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Attention! (IWishThat&Valanaer)

Jasmine herself couldn't truly believe that Wythe was there. No doubt having come for another round. It was a habit he had, coming to her tent in the dead of night to fuck her and then leave again. Probably wanted to make up for what he had done before. But her mind was far from that. All she could truly think about was the fact that this bastard had cummed inside her. Cummed inside her! She bite her lip as he pulled from her, body fully collapsing in a numb heap. She couldn't move, couldn't do much more than lay there and pant. The whole thing had taken a lot from her, more than she had thought it would. A mark of a good fuck. One that she was only half glad was over.

Wythe gritted his teeth at those words, watching as Ashal pulled from jasmine and she slumped into a panting heap. He had never been able to get her like that. Beyond that she would have his head if he ever tried to force her like he was certain Ashal had. The bastard deserved to die. Just for thinking he was allowed to touch the general. Ashal's words were only agravating him further, hands tightening around his sword so hard that his knuckles turned white. He didn't move when Ashal stepped froward, keeping himself in place and lifting his blade a little higher, pointing it right at Ashal's chest. "If i were you i would stop fucking talking." he growled the words, taking the last remaining steps to press the blade against Ashal's throat. Wythe was a soldier first. Being distracted was not something he allowed of himself when he was in a fight and this was exactly what it was. A fight between two men. And one that would leave the victor with their own prizes. Ashal, possibly freedom and Wythe, Jasmine.

While the two males talked to each other Jasmine recuperated, panting on the bed and trying to get her body to work again. If she could just get her hands free she could probably get something to knock Ashal out. She couldn't let him escape, especially now that he had done such a thing to her. What if he did get her pregnant? There was no telling what the hell would happen. But one thing she did know for sure was that she wasn't going to raise a child on her own. Especially when she wanted to possess Ashal so badly. After a few more moments she pushed herself up, body screaming at her at the effort but making it into a sitting position none-the-less. By this time wythe had his sword pressed against Ashal's chest and she was thankful for the distraction, lifting the shirt to her teeth once again and yanking at it. It only took a few seconds before it finally fell away, wrists slightly red from having to pull at the fabric but other than that they were fine. Turning she looked at the pair, eyes narrowed at Ashal's back, not being able to stop herself from giving him a look over before she glanced around the room. The only thing she could seriously spot that would work was the pitcher of water on her table. Which so happened to be on the other wall of the room. She had to get passed Wythe and Ashal. Pushing herself up she placed her feet on the ground, watching the pair and trying to figure out what there movement's might be.
Ashal's attention left Jasmine completely when he realized Wythe was not as horrible soldier as he assumed, the man had been pissed off by the news but he didn't do anything rash nor did he give Ashal room to make a move for the knife. He had made one mistake and that was putting his sword directly to Ashal's chest, doing that eliminated the ability to put much power into an attack and if Ashal acted quickly and moved to the side her could possibly disarm the man before he knew what was going on. It wasn't so easy though, one bad cut and his blood would be nothing but a direct line to him for the dogs after his escape. He had no other real options though, staying would be the end of him, no doubt Wythe would try to kill him for what he had done and what Jasmine would do to him wouldn't be pleasant. It wasn't very easy to accept that Wythe had just happened to come back, his perfect escape was ruined because of the man, instead of making a clean break after having his way with Jasmine he was going to have to hope he could get Wythe down without getting hurt.

The longer he stood there the more likely it was to get worse so before Wythe could do anything else he smirked, "I just want to say one more thing... Your not that good a soldier..." Ashal dodged to the side, hitting the side of the sword the opposite way of his movement and the shot in, grabbing Wythe's hand to keep the sword at bay and then elbowing him in the stomach before throwing him down to the ground. He knew that wasn't the end of it though, he either needed to knock the man out or kill him. He kicked the sword away and pinned Wythe down his hands immediately going for the mans throat. "You shouldn't have come in here Wythe, you may be a decent soldier but your nothing compared to me...' Wythe didn't give up though, he was throwing punches and kicking Ashal, making it nearly impossible to keep his grip so instead he just began to punch Wythe, knocking him out was better than nothing, though it seemed that the man was sufficient enough in hand to hand combat to make even that difficult. Ashal was still confident he would win, and he would, but it wasn't going to be quick. Luckily Jasmine was tied up and nobody else had come.

The fight between the two men didn't seem quite normal, on one hand Ashal was only bothering with Wythe because he needed a head start before all the soldiers came after him with the dogs. Wythe on the other hand seemed to be fighting because of anger, his only motivation for engaging Ashal in combat was his rage at another man touching what he saw to be his. There had to be a tinge of hurt pride as well though, Ashal couldn't help but think that the man had to find it unbearable to have his 'lover' taken by another man and pleased more with that man than with himself. Regardless his pride was only going to take a further hit when he was taken out and Ashal escaped, the officer was and would be bested by a mere tribesman in every way.
Ashal wasn't even paying attention to her. It made her smirk slightly, realizing that she was going to have a better shot seeing as the idiot thought she was incapacitated on the bed. Not to mention tied up. Pulling in a breath she stood there for a moment, watching as Ashal spoke and then moved. She couldn't help but watch for a few moments, watching how easily Ashal brought Wythe down and then pinned him to the ground. Ashal truly was a marvel to watch in combat. The man moved easily, even after everything he had been through but for some reason she couldn't see the connection between his moves now and the moves before. Ashal had seemed hesitant when he had been taking her down but now he struck with the force of a bull, taking Wythe down without a care. Huffing slightly she shook her head, focusing on what she was after.

As she moved she kept her eyes on the pair, not even seeming to care as Wythe was punched across the face. The man wasn't the one she truly wanted. If Ashal ended up killing him then that would only make the bastard as bad as she was. Doing something terrible because it promised freedom. Pulling in a breath she lifted the metal pitcher, it made little sound as she did so, that smirk slipping across her lips again. Ashal was stupid for taking his eyes off her. He truly was.

Slowly she headed back over to the fighting pair, making sure to stay behind them when she made her way over. Carefully she lifted the pitcher, waiting until the perfect moment to hit the bastard on the head and knock him out cold. "You should of tied a better knot." Wham! The pitcher came down, hitting Ashal right on top of the head. Not once but twice she hit him, just to make sure. Right in the same spot even. His body went limp ontop of Wythe and she frowned at the man, using her foot to kick him in the side. "Stupid fucking bastard." She huffed the words, dropping the pitcher to the floor and ignoring the water as it spilled out. There wasn't much in it anymore because it had spilled out when she had lifted it above her head, soaking her naked body. Turning she headed over and grabbed a shirt from her drawers, yanking it on and buttoning it. "Drag him back over to the pole Wythe and for gods sakes, this time make sure he's fucking tied." she snapped the words at the man, pissed off eyes watching him as he struggled out from underneath Ashal's body. Silently she stood there and watched, watched as Ashal was dragged back to the pole and once again tied to it.

