Lightening Strike

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Nov 30, 2010
Katniss swallowed hard as she sat on the stage between Haymitch and Peeta, staring out at the crowd,even if her eyes weren't seeing anything. She was trying so hard to not consider what was happening, that she was going to have to watch another child get sent to the arena, to the hell that was the hunger games, that she never considered the obvious.

That President Snow was going to have his revenge for the events the year before, no matter what happened. And that's when she heard the two names thunder through the square like a death bell tolling.

Gale Hawthorne. Leanna Dresden.


Leanna trembled a little as she wrapped herself up in the blanket she was hudding in, staring out the train windows, blind eyes watching the night slip by. After she had been announced to be going to the games, the rest of the night had blurred together, had been a rush of the mentors and her and gale being rushed onto were they needed to be going. And yet...

Trembling harder she tried to warm herself even if she knew the cold had nothing to do with the temprature in the car, but everything with the cold emptiness in her heart. She felt...numb. Nearly starting to badly when peeta walked in that she nearly fell out of the seat.
"Peeta!"She scolded absently as she straightened herself.


"You know, its almost unfair to send you to the games. You've always been better than me at hunting things."She said absently, as if she wasn't talking about him hunting humans. Couldn't even consider yet what he was going to have to do to survive. Sighing softly as she sat down on the train seat next to him, she smiled tiredly at her friend."Gale?"She muttered worried about him because he hadn't said anything since the moment he'd heard his name come out of the lottery.
Peeta was struggling to look indifferent, struggling to act casually, struggling not to think about the fate that he was about to send someone else into. he understood now why Haymitch drank, he was half tempted to take it up himself... part of him wished that Katniss had killed him in that damn last moment of the games. wished that he could forget the tortured screams of Cato that haunted his every waking, and sleeping moment. he was only glad that he didn't have to suffer his mother anymore, living away from her was the only good thing that had come of all of this. when his freinds name was called, he nearly leaped to his feet... but he was a mentor... he had been in the games... he could not volunteer... and even if he could... she was suddenly the wrong gender.


Peeta smiled sadly as she nearly fell out of the bed, shaking his head. "sorry Lea..." he muttered softly, holding up some blankets. "thought you might need these... you always get cold when your upset..." he muttered softly, carefully wrapping her up in them, shaking his head. "i'm so sorry... this is all my fault..." he whispered, swallowing thickly. "because of what me and Katniss did.." he stroked her hair. "i am SO sorry..." he whispered softly, stroking his knee. it ached almost constantly, the new leg started just under the knee, he tried to ignore it. "i know this is going to be hard, but me an Katniss are going to do everything we can to help you... alright? now when we get there... you have to promise me not to fight them. i made sure that Cinna was there, he'll make you look wonderful, as pretty as a rose." he promised smiling at her softly. "but if you fight or snap at them, they can't help you... and trust me, the first impressions are going to be everything."


Gale was dumbfounded when he heard his name called. he knew it was going to happen, some inner instinct had told him that it was going to happen. now, not only was he heartbroken that Katniss was with Peeta.... but now he was also going to have to kill people and die for nothing but the amusement of bastards who didn't know misery if it bit them on the ass! he paused, blinking as he suddenly realized Katniss was there and that she had been talking to him. "huh? what? sorry i... wasn't paying attention, what did you say?" he asked, finally seeming to snap into reality to blink at her a little bit. "i don't suppose they have food on this thing? i'm starved..." it was a feeble joke... very feeble. at least he didn't have anyone at home depending on him. not like Katniss and Peeta had. no, he was all alone save for his father.
Lea swallowed hard as she looked up at the blankets, sighing softly as he wrapped her up in them, sitting there the slender woman looked even younger then she really was. Almost as old as gale, Lea and Gale would be the oldest tributes in the games this year at 18. It would have been there last year o competeting....and now she was never going to have the chance to go home. She so wanted to go home. So wanted to see if katniss and peeta made it through. Shiting she leaned against him, elbowing him hard."It wasnt just your ault you know. I now I know, you didn't help but i had more then my share of names in the bowl, I was a chance even if you hadn't survived.And I'm very glad you did."She muttered looking worried about him, more then herself, she fretted over him, and how much it was going to hurt him when she died in the arena.She was good, she was strong and hard working, but she knew gale hawthorne, had seen him and katniss hunt together. She had no doubt t would be her own opposite that killed her....if only he did it as a mercy to save her from having to ight. Rubbing a hand over her face she made a face at him."I'm not katniss, peeta. I don't snap and snarl at everything that moves."She teased a little, trying to relax but finding it so hard.


