Her Guardian ((Rave&&Blair))


Oct 28, 2011

Fiona Cassidine looked out her airplane window with little interest, her blue eyes reflection the clouds that surrounded them. Beside her was her father, and successful diplomat, Howard Cassidine. He was on his hand held computer, like always, and she didn't make an effort to disturb him. It would have been pointless, really, because his mind was always on other things.

Fiona spent her life living in various countries, her most current one being France, but now she was back in the States due to her father being transferred. Again. It was a never ending story of unpacked suitcases and a lack of friends. However, this time, she was enrolled in the college in town, and she hoped that for once, her father might take her into consideration before yanking her out of another school.

Her father turned to her, and squeezed her hand a bit. He gave her a smile - the charming one that he used on business associates- and she frowned. He only gave her that smile when he was about to give her bad news.

"I know how you feel about body guards, Fi, but..."

Fiona groaned and shook her head in exasperation. "Daddy, you promised! I'm twenty years old! I don't need a baby sitter..."

Her father gave her a stern look; a look that meant there was no point in arguing. Fiona sighed and looked back out her window. Fantastic.

Axel Jordan was a name known only by a few. Family, friends, an ex or two. Yet the same person's alias, the Green Lantern, was infamous throughout the world as one of the most powerful superheros in the solar system, and founding member of the justice league. Axel was the grandson of the Legendary Green Lantern, Hal Jordan. He had inherited the ring from his grandfather, and with it the slight pride and cockiness that came with his power.

"You can't expect me to do this."

He exclaimed over a radio, planted behind his ear as he stood in an airport runway, starting at his watch.

"I save lives, protect suns and free nations, since when do I babysit for the justice league."

He groaned, knowing what HQ's response would be. It was an undercover mission of immense importance, no one is to know he's the green lantern, that he's just a body guard protecting the daughter of a diplomat who's safety ensures a country doesn't go to war. Still, it was a babysitting job.

He could only sigh, the thirty two year old man running his hand through his hair as he waited, armored car parked beside him, for the plane to arrive and land.
Fiona got off the plane, refusing to even look at her father. Her heels clicked along the tile floor of the airport, her rolling suit case in one hand and her purse in the other. She could not believe this... After having a body guard with her at all times for years, she had hoped her father would finally give her some privacy and independence. But, no, it was just another empty promise of Howard Cassidine. Now she was stuck with what she assumed would be an old, boring man in a suit who would barely let her get her feet wet every minute of every day.

As they approached Axel, Fiona's eyes trained on a random bench out of sheer stubborn bitterness. Her father cleared his throat and threw Axel an apologetic look, but it wasn't completely genuine. Howard Cassidine was rarely sorry about anything.

"Mr. Jordan, this is my daughter, Fiona," he murmured, motioning to the irritated looking girl. "She will be who you will be looking after from now on, as you should know... Fiona, for the love of God, try to act pleasant." His words came through clenched teeth, and she whipped her head around to look at Axel. She was a little startled with his... well, attractive appearence. It was not something she was expecting, and therefor, it left her a speechless for half a second. She looked at him, her eyes narrowing a little, and sighed.

"Hello," she finally murmured, "And just so you know, I'm 20 years old. I feel like we should make that clear. So I don't really think your services are ne-"

"Fiona, that's enough," her father interupted. He looked at his watch with a look of frustration and shook his head, nodding to another limo. "I have a meeting I need to get to immediately. I'm already running late... Mr. Jordan, I trust you will take Fiona to the new house and get her situated?" He smiled and gave the man a nod, then rushed off, leaving the two alone together.
The long wait ended as the airport doors slid open, and a glance upwards landed his eyes on Howard Cassidine. A sigh of relief followed as he no longer had to wait, yet his eyesight almost instantly drifted to the girl walking beside him. If he wasn't wearing the cliche dark sunglasses that came with the even more cliche bodyguard suit, the world would see them widen at the sight. The cliche was necessary, if he didn't blend in obnoxiously...he couldn't risk his identity as a hero. It wasn't something easy to do if you're an attractive six foot four tank. Yet, the outfit did what it could.

He did not expect this, someone so beautiful they would blind whoever stared long enough. Yet the moment she opened her mouth to talk, he was reminded that it was really going to be a baby sitting job. As she spoke to him about her age, he raised a brow quietly. He sort of purposely ignored her, perhaps a subconscious sense of arrogance wanted to feed on the reaction.

