Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Ever since his escape from LA Snake Plissken had been in hiding, he had traveled all over the world and hid from the USPF for years. When the power was restored to the earth Snake had already built a hideout that was near impossible for anyone to find, he gathered enough supplies to last him and he continued to move around like a ghost amongst people to gather more. Even though he stayed hidden he kept up on the current news by stealing newspapers or watching the news on televisions in store windows. He knew exactly when the world itself had turned into one huge prison. Scientists had discovered a new planet that humans could survive on and seeing as the world was becoming more and more corrupt the world's leaders for once joined together and agreed to build their idea of a perfect planet. It took years for them to build up this new world and when it was finally finished people were selected to move there all were judged by background checks, beliefs, and a whole bunch of other nonsense. Anyone seen unfit to be part of the new world were left behind on earth, left as prisoners, left to survive without any rules or laws. Prisons all over the world were opened to release it inhabitants to roam the earth with everyone else, this included murderers, rapists, and other dangerous people, all released to do as they pleased to people who were stuck there for petty things such as smoking or pre marital sex. It was unfair but no one could do anything about it, when the spacecrafts left that was it anyone who wasn't aboard the crafts was deemed a prisoner of earth.

Snake sat by the fire in his cave five years after the earth was turned into a prison. He stayed hidden and only moved around when he needed supplies or food, he knew what times of day that things would calm down a bit and when it was safest to be away from his hideout. The sun shone through various places of the cave he had turned into his home to keep it lit up during the day and at night he had the fire and lantern as well as the light of the moon. Snake was a survivor and learned to adapt rather quickly when everything changed he didn't trust anyone and actually preferred to be alone feeling that it was the smartest thing to do.

After putting his fire out Snake stood up and put on a cloak he had made from animal fur, the hood kept his face hidden from anyone he may run into while out gathering supplies and food. It was that time again when he had no choice but to venture out, he was running low on food and water and needed to restock. Even though a decent amount of the world's population had left there were still places that people could buy things like stores and other shops everything was similar to before the new world was created the only real difference was the crime rate rising to extreme heights. He made his way to one of the food shops close by and by close by it was about three miles away from Snake's hideout. He walked through the shop and grabbed what he needed then purchased it without saying a word and left. It was a rather quiet day Snake thought until he heard a commotion in the distance.
It was a struggle, more-or-less the sounds of a few things falling over like cans of food, followed by a door that swung open and slamming against the wall. It was the first time in a while now that i'd gotten caught stealing. It was well needed though since i'd run out of any way to just up and pay for things. Wasn't like a job was the easiest thing to get around here, nor did i really care to at the most. It seemed like sitting in one place just waiting for a problem to come up to you. At least this way, i didn't have to worry ass much about such things. I hadn't gotten to far out the back door of the place before i'd found myself face first on the ground, some guy who looked like he could pass as a bouncer having taken a lung at me to stop me. There was a mess of tattoos on the left side of his face as i struggled with him just as two others walked out behind him.

"GET OFF!" I yelled as he'd turned me around so that my back was pressed into the ground just before he'd picked me up only to shove me against the wall.
My black hair was cut short, a mess, and seemed to almost hug my face. Black army like boots with black pants, the legs tucked into the boots, a slightly large yet plain black belt running through the loops of the waist line. The top was almost like netting, but with a much darker setting at the chest, to help hid skin. It wasn't exactly long, since it showed off my stomach. Each hand had black fingerless gloves on them, they could cover up to my elbows if i wished, but i'd had them pushed down just to my wrists.

"Come now, everyone has to work for there food around here, one way or another." One of the men spoke up from behind the guy who was keeping me against the wall. It was clearly safe to say they'd be the kind for doing 'dirty work' with or without anyone telling them to.

