Escape From The Prison Planet (Krys Snape & darkangel76)


.:The Vampiric Fae:.
Jan 26, 2010
Why do you care?
The whole thing was a twisted surreal swirl of color. Hazy at its best, muddled at its worst. Eyes squinting though the thick miasma, Violet felt her whole entire body begin to jolt and shiver as she watched the inevitable unfold.

"Run, Violet! Run!"

Simon's words still stung her ears, a burning reminder of just how wrong and upside down everything had become. Justice? No such thing. Freedom? An ideal from a past Violet never truly knew.

"I won't leave you, Simon!"

Violet's brother had given her the sternest look, one she'd never forget not even in this murky dream plaguing her distraught mind as she tossed and turned in a darkness that enshrouded her—one that went beyond mere time of day. Her eyes went wide and she let out a shrill scream as she watched the knife plunge into Simon's abdomen, his blood pouring from him like a fountain as he burbled and gurgled for breaths that just wouldn't come.

It was then that she knew she no longer had a choice. She had to run. With tears streaking a pale face and welling in eyes as bright as the stars shining overhead, Violet finally turned on her heels and ran. She ran until she could no long move, her muscles burning with every step, her lungs on fire, her mind racing. Every breath she took had become a struggle and every heartbeat she feared would be her last.

Simon. He was gone. Her brother, her protector. Her... everything. She'd be lost. Dead.

Violet suddenly sat upright, her skin shining with sweat as she glanced all about herself. "A dream... a dream..." she whispered to herself. Only it hadn't all been a dream. Simon truly was gone. If she had the nerve, or lost her mind, she could find his body easily enough. But she knew better than to go searching. He was lost to her now. Dead and gone and probably looted by now or worse.

Probably worse.

Violet shivered at the thought. The idea that those horrible men did anything more to Simon... At that, she buried her face in her hands and began to sob. No. She couldn't leave his body there. She couldn't. She had to go back and give him a proper burial. Something. Anything. He'd been with her through so much, helped her, cared for her. They'd been partners in crime, worked together, grew up together. He often told her how much he loved that they'd gotten stuck on Earth together even if it was a shit hole. They had their art—his music, her dance... Pity, she didn't think she could ever dance again. Not without her brother to play his music.

Sniffling, Violet stood up and decided to make her way back to where she'd last seen her brother. Of course, she knew he'd be pissed at her for going back. All too often he'd told her that if anything like this had happened she was to just leave him behind and never look back. But she had to go back. She had to see, to make sure. She had to get his lifeless body away from those thugs at all costs. It just didn't seem right to leave him there some how. Wiping her eyes and tucking her dark hair behind her ears, she got up and began the trek back.

After an hour or so, she finally made it back, but... "Where's Simon?" Violet whispered to herself as her cool blue eyes darted about, scanning everywhere in search for her brother. But no matter how hard she looked for him, he was no where to be found.

Violet shivered and wrapped her arms about her middle. Slowly, she ran her hands along her arms to help warm herself a bit. She looked up into the night sky. It looked oddly harsh. Perhaps it was the way the moon stared down or maybe it was the way the stars were shining so starkly against the inky black of the sky. Whatever it was, she didn't like it. It made her uneasy.

Licking her lips, Violet dared to venture further out to where she'd seen her brother. The thugs had come and gone. Everything seemed safe enough, after all, it had been awhile and there wasn't anything of value about. As she walked out into the open, she felt her heart sink. Simon was gone. His body... gone.

"They've taken him... how could they?" Violet whispered, anger, frustration, sadness dripping off every word.

Suddenly, Violet felt strong hands grab at her shoulders and spin her around. Soon she was face to face with one of the thugs from earlier in the evening. Her eyes went wide and her heart was suddenly pounding in her throat.

Adrenaline coursed through every fiber of Violet's being and she let out a shrill scream. Oh how stupid she felt in that moment. Would it be her last? Oh how she wished she'd listened to Simon...
The man laughed as he thought back to a few years ago after his escape from LA, he had really thought that by shutting the power off he would change things a bit but then some genius had to figure out how to restore the earth's power by using a solar powered generator. Snake watched out the window of the old building he had taken residence in after the world became a prison, he watched as people ran about some just following a normal daily routine while others were robbing or killing people. "The more things change the more they stay the same" ,he muttered under his breath right before taking a long drag off of his cigarette. After the president left some people took up jobs to help keep stores and companies running to give people what they needed and luckily for Snake there were more smokers on the planet then just him, enough to keep making cigarettes and selling them anyway. Even if the president banned smoking in the U.S it didn't matter much now when he left his laws left with him in some ways that was a good thing and in others it was bad.

