Another SoulEater Adventure (Jugger82 and I)


Mar 4, 2012
Blair had ran into a myster and his weapon twice already in town.She didn't catch the miesters name she caught the weapons name though. Liz was it? Well they obviously thought it was fun to chase her around. But, now she is in the sanctuary of her home.Blair laid in a tub of bubbles in her pumpkin house. Giggling and wadding her feet and hand around.

"They sure were fun." Blair giggled as she continued to take her bath.
Nathan grumbled as he crossed his arms and seemed to contemplate on what to do. They stood outside Blair's house and he seemed annoyed that the witch had defeated them twice already. "If you're to become a death weapon, Liz, we need this soul....but damn. I didn't think a witch would be so powerful." He grumbled a bit and turned to Liz. "Whatever...Lets just try for another frontal assault." He held his hand out so that Liz could materialize inside of it. "Liz, lets go!"
Blair was completely oblivious to the danger that lured right outside her home. Instead, she continued to sing about pumpkins and enjoy her bath.
"Nyaaaaah." she stretched as she relaxed in her bath.
"It was really a busy day. I really do hope I can play with them tomorrow."
"Right pumpkin?" she asked as she lifted the pumpkin up and sat it down on the rim of the tub.
When Liz was safely in his hand in her weapon form, he began to rush into Blair's house. He kicked open the door and began to point Liz in all directions to make sure Blair wouldn't suddenly attack them out the corners of his eyes where he could hardly see. "Liz, let me know if you see her!" He said as he began to move upstairs toward the level of the house that Blair would be bathing in. "Where is that witch....We'll defeat her this time!"
"Nanana Pumpkin pumpkin.....huh?" Blair's eyes widened.
Blair sat up in here tub before she looked at her pumpkin.
"Pumpkin did you here something?" she asked.
"I thought so to.....Pumpkin PumPkin." she continued as she continued to soak in her bath.
Blair bobbed her head side to side.
"hmmmhh pumpkin hmmm pumpkin pumpkin."
Eventually Nathan would find the room Blair was in. He kicked open the door and pointed the gun straight forward, only to drop Liz to the ground as his eyes widened to see Blair naked and in the tub with a pumpkin. His eye twitched as his face flushed. "T-This is probably a bad time..." He murmured as he backed up a bit, though his eyes would not be able to leave Blair's body as he seemed to just forget that Liz was on the ground in gun form.
"Hm?" Blair leaned over the tub rail.
"Oh Hey, there Nathan....come to visit me aw how nice." Blair said.
"But, aren't you a bit young to see me in the tub naked?" she teased.
Blair tilted her head on her hand as she smiled.
"Oh I know you want to play again!?"
"Dammit Blair, I'm seventeen and hardly a child!" He replied angrily, despite the fact he was shorter than most people his age, he had more strength than least he thought that. He picked up Liz once more and aimed the gun at Blair. "This time we'll take your soul and complete my Death Weapon! Now then...give up for your life peacefully and I promise you I will make this quick." His eyes still hovered over her body as he said this but he was half focused still on the reason why he was there.
Blair stared at him with that same mischievous smile.
-He's just so cute.....acting all tough.-
"Oh Nathan." she said pointing her finger at him.
"Pumpkin Pumkin......"
His eyes widened as he saw the blast and dodged it just barely, though the blast hit his legs and caused him to become a helicopter propeller and start spinning toward the wall, slamming hard into it. He fell to the ground with a dazed look on his face for a few moments before he stood up, wobbly, and used the wall for his support. "Thanks for the help Liz..." He murmured as he watched Blair cautiously and began to start shooting Liz at her, bullets flying toward Blair in an attempt to kill.
Blair being her, jumped out of the tub with no towel.
"Aw, play time already?" Blair teased.
Using her insane amount of magic Blair's normal clothes were back on her.
"Pumpkin Pumkin."
"Cannon" she sanged ans she sat on her pumpkin soon after firing the blast putting a hole in her home.
"Ah shit!" Nathan cried out as he was hit directly by the cannon and fell back onto the ground outside. He coughed up some blood as he looked to Blair and glared as he gripped Liz and began to shoot some more while he was on the ground, aiming and just trying to take her out as soon as possible so he could get that witch soul! "You're mine Blair! Your soul WILL be mine!" He cried out as he continued to fire until he ran out of ammo. His spirit energy had run out with so many wasted shots and he felt depleted.
Blair floated on her pumpkin as she dodged the miesters bullets.
Blair giggled.
"Maybe you would have my soul if you weren't gawking at my body." she laughed.