Katniss smiled sadly biting her lip as she looked worried about him."I was saying its a good thing you can take care of yourself."She muttered before laughing softly."We have food. It's a capitol train after all.Come on.We should all try an eat."She said pulling him up to his feet and the small dining room, moving about the room to get them food, glad that haymitch had been given leave to stay home. The drunk didn't need to do this not again when it was peeta and katniss' fault lea and gale where here, they had silently decided that they would allow no one else but themselves to take responsiblity for keeping them alive.
he smiled at her a little as he shook his head a little, wincing as he was elbowed. "ouch." he complained, though they both knew it hadn't hurt. "i know you don't snap and snarl, your worse, you go all quiet and sullen and ignore me for days on end." he admitted wrinkling his nose at her before sighing as he wrapped her up in a tight hug. "come on, you should get some food into you. your skinny." he stated simply. "the more you eat while you can, the better you will be in the arena..." he hesitated now, studying her. he knew she didn't stand a chance, he was fighting back tears, struggling not to break down as he hauled her to her feet. "bring the blankets." he ordered with shrug. "no one will care." he admitted simply as he led the way down the hall, settling her into a chair and indicating the food. 'be careful not to over eat, you'll get sick, it's very rich." he warned even as he grabbed a hot Chocolate. "and drink lots of this, it's very worth it." he promised, chuckling a little, looking up as Katniss and Gale walked in... he didn't like the way Gale looked.. he was all pale...


Gale nodded a little, swallowing thickly. "yeah.. i can hunt for myself, and gather... that's gotta count for something..." he agreed shaking his head a little. Peeta was right of course, he was too pale, he was fighting back the blackness that kept threatening to drown him. he was close to passing out, and he sat down, staring at all of the food, blinking slowly as he bit his lip hard enough that it bled, Peeta silently handing Katniss a napkin so she could dab his lip clean. "Gale? you need to eat something." Peeta finally said, pushing a plate of soft fruit to the larger man, blinking at him when he seamed to snap back to reality again. "huh? what did you say? sorry i wasn't paying attention..." Peeta grimaced and handed him a cup of hot chocolate. "here, drink that, it will make you feel a little better..." he suggested, blinking at him a little as he stared at the strange liquid. "'s brown..." "they call it Hot Chocolate." "'s brown..." Peeta had to grin at that. "it's sweet, good." "...but it's BROWN!" Gale complained, looking baffled and Peeta struggled not to laugh.
Lea sniffled a little, burying her face against his chest."Don't be a baby."She grumbled sighing sotly before laughing, though the giggles trailed off into a watery sniffle. "I only do that when you deserve it."She muttered before letting him bully her into the dining room. While she knew she shouldn't do this, because she knew gale would have enough issues with killing a girl he knew. He didn't need her to be even stronger then she already was. Snuggling down into her chair as she cuddled into a three blankets peeta had wrapped around her she sipped the hot chocolate, nearly moaning at the taste.

