OH Baby(sitter) (Wolvenrogue and Frogger)


Aug 21, 2011
28 year old Jason Thomas had been married only 3 years on that fateful day. He had hurried home from work to meet his wife for their weekly date. He opened the door and answered with the usual and cheery "Honey I'm home! Tonight he would get no answer. The house was dark and quiet. He dialed her cell phone and got no answer. It wasn't like his wife Jennifer to be late getting home from the babysitters. She always left at 4 so she would be home in time to get sexy for their date.

Jason was nervous. He called the baby sitters house. Their daughter Jeanine was there and Jenny had headed home over an hour ago, this couldn't be good. Jason's worst fears were about to be confirmed as a squad car pulled into his driveway. "Jason Thomas?" the officer asked as Jason went outside to meet the officer. "I'm here to take you to County Hospital, Your wife has been in a serious accident. She was hit head on by a drunk driver."

Jason would come home to an empty house for the first time since he had married Jennifer. He brought Jeanine in and put her to bed, his shoulders shaking over the loss of his beautiful wife.

It was two weeks later, and Jason had exhausted his available leave time. He had to find a regular sitter for Jeanine, and someone to fix meals and clean house a bit. What he really needed was a wife, but that he wouldn't admit. He placed a classified ad and started interviewing. He rejected applicant after applicant, they just didn’t meet his standards. He had one more interview scheduled, and he was tired of the process, but he had to continue. He didn't care how long it took, he was determined to find the right person. His lat appointment was at 7:30, and the doorbell rang right on time.
The night was beautiful, with stars twinkling coldly and distantly in the navy blue blanket that encompassed this side of the earth. The trees were like dark solitary trees against it. Once in a while an icy cold breeze wafted through, rustling the few leaves still clinging on to dear life. Wintertime was close, hovering overhead as an ominous storm would, threatening rain. For this situation though, it was threatening snow and sleet and who knows what else will come.

A young woman lingered in the doorway, shivering and gathering her jacket tighter around her shoulders. Though only 24 years old, she was quite experienced in taking care of children, and truly loved watching over them no matter how old they are. At the moment she was working towards earning her degree in nursing, with her specialty being pediatrics. It has taken her many years to have gotten as far as she has, and finally she was close to receiving that certificate.

Her hair was a dark, almost fiery red, curling slightly about her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were just as breathtaking, such a bright blue that it was hard to compare the color to any other. The clothes she wore were simple and conservative, with a dress that went down to her knees and a jacket over top. Its purple color was warm and inviting against her porcelain skin. There were even freckles sprinkled along the bridge of her nose and her cheeks.

When the man answered the door she smiled immediately in response. “Good evening,” she greeted, offering her hand to him. “My name is Carisa Matthews. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m here for the interview at 7:30.”
"Your right on time" he said. The man standing before her was a bit over 6 feet tall, and his muscular frame was a perfect V shaped torso stacked on muscular thighs. His body showed the effects of weekly trips to the gym, and an active lifestyle. His short sandy hair and frosty blue eyes, set off the chiselled features and smooth taught skin that defined his face. His 170 lbs was clearly all muscle. He was dressed in a powder blue poloshirt and a well fitting pair of khakis.

Extending his huge hand, he took hers and shook it gently. Then asked her to come in. He offered a cup of freshly brewed Hawaian Coffee and had her sit down on the sofa chair, and took a seat on the love seat opposite it in the living room. Though the house obviously needed attention, it was clear that it had seen a woman's touch recently. They chatted for a while about her qualifications for child care and eventually he asked if she would like to see the child for which she would be caring. He took her up to the babies room and letting the light which enetered the room from the hall iluminate the crib let the young woman enter and look at the infant as she slept. Her hair was a beautiful natural red color and even at such a young age it was obvious that she was her father's daughter. She had a cute button nose, and he smile even in sleep was endearing.

