growl and just looked at her. Finally the woman said she was going to take a shower and that meant some peace and quiet. After the woman was out of sight Snake got up and turned on his radio and began to look out the window like he normally did, watching everything that went on outside and trying to accept the fact that he was probably stuck with the woman who was now in the shower for a long time. The thought made him sigh, he finished his cigarette then put it out into the ashtray and continued to just look out his window while the music came out of the speakers of the radio.
The water was warm and soothing as it ran over Violet's body. She needed this moment—the time alone, all of it. It was amazing at how much better she began to feel as she washed away more than just the other day's grime. She was washing away everything that had happened as well. Well... what she could of it anyway. Of course, it wasn't perfect and didn't get rid of it all, but it definitely helped and toned down the harshness of what she'd been through.


Violet could feel her eyes stinging, pricking with tears that she could no longer hold back. She rested her forehead against the wall, her hands pressed up against the tile and finally she let the tears fall. They fell with the spray of the water as it ran along her cheeks, lost with the trickles, hidden from view. Her body shook as she allowed herself to cry, to feel, to grieve her loss.

"Simon... I'm so sorry," Violet sobbed softly.

After her cry, Violet finally washed her hair and body, taking her time with it all. When done, she rinsed off and found a nearby towel and dried off. She then put back on her clothes and went back out to where Snake surely still was. She could hear a radio playing in the background and noticed the man standing near a window. Quietly, she padded over to where he was standing.

Violet cleared her through, her hands clasped in front of her, her hair wet and hanging about her shoulders as it dripped and soaked water through her shirt. "What are you looking for?" she asked him, her voice soft. "Are you expecting someone?"
Snake watched everyone's movements and actions, he had always been an observant man and he could see everything even if people were trying to be discreet about it. There was a woman walking with a small child and a man was following her, Snake opened the window and watched....waiting and after a few moments the man following the two reached out to grab the woman but with a loud bang he dropped to the ground. Snake placed his gun back down onto the table that the radio was on right next to where he was standing, the woman looked down to the ground then up to the window before grabbing her kid and running off. This world was nasty and he was getting sick of it, a lot of good innocent people were left here to rot with all the real criminals because a corrupt president came up with ridiculous laws that fucked a lot of good people over.

When the woman spoke Snake turned to look at her, he grabbed another smoke from his pack and lit it, "Nope not expecting anyone, just watching the world go by" ,he stated simply in response before taking a drag from his cigarette. The man may not drink a lot but he smoked like chimney.
Violet moved a bit closer to Snake and leaned toward the window so that she could peer outside. There wasn't much to see really, just people milling about or rushing by. Some of the people seemed relatively average from the look of things, but there were a few that gave her the chills as she took in the sight of them. A few reminded her of the thugs that had assaulted her, had killed her brother... Simon...

Just then, Violet bit down on her lip. She glanced over at Snake, her mind racing as she wondered if he'd seen the skirmish that had happened earlier that had resulted in her brother's death. Did he see him die? Did he see his body get... taken?

The air suddenly felt hot and thick, her lungs squeezing as she tried to swallow. "D-did you see anything unusual around here yesterday?" Violet then asked. "I mean, earlier in the evening. Before you saw what happened to me. Maybe a couple hours before that or so." She paused letting her fingers play with the ends of her wet hair, twisting it absently. "Just wondered. Heard there might've been some issues around here, umm... word travels fast, you could say. I... I guess..."

