Her Guardian ((Rave&&Blair))

Fiona shook her head and smiled, reaching up to tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear that kept getting in the way of her vision. Her other hand stayed on his arm, her thumb unknowingly rubbing circles on the smooth skin of his bicep.

"It's okay. I mean... You were just doing your job, I guess," she murmured, surprised at his apology. Why would he be sorry for protecting her? She was just concerned at how angry he seemed, as if the man had done something to personally harm him. She just assumed that she was the spoiled rich girl that she was asked to watch, and in order not to lose his job, he protected her. She never dreamed that he did what he did because it truly bothered him.

His next statement rendered her speechless, and her face softened. It took her a moment to let his words sink in, her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as she looked over at the older man. The expression on her face told one thing, and that was that she was not told things like that often. Well, not in that way. Not in that fierce, genuine tone that he used... It confused her, because she really just didn't under stand why he would feel this way about her. Not that she was insecure, because she wasn't, but she thought she had him figured out. And it seemed as if she was the farthest from his personal interests...

"I... I...," she stammered, biting her lip out of habit. "Really?"
As impossibly curious as anyone would be in his situation, his head tilted to examine her expression after what he said. What he saw really didn't make him feel any better, or any worse. She seemed more confused that he was, and after a second of thought he didn't really blame her. He took a long, delayed sigh as he kept his arm and her hand hooked together. Before saying anything else, he had parked the car in a small alley way that boxed them in away from anyone, away from all the lights and passing cars, the pedestrians and the noise.

He turned the ignition off and let out another small sigh, resting his back with a bit of a flop onto the seat.

"I can't be your bodyguard anymore."

He exclaimed slowly, running his free hand through his hair as his head tilted to rest on the car's door for a moment. He seemed perplexed, and after a bit of silence he turned to face her. His expression was a first. It wasn't angry or snarky or soft, it was more...genuine. His green hues locked with her own again, and his hand trailed ever so lightly to run one of his fingers down your cheek.

"I can't because...well, yes, really."

He said, as a response to what she asked. "I haven't seen someone like you before...It's like, you have all these things to deal with and yet you walk into a place and it lights up just because you smiled."

He looked away from her to rest his head against the window again, commiting career suicide in his mind. At least he wouldn't look at her to avoid the damage.

"I'm too emotionally attatched to you...it means I put you in more danger than I protect you from. I could have easily just pushed him away and left, but I couldn't...I had to knock his teeth in, and that in turn brought more violence that you could have been caught in."

Everything he was saying was perfectly logical, but his expression was pained.

"This isn't your fault."
Fiona immediately looked hurt, starting at him through the darkness of the alley they were parked in. Her eyes stayed locked on him, studying him carefully. She swallowed nervously when he touched her cheek; not nervous because she was afraid of what he would do, but nervous because of how much she wanted him to touch her even more... to hold her like no one else ever had.

She chewed her lip, not knowing what to say, but feeling a sting in her chest at his resignation. Why was she so upset? She had went though many, many body guards in her life time. They came and they went, just like the seasons. It was nothing new to her. However, she found her chest aching a little at the idea of him leaving, almost as if she felt he was giving up on her.

"Fine," she snapped, reacting in the only way she knew how. She was never good at being sad, she hated seeming weak. So the only rational thing for her to do was to lash out. Pulling away from him, she turned and yanked the car door handle with a furious swipe of her hand. She stumbled out of the large vehicle, having to grab the door to steady herself before throwing a hurt glare over her shoulder at him. "Then you're fired... Starting now. I'll walk home."

And with that, she stubbornly slammed the door shut and stomped off. It wasn't her smartest idea, considering that she didn't even pay attention to how he got there. After all, she was a little distracted by... well, him, while they drove. She didn't even know what direction to walk, but she sure as hell was not going to be riding in the car with him.
His head stayed motionless, leaning on the window and staring out the windshield as she backed away from him and said what she did. He couldn't tell her all the truth, how could he. The one thing he protected the most, the one thing he held closest to his heart, his own identity, was being replaced. It wasn't his identity that he wanted to protect to viciously anymore, it wasn't his identity that he wanted to hold closest to his heart, it was her.

The slam of the door was like a stab into his chest. He didn't know how to deal with these emotions and niether did she. He didn't blame her, he shouldn't blame her, but he felt like a hole had been dug through his chest. His stomach fell and he felt nauseous. Just then, lightning flashed through the sky and a thunder boom quickly followed. It started raining like it was no body's business.

