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Attention! (IWishThat&Valanaer)

jasmine paid little attention to the fact that Wythe was touching her, his fingers moving across her skin in an almost seductive way. They didn't turn her on like they had before, the way he touched her used to make her want to take him to bed but this time they did nothing. Those touches were nothing compared to the fire in Ashal's blue eyes. Just his eyes could turn her on. Having him look at her with hate and desire all rolled up into one was more seductive than any of Wythe's touches. Better yet more than spending any kind of time with Wythe naked. Wythe as a whole was nothing compared to Ashal. Though she knew better than to tell the man that. She was still going to have to go to bed with him. Even if it displeased her or Ashal.

Though it seemed Ashal's anger and jealousy was getting the better of him, hearing angry words being spit out in Ashal's native language. She couldn't help but smirk, looking over at Ashal before english left those lips and Wythe's hands stopped moving. Now Ashal was in for it. She had made damn sure that Ashal wasn't going to get out of his binds and she didn't move to stop Wythe as he slowly walked over to where Ashal was tied. His foot came up, kicking Ashal right in the chest. Hard enough that he could have at least cracked a rib. "I would think twice before starting to yell things at someone who isn't tied up." He smirked darkly, those eyes speaking of wanting to torture Ashal but instead they snapped to Jasmine when she stood from the bath rub. Her body distracted the man as she stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel, wrapping the towel around her as she frowned at Wythe. "He's right. He could have killed you. your strength is no match for his wythe." Her green eyes darted to Ashal though, letting him know that she was disappointed in him. "But here in my camp, i'd rather put to death someone who can't take an order and not make a fuss." Wythe smirked, looking at Ashal again. Wythe knew her words were a warning but he wanted to rub it in. "Hear that? Any more out bursts and she might kill you. Even you, the chieftan's son is worth killing hmm?" He chuckled softly as he turned, quickly heading back over to Jasmine like a loyal dog.

"Get out." Jasmine pointed to the door when Wythe had finally made his way to her, abruptly stopping as if in confusion. "What?" Jasmine frowned even harder. "I said get out. you deserve nothing i can offer if your only going to start something else with.. him." She used her head to nod in Ashal's direction, not saying the man's name to keep Wythe from becoming more riled. Wythe may of been weak but even she and Ashal couldn't hold off an entire army. Especially if word got out that she was sleeping with Ashal. Wythe grumbled darkly but turned, gritting his teeth as he glared at Ashal once again before he slipped through the tent flaps and was gone.

"If you truly wish for death then i will gladly give it to you, Ashal." She sneered the words at the man, green eyes narrowed at him in anger. "How hard is it for you to not say anything? Yell all you wish in your native tongue but the moment any of my men understand what your saying it will be both our heads. Stupid brute!"
Being kicked hadn't bothered him, sure it hurt like hell and chances were it had left a bit of damage but making Wythe angry felt good, seeing him move away from Jasmine was worth any bit of pain. She didn't see it the same way though and her words caused him to shut his mouth, to hold back on point out how pathetic it was that he believed himself a man when he was kicking a subdued and beaten prisoner. It was worth keeping himself in check when Jasmine kicked him out of the tent, the man getting hit harder by that than anything Ashal could have said, save perhaps revealing Jasmine as his new mate. He couldn't say the latter for fear of consequences but at the very least he could enjoy watching Wythe leave with his tail tucked between his legs, the loyal dog being angry but too stupid to put anything together, at least not yet. As pleasant as it was to watch Jasmine put Wythe in his place once he was gone her attention shifted right to Ashal, her words coming across harsh and angry and as he looked up he could see she was more pissed off about his outburst than anything else which in turn made him angry as well.

"Ah I get it, yes, that makes perfect sense, I will simply let him touch you and sit back watching with joy. I mean excuse me for showing the slightest bit of anger around a man inferior to me in every way, though I suppose he does have the edge on me in one area, he doesn't have a damn leash." She tugged on the rope to make his point, a small irritated laugh escaping before he turned and stared her in the eyes once more, "But then again I guess you are right, it was quite stupid and brutish of me because if I were truly smart I would realize how pointless showing anything but obedience is to you..." He was trying to get at some underlying feelings but she obviously didn't want that and he was glad to give nothing but obedient words so he could enjoy himself until they finished working together, leave any emotion out of it, the way it should have been. So he shrugged, one more huff and finally looked away, muttering one last sentiment as he did, "Glad I know now, I will just sit here and be a good slave, just as you want." The look on his face hadn't gone away though, anger present, not too happy with Jasmine for her treatment, though he shouldn't have expected more, and even more angry at himself for letting himself feel anything for the woman in front of him.
This was getting on her nerves, gritting her teeth darkly as she listened to Ashal's back talk. Their agreement had been that he obeyed, had it not been? If he wasn't going to obey then what point was there to have an agreement at all? A soft but gentle growl left her lips as she tried to contain herself but that last muttered sentence put her over to the edge, feet quickly carrying her to Ashal before dropping to her knees and slapping the idiot across the face. "I'm trying to keep you alive! You fucking asshole! That supposed leash is doing the job for me at the moment. As long as they believe you to be nothing more than a prisoner, one we can use, they won't kill you. Or do you wish for us both to be hunted down? Me for treason and you for escaping?" She scoffed darkly, shaking her head at him before she pushed herself up and headed back over to where her clothes were.

After pulling out a button down shirt and her green skirt she let the towel fall from her, leaving her bare as she wiped at her knees. "This will not be the last time that he touches me." Her voice was much calmer now, having pulled herself back together after her own out burst. "Whether you like it or not. You have not obeyed me, so i can not give myself to you." As she spoke she pulled a pair of panties and a bra on, fiddling with her skirt before yanking that on as well. After pulling her shirt on she turned, grabbing the platter that Wythe had brought in and a blanket off the bed before walking back over to Ashal. After dropping the blanket rather close to Ashal she plopped down onto it, balancing the tray on her legs before lifting the lid. Eggs, bacon, toast, sausage and biscuits all sat on the platter, the smell filling the room the moment she lifted the lid.

