Torn apart

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Nov 30, 2010
Erika jolted out of sleep as the book hit the desk by her head, blinking stupidly at the teacher standing over her. Swallowing hard she smiled sheepishly, before nodding slightly."Sorry."

"Ms. Everdeen you should be reporting to the office."Her history teacher frowned looking at her sternly.

Erika winced at that. She couldn't go to the office. She couldn't. She just couldn't. And as she repeated the words, she saw the teachers going slack for a moment and because she'd done it before, she saw the teacher cave into her demand to stay in class. "Okay ms. everdeen, just this once."The teacher said before going back to her lecture. But even if she wasn't looking around her, she could feel the skin crawling on the back of her neck as she was stared at.

Jace Kroner growled softly at the man sitting next to him. Irriated because he couldn't use his own powers, he was feeling the touch of his princess's and it was making his skin crawl. Even if she shouldnt have been able to do it yet, no changeling child should be able to do it yet at the age of 18, but she had. And it was making her future husband uncomfortable. Which brought up another reason. What the hell was he doing here?He was a duke of the Seelie sidhe, and he did not apperciate Loki dragging him out on assignment. Even if the man was his best friend, much to his mother's dismay the two had gotten along from the moment Loki had returned him to Sithen, the fae realms.

"What the hell am I doing here?"He growled, that edged temper focusing him just as much as using his power did. He was usually scattered, so powerful that his own powers prevented him from focusing and paying attention to the things around him, caught between the feelings and thoughts he picked up, Jace was hardly ever aware of what ws real or not....extremely annoying when loki bent reality around him.
Loki stared at the princess, his light blue eyes watching her intently. Loki Frost was a delectable sort of man, gorgeous, almost frail in every way. he was beautiful, he knew it, the world knew it, and he enjoyed making sure that everyone knew it. Loki was a rarity in so many ways, he was beautiful, even more so than many of the royalty... he was powerful, again more so than many of the royalty... and rarest of all, he came as a set... he was a twin, which was part of the reason he was so powerful, he and his twin Loti where very rare, but Loki got all of the attention while Loti was shoved off to the side... what people didn't know, was the Twins made very sure of that. Loki was very outgoing, thrived on attention.... Loti was shy, and cringed and cowered when in a group of more than three. Loti stayed at home and raised one of the biggest gardens in the kingdom, which fed most of the royalty, while Loki went on mission after mission because he was too hyper to stay at home and... god forbid, read a book.

he smirked as he watched the girl use her powers on the teacher, how many times a day did she dazzle him? he bet it was quite a few. "your here because i want you to be here." Loki stated in his usual arrogant air as he rested his head on his fists, sitting in the back so they wouldn't be noticed. "besides, your going to be marrying her Jace. you should see her when she's calm before we ruin her entire life, drag her off to god knows where, and she has the biggest temper tantrum of her life." he was teasing Jace now. when he had first been sent to go and get the 'little lord' as Loki called him when he wanted to annoy the other. Jace had thrown one of the biggest temper tantrums the kingdom had ever seen. of course, Jace hadn't had a rough childhood the way most of the Changelings did, and his family had loved him so very much. "besides, i thought we might stop at your 'mothers' house and check in on her." he admitted smiling at Jace. it was against the rules, but Loki lived to break rules, besides, no one had the heart to deny Jace his chance to see the mother who had raised and loved him, despite her heavy set Althimers she always knew who he was.

"so what do you think of her?" Loki asked, indicating the princess as he wrapped reality tighter around them when a student glanced too long at him. no need to have them seeing him, he wasn't there, no need to cause a massive panic in class. Loki really was powerful enough that he could render himself completely invisible, it was one of the things that made him perfect for these kinds of fetch and save missions. he glanced up as the end of the school bell rang and he smirked a little. "time to introduce ourselves, come along Jace." he ordered patting his best freinds head. "let's follow her, as soon as she's alone we'll introduce ourselves... if she runs, do NOT follow her." he ordered sternly before following her out the door and down the street before releasing reality, revealing himself and his gorgeous reality to her. "Excuse me, Miss Everdeen?" Loki asked suddenly. "My name is Loki Frost... yes i know that's a strange name." he grumbled a little wrinkling his nose a little smiling a little. "this is Jace Kroner, would you mind giving us a moment of your time? there is something that needs to be discussed."
Jace frowned over at his concieted best friend. If he thought it would do him any good he'd beat his friend for being a arrogant asshole,but he knew that even before the blood had dried, loki would be a wiseass. "Oh, so you summon a Sithen lord just to do errands?"He muttered wrinkling his nose a little, rubbing at his temple, feeling the pounding migraine that was nearly blinding him with pain, he was struggling to even focus on the man sitting next to him.While he knew it was for the best, to feel reality warping around them, to feel it shuddering around them, was making his already frail hold on what was around him even more finely wrought and breakable. Like Loki he was powerful, a telekinisis to the point that he that not only could he move things, but he could sense thoughts and feelings, along with being able to throw a arrow so hard into a target a mile away that it shattered the shaft. There was reasons for his pain, and despite being 'engaged' to the princess, he did not want to be here feeling loki tricking his mind into seeing what he knew was fake.

Smiling slightly at the mention of his mother he nodded absently."We'll see her tonight. Erika wont want to come with us tonight, we'll need to give her time to think."He muttered.And he was so going to throw another temper tantrum if he didn't get out of this room soon. Duke or not, loki was making it feel like he was having a anyesrum. "Maybe she'll be named the baby then."He said perking up a little at the idea that he wouldn't have to stand to listen to the whispers behind his back anymore.