"I say we teach her a lesson." The other said, reaching for his belt buckle.
Snake followed the sounds of struggle to the back of the store where he spotted two men holding a woman He could tell by their words exactly what they had in mind. He despised anyone who would take advantage of someone weaker then them and even though he didn't like to get involved in anything that went on Snake just couldn't let what was about to happen to this woman happen. Snake dropped his bag onto the ground, when it hit a loud thud echoed around the area making the two men turn around. "Just keep walking stranger this doesn't concern you" ,one of the men yelled out. Ignoring what the man said Snake slowly began walking towards him, "Are you fucking deaf get the fuck outta here man" ,the man continued. When Snake reached him the guy went to swing but was blocked then punched in the face, the man quickly grabbed his nose which was now bleeding and screamed out in pain which alerted his buddy. Soon Snake had both men coming after him and one was wielding a hunting knife.

The two men lunged toward Snake and the one with the knife managed to slice across Snake's abdomen but even with the wound he received Snake was still stronger and faster then both men combined. When the man went to swing the blade again Snake grabbed his arm and made the man stab himself in the throat. After the first man fell the other went to run but Snake grabbed him from behind and snapped his neck. He then picked up his bag and began to walk off towards his hideout not wanting anything else to do with the place or anyone around it.
My eyes looked from the guys over to the man that had shown up just at the same time the guys had turned and looked to him as well. As he started walking away though i looked at the guys, unmoving before back up to the stranger. My eyes where at his back as i watched him leaving. Once i figured it was a safe distance between him and me i moved, following after him, staying hidden from his gaze if he looked back, but also keeping an eye out and around for anyone else that may pass by, or even possibly with him. It wasn't normal for anyone to really help others, or people like me, drifters not really in either of the gangs, but knowing a few people in each here and there. That was probably the main reason i was following him. The erg to know just who he was, or if he was in a gang or not.

The farther he seemed to get away from the towns, the more it showed he probably wasn't in a gang, yet it still didn't mean he wasn't. Hanging back to the shadows and staying low, as hide places where no longer easy to find. My eyes eventually stopped searching when i'd seen nobody else around to really worry about, and let my eyes land more on him, and where he was going, hoping like hell it wasn't just some trap though.
It was a long walk back to his hideout but that's exactly how Snake liked it the distance made it less likely for anyone to want to follow him the whole way there. As he walked he had the feeling he was being followed but every time he looked behind him there was no one in sight, still that didn't mean he wasn't being followed. The man was very cautious and had kept his location hidden for years and he wasn't about to have anyone figure out his whereabouts, not after all the years of working to stay hidden. Right before he reached his hideout, his home, he turned and hid behind some bushes and waited. As soon as he seen the woman draw closer he pulled one of his guns from the holster on the side of his leg and waited for her to pass before grabbing her from behind. He pressed the gun to her head, "What do you want? Why are you following me?" ,Snake asked quietly in her ear.
I went tense the second he'd grabbed me. Leaning my head slightly to try and look back at him past his gun, glaring just down the barrel. I didn't exactly have a reason that would sound good, i was sure, but what i had would have to do anyway. "No man just walks around helping people out around here. And i want to know why you did." I told him, but keeping my hands in my pockets for the moment, gripping at a small hidden blade in the right pocket in case it might be needed. "That, and i guess i wanted to thank you for it." I added on, even though i'd never been one to like getting help, but dealing with things on my own. Made me feel like i couldn't actually handle myself when people did.

"You planning on shooting me for something like this?" I asked, trying to see his face, and just who he was, or what he had to hide, all without really turning around in the proses of doing so. That was about the time my eyes landed on where he'd been cut. Without saying anything my hard gaze flickered back to the shadows that seemed to hide his face. "And, your hurt." I quickly added on.
Snake listened as the woman spoke she was right no one did just go around helping people the way he had just helped her unless you were part of a gang, if you weren't affiliated you were on your own. "I don't walk around helping people" ,Snake stated simply. It was true he never really had to help anyone usually he was a loner and only worried about staying hidden and safe. "I was just there and couldn't ignore what was going on I would be wrong if I did" ,he continued. Snake then placed his gun back into his holster and sighed, "I guess I can't shoot you for wanting to thank me and if I shot you what would be the point of me saving your ass" ,Snake stated. He made his way to the front of the woman but he still kept himself hidden underneath his hood, "I don't like visitors but if you can keep a secret then I'll feed you before I kick your ass out". Snake knew the woman had stolen from the store and that was why the men had held her up and were about to have their way it was a fucked up punishment for such a petty crime but there weren't any rules or laws anymore so people were free to do what they wanted and treat people however they wanted.