Grabbing a piece of bacon she put it between her teeth, ripping off a piece before she held it out towards Ashal. She stayed like that, waiting for the man to take a bite. He hadn't eaten since the moment they had captured him, which had been days now. There was no doubt he was going to be starving and if jasmine wanted him to keep up his strength he was going to need to eat something.
If Ashal had thought about it rationally it would have all made sense, how Jasmine was protecting him and that stopping her relationship with Wythe would only draw unwanted attention. He wasn't thinking logically though and so he had the thoughts of wanting to stop Wythe from touching her, to have Jasmine to himself and make sure it stayed that way. What she wanted was obvious now, his imagination from the night before about her wanting him around seemed pointless and his mind closed to the possibility. "Just stop worrying, from now on I will keep my filthy mouth shut and let Wythe do whatever he wants to you since that is what you desire." His tone became more respectful and calm, the look in his eyes as he observed her being much less angry but also less passionate, it was just normal. His calmness didn't stop his eyes from taking advantage of the beautiful body in front of his as she dropped the towel, taking a good long look until she got dressed. She was one of the few women who looked almost as beautiful dressed as she did without clothing on and while he didn't have the same view he admired it nonetheless.

He said nothing when she explained her position, that she wouldn't be giving herself to him, just letting out a small shrug and knowing that next time he could keep his mouth shut and avoid the disappointment. The food caused him to come back to life though, his eyes showing a bit more interest as the smell hit his nose, unable to deny the hunger he felt after so long without, the man not use to having to starve. In fact it wasn't until he smelt the food that he realized just how hungry he was, his stomach begging him to eat what was in front of him and thankful when it was finally in his mouth and down his gullet. Ashal was careful though, not allowing his teeth to touch her fingers and giving a thankful nod after receiving it, though he had done one thing he doubted she would expect, letting his tongue touch her finger ever so lightly before taking the food in to his mouth. He played it off as if he hadn't done a thing though and just sat back against the poll, relaxing his body and waiting to see if she would feed him more or if the food had only been a way to make him realize his hunger before denying him further, though he had a feeling it wouldn't be that way anymore, she needed him and every living person needed food.
Jasmine sighed darkly at Ashal's words, saying nothing for a moment as she watched him take a bite of the bacon. The soft feeling of his tongue touching her finger ever so gently. It was enough that she felt it and her eyes narrowed slightly, more from the fact that touching him only made her want him than the fact that he had done such a thing. Slowly she pulled in a breath, placing the almost ate piece of bacon back on the platter before she gently pushed the tray aside. For a moment it looked as if she was about to stand and walk away but instead she moved over Ashal, straddling him and pulling her skirt up so that she could fully plant herself in Ashal's lap. "Don't assume to know what i desire, Ashal." She spoke softly, moving to grab the fork from the platter and stab a bunch of scrambled eggs onto it and once again lift it to Ashal's lips.

"If your wondering it's not him i want. It's not him i want to tie to myself." She spoke softly filling the fork up and grabbing a piece of sausage once Ashal had eaten what was on the fork. She quickly bit into the sausage as she held the fork up to Ashal again, chewing as she watched Ashal's face. After swallowing she continued. "I don't want to have anything to do with Wythe anymore."
Ashal couldn't help himself from essentially pouting, not changing his attitude even as she straddled his lap and began to feed him, the annoyance from Wythe's visit and Jasmine's reprimand not exactly easy to forget. Of course there were other things he didn't show, one for instance being the pain he felt when she straddled him, a sharp feeling in his side from the kick and if he had to guess it was nothing more than a deep bruise, possibly a break but he liked to think Wythe couldn't hurt him that bad. It would make sense for it to be broken, the lack of food and nutrition making him weaker, but that wouldn't be something he thought about until it ended up being true. His lack of his usual cockiness didn't make him refuse her kindness though, the proud man eating the eggs and meat offered to him with slow and deliberate bites, his eyes looking into hers and it was almost like a beast eating from the hand of a goddess, calm but with hunger shown clearly, and not for the food.

"Like I said, it won't be a problem, I will simply put it out of mind and try to ignore what happens between you and him. Just don't try to make me feel good about it, whatever the reasoning I will not feel better about that weak coward touching you, he does not deserve it... I strong woman like you deserves a man of equal caliber." It was obvious he believed himself of equal caliber to Jasmine, his voice was still calm but the meaning behind his words was clear. It wasn't a lie either, he was a strong warrior, leagues above the rest, he was attractive and highly intelligent, there was nothing he couldn't achieve. He didn't make a move on her despite his thinking, Ashal simply looking at Jasmine and waiting for her to make any move, being patient and calm, he wanted her body and he now knew how to get it, to continue letting his pride slip away, it would no doubt make him very comfortable until he reclaimed his life, until he finished the deed they had decided to do together and was released.
Well Ashal wasn't being very cooperative, was he? Especially with the way he was pouting. Jasmine sighed softly, allowing him to eat the rest of the sausage before she put the fork down. It was about that time that Ashal spoke again, her green eyes watching his face silently. His words made it sound much more than just not wanting to have to have Wythe touch her. It was as if Ashal didn't want anyone to touch her at all. Surprise was in her bright green eyes as she watched him, though she gave a small shake of her head and grabbed the fork again. There was no way Ashal would think such a thing about her. Stabbing a piece of sausage she placed it against Ashal's lips, soft disappointment in her eyes as she waited for him to take a bite. "You give in to easily, Ashal."