He had to make a decision. He could either protect his identity, lock up everything and throw it away and learn to live with this gaping feeling, or he would get the fuck out of his car and chase her down that alley way before she got a step further.

Before she could even take another step forward, he was there behind her. He was soaked from top to bottom, his hair wet and falling over his eyes, his wifebeater soaked badly enough that his skin showed through, his jeans, shoes, everything drenched from the rain.

"This isn't fair!"

He yelled out from behind her so his voice could be heard through the rain, the alleyway was lit by one single light coming from a streetlight at the end of it. He caught up to her and blocked her way lightly, putting a hand on the wall.

"You don't understand what it's like to be torn between your job and your feelings! It's not like I just 'chose' to be this caught up in you!"

He was angry and confused, but he wasn't attacking her. He paused between sentances, giving her room to argue back. They were undoubtedly both angry at this point.
Fiona looked up at him, glaring through the rain. She shook her head, her clothes soaked and sticking to every curve of her body. He long hair was drenched, and she had to reach up and push it away from her face in order to see. God, her chest felt tight and her stomach was in knots... She had not expected him to follow her. Not at all. But why would she? No one had ever followed her before, not physically or figuratively.

"Not fair?" she shot back, "Well, I'm so sorry that I have made your life so complicated in such a short period of time!"

She looked hurt, which she was, and she found herself avoiding his eyes. It was a good thing it was raining, because he probably wouldn't notice the way her eyes were welling up with frustrated tears. Here she was with the first man she felt drawn to, who called her out on her crap, who brought her out into the real world and who protected her. A man who commented on her smile like it was some sort of treasure... And he was leaving all because of it.

"I'll make it easy or you then!" she snapped, then jumped at the sound of lightening. One thing Fiona had a hard time hiding was her fear of storms, even in her most stubborn state. However, she bit her lip and ducked under his arm, continuing down to dark alley way.

Pausing mid step, she turned to him and looked at him through blurry eyes. "And for the record, I didn't choose any of this either! I don't choose to have a body guard and I certainly don't chose to be treated like an infant. Don't you dare tell me what is and isn't fair! I've spent all of my life with people who have told me what is right and wrong, safe and unsafe, fair and unfair, so I sure as hell don't need to you remind me of it!"
He looked straight at her during the outburst of her own, standing so close to her he could feel the shivers and goosebumps than ran along her body from the cold rain. His own expression was frustrated, hurt, confused from her own words. He just swayed his arms and looked like he wanted to just yell back his own side of the story again. Lightning stuck again, and like that she ducked under his arm and started walking away from him yelling. He turned to face her again as she paused and listened again, this time infuriated by her words.

"You still don't understand! You're not the one that will have to move on from these feelings! I have to feel like this and once my job is over I have to go, can you really live with the fact that all I want to do is just take you and.--" He paused, grunting in frustration and walking up to her.

"God! You come into my life and flip it upside the fuck down, you make me leave my home and my life to come live in with yours, you make me crazy with your needs and how spoiled you are, I have to LEAVE after my period of employment is done and move away from you, and ALL I want to do at the end of the fucking day, despite how shitty I feel, despite all the fucking hardships that descended upon me from your glorious heaven, is--"

Before he said another words, his body pressed into her own and locked her between the wall and him. His hand was at her hip, holding it in a flash. That wasn't what would catch her by surprise, because before that his lips had struck her own and locked with them. Everything just came out in a big explosion of emotion, and accumilated into his own body finally just ignoring everything his mind told him and locking his lips with her own. He was angry and frustrated, but he was in bliss. All his feelings were driven and poured into that kiss harder than the rain poured down on them. His body, drenched and soaked was intertwined with her own for that moment. Everything he needed to say, everything that he had kept inside his chest, everything that he didn't want to admit poured out against the soft touches of her subtle lips.
Fiona swallowed hard at his words, listening to him carefully and not being able to find the will to pick up her feet and move away from him. She clenched her fists at her side, determined to not let whatever he said effect her. But it did... Her nails bit into her palms, leaving little frustrated half moon shapes on the sensitive flesh and her jaw clenched with frustration. Why did he have to care so much? Why was it that he seemed so conflicted about her of all things? The man in front of her seemed to have a lot more going on for him than she did, or atleast that's what she told herself.