It wasn't like Snake to offer help so blatantly but he couldn't just let someone starve either, he motioned for the woman to follow him then turned around and began to walk into the cave that he had made into his home over the years. When they reached the cave he pulled the curtain made of vines and leaves away from the entrance and made his way inside and put his bag of goods down. He looked to the woman, "Have a seat wherever you want" ,Snake told her. There was a couch and a bed in the cave along with a few make shift tables and a recliner. Snake lit up a few lanterns and set them on the tables, the man was stocked with nearly everything he could need or want, he had been living there for years and had truly made it into a home.

After the cave was fully lit Snake grabbed one of the first aid kits he had stacked against one of the walls of the caves and set it on the only table that wasn't makeshift in the cave. He then removed his cloak and threw it onto the back of the couch then removed his shirt so that he could clean and stitch the gash in his abdomen. He opened the first aid kit and pulled out some iodine and rubbing alcohol along with some stitches and gauze. Snake poured the rubbing alcohol directly onto the wound and gritted his teeth in pain as the alcohol cleaned out the wound. After cleaning the wound with the alcohol he put some iodine onto some of the gauze pads and further cleaned out the wound before stitching it up. When he was finished stitching himself up Snake covered the stitches so that they would stay in tact and clean.
I gave him a glare for his remark. I wouldn't have called it saving in my book, more like lending a hand really. "I would have managed them on my own, one way or another." I grumbled under my breath at him, almost so that it couldn't be heard as i followed after him, staying back some from him. My eyes scanned the place over and i only glanced at him when he said for me to have a seat, before my eyes scanned once again. I could see why he didn't stay close to the towns, nothing to really worry about as far as the crime went anyway. Though, i couldn't really see whoever this was getting caught up in such things anyway, even if it was clear he had training for it or not.

Walking slow through the place, but not going to far around i watched him as the cloak came off. I couldn't believe just who it was. And in a way it seemed to explain a lot, not all, but just enough for now. I waited though until he was done as i leaned against one of the walls, arms crossed just over my chest. "I thought you where dead." My eyes scanning him over but resting finally at his face.
"Everyone thinks I'm dead and quite frankly I prefer it that way" ,Snake stated in response. He didn't really look at the woman while he moved around his home grabbing different food items to cook up for lunch. Snake pulled a cigarette from his pocket then lit it and took a long drag off of it then blew the smoke out slowly, lucky for him there were enough people who were smokers that there were still tobacco companies being run and he could get cigarettes of course when he did get them he made sure it was in bulk so he didn't have to deal with the person he bought them from that often. After taking a few drags off of his cigarette he lit a fire in the pit in the center of the cave away from all the furniture. He placed the grill onto the pit then opened a couple cans of chicken soup and poured it into a pot before setting it onto the fire to let it cook. Snake then grabbed two bottles of water from a shelf and handed one over to the woman, "It's piss warm but it's something" ,he stated simply before opening his own bottle and taking a sip.

When the soup finished cooking he put it into bowls and set them on the table he then grabbed a loaf of bread he had just bought at the store and ripped it in half and put one of the halves next to the bowl he set out for the woman. "" ,he told her as he began to eat his own food.
It was clear he wasn't the best with others by the way he talked, it seemed like him though none-the-less. He wasn't kidding about it being warm to say the least. I'd mostly only heard stories about the man, and that was it. Some more real, others just fixed up from words coming off the drunks that ran around some of the streets. Just stories though. I'd never bothered to think if he was alive. If i'd known though i was sure i'd probably gone out in search of him before to see about trying to get him to help with things. It took me a moment to pull my eyes away from him as i looked to the bottle of water for a moment, letting my thumb play with the paper wrapped around the middle of it, before taking a drink.