No one really knew that Snake was still alive mainly because he stayed hidden for the most part and even when he went out not many people paid attention to really notice him. There was too much chaos in the world now for people to care to notice him like they did before and quite frankly he liked it that way. He liked to be alone yeah he had thought about being with someone at points but after the disaster with Utopia he didn't want to touch that subject again, although he and Utopia weren't a couple nor did they have sex she felt the need to thank him repeatedly for saving her ass from frying. He let the woman come with him and just as he had started to develop feelings for her she was shot dead by a group of thugs and that was when he realized that it was just better to be alone....emotionless.

After a little while Snake made his way outside, he needed more cigarettes and a bottle of brandy sounded pretty good at the time plus he needed food and water for the week. When he got outside he took a deep breath then threw his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out before making his way down the road towards the nearest store. He had his two revolvers strapped to his thighs, fully loaded, and a few other weapons that he kept concealed in case someone actually succeeded in taking his guns, which wasn't really likely. As he walked into the store he looked over to the man behind the counter, he was a thug but he knew how to run a business and keep it going. The man gave his usual glare and Snake smiled at him in return being the wise as he was, every time Snake gave the man a smile it pissed him off and amused Snake.

"Anything else sir?" ,the man asked in a sarcastic tone as Snake dropped his items onto the counter.

"A pack of smokes" ,Snake stated quietly. "Make that two I don't wanna have to see your ugly face for at least another two days".

The guy said nothing instead he just gave Snake a nasty look then slammed the two packs of cigarettes on the counter. "How will you be paying today?" ,the man asked.

".....Money....duh...." ,Snake stated before placing the cash on the counter and taking his leave.

Just as he was about to head back towards his home he heard a loud shrill scream that made him turn around and look for a moment. He may be a man that likes to be alone but he couldn't just let someone get hurt while he was so close by, the people he had seen being killed on the street outside his place were thugs and he didn't really care to help them out but this scream he heard sounded like a helpless woman. God he hated when these thugs took advantage of people. Snake headed in the direction that he heard the scream come from and soon found who it had come from.

"Hey buddy why don't you let the girl go and come dance with me" ,he stated in a low voice before blowing the guy a kiss. He was being a ball buster of course and it worked, the guy that had a hold of the woman let go of her and looked to Snake.

"What are you some sort of faggot?" ,the thug snapped.

"No, sorry to disappoint you" ,Snake responded.

His words only angered the thug more and he began to walk towards Snake who just stood there watching him. As soon as the thug was close enough he grabbed Snake by the shirt and was about to say something when his eyes widened. Snake barely had to move to take this moron down, the guy was to focused on Snake's face to notice the large hunting knife he was walking right into. After a few seconds the thug fell to the ground bleeding like a stuck pig and Snake looked at the woman.

"Get out of here" ,he told her before turning to walk away.
With a whoosh and a blur Violet suddenly found herself shoved to the side and the thug running toward someone else. She rubbed at her shoulder knowing a dark bruise would soon be blooming over her pale flesh. The grip had been hard, without mercy or care. As she looked over to see who had suddenly come to her aid, she half expected to see a knight of old. But this was hardly a fairy tale. The world was a dark place now, rank and rancid with corruption and unspeakable evils allowed to fester as innocents had no choice but to deal with it. And all because one man deemed certain acts heinous or unworthy.

Violet's skin crawled as she shivered, her eyes taking in the sight of the man standing in the shadows. She tried to make out his face, but could only see his silhouette. But that voice... that hushed, yet confident tone that sounded in the night air as he taunted and drew the thug away. A part of her wanted to run, to do as Simon would have wanted her to do, but there was no way. Not now. Yes, Simon was gone, that much was plain, but...

Suddenly, Violet saw the man plunge a knife deeply into the gut of the thug and she winced.


Only it wasn't Simon. This was a thug. Maybe the same one who'd killed her brother. Maybe his friend. Regardless, Violet knew someone was getting theirs and her brother was being avenged.

"Get out of here," the man said. His command was clear, but Violet stood stock still, her feet unmoving. It was as if her body knew something her mind didn't.

