Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was late, nearly midnight when the man finally came. Arthur Weasley was so scared he was nearly wetting his pants as he waited in the dark warehouse. He was there on orders of Dumbledore of course, hire the best, the old man had ordered. He had a case, a muggle briefcase full of muggle money, which they had traded with dozens of Galleons. There was enough money to sway any muggle to kill, and Arthur could only hope that it was enough to assure this, Shadowbane, that working for him was a good idea. He jumped, violently as a door swung open and the Assassin walked in, and he was anything but what Arthur had expected... it was a boy, a thin, tall, reed of a BOY.

Said boy was tall, almost five foot ten and was utterly beautiful, he wasn't masculine, or feminine, he was a delicate balance of both that nearly made it impossible to tell what he was, which was not helped by his black, ink black hair that framed his face in a loose pile of bangs, the rest of it pulled back into a tight braid that fell nearly to his ankles. His eyes where as green as sparkling emeralds, but held no warmth, they where cold, emotionless, eyes that told Arthur that this child would slaughter him without a though, or a care. He was wearing all black, even the buckle on his belt was painted black so that it would not shine on any light. “Arthur Weasley.” the boy stated, his voice cold, uncaring, emotionless, just like his eyes. “you have a job for me I am told, you brought the money?” he demanded his eyes flicking to the briefcase as Arthur swallowed thickly, told Shadowbane the target, the amount of money in the briefcase and nearly collapsed in relief when Shadowbane took the money, agreed to the mark, and left.

Hours later found Shadowbane at the edge of a forest watching the white Mansion as people shifted and moved inside. Shadowbane was the best in his field, when someone dangerous needed to be killed it was Shadowbane who was summoned. He had skills, talents that where not... natural, he could go undetected, even when the light shone on him and people stared right at him. It was not stealth, or skill, it was something... else. Shadowbane had never bothered figuring out what it was, it just was. Still, he sat in the tree, sharpening a blade as he studied the house, trying to decide whether he really wanted to do this or not... he had a bad feeling about the house, and he always listened to his gut feelings... but this, this place... there was something that also urged him inside, it was a conflicting set of feelings and that was not something Shadowbane was used to... so, he decided to go with the money, always listen to the money. So, he slid the knife back into his boot, plucked out the Glock from his belt and checked to make sure it was loaded. He preferred knives, he liked to get up close and personal, but he wanted a gun with him on this one. He had a sinking feeling that he was going to need it.

He darted across the lawn, the noon day sun shining down on him as he paused glancing in the window where the people where sitting, three of them white haired and far too beautiful for their own good. He licked his lips, forcing his heartbeat to slow, calming himself, he was excited, so excited, they where sitting there, oblivious to their fates, unaware of him, so completely unaware that it was almost too easy... so why did he still feel so bad? It wasn't guilt, he'd killed prettier, and younger, so why?... wait...where was the fourth one!? There was supposed to be four people at that Breakfast table, he yanked his gun out, spun, his gun aimed, two handed, at the person who was facing him. “son of a bitch.” it wasn't often that someone could sneak up on Shadowbane, he was impressed despite himself.
Finnick Odair growled softly as his hand snapped up the same time the man spun towards him, the dark haired blond’s hand curling around the man’s gun hand, flexing a little, his fingers digging into his hand to keep him from raising the gun higher.Straining a little with the effort to keep the man from raising the gun he glanced towards his best friend, looking absently amused as he seemingly held the man still.”Draco, some help please.I know you’re useless,but come on.Ropes would be nice.”He said mstly teasing him because he knew Lucius depised him, which made making fun of his son in front of him so muh more fun.Yes, Finnick had a sadistic streak a mile wide, which for the most part, draco allowed him to indulge in. The white haired blnd the only man who knew just how far finnick’s taste of pain went.