This time however she double checked to make sure that the ropes were tight and doubled, just to make sure that he couldn't get out. If his hands went numb for a little while, well then that was just what was going to happen. Next she tied his feet, another precaution against him getting away. Once that was done she ordered a bath and jumped right in, scrubbing at her skin to try and get rid of anything that Ashal may of left there. She was in there for an hour, long enough for the bastard to wake back up. Of course Wythe stayed there, watching over her and the moment it seemed like Ashal was waking up he punched him across the face, making sure he stayed out cold. While Wythe did that Jasmin scrubbed, scrubbed at every surface of her skin as if there was still something there, even after she was clean. She didn't get out until she had scrubbed her skin until it was a light pink everywhere. And by then she was so exhausted she could barely keep her eyes open. Getting out Wythe helped her back into bed, jasmine knocking out quickly. This time Wythe wasn't going to leave her, just to make sure that the bastard didn't try and do the same thing again.
Despite landing a few more clean punches to Wythe's face the man would go down, whether it be rage keeping him going or willpower he was hanging tough and it was becoming aggravating. It took a lot of his attention as he became more intent to take the man down, his focus being his undoing and as he heard a voice from behind him that made him go pale. Only one other person was in the room and she had not been that close to him but it seemed she had escaped. He didn't even have time to turn around when he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and then before the second hit even registered he was out, unable to even attempt to defend himself. It was terrifying and as he slipped out of consciousness he knew it was over. He felt so hopeless that when he woke again he was glad to be put out of his misery for awhile longer, knowing that when he woke there would be nothing but pain and agony waiting for him.

When he awoke again he laughed immediately, a sad and somewhat pitiful laugh, blood caking his hair and a pain going through his body that made the previous days hurt feel like nothing. It was what he deserved for not only staying back to rape Jasmine but being almost kind by tying her hands with a shirt as opposed to the rope. That wasn't the worst of it though, just thinking about what would soon be happening to him made the man want to throw up, the things that came to mind, none of them were helping him feel less miserable at his stupidity. As he began to focus he noticed his new accommodation, sure he was still in Jasmine's room but his hands were much better tied than before and his legs now had their own rope as well. It made his previous escape method impossible and he was truly in deep. Ashal took a moment to collect his thoughts but found it useless, there was nothing to think about as he was completely out of options and he had no choice but to accept it, especially with Jasmine asleep and from what he could see Wythe standing guard.

He wasn't sure if the man had noticed him regain consciousness yet but he didn't think he had. So Ashal took advantage and let his head droop, not finding it hard to fall asleep, though it was more like losing consciousness once again. It would provide him with a bit of rest at least and when the beatings the next day came he would have a bit more strength to resist than if they started right away. He did find himself wondering one thing though, more like hoping actually, that it wouldn't be as bad as he thought it would be, that she would find herself more attracted to him than anything. It was a wild hope, one born out of her seeming enjoyment of what happened. It was a lie he tried to convince himself of as he drifted off, unknowing of what horrible awakening he would receive and whether it would be Jasmine or Wythe.
Wythe stayed the whole night, arms folded across his chest and sitting in a chair beside the tents flaps. of course this time if Ashal tried anything he was going to kill him out right. The bastard had done something unthinkable to jasmine. Something he was positive she hadn't wanted but now.. now he wasn't so sure. The look on her face when he had walked in kept popping up into his head and he couldn't help but wonder if she had truly enjoyed what had happened to her. It had looked like it. She seemed in utter bliss at having someone who she thought was a disgusting and lower than dirt person inside her. The thought made him grit his teeth, glancing over at Ashal. Slowly he looked the man over, rather disgusted at just having to look at him. If he killed him, would the general hate him? Cause he seriously just wanted to kill him and get it over with. Anything to end this torture of having to watch her look at him.

A soft subtle sound coming from Jasmine's direction made him look at her again, watching her turn over beneath the sheets. His eyes glimpsed what looked to be a hickey and he jumped to his feet, hand going to his sword before he marched over to Ashal. Viciously he pressed the blade against Ashal's throat, not caring if he woke him or if he cut him. "Fucking bastard! You dare leave a mark on her!" He practically growled the words, ignoring jasmine who was no completely awake.

Throwing the sheets aside she got to her feet, sighing darkly as she lifted a hand to the mark on her neck. She didn't know exactly where it was but she had felt when Ashal had made it. As if he had been marking her for some stupid reason. Maybe so that every time she looked in the mirror she would be reminded of what had happened to her. Gritting her teeth she walked over to Wythe, grabbing his arm and pulling him back. "Don't kill him yet." Wythe hesitated only a moment before he pulled his sword away and placed it back into it's holder. "Now go get me something to eat." She stared at Wythe until he turned on his heels and headed out. It wasn't until she was alone with Ashal again that she seemed to relax, looking back at the man before she walked away.

When she returned she was holding a bucket of water and a towel. With a dark smirk she threw the water right in the bastards face, knowing it was cold and would shock him awake if he wasn't already. "Serves you damn right for the bullshit you pulled last night." Dropping the pan she bent down, crouching in such a way that she wasn't exposing herself to Ashal and making sure she was to his side instead of in front of him. Like hell she was going to give him anymore ideas. Reaching out she dabbed at the blood in his hair, trying to clean the wound instead of leaving it there. Obviously after the events of the night she had gotten over touching the bastard. But that didn't make this any less disgusting. "You have gotten to be the stupidest person i've ever known. You could have left last night. You could have fucking left and yet you stayed to rape me. Like some stupid man only thinking with his fucking penis." She shook her head, dabbing at the wound a little harder so that it would hurt. "And you say your smart. Ha! As if i can believe that anymore."
Ashal woke up to the feeling of the blade against his throat but he didn't show that he was awake, instead choosing to feign still being asleep to avoid making the man even more angry. Of course part of him wanted to gloat and really rub it in but he wasn't stupid enough to let his rash emotions control what he actually did, instead choosing to do nothing but sit there, head down, and hope the situation played out without his blood spilling on the ground. Jasmine seemed to be up as well at this point, the woman walking over and stopping Wythe, defending him as it seemed, though the yet made Ashal a tad nervous. It was as if she was saying to not kill him until she had her revenge, until she made his life so miserable that he no longer entertained her, that his spirit was broken, but then again he could have just been paranoid, the bump on his head causing delusions perhaps. She ordered her protector and dog to go get her food, the mere thought of food antagonizing as he thought about the amount of time that had passed without food, not to mention the missed opportunity of the chicken from the night before.

His fake slumber was soon disturbed as a large amount of cold water covered him, his body stiffening up and his head throbbing as he opened his eyes, some of his hair wet and hanging down in front of them. What she did next was rather unexpected as she began to dab his wound with a towel to essentially clean the wound. She didn't continue to be gentle of course, soon she was pressing harder, cleaning it but causing him a good deal of pain in the process and causing him to grit his teeth and bare it. It wasn't the worst thing she could have done, oddly enough she was cleaning it and even if she added a bit of pain he hadn't expected it, it was almost like she was taking care of him in a sadistic sort of way. "I would have to agree with you this time, it seems I lack the common sense to realize raping you was not worth having to stay here... Perhaps you should go ahead and kill me, make this a whole lot easier on both of us, you'll get the respect of your dog back and I won't have to endure the shame of remaining your prisoner."