Finally, Violet was able to move her muscles, her body still tense, and she made her way toward this stranger who'd unknowingly avenged her brother as well as saved her life. She owed him. She knew that, but...

"Thanks," Violet said giving him a nod. "The guy kinda snuck up on me on accident." Her cheeks went a bit pink as she tried to cover up the fact that she'd obviously made a blunder of the worst kind. But she couldn't let on that she'd done so, directly disobeying her now dead brother's orders. Oh she felt stupid and he was gone... "So you know, this kind of thing doesn't usually happen to me," she added while shaking her head. "Anyway, I... I owe you. Thanks." She looked over the man and could tell that he was a true survivalist. "And by the way, my name is Violet Tacy," she then stated after which she bit down on her lip. "And you are...?"
Snake let out a growl when he heard the woman's voice, she was following him, "No on sneaks up on anyone by accident here you're a fool if you think that way" ,he began when she was finished talking. Damn she talked a lot and to a stranger none the less, "You don't owe me anything and my name isn't important now go and get out of here" ,he stated his tone a little more demanding this time. He continued to walk staying silent as he did so trying to avoid leading this woman to think he wanted to have a conversation with her.

He opened the door to the apartment building he lived in, the whole place was pretty much his except for one place on the lower level of the building. As he walked inside he knew he was being followed and he sighed but still said nothing he would let the woman follow for now, she was probably hungry and just needed some food and a place to sleep for the night so he'd give her that then send her on her way and hopefully she'd be happy. Then again he really didn't care how she felt either way. When he opened the door to his apartment, well the one he chose to sleep in, he left it open for the woman to come in knowing she wanted to.
Violet had to walk quickly to keep up with the man, her strides easily double to his one. If only he'd walk slower... but it didn't seem that would be happening any time soon. Fortunately, his destination wasn't overly far away. She let a tiny sigh pass over her lips as he entered the nearby building and hurriedly entered along with him. There was no way she was going to leave him tonight, not after what she'd just seen. He'd saved her... avenged her brother... he could help her...

"I'm not a fool," Violet sniped. "But believe what you want. And you know, it's kinda rude to not introduce yourself after someone else does." She scowled a bit as she walked after him, following him inside and to a place he obvious chose to be his own 'home' so to speak.

Violet never really knew what it was like to have a true home. Simon had always kept them on the 'go', never wanting to stay in one place for too long. She never quite understood that and it had always bothered her. But since Simon had been her brother and she both loved and trusted him, she'd always just gone along with it even though she'd hated it. Unfortunately she was knew to this area, having only arrived earlier in the day. Shit... Simon hadn't even gotten them anywhere safe and secure and he'd died. And it was her fault he'd died. Fuck!

"I mean, I get that you totally helped me back there and everything, but still. Doesn't mean you can't show me some sort of courtesy." Violet frowned a bit and crossed her arms as her lips twisted into a pout, her eyes taking in the place this man lived in, trying to get a feel for what he was about. Something. Simon probably would've kicked her for acting as she was... but he couldn't. Hell, he never could ever again...
Snake shot a glare at the woman when she snapped at him, "Call me Snake" ,he stated as he set his bags onto the table and began to empty them out. When he was finished he put all the stuff that needed to go into either the freezer or refrigerator into the fridge and freezer. He then walked back over to the table and sat down placing a glass he had gotten out of the cabinet down with a thud before opening the bottle of alcohol he had just purchased. The man didn't drink too much but he did like to every now and then, after he finishe pouring his glass he took a sip from it and winced as the liquid burned his throat on the way down.

"If you're hungry there's food in the cupboards and fridge, there's your courtesy sweetheart" ,he stated sarcastically before lighting a cigarette to accompany his drink. "The stove works so does the microwave and toaster oven have a blast". Snake leaned back in his chair and puffed on his cigarette while he waited for the woman's reaction. The man had been in the same place for quite a while and had never seen her around before, part of him wondered just where the hell she came from but the other part, the more dominating part, didn't really give a shit either way.
Violet shrank back just a little as the man told her to call him Snake. Snake? In a way, she supposed it was fitting. The man looked like a cobra ready to strike, the way he was glaring at her right then. She could swear if humans could truly spew venom, this man very well might.