"Yes, Mr.Cassidine. Your daughter will be perfectly safe, I promise you."

As he left, Axel took off his sunglasses and slipped them into his jacket pocket. He took out his keys remote and clicked it, unlocking the Jet Black hummer parked along the sidewalk.

"Get in, Miss. Cassidine."

He said while turning, getting into the driver's seat and starting the car with a roar of its engine.
The fact that he obviously ignored her was enough for Fiona to sulk, dropping her bags at her feet unceremoniously. She crossed her arms over her chest, not even offering a goodbye wave to her father, and arched an eyebrow at Axel. She could already tell that this was going to be so much worse than she had anticipated. Her past body guards might have been over protective, but they also spend most of their time trying to keep her happy. It was clear that she was not used to not being spoiled, despite how much she craved independence.

Wincing at the loud roar of the engine, she looked at him through the window of the Hummer. She made no move to climb in, looking at him like he had lost his mind.

"Aren't you going to get my bags?" she asked, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. After all, she never had a body guard that didn't help her with her bags...
His head turned to watch her as she dropped her bags and stood there, expecting him to get her bags for her. Usually, he would, and get this mission over with but she just ticked with him. Axel didn't bullshit around, not as a normal human or as a lantern.

He lowered the passenger side window fully and turned his head towards her, bright green eyes locking onto her own for the first time. He couldn't help but pause a moment just to take in how beautiful she really was, before speaking.

"Miss Cassidine. I'm being paid to protect you from kidnappers and murderers. If you want your bags put in the car, let your father hire a bag boy and see how well he manages to save your rear when someone does eventually try to hurt you. Now if you value your life, get your bags in the trunk and get in. If not, I'm sure Airport security would be delighted to call a cab for you, If you really feel like sitting in a shitty Toyota with below average security guards."

He winced just then, anyone in the league would be able to just tell that HQ Just blew up his ear with yelling for saying what he did. Undercover, he had to remember, act like a normal body guard, he had to remember, yet his nature was just too cocky for that.
Fiona looked into his green eyes, a little surprised at how clear and gorgeous they were, before narrowing her own. Waiting a few moments to see if he was bluffing, she started back at him, then let out a frustrated sigh. Yanking her bags off the ground, she threw the back seat door open and pushed them inside. It took her a moment, for she was not used to heavy lifting (and she packed her life in her suitcase) but she managed to get them inside. Her face a little red, she moved into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut behind him.

She crossed her legs and glared at him, letting out a little huff at the thought of being told off. "First off, like I tried to explain before my father cut me off, I'm twenty, not thirteen. I can handle myself just fine. Despite what my father thinks, I'm also quite intelligent. I had a 4.0 at my last university which I will be tranferring with, so it's clear that I'm smart enough to not walk into on coming traffic." She rolled her eyes a little. "As for kidnappers and murderers, I have my doubts. Nothing has ever happened to me before." What she didn't explain was the fact that she had had a full staff of body guards since the time she was born, which would mean that danger had never come within a hundred miles of her. However, Fiona did not realized the sheltered life she had been living in.

"And at least a bag boy would be somewhat polite," she mumbled under her breath, leaning back and looking out the window.
A small victory smirk slipped across his lips as she put her bags in the trunk and sat next to him, slamming the door and crossing her legs. The smirk vanished quickly, and with the corner of his eye he glanced over her slender legs a moment. As she talked, he hit the gas and started driving towards the new luxury apartment complex they would be living in. It was the most conventional place to live, only one exit and entrance making it easier for protection.

"I find it surprising that a woman with a 4.0 average doesn't know simple physics. I mean the science in picking up a bag then setting it a few meters off the ground cannot be that ground breaking."

He kept a straight face, not even a grin, as he knew the comment would sting yet it was delivered in a somewhat polite way, if that was possible. Obeying orders from HQ here was harder than anything he's ever gone through.

"You've never been in any danger because your father makes sure you are not, I assume you've been flooded with help and protection since you expected someone to carry your bags. But if you will note, I am the only one watching you, instead of a horde of people. That alone speaks to my ability to keep you safe. So don't expect me to baby you."