Once the piece had been taken she pushed herself up, not even touching Ashal in the process and taking the tray with her as well. Quickly she crossed the floor, putting the tray on her table and covering it once more for it to be taken away later. "Though your right, i do deserve a man of equal caliber. One that doesn't have thoughts of running away the moment he gets the chance. Like a coward, Hiding when all his running does is bring more harm than good." She muttered the words under her breath, keeping her eyes on a mirror as she brushed her hair and then yanked it up and onto of her head into a perfect bun. Once she was sure it was where it needed to be she turned around, giving Ashal a glance before she headed towards the tent flaps. "This time, be good. I will send someone later to make sure your okay. So.. treat them nicely." That was an order, giving Ashal a pointed look before she disappeared out the flaps.


It was hours before anyone appeared in the doorway again, this time in the form of a younger boy. It was obvious that he wasn't part of any tribe and his eyes were full of wonder as he peeked inside and at Ashal. For a moment he stood there, biting his lip as if he was unsure before he stepped inside, revealing the tray he was holding. Gulping he watched Ashal, as if he was expecting the man to get up and attack him at any moment. How could he not be wary around a man he believed was a true killer. One that would kill anything in it's path? All the stories he had heard about his people were mostly lies but to the boy they were nothing but adventures he wished to go on. So getting the chance to get so close to a tribesman fasinated the boy.

Slowly he headed over to Ashal, hesitating a moment before his brown eyes searched over Ashal's face and his lips parted. "H-hello.."
Jasmine was a fucking paradox as far as Ashal was concerned, on one hand she wanted obedience and didn't want him questioning what she told him, and then on the other hand she told him he gave up to easily. He wanted to ask her what it was she really wanted but once again she made that even harder to figure out by mentioning his running away again, making it sound like it was entirely his fault for wishing to get away from the fucking wooden pole she bound him to and get back to a real life. He didn't say much, holding himself back as best he could, but he did speak and in a slightly more elevated voice. "If all you wish from a man is to sit on the ground like a god on a leash then it will be difficult to find any who sticks around, no matter how courageous he is." He watched as she left and barely held back a small snarl as she gave him that demanding tone, not because he disliked her personality, he had already come to the realization that her rather abrasive personality was a turn on, but because after all that she didn't seem to give a shit about what he said, only about what she thought.

He calmed down quickly though, leaning back on the pole and shutting his eyes to get a bit of rest since he needed as much as he could get. He didn't sleep long however and upon waking he had nothing to do but stare straight ahead. It was boring but it kept him from thinking too much about all the crap between himself and Jasmine, thinking about other men touching her or Wythe's disgusting face. When he finally received company he smirked, prepared to give the man one hell of a hard time as he heard the person approaching. When he finally saw who it was he immediately felt surprised, seeing a young boy staring at him with eyes full of wonder as if he were some rare creature. Ashal hated to admit it but kids were a weak point, sending a kid inside made it impossible for him to be scary and meant Jasmine was more intelligent than he gave her credit for. "Don't be afraid child... I am not going to hurt you, I couldn't even do so if I tried..." He said immediately, sensing the boys fears and showing him how tight his hands were bound. The smile on his face was a soft one though and he showed a look he hadn't shown anyone else at the camp yet, a true part of him that was kind and caring, not wanting to scare a mere child or do anything of the sort and speaking in a tone that was soothing instead of angry.
Those eyes only went wider when Ashal spoke, eyes blinking a few times as he took another hesitant step forward. "Y-you speak english!" There was amazement in his voice as he spoke, giving a glance back to the tent flaps as if to make sure no one was there before he closed the distance between him and Ashal. Gently he set the tray down, sitting down beside it indian style. "WoW! She didn't tell me you could speak english!" He leaned forward slightly, brown curls on his head shifting with his body. "So.. So like.. When your out on the battle field you can like understand what the general is shouting out at the troops!" He gave a rather child like laugh, those brown eyes shinning. "Just think, the general being over taken on the battle field because she thinks ya'll are too stupid to be able to understand her!" He gave a shake of his head, lips not staying close very long at all. "I bet she was surprised when she found out that you could understand her! Not much can surprise her! I wish i had been around to see it. But she told me i wasn't allowed to go into her tent because you were here-" He looked disappointed for a moment. "But then today she came up to me and asked me to bring you food. Look!" He pulled the lid off the tray, lifting it up to show it to Ashal before he placed it back on the ground.

"I was excited! I've heard stories about your people! Load's of them! Like there was this one story about one of your people taking on a bear! A BEAR! Can you believe it! With nothing but a staff! I mean how can anyone go up against a bear with nothing but a super long stick!" His hands waved in the air as he spoke, not giving much room for Ashal to say anything as he did so. It seemed he was overly excited. "I can't even imagine that! O.. O! And then i heard that your people can tame wolves! Is that true! Is that true?!" Those big brown eyes looked right at Ashal's face, fear having washed away in his amazed state.
The boys amazement brought out the first true laugh Ashal had since his arrival at the camp, the man looking at the boy as he took a seat and began speaking his mind. It was interesting, the boy spoke about Jasmine without reservation, saying how he would have liked to see her surprised and basically about how she had underestimated their intelligence, it was almost amazing itself. It seemed he wasn't the only one in the camp unafraid of Jasmine, or at least the boy was plenty brave at the moment as he spoke about her without fear. His attentions soon shifted to Ashal and his people though and while it wasn't as amusing it was nice, Ashal would be able to have a proper conversation and teach the first person he found willing to listen within the camp. Then again it was a boy, not a grown man whose people had killed his and vice-versa, just a boy who was curious and open to the truth. Ashal would have to wait for his chance to speak as the boy didn't seem to stop, going on and on until he finally ended with a question that seemed to have his full attention, wolves, an odd topic but one he was sure fascinated other races.

