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Spirit Beast High

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Jul 29, 2012
Arron woke up and took a moment to look at his hands. "Yep." His hands were still really paws. "Well at lease I'm still a youngster." He hopped out of bed and got dressed before hopping out his window and climbing to the ground. This was the second he'd woken up in this strange world. He still wasn't sure it was real. Aaron smelled breakfast cooking with his new animal nose. "Well at least there's food."

((Let it begin!))
Betty woke up with a scream cause the last thing she remembered was being hit over and over again.she stopped screaming when she realized no one was hitting her. she was laying on some grass "weird do not remember grass being in the house". she sat up and when she did she grabbed her tail not knowing she had one till she looked down. she jumped up with a scream again looking at it "okay i'm in a coma and dreaming". she looked down to see she was covered in pink fur and wearing a white dress that was low cut and spagtii strap but she had no shoes on. she soon smelled food in the area and decided to go exploring to find out why she had pink fur and a tail last she checked she was human and did not have those things.
Logan rolled around on his bed as he slowly came to, opening his eyes slowly when he didn't exactly roll how he expected. It took his half asleep mind a few seconds to register the furred muzzle he was seeing...and a bit longer to notice his breasts...

"W-what?" he asked himself with a bit of a smile, looking back when he heard a thudding noise and seeing a tail. "Oh...a dream...of course..."

He shook his head and sighed a bit in disappointment, but the smell of breakfast snapped him out of it. It smelled so good! He quickly looked for something to throw on and left the room he was in to search for the food.
French toast. Really good french toast. There was a tray stacked high with french toast next to other trays that were all stacked just as high with sausage, bacon, biscuits and lots of other breakfast foods.

Aaron figured this place had to be on the side of Limbo that was closer to Heaven. He didn't really know if it worked like that, Sounded good though. Than he glanced at the door just in time to see another person coming to eat. She wasn't wearing much. He couldn't help but stare at her.
Betty walked into the room smelling the food and glanced around the place. Betty slowly made her way more into the room and took a look about the place. she tugged at her dress feeling nervous and then she saw Aaron and she wanted to scream the guy had fur and looked like a Ermine on two legs and he also had a tail. she swallowed hard feeling like she was in a dream maybe she was beat to death and this was her new life after death she was not sure.
He....She? walked into what she assumed was the cafeteria and looked around, nearly drooling at all the food stacked and ready to be eaten. She walked to grab a plate and saw two others, making her stop for a moment. It seemed like a guy and a girl... The guy looked like a....ferret? Weasel maybe? And the girl was a pink cat. She shrugged, she's had weirder dreams before, and stacked food on her plate before walking towards the guy. She might as well be sociable, it was just a dream after all.

"Hi...where are we?" She asked as she sat down.
Aaralyn thrashed about still stuck in her dreams. Rolling off her bed she awoke looking around. She noticed the fur that now covered where porcalain skin once was. A scream came to her lips but before she could scream something occurred to her... she was still alive. Last thing she remembered her mare was stomping her face in. Standing on hooves was a bit hard and her body mostly heir chest seemed to jiggle her off balance but this was how it was.

She walked from the room and the thick scent of food smacked into her. She was hungry and hurried towards the place the smell was originating from. Running into the room and seeing the others she became aware that her clothing didn't leave much for the imagination. She stopped and tried to stutter out a hello.
Aaron looked away from the cat girl to see who was walking toward him. It was a dog... no... wolf woman. He wasn't really sure how to say hello to her. The last wolf he introduced himself to responded with what looked like disgust. He thought about it too long and she asked him a question before he could think of anything to say.

"Oh..." It took him a moment to find his words. "This is Spirit Ani... I mean... Spirit Beat High. It's... like Heaven, but... hehe... less Heavenly and more fuzzy."
Logan looked at the...stoat? 'Yeah, that's what he is!' with a puzzled look. Heaven? She turned, hearing another person enter with her now better hearing and saw a Cow lady enter in, a bit light on the clothing and quickly looked back to the person in front of her with a tiny blush.

