Her Guardian ((Rave&&Blair))

His ear perked lightly when she turned on the radio station and heard her father, observing her reaction to it but not really commenting on it. He could tell that the relationship was strained from the moment he simply left her there at the airport in his care. A turn of the steering wheel and they were well on their way out of the garage, and just like that in the heart of the city. Time had flown by, and it was around midnight now. Despite being so late, the city was as busy as ever. They went from secluded walls and no contact but with each other, to being a midst crowds of people.

"No, not from here. I live in San Marino, an hour away from here."

He said lightly, running a hand through his hair. "I did come here often though. My father was a police officer." His words now were reluctant, as if he was saying them despite clear discomfort. "He used to sneak me into the patroller and I'd go cruising around the city here with him. Whenever he'd make an arrest, I'd be sitting where you are right now, turning around and making faces."

He snorted at the memory, turning a corner in the process. "But that was a long time ago."
Fiona looked over at him as he talked about his father, immediately sensing something off about it. He was uncomfortable, it seemed, but she didn't comment on it. Instead, she smiled at the thought of him being a little kid, it almost being impossible to picture. "That's very cute," she admitted, looking over at him with a grin. Turning back toward the window, her eyes widened at all the people, and her eyebrows lifted with excitement. Oh, wow, she thought... This was going to be interesting to say the least.

Her hand pressed against the glass with curiosity, always being behing a barrier from things like this. It was normal for her to be looking from the outside in, through a sheet of glass. The thought of being on the other side had her stomach in knots, and she was practically bouncing in her seat. It was obvious that she was completely oblivious the the danger in the real world, only seeing the pretty lights and exciting people.

"So have you been a security guard for a while now...? I mean, you talk like you're the best, so I assume you've had alot of experience." She shrugged, wanting to slap herself in the face for asking so many questions. It was like a nervous habit to talk and talk and talk... And he had her curiosity running ninety to nothing.
He laughed at being called cute, hitting the gas a little harder so they would go a little faster. They were nearing their destination but...he decided to take the long way there, after looking at her staring out the window like a trapped animal. He had a small idea, it could pay off or she could hate it but he would give it a try anyway.

"Yeah, you can say I'm something like that. I've been doing this protecting business before you were even born, literally." He snickered, flashing her wink. "The job comes with perks you know."
At that point as he said that, they seemed to be driving on a nearly empty long strip of road that went on for ages it seemed.

"Most people wouldn't think of opening a window on a street like this anymore, they'd get mugged. However, since no one would dare come to our car...I get to do things like this."
With that, he pushed a button, and the roof of the car automatically began receding back to open up the top. The tank of a car turned out to be a convirtable, as he stepped on the gas so a wave of wind can strike their faces. His hair flew backwards as much as it could, a wide grin across his lips.
"You're exaggerating," she murmured, rolling her eyes at his statement about working longer than she was alive. He had to be... Wasn't he? She shrugged it off, looking over at him as he spoke. Watching him carefully, she arched an eyebrow at him, clearly interested in what he was up to. They had been driving for a while now... Weren't they supposed to be going somewhere?

She squealed as soon as the wind hit her face, discomfort at first, then delight spreading across her face. She giggled a little never having been in an actually converitble before, considering her father and her past security guards had found them unsafe and too easy a target. She leaned up, arching her back off the seat a little so that he hair would blow back behind her as she closed her eyes and smiled.

Deciding to be daring, she unhooked her seat belt and grabbed the edge of the hook, pulling herself up into a standin position. From there, she stook and held on to the hook, letting the window blow her hair around as she laughed and grinned, much too excited for a twenty year old. She was just so sheltered that little things like this amazed her.

All the sudden, the car hit a bump, and she squealed as she lost her balance. It caused her to fall toward him, and her eyes went wide.
He let out an instinctive laugh as he saw the light glow brighter on the face the moment the hood went down. She was so excited, so beautiful when she smiled and held on to the car to look outside. For a moment he saw her like an angel, being released from it's containment.