"We don't exactly tame wolves, we live with them and them with us, no competition for the most part, almost like pets yet we never collar or truly control them, simply cooperate. As for bears we don't hunt them with sticks but we do so with spears, sharpened wood or a pole with a sharp stone, nothing compared to the spears your army uses. I have actually taken a few down in my time, being the chieftains son came with extra expectations and the trial of killing a bear for my adulthood was something I had to do alone while it is usually done in groups." He paused for a moment and leaned in a bit, slowly as not to alarm the child but with a smirk on his face. "As for Jasmine, well let's just say the look on her face when she realized I understood her was priceless, though I am not sure she believes me to be intelligent quite yet, more similar to a dog that happened to learn a new trick." She gave a coy smile before leaning back again, "It is nice to know she doesn't plan on letting me starve though, I was beginning to fear I would never be fed, a guy my size needs his good after all."
He listened very intently to every word that came out of Ashal's mouth, leaning forward a little more unknowingly. It was like he was at the very edge of his seat as he listened, hands grasping one of his legs so he could lean on it. He laughed softly at the joke about Jasmine, giving another glance to the tent flaps before his attention was all on Ashal again. At the mention of the food he looked to the platter, as if he had suddenly been reminded that it was even there again. "Right! I made it myself!" Reaching over he lifted the top and pulled the platter from underneath. The smell of potatoes, steak, carrots and beans filled the air, a bright smile crossing the boys face. "i love to cook! I got put in charge of cooking the generals meals because she liked my cooking so much!" He gave a bright smile, but only for a moment before it dimmed again as something else popped into his head. Slowly he gulped, putting the plate back down and looking long and hard at the tent flaps.

"S-speaking of the general. She also told me something else. Something she said i could do if i was b-brave enough." He twiddled his thumbs in his lap for a moment, biting on his bottom lip in a nervous manor. "And i'm brave! I know that! And i trust the general. She said that i was much stronger than a bear and there was no way you'd ever be able to hurt me. But i'm still kind f scared." He gulped again, ripping his eyes from the tent flaps to look at Ashal. For a moment he studied the man in front of him, the bruises and the loose bandaging that covered Ashal from the multiple beatings he had taken. The boy thought for a moment, staring at the new bruise blossoming on Ashal's chest before he finally steeled himself. "I'm gonna do it! B-but you better not try and hurt me! Okay?" He only looked at Ashal's face for a moment before he moved behind the man and quickly undid the ties around his wrists, yanking the rope free before he moved back away from him. As if he was getting ready for a fight.
Hearing that the boy made his meal was slightly comforting, knowing none of the men who disliked him had done anything to the food, it would at least be edible. By the smell it would be more than that but he never kept his hopes up, being fine as long as it filled his hungry stomach. Hearing he cooked for Jasmine gave him some hope due to her taste and thinking about the few bites he had earlier he was beginning to look forward to the meal. The boy didn't feed him immediately which was a tad disappointing but as he began to stutter and get nervous Ashal only smiled, it was kind of cute, especially when he said Jasmine told him he was stronger than a bear. It didn't only make him smile because of the kids enthusiasm but also because thinking about Jasmine actually saying such a thing, it was a side of her he had yet to see, the only ones he was aware of were ruthless and sexy, not sweet. He waited patiently for the boy to finish and then finally laughed, "Alright, go ahead and do it, I won't do anything to you, especially not after you brought me food."

Ashal just smiled as he was untied and he slowly moved his hands, rubbing his chaffed wrists before looking up to the boy who was ready to fight if need be. Ashal simply shook his head, stretching a bit before rubbing at his chest, "Don't worry, I don't feel like being beat up any more than I am, Wythe already beats me." He smirked as he looked up, "Don't tell anyone but he is only mad because I beat the hell out of him, he takes it out on me when I am incapacitated." He then reached forward and grabbed the plate and slowly beginning to eat, savoring the flavor and not letting his hunger get the best of him. "Come on now sit, have some if you want." He offered and nodded to the food. "Hey, before I ask you anything else what's your name?" He paused for a moment and then asked him something else, something secretive. "Also there is something else I want to know, something you can't tell anyone I asked you..." He gave another drastic pause, playing to the kids natural energy. "I want to know about Jasmine, what kind of person is she? I've only seen certain sides and it makes me curious who she really is..."
Those brown eyes kept a steady watch on Ashal as he moved, looking ready for anything though Ashal would of been able to take him if he truly wanted to. The boy was no fighter and that was the way jasmine wanted it. To keep him out of the fighting as much as possible. When Ashal started to talk about the boy seemed to calm slightly, waiting until Ashal had grabbed the plate and started eating before he moved back over and plopped back down onto the floor. "Koda. My name's Koda." A bright smile slipped onto his face, easily being pulled out of his nervousness once again. "The general?" He blinked a few times, frowning slightly as he thought it over before he leaned forward again. "She's amazing!" Those brown eyes were bright again as a bright smile crossed his features. "She could out shine the kings best archer when she was fourteen! I mean, that's only a year younger than me! And get this! after both her parents were killed she went to the king to ask him to give her the means to kill their killer. On her knees. Begging him. Which as we know he did. After that she searched for the bastard for two years. Two years! That's dedicated. When she finally returned she came back with his head in a bag and right after that the king made her the general. All the men respect her because of everything that shes done."