Despite continuing to act as if none of it bothered him he was in hell, the amount of things that could, and probably would, be done to him were making his stomach sink. "Though I don't suppose you will kill me will you? I mean that would mean you wouldn't get to pay me back for what I did to you last night, not to mention the failed escape attempt." He wasn't expecting an answer, more talking for himself and as he winced again due to the pain of her 'cleaning' he took a moment to look over at her, he didn't say anything as he stared at her but his eyes took the sight in. She truly was beautiful and it was no wonder he had lost his mind for a bit, decided to stay and have her at the risk of being caught. The only thing he regretted at that moment was not using the rope, not making sure she was tied up so he could have killed Wythe and made his escape. It seemed that the mistake she made that let him slip his bonds and the one he made that allowed her to foil his attempt at escape were similar. Before he turned his head away his eyes drifted to the hickey as well, the reason for Wythe's most recent outburst, until it disappeared he could tease her with it, about being his, even as she did whatever payback she had in mind he could continue to anger her. At the moment though he said nothing and turned his head back away, feeling more stupid by the moment.
She huffed when he spoke, rolling her eyes and giving a shake of her head. Kill him wasn't what she wanted to do with him but it would be what he was expecting. For her to torture him, break him, making him beg for forgiveness but she wanted him unbroken. She wanted him to fight back, to yell and curse and scream at her. It was only exciting when they fought back. She stayed silent as those eyes turned on her, feeling their heat as she continued to harshly dab at the large cut on his head. She had seriously hit him on the head and it only pleased her. The bastard had deserved it. Even the second hit, he had fucking deserved that too. "raping a fucking woman." She scoffed slightly, talking as if she had heard him at all, she had but she was going to ignore him for now. He didn't deserve to be recognized. Once the blood was completely gone she pushed herself up, pressing her hand against the top of his head to help herself up. her nails bit into his scalp slightly, giving him more pain. Once standing she bent over and grabbed the bucket, turning around to take it back to where she had gotten it. Dropping the towel inside she dropped it in it's place and got herself a glass of water.

With glass in hand she headed back over to the man, grasping his chin roughly and pulling his head back. "open your mouth." She didn't exactly wait for him to open hims mouth, pouring the water on his lips slowly. She poured the whole glass, whether or not he opened his mouth to accept it. Once the glass was empty she released him, though not before her thumb rubbed across his lips gently. Turning she took the glass over to it's place once again, reaching it just as Wythe walked back into the room with a platter. His eyes darted from her to Ashal and then back to her, making his way over to her and setting the platter down on the empty place on the table. Jasmine stepped over, grabbing the top of the platter and lifting it. A plate sat on it, steak, potatoes, corn and green beans. The smell filled the room and Jasmine smirked, grabbing the platter and taking it over to her bed. "You may leave now Wythe." The words made Wythe grit his teeth, hands clenching at his sides. "I don't think that would be a good idea-" She turned, having grabbed a knife from the platter and throwing it in Wythe's direction. The man dodged right before it hit him, it slamming into one of the polls holding the tent up. "I said leave." Wythe didn't hesitate then, turning on his heels and hurrying out of the tent. The silver ware had been a warning. One that reminded him that she would have no problem killing him.

Pulling in a breath she headed over and pulled the knife from the poll, turning on his heels and headed back over at the platter laying on her bed. Plopping down on the bed she cut herself a piece of the steak and lifted it to her lips. She didn't look at Ashal, didn't say anything, just silently ate as she sat there. This was how she was going to make him suffer, at least for a little while. Forcing him to watch her eat. She could keep him alive longer with just water than without. That was why she had given him a chance to get some. But she was going to make him beg for food. Make him beg for something to eat. It was going to be amusing.
Ashal hadn't though she would let him off so easy, no she had plans for him that didn't include a quick death or anything so painless. He shared her seeming confusion at his actions though, the rape, it had not only been rather out of character for him but it was the reason his life was forfeit to her and another mistake was not likely occur, at least not anytime soon. He was a bit nervous that she was trying to put him at ease because despite declining to kill him she was being much too gentle and nice. Not that she was completely caring, she still made it a point to cause him some pain but it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been and for the most part she cleaned his wound rather well. of course in one act of childish revenge she pushed herself up using his head, he didn't make a peep though, only wincing as her nails dug in. It wasn't that bad, she would have to do a lot more than dig her nails in to make him scream out and he would make sure not to disappoint her by cracking too quickly, if he was going to suffer through it he would make sure to keep his pride in tact as he did.

So far she wasn't doing a very good job of making his life a living hell, she even brought some water over and forced him to drink it, which he gladly did, the liquid being better than nothing. He could help but look at it as nothing but a way to keep him alive but still, it was a necessity. Her finger across his lip was an interesting touch and he chuckled a bit under his breath, it was interesting the way he was being treated. When Wythe came back he simply sighed, it wasn't enough to have to worry about what Jasmine was going to do but Wythe was more straightforward, he just wanted to hurt Ashal, and it also seemed he wished to kill him so that didn't really help, though it didn't sound that bad compared to the possibilities. It was funny to watch him get put in his place rather quickly by Jasmine though, being sent away and then on refusal having a knife thrown at him. Wythe then left just as a kicked dog but Ashal didn't say a single thing and instead just leaned back, watching with a smirk on his face happy to see the man sent away.

Her seeming kindness didn't extend to the food, she began to eat right in front of him on purpose and he was so hungry it was a bit daunting to watch. In fact he found it almost sexy as she slide small pieces of food into her mouth. He wouldn't be asking, he had a feeling she would say no or he would have to make a show of it and he wasn't that hungry yet. "Well then, if all your going to do is eat I may try and catch some more sleep, I mean I could use a longer nap. Unless you had some general beating planned for me." He took a moment and took a deep breath before smirking and looking over at her, "I mean I do need my beautiful sleep for when you break down and ask me to repeat my performance from last night." That he threw in for himself and gently placed the good part of his head against the beam he was tied to. He was almost begging for her to come over and do something, the waiting being the hardest thing to take. Then again maybe he would get some sleep and irritate her in the process, resist her temptations of food and remain strong even in his current predicament.
Her eyes darted to the man when he spoke, giving a slight smirk at his first words. Beating wasn't even half of what she wanted to do to him at the moment but still she ignored him. That is until he spoke again. Her eyes instantly narrowed, hand moving before she could stop herself. The knife came from her hand, jasmine watching in almost shock as it flew through the air and sunk deeply into Ashal's thigh. For a moment she sat there, arm extended from where she had thrown the knife in the first place before she pulled in a deep breath and sighed. "You really are stupid. Saying something like that." She snapped the words at him, pushing herself up to walk over to Ashal and yank the knife back out of him. She frowned at it for a moment, watching the blood that was on it slipped down the blade and dripped from it. Shaking her head she turned once again, tossing the knife towards the bucket and it clattered into it. "Go ahead and sleep now. I'm sure you will have sweet dreams about how amazing it was to be inside me anyways." She smirked. She hadn't been the only one who had completely enjoyed what had happened last night.