Katniss looked worried, before smiling slightly at gale's protests, looking worried for him."eat gale."she muttered before smirking a little."It comes from a coco plant, the seeds are brown. Now drink.The sugar will do you good."She ordered looking at her 'boyriend' worriedly, knowing peeta was worried about the two as much as she was. She was truly worried about gale's obvious shock and lea's silent withdrawl. They didn't need to be withdrawing already. Already giving up. this would do none o them good."Drink gale. See?Lea's drinking it."She said smirking a little at the small blond girl watching them all, though her eyes looked a little to glazed to be good.
he snorted a little. "i'm no baby." he complained smiling at her a little. "you do not, you do it anytime i annoy you." he complained. "i once forgot to return a pencil and you ignored me for a week lea!" he whined, pouting playfully at her, trying to drag her out of herself, it wouldn't do her any good to give up already... after all, he was just a bakers son, yet look how well he had done! he shook his head and settled her into the chair, watching her drink her hot cocoa with a small grin, watching her. "good huh?" he asked smiling a little as he watched Katniss try to convince Gale that it was good. he gave her a glance, as if wondering if Gale was always that stubborn or if his befuddled mind just couldn't comprehend a brown drink. "..." gale glanced up, realizing that not only Gale, but Peeta and Katniss where drinking it as well, and he looked down at it again before taking a small sip, shuddering as he set it down and shoved it away. "i'm gonna be sick." he groaned, racing out of the room, Peeta grimacing a little. "...i think his nerves are getting to him..." he muttered softly, shaking his head a little. "here Lea, eat something, the roast beaf is good." he admitted smiling at her. "you better enjoy the food, it really is worth it." he admitted, wondering how he could help her!? he glanced at Katniss, a look of helpless terror in his eyes before hiding it as he focused on Lea again. "eat up Chickadee or Gale will eat it all when he comes back." he hadn't called her chickadee since they where in diapers. he hadn't been able to pronounce her name, and his father had once called her voice 'as pretty as a chickadee' so he had called her that. though he had garbled it nearly as much as he had garbled her real name. he was hoping the shock would snap her out of it.

(i'm going to bed. gnight! see you tomorrow!^^)
Lea smiled softly nodding a little."It is good. Sweet.Better than that sludge your mother used to get."She muttered sipping her drink, quiet in her shock. It wasn't so much she was shy or anything, she was just more withdrawn then gale or katniss, and the shock was making it worse. Katniss winced a little sighing softly because she knew it was party gale was always stubborn and that he was befuddled at finding himself there. Watching gale go for a moment she looked at peeta nodding"I think so to. He'll feel better after he gets sick."She hoped so anyways. He needed to eat. A low flicker o anger flashed through lea's eyes, as quick as lightening going to ground, gone in a moment before shock replaced the the anger." is good."She muttered eating before starting looking at him a little startled."W-what?" Katniss aughed softly."chickadee?"She muttered leaning over to wrap her arms around peeta, giving him a comforting hug as she rested her forehead on his shoulder, trying to be strong. Knowing gale didn't need to know how hurt and scared she was or them all
he laughed a little and shook his head. "that's because she got the Cocoa powder and made her own, for the chocolate cakes." he admitted grinning a little as he shook his head. "it had to be strong and bitter for it to taste good in a cake." he admitted shaking his head a little before smirking at Lea's flash of Anger. "good girl, you keep hold of that anger. it will protect you." he promised smiling as he kissed her forehead before leaning back into Katniss. "it's alright Katniss... she knows... you don't have to act in front of her... save it for the camera's..." he had told Lea of course, that Katniss didn't really love him. he was heart broken and depressed and only Lea was keeping him sober, off drugs, and alive. because she needed him. "Chickadee is from something my father said when we where kids. for the longest time i didn't know her real name." he admitted smirking a little. "i had a terrible lisp and couldn't pronounce Leanna, and when my father said she Sung as pretty as a Chickadee it was easier to pronounce so i called her that." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i was her shadow for YEARS, yelling for her to 'Wait up Chickadee!' she was always in a rush, i think i was the only thing she slowed down for." he admitted his eyes soft and misty as he remembered happier times before the reaping, before the hell.
"Oh.Well, this is better."Lea said finishing her drink, before shifting setting her glass on the table, nibbling a little before she scrambled after gale, the bathroom door slamming behind her as she lost the food in her stomach.While katniss and peeta hadn't thrown up, it had been a common shock induced symptom as they realized what they were going to have to do. Katniss growled at him softly, punching him lightly in the arm."You needed a hug. Even I can see that."She said annoyed with him because he seemed to think that even if she wasn't in love with him, that she didn't care for him. Laughing sotl at his story she hugged him tighter as she watched the door, planning on pulling away as soon as the two came back, not wanting to shove her and peeta's complicated relationship in his face."Well, you are worth slowing down for. She must care alot for you."She muttered.