"Don't rush yourself now." He warned playfully as she became more and more daring, his head tilting to watch her every two seconds to make sure that she doesn't fall out of the car. When he saw she had a grip on herself, he snickered lightly and hit the gas a little harder so she could go faster, and have the wind knock her back playfully. Yet he found that she responded by standing up and holding on, not sitting back down.

At that moment, he felt a little saddned. He didn't realize why at first, but soon after he concluded that he felt bad at how locked away from the world someone with this much beauty and spirit was. Who had the right to tell her how to live, to shell her like so.

Before he could finish his thoughts, bump. All of a sudden with a yelp, here she was thrown onto him. Without him even noticing, his arm was already wrapped around her and pushing her against him to keep her from falling further. The embrace...it felt nice...and he turned his to look at her as she flushed. His expression was plain, but words quickly escaped his lips.

"Come here."

His arms tightened around her waist and he pulled her upwards, not back onto her seat but onto his lap. She was small enough compared to him that she could literally sit on him, her head craning perfectly at his neck, and her feet not touching the ground, only touching his lower legs.
Fiona felt herself blushing like mad when he pulled her into his lap, a little shocked at his actions. She wanted to question him, and to ask him why he was insisting on pulling her so close. Her eyebrows creased with confusion, but the adrenaline from the hood being down and the feeling of his body pressed against her's left her speechless. She swallowed and leaned back, her back pressing into the strong muscles of his best and her bottom pressing into his toned thighs. Almost every square inch of her ivory skin was a painful red as she forced her to self to look at the road to distract herself, tongue tied for several moments. Biting her lip, her hands slid up to hold the steering wheel right above his hands.

"Dad never let me learn to drive," she murmured, not realizing what she was saying before it spilled forth from her mouth. It was actually kind of embarrassing, but her father's excuse was that she was privileged enough to never have to drive, so why take the risk and waste the time? A smirk spread across her lips, feeling her fingers barely brush against his as she held the wheel carefully.

"I thought you were taking me somewhere," she said, turning to look over her shoulder at him. Her eyes rolled up to glance into his, and she arched an eyebrow.
He hid his own feelings by a slightly expressionless look as they drove. The truth of the matter is that he didn't even realize or take into account how he was holding her, how pulling her onto his lap would seem innapropriate. It all slipped his mind when she was thrown over against his body. He couldn't bare to keep his senses locked away, the ones he relied on so heavy every day to protect people were all pooling towards her. She was gravitating, her touch and feel as she leaned back and relaxed against him was priceless. He didn't know why, but it felt right to be her support. To be what she leaned on, held, took comfort in.

His lips curled into a bit of a grin as she mentioned her lack of driving skills, watching her hands creep slowly onto the wheel and barely touch his own. When she turned towards him and asked about their destination, his eyes met with her own dangerously. He knew that when he looked at her, it was hard to look away and that wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do when you're on the road. Instead, he slipped her hands beneath his own, letting her hands spread softly along the steering wheel as he held his own hands onto them from above.

"No, you're taking us somewhere." He winked playfully at her.

"Right there actually, just turn the next left." He snickered just then, throwing her a small curve ball during the intimate actions.
Fiona's stomach fluttered as his hands moved over her own, and she blushed even harder as she felt the heat of his palms sliding over her skin. It was a good thing she wasn't driving, because she wouldn't even be able to concentrate on the road in front of her. His presences was filling her senses to the brim, leaving her unable to think or feel anything but him. A smile spread across her lips at his joke, and she moved her hands along with his when they turned left and on to another road.

"You're being awfully cryptic," she murmured, smirking at the passing scenery. "And I just met you... Should I be worried?"

Her eyebrows raised at that, but she wasn't the least bit worried. No, even if he was a dangerous man, she wasn't even sure she cared. Right now, she was just reveling in the fact that someone - an attractive older man, at that - was holding her, and for once, she wasn't being sheltered from everything.
He snorted at her comments as they drove and turned the left, as they did his foot hit the brakes slowly as they were suddenly on another busy street. There were signs everywhere, pubs, liquor stores, casinos and hotels. It was bright, and orange colors lit up the sky.