Violet went to looking out the window once again, her eyes fixed on the street and the people below. If she turned her gaze elsewhere, she was afraid those damned tears would find their way to the surface again and she wasn't going to cry. No, she wasn't going to cry in front of Snake.
"I see strange things happen all the time out there then again what's not strange in this fucking prison" ,he said in response. "There's always issues around here and there's nothing that can change that not now not ever" ,he continued. Snake took another drag from his cigarette then blew the smoke out as he continued to gaze out the window, he wondered why the woman was asking so many questions, it was clear she wasn't from around there if she was asking the kind of questions she was. "So why do you wanna know? Is there something specific you're asking about?" ,he finally asked. The man seen nearly everything that went on outside that window and it wouldn't surprise him if he seen whatever she was talking about go down.
Violet suddenly felt very warm, her cheeks growing hotter by the second. She was sure they were red and her fingers began to furiously twist the ends of her long, dark hair. "Well, I... that is... I... well, with what happened last night and everything." She paused and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly before speaking once again. "I guess I didn't truly believe the rumors I'd... heard. So..." her voice trailed and she swallowed hard. "So, I just wondered if what I'd... heard... was true or not. Rumor was that a couple of people passed this way. A girl and guy, I think?" She bit down on her lip, her fingers still twisting her hair. "Guess the girl got assaulted. Pretty badly man-handled. So the guy stepped in. She took off and guess the guy ended up dead." Her voice choked ever so slightly so she cleared her throat. "No idea what happened to either of them or if the guy really got killed or what. I mean, I didn't see a body when I got here. Did you see a body?" Again, she bit down on her lip, her fingers running through her hair now, the water dripping onto her shirt with each stroke. "Anyway, just wondered."
He listened as she spoke and thought about what she was asking before answering her, "I seen a lot of couples get attacked yesterday, usually when the thugs around here kill someone they take their bodies and use them for target practice, I seen the same method use on a soldier in LA" ,he stated in response remembering the man that had been hanging on the wall at that place in LA while people threw knives into his body. Snake looked over at the girl and could tell she was a bit nervous and also not telling him something, he puffed on his cigarette for a few seconds while looking into her eyes trying to figure out what was wrong by reading her expression, something bad had happened to the woman that much was clear. "What's wrong?" ,he finally asked his tone a bit softer then usual.
Her hands were running through her hair almost violently now, twisting the ends and wringing the locks with a strange purpose. "I... well..." Violet looked out the window again, her expression going distant as she tried to hold back the tears she felt trying to form, to give her away. "The rumor... the rumor..." her voice trailed and she looked back at Snake, her eyes glistening as she held back the tears, but only just. "It was a pretty vicious... I... just wondered..." She looked down at the floor. "Target practice?" she then asked, her voice going softer. Oh god... Simon... "My bro... I mean... they do that?" She looked back up at him. "They really do that?"
"They do everything here sweetheart, target practice on dead....well dead or alive bodies is just one of many nasty things these fucking psychos do to people around here" ,he stated in response a hint of bitterness in his tone. He looked to her once more and knew she was indeed upset, the man may be distant and cold but he still had somewhat of a heart and when someone was standing in front of him on the verge of tears....well when a woman was he couldn't help by at least try and comfort them even if it didn't work. "Hey don't get yourself worked up over a rumor, after all it's just a rumor right?" ,he responded. It was clear he was asking her what was wrong again in hopes she would give him the truth that he knew she was hiding for some reason.
Violet winced when Snake mentioned that they might not have even waited for Simon to die before using his body for target practice. She had all she could do to hold herself together at that moment, to stand where she did. Her knees were wobbling and her hands shaking. She leaned against the window, her hand reaching out to touch the cool glass for balance. "I..." she stammered. She felt light-headed, weak. The room was spinning and she feared she might collapse, fall to her knees. She wanted to sob, to let her body give in to all the emotions she was holding back that still desperately craved to be released. Her cry in the shower had only helped a little. She still needed more... so much more. She looked back up at Snake, her face showing the sadness filling her heart, her eyes just beginning to well up again. "I..." She paused, swallowing. "Just a rumor," she whispered with a shaky nod. "Just a rumor..." She looked down at the floor and then out the window as a tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. Quickly she brought up a hand and wiped it away. Her eyes fixed on the street below, she asked, "What are the plans for the rest of the day?"
"Yeah just a rumor" ,he stated. If she didn't want to talk about what was really bothering her he definitely wasn't going to push her he wasn't usually one to show compassion and when he did it was very little and almost unnoticeable. When she asked what they were doing for the rest of the day he sighed, he wasn't going to be an asshole again he knew that it wouldn't be right given the emotional state the young woman was in. "You want a drink? Some food? A smoke? You look like you can use a drink if I say so myself" ,he stated in response. He really didn't know how to help someone out that was upset, he could fix up a physical wound no problem but an emotional one he just didn't have it in him to be able to help.
Violet turned to look at Snake, her insides roiling like a storm on the brink of thundering down. Everything was churning inside and all of it chaos. Slowly, she was beginning to realize just how much Simon had protected her, shielded her. He'd been so much more than just muscle or emotional support when times seemed hard. But he protected her from the harsher realities of life on the prison planet. Maybe that was why he kept her on the go so much... better to keep moving and not witness the truth of what was actually around her. Why hadn't she noticed that before? How could she have been so blind? So... selfish...

