NightwingXBatgirl future rp. valkeryiefirestorm and I only.

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes place five years into the future where everyone showed up at the funeral service of Bruce Wayne known as Batman.

At the age of sixty years old Bruce Wayne passed away from having a heart ache and the docotors weren't able to save his life at all and everyone was very devasted about the passing of Bruce Wayne.

Barbara was sitting beside her father and she said to him,"Why did he have to die for he was like another father to me and I'm very devasted and depressed about his death."

"This day sure is a sad day for everyone that knew him and it's also valetine's day as well father this day is suspose to be about love and happiness and not saddness and depression at al father." "I just wish that Nightwing was here I really could use a friend like him to comfort me as well father sigh."

Barbara's father knew that his daughter was right about this day and he said to her,"Do not worry everything will be alright and Nightwing is on his way over here he just texted me to let me know he'll be here soon and it will be nice to see him for a change and alfred will also be happy to see him as well he'll be here soon ok." "Just try to be strong my daughter okay i'm here for you,but I have to go into work in about 20 minutes okay."

Barbara nods her head to agree with her father and she can't hold the tears back anymore and she broke down and cried non-stop because she was in shock of Bruce's passing and his death as well and her father tries his best to comfort his duaghter.

"Its about 11am in the morning on Saturday Februray 14th, 2012 at The Gotham city church/funeral parlour.(d.)
((like I said I'm playing nightwings son))

Bruce shut off his motorcycle dressed in all black. He came in fill of his father whom had retire to make it but fell ill. He walked up he was a spitting image of his father but her red tones in his black hair and he had ice blue eyes. He stood at the side his hands folded in front of himself.
((Ok with me, and i hope that the plot idea is futuresitc enough for you.))

Alfred was glad to see him here and said to him,"I'm sorry about the loss of your father he was a wonderful man and everyone is here even Comissioner Gordon and his daughter are both here as well." "They are both sitting over their in that corner and her father has to be back at work in twenty minutes and Barbara is taking this pretty hard Master Bruce."
((technically my character would be batmans grandson))

Bryce nodded "thanks Alfred" he said and went over to comissioner Gordon "hello Gordon hello Barbara" he said to them
((True. If I do not reply anymore I've gone to bed okay and could Bryce be about 28 years old and Barbara is about 27 years old?))

The comissoner said to him,"Hello again Bryce and it's nice to see you again and I'm sorry about the passing of your father as well, and how are you holding up on this day hmm.?" Barbara heard him saying hello to her father and also to her as well and she said to him,"Um hi Bryce I'm just very devasting about this death and the passing of Bruce." "I'm trying my hardest to hold up but it's not easy at all and its nice to see you as well."

"im holding up fair comissioner" he said them sat next to Barbara and patted her knee "its okay rp cry if you want someone to talk to let me know" he told her
The Comissoner said to him,"That is good you are holding up fair on this day and I must get back to work now,twenty minutes have almost been up." "When I leave could you please stay with Barbara and comfort her it will be a lot of help for me okay." "I'll see you later Barbara okay and I will be fine I promise okay and Bryce will be comforting you while I go okay." Barbara nods her head and she watches her father leave and she slowly looks up towards Bryce and she said to him,"I'll keep that in mind,If I need to talk I'll come and talk to you okay." She was still crying as she felt Bryce patting her knee and she said to him,"You sure do look like your father a lot I can see the resembels between you both."
Bryce nodded at the comissiners words and looked at Barbara "yeah I hear that alot that I look like him quite frankly between you and me I can't see the similarities" he said smiling of course he was joking with her
"I can see the similarties between you and your father for sure,except that your eyes are a little bit more icy blue then your fathers eyes were baby blue." Barbara was glad that Bryce was sitting with her and comforting her as well and she said to him,"Let us head inside for the memorial service for oyur father,I'll probably end up crying again shall we go in hmm.?"
He nodded and stood up. He offered his arm to Barbara. Even though this was his fathers funeral he still had manners and was raised to be polite and a gentlemen to women.
Barbara looked at him and she also stood up as well and she took his arm and she said to him,"You sure are really polite and have good manners just like your father did." Barbara kept her grip on his arm and kept one arm behind her back because her wrist was wrapped up in an attetion bandage from last night,because she badly sprained her left wrist by stopping someone from robbing a bank around 11pm last night. She was in a little bit of pain but didn't let Bryce know about her minor injury she has and Alfred already knew about it before anyone else.
Barbara slightly smiles at him and she removes her hand off his arm and she walked into the church part of where the memorial was and she accidently revealed her injuried left wrist nad she hoped that Bryce didn't see that at all. Barbara said to him,"Thank-you for holding the door open for me I really do appericate it very much thank-you." She slides down into a pew that is about three rows away from Bruce's Wayne closed casket and she tries her best not to cry again,but everyone emotions were full of saddness and sorrow for Bryce losing his father.
Bryce sat at the very front not saying a word until the preist spoke of Bryce wanting to speak. Bryce stood and walked toward the podium and stood behind it. He looked at the audience and cleared his throat before he spoke
"father, dad, freind these are the words that describe my dad. He was a good man, a man with a heart of gold. He always took time out of his work to reach out to others and be there in there time of need even if it meant him losing sleep and Alfred reminding him to get some sleep.... I want to tank you all for coming here today to rember and honor my father but even in death he is great for his last wish he wanted his company to be left to me to run which I understand but the building that the company calls home is officialy a orphange and shelter with a hospital wing for those whom need it... So I say this dad will miss you dearly" after that Bryce sat back down at his seat and held a older women's hand "its okay mom" he whispered to her
THe priest said to everyone,"May Bruce rest in peace and watch over all of us up from the heavens and that concluded this service." Who ever wants to come to the graveside they can or who ever wants to stay behind they are more welcome to stay here." All of the guests were crying and Barbara looked at her watch and she had to leave and head to work which she works at the library with the kids. The paul barriers carried Bruce's casket to the the hurst and put it in the very back of the hurst. Everyone followed suit and Barbara looked at Bryce and said to him,"You did very well that was a wonderful speech you said about your father and I must go now I have to work right at 1pm till about 4pm okay see you in a bit Bryce okay." Barbara left the memorail service and she drove back to the mansion and headed upstairs to her room and she changed out of her dress and into her casual pink shirt,pair of black pants and her shoes were white and she grabs her helmet and her purse and she jumps onto her motorcycle and arrives right at the library for 12:50pm and she parks her bike and gets off her bike and enters into the staff entrance of the library and she hangs up her helmet and her purse. She sees all of the kids here that she was reading a story about a pirate captain and a girl that he truly loves. all of the kids were listing to this story very closely and they always loved it when Barbara read them stories to them all.
Bryce nodded and stayed behind to wrap up the service and to see the guests off. Afterwards he then left himself following behind Alfred back to the mansion
Barbara was reading stories to the kids and all of the kids said to her,"Who is that guy dressed in all red and black and what does he want with this library what are you going to do about him hmm Barbara.?"