"Oh yeah, because you know I'm actually the most open and sensitive guy."

He fired back sarcastically, before he turned the wheel along with her hands to park the Hummer on the side of the road by a Pool Hall.

"Besides, If you really thought I was such a bad guy you wouldn't have even let me take you here. Which reminds me, we are here."

He opened his door and hit the button on the side of the steering wheel to raise the roof of the hummer again. He gently picked her up and for that one accidental, necessary moment, their bodies fully touched. He set her on the ground and shut the door behind him, locking the car before tilting his head to the pool hall.

"Know what to do, or should I teach you how to play aswell?"
Fiona looked over at the pool hall, her eyes moving over its suggestive appearance with wary eyes. Walking along beside him, she arched an eyebrow. Oh, no, she was not about to be made to look like the spoiled brat again. Shaking her head, she smirked.

"Actually, I know how to play," she murmured, shrugging a bit. "We had a pool table in one of the houses I grew up in. One of the houses I actually spent more than a year in, anyway. My day time guard, Thompson, taught me how." When they approached the door, goosebumps formed on her skin. It was mainly large, gruff-looking men and a few of their girlfriends crowded around. A band played up on stage, and a bar was to the left. The air was thick with smoke, but she didn't let it faze her. The only thing that made her uncomfortable was the amount of eyes on her, signalling that she definitely didn't belong.

Walking over to a pool table, determined not to let him think she was a "princess", she grabbed a pool cue and stood it up on the ground and leaned against it casually, her head tilted to the side and her hair flowing over her shoulder. She smiled at him, a sunny disposition on her face compared to earlier that day. It was just so nice to be with someone who wasn't insisting that they stayed at home, locked away from any sort of danger. If this had been any normal day, she would have fallen asleep with one of her textbooks or to one of her favorite movies while sitting in a quiet, lonely house. Right now, she felt alive.
"Oh you do?"

He said playfully, almost in disbelief. Though he did purposley over dramatize his words to tease just a little more. He snickered as she stood tall, broadoned those shoulders and walked in like nothing could touch her. He smiled at that, almost admiring her for what she did when he thought she would just take shelter in him again. It was honestly something he didn't expect, and something that made him slowly fall for her even more, despite him not even realizing his own feelings.

From outside, he could tell that all eyes were on her and that everybody was looking at her like she was some kind of meat that they could sink their teeth in. Being a Superhero makes you fond of dramatic entrances, so as such he pushed the door open loud enough that attention was on him instead of her. He walked up to the pool table where she stood with her queue and flashed her a grin as she spoke.

"Well I'll bet you two hundred bones this Thomas fella wasn't nearly as good as I am."

He then reached into his pocket, and pulled out two hundred dollar bills and placed them on the edge of the pool table. At the same time, he shot a death glance at everyone that was watching them. It almost had murderous intent rather than a protective one, and just as he did, the hall erupted in grunts and throat clearing as people pretended to be doing something else.

He snickered at that, and bent down beneath the pool table to grab the triangle. He set up all the balls and walked up behind her, leaning all the way down to her ear only to teasingly whisper. "I'll even let you break."
Fiona shivered a little when he came up behind her, his hot breath dancing across her ear. She swallowed and nodded, looking as confident as ever. Leaning over the table, she took on a perfect form, squinting one eye as she aimed. As she took deep breaths, concentrating on the ball, she rocked her hips a little and pointed her ass in the air a little.

With a pop, all the balls went in different directions. Three went straight into nearby pockets. A smirk spread across her face as she let out a satisfied sigh, then turned to look over at him. It was obvious her ego took a little boost, and she moved out of his way.