He gave a shake of his head in awe, leaning back slightly as he continued on. "In the first month she was general she conquered four tribes, with just a third of the man power she has now. By the second month she had amassed twenty thousand men and had conquered have the country side." Pulling in a breath he leaned forward, lifting a hand as if it was just between the two of them. "Don't tell anyone but she's been hiding some of the tribes away." He giggled slightly, as if he knew a secret that no one else knew. "Not only as workers but any where she could. Maid's, butlers, cooks, dish washers, stable boys... The list goes one!" He spread his arm's out in amazement. "She's done all this without anyone knowing! Well," He gave another chuckle. "no one but me that is. Cause she said i needed to help her. Help her keep everything together. To keep my eyes out for any trouble that the rest of the troops might make and to keep them from finding out. I mean, the general isn't a bad person. She doesn't want someone to ruin her plans. No matter how low she sees a person she's not gonna just kill them for no good reason. Not anymore anyways."
Hearing Koda explain what Jasmine was like didn't quite accomplish what Ashal had been hoping it would, looking for more personal information, as ridiculous as it was to try and figure anything out about Jasmine. The things he was told did reveal a bit about her, such as the woman having lost her parents young and becoming the General after some rather bloody hardships. He had a feeling some of her control issues could stem from that but he didn't mind that part as much as some of the other things like her seeming inconsistencies. Regardless there were some very positive pieces within all of the story, such as how the boy was treated by her and how she hid away some of the tribal people, the little boy saying it making it all seem more real. Of course the boy could have been lying or anything of the sort but Ashal was a sucker for a kid and while Jasmine could be a bit dark it seemed she had that same side to her as well. It really made Ashal think, was he really looking at the entire Jasmine or just focusing on the bits he was still biased on. Particularly he wondered if he just wanted to believe she was a murderer herself or if he simply labeled her so for doing what she had to in order to follow out orders.

Many of his thoughts wouldn't be sorted out quickly but he had some new things to think about and would certainly be looking at the beautiful woman from a different perspective Besides, if she liked children she couldn't be all bad, not with Koda being such a cute kid. Ashal simply continued to eat and after awhile, when the boy finally stopped, he smiled. The man finished the food he had been brought and sat the tray down, relaxing a bit and nodding his head. "Well I believe many of the people don't see as much about her as you do, only the deeds the army carries out under her orders. I for one have been fighting against the soldiers that make up this camp for a very long time, seen some horrific things, and I blamed it all on Jasmine. Of course I may have been wrong to do so but I had." He took a deep breath and looked up at nothing in particular, keeping his eyes up for a moment and clearing his head before looking back down and right at Koda. "So tell me Koda, am I as monstrous as people have been telling you? I imagine most in this camp would have you believe I am some kind of barbarian. You don't have to answer if you do not want to of course." He wasn't being threatening, just making conversation and hoping the boy didn't think of him as such, not liking the idea anyone say his people as monsters, particularly those too young to know their beliefs are foolish. Perhaps he would even find out if Jasmine told him any differently, part of him liking the idea that she told the boy to untie him and hoping she sent some other kind or comforting words about him the boys way.
Koda stayed quiet as Ashal spoke, covering the plate on the platter once it was put back down. The fact that Ashal said that he had judged jasmine on only the things he had seen made Koda frown, looking slightly disappointed in the much older man before him. "Hardly." The kid shook his head at the question, using a hand to wave the words away. "The only person i listen to in the camp is the general. She's the only one that hasn't lied to me." He gave another wave of his hand, glancing at the tent flaps once again before he looked to Ashal again. It was as if he was making sure they were still alone before he continued. "I mean, your people don't do the same things that we do and you don't have some of the things that we do. You live in huts and don't wear shoes. You stay in little groups of people instead of our large cities. Run with wolves while we ride horse back. Fight bears! And take on armies of much greater numbers than your own. Just the fact that your sitting here before him after everything that's happened to you explains your people." He gave a shake of his head in amazement.

"The only barbarians are the ones that don't understand that." Grabbing that try he pushed himself up, carrying it over to where the tray from the morning was sitting. "All they ever want to talk about is how primitive your people are. How you sit around fires and do chants in a strange language. That you don't wear actual clothes, staying bare chested even during winter. That you don't wash and you claim woman like their are something to just be possessed." He gave another shake of his head, setting the tray down so he could turn around to look at Ashal. "The general told me they were all wrong." He gave a nod of his head, seeming rather pleased about that. "She said that we could learn from your people and that even though you are lower than us there were some of your people worth saving and teaching. But the king doesn't see it like that at all. He wants you all destroyed. Like rats under his boot." He scoffed slightly in disgust. "How can you want to destroy a race that lives with wolves! Wolves! I mean that's amazing!" His arm's lifted, excited once again. "I want to go and see your tribe! Meet your people! I want to dance with wolves!"

"Settle down Koda." Jasmine's sharp voice snapped through the air as she stepped into the tent, green eyes narrowed at the boy who only smirked back at her. Lifting a hand she motioned for Koda to grab the platters. "Take those to Daniel so they get washed. And then finish your duties in the kitchen. I heard some of the guys saying you didn't cook enough." Koda's eyes went wide for a moment at the mention of having not cooked enough before he quickly grabbed the trays and hurried over to where Jasmine was standing. Reaching out she ruffled the kids hair, watching him duck away from her and head out of the tent. She watched until he was gone before she looked at Ashal. "He's a good cook."
The boy had some rather adult insight and he assumed some of that came from Jasmine, the woman obviously teaching him things he didn't even know she believed. It was nice to hear though, to hear that she didn't see his people like others of her people did and that she spoke out even before they came together. "Yes, they were wrong about my people, while we have our own way of life and traditions we are nothing close to barbarians. Besides, we do visit large cities, I have been to a few myself." The kid was fun to talk to but as he began talking about dancing with wolves Jasmine came back, not being harsh but getting him to calm himself, even if he was still smirking up at her as only someone truly close could do. He left when he heard about his cooking and went back to get to work which made it evident how much he liked his job. Ashal just smiled and waved goodbye to the boy, giving him a small nod in thanks for the food and then turning to look at Jasmine. He said nothing but the smirk on his face told a different story, the man having some inside information on the woman thanks to Koda.