"I won't bother with trying to tell me just what to do, even if you did help me out the first time." I told him when he gave the order to sit and eat. Hesitating only for a second i moved though until i'd reached the bowl. In the end though, i did take a seat and ate, only a little more off to the side. Was just something about needing to have a wall at my back all the time, even when i was out on my own, before i'd followed him here. Meant less need to look over your shoulder all the time. "So, why all the way out here? Instead of hiding a little more among the people?" I asked, eyes pushing back over to him as i took my time eating.
The first time the woman spoke Snake simply looked at her quickly then went back to eating he wasn't much for conversation yet this woman seemed to wanna talk to him. He let out a low growl when the woman began asking questions he didn't answer, he didn't plan on answering until he finished his food if he even decided to answer. After he was finished eating he lit another cigarette and sat back to let his food settle a bit and looked at the woman sitting at the table with him. "I don't like being around people the further I am from them the better" ,he stated simply before taking a drag from his cigarette. He pushed the pack towards the woman as if offering her one, "So do you live in town? Do you have a place to go?" ,Snake asked. He didn't know why he even asked but it was too late to take it back, Snake wasn't one to usually care about much but he also didn't like seeing good people in danger and for some reason he felt that this woman had a knack for getting into trouble, he wasn't positive but he had a feeling and usually his gut wasn't wrong with things like that.

While Snake waited for the woman to answer he made his way over to the shelves he had all his canned goods on and grabbed a couple cans of fruit and brought them back to the table and sat down. He slid one of the cans toward the woman then butted his cigarette before opening his and taking a bite. "Not that I care much but you never told me your name" ,he stated after swallowing the bite of food he had in his mouth.
I didn't comment on him being so blunt about staying away from people, or bothering to point out the fact he still hadn't bothered with kicking me out yet anyway. "If you consider a place, being some place new each night, then yes and yes." I finally told him. It was clear that since i moved so much, i wasn't one of any gang, not that i hadn't thought about it a few times before, but it was also the fact that i knew neither would be so willing to let me in either. One because, they thought i wouldn't make the cut. The other, because i just seemed to bold and daring for my own good to them. "I don't smoke." I fibbed as i pushed the pack back over to him, when he'd slid it over to me. It was as clean of a lie as i could get it, and hoped it sounded convincing enough for the moment.

The second he brought up the idea of a name, i looked at him as if he was nuts. For somebody who wasn't much of a people person, i hadn't thought he was one to bother with names. "The name's Shade." I scratched it off as him probably wanting to know just who he was dealing with, or something along that line anyway if he might ever have a reason to hunt them down or something. I looked at the can for a moment though before opening it and eating. Once i was done though i diverted my eyes over to the wannabe door. "So... I take it this is the part where you kick me out now then right?"
Snake knew the woman was lying about being a smoker but he wasn't going to push her to take a cigarette if she didn't want it. He thought on what she had said about moving from place to place and the fact that she knew where he was now. The man didn't need anyone going off telling people that he was alive nor where he was staying. Usually anyone that decided to follow him ended up dead for the sake of keeping his whereabouts a secret. When she told him her name he didn't really respond he simply took another bite of food and chewed it up and swallowed it, after he finished the can of fruit he re lit the cigarette that he had put out halfway and puffed on it for a moment as he relaxed into his chair. "You're not going anywhere, the fact that you know where I am is reason for me not to let you go I don't want to kill you but I also don't want anyone figuring out where I am, I've stayed hidden for years I've been hidden since before this planet became a prison and I'll be damned if I'm found by anyone else so get comfortable because this is where you're staying" ,Snake stated. As much as he didn't want anyone around he didn't want to be found even more so he would have to learn to live with the woman to keep his location a secret.

He stood up from his chair and made his way over to the couch and sat down letting out a sigh of content as he did so he continued to puff on his cigarette as he let his body sink into the soft couch. Snake laid his head back and closed his eyes for a bit he knew the woman wouldn't attack him so he let his guard down for the time being.
I leaned back in the chair, arms crossing over my chest suddenly. It seemed almost like a fail that he wasn't going to be letting me leave now, or so he'd said anyway. Actually, i didn't plan on staying, i also wasn't exactly going to just up and tell anyone that he was still around, let alone where he was. I didn't rat people out who helped out, the few that was anyway. I couldn't stay to start with anyway. I had to get back, and i didn't plan on stating a reason as to where i would be going if i did just up and leave. My eyes followed him as he went and sat on the couch. I landed on a think for a while ass to what he may or may not do if i bothered with trying to leave or not. That thought didn't last long though as i tossed it to the back of my mind as i settled the chair back down, turning in it so that, my arms rested just over the back of the chair as i watched him, chin just over my hands resting there.

