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The Man Behind the Mask and His Muse(Wolvenrogue and Nightsorceress

Aria smiled. "alright we should celebrate or something. It isn't every day to fools fall back in love." she giggled a bit
We really were fools to think we could be apart for long. Would you like to go dancing? he asked. He had loved the times they had danced together in his study, but now he longed to dance with her for all the world to see.
Aria smiled and shook her head. "oh you are just saying that you silly man, I am sure you have had more fun dancing with other woman."
"Of course not. Its not skill that makes it fun, its love, and we have that in abundance."
"I know just the place, there is an old restaurant down town, they have a dance floor and always have music. Will you drive me there?"
"oh that does sound nice. I will drive but you will have to give directions." she smiled at him hoping this was going to be a nice evening
They had a pleasant walk from her apartment to his home and got out the ferrari again. He sat in the passenger's seat smiling. "I love riding in this car." he directed her downtown to a restaurant in the oldest part of the city. They went in and waited for a table. The hostess said it would be twenty minutes so he asked her to get them from the dance floor when it ws ready. He took Aria in his arms, and they danced their way through the restaurant to the dance floor. Despite his poor sight, he had no trouble getting her there.
Aria followed his directions to the restaurant glad it was not ar away. She did not mind the wait for the table but smiled as he lead her out to the dance floor
They danced slowly to the soft music untill the waiter came to the dance floor and called them to their table. He loved the feeling of her hair and face against his neck. When they got to their table, he seated her, and then took a seat himself. Gino ordered a bottle of wine as they looked over the menues. " Is there any possibility you would consider moving back in with me? I know that I broke your trust before. I am so sorry."
Aria was enjoying the dancing very much but as the waited seated them she realized just how hungry she was. As she looked over the menu she was shocked by his question and thought for a moment. "well um, if you promise to take it slowly this time, then yes I would move in with you again."
Geno smiled. "The food is very good here, have all you want. I am sure the staff will be almost as pleased to have you back as I am. They all missed you very much, and I heard no end of scolding for chasing you away. I promise to remember and to take it slow."
"Once your back, I'm sure they won't," he said laughing. They ordered their dinner and he reached over and took her hand. He held it gently. "How was everything in Poland when you went back? Some day I should like to meet you mother. She must be very proud of you."
"everything in Poland was lovely, it was nice spending some time with my grandparents, I can't wait to take you to Poland some day, my mother grandparents will love you."
"What if we brought them here, so you could be with them all the time. Whe have the guest house that sits vacant constantly. I can certainly afford to let them live there. I'll even buy their plane tickets. What do you think?"
"they may come visit however I am not so sure they would like living here, they are very old world." she drew a deep breath
"What would they need to feel comfortable? I'd be happy to furnish the guest house any way they would like? Do you not want them here? he asked suddenly puzzled. He had assumed she would be thrilled at the offer.
"no it's not that, it's just they are very traditional my grandfather lives in the same house that he was born and hi father was born in, I don't think he would give that up so easily."
"I see, well any time they want to come, they are always welcome. If they don't like to fly, I could always send Charles after them with the car." He wante dto make Aria comfortable in any way that he could. As they ate their dinner, he held her hand across the tamble from time to time, and stole a kiss or two. "Will you allow me one more dance before we go home? he asked.
"I will talked to them about it." she smiled she was happy that he wanted her family to be a part of her life, their life. She ate her meal and it was very good by then she was feeling very full. "I suppose a slow one, I am feeling rather full after such a meal I can't help want to go home and nap." she said with a giggle
"Me too, but a slow dance will settle our meal nicely." He walked up the the band and offered them a tip. "may we have a waltz? A nice slow one?" The band leader nodded and they started playing softly and slowly. Gino held her tenderly in his arms as they floated slowly across the floor. " I love dancing with you. It is so peaceful."
As the pair danced she couldn't help but feel happy again, things she hoped would better this time for them, they both had changed a bit with their time a part.
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