Escape From The Prison Planet (Krys Snape & darkangel76)

Violet felt her cheeks get a bit red when Snake asked her about the refill on her drink. She already felt a bit dizzy, her mouth dry and she wasn't sure if another would do her better or make things worse. Having never drunk anything before, she honestly wasn't sure. She swallowed then, and turned to reach for her glass, the contents nearly totally gone. "I..." she stammered. "I'm not sure," she answered, her voice still a bit slurred. "Are my cheeks still red?" she asked as she brought her other hand up to feel them. She smiled sheepishly. "They are. Aren't they." She paused a moment and bit down on her lip. "Umm... I... maybe just the orange stuff?" she asked giving him a shy and awkward smile.
"There only a little red" ,he told her in response a smile tugging at his own lips. He took her glass then made his way into the kitchen and cleaned it out before pouring just orange juice in it with ice. When he brought it back to her he set it down on the table next to the couch, "Here ya go, if you want more of the other stuff just let me know" ,he told her. Snake made his way back over to his chair and sat down then looked back over at Violet, "So why were you left here? What bullshit reason left a nice girl like you in this shithole?" ,he asked. The young woman seemed way too innocent to be left on earth then again a lot of people did, even children were left on earth it was sickening.
"Thank you," Violet said when Snake returned with the glass of juice. "I think it might be a while before I try the other stuff again," she admitted with a smile, a soft giggle escaping before she brought the glass to her lips and took a sip. "Why am I here?" she repeated. She took one more sip and set the glass down. "Well, basically, because I can dance." Another giggle passed over her lips. "I honestly don't get it myself. I mean, I don't see why dancing is so bad. But I guess it's considered too suggestive. Invokes too many emotions and other such... things." The girl shrugged and tucked some of her dark hair behind an ear. "Seems silly to me, but then most things do I guess." She let out a soft sigh. "I don't know, maybe I'm the silly one."
"Yeah it's not for everyone" ,he said in reference to her comment about the alcohol. He listened as she told him why she was there and he shook his head, how in the hell could dancing be so bad to land someone in this hell hole. "What's so suggestive about your dancing? I'm curious on how bad it could actually be to land you here" ,he stated as he looked at the young woman. He took another long drag from his cigarette then blew the smoke out of both his nose and mouth at the same time.
"Well, I... I can show you...?" Violet suggested. "It'll be a bit weird probably without any music. Usually..." her voice trailed and she pulled on the blankets, her knuckles going white as she gripped them. "Simon played the music." She looked down at the floor and pushed the blankets off, swiveling her legs over the edge and standing up. The alcohol had settled in her system and she was feeling much better, much more at ease. Though the warmth was still with her, along with a small buzz. As she stood up, she looked at Snake for a moment before closing her eyes. She tried to imagine Simon was still alive and playing something wonderful for her dance to. Anything. As imaginary music filled her ears, her body began to move... hips swaying, every curve and contour moving. It was as if she were alone and on stage—her and the music. Nothing else existed. Nothing else mattered. She allowed her hands to brush over her body as she allowed herself to feel the pulse she imagined to be playing until they found her hair, her fingers getting lost within the dark tresses as she continued to bend and move. As she danced, she forgot for a moment that she was stuck on a prison planet... alone... that her brother had been killed. She forgot that her eyes were being opened to the realities of the world, one that was dark and grim and ugly. As she danced, things could be beautiful. She could be beautiful. Yes, she could forget.
"Alright then show me" ,he said in response to her right before she got up. He would've offered to turn the radio up but as soon as she started dancing he felt no need to. She moved so naturally and although it was a mix of different things she put everything together nicely, there was nothing wrong with how she was dancing in his opinion in fact she just looked as if she were enjoying herself and letting go of her problems for a little bit. Maybe that was why they left her here, maybe they just wanted to control how everyone felt and she was just too happy for their tastes. Snake had no idea the reasoning but he knew Violet shouldn't be stuck in a place full of blood hungry criminals, him yeah he knew he deserved this place but someone like Violet didn't and it made his stomach turn just thinking about how cruel the people who decided who stayed and went were.
Violet continued to move, her body rocking and swaying to sounds only she could hear. It was as if somehow Simon had raised from the dead and was with her, was sitting there and playing along with her while she danced. They'd been told that what they did was too much for society on New Earth to bear, that it brought forth thought and emotions that were deemed unacceptable, unclean and unworthy. She recalled how it had been the dancing that had been considered the worse of the two offenses where the arts were concerned, but... Simon wouldn't leave her. Wouldn't dream of it. Where she went, so did he.