"Snake?" Violet asked, though her question was more rhetorical. "What kind of name is that..." It was clear she was thinking out loud and trying to think of how he earned such a name. "And what sort of host are you? I'm your guest, aren't I?" Her frown grew more pronounced and she sighed a bit louder. "Or is it just that all men have no sense of decency any longer?"

Violet's heart twisted as she spoke. There was one man who'd been decent and it was her fault entirely that he'd been killed. God damnit, Simon! She wanted to scream, to cry, to run. As she looked at Snake, she wanted to pound her fists against him and tell him off, tell him that if only her brother was still alive he could learn a thing or two from the guy. But that wasn't going to happen. It could never happen...

Grumbling, Violet walked over to the stove and looked at it along with the microwave. Her cheeks went pink as she stared at the appliances, the knobs and buttons looking strange to her as she looked at them. God she wished her brother was still alive. She felt her eyes prick with tears, but there was no way in hell she was going to let Snake see her cry. She'd rather rot. "I... I don't know how to use these overly well. I..." She let out a sigh and then held her breath. Damn it, Simon, why hadn't he taught her how to use them? She knew some basics, but these particular appliances looked different from the ones he'd shown her. "Look. I don't have time for this. Why don't you help me out like a proper host? Then maybe we can make something for the both of us. Okay?" she huffed.
God this woman was annoying the living hell out of him and when she mentioned men not having any decency at all he laughed a little, "You complain a lot for someone who just got helped out, you're lucky I was even there" ,Snake stated before taking another sip from his glass. Decency,....Decency got him no where in the past so why in the hell would he be decent to anyone, he was forced to go into both NY and LA and he was decent enough to get the missions done and save the fucking day yet in the end he was screwed all over again, that's why he did the things he did like switching the tape after escaping NY and shutting the power off after escaping LA. He watched the woman and sighed when she told him she didn't know how to use any of the appliances, "Jeez have you lived under a rock your whole life?" ,he asked sarcastically before getting up.

He placed the cigarette he had between his lips and held it there as he grabbed a few things to cook up, he was silent but it wasn't hard to tell he was giving instructions while he made everything. When he had a few things set and cooking he sat back down and flicked the ash off of his cigarette before taking another drag of it then sipping from his glass again. "Should be done soon" ,he said simply as he leaned back and put his feet up onto the table while he continued to smoke his cigarette.
The man was totally insufferable, but damnit... she needed him. She knew it like she breathed the air about her, letting it fill her lungs only to expel it once again. Just then, Violet coughed a little and cleared her throat only to give Snake a small smile. A slight burn swept across her cheeks and she looked away from him, joining him momentarily in his silence as she watched how he twisted and manipulated the knobs to cook the food for them both to eat. She'd have to remember that... somehow...

"And I already said 'thanks', you know. I know I owe you one," Violet stated in her defense. "I can't help it if I'm unfamiliar with these models. Cut a girl a break. Shit, I was through an ordeal out there. All right?"

And that was only the half of it. But Violet didn't want to talk about Simon...

Once the food was done, Violet looked over at Snake and began to dish out a helping of food for herself. She gave him a smirk and sat down with her own plate. "Your plate is over there." She was being snide on purpose, trying to give his attitude right back to him even if he didn't necessarily deserve it. But at the same time, he was being cold. He had no idea of what she'd been through, her loss... Damn those tears wanting to fall again, but she wouldn't let him. There was no way she'd let Snake see her tears.

Hell would have to freeze first.
"Whatever" ,he stated simply in response to her statement about owing him. He then let out another laugh when she mentioned being through an ordeal, she really had no idea who he was and that was good but he really in that moment wanted to let her know exactly what kind of ordeals he had been through, having to work as a puppet for the crooked government when it was still around, being injected with artery bursting capsules right before getting dropped into on of the most dangerous prisons at the time to save a president that didn't give a shit about the people who helped him out, or going into LA with the flu being made to believe it was something that would kill him and having to survive Cuervo Jones death arena then a tsunami, not to mention watching people get killed right in front of him multiple times one of whom he really liked. This woman may have been through an ordeal but she had no idea what he had been through.

Snake got up and grabbed his own plate then sat back down to eat his food he was getting more and more irritated by the second and he wondered if the woman could tell even if she could again he didn't really give a shit. When he finished his food he poured himself another glass of brandy then lit another cigarette and put his feet back up onto the table as he leaned back to relax for a little bit.
Violet took a bite of her food and winced as Snake laughed at her. Was he mocking her? Mocking her loss? Simon... why... She missed him, wanted him back. She needed him. Suddenly, she looked down at her lap, her eyes stinging as they began to well up again.