Heading back over to her bed she sat back down, grabbing her fork and starting to eat once again. She left him bleeding once again, this time not caring if his blood got on her carpets anymore. the bastard deserved to bleed a little bit. The cut she had given him last night on his cheek was small compared to what she wanted to do to him. Or what she was going to do later. Shifting slightly she gave him her back, quietly eating a little more before she spoke to him once again. "Last night was nothing more than your attempt to get back at me for things that i was ordered to do. That is all it was. And i will view it as nothing more than some sick revenge." She was almost spitting the words over her shoulder, eyes narrowed and hand tightening around her fork. For a moment she almost threw the fork at him as well, for more little pinprick holes in his skin would make her feel a small amount better but she held herself back. Best not to injure him too badly yet. Pulling in a breath she calmed herself, not allowing herself to be too upset about this whole thing.
It seemed his mouth had gotten the better of him, before he could even think about falling asleep he felt a sharp pain in his thigh and his eyes popped open. It took all he had not to scream and even then it showed on his face how bad the pain was. He looked over as she called him stupid again and he glared over at her, if she got so mad about the truth he couldn't imagine what else lay in store for him. "You really are quite the bitch, though I must admit, wounding my let was a smart move, not getting away is going to be even harder." He tried to show confidence and that wasn't difficult, he wanted her to think he still had plans of escaping. He did have thoughts of escaping but no plans, it was impossible to plan when he couldn't move and now with a wounded leg, it was going to be a pain in the ass. When she told him to sleep he knew it was better than nothing but he had to get one last word in before he closed his eyes and tried to recover as much as possible before her next little showing or game. "And by the way, joke all you want but it really did feel good inside of you, revenge or not it was enjoyable." He smirked before turning away again and closing his eyes.

He knew angering her wasn't a good thing, the knife in his leg was proof of that but he just couldn't resist, it wasn't in his nature to become quiet and docile. Besides it wasn't as if he was lying, it had felt quite amazing inside of her, she was incredibly tight the way she moved back against him... Hell it didn't even seem like rape near the end. "Yep... I will be thinking about that defiant face and soft sweet moan." He chuckled before getting comfortable, leaning back against the pole and sinking down a bit. It wasn't comfortable at all and he wasn't that sleepy but he knew he would need as much energy as he could manage to get, besides if he was asleep he didn't have to think about food as much or see those beautiful legs Jasmine always seemed to show off without meaning to. He figured waking up again would be unpleasant but being awake for the start of what came wouldn't make it any better.
She hadn't meant to wound him in such a way. But the bastard had asked for it. Saying something as stupid as that. As if she would break down and beg him to do the same thing again. The first time had been enough, asking for a second.. that was never going to happen. She contained her anger this time as he spoke, keeping her back aimed towards him so she didn't have to look at him. She knew if she did she would only want to hurt him further and the whole point was to ignore him. Make him feel like he was insignificant now. Show him how little his words and actions meant to her. Like a dog that misbehaved. You had to ignore it until it realized doing such things wouldn't get it the attention it wanted. So she waited, silently eating her food as if she didn't hear him at all. Of course she heard him, heard every word that was uttered from his lips. It was maddening. The things he said only made her want to run over and kick him in the face. Anything to make him shut his pie hole! But she refrained from doing so. Reminding herself why she was doing this. To get him to behave. And once he did all she had to do was bide her time till the week was over. Then he would truly be hers. He would have no choice. The deal was a deal. He would stay. She would carry out her orders and she could take him back home with her. It would be like the first time Christine had seen the city, she marveled at the large buildings and the carriages. It had been amusing watching her learn new things and see new sites. One person was easy to save from her orders but many, a tribe even. Impossible.

When his words stopped she glanced back over at him, slowly looking him over. He was different than Christine though. She had begged at her feet to live. Had begged, said she would do anything if it meant she wasn't dead. Ashal, he would never beg, would never get on his knees to grovel in such a way. It was frustrating and exhilarating all at the same time. Ashal could say what ever he wanted about christine's position in her camp but she had been the one to make her own choice. And this had been the only way to convince her men to allow her to live. A whore for them to play with? Easily accepted. A cook? Or a washer or anything like that? Not accepted. Who would want such dirty hands touching their things or their food but sex, men understood sex. They just wanted a hole to fuck. Sighing softly she stood, leaving the half eaten plate behind as she pulled clothes out and yanked them on. Once she was standing wearing an actual shirt and a pair of tight fitting pants she glanced at Ashal again before she headed out, heels clicking against stone once she was outside the camp.

By the time that Ashal woke again his leg was bandaged, along with his head. a precaution against him dying. Wouldn't want that to happen. And he was alone. No one was in Jasmine's camp but outside the sound of running feet was heard and the stomping of a horse. Every now and again jasmine's voice was just barely heard, ordering the men around to do one drill after another. A few moment's later Christine walked inside, glancing around to make sure that no one was around as she headed over to Ashal. Dropping to her knees beside him she yanked a biscuit from inside her shirt, making sure that no one was looking inside the tent before she ripped a piece off and held it to Ashal's lips. "From what i heard you tried to escape."
Jasmine didn't seem to find another reason to keep Ashal awake which gave him the opportunity to allow himself to relax, even if only for a bit. That in turn let the male get some much needed rest, and with his mind no longer in disarray from a blow he even managed to dream, though it was more appropriately a nightmare than anything remotely pleasant. He was once again back in his village, his parents and friends all going about their daily routine. He could even see one of the women who had constantly been vying for his attention, she was one of the farmers in their village, she handled the livestock mostly but she could keep up with any of the men, a sweet girl to be sure. The unfortunate truth was she had already died, as had most of the people he found himself seeing in his dream world, most of them in raids, a couple of starvation and sickness. As he walked around the sky turned red, the entire expanse above him becoming the color of blood and everyone around him collapsed, moaning and crying from pain. It was haunting to see those he cared for in such a state but there was nothing he could do about it, he just stood there watching until he couldn't take it anymore and startled awake, a cold sweat covering his body and his heart was beating quickly, guilt at not being there for his people eating away at him.

It seemed his slumber had been deep, not a fact he doubted, it had felt so real and there had been no trace of the usual floating feeling when he slept lightly. It had allowed someone to bandage him though, blood already dried all the way through the bandage so it wasn't fresh but it did the job and he was thankful. It didn't help the feeling he had though and as Christine ducked into the tent it didn't help. Having to lay eyes on a member of his people, having to hear her mention his escape, it made him want to feel pain, to punish himself. "It's pathetic, I never even got to the escape part, instead I let my hunger for revenge drive me and I raped Jasmine... Ruined the chance I had to get away from here..." After the dream his guilt was at its peak, having to see those who had already died and those who would soon join them without him brought some horrible feelings to the forefront of his mind. It was to the point that he didn't accept the food, shaking his head as Christine offered it to him, "Take it and leave before someone comes in here, it would not be good for you to be caught with me." He was thankful for her kindness but he did not need it, and neither did he deserve it. He wouldn't eat that unless he could escape, he had to make his escape... When she left the room he would try to find a way to loosen his ropes or perhaps wear at them, anything to give him another chance.
his words made her frown, rolling her eyes slightly. She didn't drop her hand when he refused the food, only pushing it against his lips as if trying to force him to eat. "No one's coming and your going to need the energy. Especially for what she has planned for you. Now come on you big baby." Using her other hand she forced his mouth open, having to straddle him in the process and set the rest of the bread on his lap. Once it was inside she held her hand over his mouth until he swallowed, pulling off another chunk to press against his lips. "No one's going to come. Jasmine has them running drills. Unnecessary but.. it gives me time to sneak in here." She gave a slight smile, head tilting to the side as she waited for Ashal to take the next bite of bread. "She's not completely bad, you know. I mean, sometimes she forces me to do things that i really don't want to do but.. if it wasn't for her i wouldn't be alive. She could of killed me, like she did the men that were with me but she didn't. She listened to my pleas. Gave me shelter, a place to stay, and i know.. i know it looks bad. But, it's better than being dead." She gave another solemn smile before giving a shake of her head.