"Who's making you leave?" she snapped, asking the question that he probably could never give her a truthful answer to, for she didn't realize that he was not simply a body guard. It was must more complicated than that. Like they needed something else to make things more complicated for them...

And then he had her in his arms, his lips pressed against her own, and it only took a few moments for her clenched fists to relax and her body to melt into his. She let out a sigh, all that pent up anger pouring out of her at his touch. Her hands moved up to hold either side of his face, bring him closer. She kissed him slowly, passionately, as if this was the first and last time it was ever going to happen. The rain kept coming, but she didn't seem to notice. At the moment, she was drawn the man holding her like no one had ever held her before and the heat that radiated off his body.

She yelped at the sound of lightening struck, and she jumped a little in his arms. She moved closer to him. Now that they were interlocked, she was not sure she would ever be able to pull herself away.
Every emotion of anger or frustration from before slipped away as easily as the rain down the drains that filled the street. He was drenched from head to toe, she was jumping from the lightning, but nothing stopped them. For the longest minutes of his life, his lips refused to leave her own. The feeling of her hands as she brought him closer into the kiss was matched by his own arms, grabbing her and affectionately wrapping both of her legs around his waist, carrying her and resting her back against the wall. His tongue escaped his lips to toy with her own, teasing and licking at it while his lips sucked and nipped at her own. Finally, after neverending moments the kiss broke for a brief second for them to breathe.

His breath was warm on her lips and chin, his forehead was leaning against her own and her body was pressing into his. "I can't keep it up anymore..." he panted the whisper against her lips.

"I need you...I need you so bad."

his body pressed into her own tighter, his hips pressing forward against her own. It was all coming out, not just the emotions but the long witheld sexual tension. His body, without even sparing him a second to think, was grinding his clothed manhood between her legs. Everything was so passionate, heated, and he was not strong enough to withold it until they moved. When he said he needed her, he meant it in every aspect of the word.
Fiona had been kissed before, but never, ever like this. Not by an older, more experienced man who knew what he was doing. And definitely not by a man who wanted her this way; a man who was kissing her because he needed and wanted to, not because he wanted to use her to get closer to her father. So needless to stay, she was lightheaded from the contact, and she leaned on him for support as her lips continued to moved against his. Her body was acting on its own, and one this was clear, she wanted him just as bad as he did her.

When they finally broke apart, she was gasping for air like a fish out of water. She let him pick her up, and she leaned her back against the rough texture of the brick wall. Not for a moment did she worry about falling, despite how tall he was and how far off the ground he was holding her, because she had never felt so safe in her life.

At his words, she pulled her face away from his and locked her eyes on his own. Her expression was serious, stoic even, and one of her hands trailed along his cheek, her thumb tracing his bottom lip sensually.

"Then take me home," she whispered, her eyes hazy from passion. "Take me home and don't you dare leave me." What she had meant was for him to not try to quit again, to stay with her and not try to leave her for her own good, but the tone her voice had taken suggested something deeper... That deep down, the spoiled daddy's girl was simply a lonely young woman who was shelter from life and all the wonderful things it had to offer; a girl who had finally found something that had meaning and did not plan to let it slip through her fingers.
When she pulled away just to lock eyes with him, she realized that she could subdue him with a single look. Her eyes were unmatched in their pull, imprisoning his thoughts and feelings all at once and dragging them to her mercy. His lips could not help but nip and kiss at her thumb as it grazed along it, letting her whisper softly as best she could through the passionate locks and thrusts. His lips grazed against her own, toying and teasing with touches to reassure everything she had just asked of him. Leaving her was not something he could do anymore, willing or not. If his mind were to completley run away, his body would hold still. Yet nothing of him wanted to quit or run away, for just as she had found something she desperatley searched for it was the same for him. He wasn't just doing a job anymore, he wasn't just protecting people just because it was all he could do. He needed someone to fall for and she descended to him like a gift from the angels, he needed someone to drag him back to the reality and emotions of humanity when he was too far gone into the world of battle and warfare.