"Christ, the air in here is stifling," Violet spoke trying divert any possible attention away from her eyes not to mention cover up just how bothered she was by Snake's cold demeanor. She almost wondered if there was a heart beating somewhere inside his chest.

Violet set her plate down and stood up for a moment. She ran her fingers through her long, dark hair and fluffed it out. She then meandered about the place a little trying to calm her emotions, letting the tears dissipate and go away... god she hated crying. Only Simon was allowed to see her cry... Simon...

After looking things over, Violet rubbed her arms and went back to her food so she could finish up. Once done, she watched Snake take another swig of his drink. "You drink a lot?" she asked. "Or is there some special occasion going on I'm not aware about?"
He watched as she got up and walked around, it wasn't hard to tell she was upset. When she sat back down and asked if he drank a lot he gave her a look, "No only when I'm stressed out" ,he stated plainly. Snake finished up his cigarette then put it out in the ashtray sitting next to him before getting up and walking over to one of the closets in the place, he pulled out some blankets and pillows that he had stocked up over the years. Snake then brought them over to the couch and threw them down and looked at the woman, "You can sleep her....for tonight" ,he stated before walking over to sit down in the recliner next to the couch.

The man had truly made this place a home and every apartment in the place except for the one taken by a small family on the first floor was stocked with certain supplies he gathered up over the years. Snake looked to the woman again to see what she was doing before he leaned back and closed his eyes for a moment.
Well, at least Snake didn't drink all the time. That was a good thing and it relieved Violet to hear it. For some reason she had a feeling this man didn't, but it didn't hurt to ask she figured. After all, if she was going to be spending some time with him, she had to be certain. Have no doubts. Simon would've asked. She knew that full well with all her heart.

"What do you have to be stressed out about?" Violet then asked.

Of course, Violet figured Snake was probably trying to tell her that 'she' was stressing him out. And, in some ways, she supposed she couldn't fault him for that. He hadn't expected a guest for the night and he did save her earlier on top of things. But really? Was she that bad? Simon hadn't ever complained about her. They'd been a team. Or... had they?

What was she thinking? Of course they'd been a team! He played his music, she danced. It was always that way. He looked out for her, cared for her... made sure nothing ever happened to her. Shit! And she couldn't even return the favor! Stupid, Violet!

"Couch?" Violet then stated when Snake threw the blankets down upon it. She grumbled a bit and ran her fingers through her dark hair. Frowning, her eyes staring over at Snake who'd moved to the nearby recliner, she began to set up a makeshift bed for herself. God, she missed her brother... damnit the tears. Again, she stood up and began walking around. "So, are you going to sleep there or do you actually have a comfy bed for yourself?" she then asked, her tone a bit sarcastic as she wondered whether or not Snake was being a gracious host by giving her the couch. As she looked over at him, she quickly wiped at her eyes to remove any evidence of the tears that had just started to spill. The rest she managed to hold back.
When the woman asked what was stressing him out he gave her a look and raised his eyebrow, "Take a guess" ,he stated in response before closing his eyes again. Then the woman began to go on about sleeping on the couch, Snake growled then looked at her, "If it'll make you feel better then go sleep in the damn bedroom I can care less where I sleep, in this world I'm not too picky" ,he stated his tone still cool and calm like it usually was. After a few more moments he stood up and made his way back into the kitchen to clean up a bit, when he was finished he drank the rest of his drink then washed the glass and put it away.

He made his way into the bathroom and took a shower, it was nice to be alone for a little bit and let the hot water just run over his body while he washed the dirt and grime from the day off of himself. When he was finished he got out and dried off then put on a pair of boxers, he was just about to leave the room when he remembered he had a guest. Snake let out a sigh then put on a pair of black shorts over his boxers then walked out of the room. "So have you decided where you're sleeping yet?" ,he asked the woman when he got to the room she was in.
It was one thing to think it and presume. But it was another thing entirely when Snake made it clear as crystal that she was the reason he was stressed. What she wouldn't give to turn back time. What she wouldn't give to get her brother back... Oh Simon... Violet had all she could do to stand there and look the man in the eyes, to not fall to her knees right there on the floor and just sob from her earlier loss.