The second he closed his eyes i got up slowly, carefully, and making sure not to make a sound and backed up some, eyes staying on him before i turned, glancing over my shoulder just to be sure he hadn't moved and wouldn't as i slowly made my way for the opening of the cave. After about five steps, i took my eyes away from him and bolted for the door. He wasn't about to just keep me here, not if i could help it.
Snake kept his eyes closed even though he knew the woman had gotten up but as soon as she got close to the door he got up and quickly grabbed her by the waist and threw her onto the couch. "What's the fucking rush? You're safe hear you idiot why would you want to run?" ,Snake asked angrily. The woman was getting on his last nerve but he didn't trust her enough to keep her mouth shut to let her leave, "You either stay or I shoot you dead make a choice" ,he stated his face mere inches from hers. He then slammed his hand on the back of the couch right next to her head then turned away and continued to smoke his cigarette. "If you think I'm going to try anything nasty don't flatter yourself I'm not interested, the only reason I want you here is because I don't trust that you won't go running your fucking mouth about where I am so if you attempt to run again I'll shoot your fucking knees out so you can't walk" ,Snake threatened. He looked her dead in the face his expression both angry and annoyed.
"Please, the thought of you trying anything didn't even cross my mind." I snarled at him, trying to ignore the fact of his hand hitting the couch so close to me. "And besides, i don't have reason to tell anyone about where you are. Unless you give me one." I told him. "Though, if you plan on trying to shoot me, i might just-." I stopped and looked away from him for a second. "Look, i won't go anywhere. But if you plan on keeping me here, then at least let me get some air before you probably lock me away some place for who knows how long." I sighed ducking under his arm carefully, a hand resting calmly on his arm as i did so before removing it as i got up. He could try and stop me if he wanted. But, one way or another, i was going to go out side. "Baby sit if you want even." I then added on as i stood next to him.

I hoped though with this, i wouldn't have to worry about anyone bothering to search around the last place i'd been, or if they did, they wouldn't find anything and just keep on moving, or maybe even help out some. I knew only one person who'd help the person i was trying to get back to, but the chance of them even finding them where slim to start with.
"I have no intention of locking you away what the fuck do I look like a kidnapper? I ain't gonna chase you around if you try and run away like I said I'm gonna shoot you" ,he then looked at her hand that was rested on his arm until she removed it. "Go ahead and get some air but I'm coming with you, oh and I don't like your attitude" ,Snake replied angrily as he finished up his cigarette and threw it into the fire pit. The man was getting angrier by the minute and was at his wits end with this woman he couldn't understand why she would want to run away from safety and decline his kindness, something Snake Plissken wasn't known for at all. He grabbed her arm then shoved her toward the door, "Let's go outside if you want some air" ,he stated angrily.

He made his way out of the cave and walked around while he walked he lit another cigarette he knew he had just put one out but his stress level was so high that he had begun chain smoking. "I almost forgot why I never gotten into a relationship but you've reminded me, women can drive a man fucking nuts" ,he snapped before taking a drag off of his cigarette and blowing the smoke out slowly.
"I can say the same about you're attitude, but i haven't yet." I told him, pulling away from him when he pushed me to the door. I sighed once we where outside though and walked a little before finding a place and sitting there. "You know, it's men like you that just might not understand women, that make it seem so hard to work with, and there for driving guys like you nuts." I dropped to my back, placing my arms up and locking my hands behind my head, enjoying the air for the moment. "Also, never said anything about a kidnapper." I spoke suddenly, watching the sky. I looked away from the sky long enough so that i could look over at him. Wasn't like i knew he would head back inside with me out here, that and i could smell the smoke from his cigarette letting me know he was out here still. It felt so wrong having somebody watching me like this, but it seemed i'd have to get use to it now. At some point though, i knew he wouldn't be able to keep an eye on me. He would either have to go out for some reason, or send me out. Though, whenever that might be, i wasn't exactly to sure.