"She's...interesting. And stop that. You're giving me a headache, and I'll be totally useless to you."He growled before sighing softly, trying to avoid speaking about the princess, not when he knew the truth.He didn't want to hurt her. Not when he had to do this.If he could spare her, he would.

"yes?"Erika looked startled as the two men suddenly appeared, laughing softly at his words."yes it is odd,but are you cold and mischvious?"She teased flirting because she could, but also because she knew the orgins of the name, loki the god of mischief, and frost...well because of frost. "What can I do for you?"She asked looking cnfused.
he smiled a little at the other. "sorry, i know this makes your head hurt." despite being an arrogant prick, he really was a kind and caring man, and he hated to cause others pain... he did it, often, but he didn't like it. "besides, you so don't want your future bride to be called 'the baby'. you two will never stop being laughed at." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. "besides they don't whisper about you because of your temper tantrum, they whisper because you scare them." he admitted smiling a little. "it's a good thing!" he admitted grinning at his friend a little. "not getting cold feet are you?" he asked smiling a little before moving over to Erika. pretty, pretty Erika.

he had to chuckle at her flirting and gave her his best grin, playful and flirty and friendly. every pore of Loki was made for this. "why yes, i am." he admitted smiling as he gently lifted her fingers and kissed her knuckles, just like a proper underling. "well, you see Miss... we need to talk about a certain... power, you have." he admitted blinking at her his head tilted a little, smirking a little. "i'm sure you've noticed that strange things happen around you, yes?" he asked smiling at her, his cool blue eyes watching her, carefully swirling reality to make himself seam even more trustworthy and calming. "you see, your not alone in this, there are others who can do the things that you can do." he explained. "my friend an i are just like you, we can do things as well." he admitted smiling at her a little. "we're here to explain everything." he admitted. "including the reason why you don't look like your parents... why you can do these strange things." he looked down at his own bare feet. "why you hate shoes." he admitted wiggling his toes a little, smiling a little as he watched her. "may we find a place to sit down and talk?" he asked his head tilted. "i know you think i'm an insane madman right now, but i was sent here to bring you back into our world as calmly, and gently as possible..." he promised. "and to protect you while i do that."
Jace rolled his eyes as he loked over at the other "I'll just toss the lot of them in the lake for the rest of my life. that'd brighten both our days."he said wincing a little as he shook his head in amusement, the movement making the whole world tilt around him. Staying back as loki talked to her, because the pain was making his head hurt so it was the opposite of his usual problem. instead of unable to focus because his power was blinding him, it was not using power that was killing him at the moment."I never get cold feet.about anything."He said scowling a little not wanting to consider what they'd do to loti if he did.

Erika stared looking cnfused and upset at loki. Annoyed at his words before sighing, nodding a little."Okay."she said slowly looking at the two pretty boys, figuring if it came down to it, she could take them if she had to. Sighing sotly as she nodded towards teh resturant across the street."Let's sit down.He doesn't look good."She said showing more of a ablitiy then most. because jace looked normal, as perfectly aware an well as anyone else, the fact that she could tell he wasn't was just a layering of her powers, similar to his own. They really would be a good couple.
he chuckled a little as he shook his head a little, watching his friend carefully, not wanting to see him in such pain. maybe he shouldn't have brought him after all?... no, Jace would be helpful, he knew it deep inside... Loki always listened to his feelings, his instincts, and they never steered him wrong. "you get cold feet all the time." Loki complained. "and you deserve it too for wearing no socks in the middle of winter." he stated with a sniff, an old joke that he couldn't remember, but it had been going on for years that tagline. he looked shocked as she commented on Jace, looking at his best friend, amazement written on his face before he shook his head. "yes he, doesn't do well in crowds." Loki admitted calmly. "the Diner will be perfect." he agreed. there where people, but not too many, giving her a sense of safety and Jace the privacy he needed to help calm himself down. once in there Loki handed Jace a spoon, it would give the man something to focus his powers on to bleed some of the excess power off.

"Miss Everdeen..." here Loki hesitated, considering how to start as he pondered. "we are not human, you and i." he explained, watching her carefully. "we are very powerful people, creatures known as Trylle." he explained. "humans once called us Troll's, Changeling, Elves, and even Golems." he admitted. "we prefer the name Trylle." he admitted smiling a little. "we are a race of creatures that predate humanity." he admitted sighing a little. "our kind... are dying, we are at war with one another and so, to protect our young we send them away." he admitted. "those of Royal blood, like you, and Jace, are sent into the human world as babies, to be raised as humans... your powers don't manifest until well after puberty... at least, that is the way it is supposed to go, but for some reason, your powers have manifested years early." he explained. "that is why you can make the teacher do what you want him to... with training i've no doubt you could make him stand on his head and cluck like a chicken." he admitted smiling at her a little before hesitating. "i know this is a lot to take in, you probobly don't beleive me... Jace didn't either at first." he admitted glancing at the other. "in fact he threw a tantrum so large the entire kingdom shook for days!" he admitted smirking at his friend, teasing him again.