It was probably the first time she wasn't called a 'girl', but a woman, a small look into how Axel thought of her, how he really was giving her what she wanted, recognition as an adult.
Fiona looked over at him, his action of calling her a "woman" not going unnoticed, and pressed her lips together. Honestly, she had no idea that he was her only guard. Usually she had multiple in each country, and like he suggested, they babied her. Swallowing her pride a little, she nodded, knowing there was really nothing to say. Not to mention, he WAS giving her what she wanted, which was to be treated as an adult.

"How are you my only guard?" she asked, looking puzzled. "Who will switch shifts with you...?" She tilted her head to the side, the city zooming by. "Wait, are you living with us?"

Never had this happened before... Usually, she was watched by several guards, some only around as she slept. Part of her felt a little nervous about spending so much time with one man, but part of her was a little... intrigued. After all, he was an attractive man, even if he did come off as a jack ass at the moment.

She rubbed her thighs together a little, not realizing he was looking her over out of the corner of his eyes, and looked out the window.
As they talked, time flew quickly and they neared their destination. The apartment complex was within a huge, hectic city. It stood right stack in the middle of the place so it would almost camouflage itself.

"Yes, I am your only guard. For good reasons."

He paused a moment, before continuing on. "I am your only guard because we don't want to draw any attention to you. If I was a kidnapper and I was picking someone to take at random, I'd pick the beautiful girl with a security flooding her, hm?"

He wasn't being sarcastic at all at this point, knowing she swallowed her pride he did not force his own arrogance either. He was more protective at this point as it was his nature. She may have been a brat but she is still someone he had to look after.

"And I have a hundred times the capabilities that all your bodyguards ever had combined."

He smirked just then, just long enough for her to catch it but just as quickly his expression return to the expected emotionless bodyguard look.
Suddenly, the car leaned forward as they headed down a slope into a garage. The Hummer barely fit, but it did and quickly they kept going deeper and deeper in. Finally, he turned the last corner and parked the car at a secure and private parking spot, right next to an elevator.

"Yeah, I'll be living with you. There's a room for me beside your own."

He said nonchalantly, yet internally the situation confused him. Initially he hated the idea of having to leave his home and babysit a brat he didn't even know. Yet awkwardly, now he found himself intrigued by her just as he was intriguing to her, not that he knew. He really was almost curious to see what would happen.

"Come on, get your bags."

He stepped out of the car and shut the door behind him, walking up to the trunk and grabbing his own bag that was dwarfed by the size of Fiona's huge suitcases. He paused a moment and took in how long it was going to take to get to the apartment, and with an aggravated sigh he grabbed her biggest suitcase that was about twice her size, and hauled it over his shoulder like it was a feather.
Fiona swallowed nervously at the aspect of him living just one door down from her. After all, she'd been sheltered for twenty years, so her lack of experience with men was at zero. As embarassing as it was, she's only been on a hand full of dates, which we always monitored, and none of those men even compared to the older man beside her...

"Well, I guess we will have to get used to eachother then," she murmured, looking around the dark garage with curious eyes. Wow. They were really making an effort to keep her safe in America. Never had her apartments been this sealed off form the world... It made her wonder if her quest for a normal life was more out of reach than she thought... Her eyebrow arched at his arrogant statement, and she rolled her eyes. She could clearly see that he was strong man, and he seemed intelligent, but more skilled than all her guards combined? This man was full of shit.

Grabbing her smaller bag, she grinned when he finally gave in to getting her large bag, then let herself into the apartment. It was nice and fully furnished with the best money could buy, just like any other place she had lived in. Her heels clicked across the marble floor, and she dropped her bag near the doorway. Biting her lip, she moved over to the fridge and grabbed a can of Dr. Pepper. Most people would go check the place out, but Fiona wasn't interested. It was obvious that this was nothing new; that after living in different places her whole life, the excitement wasn't there anymore. "Just a warning," she murmured, "You'll hardly ever see my father around her. Unless the TV counts." And with that, she sat on the couch and sighed, happy to be out of a moving vehicle.
That little grin of victory he saw slip across her lips when he carried the one bag that was just about bigger than her almost made him want to drop it on her and have her just carry it all the way to the apartment, but finally a little restraint showed up and he let it go. A quick elevator ride took them to the apartment, and quickly she stepped in as he followed. He waited until her back was turned, and for a split second he activated his ring to put a barrier along the door. With that, he turned and shut it, locking it afterwards.