They quietly closed the door and went back down stairs. There was something about this woman that just felt familiar, and Jason felt comfotable with her. He didn't know why, but he was certain that he had the right candidate, and decided to offer her the position. "Would you be interested in caring for Jeanine and taking on the household duties here? I can offer either a generous wage, or adequate expense mony as well as free room and board. I have a guest room that could be yours. It has a private bath as well."
"Jeanine is such a sweetheart." Carisa told him, her cheeks flushed pink and her eyes bright with adoration. It was obvious that she loved children, and the little girl won her over within minutes. "I would love to take care of her and take on the household duties here. Whatever wage you can offer is fine. You...You can offer free room and board? That...would be fabulous for me. I would hate to intrude...but you live much closer to the college than I do. I hate having to drive there. Traffic is always so annoying....not to mention the kids walking around without any care in the world. Is it alright if I stay?" The redhead paused at the base of the stairs, the lights playing over her hair like it was a live fire. Even strands of copper and gold could be detected in the red locks.

She was polite, and her hands were folded demurely in front of her. Though her clothes were simple, her figure was hard to conceal. The swell of her breasts pushed against the fabric of the dress, and the lines of it accentuated the width of her hips. Black sandals adorned her feet. On her wrist was a delicate silver watch, its face a pretty blue and with the design of a butterfly etched into the surface. No other jewelry was worn except for a plain silver necklace.

The man certain is handsome….. This fact she couldn’t help but noticing the moment her eyes landed on him. It was like they were drawn to her, like a moth to a flame. His chiseled features….almost like some ancient God was standing in his glory before her. Not to mention those frosty blue eyes….it made her wonder just how they would look once that ice melted under someone’s touch.
“Were you meaning tonight?” He was a bit surprised and more than a little hopeful that that was was what she meant, and the hopefulness was evident in his voice. “I don't see why not. We can get to know each other better, and I won't have to drive Jeanine to the sitter's in the morning. It will make getting to work on time a lot easier.” When he had opened the door to let her in, he hadn't seen a car. “How did you get here? I didn't see a car. Will you need help moving your things? We can do that after work tomorrow.” “I get up at 6 am and eat about 6:30. It would really be great to be able to eat with you and Jeanine in the morning.”

Suddenly he was excited, being at home alone had been rough on the man, and just being able to wake up to some conversation in the morning was something he was looking forward to. He couldn't help admiring her body and wondering what all those nice curves would look like without all the dress clothing she had worn for the interview. “Would you like to get settled in your room?” He was trying not to seem too eager, but the truth was, he couldn't wait for Carisa to be a part of his life..
Carisa’s lips parted, the light shimmering over them wetly. Before the interview she had applied a thin layer of lip gloss, mostly out of nervousness than any need to have it on. A hand came to rest on a smooth cheek. The nails were unpainted, though neatly cut short. “Oh…I didn’t even think about moving in tonight… I thought you would need some time to prepare the room. To make arrangements. I didn’t bring any of my things with me… All I have is my purse and my keys. If I was to move in tonight I will have to go back to my apartment and pack at least a change of clothes… That way tomorrow, I can pack more and return in time for dinner. Would that be alright with you?”

The woman was quite lovely. It was obvious that she was a bit shy, though not to the point where it paralyzed her ability to speak to him. Her manner was warm yet professional. A faint pink blush had colored her cheeks, adding another touch of beauty to her simple features. “Have you eaten tonight? If you want, I can pick up something for us to eat on the way back… or make dinner. I haven’t had anything since eleven.”
"That would be fine! I havent eaten yet myself." He hadn't seen a car and she hadn't said whether she had one so he assumed she had taken the bus. "Why don't you take my wife's car, you can get used to it, since it will be available for you to use whenever you like." He began to choke abit at his own words, and a tear rolled down his cheek. He coughed, then cleared his throat. "I'm sorry... its only been 2 weeks since her funeral" He handed her the keys to the Mercedes Stationwagon in the driveway. "put them on your keychain, you may use the car as if it were your own. Jeanine's car seat is already installed in it." He handed her two twenty dollar bills. "Get something nice for dinner, and whatever you like to drink. I'll just get out some fresh linens for you and you'll be all set. "See you in about an Hour?" he asked.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose… I can just take the bus like I did in order to get here…” Carisa looked at the keys, feeling a bit awkward and as though she was stepping over some invisible boundary line into forbidden territory. Although the car would be a more practical choice, she didn’t want to make her new employer uncomfortable in any way. “I mean, I-“ It was then that she noticed the tear rolling down his cheek, glistening like a piece of crystal. There was a stab of sympathy right in her heart as he told her of his wife’s death. Loss was something she was all too familiar with. Recently there was a death in the family, and although it had been some time since she had seen her sister, the ache was still there.