It was interesting that his inside information made him realize how big of an idiot he was being, not the part about wanting a life afterwards but thinking that meant he had to run away. He wasn't ready to say that of course because at the moment he felt little more than lust and respect for her but it was a thought, it could be fun being with the gorgeous woman in front of him after the war was over. He wouldn't abandon his people but he could probably get use to what happened last night, though getting use to her personality would take a bit longer. "Well as good as the food was he is certainly a good kid as well. He also had a lot to say about you Jasmine... It seems I have been critical without having the full story..." With that he stood up from the ground and looked at her, swallowing his pride for an entirely different reason and doing it without hesitation. "I owe you an apology for treating you like a monster, for all my talk of intelligence I failed to see it until the kid said a few things to me." With that he leaned back against the pole just looking at her, wondering what she would think of the boy speaking to him about her. He was sure it would be fine and the information was important, it made him not only understand that he had been wrong but it was helping him put faith in her with their new alliance to take out the king.
She frowned at Ashal, not liking the smirk on the man's face. The whole point of sending Koda was for the kid to meet Ashal, not for Ashal to learn things about her. Though she supposed she should have expected that. Koda was a little too talkative for his own good. But she trusted the boy. Her eyes watched Ashal's muscle's ripple beneath that beautifully dark skin as he stood, desire appearing in her emerald eyes. How could she not want to touch him? His words however pulled her back from that dark train of thoughts, forcing her to pull in a breath and move once again. Quickly she crossed the room, pulling at a pair of gloves she had yanked on before getting on her horse. "Careful Ashal, Or you might sound like your truly coming over to my side. No matter what Koda said i have murdered your people. Killed them out right. For no other reason than i was ordered to." Her eyes darted to him, trailing over his body before she forced herself to look away again. "Don't think i'm just some little kitten who can do some kind of trick as Koda probably made it seem. He's rather easily fascinated by things, especially things others can do that he can not, and he doesn't see the bloodshed behind them."

Reaching her dresser she pulled open the top drawer, dropping the gloves inside before closing it again. "But i suppose your not much better either." She smirked, turning around to lean back against the dresser. "You have just as much blood on your hands as i have though i suppose you've never tried to get any of my people to understand your own. The kid may of been a first for you. Though Koda makes it rather easy. He's been so adamant about stories of your people since the day he heard about you. It really all started when he over heard a conversation some of the men were having about a tribesman who had taken on ten of our own at the same time. That was ten years ago. He's bugged me ever since to tell him about the tribes i've been too and the people that live there." She smiled as she remembered having to do so, a soft look that Ashal had never seen on her face before. "Every time i leave he begs me to take him with me."
Jasmine was right in what she said, neither of them were innocent or had clean hands and each had their own reason for what they did. It was simply getting himself to see how essentially hypocritical he had been, thinking that he was doing nothing while she was a straight up murderer. He had killed more people than he cared to remember and while it wasn't exactly the same as killing to follow orders it was similar, if not worse. In his life he was the leaders son, the future leader, and responsible for all the people in his village. That meant when they went to war with another tribe or fought in any capacity that he was one of the few that could make that decision, he was the one that ordered it. There was nothing for him to hide behind. "I have never wanted to understand your people due to the manner in which you came, as if our lands already belonged to you. I guess thinking that someone else was ordering you around just hadn't occurred to me. Not that it eliminates my hatred for what has happened but it does give me a new perspective on a few things."

Then something he hadn't expected happened, Jasmine's face was blessed by soft smile, a look he hadn't been able to imagine but one more beautiful than any other look he had seen. The men stepped towards her, shortening the distance between them. "Besides, that kid may be very attached to you but it isn't simply because you know things he does not... He is very attached to you, the look in his eyes. It seems you are attached to him as well though, that look on your face moments ago said it all..." Without saying another word he stepped right next to her, not touching her but looking at the woman as if studying her. "You tried to explain some things to me before you suggested the alliance as well, how you were hiding my people, helping them survive. I owe you an apology for not listening." Ashal still didn't touch her, he simply stood there and looked at her so he could mull over all the new information. Once again the thought that she was complex crossed his mind, how she killed his people due to orders yet hid many of them from her people afterwards. How she both had feelings for him and yet treated him as nothing more than a slave or pet. How sometimes it seemed as if she didn't even want to look at him and then when the thought of him leaving came to mind she got angry. It was all confusing but starting to make a little more sense, slowly Ashal was beginning to understand her.
"Your land does not belong to me!" She almost spit out the words, eyes narrowed at Ashal. "I used to think so, at one time but that was a long time ago. I have seen the errors of my ways. I was blinded by anger and hate. Anger and hate i still feel now. I have no control over that. But Koda has helped me see the better sides of your people." As she had spoken she hadn't noticed that Ashal was moving close to her, her skin tingling when he finally took those fatal steps that put him rather close to her. Her eyes widened, gulping slightly as she took a step back herself. "Koda lost his parents as well. He was only six when i took him in. He's been stuck to me like glue ever since then." She gave a small shake of her head, trying to ignore Ashal who was too close. Every nerve in her body was on high alert to his proximity, as if her very skin was waiting for him to touch her.