he turned his attention back to Erika. "i know you don't want to beleive me right now, but it is the truth... and i know your not going to want to, but you will have to leave your home... your powers are growing Erika, and if your not careful, if you don't get control of them, they might very well hurt someone. someone you love and care about." he admitted watching her gently. "you might hurt me, or your teacher, or yourself... or, you might hurt your family... your mother, or your brother, someone you love very much... you wouldn't mean to, but it could happen, and the longer you wait, the longer you try to ignore it, the more probable it will become..." he sighed and hailed a waitress, who took their orders. "you don't have to decide tonight, in fact i would suggest thinking long and hard about it." he admitted. "let your mind settle tonight, rest on it, let yourself calm down tonight and thing about it in the morning." he set something on the table, a fifty dollar bill. "order anything you like." he winked at her. "and keep the change of course. i won't be far away, if you need me, simply call my name, and i will come." he promised blinking at Jace. "come on Jace, lets get you home before you puke on one of these unfortunate humans..." he muttered, amused by his freinds plight.
Jace rolled his eyes at th old joke."You're the one who taught me to not wear socks,jackass."He pointed out ignoring the pointed look he was getting from his friend. He hadn't said anything about being in pain to make loki feel guily, he'd said it to make sure the man would know that he couldn't count on him to back himup if he needed it. Sitting down at the table with the other two he absently pushed the spoon between his fingers,watching the spoon slid off the small space between his hands without touching it.. "Oh.I don't like crowds either."Erika said smiling looking worried as she looked up at the two men, before sitting down to before frowning at him.

Erika looked confused at his explaination, before tensing at the mention of her power."I didn't make him do anything!"She said sonding slightly panicked because she had no idea what as going to happen. She didn't want to get in trouble."Loki your freaking her out."Jace muttered as he glanced up with wide dark eyes his ees not really focused on erika, more to just to her left as he watched her aura streak with the colors of her emotions.

'No!I wont go."Erika scowled to freak out and worried about hurtin someone to even consider leaving with them.Frowning at loki's kind words. He hadn't had to give her the night,but she still wouldn't go with them."I don't puke. I'm to dignified for that."JAce said having bled off enough power that his eyes held that sharp intelliegence, and empthy for what was going on with erika before following loki out of the resturant."We can't go see my mother.Not yet."He said pausing there as he lit a cigarette, the addiction to something was one of the ways to block power, even if it disgusted the rest of the trylle, it allowed him a few more minutes of reprieve, and the haze of addiction left him alone in his own mind for a few given moments."Something....somethings wrong."He said almost, almost sensing what it was wrong, but the more he tried to pin down the emotion, the more it slipped through his fingers. Snarling softly in frustration, because he was so powerful that it pissed him off that he didn't have perfect control.
he snorted a little. "i never taught you that, your own MOTHER says that you never wore socks as a child." he complained rolling his eyes a little. "and that was years upon years before i ever met you." he teased smiling a little as he watched her, nodding a little. "your empathic, i think." he admitted studying her. "i don't have a way to judge what your powers might be, but i have a strong feeling your empathic in some manner or form." he admitted smiling at her a little before wincing as she panicked. "please, Erika calm down" he whispered, bending reality so that the others in the restaurant wouldn't react to her panicking. well aware it was going to hurt Jace, but it had to be done. 'we're nothing noticeable, just a group of teenage freinds talking quietly, no one is panicking, nothing is wrong. ' his mind whispered through the air, soothing everything but Erika, she was too strong in her panic for him to affect her.

"no one is angry with you, it's a normal thing, i promise." he tried to reassure her. "no one is going to be angry, and your not going to get into trouble for using gifts that you where born with. your teachers, and anyone else you touched with your powers have never been hurt by it, you didn't cause any hard yet." he promised smiling at her. "i promise you, everything will be alright." he murmured softly, gently patting her hand before leaving her to calm down, sighing a little. "you know, that could have gone a lot worse." he admitted smiling at him. "i knew you'd come in handy, she didn't attack us because you felt sickly to her..." that was his theory anyway. "she's strong, my power couldn't touch her... with training she could make me do anything she wanted..." he admitted wrinkling his nose. everyone knew Loki hated it when someone was stronger than him in ways he couldn't combat. he could stop someone from flinging him against a wall using telakeneses.... he couldn't stop someone from reaching into his brain and taking control of his very will. he watched the other light a cigarette, but said nothing even though the smell assaulted his nose. it wouldn't hurt him anyway, it just smelled bad.

"what is it Jace?" he asked, his head tilted at the other. "is Erika going to run for it?" sometimes, they tried to run away. rather than going with him, or hurting their family they tried to run away... some tried to kill, or hospitalize themselves thinking they where insane, or sins against nature. of course, considering who Erika was.... "is someone coming after her?" he asked, trying to give him something to focus on, as far as Loki could tell, it was easier for Jace to focus on an emotion when he had an idea of what he was looking for. he set his hand on the others shoulder. "sorry, i know you hate it when i do this..." he muttered softly, warping reality so that any enemies watching would see Erika get up out of the booth she was sitting in, trembling because it was so much harder to include a group of people he wasn't sure was, or was not there. it drained him a great deal to do large illusions like this. rendering himself invisible was easy, he just had to convince any eyes that looked at him that he wasn't there... but to make Erika invisible only to some, yet still there to others, and then to make a second Erika that was unseen by most, but visible to some walking out through the back... even making the door look like it was swinging open... it was hard, very hard and like Jace, Loki now felt a massive migraine creeping up. still, it was nothing Loki wasn't used to, it was only bad, or dangerous to Loki when he started getting a nosebleed, and he was far from that point. he made the fake Erika head down the street, his blue eyes watching it closely. "the real Erika is still int here... i don't know if you can see her or not." he muttered softly, panting a little. his head hurt, but he would be fine as soon as he dropped the illusion. "hows your head?" he sure as hell wasn't about to let Jace know how much this hurt him. Jace would only nitpick at him for being reckless.
"Hey. I'm trylle. And a duke. I don't have to lower myself to wear silly things like socks."Jace said with a sniff as if to dignified to argue the point. Erika frowned looking thoughtful looking at them both, focusing on jace, proving that she was indeed a empath as she looked at loki. "Make him lay down soon. He's not going to feel better until he gets some rest."She said calming slightly but not really. Calm enough that she wouldn't upset his illusion to badl. Sighing as she thought about what could happen. Struggling to think about it as she watced them leave.