I'd never bothered with relationships, and yet it sounded like he'd tired at some point or another in the past. I just never saw the point of it with the world the way it was. Not any real decent men around to start with anyway. "Let me guess, you'd rather i didn't talk at all. Am i right?" I asked rolling over to my stomach to get a better look at him.
Snake didn't listen too much as the woman rambled on he was trying his best to ignore her as a matter of fact. When she mentioned not talking at all Snake looked at her, "You catch on quickly" ,he stated before taking another drag off of his cigarette. He paced around a bit still keeping his eye on her before finally sitting down on a nearby tree stump. Snake looked the woman in the face seeing that she had been looking at him soon he found himself having a sort of staring contest with the woman he sighed then looked away taking another drag from his cigarette. The man then fell into deep thought yet again he wondered if it was worth it to keep her around even if it meant his location being revealed by letting her go. After a few moments he stood up and gave her a nasty look before walking back into the cave he had made up his mind if the woman was going to run now was her chance.

When he got inside the cave he put his cigarette out and laid down on the couch and looked towards the door to see if she would come back in, he doubted it but there was still the chance that she'd come to her senses and realize that she would be safest there with him. He didn't want to argue with the woman anymore and he figured she would make a decision on her own he just hoped if she decided to leave she'd keep her damn mouth shut about him and where he was.
I smirked slightly when he looked away after having him watch me for what felt like forever. When he went back inside though i was slightly shocked and just watched, waiting for him to come back out to make sure i wasn't going to any place. When he didn't come back though, i rolled and sat up, looking back to where the town was at, just watching from where i sat, and enjoyed the air while i was there for the moment before i got up. I looked back to the cave for a second then back out to where the town was at. I wanted to move to it, but then i found myself taking a step back before i turned to face the cave with a sigh. "Fine, we'll place this game your way." I mumbled before looking over my shoulder to the town. "Stay low, and don't got spotted if you can help it." I said, mostly to myself, but as if there was somebody there with me when there wasn't as i watched the city line before heading back inside.

I didn't say anything as i went back inside, and looked to figure where he was at before finding a place away from him and sitting right up against one of the cave walls. I thought on telling him just how much of an ass he was, but stayed silent. If he wanted silence, then fine, i could give him that much at least. For how long, i couldn't promise anything before it would get to being something i wouldn't be able to stand.
Snake had drifted off to sleep for a bit and when he woke up he got off of the couch and looked over to where Shade was sitting then walked outside without a word. When outside he walked off a bit to go to the bathroom after he was finished he zipped his pants then made his way back into the cave and looked at Shade once more, "Well Well Well look who made the smart choice and stayed, you can have the bed I'll take the couch" ,he stated as he walked past her. He sat down in one of the chairs at the kitchen table to let himself wake up a bit before doing anything else. When he had woken up enough he stood up and tended to the fire a bit before putting a pot of water on it, he then grabbed a few buckets and made his way outside. When he got outside he took a walk over to a freshwater spring that was a little further into the woods and filled the two large buckets with water and carried them back to the cave. Snake put the two buckets down when he got inside then walked deeper into the cave where he had a lot more supplies stored as well as a really large metal tub that he dragged out to the lit area of the cave. After dragging the large heavy tub to where he wanted it he emptied the buckets into it then walked over to the pot that was on the fire to see if it was boiling yet. He wasn't really paying attention to the fact that Shade had decided to stay.

After a while it was clear what the man was doing, he was filling up the large tub so that he could wash up. When the tub was full he rigged up a sheet around it so that the woman couldn't see anything. "Don't come beyond this sheet until I come out" ,he stated before grabbing a bar of soap out of the bag he had carried back from the store where he had found Shade. He gave her one last look before making his way behind the curtain and stripping down, he then removed his bandages before climbing into the tub and sitting down a sigh of content escaped him as the warm water hit his skin and he began to wash off.