"I will do what i must to make him happy. And he makes me see things i never saw before. I can't change how i feel but i can change how i act on those feelings." She gave a nod, eyes showing exactly how she was feeling in that very moment. She wasn't kidding. Jasmine couldn't change that Ashal's people were below her, that they were a lower race than her own. Or the disgust she usually felt around them. But she could change how she acted on such feelings. "Your people have their uses." she gave a smirk, turning her back on Ashal so she didn't have to feel his eyes studying her face anymore. Those eyes that lit her skin on fire and made that fire build inside. She couldn't help it. She wanted to jump him right then and there. But she knew that she had to prepare to move the camp. It would take another few days before they finally were ready to head out but at least she could get it started. "A scout came back telling us your tribe has finally come to a main camp. It looks like that is where they are going to be staying. I promised that i would take you to go and see them." Just saying such words made her want to chain Ashal down again. To refuse to do something she had already promised the man but if she did such a thing he would go against her again. The point was to make him want to stay, not make him feel completely trapped. "I will take you in the morning."
Ashal found it quite amusing the way Jasmine was reacting as he inched closer and closer but he didn't take it too far, never touching the woman or making her too uncomfortable. Instead he simply listened, making sure he got every word she said particularly after she mentioned his tribe. It seemed she was going to keep her word about letting him meet with them, though it came as less of a surprise after learning what he had, especially after meeting Koda. As talkative as the boy was he was cute and it seemed Jasmine had almost taken him in as a little brother or something equally as close which was definitely a sign of a sweeter side. That helped him see past some of the things he had believed and trust her in a way he hadn't before. "I look forward to seeing my people again, it seems like an eternity since I was actually in the village..." Ashal's voice trailed off for a moment and he appeared to be zoned out for a second, thinking about his people and village bringing a very large amount of things to his mind, the least of which being the reception he would receive if he came with Jasmine and her people.

The man decided not to worry, knowing that they would be fine once they figured out the reason and thinking it was good enough as long as he knew what she was really like. Besides, he would never be able to return to the village, or at least probably not, for if he didn't die in their plan Jasmine had made it clear she would chase him. It wasn't all bad though, he would get to see his father, tell him all that had happened, and then he would leave knowing his people were safe. Eventually he refocused and looked back at Jasmine, a small smile touching his lips. "Regardless of my seeing them I am simply glad they will be alright. I suppose I should thank you for agreeing to my terms, even if it was only to get my help, though after what Koda says I believe more would be safe than I originally anticipated even if we hadn't struck out deal." He then reached his hand in, taking a small bit of her hair in his hand and lifting it up, kissing the hair ever so gently before releasing it, not touching her skin but making a gesture that was similar to actually kissing her, taking a step back after he did and going to stand next to the pole. "Do I need to be tied to this damn pole again or can we expect some time without interruption?"
She said nothing to his comment about seeing his people, wanting nothing more to do with the subject. There was plenty of things that could go wrong if she took Ashal back to them. Especially if she allowed him to go alone. One of them being he would run. That was in fact the last thing she wanted to happen and she was going to come up with a plan to ensure that it didn't. She knew that if they just waltzed right into there she would be killed on spot. But if they came up with a reason for her to be there then there was no point in hiding herself. Was there? Though she doubted she would be greeted friendly even with Ashal vouching for her. Pulling in a breath she tried to calm herself again, still trying to shake of the effect Ashal's proximity had on her.

When he spoke again she looked at him, giving a small shake of her head. "They would of been dead. Your whole tribe. The ones that i could i saved days before the actual attack." Her eyes went wide though when he grabbed a lock of her hair and lifted it to his lips, watching silently as he kissed it gently and then released it. It made her heart race in a way she had never known before and Jasmine wasn't sure had to deal with this all. She stayed right where she was as Ashal headed back over to the pole and then stood there, asking if he needed to be tied back to it or not. Gently she bit her bottom lip as she thought it over, glancing around the room for a moment before she gave a shake of her head. "No. I must speak with the men rather soon. To prepare to leave and head back to the city. But.." She trailed off for a moment, obviously thinking it over once again.

After a moment she moved forward again, grabbing a pillow off the bed and setting it up against the grating of the end of the bed. With that she pointed to the spot on the floor before it, looking up at Ashal. "Here. Sit here." Anything was better than being tied to that pole again. Especially for as long as Jasmine was sure she was going to be gone. "Unless you need a pillow for your royal ass as well." She gave a smirk, teasing Ashal now.
Jasmine was weak to being teased or played with which was rather cute and something Ashal found himself wanting to do more and more. Not that he would dare do anything she didn't want but he was going to enjoy toying with her for as long as he could. When it was mentioned that he didn't have to be tied back to the pole he straightened up a bit, happy that he would have a bit of time away from the cursed piece of wood. As far as Ashal was concerned he never needed to be tied up again, even if he was sure it was going to happen. Hearing that they would be departing soon was the opposite the news of not being tied up though, the man knowing that the mission would undertake quickly but having a hard time thinking that he would be going with Jasmine and the troops as they marched back to the city. It was something he would need to accept quickly, whatever his part ended up being he would have to be prepared. Everything was at stake with how well he and Jasmine did in their mission and while he was going to be able to see his family and friends again he had to remember why he had agreed to help the female general.

She even decided to make it more comfortable for him, as far as being in the room was concerned, grabbing a pillow and positioning it for comfort. He smirked, "Well I guess my ass will be fine without a pillow, though I wouldn't be opposed to that..." She moved close to her again, deciding that if she was going to tease him that he would do so right back at her. "You know, speaking of asses, yours is incredibly fine. As a matter of fact your entire body is incredible. So when you're done with what you're doing get your royal ass back here so I can continue staring." With that he went over and took his seat, still not touching her and just smirking up from his seated position. He liked being told what to do by her, or so it had seemed the night before, but he also found it very fun to mess with her at a more mental level, it would be a good way to get back at her for some of the things she was doing, like the slight mood swings and the previous treatment. Then there was being tied to the pole and the issue with Wythe, even if the two things couldn't be avoided he wasn't exactly happy about them.
His words made her roll her eyes, watching him walk over and sit down on the pillow. Of course the only thing he was going to mention was how nice her body was. "I'm the farthest thing from royal, Ashal. Unlike you who's next in line to be a chief, i'm just a general. You know," She gave a small shrug of her shoulders, a smirk slipping across her lips. "Hundreds of men ready to leap into battle at my every command. Listening to my every order and doing what is asked of them without question. Doesn't sound royal to me at all." She laughed softly, ignoring the fact that she wanted to do nothing more than touch the magnificent body before her.