Violet just smirked at Snake and walked back over to the couch and sat down upon its edge. She supposed it was comfortable enough. But the idea of a bed... She hadn't slept in a proper bed in a long time. Simon hadn't been one to stay in places of comfort. Part of that had been due to not wanting her to get too comfortable anywhere, to be able to deal with the harsher situations life could throw at her. Pity he didn't teach her how to use much of the technology life had at their disposal. God, she felt useless. And even more so now that he was gone... She missed him—his laugh, his voice.

Looking about the room a bit, Violet noticed Snake get up to clean his plate and glass before putting them away. Once done, he just left causing her to arch a brow. "Well, I..." she stammered. At that, she got up and cleaned up her own plate and put it away in the same place she saw him put his things figuring that was where he kept things.

Violet sat back down on the couch and waited quietly. She wasn't sure where Snake went or what he was doing at first, but as she let herself relax a little and take in the various sounds of the apartment, she could hear the soft sounds of the water coming from the nearby bathroom. Finally, Snake returned, much cleaner, definitely wetter and wearing a pair of black shorts.

"I..." Violet stammered again. "Well, umm..." she suddenly felt badly about her earlier display. "I guess I'll take the couch for tonight," she said. "It'll be fine. Thank you." She gave him a smile and sat further back onto the couch and let her fingers grab onto the blankets she'd already set up as a makeshift bed.
"Ok" ,he stated in response to her saying she would take the couch. He wondered why she had changed her mind but he wasn't going to think on it, he never did really think on anything. After seeing that she was settled he made his way into his room and climbed into the bed and fell asleep, of course it wasn't a deep sleep, knowing someone else was there he put his guard up even if she seemed harmless he had seen kids shoot people up so he couldn't trust anyone, not in this world, or so he thought anyway.

When Snake woke up he looked around then got out of bed and got dressed and made his way out to the kitchen, he didn't even check to see if the young woman was still asleep or if she was even still there but he had a funny feeling she was still there and didn't plan on leaving for a while. He got to work on coffee and making himself breakfast, he sighed then checked to see if the woman was still there, noticing she still was he made enough food for her to eat too just to be nice, something that was rare from him.

After he was finished with the food he set it down on the table then walked over to the couch and tapped at the woman's foot, "Up, let's go I made food" ,he stated gruffly his voice had a hint of tiredness in it. Hopefully he'd be able to ditch her later on but for now he couldn't exactly let her stay hungry while he ate in front of her.
Violet shivered a little as she watched Snake walk away, leaving her to be alone on the couch while he slept on his bed in his room. She was sure he'd be comfortable and for that, she was glad. Maybe it would ease the stress she'd thrown at him by entering his life in the way she had. Something was better than nothing.

When Violet heard Snake's door click shut, she snuggled up under the blankets and rested her head against the pillow, her wavy tresses fanning out as she laid down. She stared up at the ceiling for several minutes, desperately trying to let her body fully relax. It was hard now that Simon was gone. Those thugs had killed him and his body... it was nowhere to be found. Gone forever. God, she'd been so stupid. And then to come back to the scene of the incident? She was a walking disaster area!

Finally, sleep came to Violet, though it wasn't overly restful. Her mind had been plagued with nightmares of Simon's death. Suddenly, she was jolted awake, her body being shaken slightly. By what? Her eyes snapped open and she bolted up and looked about herself, her body shaking as she found herself looking for Simon. Where was he? Where was he?

"Si..." Violet started, her voice showing fear. But all too soon she realized where she was and gained her composure. Immediately, she looked over at Snake and nodded, a hand absently brushing her hair away from her face. "All right. I'm up. Okay."

Violet took a moment to regroup and then pushed the blankets off her body. She swiveled her legs over the side of the couch and stood up and walked over to where Snake had prepared the food so she could join him for breakfast.

"So, Snake... what are the plans for today?" Violet asked him as she started eating.
He began to eat his breakfast and watched as the woman came over to join him after getting up, when she asked what the plans were for today he looked at her and raised an eyebrow. The way she had asked that question told him that she had no intentions of leaving him anytime soon and the thought made him roll his eyes and sigh again. "I'm going to go and make some money by trading I don't know what your plans are for the day" ,he stated in response before taking a sip of coffee.