"...I hate it when you use me just because you make me feel ill."Jace grumbled, rolling his eyes a little, having a feeling that loki was right. That she was so strong that his pounding migraine had stopped her from trying to make it worse, which her attacking him would have done. "It wont be that bad. I have to work to throw you into a wall, and she's not trained. It'll be years before she can make you do anything, and I think she's to powerful of a empath to ever force the issue."He pointed out before giving loki a look."Don't look at me like that. You of all people, know they help."he said as he felt the smoke burning his throat, thankfully since they were nearly immortal, the trylle were immune to silly things like cancer and astma, so he really wasn't doing any damage to himself by smoking.

"No.She's not running. Even if she wanted to, she loves her famil."She said thinking about it, using loki's words as a focus to try to tease te feeling into being. Yelping as the other touched him he growled as his knees went a little weak, a hand snapping up to rest on loki's arm, not so much to stop him from doing the illusion, but to stop his legs from going out under him Not about to let the other know just how bad it was, that pain was blacking out the edges of his vision."Not so bad.No worse then normal."He said not about to let loki know just how badly he was hurting, not wanting to make his friend feel guilty for hurting him, when it was his own body that betrayed him.

Shaking his head a little, he wince as the world tilted around him."We'll have to keep watch.Someone's hiding well enough so I can't tell if its what she's feeling about something, or if its one of the Unseelie hiding out"
he snorted a little. "you didn't know that when you where five." he teased chuckling a little before nodding to Erika. "i will, no worries. i won't let him get ill." he promised smiling a little as Jace complained. "your not just here because you feel ill Jace... i had a feeling that you'd be helpful and you are..." he admitted his eyes looking around. "you can feel things, and with as important as she is i know your the key to an easy transition for her..." he admitted his eyes narrowing a little. "besides, throwing me into a wall, and making me strip naked and do the tango are two different things... her mental powers are beyond even the Queens... you didn't feel her mind?" he asked blinking at Jace, realizing the other had been in too much pain to realize how much power she had used against the Teacher. "and i wasn't looking at you any funny way, i just can't stand the way those things smell." he complained simply. "humans really are disgusting sometimes." he admitted shaking his head a little.

Loki shook his head a little. "sorry..." he muttered as he felt Loki grip on to him, smiling at the other. "i'm trying to find out..." he admitted panting softly. "i can't sense anything... the Illusion is taking all of my concentration..." he admitted biting his lip a little as he swallowed thickly, glancing inside at her. "do we go in and tell her that she might be in danger, or wait and see if she's attacked?" he asked, releasing the illusion so he could think without causing a massive hernia in his brain, wiping the sweat off of his brow. the illusion had made it far enough away that if the Unseelie had followed it, they would take a while to get back. "i doubt that worked." he grumbled a little. "some of those bastards can see through my illusions." he admitted shaking his head as he turned and looked inside at Erika again, his eyes narrowed. "your input Jace?" he asked glancing at the other. "i'm good at coercion, not battle strategy..."
"I did to."Kace said snickering a little rolling his eyes at loki's assurance that he was more useful then feeling ill. He knew he was more important but unlike the trylle, the humans had no barriers to keep him from feeling exactly hat they were thinking. AT least at home the trylle and sidhe had enough barriers to keep him from feeling like his head ws going to explode."I was to busy listening to the teacher think shed look hot in bed to think about how she felt."he growled rolling his eyes before sighing."IF you could find me a better habit that works, I'd take up that rather than this."He pointed out as he snuffed out the cigerette on his bootheel, not so much because loki hated it, but because loti had been after him to stop.

Smirking a little as he looked at the other man talk he shrugged a little before tilting his head."They wont attack her until tonight. She's safe now. I say we go back to our place, so we can stalk the princess from the comfort of our own home."He said already eading down the street, because the two had rented a house a few houses down and across the street from erika's, so they'd be able to see if any of the unseelie showed up.
he snorted a little and shook his head. "you are so full of it Jace, honestly." he teased smiling a little before lifting an eyebrow. "...the Teacher thinks she'd... that's disgusting!" he complained wrinkling his nose. "i have to make sure she's never left alone with that sick bastard." he stated shaking his head. "it's a shame that i can't do anything about him, i can't stand pedophiles." granted, she WAS eighteen, but still, that broke SO many boundaries. "i don't know... i'd suggest drinking but we can get drunk a little too easily, and Drugs just don't work on us..." he mused, pondering that a little. "maybe we could get you those weird nicotine gums? then you get your nicotine but don't smell like shit." he muttered pondering that. in all honesty, Loki wasn't even aware of how well Loti and Jace knew each other. he had no idea that anytime Loki was out of the seelie realms that Loti and Jace couldn't be separated, even sharing the same house until Loki came back. it was one of the best kept secretes in the entire fey realms.

