NightwingXBatgirl future rp. valkeryiefirestorm and I only.

"so then why did he say we should way watch our back." Bryce stroked his trimmed beard like his father used to stroke his chin when he was in deep though. Bryce stood up and began pacing back and overhung "i wonder cause I know my father took over the postion as robin when the original started straying from his code and that made him angry so I don't wonder if he is also beside the joker coming back to finish what he started with my father to finish with me"
Barbara looked at Bryce and said to him,"I have no idea if the Joker wants to finish what he finished with your father and then you,if I knew anymore information about Red hood I'd tell you right away Bryce."
Barbara removes the cloth with the ice in it off her eye and she said to Bryce,"Is my black eye gone or is it still their hmm Bryce." She wasn't sure if her black eye was gone or not quite yet and she sighed again.
((Sorry I forgot to add the dinner part back into my reply sorry.))

Barbara looked at Bryce and she gently took his hand that he had held out for her and she said to him,"Yes let us head for dinner now it smells really good the dinner does." "Please lead the way Bryce and before we head for dinner how does my eye look hmm.?"
Bryce looked at her eye "it looks better then before still a lit bit of discoloration but the swelling has went down" he said and smiled at her
Barbara said to Bryce,"That is good the swelling has gone down a lot and hopefully this black eye will get its colour back anytime soon Bryce." Barbara smiled back at him as she followed him into the kitchen.
Bryce led her to the dining room and chuckled when he saw Alfred had light candles and the light where turned done low. He pulled out Barbaras chair and pushed her in when she sat down he then went to his chair and sat down
Barbara looked at Bryce and said to him,"You sure can be romantic just like your father was very romantic to the ladies Bryce." She slightly smiled at him and she watched Alfred leave the dinning room and Barbara slowly takes bites of her dinner and she slowly takes a few sips of her glass of wine she was having with her dinner. Barbara wonders what else Bryce had up his sleeve for the rest of the evening they were both having with each other.
"well only to the ones icare deeply about barbie" he said and sighed "truth is barbie I only didn't come back for the corporation I came back to see you barbie"
Barbara shallows her food up and she looked at Bryce and said to him,"That is good you do this to the ladies that you truly care deep about Bryce." "So you came back to see me and also to see how the corporation is doing very sneaky indeed Bryce." "What other surpises do you have up your sleeves for me hmm.?"
"well this" he said and brought out a small red box from his pocket "youre know that necklace that was destroyed that was your grandmothers last time I saw you well I repaired it with my own two hands barbie" he said giving her the box
Barbara opened the box up and she said to Bryce,"Thank-you for repairing this necklace for me thank-you so much Bryce." "You have no idea how much this means to me and let me put the necklace back on then okay." Barbara put her grandmother necklace back over and around her neck and she was finally done her dinner and her glass of wine. She waits for Bryce to finish his dinner up and his glass of wine as well.
He smiled "thereafter nothing I wouldn't do for you barbie" he said and finished his dinner he stoodup and walked over pulling her chair back so she could get out.
Barbara get's out of her chair and she said to Bryce,"I know that you'll do anything for me and that makes me feel very happy you truly do care about me and no other females at all Bryce." She looked at Bryce and she gave him a friendly hug to thank him for fixing her grandmother necklace.
Barbara looked at Bryce and she said to him," Go right ahead and kiss me I'm fine with it." She smiles at Bryce and she has never been kissed by a guy at all this would be her first kiss thta she'll remember later on in her future.
Barbara felt Bryce gently wrapping his arms around her and she felt him kissing her lips and her face slightly blushed with the kiss and she smiled.
Barbara looekd at Bryce and said to him,"That kiss felt very amazing and that is my first kiss I've ever goten in my life." "I've never been kissed by anyone at all and your the first guy that has ever kissed me." "Thank-you Bryce and what should we do now hmm.?"
"well I was planning on taking you to the movies or sitting and here and watching a movie of your choice you know like old times"he said
Barbara looked at Bryce and said to him,"I would love to go to the movies with you and let me see what is playing at the movie theatre okay Bryce." Barbara opened her laptop up and she enters her password and clicks on Gotham City Cineplex Odeon and she sees some good movies that are playing in theatre. She said to Bryce,"Let's go and see The Avengers in 3D and it starts right at 8pm and it's only 7pm if that is alright with you Bryce hmm.?"
Barbara said to Bryce,"That is fine with me, are we taking your motorcycle or the car hmm.?" "Yeah we better get going so we can get good seats that is an excellent idea you thought of Bryce."
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