"I'm not the only one either. Your just the first man that she's kept. Or so i've been told. The others, people from your tribe and mine, are living in her home town now. To her, we are a dirty race but only because of how primitive we are. There are so many things she's showed me and taught me. Of course, i'm just a servant doing her bidding when we are there but under those pretenses of gotten to do so many things." She smiled slightly at the thought, almost like a tamed dog thinking of it's master. Breaking off another bit of bread she pressed it against Ashal's mouth, watching him as she did so. "You have to understand though that she can't save everyone. If it wasn't her it would just be someone else. Until the king has been pulled from his throne he is just going to keep sending armies to kill our people." She shivered slightly at the thought, having to pull in a deep breath to calm herself. "He is a horrible man. I've only met him once and all i can truly remember was pain and agony. He thinks we are even lower than what jasmine thinks, a race that doesn't belong to walk the same soil he does and he wishes all our deaths. But Jasmine hates him as well. He's the one controlling her. If you truly want this to stop you have to kill him." She dropped the bread as she grabbed Ashal's shoulders. "That's it! Ashal, you have to kill him! Make Jasmine believe you've been beaten! She'll take you with us and bring you closer to that bastard! It's the only way!"
Ashal smiled lightly as she pushed the food against his lips and finally gave up, accepting a bite and chewing it slowly, letting the taste fill his mouth after so long without food, it was truly a relief to eat something. "Thank you, I suppose I will never make a second escape attempt without some energy." He was still having trouble looking her in the eye after the day before but he it wasn't like she hadn't wanted it so it wasn't as bad as what he did to Jasmine. Of course Christine didn't deserve such treatment where Jasmine did, or so he had thought. In Ashal's mind Christine had been a prisoner, forced to do whatever Jasmine told her and he felt sick thinking about it, that was until she began to spout off crap about Jasmine not being that bad, defending the woman and saying it was better than death. That was ridiculous, being raped by the disgusting men and doing that woman's bidding, that was not better than death, it was a life where your decisions didn't matter and to hear her say such a thing made him angry. Perhaps she deserved no pity, if she had begged and pleaded like some damn coward and accepted her fate so easily it seemed she was just as much at fault as the woman who kept her. He said nothing though, assuming she would end on that but he was so mistaken, she had much more to say and none of it made him any calmer.

"Shut up before I get even angrier Christine, you are spouting nonsense." His voice was enraged as she smiled at the thought of their 'dirty' people in her hometown. It was nothing to smile about and most certainly nothing to be proud of, who gave a shit if he was the first man she kept, he didn't want to be some slave and turn into a worthless dog like Wythe or Christine, he wouldn't allow it to happen. When she pressed more food against his mouth he spit it out, snarling at her as she continued to try and convince him of Jasmine's apparently good side. Speak of the king didn't do well to calm him either, to think that behind the cruel Jasmine was someone else just as terrible, perhaps even more, was hard for him to swallow and while it wasn't a pleasant though that he ordered her around it didn't make him feel pity for the female general, only more hate. "Christine get out! I will hear no more of your idiotic ideas, I will not submit before her and if I can I will escape, tell your mistress that if you wish because I am done accepting the charity of a traitor." With that Ashal gave her a look he rarely showed, a menacing look of hatred near that of which he felt for Jasmine, that one of his people could side with her was outlandish. "Leave..." He said it once again in a near growl, he would use whatever time he had left to start working at the rope but he wanted the disgusting woman out before he did anything, fearing she would tell Jasmine everything like damn mutt.
Surprised showed on her face for all but a moment, surprise that he would take her words as such. Slowly she pushed herself up, grabbing the bread and throwing it in his face. "Then die like a fucking rat." She hissed the words out, turning on her heels and starting for the tent flaps. "You would of had the best chance at getting close to him and your letting your pride get the best of you." She scoffed softly. "What a man you are. Not even being able to see the bigger picture." With that she headed out of the tent, ignoring anything Ashal said behind her as her bare feet quickly took her away from Jasmine's tent. Who cared if the bastard stayed where he was because he couldn't understand. They had probably lost there one chance at true freedom.

It would be hours before Jasmine returned to her tent, talking softly with a man as she entered. She looked deep in thought as she walked inside, only sparing Ashal a glance and only raising an eyebrow at the bread on the floor before she turned and walked over towards her vanity. "Ma'am. They've set up camp in different places from what we have scouted out. It seems like they are resting before they head out. It also seems like they are trying to loose us but thankfully, on your order, we studied them closely before attacking." he placed a map out on the table, pointing to a few maps on it. "they've broken up into groups, probably trying to make it harder for us to catch all of them at once if we do go after them but it seems like this group," He pointed to one of the dots. "Is mostly woman and children. They only have a few men protecting them. And it seems like the other groups are just there to be bait in case we go after them." He looked up at Jasmine, studying her face for a moment before he continued on. "If we do decide to continue following we will need to tail all the groups. There is no telling which way they may go." Jasmine sighed softly, tugging at a strand of hair as she thought. "Yes, i understand. Tail all of them but make sure not to be spotted. I have a feeling they will be watching their backs as well. Also, keeping an even closer eye on this group," She pointed to the one that the man had pointed out a moment ago. "They will be the ones to lead us to where the rest of them are hidden. But follow the others as well. We don't want them knowing that we know that. If we only follow one they will split again." The man gave a nod and grabbed the map, quickly exiting before Jasmine turned around to look at Ashal.

She was covered in dirt, from being on horse back and galloping behind her marching soldiers. It gave her a more rugged look but also made her seem less fragile. Her eyes looked at the bread for a moment before she looked at Ashal again. "Company? Ashal? A visitor perhaps?" Her eyebrow raised, arms crossing under her breasts and making them plump up even more. "Hope she wasn't as Irresistible as i seem to be to you."
His attitude didn't please Christine but he didn't give a shit, he was not about to submit to Jasmine for the unlikely chance to see the king, even if he did it wouldn't matter. The man would be surrounded by guards and Jasmine wouldn't simply agree to anything so he would do things his own way, make his escape before the week ended and get to his people again, then they could fight back and come up with a plan to try and end it. Besides, from what Christine said Jasmine hated him but was still a loyal dog to the viscous ruler. Besides, he couldn't abandon his people willing for a mere chance, if he was to go to the capital he would ensure his tribes safety first, then he could do whatever he wished without feeling guilty. Besides, as much as Christine's words made him thing, the bigger picture wasn't worth looking at if at the end the people he cared about were all dead, perhaps it was selfish but he couldn't bear the thought of going back to his tribe and finding all those he cared about dead, he had already lost too many.