he hesitated, looking at her and then nodded. "your right... they won't attack her during the day..." he agreed sighing a little as he shook his head. "i kind of wish Loti was here." he admitted suddenly. "he has this way of looking completely harmless... i bet she'd be following him to the seelie realms by now if he wasn't so damn shy." he mused smiling a little. Loti was one of the most powerful seelie the entire realms had ever seen too. it was rare for such a gift to exist, control over an element of nature was so rare, that normally anyone born with it was immediately made into a Duke or a duchess... the Queen had offered the position to Loti, but he had refused, not wanting to be separated from his brother and handle that many people. most of the realms had conveniently forgotten now, how powerful Loti was, the boy refusing to use his powers unless he absolutely had no other choice. he sighed again and shook his head as he followed Jace back to their rented home, heading inside and to the kitchen to look for something to eat. "Fruit salad or a regular salad Jace?" he asked, unsure what he himself was in the mood for so leaving it up to the Duke to decide.
Jace snickered,"She wont be left alone, and I'm sure he's going to have...a unfortunate accident."Jace said a smirk quirking his lips, for a moment looking unmerciless, but it faded after a moment, but there was no doubt that the high duke of the sidhe would make sure that the teacher had no chance to hurt any other child."ou know, I might try that."He said rolling his eyes a little."And I don't smell that bad, your nose is just to sensitive."He said snickering a little before smirking."Call him then.Better yet, I will and tell him I need some of his plants to make a pain killer."He said smirking as he slid his hands over loki's chest just to bother his very hetrosexual friend before taking his cell out of his pocket, dialing loti."loti!I need you to come rescue me, Loki's trying to have his way with me again!"Jace said dramatically smirking at loki."Fruit of course."He said as he collapsed onto the couch.
Loki snickered a little as he shook his head a little. "of course she's not going to be left alone! what kind of bodyguards would we be if we left her alone!?" he watched as she moved into her own house, smirking a little. "she must have left just after we did..." he mused shaking his head a little as he looked at Jace lifting an eyebrow. "just make sure whatever you do to him you either kill him, castrate him, or reveal him as the child molester that he is." h ordered smiling a little as he shook his head. "and my nose is NOT too sensitive! Loti always knows when i've been with you because he can smell the cigarettes." he teased, because Loti always commented when Loki came back smelling like Jace's cigarettes. Loki, being the idiot that he was, didn't recognize the connection. Loki flushed hard as Jace 'cuddled up to him' and quickly slid out of the mans grip. "i really, really wish you'd stop doing that..." he complained shaking his head a little as he complained on the phone to Loti, the shyer brother laughing because he knew better than to think his strictly asexual, bordering homophobic brother would ever try to flirt with Jace.

still, the boy appeared half an hour later. he looked exactly like Loki, save for the twin braids in his hair. "Loki leave Jace alone." Loti ordered, Loki snorting as he throw a strawberry at his brother. "shut up Loti, he's always TOUCHING me." he whined, sulking a little as Loti chuckled, settling a hot cup in Jace's hand. "Jace, honestly would you stop teasing Loki?" he complained smiling at the other. "Drink, it will help stop the pain." he ordered before taking one to Loki. "thanks Ti." he muttered, supping at the hot cup of special herbs. another reason why Loti was normally ignored was that he was one of the best healers in the kingdom. no he couldn't heal instantly, but for people who couldn't see a healer, for things like colds, cuts, headaches or even Backlash Loti was the man to go to. he understood plants and how they helped, and could fix anything that the Healers couldn't, or wouldn't handle. "so how is the recovery of the Princess going?" "...well, i suppose..." Loki mused sipping at his tea. "she's not running away at least."
"The very best kind?A silent observer to whoever she's going to be screwing?"Jace mused more because he knew he was going to have to be the one having sex, and he soooo didn't even want to consider that. Snickering a little at jace's orders he smiled as he laid back on the couch, a arm over his eyes as he tried to deal with his migraine, and enjoyed the sound of his boyfriend's laughter. It amused him that loki, the most obervant tracker that the sithen had ever produced, was so asexual that he couldn't even consider his best friend dating someone or see the connection even when it was shoved in his face. Pressing a kiss to loki's forehead he snickered."I know you do. Which is why I do it."He pointed out before settling in to relax.

"See, you have to leave me alone now."Jace grumbled sitting up as he smiling thankfully at his boyfriend, a small self satisfied smile because it was so rare that they actually spent time together while with loki to, because loti didn't want loki to find out, and he was willing to let it go, even if it meant hiding something from his best friend."Why? Its amusing to watch the asexual bastard squirm."He muttered looking amused sipping his drink and relaxing as the potion not only numbed the pain, but forced his wn powers to loosen their hold on him, as long as the drink was in his system, he wouldn't have to deal with a headache, or cigarettes since loti hated them."Not running away, and sorta fascinated with the moron over there."Jace said tilting his head towards loki, resisting the urge to pull loti down onto the couch next to him.
Loki stared at the other. "your a disgusting pervert did you know that?" he asked lifting an eyebrow at the other, shaking his head a little before flinching away from the kiss, making a face at Jace. "now your just being cruel." he growled unhappily as he started cutting up the fresh fruit, deciding he needed to do something so that Jace would leave him alone. he smiled as Loti came, glad to see his brother, and even more glad because Loti didn't mind it when Jace snuggled into him all weird. Loti chuckled as he smiled at Jace. "your so mean to poor Loki." he complained smiling at Jace in that soft way he did. "can't you just stop touching him? honestly you know he hates being touched." well, Loki didn't mind GIRL touches... but he hated to be close to men, in fact Jace and Loti where the only two males that Loki ever had any contact with outside of business.