Barbara put the book down and she said to the figure,"You shouldn't be here Red Hood why are you stalking me for what is your problem you are not welcomed here anymore please leave now before I call the cops leave now."

The Red hood looked at her and said to her,"I'm not stalking you at all okay your library has a copy of a book that I've been searching for and could you please go and get that book for me hmm Barbara.?"

Barbara just rolled her eyes and she hands him the book and said to him,"Release your hand off of my hand I'm not interested in a guy like you at all get out of this library right now Red Hood and leave me and these kids alone please go I do not want to ever see you around here ever again now go."

The Red Hood releases his hand off of Barbara hand and he said to her,"Bryce better watch his back and you should watch your back as well Barbara thanks for the book see ya around bye."

Barbara was glad that Red Hood left the library and all of the kids were proud that she knew how to defend herself at all times and all of the kids sat back down in the circle and Barbara went back to read to the kids once again.
Bryce entered the mansion and walked around rembering old times before going to what he called 'tue office' there he stood in front of three class cases one holding Tue Batman suit, the robin suit and the nightwing suit. Bryce stood there for two hours looking
Barbara was done reading the story book and it was snack time and all of the kids had their snack as well and it was about 3:55pm now. All of the kids parent's came and picked their kids up and took them home and Barbara was done her work right at 4pm on the dot. She grabs her helmet and her purse and her pay from her boss and she heads into the parking lot and get's onto her motorcycle and she drives back to the mansion. She parks her motorcycle in the garage and she heads into the batcave and she sees Bryce looking at all three of suits that were in the display case. Barbara kept a long piece of her bang over her left eye and she didn't want to tell Bryce that she encountered Red Hood at any cost and her left eye was a little bit black and she had a minor black eye over her left eye.
Bryce turned around and went to her he brushed away the hair from her face "what happened barbie?" He asked her using his childhood name he called her his own term of enderment for her
Barbara looked at him and said to him,"The red hood appeared at the library where I work and he wouldn't leave until he got his book he had on hold at the library." "I gave him his book and told him not to show up at the library anymore and I quickly tried my best to avoid getting punched in the ri." But instead I took a minor punch to the eye and Red Hood warned me about something and I'm not sure wht it is he warned me about." "All I can remember him saying is that,"Bryce and you better watch your back or else." "That is all he said and that is what happened okay Bryce."
Bryce bit his bottom lip he only did that when he was either mad or thinking. He then turned on his heel to the frig grabbing a towel, he granddaughter a ice cube and wrapped it in Tue cloth. He came back and gave it to her "put that on your eye barbie hopefully it will go away somewhat before your father sees it" he said and kissed her cheek "im missed you my freind I'm sorry I took of like I did"
Barbara sits down on a chair in the batcave and she placed the cloth over her left eye and she knew that if her father saw her eye he'll defently over react or be very protective about his daughter and she sighed. Barbara said to Bryce,"Thanks for the towel with the ice cubes in it and I also missed you as well my friend." "Its okay I'm not mad or upset for you kissing on my cheek at all I'm fine with it."
Barbara said to Bryce,"This Red hood was the first robin and I think his name is Jason Todd and he has a bit of unfinished business with The joker that is all I know Bryce." Barbara smiled back at him and she was glad thta this ice was helping her.
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