Narcissa gasped a little raising her wand, summoning the ropes to twirl around the assassin, struggling for calm.”What do you want?”She asked, even if she as panicking inside, she sounded calm and in control of everything.
Shadowbane snarled as his hand was caught, the gun firing, twice, the Emerald eyed boy trying to fright then other off, whether it worked or not was pointless because he suddenly found himself wrapped up tight in ropes, snarling again as he writhed against the ropes, trying to break free, slipping a knife out of a wrist sheath as Draco shook his head. "Ropes won't work." he stated watching Shadowbane cut the ropes holding him tight, flicking his wand at the man as he turned to slice Narcissa's neck, choking n pain as he collapsed, writhing on the ground as Draco used a Crucio on the intruder, Shadowbane writhing, unleashing a loud scream of agony as he twitched, Lucius sighing a little as he took Draco's wand. "Draco Stop That!" he ordered glaring at the blond, Shadowbane gasping for breath as he shuddered and trembled, half limp on the ground as he blinked stupidly. "what... what the fuck... was that!?" he demanded, shuddering hard as Lucius flicked his wands, Shadowbane groaning as he felt his entire body go completely limp, he couldn't move. "son of a bitch..." Shadowbane complained again as he closed his eyes, trying to figure out what happened. "what did you do to me!?" he demanded, forcing himself to stay calm. panicking would not solve anything, he had to figure out what was going on, kill these freaky bastards, and get the hell out of there.

"my mother asked you a question." Draco growled, annoyed that his father had taken away his wand, glancing at Finnick. "hit him with another Crucio Finn." he ordered simply, the Emerald eyed man snarling a little as he shook his head. "i'm not telling you jack shit." Shadowbane growled as he glared at Finnick. "no one's ever snuck up on me before! i'm the best in the fucking business what the hell are you!?" he demanded, trying to shift, move something, anything, but the limpness held him still. Lucius sighed a little as he reached down and Dragged Shadowbane into the house an into a chair, tying him very tightly in place, Shadowbane grimacing a little as the knives and various weapons where dug into him by the ropes as the four people he was supposed to kill him, surrounded him. "... fuck... this is gonna hurt." he groaned closing his eyes and steeling himself for the pain he knew was going to come. but they'd either give up, or kill him, because they where never going to get any information out of him, never... unless of course, they offered him more money than Weasley did.
Finn winced a little as the gun went off, letting go as soon as the ropes were in place, tilting his head thoughtfully as he watched draco use crucio. Frowning slightly as he listened the screams, looking at draco.”That was a pain spell.Crucio.”Finn said frowning thoughtfully, wondering why a man as obviously good at his job, a wizard at that, wouldn’t know about voldemort’s favorite spell.Rubbing a hand over his shoulder he felt the twisting lines of his own dark mark and vines, Finnick Odair was Voldemort’s Heir Apparent, second because he was ruthless enough to oust lucius from the spot, and lucius continuely hated him for it. Which made being draco’s best friend interesting.

I’m the best at what I do.”Finnick said in answer to shadowbane’s words on how he’d snuck up on him, smirking slightly.”I am me.”He said shrugging looking amused befre sighing as he he followed them inside, picking up a knife, twirling the sharp little flechette blade though his fingers, the light flashing off the silver blade.”Pain doesn’t allways hurt.”Finn said as he walked closer, cutting him shallowly, picking at the edges of the wound, worming it a little underneth, as if he was going to take a strip of skin off. Finn was something of a sociopath, not really, because he knew the difference between right and wrong, it was just most days he was willing to bend the rules of goodness for his own ends.”What are you doing here?”
Shadowbane growled at the mention of a spell, these people where insane! spells, what nonsense. he panted hard as he was put into the chair and hissed at Finnick, glaring at him with furious emerald eyes. "clearly your good at your job." he growled. strangely, there was a note of... impressed, in Shadowbane's tone, as if he rather liked the fact that he had found someone his equal, or better. he swallowed thickly at the sight of the flaying knife and took several deep breaths, forcing his heart rate down, calming his mind and his soul, his body slowly going limp in his bonds, Draco lifting both eyebrows, impressed at the control the young man had over his body. "damn, he's trained, well trained. if i didn't know any better Finn i'd swear he was one of Voldemort's." Voldemort had very well trained assassins, but he did not send assassins after his own men, if someone in his own ranks had to die, Voldemort did it himself. Shadowbane opened his eyes, calm, almost emotionless as he stared at Finnick. "no, pain does not always hurt." he agreed, shuddering at the shallow cut, forcing himself to remain limp as that sharp, so sharp blade began to skin him.