Stepping forward, she offered him a soft white handkerchief, one with a delicate purple embroidery along the edges. “I’m sorry to hear that…” she told him softly. Now that she was closer, he could smell the shampoo she used that very morning. It was subtle and pleasant, treading on exotic what with moon-flowers and something akin to sandalwood combined to make it. “I’ll pick up dinner… but you don’t have to worry about the car. You shouldn’t give up something like that until you are ready. I’ll return as quickly as possible.” The redhead flashed him a shy smile, a pretty blush along her nose.
"No No! I want you to take it.. The car is just a car. Besides you will need it when you care for Jeanine, get used to it, its yours however you want or need to use it. I have my own, its just going to sit in the driveway. Please! use it, put the key on your key chain like I said. You don't know how glad I am you came here tonight. I was beginning to think I'd never find the right person. So about an hour? right?" he said managing a smile again. We'll talk more in a bit when you get back.
He stood up and couldn't resist hugging her. It felt so darn good, the house had seemed empty since Jenny had been gone. It warmed his heart.
Carisa froze, having not expected the hug. It felt nice though. His body was warm and firm, his arms strong around her slim body. One hand pressed lightly onto the small of his back, rubbing there. “If you insist…I’ll take the car. I just didn’t want to accept it when you might not be ready to let it go.” She closed her eyes, leaning her head against his chest. Because of her full height of five foot seven, she was only able to reach it. In fact she was quite petite in comparison to the man holding her in such a tight embrace. Although she had lovers, and even a few boyfriends, this hug felt so much warmer than anything she’s experienced with any one of them. There was so much emotion behind it. Maybe… he missed having another person in the house? Could that be it? Perhaps…

“Is there anything in particular you would like to have for dinner? Chicken? Chinese? Or should I just pick up some things from the grocery store and make something for you here? It’s really up to you… It doesn’t matter to me. So you pick.” She smiled bigger, resting her other hand on his side.
He had been eating out for two weeks and the tought of a home cooked meal sounded great. "Would you mind fixing something? he said. What ever you fix would be wonderful I'm sure. To be honest, I've been eating take out for two weeks and something home cooked would be wonderful, and really ... please use the car. I want you to. Please. "

Though he hated to, he released her from the hug, and let her be on her way. He really couldn't believe this was actually happeneing, could it be any better? He was nearly walking on air as he set clean sheets and towels on the end of the bed that would be hers. and then tidied up in the bathroom she would use. It didn't need much, Jennifer had always been a good housekeeper. The thought made him cry, but he shook it off just in time to hear Carisa come in the door with an armload of groceries.
“Hello! I’m back!” Carisa announced, stumbling into the foyer with an armload of groceries. “I’m sorry I was gone for so long, but it took longer than I thought it would.” A soft laugh bubbling up into the still air, she managed to close the door behind her by using a foot. It was musical in quality just like her voice, though it wasn’t because of any effort on her part. As a child she attended singing lessons in both elementary and middle school, even taking part of the choir. The only thing she regretted was not doing the same for high school. Instead she had been wrapped up in electives like art and gym, not giving in to her love of music for many years to come. If she could though, she would love to buy some sort of instrument. Perhaps a flute, or a clarinet. The bass section was never something she could do.