Leanna swallowed hard, shivering a little as she wiped her mouth, straightening her clothes as she stepped out of the bathroom, nearly jumping out of her skin when gale's bathroom door shut next to her. Yelping softly she looked over at him sighing sotl, "Hey."She muttered avoiding his eyes, not wanting to make more of a impression, because she didn't want to hobble him even more in the games.
he grimaced a little when she ran off and he sighed a little, shaking his head a little. "they've given up Katniss... i don't need a hug i need a god damn miracle..." he admitted closing his eyes as he was hugged tighter, relaxing into it this time before shaking his head a little. "she's the only sister i have." he admitted softly. "i'm the only person she has left..." he opened his eyes and looked up at her. "Katniss?... can i have a kiss?" he asked, a flicker of amusement showing in his face, because if he didn't laugh... he was going to cry. because there was a chance that one of their freinds might make it... but not both...

Gale nodded a little as he looked at her. "h..hey." he stuttered, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "some... some day huh?" he asked swallowing thickly. "do... do you think we'll make it far?" he asked her, terror written across his features. "do you think we'll at least make District twelve proud?" he asked hesitating a moment. "you and i... we should stick together..." he decided. "it worked well for Katniss..." he admitted, his eyes slightly unfocused, but it wasn't a bad idea. "we can survive longer together... and... and i know... some plants... closer to the end, we can take them and just... go to sleep..." he was planning his death already. it was a good thing Katniss wasn't hearing that, she'd have slapped him.
"Well, we'll just have to convince them that they need to work or it. I'm not going to let them die because they're to stubborn to try."She growled because she had to be angry, had to stay that way because it was the only way she was going to survive sending them into the arena.Looking at him for a moment ebfore smiling gently at him, kissing him gently, running her fingers through his hair."You can have all the kisses you want."She muttered laughing softly.

Leanna nodded, still looking a little fragile around the edges, tired as she swallowed."It has been some day."She muttered before sighing softly, leaning back against the door. "we'll have to make it far. And do them proud. cause if we don't and there really is a heaven, katniss is going to come and kick our ass."She muttered looking just as shocky, just as pale as he did. "I can cook.Peeta taught me. And I don't eat alot, so I wont eat to much of your food."She muttered sighing sotly, before nodding."We'll just go to sleep."She said enjoying the thought.
he sighed a little and nodded. "we have to convince them to live..." he whispered softly, swallowing thickly. "i hate that we brought this down on them... i'd rather they just took my goddamn head..." he admitted, covering his eyes with his hand. "i wish you'd just left me to die... then this hell would never have happened..." he whispered, watching her as she ran her fingers through his hair, shuddering and relaxing under her touch, sighing a little. "i'm sorry..."

he offered her a trembling smile, licking his lips a little. "we have to get at least into the final eight." he agreed nodding. "we might even manage to make it without... without killing..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "we'll have to... we'll have to try." he decided smiling. "and... and if we survive..." he decided. "into the final two..." he looked at her. "i want you to win..." he admitted. "Peeta needs you more than Katniss needs me." he admitted softly. "i think your the only thing holding that guy together..." his eyes where starting to clear. a good solid plan in place, as long as one of them made it out, he could be happy with his death. "we won't fall for Capitol tricks... we'll show them... we will!" he decided before smiling at her. "we won't have to worry about food... i can catch and find almost anything..." he admitted, shrugging his shoulders a little. still in shock, still pale, but with a good plan in place, he was more sure of himself. "... let's not tell them any of this though... alright? they... won't like it..."
Katniss nodded shiting, pressing a kiss to his hair, hugging the blond before leaning back to gently smack him in the back of the head."I couldn't have let you die. And even you had died, she could have still ended up here."She pointed out unwilling to let him give up, because if he gave up, she wasn't strong enough to snap lea and gale into action.

Lea's smile was just as small and shaky, nodding a little."We'll try. You're good at hunting and I'm good at hiding. We might be able to avoid having to..."She paled a little swaying slightly on her feet at the idea of killing someone before nodding."We'll be able to do this."She said swallowing hard sounding a little more sure, a little more steady before laughing softly."Oh no, they wouldn't like it at all.But we'll plan and orce things to be our way."She said nodding a little. Shifting she bit her lip before wrapping her arms around him in a loose hug before moving away again."You look like you needed a hug."She teased a little blushing softly as she headed for the dining hall to say goodnight to peeta. Hoping she'd be able to sleep for awhile until they got to the capitol.
he smiled a little and shook his head. "i know... but they wouldn't be so hated then at least..." he admitted sighing a little as he looked up at Katniss. "i am glad you saved me." he admitted smiling at her a little. "i really am... i'm glad i'm here with you... i'm glad... i'm glad that they have us... instead of just me, or just you..." he paused as the door swung open and he pulled away from Katniss as the two walked in.