His hands locked beneath her rear and he picked her up off the wall, quick nods of his head reassuring her further before he was back to kissing her again, back to letting his lips feel every inch of her own. Before she knew it, they were back in his car and she was on his lap in the drivers seat. Nothing in his body left hers the entire walk there, they kissed the entire walk there, he bit and nipped at her neck the whole walk there. Now he was about to drive with her on his lap, both legs around his waist, head tilted lightly to see over her shoulder and leaving his neck for her to occupy herself with as they drove home.
Fiona made no move to separate from him in anyway, holding him close with each step he took. Her kisses were fierce and passionate, finally knowing what undeniable passion felt like and having no intention of letting it ago. She was already addicted to him and the way held her, and she was starting to feel this... this pull toward him. The kind of pull that told her he was what was what held her on the earth at the moment. As they got in the car, she kept her arms wrapped around his torso and her legs resting on either side of his thighs. She was a smaller girl, so it was easy to fit between him and the steering wheel, but it kept her pressed firmly against him - not that she was complaining.

Her hands moved to the hem of his soaked tank top, her fingers moving beneath the wet fabric so that she could feel him warm skin. A little sigh left her lips as caressed his toned torso, her mouth busy on his neck. As she explored his body in a almost shy, hesitant way, her teeth nibbled at the skin right beneath his jaw, and her hot breath came in nervous little pants. It was no secret that she was not very experienced, for her past relationships were for pubic appearances only.

She swallowed nervously and pulled back, a blush spreading across her cheeks. "I... I'm a virgin," she whispered, feeling absolutely and totally embarrassed. Here she was at twenty years old, passionately interlocked with a thirty-two year old man that was hotter than most movie stars combined, and she was admitting that she was a virgin... However, she couldn't make herself lie to him or not tell him at all. Her conscience was too loud for her to ignore such a thing.
In the frenzy axel found himself in, he didn't care for red lights and other cars along the street. The more she tightened herself around him and her lips bit and kissed at his neck, he pressed forward with his own hips and his feet hit the gas harder and the car raced like a bullet through the streets, passing other cars carelessly as they rushed towards the apartment. He noticed she was hesitant in admitting the truth to him about her virginity, his breath coming out in small pants of excitement as they drew closer and closer to the home.

"Good." He whispered quickly into her ear, taking his eye off the road for a moment to lean back and press an affectionate kiss against her lips.

"It means I'll have the privelage of breaking you first...of fucking you before anyone else."

He panted after that, his excitement and primal thoughts bringing out his vulgarity, he just wanted her beyond anyone could imagine at that point. Finally they reached the garage apartment and the car stopped. He slammed the car door open and jumped out along with her, still carrying her with her legs tightly around her waist. He made his way into the elevator with her and slammed her back against it's wall as the elevator began going up, his body grinding forward in swaying motions to try and satisfy his ever hardening manhood until he had her lying down on a bed for him.
His words and actions had Fiona letting out little whimpers of pleasure, her hands digging into the damp fabric that covered his shoulder blades. As he pressed her against the back of the elevator, she ground against him and moaned into his mouth. Their kisses were passionate and fierce - something that she had never experienced before. It had her on fire and moving with instinct, and she held on to him for dear life. She trusted him, despite not knowing him for very long. She just knew that passion like this was rare, and she would be a fool to back out now.

However, she was young and naive. Losing her virginity didn't scare her in a moral aspect. In her mind, if she was going to give it to some one, it should be a man of his caliber. Strong, intelligent, mature, hot as hell... But there was still some nerves settling in the pit of her stomach, and it made her pull her face back a bit to look into his unique green eyes. She swallowed nervously, her chest heaving with each breath and her eyes clouded with lust.

"You will be careful with me, won't you?" she asked, her expression serious. She wasn't exactly sure what answer she was looking for, but she had to ask. Right then, the elevator let out a ding and the doors opened, revealing the still quiet and empty apartment.
As the doors opened, and Fiona looked at him with question he smiled. The passion had a place to be let out now, so he could afford a few moments of pure, untainted affection. He placed his foot at the elevator doors so it doesn't close, and took a moment to press a gentle, long kiss against her lips.

"I wouldn't dream of hurting you."

He bit at her lower lip lightly, before he moved out of the elevator and the apartment was automatically locked. He carried her to his room, and placed her on the bed that could barely fit him let alone both of them. It meant that they would be touching at all times, having and tasting each other no matter where they went or they would fall off. He laid atop her, his hands sliding up and down her thighs passionately as his lips traced her neck line. His cock was already hardened and buldged beneath his pants, and his hands started to trail their way upwards to slowly slide down her shit.