An eyebrow lightly raised at her statement about the absence of her father, followed by a small hum as he picked up his bag again.

"So daddy's not here to take care of you? Hm, good luck finding your way around the apartment, let alone the city."

He snickered lightly. "Then again, if you do ask politely, I may consider acquainting you with the city and where you'll be going to college. Maybe."

With that he stepped into a door on her right, beside another room. The door of his room was much smaller than the one next to it, her room no doubt.

"Oh, and I only have one rule: Don't step a foot into my room."

He shut the door behind him and sighed loudly. The room was fairly small, it looked like it didn't belong in the house, almost like someone asked for it to be this size and this...dull. There was a bed in the corner, a floor to cieling mirror, a weight rack and a bench to lift. He took a breath as he flopped down on the bed, sitting up and taking off his shirt as the heat condensed in his room. He eyed his ring lightly, before pressing a finger to his ear.

"I got her to the safehouse, that concludes the first part of the assingment. Tell me again how long I have to be here?"

"Until the mission is done, Lantern."

Finally with a last sigh of acceptance, he got up and hung his shirt on the door knob, not realizing it wasn't locked.
Fiona eyed him carefully from where she sat on the couch in the living room, arching an eyebrow. "I think I can find my way around on my own," she mumbled, trying to not act as bitter as she felt. Here she was, alone in a huge apartment with a man she had just met; a man who seemed just about as happy to see her as she was him. Fantastic. Letting out a sigh, she walked across the room and ripped open her back, pulling out a Literature book for her upcoming class and plopping back down on the couch. Pulling her legs up underneath her, she found the place she left off and continued reading. No, she really didn't need to be reading from her text book, especially since the class hadn't even started. However, there was little to do when you were a diplomat's daughter. He rarely let her go out, and if he did, she was to be escorted. Half the time she stayed home out of spite.

After about an hour or so of reading, Fiona tossed her book to the side and walked over to the window, grinning at the city lights. She'd never been to a city quite like this before, and if she had, she wasn't let outside her door to actually see it... Biting her lip, she looked over at Axel's door and let out a defeated sigh. She really did want to see the city...

She knocked on his door, running a hand through her hair as a blush crept across her cheeks. It wasn't like her to actually ASK to be escorted around town, but he intrigued her and so did the city... After waiting a moment with no answer, the impatient girl, twisted the door knob and pushed it open.
As time passed while Axel finished his conversation with HQ, he found himself resting his back along his bed for a mere moment. He had gotten no sleep for the past few days, having been yanked off one of the Justice League teams dealing with another problem in Albania to do this specific assignment. As one to expect, he drifted asleep as he was. His toned, muscular figure was almost too big for his own bed, his shirt thrown on the floor like a sloppy bachelor, his bag open with a few clothes hanging out of the zipper as if the bag had erupted, and his shoes were thrown at the end of the bed.

The moment she knocked, he was awake. He would never really fall asleep persay, but through training he would just rest his eyes and constantly keep aware of his surrounding twenty four hours a day. If you ask anyone who had powers and used them for good, they would tell you that the most difficult thing to deal with is the paranoia, and the constant alertness required of you. You never really fell asleep.

Before he could even answer her, she stormed into his room impatiently. Curiously, knowing he had little on, he pretended to still be asleep to see what she would do. Part of it, was simply his teasing nature. The other part, in the back of his mind was constantly throbbing, wondering what possible outcome could flourish with her walking into a room, and finding him shirtless on a bed.
Fiona looked into the room, her expression softening a little at the sight of him asleep. There he was, laying across the bed that looked much too small for his muscular body, and not wearing a shirt. The way his chest rose and fell, his muscles tensing and relaxing with each breath he took. She bit her lip, taking a quiet step forward as her eyes scanned his toned body. A blush spread across her cheeks, and she stood over him. It took her a moment to realize that she was staring at him like a creep, making no move to either leave or wake him. God, he might be a jackass, but he was hot as hell...

Swallowing nervously, she reached out and put her hand on his bare shoulder, shaking it a little. "Axel," she whispered, leaning down a little. Her hand stopped shaking him, but her fingers seemed to be unable to recoil from his heated flesh. They stayed there, he thumb stroking the smooth skin without her even thinking about it. "Axel..."
He was lucky to have his eyes closed. They did well to hide the small surges that sparked across her body at her touch. He waited silently, steadying his breath despite this abrupt feeling of anxiousness that he managed to hide. His skin warmed and let her hand fall upon it gracefully, letting his body get cupped by her touch perfectly, like it was designed to have her hand rest where it was. He had to maintain himself, this was a mission and he was to do nothing but protect her...yet why was he feeling vulnerable.