Moving into the kitchen she set down the bags on the counter, taking out the various items to put up for now. “I wasn’t sure what it is you would be craving…so I bought enough groceries to last the week. I hope that’s alright. If we need anything, such as more milk, I can just run back down to the store and buy some more. That won’t be a problem. Do you have any allergies I need to know about? I don’t want to accidentally cause you to have a reaction to something I make.”
He saw the receipt on the table and picked it up it was for way more than he'd given her. He opened his wallet and took out a hundred dollar bill and a visa card. Seeing her purse sitting on the table, he dropped both into it. "Next time use the card. You don't need to buy the groceries here . Thats my responsibility. I'll get you a card with your own name on it in a few days." he helped her carry in the gorceries and then brought the suitcase she had packed in and carried it to her room. When he came back down, he helped her put away the groceries and as she worked to load the refridgerator, he walked up behind her and couldn't resist sliping an arm around her as he had Jenny so many times before.
Carisa gasped quietly, pale skin taking on a rosy pink tone to convey her uncertainty for this situation. “No…I don’t mind buying the groceries and such. I would prefer it if I was able to help more about the house… Jeanine seems to be a sweet little girl who won’t give me much trouble. At least let me take on the cleaning, buying and cooking. Please?” One of her hands hesitantly rested on the arm he slipped around her waist, patting it. Her back was pressed against his chest. Her hair took on life of its own, shimmering and crackling, flowing like molten lava halfway down her back. The sweet pleasant scent from earlier was even stronger now that he was literally inches away.

“I can use my own card and money. Really, please don’t bother getting me my own card. I can take care of buying what we need.”
"no no, your a student, I have more than enough money , please?" he turned her to look in her eyes. "nothing would make me feel better just now". He had, without even realizing slipped his arms around her. "Please?". he let her go and went about putting away the groceries. It all felt so right to him. It just seemed natural. A small cry was heard form jeanine's bedroom and he hurried up the stairs. He returned a minute later with the little girl in her father's arms. "well Jeanine, this is Carisa, I hope you like her as much as I do." he was no longer woried about what he said, he felt completely at ease around the young woman, though he hadn't given a thought to the reasons why.
“Hello, sweetie. It’s nice to see you up and about.” Carissa gently lifted the little girl from her father’s arms to cradle her with her own. “My name is Carisa. I hope we get to be great friends.” As always, her silly little heart began to melt towards the child. A few fingers stroked over the red locks affectionately, finding them to be as soft as velvet. Maybe even silk. “Now. Do you have any ideas of what to have to eat? Your father isn’t helping me out in the least. I want to make something yummy. Maybe some chicken and macaroni and cheese. Or does something else sound good to you?” Holding her close and to her hip, putting up the last of the groceries and then leaning against the counter. It was obvious that she was already very fond of Jeanine, though they just met.

Raising her dark blue eyes, the redhead smiled at Jason, giggling lowly in the back of her throat. “Mr. Thomas? Do you have any preferences as to what to have for dinner?”
"suprise me please" came his reply. It was incredible seeing his daughter with her. It almost seemed as though Jenny had returned. The baby took to heras though it was her mother, and nothing could make Jason feel better than that.
He sat in a kitchen chair and watched as the young woman made dinner , his baby on her hip, and realized he had been given a great gift, and that Carisa was exactly who sho be here with hime and Jeanine.
Carisa sang softly to the little girl, finding delight in her giggles and cooing. A pot was pulled out, and soon boiling water was making popping noises as she dumped some macaroni into it. After turning down the temperature, she went on to prepare the chicken. In order to do that though she needed both her hands. “Mr. Thomas? Can you hold onto Jeanine while I work on dinner?”