Lucius snarled as Shadowbane remained silent except to give a small chuckle at Finnicks question. "what the hell do you THINK i'm doing here?!" he demanded, running his tongue along his gums, like it was a nervous gesture, rolling his tongue into a tube he suddenly blew, hard, something striking Lucius in the neck, the blond yelping in pain as he yanked out a long metal needle, a single drop of some strange yellow liquid at the tip. before anyone could react Harry had used his tongue like an efficient blow dart again and struck Narcissa on the neck before screaming, hard as Lucius laid another Crucio on him, jerking in his chair. knife pain he was used to, he was used to getting shot, but this pain struck deep and ripped him apart from the inside out and he could not defend against him. "what did you just inject me with!?" he demanded, shuddering as he cut the spell, feeling dizzy already. "oh don't worry." Shadowbane hissed, panting hard from pain, limp again in the chair, limp from pain. "it won't kill you right away.... but you are about to become very, very ill." Harry growled, smirking sadistically as Lucius staggered and collapsed, too dizzy to stay standing, Draco gasping as he caught his mother, setting a hand on her forehead, checking for a fever. "fuck! i'm getting them into bed and calling Snape!" he admitted glaring at Shadowbane. "you do what you need to do to get information from him." he ordered. "and check the fucker for weapons!"
“ah, but they all know me. And this one doesn’t.”Finn said tilting his head a little. Looking thoughtful. Maybe voldemort was testing him. Maybe pitting a new assassin against him to see how his heir would react. Snarling as he was to late to stop harry from injecting narcissa, wincing at the sight of narcissa so limp and pale.”I will.Go.”he ordered watching them go before looking at the man he was interrogating, muttering a shielding spell to make sure that nothing could get through it, swallowing hard as he looked at the man, trying to decide what was going on.”Whoever’s paying you. I’ll double it. And give you a job.As long as you tell me how to stop the posion, and who sent you here after us. Triple it, and a contract for however long you want.”Finn said frowning, because he knew he was going to have to dip into the slytherin vaults for the money, he was rich, but not that rich.But he knew voldemort to, wouldn’t deny him once he saw just how good this man was.
Shadowbane smirked a little, looking pleased that he suddenly had the upper hand. they didn't dare kill him now, or drive him mad, they needed him for the antidote. he watched Draco levitate the two away, looking utterly stunned, shocked as he stared, amazed and blinked at Finnick, his eyes narrowed before pausing, considering the other, waiting for more pain, running his tongue along his gums again, spitting out two more needles, watching them bounce off the Shield with a contemplative look on his face. "you fuckers are Wizards." he growled, his eyes narrowed. "would have been nice to know this shit before i came here." he grumbled before examining Finnick, his head tilted, he had never anticipated Wizards, he'd had contracts with them before, but he'd never had magic used on him before. his eyes brightened though at the mention of having his money doubled, licking his lips. "well, that's certainly a good deal." he purred happily. "tell you what, since your clearly skilled i'll give you a discount, three mil." he ordered simply. "and you make sure i get a good job with lots of challenges." he ordered leaning back in the chair, smirking as he considered then. "Arthur Weasley hired me, jumpy little fellow, dressed weird." he admitted simply. "bright red hair and glasses." he admitted smirking a little.

"as for the Antidote, how do i know you won't just kill me once i give it to you?" he demanded looking at Finnick his head tilted. "the poison won't kill them anytime soon, it will take three weeks before it gets anywhere near dangerous." he admitted watching the other. "as far as i can tell your about as much of a cold hearted bastard as i am, so why don't you get me my money, three million and not a cent less, i'll give you the antidote, and we'll talk about future arrangements once we're certain we're not going to kill each other, hmm?" he asked smirking at Finnick, his head tilted. "wouldn't want this to turn out like little miss Eros Rachet after all would we?" Eros Rachet was the first Witch that Shadowbane had ever come across, that was two years ago. she'd hired him to kill her husband of three years for cheating on her. he killed the man, and the three Auror's who had come after him, but when Eros admitted that she couldn't pay him, he went after her as well, he slaughtered her, and three of the Aurors who where protecting her. he left the fourth alive with a gaping hole in his chest, babbling about the boy, the green eyed boy, he was only a child, a child... it had been all over the papers, Shadowbane had only been fourteen then, his father had been SO impressed. of course, this just meant that Shadowbane really was a talent that Voldemort was going to want.