And now he was dead, while she lived... she breathed... her heart pumped and her blood flowed within her veins.

Finally, Violet stopped moving and opened her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright as she stood there before Snake. She gave him a shy smile. "That's why I'm here," she said softly. "I do all sorts of dancing and wouldn't do just the sorts they wanted... guess that gets you a ticket off planet, huh." She bit down on her lip and shrugged a little, her hands moving to push her hair over her shoulders. "Can't imagine a world like that. Seems... sad... it's like they don't want you to feel."
"I didn't see anything wrong with it but I suppose they don't want anyone to feel on that new earth unless they control it of course" ,he began. "I wonder how long it is before they start sending people back here for bullshit reasons". Snake took a large sip from his glass then a drag from his cigarette and sighed, "Wonder what they would do if I found a way up there and publicly assassinated Mr. President, I fucking hate that guy" ,he stated with a low growl in his voice. He did wonder though if there was a way to get the bastard back for everything he had done to a lot of good, decent people.
Violet smiled shyly and went to go sit back down on the couch. The alcohol was definitely starting to wear off. She snuggled back up under the blankets once again. "Well, if the stories I've heard about you are actually true it wouldn't surprise me if you did find a way eventually. I mean... you escaped both New York and LA. Two of the United States' most secure prisons ever to be created. If you can escape those and still manage to shut down the Earth for a time... why not escape it? I don't know, doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility for some reason." She reached for her glass of juice and took a sip and then giggled. "I don't know. Maybe I truly am silly. God knows I'm stupid..." she said, her voice trailing as she thought about Simon and how avoidable his death had been.
The woman had got him thinking about it after she spoke, maybe it was possible to escape this damn place and if he did he could definitely get the president back. Snake finished of his cigarette then put it out before taking a sip from his glass, "Maybe there is a way, I'll have to think about it though, when I haven't had anything to drink" ,he stated in response. When the woman said she was stupid he shook his head, "You're not stupid why would you even say that?" ,he asked her.
Her fingers traced the rim of the glass as she stared at the juice swirling about inside of it. Violet then shrugged her shoulders and frowned slightly. "I don't know... I guess it's because of a lot of things." She looked back over at Snake, her eyes connecting with his. "It's my fault Simon is dead, you know..." Her voice got softer, choked. "Mine." She shook her head a little, doing her best to hold back the tears she felt threatening to spill down her cheeks. "And nothing I do now will ever change that. I have to live with that forever." She paused to take a deep breath. "He tried to teach me things..." As her voice trailed she found that it was too hard to talk about her brother. "Anyway, maybe you'll find a way," she said trying to smile, bringing one of her hands up to wipe at her eyes before any of the tears fell. "You're Snake Plissken from the stories I've heard. That means you can do anything." She smiled a bit more and took a sip of juice.
"It's not your fault...." ,Snake began before taking a sip of his drink. "You didn't kill him, he protected you that's what people do when they care about other people and sometimes they give their lives for it". Snake knew all about people giving their lives to protect others a few people he knew had done it for him in the past while he was in the military, needless to say he somewhat knew how she felt. When she said he could do anything he let out a laugh, "I'm not super human there are some things I can't do in fact I'm surprised I'm even still alive" ,he stated in response to her.
"I suppose..." Violet mumbled softly, her eyes looking back down at her glass. "Just wonder if mine was worth the sacrifice he made..." She sniffled a little. "A part of me questions..." Again she brought the glass to her lips and sipped. "Anyway, I know you aren't super human," she said with a smile, giggling just a bit. "But even still. You've done some pretty amazing things according to the stories. I mean, you had to go into LA Prison while sick and retrieve that remote..." She shook her head. "I don't know how you did that. Under such pressure and the time constraint and..." She blushed and looked at the floor. "And I'm talking too much. Aren't I. You said I did yesterday."
"You do talk to much but I guess right now I'm in the mood for conversation" ,he stated in response. It wasn't that he was in the mood for conversation, he never was he just knew the woman needed to get some things off of her chest. He finished off his second glass of Brandy then got up and went into the kitchen to pour another. When he came back he took a seat back in his chair then looked to the woman again, "Hm Maybe we can think about an escape tomorrow I may have a few ideas and connections that would be able to help us out" ,he stated before taking a sip from his glass and setting it onto the table beside him.
Violet looked back over at Snake and smiled a bit when he told her he was in the mood for conversation. Hearing that made her feel better, like for the first time since she'd met him she actually wasn't being a burden... or annoying. She watched him get up and leave briefly, only to return with another full glass of brandy. She bit down on her lip as he sat down and looked directly at her, his expression one showing that he was thinking about something. Scheming. Plotting. It was a similar look Simon would get when contemplating their next move, where to travel to. Of course, with Snake it seemed more intense somehow.