Once he was sitting she moved forward, grabbing some rope before she got onto he knees and straddled Ashal's hips. "I would say i'll be back as soon as i can but getting men to move their lazy asses is a lot more work than i want it to be. Along with the fact that i have to come up with a plausible reason to not only leave but to take you out of camp." Reaching down she grabbed Ashal's wrist, not asking for it but taking it instead. Lifting it up sh brushed a kiss against the inside of his wrist. A soft and rather quick one, almost as if to apologize for the harsh red marks already there before she wrapped the rope back around it and reached over to tie it to one of the metal bars. "I'm sure they wouldn't believe that your cooperating, among any of your kind you would be the last to help destroy your people." Her green eyes looked Ashal in the face for a moment, smirk disappearing as she looked at him very closely. "I suppose i could just tell them that you've fallen in love with me." She laughed softly, giving a shake of her head as she grabbed his other wrist and tied the rope around it, this time not placing a kiss against his skin as before she tied it to the bars. "Though i doubt they would believe that. Wanting me for sex is believable enough. But don't worry, i will come up with something."
"You are closer to being a leader than you believe, many men are loyal to you. Hell I am the one far away from being royalty. Sure I am next in line to be the chieftain but I will still have to defend my title when it is time... I will be tested against other potential leaders, to make sure we have the most qualified person in charge." A small smirk hit his face, "Not that I would lose." He shrugged and leaned back, looking at Jasmine and titling his head, "The truth is you are as beautiful as any princess as well, I mean there is no denying how stunning you are. So I would say you have some very royal attributes..." He didn't say it but he inferred she had more than just the looks. He wouldn't admit to Jasmine that he believed her to be intelligent or charismatic enough to be a leader, he didn't want to give her more than she already had on him. Not that it would do much but he was sure she would find some way to lord his admissions over him, going on if he went as far as to vocalize the thoughts.

Her straddling served as a suitable distraction and he smirked again, "You make it so hard... To just sit here that is." He said with a small laugh, not resisting as she grabbed and kissed his wrist. He simply looked into her eyes and let her do whatever she felt necessary. Of course he was slightly startled when she mentioned him loving her, even as a joke it got him by surprise. Not that he believed he was in love but he had some feelings for her that he would rather not think about and even pretending to be in love with her didn't sound like a good idea, even if they were just trying to fool others. Finally he spoke, pushing that thought aside and getting to a more valid point. "Just be cautious, I am sure Wythe is watching closely, mostly my fault I know but don't let him catch on..." It was obvious even if he didn't say it, that he was more worried for her than him as far as people finding out went. Sure if Wythe beat him up it would be shitty but if Jasmine was found out it would become worse than a small beating and she would be the first to be taken down, or at least that was the impression he got from Wythe, a suck up but someone who refused to let things get out of his grasp. Such as the tantrums he seemed to be so close to throwing every time Jasmine denied him.
She chuckled at his warnings, giving a shake of his head as she grabbed his chin. "It is your fault. I'm glad you realize that." She smirked, hand slipping along his chin to move down to his throat. Gently her fingers wrapped around his throat, pushing him back against the bars of the bed as she fully sat down in his lap. "I really do like you in this kind of position." She almost hummed the words, shifting her hips to rub herself against the front of Ashal's pants. "Unable to do anything but take whatever i give you." She chuckled softly, turning his head so that she could press her lips against that dark skin. It was just as scolding hot now as it had been before, a much more different temperature than her own. But she wasn't sure it felt this hot because she wanted him or if that was just his regular temp. For now, though, she didn't care and she slowly moved her lips down his neck and to his shoulder, feeling taunt muscle beneath the skin. Yes, truly a caged lion. After a moment she released him, pushing herself off of him and standing so that she could straighten her skirt once again. "Don't worry. I'm not going to say something that will have them beating up my pretty face, seeing as that is the only thing your worried about." With that she turned on her heels and headed out of the tent, not even bothering to look back at Ashal as she did so.

It wasn't until well past mid day that she returned, having sent no one to her tent to check on Ashal. Though she was quickly tailed by Wythe who frowned darkly when he noticed that Ashal's place had changed. "Why is he over there?" He almost barked the words, having reached out to grab Jasmine's arm and pull her to a stop. She frowned, whirling on him but unable to hit him because of the tray she was holding. "I moved him. If you have a problem with what i do with my own prisoner then you should speak up now or get the hell out of my camp!" She barked the words right back at him, pulling from Wythe's grasp so that she could continue to walk towards the small table she had been going towards. "I still don't like any of this. How can we trust anything that fucking bastard says! If we allow him back to his camp he's just going to warn them that we are watching the other tribes!" The tray clattered to the table as a growl left her lips, finally able to do something now that she didn't have the tray in her hands. "We are watching all of the tribes Wythe. Every last one that we know of. Before we were watching his tribe until the orders came to attack it. And we will continue to watch the other tribes until orders come again. Do you understand me." Wythe gritted his teeth, glaring back at Jasmine but she stood firm.

"I'm taking him to his tribe. Now you can either come with or you can stay behind and help the others pick up the camp site. It's your choice."
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