"So...a fuzzy heaven? Like...heaven heaven?" She tapped her fingers on the table as her tail wagged a bit. "Then we're...dead? I guess that does explain the dream where I was stabbed..." With a shrug she started eating the bacon on her plate, enjoying every bite. "I'm Logan by the way."
Betty finnely moved and headed to get some food. once she got herself a plate she stood there looking at the tables. she let her tail swish back and forth not sure on where to sit. she felt alone for the first time in her life and scared to death and this time she did not know who to run to for help. she wanted to curse her ex hubby's name but she did not for she hated to wish ill on him even thou he beat her to death. she slowly made her way over to a girl who looked like a cow and what looked like to her a wolf girl . she looked at the three not saying a word for she was so scared and nervous she lost her train of thought.
Aaron pondered for a moment on just what he should say to... "Logan?" He tried not to put his foot in his mouth. He had met people the day before who seemed to come from so far in the past or future he gave up on trying to find what wouldn't piss them off. Still he wasn't able to fully stop himself from vocalizing the name as a question.
She blinked a few times at the question before nodding. "Yes?" She asked, not quite used to being in a female body and still munching down on the food.

She turned around to see the pink cat and patted the seat next to her. "Want a seat? There's plenty of room" She smiled, for some reason she just ease. For the first time in a long while. "You too miss!" she called to the other girl.
Aaron shrugged and gave up on trying to figure out what was up with this girl. He waved at the food. "The seats are free, ladies. So is the food. Doesn't look like anyone else is up." He smiled at the cat for a moment and was unable to stop himself from examining her body. He didn't quite know what to think of her being a cat person, but she was quite attractive to him.

The wolf girl's clothing didn't catch his eye as much and the other girl (a cow?) wasn't close enough for him to check her out.
betty sat down next to the wolf girl known as logan and said "My name is betty ". she said it in a quite voice looking down at her food. she picked up a strip of bacon and nibbled on it giving herself something to do. she was deep thought so she had dead her hubby beat her death the man she grew to love. She could always make new friends and start over. she decided to do just that start over forget the past this was the present after all there was nothing she could do about her death.
"Nice to meet you Betty" She reached over to shake Betty's hand, and as she did her hand brushed against her breasts, making her remember that she was a girl now.

"Oh right...I have these here..." She groped herself for a moment before remembering where she was and blushing deeply. "I uh...I'm not used to them..."
Betty blushed and said "nice to meet you to Aaron and Logan". she was not sure why the girl had a males name but that did not bother her. she took anther bite of bacon finishing up the other peace. she looked and the group and asked "how long have you all been here and I was thinking about exploring the area anyone want to come along"?
"It's nice to meet you too Aaron." Logan said, bowing her head a bit. At least people here seemed polite...she took a few more bites of her food, getting full quickly.

"I've only been here for a few minutes...woke up here." She told the cat, wagging her tail again. "But I'd be interested in looking around."
"I showed up yesterday morning." Aaron took another moment to glance at Betty's body and outfit. I'd like to explore the outfit. He cleared his throat. "From what I'm told this place is like a school where people learn to act like animals. Well... It's not as simple as that, I guess. There's still a lot to figure out."
Betty nodded and said to Aaron "you seem like a nice guy and know a little more then i do for i just woke up mind showing us ladys around the school ". She hope he said yes for she wanted to get to know him and Logan and the cow girl so that way she had some friends here.
"It would be a pleasure, ma'am." He thought for a moment. "Ya'll mind if I ask a personal question?" He went ahead and asked. "I died in 1973. Yesterday I met a man who died in 1786 and a woman who died in 2044. My question is; when are you people from?"
Logan shrugged, thinking of other names to go by now that he was actually female. "Well...last thing I remember was in 2002...not sure if that's when I died or not..." She studied Aaron a bit curiously, 1973...nearly a good 30 years before her. "How are we here together if we died at different times? You'd think we'd all have died at the same time..right?"

After a few moments of thinking she smiled and hopped up. "Lia! Please call me Lia instead."
Aaralyn blushed as she grabbed some food for some reason staying away from meat. She sat down eyeing the other people... "I'm Aaralyn... I died in 1995" she said her tail swishing back and forth. She was a bit embarrassed about showing so much skin but she wouldn't run. Aary had to get used to these people. It seemed she would be there a while.
Betty smiled and said "I died in the year 1983 i think i was living some what around the same time as you Aaron ". she blushed and thought if she had met him instead of the man she did she might not be dead right now..
"Well that depends on how old you were." his tail flicked for a reason he didn't quite understand but didn't care enough to think about. "I was in my 70s at the time." His tail flicked again and he must ave thought that meant he was embarrassed be cause he flexed his arm and winked at Betty. "But I'm a young gun all over again."
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