When he finished his breakfast he cleaned up his plate and put it away then walked out the door and into the hallway. He stopped at apartment 4B and unlocked the door then opened it and stepped inside. This apartment held first aid supplies and different kinds of medication as well as spare clothes and linen. There were various other things in there as well but for the most part it looked like a hospital supply closet. Snake grabbed what he needed out of there and packed it into a large white gym bag, the color signifying the contents. When he finished he locked the place back up and walked back to his apartment and went inside.

Snake armed himself then made his way out the door and headed outside and into the town. He walked for about an hour before he stopped in front of what looked like a small doctors office and sat down on a bench that was out side the place and waited.
Violet bit down on her lip and nodded as Snake mentioned his plans and the way in which he didn't even try to hide the fact that his plans in no way involved her. She felt her insides twist at the idea of being left behind... alone. That just wasn't an option. He couldn't leave her. She wouldn't leave him. She couldn't.

"Right. Trade," Violet said, her expression one of deep thought, though on the inside her mind was reeling, her insides turning about with nervous fear. "Good idea. Money will come in handy. We might need more food, but I can assure you I don't eat much. Never really have."

She cleared her throat a little and ate the rest of her food in awkward silence. When done, Violet followed Snake's lead and cleaned her plate and put it away, trying her best to be quick about it so that she could follow him as he readied himself to leave. The guy worked fast, so she noticed. And... spoke little. He was a far cry from the company she was used to. Simon hadn't been much of a talker either, but he talked a hell of a lot more than this man. Was nicer too, then again... he'd been her brother. He'd been obligated.

Had she merely been an obligation all these years?

Violet had to shake that thought. It disturbed her. She knew she'd been a burden to him, that she'd slowed him down. Fuck... she got him killed...

"Hrm," Violet sighed as she watched Snake open the door to another apartment full of supplies. It was good to know he was well stocked and equipped with things. Her gut had been right about survivalist. But seeing this and after his actions the night before with that thug, she had a feeling there was more to him than mere survival. It was just a matter of... what.

Just then, Snake grabbed what he wanted and headed out. Violet's eyes went wide and she let out a tiny squeak. Without thinking, she began to follow him since it was clear he wasn't going to wait for her. "Wait... please..." she called after him, but it was obvious he didn't care... oh how she missed Simon.

It was tough following Snake. The man seemed to purposefully walk at a pace she had trouble keeping up with. Whether it was to make sure she had no choice but to stay behind him or something else, she wasn't sure. But regardless, she wasn't going to let him out of her sight. She felt herself sigh with relief when he finally began to slow down and then sat down on a bench.

"Jeez, thanks for waiting," Violet remarked, her frustration at Snake's quick pace apparent. It was a good thing she was a dancer and in good shape, it was her only saving grace. "It's rude to just walk away from people like that, you know." She stood in front of him and pouted, crossing her arms for a moment before moving one of them to brush her hair out of her face. "You need some lessons in manners."
He had thought he was alone until the woman stood in front of him, her arms crossed. She started babbling on about manners and how he should've waited for her. "I didn't ask you to follow" ,he stated simply in response. After a few moments the door to the office opened and a man carrying a black gym bag came outside. The two said nothing as they exchanged the bags it was clear they had done business with each other before. Snake gave the man a nod before turning to leave, he again walked off not really paying attention to Violet and making it clear he wasn't.

When he got back to his place he took of his trench coat after setting the gym bag on the table, he then lit a cigarette and took a drag of it before opening the bag. Inside was an envelope of cash, a carton of smokes, and a couple bottles of alcohol along with some ammo for his guns. It was a fair trade for Snake and he was pleased with it, he made his way into the living room and sat down in his recliner after placing the bag next to it.
This man was just... oh, Violet couldn't even begin to describe it. She had half a mind to punch him in the arm. Only... that would probably prompt him to say something mean—something that stung deeply and would be more than acidic as he spoke it. A shiver ran along her spine as realization burned softly, almost dimly, in the back of her mind as she pondered the situation she now found herself to be in. The sad truth... Simon was gone. And like it or not, she couldn't fare on her own. She needed someone.

Damn this man!

Violet felt her jaw drop open as Snake got up and walked off, his pace the same as before. For a moment she was utterly stunned, dumbfounded. He wasn't waiting. He wasn't... Her eyes began to sting horribly and she angrily wiped at them with her hands as she walked after him, following to wherever it was he was off to next. Luckily, he went back the way he came, the path familiar. It made things a bit easier, though she still felt unsettled and disturbed.