Loti smiled a little as he watched his lover drink the tea, his head tilted a little. "better?" he asked smiling at the other, Loki wrinkling his nose. "god Loti can't you make this stuff taste any better!?" "no i can't!" Loti complained shaking his head a little. "stop complaining Loki, your so damn picky." Loti complained before snorting. "everyone finds Loki Fascinating, and in the end they either want to kill him or fuck him." he shook his head a little, forcing himself to resist the urge to crawl onto the couch with Jace. "still, at least she has an interest." he mused. "it's better than most people." he admitted smiling a little. "even if it is with the wrong person." he teased smiling sadly at Jace. he didn't blame Jace for the way things where... he had to marry Erika, that was just the way things where, but many of the Dukes and Duchesses had 'play-toys'. maybe Erika would be alright with her husband taking on a boy toy? they could only hope... so long as the dukes and duchesses procreated, no one cared what they did behind the scenes. he smiled a little as he gently stroked Jace's temple with the tips of his fingers, all the contact he dared allow himself with Loki so close by.
"But I thought if he got used to me touching him, maybe he'd allow someone else to.He's so lonely loti, it makes my head hurt."He muttered sighing softly as he smiled, glad that loki was still working on dinner, so he could spend a few minutes with his boyfriend and ignore the headache that had been rattling his skull."He complained about my cigarettes earlier. I'm telling you, he's being picky."e grumled laughing."Ohhh I'm pretty sure her fascination will have to do with fucking."he said snickering looking over the back of the couch at loki,"Of course, you are her bodyguard. What better way to guard her body then that?"He said snickering smiling just as sadly, wincing ever so softly.Even if he knew loti didn't blame him, it still cut his heart to shreds to know that he'd have to walk away, at least for awhile. And maybe forever if his wife wouldn't share her king.

Swallowing hard he looked up at loti, leaning into the touch, before frowning towards the kitchen,deciding that loki was to busy with dinner to worry about what he was doing. Reaching out he tugged loti down on the couch, laying back down with his head in his lap, so that loti could pretend to be rubbing his temples to help with the headache, this much contact was all he dared with loki so close, afraid that if he asked for more his best friend would walk in."She hated that I wasn't feeling good. Apparently she's a strong empath, strong enough to know that I was sick within minutes of sitting down."
Loti chuckled a little and shook his head as Loki snorted. "i am NOT lonely! i just GET lonely when i'm off on missions." Loki protested, not about to admit that he was heart sore... he had been ever since he found out that Jace was going to be getting married as soo as they could get the princess ready. it bothered him because he knew that as soon as Jace was King... he wouldn't have time for him or Loti anymore... Jace really was Loki's only friend. Loki wasn't royalty, so none of the royals would have anything to do with him, but he was powerful, so the other 'underlings' didn't much like him either. it wasn't so much a lack of willingness to touch, as it was others simply not wanting to be around Loki... even the human's gave him a birth, recognizing him as dangerous even though he himself was actually quiet harmless his powers chased most people away. but Loki would never admit that either... especially when there was nothing that he could do about it.

"i am not fucking your future wife Jace!" Loki complained loudly. "you really are a dirty pervert you know that!? i bet you'd like to sit there and watch too! freak!" this was common banter for the two of them, and in all honesty it made Loki feel better. Loti chuckled a little and shook his head, gasping as he was yanked onto the couch, offering Jace a small chuckle as he settled his hands on his lovers temples, massaging even though he knew the headache had to be gone by now, they had been strong herbs. "she's that powerful?" Loti asked, astonished. "most empaths can't get through your shields even when their trying... she is going to be a very powerful Queen..." he mused, interested in the woman, more so because he hoped she wouldn't mind sharing... he would pine away to death if he lost Jace... he chuckled a little and shook his head. "maybe i should go talk to her myself?" he mused, his head tilted. maybe if he just explained to her? she'd be willing to let him stay with Jace... she only had to get pregnant... right? that wouldn't take more than once or twice... then the world would leave her and Jace alone... and he could be with Jace... after all, he wasn't royalty so no one expected him to have to marry and breed.

"Loti are you hung.." Loki walked in with three bowls of fruit salad and paused, blinking at the strange position the two where in, but again instead of connecting the dots he looked worried. "Jace? why didn't you tell me i was making your head hurt that much?" he complained setting the bowl of fruit on the duke's belly. "Loti you have to feed him, he's probobly sore all over..." Loti had to struggle not to laugh as Loki ordered him to do something he did often. he enjoyed feeding Jace with the duke's head on his lap... of course it was going to be very hard to control his boner. "fine." Loti muttered, smirking at Loki. "why don't you feed him?" "because he'll lick me or do something equally disgusting and traumatizing. he behaves for you." he whined shaking his head a little as Loti outright laughed at that. Loki made Jace sound like a picky cat or something. still he plucked a strawberry out of the bowl, Jace's favorite, and slid it onto the man's tongue, smirking a little. "Jace would never dare lick me." he mused, and they all knew it was true, though for different reasons. Loki was remembering the time that Loti had grown itchy poison Ivy in all of Jace's clothes. Loti knew it was because if Jace DARED to lick him, then the Duke wasn't going to get any cuddles, touches, or sex for a MONTH.... well, maybe that was more like a day... but still, when their time was precious a day was a long time.
Jace snicekred as he listened to loki's protests from the kitchen, not about to mention that even at home loki's lonliness made him want to cuddle him,even if it got his arm ripped off for the efforts. Sighing softly he smiled a little."Oh no because watching would entile seeing your ass naked, and that's disturbing."He said with small snicker as he looked up t loti, because the twins looked so similar it felt like he'd been staring at loki's ass for a year as it was. Lauging softly at loti's surprise he pressed his head back into the other's crotch, moving his head a little, smirking slightly when he felt his lover harden against him.Good thing his head and loti's dark jeans were hiding the boner. "And I was hurting so I was shielding like a son of a bitch. She's going to be good...for all of us."He muttered that small hurt smile curling his lips because he didn't know what to do. It would kill him to not have loti, but it'd kill their kingdom if he didn't marry her and tie to powerful families together."Maybe you should. In the morning, we'll go see her."