Feeling a bit choked up, Violet nodded. "M-maybe a drink," she said softly. She wondered how it would taste, what it would be like. She'd never tasted alcohol before—Simon's instructions—so she was a bit curious. Of course, she knew the effects and had caught her brother sneaking some a time or two despite his rules. But she never let on she knew. Somehow she understood he needed it every now and then. "What do you have besides the brandy? Unless that's the only option... if it is, that's fine." She gave him a smile, wanting him to know she wasn't trying to be picky, she was merely curious. She wondered if he had any idea she hadn't ever drunk anything before... she'd have to pace herself...
It was obvious to him that she had never had a drink before and he knew exactly what to give her. The bag he had received in the trade had a bottle of vodka in it and he had some juice he could mix it with so it wouldn't be too harsh for her. "I'll make you something" ,he stated as he made his way over to the bag and pulled out the bottle of clear liquid. He made his way into the kitchen and poured a glass half full with it then filled it the rest of the way with orange juice, he then poured himself the normal brandy with some ice he had also put some ice into her drink as well. When he got back into the parlor he handed her the glass before taking a sip of his own, "That should help you relax a bit" ,he told her before sitting down in his chair again.
Curiosity filled her as Violet watched Snake leave to make the drink he seemed to think would be perfect for her. Not knowing a thing about alcohol, she had no choice but to trust his judgment. And given the way he looked at her just before he left, her gut told to do just that. Plus, she had this weird feeling inside she couldn't shake. A feeling that for some reason Simon would approve of this man as the one to watch over her in his stead. Of course, that was assuming he wanted to take up the position. At present, she wasn't entirely certain he wanted that job and quite frankly, she wouldn't blame him if he didn't...

When Snake returned, Violet's eyes were immediately drawn to the glass he held in his hand. The one, she was sure was the brandy, but the other, the one she found herself staring at, she was sure was not. The liquid appeared to be orange, much like orange juice. She tilted her head and arched a brow as she looked at it.

Taking a hold of her glass, Violet followed Snake and sat down on the couch, her makeshift bed still somewhat in place. Slowly, she brought the glass up to her lips and let the liquid gently brush against them and eventually move past them and into her move. She let it swirl about her tongue, the taste of bitter, sweet and sour combined in a strange way that made her lips pucker and smile. As she swallowed it down, she felt a slight burn followed by a warmth deep inside her body. She closed her eyes for a moment as the contents went straight to her head, making her just a bit dizzy, but only for a brief moment.