He stayed still for a while longer, only to have her whisper his name slowly and her thumb stroke his skin gently. He didn't want to move at that point, for her touch was agonizingly warm and comforting, the feeling of her breath flowing along his body didn't help contain this sensation. Hell, it was hard enough containing his manhood because of the provocative situation they found them self in.

He knew he couldn't let her just stay like that, it wouldn't be appropriate. He's a hero goddammit, he's not some weak human would succumb to emotions like these. However, he found himself unable to yell or be sarcastic. Instead, his head turned just lightly so his eyes were on par with hers, opening them so his green hues could lock onto own crystal blue ones, uttering only a few words.

"Didn't I tell you not to come into my room?"
It took a ridiculous amount of effort to take her eyes away from his. They were mesmerizing, and Fiona found herself unable to look away from them. God, this was bad... Why was her stomach knotting at the sight of her bodyguard?

She blushed, her eyes narowing at his words. In one quick motion, she stood up straight and crossed her arms over his chest, her eyes moving to glance out the door way. She just had to look away from him, for she wasn't exactly sure what she would do if she didn't.

"Well, you didn't answer when I knocked. For all I knew, something happened to you," she snapped, which was a lie, but it was the only thing she could think up at the moment. Her head was still foggy from their contact...

"And I came in here, because... Well, I'd like to go out," she murmured, still refusing to look him in the eyes. "I mean, I'd like for you to take me out... around the city... Please." She rolled her eyes at the last word.
A smirk slipped across his lips as she yanked herself away from him and stood, breaking their contact. Though smirking there was a hint of sadness there, however quickly dismissed.

"Oh didn't I? My apologies." He snickered lightly, before sitting up as she asked to go outside to see the city. "Well, since you asked so politely how can I say no."

His tone was teasing, just enough to sting a little again, but at least taking her out would cloud his mind from the thoughts he was having about her just a minute ago. He walked up to his back and reached in, throwing on a white wifebeater. He somewhat shamelessly dropped his pants afterwards, leaving the back of his lower body exposed to her for a moment before he grabbed a pair of jeans and slipped them on. He had forgotten that she was so sheltered that something like that was probably shocking to her, where nowadays normal people have a lot less problems with nudity.

"I'll have to take you somewhere people wouldn't expect to find a daddy's girl, so no mall for you...in fact, I know a place."
Fiona's eyes went wide at the sight of him dropping his pants, revealing the back of his toned lower body. She swallowed nervously, unable to look away for a moment, the quickly covered her eyes. "Do you mind?" she snapped, "This is a fraternity house." She turned around with a huff, facing the door way in order to not let him see the deep red blush creeping across her face. Biting her lip, she willed herself to push the image of his naked body out of her mind.

"You know, I don't like the fact that you stereotype me," she mumbled, walking out of his room and into her own. Her room was about three times as large with a king sized bed in the middle, and beautiful furniture all spread around. She moved to her closet, finding that the rest of her clothes that weren't in her bags had been successfully shipped over, and stepped inside to change. When she emerged from the large closet, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a pale blue shirt that exposed one of her shoulders.

"Well, what is this place I'll be going to?" she murmured, leaning against her own doorway, and not about to go back into his room. As of now, that was dangerous, because the idea of seeing him half naked was giving her feelings she knew better than to have.
He couldn't help but snort lightly as she turned and protested after a pause to his brief nudity, only to have her storm out yet again afterwards and into her own room. As she changed, he grinned lightly and yelled just loud enough that his voice broke through the wall separating their rooms.

"Stereotype you? Oh you mean you're not a daddy's princess who's been overprotected her whole life, spoiled to the brim and now thinks she's independent enough to do what she wants?"

He really had no idea how true his statement was, in fact he really was jokingly stereotyping not knowing what he said wasn't that far from the truth. The comment was meant to tease, intrigue possibly as a grin crawled along his lips. Once he got ready, he walked out of his room just as she did. She leaned along her door and asked were they were going after putting on a rather appealing outfit that seemed to fit her figure perfectly.