"I'm yours to do anything with, just as it is to you."
Fiona's legs immediately spread to accommodate his large frame, moaning with pleasure just at the contact. Her hands went up to run her fingers through his hair as she bit her lip, sighing softly at the feeling of his experienced lips on her neck. If she wasn't comfortable with him before, she definitely was after he addressed her concerns. Her legs hook around his waist and her hips moved against his, groaning at the feeling of his manhood hard against her.

"Anything?" she panted in a cocky tone, arching an eyebrow and looking up at him. A smirk covered her lips, for she was getting more confident with every kiss and movement against him. Her hands moved down his sculpted torso, only stopping when she found the hem of his shirt, and tugged it up and over his head. Throwing it to the side, her hands immediately went to feeling each and every dip of his muscles, caressing them and gently scraping her nails along them. Looking between then, she took in the appearance of his naked upper body and sighed.

"Good God," she muttered, shaking her hand and leaned up to kiss him even harder, her hands still exploring his back. She suddenly wanted to see all of him; each and every inch of his body...
While his shirt was thrown off, his hands were doing their work and slowly slipped the top that she wore away. She found it being thrown away right along with it, and her upper body exposed to him as his own was to her. The feel of her hands finally on his bare chest and abdomen drove him crazy, his hands dominantly grabbing the waist of her pants and starting to drag and tug it downwards, removing it from her. after doing so, he had snuk her hands to latch onto his pants, letting her hand grab his manhood. At that point his head lifted so he could look at her, as his hips swayed forward to grind himself against her hand.

"He's all yours too."

He grinned and bit at her lip, teasing as his hands finally managed to take off her pants and let them dangle at her heels. His hand then took the opportunity to slide up her thigh slowly, fingers trailing her legs as he pressed and rubbed at most sensitive places. Trailing them upwards, he dragged them around her folds teasingly to send small jolts of pleasure up and through her body. Quickly, he grabbed her by the waist and pinned her fully beneath him, his manhood still trapped in her hands and thunder stuck from the window outside.

"Please...I beg you, I can't function unless I can fuck you, just dont make me wait anymore."
Fiona bit her lip and looked up at him with lust-filled blue eyes as her hand came in contact with his jean covered cock. A blush spread across her cheeks from being exposed from the waist up, her stomach and breasts on full display for him. Squeezing her hand, she moaned with hunger, feeling as if she were going crazy while pinned underneath him. Never had she felt like this. She'd read books that described feelings of passion, lust, and even love... But words could not hold a candle to what surged through her body at the moment. All she knew was that she wanted him, both physically and emotionally, and she wanted him to take her... She wanted him to devour her in the way that no man had ever before.

Her hand moved up to his button and zipper, fumbling with nervous fingers to get the fly open. A sigh broke her lips when his manhood was finally free and warm in the palm of her hand. At twenty, she knew a lot about sex, but had experienced very little of it. The feeling of him bare and hard against her hand was both intriguing and scary, for she knew what it was leading to. Part of her feared what came next, but the burning sensation between her legs urged her forward.

"Then fuck me," she purred, the curse word feeling oddly delicious on her lips. Moving her hand, she stroked him softly and kept her eyes connected with his. "Just... Be careful with me." And with that, her back arched off the bed and pressing her breasts into his bare chest and her mouth into his mouth...
The moment his cock sprang from the zipper of his pants, he let out a mix between a grunt and a gasp at the feeling of her delicate hands abandon their elegance and simply wrap around and grab his cock just light that, stroking him as she pressed her breasts to his chest. Even her words turned him on further, the more comfortable...the more utterly vulgar she was, the more he just wanted to grab her and make her scream with his body. Nothing excited him more than to know that outside, she's a proper innocent girl but to him, she's his own, love-crazed slut.

His hands slipped down her thighs and unlaced her undergarments, he didn't even wait to take notice of wether they were panties or thongs, whatever. His fingers slipped forward and a one trailed her sensitive folds, before inviting itself in and stroking her just as she stroked him. He opened her up to match the size of his cock slowly, to ensure that when he fucked her and his cock pushed into her, it wouldn't be too painful. One finger slipped in after another, his lips containing all her moans as he fingered her, thrusting them quickly inside her to tease and excite her until she would cum on his hands, and then, just then as she is laid down and the sheets covered in her cum would he fuck her.
Fiona's back bowed at the feeling of his strong fingers moving against her pussy, which was already wet and ready, and her eyebrows creased together with concentration. Her moans filled the room when he pushed one finger after another inside of her, stretching her and priming her before he made his move. After all the built up tension, it didn't take much to have her hips wiggling against his hand and her nails digging into the flesh of his shoulders. "Axel..." she gasped, swallowing hard as she felt her climax building. Her heels dug into the bed on either side of him, pushing her body upward and into his hand in desperation.