Suddenly, Violet sat up a bit, shifting her body as her eyes widened slightly. Had she heard Snake correctly? Did he say... 'us'? Swallowing, she tilted her head and replayed what he'd said over in her head. Yes. He had. He most certainly had. His plans of escape... they included... her. A lump formed in her throat just then and she had all she could do not to lose it right there... and for the good. She half expected Snake to try and ditch her like he had the night before and then once again earlier that day. But... he wasn't now. He wasn't...

Violet smiled, her eyes and face lighting up at the idea of being included, accepted. "Well, I'll do what I can to help," she said. "And this time.... I promise to listen. I know I have a lot to learn."
Snake knew damn well he was putting himself at risk of either harm or making a friend with what he had offered but he knew if he just left her she wouldn't last more then five minutes out there and he couldn't hold that weight on his shoulders he refused to have someone else die because of him. "Yes you do have a lot to learn and I'm gonna teach you and you better listen cuz' I need a partner not dead weight" ,he told her. The man didn't want to seem harsh or mean but he needed her to know exactly what he was expecting of her, "Things are gonna be hard but you have to promise to stay focused and not give up AND do everything I tell you too".
Violet set her glass down and tugged at the blankets, wrapping them tighter about her body as she snuggled beneath them. She nodded as Snake spoke to her, giving her a dose of reality and laying down the law of expectation. His terms weren't surprising and as she let her mind process everything she knew they were reasonable. Earth wasn't the same any longer. They were what both New York and LA had been only worse—hell holes running rampant with blood thirsty criminals, riddled with god only knew what and then some. Simon had shielded her and had done well in his protection. But now it was time she learned something. And with Simon gone, she didn't have any time to waste.

"I understand," Violate stated. "And... I promise." She looked Snake directly in the eyes. "Everything you say. No questions. No hesitations." She smiled a little and reached for her glass again, sipping at it until the glass was finally empty. After setting the glass back down, she licked her lips and played with the ends of her long, dark hair a little. "So, what's my first lesson then?" she asked, wondering if he'd have anything to teach her sooner than later.
"Good you'll do fine if you just do as I tell you" ,he told her. When she asked what her first lesson was he looked over at her, "Come on follow me" ,he stated right before standing up. He made his way out the door and down the hall to a different apartment then earlier in the day and unlocked the door and opened it before going inside. This apartment looked like a rundown training facility, it had weight benches that looked to be in decent shape but they were still old and it wasn't hard to tell. There were wrestling mats on the floor, again they were in decent shape but old. Snake had set this place up specifically for his own personal gym, he collected old equipment from various places and brought it home until he had what he wanted.
Violet felt her cheeks go pink almost instantly, but without uttering a word, she pushed the blankets off her body and got up off the couch. She followed Snake silently out of his apartment and into the hallway until they reached another one and entered it. Inside, it was like a gym. Was he going to train her? If she had to guess, her answer would most certain be... yes. At that, she gulped and glanced about the room, taking in the sight of all the equipment strewn about. Most of it seemed relatively generic, which made her feel a bit easier. But she still could feel her nervousness rising as her adrenaline began to pump and flow through her blood. Just what was he going to have her do?

"What am I to do?" Violet then asked as she stood there in the middle of the room. She felt so small, so insignificant. She hoped she didn't let Snake down like she had Simon... she didn't think she could take it. "Are you going to have me do training drills? Something like that?" Again, she gulped, her cheeks turning even redder as she did.
"Yep, for now I'm gonna teach you how to use your hands" ,he began. "I want you to hit me, take a swing and I want you to do it as hard as you can just so I know what I'm working with" ,he continued. If she didn't have a decent punch he was going to have to strengthen her hits as well as teach her how to move so that she could be faster then her opponent should she ever have to fight. "Alright throw a punch right here" ,he told her as he pointed at his stomach.
Almost immediately, Violet could feel the blood that had been making her cheeks blush rush away and make them turn white. Was he serious? Oh god... of course he was... This was Snake Plissken. And she promised to listen. To EVERYTHING. She blinked several times, her cool blue eyes focusing on the cobra he donned on his torso... he wanted her to hit him... there...? She nearly squeaked, adrenaline flowing, nervousness rising exponentially.

"I..." Violet stammered as she got herself into the best position she could, clearly having no idea what she was doing. Simon had been the fighter, her shield... everything. God, she truly had lived under a rock...