"I would start saying goodbye to your money," she taunted, then twirled the pool cue between her fingers like one would a pencil. She was oblivious to the eyes on her, for her adrenaline was too high at the moment. All her focus was on him and the fact she was in a new place, not that there could be any danger lurking around. It was clear she was naive about the real world, but it was hard not to be wen you were with a man like Axel. She felt untouchable.
He stood behind her as she took aim of the balls and struck perfectly. As she did, he let out a high pitched whistle. Now the trick was, he timed it just right that when she turned to look at him, she wouldn't know if he whistled at the three balls she sank or the fact that her perfect ass was strung high in the air for him to look at.

"Oh please." He smirked at her and walked around the pool table, standing between her and the bar full of men. He leaned on it lightly as he noticed the balls, she sank two solids and one stripe ball. "I'll sink all my stripes before you let two more solids in."

He teased crossed his arms, flexing lightly in the process as his eyes were dead locked on her own. It was both strategic and emotional, she simply looked mesmerizing and he always wanted to have his eyes on her. At the same time, knowing that she realizes he's looking up and down her body with who knows what kinds of thoughts would most likely make her miss the next shot, giving him a chance to take the lead.

Or so he thought the strategy would go. Game on.
Fiona rolled her eyes, watching him with a grin on her face. She reached up and ran a hand through her hair, then letting it flow back over her shoulder again. The way his eyes stayed on her were making her nervous or excited - she wasn't quite sure which one. It took a moment to pry her eyes away from his, and she peered down at the balls intently. Taking a deep breath, she bent back over to the table again, her legs shifting the same way they did the first time. Her ass swiveled a little, though she didn't notice.

With another pop, the white ball sent another solid flying into a pocket. She stood back up and huffed, a little disappointed, but walked around to find her next aim... Looking up at him, her eyes held a glimmer of mischief. She moved directly in from of him, flipping her hair over her shoulder, and bent back over the pool. This time, she was bending over merely inches away from where he stood. Why did she do that? She had no clue. Never had she really thought of her self as a flirty, teasing girl before, but his presence was bringing something completely different out of her. And she had to admit, she kind of liked it.

Striking the ball, she watched a solid go straight for a pocket, only to hit the edge and bounce to the side. A grunt of frustration left her lips, and she stepped back to give him an challenging eyebrow raise. "Well, show me what you've got," she quipped, a competitive tone to her voice.
His eyes never left her as she twirled around the table like she owned the place. It was almost graceful in a very...naughty kind of way. He watched her sink another in, debating on what to keep his eyesight on, the actual game or her ass when she stuck it out so teasingly. She didn't make it any easier for him when she so seductively walked right up to him and bent over, leaning just perfectly so her ass swayed just inches away from him. He bit down on his lip roughly, preventing himself from reaching out and grabbing it. Oh she knew how to play him alright, but he wasn't going down that easy.

"Hmm, not bad for a little girl."

He flashed her a grin, before teasingly and almost playfully he gently bumped her with his hip to very softly have her take a step sideways. He leaned over to hit for the first time, and as he did his form was impeccable. He could almost be a statue at that point, muscles perfectly framed, hands steady, like a man holding a spear. It wasn't him dramatizing everything, he just had a habit of...visiting, pubs like these when a day goes bad. Time after time, with already super natural skills, a guy gets pretty good at the game.

He angled his queue, and in a quick motion his first two striped balls were in. It was like a bolt of lightning, hit in a flash and the sound of the balls hitting one another cracked like thunder. That time, he was overplaying it just to intimidate her a little bit. Once his balls were in, he turned and flashed her a playful smile. His face saying it all.
"I'm not a little girl," Fiona mumbled under her breath, stepping to the side and placing a hand on her hip.

She watched him carefully, her eyes tracing his body as he leaned over and took his position. Biting her lip, she took in his toned muscles that seemed to bulge perfectly with every move he made... Staring at him intently, her throat going dry, she had almost forgot to breath. Why did he have this effect on her? She'd never felt this way... And now, not only was she forgetting to breath, she was forgetting that they were playing a game in a room full of people.