Her hand remained wrapped around his cock, pumping it as much as she could between her own tremors of pleasure. It was hard for her to concentrate, her mind hazy with lust, and her whimpers coming out as groans of encouragement, begging him to go faster, harder.... anything.

"Oh! A- God! Oh, sh-," she stammered, unable to form words or sentences as her orgasm took control of her body. She bucked and writhed beneath him like a wild animal, soaking his hand with her cum as her pussy tightened around his fingers. Her eyes rolled back in her head a little as she let out a scream of pleasure. Her sounds would have definitely disturbed someone's sleep if anyone else had been in the apartment. It was just too much to have her subject to his experience ministrations. She was like putty in his hands...

"Please," she gasped, "Please, Axel..." Her words came out in labored breaths, and her hand went back to gently stroking his hardened member between their bodies. Her mind suddenly flashed to the idea of him being inside of her, which made her heart race nervously, but she didn't push him away at all. She wanted him more than ever.
As she convulsed and twitched beneath him, at the power of his fingers and hands thrusting and stroking within her pussy it egged him on even more. He felt her pussy tighten around his fingers, and her cum flood out of her folds to drench his fingers. He slipped them out so it would drip down her thighs and stain the bed, and only when she begged for the real thing did he move. His pants slowly turned into quiet moans as she stroked his cock harder and harder, and finally he snatched it away from her hand to place it right between her legs.

The tip of his cock pushed against her pussy, and just at that moment it was as if time froze as he looked at her, letting the entire moment in all it's lust and passion sink into every pore of his senses. He was fucking her, he was about to shove his aching cock into this gorgeous fucking girl.


he groaned out as his hips swayed forward, and finally the head of his cock was thrust into her pussy. He clenched his teeth viciously from the tightness of her newly penetrated folds, grunting in pleasurable struggle as he forced himself to slow and not let crazed instinct take over and just fuck her, but to slowly start pushing his cock further and further into his pussy. It was an impressive seven inches long, so to get his full length in she would have to slowly adapt through the first painful yet pleasurable fuck.

As he thrust his cock inside her, his hands made sure to grip her at her hips tightly, holding her attatched to him. His chest was along her breasts, lips and breath at her own, and legs inbetween hers to try and make her feel as secure as possible, as safe as possible, as vulgar as possible.
After a life of having people tip toe around her because of her father's political and social status, it surprised Fiona at how pleasurable it was to have someone take control. The way the weight of his much large body pressing her into the mattress, the way his hands grasped her hips with a subtle dominance, the way he let out the most arousing, deep groans... It all had her hips bucking up to meet his and her purrs of approval sounding nearly animalistic. She almost forgot to breath when he pushed the head of his cock inside her; the feeling of him entering her in the way that no one had before was the single most erotic thing she had ever experienced. It also made her heart race with nervousness, but it was quickly replaced with a sudden surge of pain when he finally sank all the way inside of her.

A scream filled the air around them, and it took her a moment to realize that it was her own scream... It hurt, that was for sure. He was a well endowed man, and in turn, she felt like he was splitting her open for several moments. Her eyebrows creased together and she panted desperately, her nails digging and scratching into his back. "Fuck," she gasped, her stomach muscles tightening at the feeling. For a moment, she nearly wiggled away from him, but his hands on her hips reminded her to stay still. He knew what he was doing, and she just needed to trust him.

"Axel," she breathed, her lips brushing against his softly as her pussy tightened around him. In a few short moments, she went from nearly pushing him away out of pain to pulling him close, as if he was the only one who could take that pain away... His name felt delicious on her lips, rolling off her tongue like she was born to say it. Her thighs tightened around him, not sure if she wanted him to move or not. However, she held on to him for dear life.