Taking a deep breath, Violet set her jaw. Her hair fell in front of her face a bit, so she brushed it back over her shoulder and got back into position again, taking yet another deep breath. Her body was shaking a bit, her fear and nervousness clear. Finally, she swung her arm, lunging toward the cobra... her fist making contact...

"Owww...." Violet shouted out, shrinking back a bit, clutching her fist.
He watched every move she made, every expression on her face, he could tell she was nervous and unsure of herself, he could also tell she had never thrown a punch in her life. When she finally hit him he quirked a brow and looked at her, "That was pathetic, your stance is wrong first off" ,he began. Snake made his way over to her and used his hands to bend her knees slightly, "Never keep your legs straight during a fight you're just asking for someone to kick your knees in, it doesn't take too much pressure to snap a joint remember that" ,he stated. He then placed one hand on her stomach and one at the small of her back and straightened her out, he then took one of her arms and positioned it to her side then one at her front, "Block the important areas of you body, kidneys, stomach, face, you don't want to get punched in the kidney it fucking hurts and will give your opponent the upper hand" ,he told her.

After he felt that her stance was good he made he stood behind her, his body mere inches from hers, and he grabbed her at the wrists. "Alright I'm gonna guide you through the first few punches then I'm gonna let you hit me again to see if you got it down, we can work on power later for now I just want you to be able to throw a punch properly" ,he stated. Snake used his hands to guide her body and moved it to show her the proper way of doing things. When he was finished he stood in front of her again, "Hit me and don't pull back with your hit, follow through".
Her cheeks were a deep shade of scarlet as Snake told her that basically every movement, every step, she made was... wrong. Violet never felt so embarrassed and more than anything she wanted to just run and hide. She could feel her cheeks growing hotter by the second, but she knew this was all for her own good at the same time. Going silent, she stood there and looked at Snake with expressive eyes and waited for his instructions.

Snake began to tell Violet what to do, but rather than just talk, he demonstrated. He moved about her body, taking a hold of her wrists and standing close. She immediately felt her breath catch as he touched her, his hands warm against her skin. The closeness was making it hard for her to concentrate... something she hadn't expected... hadn't... She bit down on her lower lip and tried to focus on what he was wanting her to do, watching how he moved her hands, her arms.

"I..." Violet stammered, her nervousness still there, her cheeks flaming though this time hardly from the alcohol. Swallowing, she readied herself in the way Snake had told her even though it felt a bit awkward. She took a deep breath and looked down at her hands as she pulled them up and readied them for a punch. As she looked at them, she could imagine his hands guiding them, how they felt when he touched her. She closed her eyes and bit down on her lip, her cheeks burning even more. When she opened her eyes, she threw a punch. It was still awkward and sloppy, but at least this time, it didn't hurt...
As soon as she made contact Snake nodded his head, "That was a lot better, now I'm gonna show you how to kick and we're gonna move over to the punching bag over there so you can practice" ,he told her as he pointed in the direction of an old punching bag. He then moved behind her again and used his hands to get her back into the stance she had been in to punch, "Get used to this stance most moves can be blocked and given while in this stance and I'm going to teach you how to block and give a lot of different moves" ,he continued. Snake moved his hand to her right leg then leaned into her a bit as he placed his other hand on her left side at her hip, "I'm gonna help you balance, don't worry I won't let you fall, I want you to lift your right leg and do a side kick just pretend you're aiming to hit someone in the ribs" ,he told her. His hand that was on her leg moved up to her hip and he held her securely to make sure she wouldn't fall, "Alright go for it and remember I got you".
The idea of aiming at a punching bag was definitely easier in Violet's mind than punching at Snake himself. But, it was more than distracting that he was so close... touching her as he was. His hands were large and warm and... She blinked several times as she tried to focus on what she was doing, not wanting to break her promise. She truly meant it when she'd made it and she didn't want to break it over something so silly. Besides, he'd probably just laugh at her or get angry or worse... oh god, probably worse.

Violet swallowed hard as she stared at the punching bag, her crystalline eyes locked on it as she tried her best to clear her mind of everything that was swimming about it. And so much was. "Right," she said softly. "Kick to the ribs..."

The girl closed her eyes briefly trying to picture the punching bag as a person only for some reason all she could do was focus on Snake's hands, his warmth. So, she opened them again and cleared her throat. Again, she tried to visualize an opponent, trying to imagine one of those thugs coming at her. A chill ran along her spine just then and so she immediately kicked.

Violet lost her balance slightly, her body starting to topple. She brought her other leg down almost instantly and felt her arms start to reach up as if to grab at something, probably the bag, for support.
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