"we'll be a good team." he agreed, steadying her as she swayed, swallowing thickly. "it's going to be alright..." he promised softly. "if we have to kill anyone we'll kill the Careers.. they enjoy killing the sick bastards... we'll avoid it at all costs but... if it comes down to them or us... i don't know if i'll be able to stop myself..." he admitted shaking his head, smiling at her. "we should still listen to them, they have good advice." he admitted smiling a little before swallowing thickly as he was hugged, hugging her back just as tightly. "i did need a hug..." he admitted wiping his eyes. he would NOT cry dammit! he walked into the room, glancing from Peeta, who had forced the looks off his face, to Katniss who was doing the same. "...don't suppose one of these... things here... would help me sleep?" he asked hopefully, Peeta hesitating before shaking his head. "sorry... don't think so.." he admitted standing up slowly, wincing as his leg protested. "come on Chickadee, let's get you back to bed." "...chickadee?" Gale asked, looking confused. "don't ask, she'll make you suffer for it." Peeta suggested, and for the first time, Gale grinned a little. "Chickadee... kinda suits her, cus she's so small and pretty..." he had a feeling he was about to have his face smashed in for that comment.
"I am to."Katniss muttered smiling sotly because she was glad that she had saved him even if it had gotten them in this mess.

"Then we'll kill if we have to.I wont just offer them my throat, and watch peeta's life go down in flames because that would please snow to much."She muttered anger flairing through her bright green eyes before nodding."They do have good advice. Even if peeta wont listen to advice himself."She said giggling a little before glaring at peeta sleepily. Tired and worn but..."Peeta!"She protested, looking worried about him as he stood. She couldn't help but fuss over the man who moved so much slower now then always. Gently wrapping a arm around his waist to walk with him she growled softly, twisting to look up at gale."You're both small. And pretty. No wonder katniss doesn't want either of you."She growled anger going to ground like heat lightening as she marched out of the room, barely out of the room before katniss started laughing."Oh, maybe she will be fine."
he smiled at her and nodded. "it would please Snow..." he frowned his eyes lighting up. "so... we suck it up." he admitted smirking at her. "we kiss ass! if we make him think that we, and Katniss think he took pity on them out of the kindness of his heart, and are EVER so Grateful to him!" his voice took a sappy tone. "then maybe he'll forget about punishing them, and when you win, he'll stop seeking revenge!" he decided rubbing his hands together. "your a good actor hum?" he asked smiling at her a little before looking a little worried himself about the pain written across Peeta's face, his head tilted. "...can't those fancy doctors do something?" "they aren't touching me... i don't need to owe them anymore than i already do the bastards." Peeta grumbled as he let Lea help him out of the dining hall. "besides, their the ones who did it, let them see the result of their failure." he looked shocked at Lea, astonished at her true fury before he grinned at her a little as Gale started to laugh. "why she's... she's a little SPITFIRE!" he admitted smirking a little as he looked at Katniss, hesitating a little as he stared at her. "...Catnip..." he muttered softly, biting his lip a little. "...we're going to do our best." he promised. "me and Spitfire... we wont just roll over and die... we're going to survive this... no matter what..." or Leanna would anyway.
Katniss grinned laughing a little as she leaned up to kiss his cheek."I know you wont. And you're going to do just fine. Just call her chickadee, hawthorne, and she'll stay pissed the whole games."She said snickering a little glad that the two seemed to be willing to fight now.