It wasn't until the crash of the balls rang through the air that she came back to reality with a jolt, smirking when he turned to look at her. If only he knew that the entire time he was turned around, she was looking him up and down. It would probably make him even more arrogant, she thought.

"Lucky shot," she quipped, giving him a casual shrug. A grin was plastered on her face, because by the look of is technique, it was definitely not by luck. This man knew the game, and he had experience. She wondered what else he was talented at...
He flashed her a playful grin as she called him lucky, before walking up right beside her where she stood at the table. He leaned backwards against it, and picked up a beer that he had called for when she wasn't paying attention. He took a swig from the bottle before setting it back down and leaning over the table beside her.

"Alright, I'll make it a little more challenging."

He positioned himself where she was between him and the table. Literally she was cornered between his chest and two arms. He leaned forward enough that his lips barely touched her neck, and he looked at the ball and the table over her shoulder. A quick jolt just like before, their body touched for a mere second before he took his eyes up and locked them with her own. A second later, the sound of another ball sinking it pelted through. Now he had the same amount of balls sunk as she did.

"Look at that, I got lucky again." He flashed her a teasing smile, not realizing that the ball he sunk was a solid ball, giving her the advantage...or did he?
Fiona quite literally did not breath when he cornered her, her hands moving backwards to brace herself on the felt-covered table behind her. She bit her lip, her eyes studying his face as his muscled reached around her. She would have liked to pretend like it didn't faze her, that her mind was still on the game and that she was only concentrating on the balls crashing against one another. However, her mind was clouded and the only thing existed was his body rocking against her's for the split second, his breath ghosting across her neck, and the way his smile managed to reach his eyes in the most genuine, sexiest way she had ever witnessed...

"I... I...," she stammered, unable to hide the effect he had on her. In order to stop herself from sounding like a blabbering idiot, she turned around and looked at the pool table. It took her a few moments, but when she realized it, a smirk spread across her lips.

"Not so lucky," she murmured, "That was my solid you just sunk. Ha!" She turned a looked at him in the way that anyone would do when they realized they were coming out on top of a competitive game. Reaching over, she snagged the beer he had sitting down and took a swig of it, looking over at him with that same glint of mischief in her eyes. Swallowing, her nose wrinkled a little at the taste, but she quickly got over it. With a quick turn, she was position in front of him, bending over and aiming once again.

Right as she bent over, she heard a whistle. Her eyebrow arched and her head popped up for a moment, seeing a gruff looking man standing at the bar with a grin on his face. She rolled her eyes and went back to aiming, obviously not fazed. With a pop, she sunk another solid.
The stalemate between them was something that he relished. The way she looked at him so enthralled as he had her within his grasp, the way she simply...fit, against him was almost too fluid to be true. He was literally inches away from her lips before she turned around and noticed his 'mistake'. He blinked as she mentioned the ball was solid, and he peeked up over her shoulder to look. A perfectly timed wince made it so it looked as if he regretted what he had done, knowing how to perfectly sink a shot didn't make this mistake excusable.

"Mmm...I wouldn't say that."

He commented as she told him he was not so lucky, just as she had bent over in front of him to sink another ball. Just as before, her hips perked up and her ass straddled upwards, except this time as she sank the ball her ass lightly grinded against his pants. He wouldn't let her know if he had stepped forward or if he was luckily positioned, for for those moments her ass had grinded against his clothed length. Now she knew that this is why he wouldn't say he wasn't lucky. On the other hand, she was two solids and the black ball away from winning.

He however took a moment to shoot a glare towards the old man who whistled, and he noticed that it was a number of men and not just one that were amassing behind him. He couldn't tell her what they were thinking, it would ruin everything about her night and somehow he felt like he had to protect that from anything. He would have to deal with this alone when she wasn't paying attention. Or so he hoped.
Fiona looked over her shoulder and blushed when she realized that she had indeed rubbed up against him when she sunk the ball. Biting her lip, she understood what he had said, and rolled her eyes. He was just trying to flatter her, and she knew it. I mean, why would this attractive older guy be interested in her? He had made it pretty clear that he thought of her as a "spoiled daddy's girl" from the get go, so she took his comments and actions with a grain of salt.