Each step was gentle and the transfer of arms went successful. When that was done the redhead went back to the stove, seasoning the chicken with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Then she opened the oven and slipped the pan inside the gaping mouth. “This should be ready soon. Is there anything you want me to do before dinner?” With a smile she turned to him, holding her hands behind her back demurely.
"Won't you please call me Jason? Every time you say Mr. Thomas, I look around wondering if my dad is here." he loved how secure Jeanine seemed to be in his arms. She seemed just as happy as she had ever been on Jenny's hip. when he took her back, Jeanine seemed almost dissapointed, and thoough it tugged at heis heart a little, it made him feel secure that he had made the right choice. Carisa was nearly all he could possibly expect and more. He grew hungry at the smell of a home cooked meal and try as he might, he couldn't resist cozying up to her as she worked at the stove, Jeanine still in his arms. He loved how Jeanine smiled when he did it. When Carissa turned around, her hanad behind her back and asked if there was something she could do, his heart nearly lept from his chest, and it was all he could do to keep from pulling her into a tight embrace, and kissing her passionately. Instead he said "lets go sit on the couch and talk, I think Jeanine really likes you, and honestly so do I."
“Oh, um…alright. If that’s what you want.” Carisa was finding that her employer was nothing like she expected. For one thing, she didn’t think that he would want to get to know her better. Employees were to work, not socialize with those they work for. Though…in this case, some kind of personal interaction between them was inevitable. After all, they were going to be staying in the same house together. “How old is Jeanine, by the way?” she asked quickly. “I don’t know if she’s old enough to be eating solid foods…. Has she grown her teeth yet? Or is she still in the stage where she needs to eat soft foods? I want to make sure I’m feeding her right if I’m to be staying here for any length of time…” The woman went out into the living room with the little family, taking a seat right in the armchair across from the couch. Here they wouldn’t be too close. Some level of distance had to be maintained, after all. No matter what.
Jason looked dissapointed when she sat in the chair instead of on the sofa, but there wasn't much he could say. "She is eating solid foods he said . we have an assortment of "junior foods" to feed her. she is 14 months old. You can try her out on a few noodles from the mac and cheese he said smiling. He cuddled jeanine, but she started to fuss and reach out to Carissa. " I thnk she wants you, he said holding Jeanine out to her, The minute she was in Carissa's lap a smile crossed her face. Jason had seen her do this with Jenny before many times. "You're stealing her heart" he said to Carissa with a smile, "and mine too" he said. a minute later the buzzer sounded indicating that the chicken was done, and he took Jeanine back from Carissa so that she could finish dinner.
Carissa picked up the little girl, cuddling her before heading back into the kitchen. “I doubt that, Mr. Thomas. Jeanine just likes having a woman hold her. I’m sure that you have just been lonely around here. And I’m glad to hear that. Maybe this little sweetie can have some macaroni.” Tickling her belly, she paused next to him and handed the child back to her father. “Here, I need to have both hands before taking out the chicken. I would hate it if something happens to her.” Then she went into the kitchen and turned off the timer. Taking out some oven mitts she found in a drawer, adorning them before going on to remove the chicken. It was a nice golden brown, the aroma mouth-watering. “Mmm…perfect,” she hummed.
Jason got Jeanine's high chair and pulled it up to the table and strapped her securely in. He then helped Carisa to set the table. "The chicken smells wonderful" he said. He took a bit of the mac and cheese and spread it thin on a plastic saucer to cool. "We'll just let Jeanine play with this herself once it cools down. It's fun to watch her try and feed herself. Messy... but fun!" He had set their plates on oposite sides of the table, one on either side of Jeanine. "I'm pretty sure that Jeanine is fond of you. I've had other sitters before, but until you, she has never preferred them to me. Only her momma ever got that reaction. Don't worry about it though, I think its a good thing. Honestly."
He sat down to the table, and waited with Jeanine for dinner to be served.
"Oh...well that's great then. Jeanine is such a sweetie, I would hate it if she wasn't fond of me." Carisa served herself some macaroni and cheese, then some chicken. "After all, she does have to get used to me taking care of her. Is there any times that I need to be here? I'm sure I can make changes to my school schedule to be here while you are gone at work." The redhead was trying to keep their relationship strictly professional, that way things didn't get...uncomfortable in any way. It was just easier if it stayed that way. He was nice....and apparently smart, and he loved his daughter very much...handsome...but no. He was her employer. That's all they were going to be. "So. How do you like the food?" she asked, tasting the chicken for herself.
He reached over and tenderly covered her hand with his own. "Its wonderful!" he said. I'm glad you can be flexible. I work 7 am until 3:30 most days, and have the weekends off. I'd like it if your would take your classes in the evening after supper, and keep the weekends free so we can enjoy family time together. Its so important for Jeanine. She is bound to see you as her mother in time". He smiled as he said it, thinking of her as family and in particular as Janine's mother just seemed natural to him. "Did the car drive alright?" he asked. "You should feel free to rive it to school or anywhere you need it."
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