Once Jasmine left he spent a good amount of time struggling against his restraints, rubbing the rope against a rough area of the wooden pole he was attacked to and hoping that he could eventually cut through the rope covering his hands and have a chance to escape. Sure it wasn't a perfect plan but it was a plan and it was one he could work on while looking for alternatives. The chaffing was unpleasant though, by the time Jasmine returned to the tent his wrists were burning and he wasn't sure if he had done anything to the rope, he would just have to work on it whenever she was away and hope that it snapped eventually. For the time he listened to Jasmine, watched what she was discussing with the random soldier in the tent with her, the topic of conversation being no doubt his people. It was a disturbing topic, that his people were being followed so easily in their own land. It was unfortunate that Jasmine wasn't stupid, her instructions to the soldier being quite intelligent for tracking the separate groups. If only he was with them, he could get his people away from those tailing them, but without many soldiers their chances were slim. The worst part about it was that they were no doubt going to the main camp and thinking to when they left there was only another two days before they arrived, maybe less if they hurried to arrive which they were no doubt doing.

He wasn't going to say anything about her orders but it angered him to hear how calm she was about hunting women and children, following them just to slaughter than at a later time. "Yes, I had some company, your dog Christine. She tried to convince me that your not a bad person, that I should submit to you and accept my fate." He left out the part about the king, he had said enough and it kept her from beating on Christine, as traitorous as she seemed to him he wouldn't wish more harm on her because of his own anger. "Lets just say I had no difficultly sending her away, she even threw the food in my face when I refused to accept a traitors pity." A small smirk graced his lips, he put on the impression that he cared not for the lack of food when in fact he was starving. "So no, she wasn't as irresistible as you, her body is nice but after being inside you, well lets just her used body isn't as appealing as your tight adorable pussy." A chuckle escaped as he leaned his head back against the post, "So, going to beat me now or do I get to sit here peacefully planning my escape until the week is over?"
Dog. well that was amusing. But she couldn't help but mentally agree. From what Ashal was saying though her plan hadn't worked. Christine hadn't gotten him to agree. That was slightly disheartening but she hadn't had much faith in the woman in the first place. She was more than certain she could have been a little more persuasive but what's done is done. The last sentence made her chuckle softly, giving a shake of her head but she stayed silent. At least for the time being. Christine had accomplished one thing at least, now she knew how he felt about the proposal all together. Ashal was more focused on his people and getting back to them than a permanent fix. He truly was stupid. Pushing away from the table she turned, grabbing a clean glass and pouring herself a glass of water and effectively giving Ashal her back once again. "Well then, i suppose you would be happy to know that you will no longer be seeing her." She didn't explain, knowing exactly what conclusion he would be jumping too. He was going to think she had killed her but the truth was far from that. Jasmine wasn't gong to kill her after having saved her in the first place.

Turning back around she looked at Ashal, smirking at him slightly as she lifted the glass to her lips and toke a few gulps. Once she had drained half of it she placed it down the table once again before looking at the man again. "I've sent her with a few of the medics for supplies. She will be gone for a few weeks." Gently she pushed away from the table, hands coming up to start unbuttoning her shirt. She did it slowly, placing one foot in front of the other as she moved in the direction of Ashal. "She came in here on my order. Though i never said anything about bread." She frowned at the thing on the floor, using a foot to kick it even further away from the man while her hands never stopped moving. With it fully unbuttoned she let it drop behind her, slowly walking around Ashal as she made her way towards the bathtub. "I told her to be persuasive, your kind of persuasive, but obviously she failed. Nothing i can't come back from but it only shows that your willing to allow this to happen again and again and again." Reaching out she touched the water in the water, it cold but she didn't care. It would take too long to have it heated.

Grabbing her skirt she unbuttoned it, letting it pool around her feet before she slowly pulled off her bra. She let that fall to the ground as well, fingers touching her panties for a moment. Her green eyes met Ashal's blue ones for a moment before she slipped out of those as well, dropping them to the ground before she turned and stepped into the tub. She shivered slightly, frowning at the cold water but pushing through it as she sank down into it. Once she came back up to sit she sighed, starting to wash herself off. "She was serious, about the offer. I want him dead just as much as anyone else in this camp does."
Ashal wasn't exactly comfortable with it when Jasmine mentioned him not seeing her again, if it was because she was being put to death or some other form of punishment he felt sorry for the woman, but at the same time it wasn't as bad as it would have been before. Sure he felt sorry for her as a woman but he no longer saw her as a member of his people, she had given up that right when she decided to accept her place as a slave, stop fighting for what was right. He didn't say anything though, not really having an opinion on the matter but of course it wasn't as simple as it had been in his head. Jasmine soon explained herself, she would be getting some supplies with medics, not a horrible fate although she would no doubt be used every at every chance if any of them were males, and that was still as disgusting a thought as ever, maybe more so now that he learned Christine had essentially begged for her fate. "That's a shame, I suppose there will be nobody around to remind just why I need to escape before the week is up. I suppose I will just have to keep my reason in mind until I make it out of your camp."

Jasmine was taking up his mind as she walked his way, unbuttoning her shirt was getting his heart racing, damn bitch, she knew now he had a thing for her body. "The bread was probably an attempt to convince me it wasn't your idea, I mean a spy is reasonable, you sending me food is not." He laughed, thinking that was his kind of persuasive was comical, "Well the crap she was saying definitely didn't convince me of anything. I am not going to become your plaything because if I stay here my people will have no chance..." There was no arrogance in his voice at this point, he didn't think they would fail without him because of his combat ability or even his intelligence, they would fail without him because his father was no longer the leader he once was. His leadership was needed, without a strong leader there would be confusion in an already hectic time for all of them. He would trust their safety to one of the veteran soldiers left, but most of the more experienced men had already fallen in battle so even that wasn't an option.

He almost forgot about his concerns as she continued to strip though, his mind going blank as her skirt dropped and then her underwear came off. She was definitely messing with him, making the process of stripping slow and while he would have liked nothing more than to not be bothered by it he couldn't help it, her body was incredible. Then he realized Jasmine was getting in cold water and things changed, she would be getting out with a much more perky body, just the thought made him swallow nervously, trying to get his body under control as he became a bit aroused. He used her conversation as a way to distract him. "Whether you want him dead or not means nothing to me, getting close to him would be difficult enough, killing him even harder. Hell, if you release me now maybe I will believe you. Release me from these binds and let me get to my people, I can help them to a new hideout and then we can work together... Show me your not just a manipulative bitch." A smirk was on his face, he knew she would agree but there was a chance. Then again she probably thought his escape was impossible and after the week was up he wouldn't leave anyways.
The cold from the water helped clear her mind, shivering slightly as she lathered her body up and washed herself off. Ashal was right though. Killing the king would be close to impossible but that didn't make improbable. it could be done with the right planning and that was exactly what she was good at. Planning things out that succeeded. Especially since she knew the castle like the back of her hand, beyond that knew what the king would do if there was something there trying to kill him. Her eyes darted to the man when he spoke of being released, her lips pressing together into a thin line. Let him go. Release him. That was something she was unwilling to do. Especially if it meant he was out of her control. She wanted him here. Wanted him close and some place she could completely control. Even when the week was up she wasn't going to unbind him. Not until he fully submitted to her rule and gave in. It wouldn't be until then that she would allow him any leniency. If she did let him go she would be with him, along with enough men to get him back under control if he decided to do something stupid.