Cracking a eye open jace laughed softly as he realized that they could have been making out and loki'd probably write it off as some trick.Maybe he could get some cuddles? "Would you have listened to me if I had?You had to protect my fiancee. Just because my head hurts was no reason to stop."He said not about to admit to either man just how much his body hurt despite his headache being gone. Smirking at loki's order he sighed softly, amused that loki had ordered his lover to do something he did all the time when jace was overwhelmed."Because I don't want posion ivy again.I had to scratch my balls all the time after that."He whined annoyed because he had indeed not been able to have sex after that encounter, his cock had just been to itchy. Though he knew that loti would let him lick him all over in private, he knew better then to swirl his tongue around those delectable fingers."Thanks,ti."he muttered smiling up at him softly.
Loti chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. "that man is so deep in denial it's crawling up his ass..." he muttered softly. "I HEARD THAT!" Loki roared, Loti snickering a little as he shook his head a little smirking at Jace because he knew exactly what his lover was thinking. "you behave." he growled to Jace, giving his nose a playful tweak, shivering as Jace shifted against him, biting back a moan. "it's no wonder she's been using her powers at such a young age. that much power has to manifest early or it would have ripped her apart." he mused considering that. "i fear the kind of offspring that you produce." he admitted a flicker of unease in his eyes. "you know... the Queen's Adviser was at my house yesterday...." he admitted softly, swallowing thickly. "she wanted to make me a Duke again..." every few years the Queen tried to convince him to forget his garden and 'silly healing hobby' and join his proper rank... he always told her no, but now she was getting persistent. "i think she wants me to marry that girl from the Unseelie court..." he admitted his eyes narrowing darkly. "the one that kills everything she touches..." not, a good pairing that. the Queen's adviser really was an idiot sometimes.

Loki had to grimace a little at Jace's comment and he shook his head. "i suppose your right..." he muttered as he enjoyed his own salad, sighing a little as Loti smiled at Jace. "no problem Jace." he muttered, wondering if his brother would catch on if he called the other Blue Jay?... probobly. Loti often called Jace Blue Jay, because Blue was both of their favorite colors, and Lace sounded like Jay.... plus it was Loti's favorite bird. better not risk it. "do you need a massage Jace?" Loti asked frowning a little, worried. "your sore all over..." he muttered, worried and Loki wrinkled his nose. "you guys are being creepy again." he complained getting to his feet. "i'm going to go watch the Princess." he decided, having chosen the bedroom facing hers so he could see and hear if something happened in the night. he vanished ant Loti smirked a little. "you know... he really does give us too many opportunities." he muttered, slipping another strawberry into the others mouth, shivering as he let his fingers linger to feel that warm, soft tongue, moaning softly. "seriously though, DO you need a massage? your back is all tight..." he could feel it on his knees, tense and sore. and Loti's magic fingers where just itching for a reasons to get the other mostly naked so he could TOUCH.
"He is in denial.He needs help."He muttered snickering a little as loti saw what he was thinking, nodding slightly."It would be. And without any of the training it would have destroyed her faster then mine are."He muttered because even if he didn't tell anyone, he knew that loti had guessed that the powerful duke was literally killing himself by degrees as his power was used, and yet if he tried to stop using them it would destroy him all the faster. He wondered if his wife would be willing to have a insane king, or if he'd be left to loti's care. That was the only good thought about going insane, he'd have a lifetime with loti. He growled sitting up to fast, his back protesting as his back spasmed before laughing back down, closing his eyes."I'll talk to her wen I get home. I am bringing her daughter home, and marrying her. I'll tell her I'm making you a duke so you can be my personal healer. That way you can live with me."He said smiling slightl, rolling his eyes a little."If she tries to get you to marry the girl, I'll throw them both in the ocean."

"We are not being creepy. Its you who's being weird, and not touchable."Jace pointed out snickering a little before relaxing, glad to have some alone time. "He does.But it's perfect."He muttered his tongue swirling around loti's finger, sucking playfully before raising a eyebrow."You just want to touch me."He said snickering before sitting up."I've been sitting in a classroom for two days, with loki bending reality around me. Of course I hurt."he complained a litte as he tugged off his shirt and stretching out on the floor, tugging loti down next to him, turning his head, looking around them quikly before stealing a kiss."Rub me."He said with a amused smirk,teasing and light before folding his arms under his head as a pillow.
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "he'd never accept help from the likes of us." he teased his brother smiling a little before shaking her head. "the sooner she starts training the safer everyone, herself included will be..." Loti agreed. he himself had the distinct advantage of always having been in the seelie realms. he had grown up knowing he had powers and knowing how to control them. he grimaced as he watched his lover sit up, his head tilted a little. "i'm not sure the Queen knows how persistent her Adviser is getting." he admitted simply. "the Queen is busy, i doubt she has time for someone like me." he wasn't wrong, but that meant that the Adviser was stepping well out of her job description. especially if the woman wanted him to marry a plant killer, he'd go mad at her touch, they where too opposite to be married to each other. the queen would know this, the Adviser was too stupid to know it... in all actuality the lack of compatible mates for Loti was probobly the only reason why the Queen herself wasn't forcing the issue. he smiled a little though. "you'd make me your own personal healer?" he asked his head tilted, his eyes shining. if they did that, then Erika couldn't get rid of him. no one could get rid of him, he would be Jace's and no one elses, he wouldn't be forced to marry someone, and he wouldn't be sent away... he would only be Jace's.