When Snake finished he dried off and got dressed then made his way back out to where the woman was, "You want to take a bath you do what I just did there's a spring a little further into the woods, it's small but it produces fresh water, fill up some buckets and boil a couple pots of water and dump it into that tub and that's pretty much it" ,he told her as he rebandaged his stitches. Snake then made his way back over to the couch and sat down again waiting to see what the woman's response was going to be.
I gave a simple shake of the head when he spoke of the bed. I didn't plan on sleeping in it, even if he asked me to. I stayed where i was at, not really bothering to much to keep an eye on him, even though i tossed a look up at him when he gave limits on where i could and couldn't go for the time-being. He was annoying, id give him that much anyway, but no less for now. I didn't bother with even getting up to find a different place while he took his little bath. Listening every know and then to the water, but not even looking in the direction it was coming from. I rolled my eyes at him however when he decided to give instructions on how to fill a tub up, as if i didn't really know how to. I took note of the springs though, and would have to be sure to go there later. I preferred the falling water better in a way if it was something like being out here.

I couldn't help but wonder just how well he might be able to handle the silence he practically asked for only moments ago. I looked as if i was about to say something but then thought better of it as i leaned my head back on the wall, tossing him a faint glare before looking away from him.
Snake ignored the looks the woman kept giving him he figured that she was going to be pretty pissed off for a while so he wasn't going to bother her too much. He walked around the cave as he put all the stuff he had bought at the store away in the proper places, if Shade was sure about staying he would have to show her where everything went eventually but he wasn't going to bother today. When he was finished putting everything away he grabbed a deck of cards and threw them onto the table he then looked over at Shade and without saying a word opened the deck of cards and set up a game of solitaire to pass the time until later on when he'd go out hunting for some real meat.

As he played the game his eyes kept glancing over at Shade to see what she was doing. After he finished his game he stood up from the table and went deeper into the cave obviously looking for something. When he came back out he was carrying a hunting rifle and a box of ammo. "I'll be back in a little while you can come if you want to if whatever you want just don't fuck with my stuff" ,Snake stated before making his way out of the cave.
My eyes caught on him as he moved, watching what he did, and even though i couldn't exactly stand the looks he kept tossing over at me from time to time, even while he played his little game of cards. I'd more-or-less curled up against the wall, knees close to my chest, arms folders over top of them, chin resting just on top of them. I got tired of seeing him look over her there, and so i simply turned my head to face another way for the while. I only shifted my gaze when he got up. My eyes touched the gun he had in hand just before his face as he spoke then left. He could hunt on his own. I wasn't big on guns, made to much noise for my liking and so i'd never really bothered with them before. That and i didn't feel like possibly getting in his way so i stayed where i was.

I listened until i couldn't here his foot steps anymore and still listened after that. I wasn't sure how long i'd sat there, almost unmoving until i could feel my body sliding to the side on it's own. I let it until i was more settled into a place on the wall, shutting my eyes in the silence for a while before i decided to finally get up, heading back outside and sitting there, just next to the opening of the cave, having puled out the Green Beret pocket knife i had on me, and played with it, dropping it into the ground from time to time, watching it sit there before doing it again.
Snake looked around as he walked deeper and deeper into the woods for a good spot to hide and hunt. After walking for about a half an hour Snake found a good spot to keep himself hidden from anything that walked by. It took a while before Snake seen anything after about an hour a deer walked by, it was a large buck that would most definitely keep him and Shade fed for a few days at least. He aimed his gun at the deer and took his shot, hitting the animal the first shot, the deer fell to the ground. Snake then walked up to it and put a bullet into it's head to kill it fully before picking it up and putting it onto his shoulders.

By the time Snake got back to the cave he was worn out from carrying the large animal back. He laid the deer down out side the cave then went inside. When he came back out he had a large hunting knife with him and a large tarp, he laid the tarp down onto the ground and placed rocks onto each corner to keep it in place he then put the dead deer onto the tarp and got to work on butchering it. The sight definitely wasn't pleasant but in the end the meat was delicious and filling.

When he was finished cutting up the deer he took the meat into the cave and set it onto the largest of the tables. He then grabbed some foil from one of the shelves and wrapped all but two steaks he took the wrapped ones and carried them into one of the darker sections of the cave where he had a large cooler filled with ice, it was melting a lot but it was still ice cool and would keep the meat fresh for at least a couple days. Snake washed the blood from his hands in the tub he had took a bath in earlier then put the steaks onto the fire pit and pulled a chair up and sat down while the meat cooked.
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