As she thought she stayed quiet, washing her hair before she stood in the tub. Water slipped over her skin, dripped from her perky breasts and made her all the more appealing as she slowly stepped out of the tub and onto a rug that was beside it. Leaning over she grabbed a towel that was beside the tub, laying on a chair and dabbed at her face with it, keeping her body to the side so that Ashal could see her still. "Fine." She said the one word, a smirk slipping onto her lips as her eyes narrowed at Ashal. She could compromise. She wasn't completely heartless and in the end she would get what she wanted anyways. "I will let you go." Unfolding the towel she wrapped it around herself, slowly making her way over to Ashal and kneeling before him, once again giving him a wonderful view of her nether regions. "Of course on a few conditions." Her eyes stayed on his face, judging his reaction before she continued on. "We will wait until the rest of your people reach the main tribe. Until then you will stay here. Once they have reached it we will all go. Me, you, and a group of my finest men. Just in case you decide to try something. You get to see your.. people. But i can't just let you go. Doing so will only ignite rumors that i have become soft hearted towards you now that you've used my body as some.. toy." She gritted her teeth for a moment before she calmed once again.

"if you accept the deal between us will be broken and instead a new one will come into place. You get to see your people and declare that they are safe.. and" Her hand waved in the air for a moment, "Do what ever it is in your.. tribes," She was purposefully choosing to keep out words like dirty and disgusting. "and you come with me to the city." Her eyebrow lifted, smirk darkening. It was a good offer. "O and i won't kill anyone that i don't absolutely have to kill." Those absolute things probably not being what Ashal would say was necessary but they could deal with that when the time came. "I will get you into the castle and we will work together to kill the bastard sitting on the throne. deal?"
The water only made it harder to ignore the obvious attracted Ashal had towards Jasmine, her perky breasts and smooth skin both only being made more eye catching with the addition of water, not to mention what the cold water had done to her nipples. Of course nothing could distract him from the next words that escaped her mouth, she actually said she would release him. He didn't believe it at first but she began to speak seriously, going through some conditions and just standing there, leaving a view but not enough to distract them from the conversation at hand. It didn't sound like a solid deal though, there were a lot of things that he couldn't control in the little scenario of hers and to make matters worse his escape wasn't getting any closer, the attempt to saw the rope on the post not being so successful, and while he had time he had his doubts. Compared to being kept as a mere pet and his people being slaughtered this gave him a chance and his people one at the same time, hell if gave them more time even if he failed in his attempt to kill the king. It was as if she was giving him what he wanted and trying to get what she wanted at the same time, either she had plans on betraying him or she had learned to compromise awfully quick, the trouble was, Ashal wasn't sure which one.

"You certainly change you tune quite quickly, it makes me a bit nervous to be honest. I suppose you have to be cautious of me as well though, I did have my way with you last night and I would definitely kill for my people... That being said having guards with you and letting my people reach camp first does sound reasonable to me. I also understand your wishes to remain in control, at least on the surface, just because I know you like the man to take charge doesn't mean everyone has to know." He said the last sentence with a smirk on his face, he was going to taunt her as much as he could about how much pleasure she received from being taken. Besides, if she could stay calm with his accusations being flung around she was definitely serious about her little offer, something he wasn't totally convinced of yet. For all Ashal knew it was some clever trap to keep him from reaching his people before her men found the main village, to stop him from saving them before it was too late.

The male remained calm as he relaxed further, now not even stressing about getting away, not while their was a chance that she was serious. "Now jasmine, if you are being truthful with me and will allow me to see my people, talk to them for a short time, and greet my family, I will accept this deal. You must only promise me a few things. I want your word that my people will not be attacked any longer, that you will release any captives or slaves you have if we succeed, and that if I live through our plot that I am also freed without any struggle. I will not be helping you unless I believe I can go back to my life once this is done, to people I care about." His requests weren't that difficult but he hoped she saw it as such, if not they would have problems and with that offer on the table he didn't much feel like having to escape. "So what do you say Jasmine, put all the rest behind us and join forces, or are you going to let a few simple requests ruin our future partnership before it even happens?" His eyes were on her body now, looking over the beautiful sight as he spoke, enjoying it a bit and licking his lips as he waited for her answer.
She frowned at him, huffing darkly at his first words but for the moment she said nothing against it. Really she wanted to reach out and slap the bastard across the face but she contained the desire. It would only make it seem like she wasn't serious and she was. If he gave her what she wanted then she wouldn't have a reason to kill them anymore. Her troops could go home. And so could she. That is, take him home with her. Like hell she was going to just allow him to walk away. She couldn't.. and wouldn't allow that. So when one of the conditions was that she had to let him go she abruptly stood up, frown deepening on her lips as she turned and headed over towards her dresser. Grabbing the towel she unwound it, letting it drop to the ground as she rummaged around for clothes. "I have neither captives nor slaves. The ones that stay with me, stay willingly. That is, except for you." She yanked on a button down shirt, turning around to give Ashal a glance. "If they wished to leave they would have done so already but as it stands they have no other safe place than where i have placed them. They have everything they need, the necessities that any human being would ask for. You are my only captive. If your referring to Christine she asked to go with the medics. One of the men leaving was her lover. Her actual lover. just because i do not approve of such a relationship does not mean that i wouldn't allow her to go with someone she feels so deeply for."

Slowly she pulled on a pair of panties, watching Ashal as she did so. "On the matter of your.. people. If you succeed there will no longer be anyone to attack them. The city will be in disarray and i will most likely be sent out to find the murderer. " She smirked at that thought, turning her head so she could hide it from Ashal. "You may return there if you wish but know i will be right on your heels." Taking a few steps she grabbed a glass, pouring water into it before heading back over to Ashal. Like last time she grabbed his chin, lifting his head back. "Open your mouth." Without hesitation she poured the liquid, whether or not his mouth was open. "You can not escape me no matter where you go." She gave him a soft smile, one that made her face light up and gave her a gentle appearance. No, she would chase him to the ends of the world just to possess him. Once the glass was empty she stepped away, walking back over to set it down. "Also, if you try and do what you did last night again i truly will stick a knife through your heart." Her words were viciously said, eyes narrowed at the glass. The lack of control she had felt wasn't something she wished to feel again.

"Now Ashal i suppose we have a deal." She turned around again, leaning back against the little table. "Though i won't be untying you for my own safety. And of course, your own."
It was laughable that Jasmine claimed not to have any slaves or captives but he didn't say anything, as she hadn't said a word after his remark. He at least knew she was taking the bargain seriously and he could afford to put some faith in whatever they discussed, even if it wasn't a large amount. He did feel slightly honored about being her only captive, it was interesting that out of all the people she had met, of his race, that he was the only one that had stood out to her. Honestly he still wasn't sure why he had been chosen in the first place but it was a pain in the ass ever since. "Well all do respect to Christine, when any guy can have his way with you love is a stupid claim, he is probably just a bit less unbearable than the rest of them. Not that I really care, she had dug her own grave, I have run out of pity for the woman. That being said I do wish to add one thing, you way not have slaves or captives here, but I am sure they are around back in your country, free laborers used as a small workforce. I want everyone freed, they do not have to leave your land, it is their right to do so, but all those held against their will by your people, whatever the reason, I want them handed back over to my tribe. If they wish to stay that is their choice to make, just give them the choice."