"i think you being Jace's personal healer is a great idea!" Loki admitted. "you know i worry about you all alone in that house." he complained scowling at his brother. "i am just fine in that house." Loti complained. "no one would dare attack me in my own garden Loki, not after the last time." it had only happened once. one of the local ruffians fancied himself infatuated with Loti, and seeing him alone all the time made him an easy target... or so the bastard had thought. he ended up in the Castle hospital bleeding to death from Thorn gouges, no one had bothered him since, though he had only been ten at the time and most people had forgotten, they still got bad vibes when they thought about doing something to Loti or Loki. Loki vanished and Loti smirked at his lover. "my poor little Blue Jay." he muttered softly. "of course i'll rub you. i'll rub you till your a drooling mess." he teased straddling his lovers ass and running his hands along the others back, easing the pained muscles and soothing the aches, smiling a little. "you look so cute right now." he admitted softly. "i wish we didn't have to hide..." but he feared his homophobic brothers reaction... and none of the Trylle would be very happy if they found out that Jace and Loti where a couple... a boy toy was one thing, AFTER a child was conceived, but not before and certainly not as lovers. "i miss holding you at night..." Loti admitted softly. "i knew this day was going to come but..." he sighed a little and shook his head. "i'm feeling a little heartbroken.." he admitted, bending low and kissing his lovers neck. "i love know..."
Jace growled at that, pressing the hand against his forehead sighing softly."Well if she doesn't know, I'll talk to her advisor...and if she did know, well she does want me to marry her daughter. She wants to make me happ."He muttered smiling gently, "And she wont deny me things I want, at least for now."He said growling because he was so not going to be happy if the queen was having issues with that. Tilting his head a little before nodding."Of course I would. You're about the only one who helps with the headaches."He said smiling slightly, because it was the only thing he could say without tipping off loki to the reason that he wanted the other man there.

"And definately not since I sent the kid off the cliff. Seriously, he'd be fine in the house if he wanted to stay."he muttered his voice a little unsure, as if he could ever doubt what his powers told him,but sometimes e needed to hear it "Hmmm I'd love you to rub me a little."He said snickering a little as he sighed in pleasure as the other rubbed his back, feeling tight muscles relax, pressing his hips down into the floor a little, trying to get some relief from the hard on he had now that his lover was touching him."Me to."He muttered because he knew that no one would be happy if they came out, not only because a they were sleeping together and not creating babies, or because one was a duke and the other wasn't, but he was supposed to be king, and it would not be well thought of even after he had a child if he was found with a male.Despite knowing that, he couldn't tell loti that he was sure they were done once he was married, he just couldn't. "I miss you to."He muttered turning his head a little to look at him, shivering at the kiss as he rolled on his back,pulling the man down onto him cuddling him as he kissed him slowly."Your not the only one, ti."He muttered nuzzling him before grinning."I love you to."He muttered holding him tightly, pressing a kiss to silvery locks.

"Maybe she wont be like the rest. Maybe she'll let us be together."he muttered, praying his gauge on erika's personality was true and that they would be together.
he nodded a little. "i'm just glad there's no real computable people my age, or the Queen would have forced me to get married too..." he admitted scowling a little, sighing a little more before smiling at Jace. "you know, when you say things like that you remind me how spoiled you where as a child." he teased with a small grin, his head tilted at his lover. "i've actually been making up knew concoctions that should help for longer as well." he admitted smiling a little. "they taste bitter, but it's better than headaches.." he mused smiling a little as he shook his head a little. "i'd rather go an live with you though, not so lonely." he admitted smiling a little. "as long as i can start a new garden there?" he knew Jace would let him, that was one of the bad things about Loti's power... he HAD to use them, or they built up inside of him until every living thing in a fifty mile radius of him grew so fast that buildings crumbled, people got caught in tree trunks, and the earth itself shook. and then it took three weeks of recovery time for Loti to even so much as crack open a seed with his power.

he smiled as he felt his lover grinding, pressing his own hard on into the others ass, shivering a little. "mmm you feel good." he purred happily, chuckling a little as he suddenly found himself being hugged, shaking his head a little as he kissed the other back. "we shouldn't do this... Loki might come back down..." he muttered frowning a little as he rested his head on the others chest at the kiss to his hair, smiling a little. "no matter what happens." he muttered softly. "i will always love you, and i will always be with you, even if i have to sneak into your room on the nights that your wife is gone." he muttered with a small chuckle. "come on Blue Jay." he ordered getting to his feet and helping the other up. "lets go to bed. we'll take second shift so that Loki can sleep, and we'll go over in the morning and explain everything to her... she has a right to know that she's going to be forced to get married..." he muttered sighing a little. "i can't imagine what's going through her head..." he looked at the other. "where you scared when you where told you weren't who you thought you where?"
"Oh that's true.And that would be a waste of a good man."Jace muttered kissing him softly before smirking. He was just so spoiled....well not relaly, but it was what people expected of him so when he threw a temper tantrum, no one realized until that last wash of power who had struck out at them."Well good."He muttered sighing a little not about to admit to loti that the potion had started failing, working less and less time, wherei it used to work for days, had recently been reduced to a few hours. "Of course. As if I'd ever pick up a sovel."He grumbled looking amused shivering at the feel of the other pressing against him whining softly."Fine..."He growled annoyed they had to stop turning his head to look at him, laughing softly."I'd enjoy those nights."He muttered running his fingers through the other's hair and falling him upstairs, biting his lip before nodding making a decision."You're sharing my room. Loki'll think its weird, but I want to hold you."He muttered because it was one of the last nights he would eb able to do it a free man he couldn't be bothered enough by loki's reaction to not want to hold him.

"Not really. Loki was good, and I was finally glad to have confirmation that I was better then everyone else."He said slipping into the bed, not about to admit to the gut wrtecing fear that had gripped him when he realized he had to go."Go to sleep. We have to get over there early before loki realizes we went to talk to her."
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