From there, Fiona managed to sink the rest of her solids with ease. It was obvious that she had not lied about knowing the game, even if he had given her advantage. However, this did not stop her from getting an incredible ego boost. After all, she had not expected to win - not against him- and the thought of him letting he win had not crossed her mind. Smirking with satisfaction, she immediately turned around and leaned against the table, reclined a little as she looked up at him.

"Looks like you're not the best at everything," she murmured, taking a dig at how he claimed to be better than all her guards put together earlier that day. However, she was practically glowing, and her smile was genuine. She had not had this much fun in... Well, she couldn't remember. Her eyes settled on his and softened at the eye contact, only breaking when she felt a presence beside her.

"Hey Sweetheart," the older man from the bar said, leaning against the table beside her. He grinned at her, and Fiona stood up straight with a sense of discomfort. He either didn't notice Axel, or chose not to acknowledge him. At the bar, his group of friends were whistling and hollering their encouragement. "Can I buy you a drink?"

Fiona shook her head, blushing a bit as she side stepped away from him. "Um... No, thanks..."

"Oh, Come on, Honey," he pressed, stepping closer. "Let me buy you a drink."
Axel watched her as...intriguingly as ever while she sank shot after shot in, watching her smile grow bigger and bigger with every ball she sunk in. He had a grim smirk across his lips while she played, the game being the farthest thing from his mind. All that occupied it was thoughts of questioning. Why he was so happy to see her happy. Why would he throw away his ego just so she can have her fun. How did he feel that way about her so quickly. It was all enough to take him out of focus as she cleared the table, and finally he snapped back to reality as she turned and smiled at him, glowing with beauty.

His eyes hooked with hers for a moment, and he broke a smile out of instinct.

"Well, you're buying me another beer since you're two hundred dollars richer. So it's not all a loss I suppose."

He flashed her a playful wink, only for his expression to literally shift from a soft, teasing one to a grim look of frozen hatred at the man who stepped beside her. If she had kept her eyes on Axel, the change of expression would have frightened her quicker than how his queue hit the balls. He stood there silently for a few moments, watching the man and his posse hit on and advance on Fiona. When she stepped aside and away from him, that was the last straw.

Midway through the man pressing, stepping closer, instead of coming in contact with Fiona he found Axel's fist instead. There wasn't any talk, no movie like intimidation or any wise-ass snappy comebacks that made him look cool. No, none of that, he simply flat out drew back his arm and before anyone even saw him move his fist had collided with the man's face.

All this was acknowledged when the sound of a huge crack drew the attention of everybody to the far end of the bar, where that man had broken through a counter and took all the contents atop it with him. He was bleeding prefiously from his face, and his nose was completley un-alligned.

"Now, I better think of something snappy or some sort of come back. At least that's how it always happens in the movies right?"

With that, his head turned and flashed a wicked grin towards his 'friends' along the bar, who were needless to say, going to have a few issues with what he just did.
Fiona's eyes went wide, and she let out a yelp of surprise as he sent the man across the bar. Relief could be seen on her face for a short moment, happy to have the man away from her and to know that Axel was there to make sure he didn't come back... But the relief was short lived once she saw that the man's friends were not exactly thrilled at Axel's actions.

The pool hall fell silent, even the band stopping during their set, and she bit her lip. A blush crept across her cheeks, and she instinctively moved toward him at the sight of the group of men approaching. Her hand wrapped around his wrist, and she started to pull him toward the door. While she'd normally scold someone for doing something so out of line and irrational, she couldn't seem to shake the fact that no one had ever done anything like that for her. Never had someone come to her defense in such a way...

Her blue eyes rolled up to look at him, suspicious deep within them. The way he punched that man seemed too powerful to be true... It gave her chills. "I'll buy you a beer at another bar," she said quietly, desperately trying to pull him toward the door. Deep down, she simply couldn't imagine watching him get plundered to death by the gruff looking men. Even after the short amount of time she had spent with him, she could not let him get her. Something inside of her wanted to know that she would see him the next day, and hopefully, many days after that.