"Oh my," Violet whispered. She then took another sip followed by another. The drink tasted rather good even though she could taste a strange bitterness, which she was sure was the alcohol. The more she tasted the drink, the more she realized that Snake had mixed the alcohol with a juice, most likely orange juice given the color and flavor and... oh, she felt warm and her cheeks even hotter. She brought a hand up to her face and felt it, knowing that it had to be red. Looking over at Snake, she smiled a little and giggled shyly. "Is my face red?" she asked and then took a few more sips. "It is, isn't it. I can feel that it is." She hid her face a bit with her one hand, though her attempt was most certainly in vain. "Simon never let me drink," she continued, her speech a bit slurred. "But I'm sure you can tell. You can... can't you?" she stated, once again taking a few more sips of her drink.
Snake watched as Violet drank the drink he gave her he was about to tell her to slow down when he seen her smile it was a lot better then the sad look she had on her face before so he simply kept quiet and drank his drink while she drank hers. When she asked if her face was red he laughed a little bit, "Only a little bit" ,he stated and when she mentioned someone named Simon not letting her drink he looked at her with a questioning look, "Yeah I can tell you haven't drank alcohol before but don't worry I won't let you go past your limits which is probably that cup....who's Simon?" ,he asked wondering who it was she was talking about.
Violet took another sip of her drink and tilted her head a little. "Simon? Oh, he's my older brother," she slurred. "I'm not sure where he is." Her eyebrows furrowed a bit as she tried to recall the last time she'd seen him, her thoughts hazy as reality and dreams began to blur into a swirl within her mind. The alcohol she was drinking only making things more muddled. "I... he... I..." she stammered a bit when she remembered that he'd died the night before, saving her from an assault that could've been avoided had she not been so careless. Where was he? Target practice? Oh god! "He's target practice?" she suddenly shrieked nearly dropping her glass. She looked over at Snake, her head shaking in disbelief. "No no no... please tell me he's not target practice. He's not. The rumors are wrong. Right? They're wrong. They don't do that. Right?" Her cheeks were growing hotter as the alcohol coursed through her body, her head light as the room began to spin. "He's not... he's not... He can't be..."
The truth had come out about why the woman was upset her brother was killed, "No they don't do that it's just a rumor" ,he told her in response. Snake took another sip of his alcohol then set the glass down and made his way over to the couch and sat down next to Violet, he took the glass out of her hands then placed his arm around her shoulder, "I'm sorry about your brother, it's rough out there and a lot of good people get shit they don't deserve" ,he stated. For some reason he felt bad for the woman, maybe it was because he had lost people he had cared about in the past so he knew how it felt, his losses were one of the reasons he stayed so distant with people and didn't want to care or get close to anyone.
Violet's hands were shaking, hell her whole body was shaking, as her mind began to swim and spin with the myriad of thoughts that could possibly have happened to her brother's body... oh god, let him have been dead first... let him have been dead... She was sure he had been when she'd glanced over her shoulder as she ran, but... The sky had just begun to darken and everything had happened so fast. She'd been frightened... no, terrified. Nothing like that had ever happened to her before... not ever... just...

Swallowing hard, Violet looked down at her glass. She leaned into Snake a bit without realizing it, needing that little bit of contact, that comfort as she began to accept the loss of her brother, her shield and protector. It was hard and she tried to focus on her breathing for several moments... in and out, inhale and exhale.

"Thanks..." Violet said softly in response to Snake when he tried to comfort her a little about the loss of her brother. Damn the alcohol... damn it! She didn't want to come off as weak, as needy. Goddamn! "He was a good man. Did a lot for me..." She paused a moment. "Too much probably."

At that, Violet stood up and stumbled a little, the alcohol going to her head. She walked over to the window and looked outside, her eyes searching the streets, but for what exactly she wasn't sure. Maybe she was looking for signs of her brother, for the thugs that had killed him... But she needed to move, to occupy her mind. Something.

Still holding her glass, Violet took another sip and turned around to look at Snake. "I bet you've seen a lot. You look like you have," she said plainly, her voice still slurred. She went to walk back over toward him and stumbled a bit as she did.
Snake went to grab her when she stumbled but she quickly regained her composure, he watched as she went over to the window and when she mentioned him seeing a lot he nodded, "I've seen a lot more then most people have that's for sure" ,he stated in response to her. "Your brother sounds like a good guy who didn't deserve what he got like I said a lot of people get a shitty deal around here" ,he continued. When she stumbled yet again he helped her regain her balance then helped her over to the couch to sit down, "How about you just sit for a little while huh?" ,he said as he sat down himself.
Violet nodded and sat back down. She was definitely tipsy from the alcohol, but still coherent enough to follow simple directions. As she sat down, she could feel her body adjusting slightly to the alcohol coursing through her veins a little bit, though she knew it would take time to build up a proper tolerance. Ah... she was truly a lightweight, but then it was the first time she'd ever had anything and she was tiny being only slightly above five feet tall and slim.