"Pumpkin Pumpkin Bomb!"
Upon seeing the giant pumpkin bomb come straight toward him, Nathan cried out in surprise before getting directly hit by the blast, causing him to drop Liz as the weapon flew off into the distance away from him. Nathan was launched into a nearby building and was embedded into the wall, hanging there pretty much and was limp. "D-Damn..." He said weakly from the pain.
Blair jumped off her pumpkin and walked over to Nathan.
"Oh no, I over did it." she said.
When she was close enough to reach him she smirked.
" You know I'm not a witch. I'm a cat with a ridiculous amount of magic." she said as she took him off the wall and Put him on her pumpkin while she got on to another one.

Soon after she, laid him at Shibusen's Steps.
"Now don't be shy come and play with me sometime." she called as she erased her pumpkins and turned into a cat trolling off.
(Okay. Character change...instead of Nathan being a meister, he's just a lone weapon working on his own)

He glared at her as she had him on her pumpkin. His head was on her lap as he lay limp and in pain, even as she laid him at the steps of Shibusen. He coughed some in pain, certain he broke a few ribs from the explosion and watched as the cat walking away. He glared...his arm turned into a hand cannon and he aimed it at the cat. He was going to shoot, she was a cat now and was more than likely weaker...though...when he shot the cannonball out of his arm, it went straight past her to the side like he obviously wanted to miss. "D-Damn my good nature..." Even though she told him he was a cat, his pride was hurt to be fooled into this and to be beaten by a cat.
Blair walked through Death city still in cat form.
"Hmmm I hope he comes to play again." she cheered.
"Now to get some of that fish!" she said as she dashed down the street to the chef that always gave her fish.
The following week, Nathan would be outside of her home once more. He was fully recovered and would go about this in another approach...He would befriend her, and kill her when she least expected it so that he could at least get his revenge...even if she wasn't a witch. He walked up to her house and began to knock on it and rang her doorbell, hoping that she was home so he could try to befriend her. But how? He wondered how he would go about befriending Blair when this whole time he was trying to kill her?
Blair walked off of her couch wearing nothing but her shirt and very short shorts.
"Whoever this is just ruined my cat nap." she said yawning.
Blair walked over to the door and answered it.
"Oh! Nathan you came back to play?"
"N-No Blair..." He replied as he looked away from her, blushing to see her like this. She looked even sexier with some clothes on...though they were unlike the normal tight cloth she usually wore with her hat. "I came to see if we could um...make amends? So you don't kill me or anything and I won't kill you...To be friends and whatever? I really don't know exactly what to say here but yeah...I feel stupid for trying to kill you without seeing that you were a cat this whole time. Perhaps we could still be friends and even go out into the town to hang sometime?"
Blair stared at him.
"Ohh your such a child blushing like that." Teasing him about his blush and not looking at her.
As she listened to her babble on she decided to accept his offer.
"Ill make amends with you. We'll be friends and play together more." she said as she smiled her usual smirk.
For some reason, he felt uneasy still whenever she said 'play together' because thats what she usually called him being beaten up the whole time they were fighting each other. And that smirk that she gave him did not reassure him that much either. "Well then, Blair. Perhaps we could do something now to show I'm serious, hm? Are you up for anything in particular that this weapon can do for you?" He smiled and had his arm turn into a canon once more and pointed it to her, but when it shot out, simple flowers would pop out and not harm her.
Blair just stared at him then looked outside her home to her right and left then looked down at him when he pointed a cannon at her.
When he fired she jumped back and fell, then she saw flowers.
"Ohhh flowers......"
"Want to get some fish?" she pffered as her stomach growled.
'Could've taken her out right then...!' He thought in his head but he would go through with this plan. He smiled and turned his cannon back into his arm and nodded. "Yes. Lets...get" He was not a fan of it, though if he was to get on her good side he would have to force himself to like them. He just hoped they were cooked to the point where it wasn't even like their bodies anymore and they would be cut or something. Those soulless eyes looking back at you while you eat them just haunted him.
Blair walked out of the house and close door.
"Yea let's gets some fish. I have a friend that gives free fish." Blair announced as she walked down the street. And dragging Nathan with her into death city. She stopped behind a building and turned into a cat and took a piece of fish.
"Thank you Mr.Fish guy."
"Nah your welcome Blair." he said closing the door.
Shortly, after she accepted the fish and after he went back inside the restaurant she turned back wearing her normal clothes.
Blair started to eat on the fish and looked at Nathan.
"Want a piece?" Blair asked.
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