Ashal couldn't help but watch Jasmine as she slipped on her panties, it was impossible to keep his eyes off of it even if he was concentrated on the conversation at hand. He was shocked to hear her intentions though, she planned to follow him to the ends of the earth and hunt him down, probably capture him for her own sick reasons. The worst part of that was it would make it impossible for the man to go home, it wasn't a thought that comforted him in the least. "Then I suppose I will just have to run in a different direction, head far away from our lands. At least then my people can live without you in their lands." He wasn't happy about it but it was better than having his people persecuted by Jasmine, and he could run for them. "So don't worry Jasmine, I will give you a good chase and you will never catch me. But, according to our deal you have to let me go, I mean it wouldn't be fun unless we made a bit of a game out of it would it?" The man smirked as she warned him against touching her again, "Don't worry about me touching you again though, I will not lay a finger on you until ask for me to, until you ask me to take you again." He leaned back, it was interesting how she hadn't harmed him that day despite it happening the first day, at least she was beginning to change.

He shrugged when she said she would be keeping him bound, he would accept that as long as it meant this plan went down without a problem. Besides, he had already messed up one escape, he could struggle to try and get out again or have a chance to see his people, ensure them that nothing more would happen, and with that be able to accept leaving them and heading to the capital. "Oh and Jasmine, let's do this quickly, the faster we can get the hell out of this place the better, I am tired of sitting in this floor all day, a man gets bored you know."
Slowly she pulled in a breath. O how she wanted to kick him across the face right now but she knew that was only going to set them back once again. She was just going to have to listen to his idiocy and move on. "Slavery is allowed in my country. Whether they be from your tribe or not. Just because you have killed the king does not mean that i will have any power over that. That would fall to his younger brother, not me. The very fact that you even think that i have control over it is laughable." She huffed, rolling her eyes as if he had truly said something stupid. Well, i suppose he had. Telling her to make sure that everyone had a chance at freedom, even the ones not in her care, was stupid. Did he think that she would take the kings place after he had been killed? Now that was lunacy. She wouldn't be able to do such a thing. Such a burden would keep her planted in one place and she had never been too found of being stuck somewhere for too long. "I make no more promise than to allow my own to leave, even though they already have that right."

She sighed again when he spoke of running and not being caught. O she would catch him. He wasn't stupid enough to go back to his tribe but she damn well knew she could probably track him down. He said she had to let him go, he didn't say where she let him go at. As long as he was free once again, right? "I said i would and i will." She gave a slight smile, one that only turned up the edges of her lips but did nothing more than that. "I won't be begging for your touch. But i can make you desperate for mine, Ashal." She was amused by this, hand slipping across her stomach to gently wrap around her clothed breast. Ashal couldn't move, Couldn't get himself off, couldn't do anything but look away. And that was exactly how Jasmine wanted it. Her fingers pinched her nippled through the cloth, making a shiver run down her spine. A soft moan slipped from her, leaning back against the table a little harder than before as she did this. She knew Ashal was watching, knew he would want to see this so her other hand dipped lower, moving to the bottom of her shirt slowly. When it reached it she pulled it up, revealing her panties and her flat stomach, pulling the shirt up she held it with her teeth so her hand could go back down, sleeping between her legs to start to rub at her sensitive area outside her panties.

It didn't take long before moans came from between her lips, legs shaking slightly as they tried to keep her standing. Her eyes clouded over in pleasure as she touched herself, only half watching the man across the room as she did this. With in a few moments she slipped her fingers out again, grasping the sides of her panties and pulling them down just enough that he would be able to watch her figners glide across her folds. Just knowing that he was watching was a turn on and it only made her all the more wet as she propped herself up onto the table so she could spread her legs slightly, giving Ashal the best view possible.
Perhaps his demand had been ridiculous, especially when he couldn't make her hold up that end of the bargain but he had said it. Jasmine made it perfectly clear that she wasn't about to make such a promise though and she didn't hesitate to point it out. He no longer cared in all honesty, arguing would get him nowhere and what happened would happen in the end. In his mind part of that would be his escape of course but that was a thought for a different time, what she said next got his mind off of escape and back on what was right in front of him. He couldn't only watch as the woman began to slip her hand across her stomach and gripped her breast through the shirt. She was such a sadist, Jasmine kept doing things in front of him, making him crazy over her and the magnificent body of hers. Ashal was becoming tired of acting like it didn't affect him, that he didn't want that near perfect body of hers and as she moaned and got more into it. So instead of looking away from her or closing his eyes he stared right at her, smirking as she lifted up her shirt and revealed her panties and stomach.

Jasmine wasn't stopping there, she kept the shirt up with her teeth and rubbing herself from outside the panties, one hell of a sexy pose. She continued on to make a show of it, making sure he could see her lovely folds as she touched herself, her moans and the view easily arousing the bound Ashal. He was erect and horny as she continued to pleasure herself he simply watched on, fantasizing a bit. "You were right, though I am not desperate I do want your touch, as much as I know you would like mine... Even if you won't admit it." He knew she would like him touching her, it would beat her own fingers by a long shot. Besides, he wasn't going to be trying to escape anymore, he would be working with her as long as she allowed him to see his people and let him go in the end, that meant he could be a bit more... Honest. "I am curious why it is so important that I want you but you don't want me, I mean since we are essentially partners now, let's just call this what it is, a partnership. Why not have some perks? I am by no means suggesting something civil or even friendly, just carnal, until this is all over and I leave for good." Ashal looked her up and down again, turning his head to the side and really getting a good view of them, "So what do you think Jasmine? Want to come over here and do more than be a giant tease or continue using your own fingers and reach a half-assed orgasm?" He had to swallow a bit of pride to let his carnal desires take the front but he wanted it and if there was a chance he could see what the woman would say.
His words did catch her off guard, making her pause for a moment before pulling her hand out of her panties. Lifting her hand up she licked her fingers, tasting herself for a moment as she watched him silently. A partnership. Ha. If that was what he thought he was in for a surprise. She wasn't going to truly allow him to leave. Not when she could just set a trap again. Now that she had had a taste of him he was never going to be able to leave her side again. Willing or not. "Don't you know Ashal. Your not the only one in this camp that i could fuck." She huffed slightly, glancing to the tent door before she lifted herself up fully onto the table and sat down. Slowly she pulled her panties completely off, opening her legs so that he could fully see her mound and folds. Reaching down she slipped her fingers over herself, feeling the wetness that was already pouring from her by him just looking at her. "Beg me, Ashal." She smirked, knowing that Ashal's pride wouldn't allow him to do such a thing. Truly she wanted to watch him suffer.

Her fingers continued to move over her core as she intently watched Ashal's face, seeing that want and desire in those gorgeous eyes. When she was sure he wanted her fully she slipped her fingers inside herself, moaning slightly at that feeling. It turned her on to no end knowing he couldn't touch her and he was forced to just watch. She wanted this, wanted to hear him beg out for her touch and ask for her to come to him. He was the one that was supposed to do that. If not she could always find someone else more willing and a little more, clean.
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