This man was going to leave her...

Violet could feel her hands shaking so she stuffed them in her pockets as she did her best to follow Snake back to his place. Once inside and back in his apartment, she needed to take a few quick breaths before they started to come a bit easier. Yes, she was in excellent shape, but she had to exert herself quite a bit to keep up with the much larger man.

Not wanting to draw attention to her panic and fear at nearly being left behind, Violet ran a hand through her hair. "So, uh, what did we get?" she asked Snake, gesturing toward the bag he'd set down beside him after sitting down. She stood there, shifting from foot to foot, obviously nervous, frightened, though she tried her best to hide it and eventually placed her hands on her hips.
Snake had taken his shirt off and kicked his shoes off and was just starting to relax when he heard the woman's voice again. He opened his eyes and looked at the woman, what did she want from him? Why was she following him? He wasn't sure but there had to be a reason, not many people wanted to be around him, well he did have to admit women were drawn to him in a weird way but he didn't know why. The man was harsh, stubborn, and rough and not just around the edges, he was cold and distant and didn't like company.

"What do you want with me?" ,he finally asked. "Why are you following me? I have nothing to offer you" ,he continued. He then leaned back after sliding the bag to her so she could look in it, "I don't think you'll find anything that you like in there honestly but if you want you can take a look". His tone was again cold and gruff, he had no idea why he was even letting her look through the bag but he couldn't exactly take it back now, could he?
Violet bit down on her lip as she looked at Snake. It was odd being with a man who wasn't her... well... brother. There was a tension in the room she couldn't quite explain and as her eyes glanced over his body, bared from the waist up, she felt her cheeks grow a bit hot. Finally, she looked away, her eyes finding it more comfortable to rest upon the floor than upon Snake himself.

Letting out a sigh, Violet dropped her hands to her side and bent over a little to glance inside the bag Snake had pushed toward her. What did she want with him, he'd asked? That was a good question and a bit more complicated than he probably realized. There was the obvious, of course. But it ran a bit deeper than that and even Violet didn't like thinking on such things, that was, if she could even admit half of them.

"Well, it looks like you could use some help," Violet stated plainly, almost matter of factly. She stood up then after having given the bag a look over, taking note of its contents. "I mean, look at this place. You call this a home? Hrm." She crossed her arms again. "It lacks style entirely." She then looked into his eyes. "Plus, isn't it better to have help when you do things than to do them alone? My bro... I... well, that's what I'd been taught. Teamwork gets the job done more efficiently. And you, Snake, are lacking a team."
He again listened to her talk and he again found himself raising an eyebrow at what she said, he pulled a cigarette from his pack and lit it and took a nice long drag of it then blew it out slowly. "Style? Really? I'm a guy I don't need style normally I don't have company plus I like the place the way it is" ,he began. "As for a team I can't trust anyone enough to have a team sweetheart every time I have in the past it's only ended in disaster". It was true whenever he was part of a 'team' either everyone but him got killed or they turned on him and set him up so it was safe to say Snake Plissken was not exactly a team player.
Violet frowned, her arms moving to wrap about her middle for a moment before she rubbed at her arms. "Well, how can you call this place a home if you don't do something with it? Otherwise it's just a... a... a place you sleep in and nothing more. That's not a home, that's a hotel."

It was something that had always saddened Violet, the fact that Simon never let her do anything special to any of the places they stayed. Then again, they'd never stayed anywhere overly comfortable. Ever. And they most certainly never stayed anywhere for more than a few days at a time. They might have stayed in an area for a week or two, but Simon was big on changing up where they lived. She chalked it up to paranoia most of the time. Her brother had often tried to scare her with stories about crazies and men who would steal more than your possessions. She would often laugh at him when he tried to tell her such things, but she knew some of the things he said were true enough. But now that he was dead... she was starting to realize that there was a lot more truth to his stories and terrible tales that she might have wanted to admit... it made her tummy flutter with nerves.

"And what do you mean? I can be trusted... I wouldn't..." Violet felt her emotions bubbling and roiling underneath the surface. She felt insulted, everything inside her going raw as she thought about her brother and how his life was snuffed out from existence.

She'd never killed anyone... on purpose... oh Simon... It had been an accident... an accident...!

"I..." Violet stammered, her voice shaking, her cheeks getting red. She looked down at the floor and immediately turned toward the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower."
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