"I'm.. I'm okay," she gasped, nodding and looking up into his green eyes with determination. Fiona was not one to want to appear weak, and this situation was no different. She wanted him to know that she could handle it; that she wanted him to fuck her the way she knew he could.
Axel bit his lip roughly and couldn't help but let out rough groans at the feeling alone. he had never been with someone this tight, this pleasurable. He almost felt like cumming inside her instantly, thats how tight her pussy was, how she pulled his cock in perfectly. He held her as tightly as he could while he groaned and screamed out in pain, knowing how hard the first penetration must have been for her. Yet, within seconds she pulled him in closer and locked his eyes with her own. Just then, he leaned down and pressed a passionate kiss against her lips as his hips began to sway.

Now, his cock could fit fully inside her. Finally he pushed all seven inches of his length into her and broke through her hymen, stealing her innocence as she bled lightly. However, with each thrust forward he stole some pain away with him. It felt so fucking good, his cock getting stroked and squeezed by every wall and corner of her pussy. He couldn't hold himself back for much longer and everything he did made it clear.


He panted against her ear, biting at her neck to try and restrain himself as much as possible, trying not to literally take her and fuck her brains out for her first time. It would be too rough, but he already knew he was losing control on himself. Everything about her just made him want to have her more, to push into her further, to fuck her hard enough that his bed breaks.
Fiona felt like she was being taken into a different world; her senses were filled with the feeling of his body against her's and his cock going in and out of her wet pussy. She seemed to only be able to concentrate on him, her hands resting on his shoulder blades and pulling him with the same force that he held on to her hips with. However, it was the sound of his soft pants in her ear that made the whole situation real. He was on top of her, having just taken her innocence, and she immediately knew that they would be linked for forever. It was scary thought, considering he probably had girl after girl lined up to be with him - older and more mature girls. It hurt to know that this might not be as big of a deal to him, but she had to push it away. She had to let the pleasure take over, which wasn't hard at all.

Her thighs tightened around her waist as she started to feel a burning sensation in her lower stomach - a feeling that she only experienced when she dared to touch herself at night. "Axel... Oh... Uh, Axel," she panted, not making any more sense than he did. Her body was becoming slick against his, her breasts pressed against his chest in the most erotic of ways.

It was when the pain started to subside and the pleasure started to build up that she started to move her hips to meet his, silently begging him to give her more. She didn't want to be treated like a fragile little girl. After all, she had been treated like that her entire life. No, she wanted to be fucked and to be taken over the man on top of her. She wanted all of him.

"Don't hold back," she groaned, her eyes opening to look up at him. "Don't."
His body didn't take more than a second to adapt to her new arising vulgar and passion as her pain subsided and her body begged him for more. At that point he was not in the mood for restraint, no. He was primal, an animal and she was his bitch. Her words confirmed it, and his hands grabbed her roughly by the hips and raised her lower body by the hips. His fingers dug into her skin as his hips began thrusting and pounding rough, deep thrusts into her pussy that only ached for more. His cock hungrily pulsed and twitched inside her, pushing more and harder into her, deeper until his whole cock filled every inch of her pussy every time he thrust forward.


She was no whore, not by the slightest, but at that point beneath him in bed she was his whore, his own personal sex queen to fuck and fill with him cum whenever he desired, whenever she begged for it. Every thought of reason escaped his mind, all he could think about was how to fuck her faster, harder. His hand lifted to grab her by the hair and his lips locked viciously with her own, her entire body suspended in his hands by his strength. His cock was using her to fuck and cum in, she could feel the heat build up in the base of his shaft as they fucked, slowly coming closer and closer to his first climax.
No part of her or her body fought him, letting the older man take her innocence and fuck her into oblivion. In any other situation, she would have went crazy at the idea of him calling her a whore. However, right now, they were more like animals than people. She wanted to be his whore, and she wanted him to her in every sense of the word. At this moment, she was his, and he could do anything he wanted to her...

All of the sudden, with the feeling of his thrusts getting harder and faster with an erotic sense of dominance, she felt a tingling in her stomach. It was much, much stronger than any orgasm she had ever given herself. No, this was monumental.

"Fuck!" she whined, back arching in his arms and pressing her breasts to his muscled chests. She clung to him, her thighs squeezing around his waist. The feeling of him being so rough with her, pulling her hair and pounding into her without any restrain brought her over the edge. She came with a scream that echoed through the apartment, her eyes rolling back and her cunt exploding with a sweet wetness around his throbbing cock.

"Oh, oh... Oh, Axel," she moaned, quivering underneath him. She kept murmuring his name with a mixture of curses and whimpers, making no sense at all.
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