He eyed her for a moment, biting his lower lip quickly to attempt to distract himself but to no avail. He placed his arm against the doorway over her head, leaning on the side just as she did. Needless to say there was barely any space between them at that point, and his head tilted down to look at her.

"I'll surprise you. You'll trust me to show you a good time won't you?"
Fiona clenched her jaw and huffed, rolling her eyes at him. She bit her tongue, trying not to get into an arguement about what he thought of her. It was obvious he thought of her as a spoiled, bratty princess, and there was nothing she could say that would change his mind. In reality, Fiona was raised by nannies and watched after by security guards. There were plenty of birthdays that her father simply gave the nanny money to take her shopping, lots of canceled dinner dates, and most importantly, lots of lonely nights. While she was spoiled and entitled, she was certainly not daddy's princess.

However, her desire to tell him how it was left as quickly as it came, for he was standing so close to her right now, she could feel his hot breath ghosting over her face. She swallowed nervously, her eyes rolling up to look into his own green orbs, and bit her lip. Looking over at his raised arm which held him up against the doorway, noticing the slight buldge of his bicep, Fiona was at a loss for words.

"I... Well, okay," she finally stammered, "Just tell me if I am dressed properly for where ever it is you are taking me to... And then we can be on our way." With that, she arched an eyebrow at him, not moving away from him just yet. Her knees felt too weak to move at the moment.
Axel smiled at her reaction, perhaps it was the first time she ever saw him smile. He glanced downwards to examine what she wore once more, humming lightly as they stood face to face, body to body. He leaned in just a little more so his body lightly pressed against her own, and his free hand lifted itself so a finger could trace the outlines of her bare shoulder.

"This...this'll do just fine."

He couldn't dare to pull himself away either. The tension just kept mounting and mounting up to the point where he found it ridiculously hard just to get away from her. He knew where he was going to take her, he knew what she was wearing would probably have her hit on, and he knew he then would step in to protect her. He didn't know why he had that plan, he couldn't think at all at this point. All he knew was it was easier to rip clouds out of the sky than rip himself away from that door.
Fiona's breath hitched when he touched her shoulder, and a shiver ran up her spine. The rough pad of his warm finger gave her goosebumps, and her eyes seemed to glaze over as she looked into his. This man was not just attractive. No, he was mesmerizing. What was it about him that made him so intriguing - so different from all the other guards she ever had? After several long moments of silence and paralysis on her part, she finally tore her eyes away from him and ducked under his arm. Walking out into the living room, she made her way to the elevator and looked over at him over her shoulder.

"Well, are you coming?" she asked, arching an eyebrow at him before pushing the button for the doors to open. Her hands were shaking a little, and her heart was racing. Something told her this night was going to be interesting.
If she hadn't ripped herself away from him, he wouldn't have been able to control himself. What kind of a hero was he if he couldn't even muster up enough strength to walk away from a single woman. A single dazzeling, goddess of a woman. He cleared his throat roughly.

"YES, I'm coming."
"Now don't be startled about the looks of the place. It's a little rough around the edges but you should be fine. Just don't say anything like 'prestigious' or 'exquisite'."

He said so sarcastically to mask his emotions, walking into the elevator beside her. He hit the close button quickly, and they descended for at least a minute before finally reaching the parking lot. When they did, he stepped out and took out his keys. A click here and a horn noise there, the hummer was unlocked. He left her for a mere second, got into the car and drove it up to her. He opened the passanger side door for her and extended his hand for her to take it and get herself in.
Fiona rolled her eyes and followed him into the garage. "Oh, I'm not sure I'll be able to restrain myself," she murmured sarcastically, "Those are my two favorite words."

She took her hand, trying not to think about the feeling of her small hand against his palm, and jumped into the large vehicle. She had to admit that she was a little nervous about where he planned to take her, but she trusted him... Atleast, she thought she did. Settling in the seat, she turned the radio on and let out a groan when she heard her father's voice making a speech. She immediately clicked it back off and looked out the window, her eyes watching the pretty city lights go by. "Are you from here?" she murmured, wondering if he lived close by... Her mind flickered to the idea that he might have a family or a girlfriend. She had to push the thought away before it showed on her face, suddenly feeling like an idea for thinking of such a thing. Why was she suddenly so curious about him?
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