NightwingXBatgirl future rp. valkeryiefirestorm and I only.

THe movie was over right at 10:30pm and she said to Bryce,"That movie was amazing and its a lot better in 3D then in 2D." "Did you enjoy that movie as well hmm Bryce.?"
Barbara said to Bryce,"I wouldn't mind staying at the mansion for tonight and then I'll head home sometime in the morning." "But not sure what time I'd leave the mansion to head back to my home if that is alright with you Bryce.?"
Barbara smiled at him and she said to him,"Okay with me I'll spend the night at the manison then okay,and shall we get going since the movie is over now hmm Bryce.?"
Barbara followed Bryce to the motorcycle and she puts her helmet on her head and she prefer it when Bryce drives the motorcycle for a change. ((Sorry about the late reply back to our rp.)
Barbara was watching Bryce and she also swung off the bike as well and said to him,`So what else do you have planned for us both for the rest of the night hmm.?``
Barbara said to Bryce,"That is fine with me you go through your dads stuff and you might find some interesting stuff that could come in handy you never know what your dad has." "I'll be upstairs in my room reading more comic books about Nightwing and Batgirl okay see you later Bryce." Barbara leaves the garage and she heads upstairs to her room and she sits up in her bed and she begins to read some more comic books about Nightwing and Batgirl. ((It's okay I understand sometimes my life can be busy or catching up to me as well.))
Bryce nodded and head towards his fathers office. He sat down in the leather office chair and began going through the drawers and the secret drawers in the desk
Barbara closed her comic book up and she tucks it underneath her pillow and she leaves her room and she enters into Bruce Wayne office and she said to Bryce,"I'm going to bed now okay I thought that I'd come in and say good night okay." "Good night Bryce see you in the morning and sweet dreams as well."
Barbara leaves the study room and she heads back upstairs to her room and she closes her bedroom door shut behind her and she crawls into her bed and she slowly closes her eyes. Barbara begins to drift off to sleep and she finally dozes off to sleep for a bit and she was very tired and sleeply for a change.
Bryce stopped as something caught his eye in between two pages a photo had been placed. Bryce took Tue photo out and smiled "well dad you seize to amaze me" he said. The photo was back when he and barbie where in highschool and had went to the senior prom together, that night had been the best night that was the night Bryce had asked her out and their relationship went beyond freindship but had mutually ended when Bryce went to Harvard
Barbara eventually woke up from her sleep and she yawned and she also stretched as well for a few minutes and she heard her cell phone ringing and she answered the phone and it was some news about they spoted another villain again. Barbara hangs up her cell phone and her father uses the batlight and Barbara left her room and slid down the pole and into the batcave. She was in her batgirl outfit and she checked the info on the bat computer and she slightly curses about someone leaving a riddle. She was not very good at figuring out riddles like Bruce and Bryce were the two that were really good at solving riddles and puzzles sent by the riddler.
"whats up?" Bryce says slipping on the mask that covered around his eye l. he leaned over and read the riddle "damn riddler remind me to knock him the hell out" he said (do you want to come up with the riddle or should i?)
Barbara looked at Bryce and she said to him,"Nothing is up at all Bryce,except The Riddler is up to no good once again Bryce." "You look real good with a mask,it makes you look more handsome and you defently look like your father for sure I'm giving you a completement not an insult at all Bryce." ((You can come up with the riddle I'm fine with it.))
Barbara said to Bryce,"Let's head for the clock tower to try to stop The riddler at any cost and shall we get going now hmm Bryce or not yet.?"
"yeah lets get going" he said to her while walking over to his motorcycle and getting on. "nothing gold becomes of that green giant" he mumbled before driving out of the cave
Batgirl jumps onto her motorcycle as well and she drives out of the batcave and she follows Bryce and hoped that they`ll be able to stop the riddler hoping it wasn`t a trap at any cost. Batgirl said to Bryce,``Just hope that this isn`t a trap at all if it is then what should we do.?``
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