"Let's go, Axel," she whispered, her blue eyes connected with him. And then, she gave him a soft little smile - A smile that she hoped would tell him that she had indeed had a nice time (all because of him) but they needed to get the hell out.
The feeling of Fiona's touch as he hands wrapped around his wrists and began tugging him away snapped him slightly out of his anger. His gaze was set on the men that sat threatning for the longest time, it had seemed that Fiona's attempts were going to vain. She could tell that he was angry, more angry than any normal body guard would be. He couldn't help himself for feeling like this, just the fact that someone did something that remotley bothered her sent a fire of anger raging through his chest.

Yet finally as she had been slowly dragging him towards the door, her final scentance and a look into her gentle blue eyes took his attention. He turned his head to look down at her, his angry expression intimidating at first, but softening as he took his breaths and heard her whispers. He slipped his hand into her own, shooting one final dart of a cold stare towards the men before he walked forward along with her.

"Come on, I'm taking you home."

As he said that, he walked to the car parked just outside the pool hall. He opened the door and sat in, before turning the ignition and revving the engine as she stepped in herself. He needed those moments to calm down, he needed his anger to steam away slowly. He needed that touch of hers again to calm down, as if his body was asking her desperately to couch and hold him so he could maintain himself.
Fiona winced when he told her he was taking her home, but followed him out anyway. Normally she would shoot a retort back at him, not about to be hauled home like an infant, but something about the way his jaw tensed with anger told her it wasn't the time to argue. That look he gave those men was chilling, and she suddenly felt very grateful that it was not directed at her.

She hesitated a moment before getting in the car, looking at him though the window. She bit her lip and noticed that he was obviously fuming - that the men in the pool hall had had a greater effect on him than she imagined. She slowly shook her head. But why? Why was he so upset because a man had hit on her? Surely he really didn't care about her past a professional level... Maybe he was just dedicated to his job.

Sliding into the seat beside him, she didn't stop at the passenger side, but slid into the middle seat. Her hand went up to rest on his bicep in a comforting way, looking at him with confused, yet soft eyes. "Hey," she whispered, turning down to radio in the car. "It's not that big of a deal, Axel..." It was so odd, because while she had many guards over the years, nothing like this ever happened. Yet, she never had a guard quite like him, either.
As he backed out of parking, and hit the gas to start heading with her home, the drive and calmness of the night that had finally settled on the city started effectively calming him down. Her touch, when she slid into the middle seat and held and rested on his bicep was the final key to lock away all that anger and power that had surged through him just moments before. It took just a few minutes, before his expression relaxed and his chest heaved upwards for him to take a deep breath. He paused for a moment, turning the radio off completely.

"Look I'm...sorry, I don't know what came over me."

He paused again, trying to gather his thoughts and feelings that were just flooded with anger. He asked himself the same questions she was wondering. Why had he gone so far? Why was he so angry? It wasn't that he didn't know the answer, because he already knew that he had quickly but assertivley fallen head over her heels for this girl who was his contrast in every way. It's just that it was hard to admit, he had so much to hide, it was unproffessional and would interfere with everything he was taught to do. Yet emotions, they aren't as easy to beat as villains or objects.

"When he came up to you I just...I just really didn't want a piece of shit like that to even touch someone as gorgeous as you are."

When he said his last words, it wasn't delivered so much in a cheeky flirtatious way. No, the way he said it showed that he truly meant the literal meaning of gorgeous. That he saw how bright and beautiful she was, how she lit up the whole poolhall just by standing up straight and smirking.

He had paused just then again, as if to wonder if he had the right to say that. As if to wonder if that was something she wanted to hear, or if he had crossed the line. It was almost like he was wondering her approval, not of his words but of his feelings as they were. As best as he could present them anyway, punching a guy half to death and saying a few words were really the only way he knew how.
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