"Yeah," Violet whispered in agreement. She shifted her body a bit on the couch and reached for some of the blankets that were still there from when she'd used it as her bed the night before. "So, what brings you here then? Why this place? This apartment? Seems a dangerous neighborhood to stay in..." She winced a bit as her thoughts drifted and memories of the other night started settling into her mind. God, she needed to shake those thoughts... "There have to be other places, better places to stay? You've been around, right?" She turned to look at Snake, her expression confused yet hopeful, full of questions she hoped he'd answer.
"I've been in worse neighborhoods then this trust me and instead of traveling all over the place I just deal with the bullshit that goes on, no ones fucked with me since I've moved in so why leave" ,he stated in response to her question. It was obvious she had no idea who he was if she did then she would know his history and know that this neighborhood was like paradise compared to where he had been. LA was now under water and NY was still blocked off from the rest of the country, it was a ghost town now seeing as everyone had died of starvation or disease. Snake looked over at Violet and helped her with the blankets before moving back to his chair and taking a drink from his glass.
"Worse?" Violet said out loud, partially to Snake, partially to herself. She couldn't imagine worse in truth. And it made her wonder just how much Simon had truly shielded her from. Keeping her on the go as he had, she never truly had enough time to truly soak in her surroundings—the people, the environment and its goings on, nothing. He honest to god kept her protected from it all. ALL! "So, what kind of name is Snake anyway?" she then asked while pulling at the blankets and wrapping them about her body. "That can't be your real name..."

Violet shifted and tugged at the blankets, getting herself comfortable as she snuggled up on the couch. She looked over at Snake as he sat himself down across the way in his own chair once again. It was funny. As she looked at him, there was something oddly familiar about him, but she couldn't quite place it. Now that she was sitting there and relaxing a bit, her anxiety of the loss of her brother a bit more out in the open rather than so pent up as it had been, she was able to focus better—even with the alcohol taking its toll.

Her eyes focused a little on the tattoo he had of the cobra on his torso. Obviously that had something to do with it... but... why? "You earn the name or something? Like military? Seems like a military name," Violet rambled on as she thought out loud.
"Where I got the name doesn't matter really and yes there are worse well there were worse places then this planet you ever hear of New York or LA? Probably not you look kinda young" ,he began before lighting yet another cigarette and taking a drag off of it. "Anyway those two places were nasty, New York is a mass graveyard now and LA is an underwater graveyard thanks to Mr. President a lot of innocent people died there just like they are here" ,he continued. "My name's Plissken if you want to know my real name not that it really matters like I said".
Violet blinked her eyes several times, her one hand holding onto her glass still before she finally turned to set it down on a nearby end table. "Plissken... Plissken..." The name was so familiar. So... Suddenly, her eyes went wide and she looked right at him. "Oh my god..." Her voice was soft and she covered her mouth. "I've heard stories," she whispered. "From my bro..." her voice trailed. "I... I never realized they were true..." Her cheeks went pink as she began to realize just how much of her life she'd taken for granted, just how much she'd blown off. She'd been so careless and carefree. Perhaps that was as Simon had wanted it. He often told her he loved her free spirit, the fact that she always went for the things she wanted. Of course, he was merciless in his teasing of how terribly difficult she was to control and rein in when needed. God... she'd been such a brat and she'd never even realized it. Her whole entire life her brother had provided for her and she just selfishly took... God... she was a terrible person... terrible... Simon... "I... I've heard stories about both New York and LA. More about LA though..." She pulled at her blankets a bit more, her eyes fixed upon him as she spoke. "That must've been a horrible experience. What they did to you, I mean. And the Earth... you really shut it down? That was you who did that?" she asked, her lips turning upward into a small smile.
"They tried to kill me without getting their hands dirty that's what they did" ,Snake stated in response. "And yeah that was me who shut the world off but what good did it really do, the more things change the more they stay the same....or get worse" ,he took a sip from his glass then looked at it. "I need a refill I'll be right back" ,he stated before getting up and making his way to the kitchen to refill his glass. When he came back he looked at Violet, "Want a refill? Think you can handle another glass of that stuff?" ,he asked.
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