But yet, when it was time to enter the first step of the game challenge, Lea was so scared she couldn't see straight. The smoldering dark dress she was wearing flickered under with flame, like coal when you blew air across it. Katniss and burned, and this year they were seeing the results of what happens when one burns hot and bright. Trembling so hard as her and gale stood in the chariot her hands shook, she swallowed hard stepping closer to gale, and despite having been told by every captiol official they'd met to not be a couple, she slipped a hand into his, needing the reassurance someone else was there with her, and yet she was so scared that her hands were freezing and shaking so hard that their hands swung a little between them. Yet there was a look of serenity on her face, unless someone really looked for the fear, all they would see was the seemlessly endless calm.
he snickered a little and smiled at her. but like her, he looked like he was going to pass out on the chariot. he took her hand tightly, swallowing thickly. "don't let go?" he asked hopefully, glancing at her, dressed in leather with flames flickering along his pants legs and his shirt sleeves, shaking his head a little as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder,, pulling her close, looking around at all of the people with an almost stricken look on his face. he was only making Leanna look better, like she was comforting the big lummox next to her. he looked around, terrified at all the people watching them, screaming and started to realize what he was doing and stepped away from Leanne, gripping her hand instead as he hesitantly waved at the crowd. Peeta sighing int he control room, shaking his head. "oh this is going badly already... he looks like he's going to be sick!" he complained looking at Katniss. "we have to be careful about what he says during the interviews... chalk it up to stage fright..." he muttered, rubbing his knee as he watched on the TV. "at least he made Leanne look good... people are going to associate more with a kind hearted girl, than with a terrified idiot..." he sighed a little closing his eyes, struggling to think of a way to make this work in their favor.
Lea smiled a little shaking her head."No, I wont ever let go."She muttered looking up at her, their features flickering ever so slightly in the light of their outfits, leaning into him for a moment as she hid her face in his chest, shuddering a little. Looking startled as he let her go, stumbling a little, hurt showing on her face before she could hide it, turning to look up at the crowds as she waed, looking so soft and kind standing next to the man with her, shifting, nudging his arm a little, slipping underneth his arm, letting it fall around her shoulders."You know if we keep it up, we could give katniss and peeta a run for their money in the couple area."She teased him a little, not really thinking it through, not realizing it was almost exactly what they needed. They'd all love a devastating fairy tale, espicially with the current ruling couple as their mentors.

Katniss nodded rubbing her fingers against her forehead sighing softly."They're both not looking good. Her hands are shaking. And she's shivering.She's upset to."She pointed out defending gale even if she knew he was making things better for lea and worse for himself.
he offered her a shakey smile, his lips giving her a small smile as he slipped under his arm again. "i'm sorry... i just... Peeta said not to make his mistakes i.. figured that meant to not look in love with you..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "you know... it might help..." he admitted. "acting devastatingly in love... maybe we've been in love for a while now." he mused, smiling at her. "i'd like a nice romantic death... dying to save the one i love." he smiled at her, swallowing thickly. "i think i'm going to be sick... there's so many people..." he muttered, shooting the crowds another look, but with her so close, he was starting to calm down, starting to relax... with Chickadee next to him, nothing was to be feared.

"she's more than upset." Peeta admitted. "she's terrified, she's just better at hiding it..." he frowned a little as he watched them cuddle together again. "those idiots..." he grumbled. "but he's looking better, steadier..." he admitted. "it will be easier to claim it as crowd shock." he admitted looking pleased. "you know... he looks like he's about to kiss her now, instead of puke all over her... it might work in our favor, them being in love... the District Twelve can become the lovebirds of the Districts." he admitted with a small chuckle. "they'll get less points with the capitol, but they might get so many more sponsors this way." he admitted. "and in the end, it's the Sponsors who will keep them alive.."
Lea smled a little."Peeta doesn't know what he's talking about. Don't listen to him."She muttered closing her eyes as she leaned against him, laughing softly."Hmmm in love for awhile.Yea, we can do that."She said sounding relaxed, easier. Letting him calm her terror, trusting him to take care of her. Even if she'd just truly met him, she trusted him to take care of her. Ignoring the crowds and whispers that were flying as she cuddled against him,closing her eyes as she listened to the speaches going on around them.

"He's takng care of someone. He's always been better at taking care of someone then himself."Katnis said sounding worried because she knew that the couple thing could go wrong just as much as it could go right. Laughing softly at that she smiled."They might be able to pull off the couple thing."
he chuckled a little. "the being in love thing could bite us in the ass, like it did Peeta and Katniss though." he admitted looking down at her. "we met in school maybe?" he asked smiling at her. "well... we kind of did actually." he admitted now that he thought about it. "you taught me the ABC song." he admitted grinning a little. "i was terrified of you." he admitted with a small snicker. he smiled as she snuggled him and he gently brushed the hair out of her face, shaking his head a little. "don't fall asleep now." he warned playfully, dipping his head and brushing a kiss to her forehead, standing as the Anthem started, giving it the respect it demanded, sighing a little. "i hope this ends soon... i'm exaughsted... i didn't sleep a wink last night..."

Peeta smiled a little as he shook his head. "with that kiss? i'm not entirely sure he's pulling anything... i think he honestly likes her the sentimental fool." but he looked relieved. "this might not end up as bad as we thought..." he admitted. "if they can claim they where in love, even dating before the reaping, the Game Makers might even decide to let them both live to save face at the end. after all, they have to please the people of the capitol, and i doubt they like a Romeo scenario." because Peeta knew what Katniss was refusing to see... Gale didn't intent on coming out alive.
Lea giggled a little nodding."I did.You kept stuttering."She muttered smiling at the memory before frowning at him, "I terrified you?Why?Only peeta's scare of me, and I think he only tells me that to make me feel better when I'm mad at him."She muttered sighing softl as she stood for the anthem to, nodding."Me to."She said swaying a little on her feet, looking relieved as the chariots once again began towards the training center."We can sleep soon."She said sounding so glad to be leaving, to be able to rest.

Katniss looked startled at the idea, tilting her head."Oh, oyur one to be calling someone a sentimental fool."She teased glad that the interviews weren't until the next day. At least the two exhausted teens would be able to get some rest before having to talk about their supposed romance."They might."She said biting her lip thinking about it, and still refusing to see what peeta knew."He wouldn't do that."She muttered pained because she knew it was exactly what gale would do. Kill himself to protect someone he liked, much less loved. If he accidently really fell for her....gale was never coming home.
he smiled a little. "well for one thing you where tiny but you kept YELLING at me." he complained smiling at her. "i suppose you don't remember dumping me on my ass either do you?" he asked chuckling a little as he shook his head, falling silent for the anthem, smiling at her as he held her, steadying her. "easy... we'll be in bed soon." he promised smiling at her as he felt the Chariot begin to move, and this time be blew a kiss to the Audience, giving him that warm, winning smile that won over nearly every female in the school.

Peeta shrugged. "i knew i was lost to you the day i saw you." he smirked. "he fell in love with her in a few hours." he teased chuckling a little, looking slightly pained. he didn't want to loose Gale either. he knew that Leanna was going to miss him if he was gone, and it would hurt Katniss deeply to see him gone. "we'll figure this out." he decided softly. "we will... we'll figure it out..." he muttered softly taking her hand and kissing the knuckles gently. "help me up?" he asked hopefully. "my legs gone all stiff." he admitted grimacing a little. "we should meet them at the rooms.." he admitted, wincing as he put weight on his leg. "it get's worse with every day... i might have to let those cursed doctors look at it after all..." he admitted sighing a little as he glanced at her. "did i ever thank you by the way?" he asked smiling at her. "those first few weeks... months... i can't remember much, i was on too many painkillers." he admitted shaking his head a little.
"I did not!I would never yell at anyone but peeta. And thats cause he called me chickadee."she muttered blushing hard, sighing softly."No, no I don't remember that."She muttered looking so embarassed. Laughing softly as she watched the audience, amused that the females in the audience were swooning, sighing softly in relief as they got to the dorms, walking up to their rooms. "Gale..."She stopped biting her lip shaking her head, not saying what she wanted. Becuse she couldn't ask it, not when she didn't know what was coming, but she was so desperate to not be alone. And she knew peeta would stay with her, but it would hurt more knowing he wanted katniss, and that just couldn't do.

"No.He couldn't be..."Katniss said staring wide eyed not really believing that gale had fallen in love already. Sighing as she helped him up she looped his arm over her shoulder so he could lean against her as the walked."You should. You're not going to be able to think about them if youre in to much pain to focus."She said sounding worried before nodding, helping him into a chair as they waited for the other two."Yes, you did. A few times in fact."She said pressing a kiss to his forehead before sighing, "YOu need to rest."She muttered.
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