(are you playing Voldy or am i?)
“Well, it would have been even nicer if you never considered coming here.”Finnick pointed out tilting his head amused because arthur weasley was a moron if he thought he could have gotten away with this. If he had managed to kill them all, voldemort’s rage would have been the stuff of legends. “I’ll see that your properly challenged. I think your first task with arthur.”He said thoughtfully before looking at him, smirking slightly.”I could kill you, except I think my boss will find you truly amusing.”He said thinking about it before walking away and leaving the room because it was going to be interesting. Returning within the hour with the money, dropping the briefcase onto the floor as he raised a shield again, looking at Shadowbane.

“Three million.In muggle cash.Now. The antidote.”He said kicking the case over to shadowbane so he could make sure all his money was there, the flechette flashing through his fingers, the only sign that he wasn’t nearly as calm as he loked. A nervous habit of playing with his weapons was his only tell, a tick that said he was nervous.

(hmmm I think its your turn. XD(
he smirked a little. "ah but if i'd never come here i never would have made so much money." he purred with delight. "Arthur Weasley will need dealing with." he agreed. "he will be an easy mark." he admitted simply, studying Finnick through narrowed eyes as the other walked away, leaving him tied to the chair. an annoyance, but one he wouldn't bother dealing with for long. Finnick's mention of a boss had him curious however. by the time Finnick came back Shadowbane was untied, though sitting in the chair still as he waited, examining his fingernails as the shield dropped and then raised, snatching up the Suitcase and taking his time looking for traps or bombs before snapping it open and taking his time counting the bills. "mmm very well." he stated simply taking off his left boot and sliding the bottom half of the thick boot heal off tot he side, revealing a small vial of green liquid which he tossed to Finnick. "what a... pleasure, doing business with you." Shadowbane chirped, smirking before freezing as a strange sensation stole through him, turning to look at the edge of the Garden where Voldemort had appeared, tall, graceful, gorgeous Voldemort.

"you!" Shadowbane snarled, his eyes narrowed. "you are in my dreams!" he growled on his feet in an instant, gun in one hand, a long slender knife in the other, it was almost more of a needle than a knife. "Finnick, go and tend to the Malfoy's." Voldemort ordered. "i will speak with this....assassin." he stated looking Shadowbane over, an amused smirk curling the Dark Lords lips. "my, your reputation precedes you Shadowbane... i was assured that you where a muggle..." "watch the mouth buddy i don't know what the hell a muggle is but..." "a Muggle is any person that is not a wizard..." Voldemort explained, smirking as he dropped the Shield with a flick of his fingers, motioning for Shadowbane to follow him, the boy hesitating, before following the red eyed man into the Malfoy house. "do you know who it is, who you just tried to kill?" Voldemort asked stepping into the room where Lucius and Narcissa where laying, counting the sheep that where leaping around over their heads. "no." Shadowbane admitted, studying the two. "but considering you scare the piss out of me, i'd assume their someone pretty important." "indeed. Finnick, why don't you tell the boy why it would have been a bad idea to kill you and the Malfoys."
Finnick looked amused as he took the vial, nodding slightly as he headed for the door before pausing at the sound of shadowbane talking, tilting his head slightly as he sensed his adopted father, smirking slightly as he looked over the edge of the window to look looking amused as he saw the tall handsome brunette.”But...fine.”Finnick said pouting a little because he was being sent away, but he listened heading upstairs. Giving draco the antidote before glacing up at the others as voldemort and shadowbane came in, smirking slightly.

“His former second in command and wife, along with their son. And of course, me.”Finnick smirked a little looking at the boy looking amused as he glanced at his father. Despite how many times voldemort told him not to call him that, the 22 year old couldn’t help himself. having been abandoned at a young age by his own father he’d latched onto the dark lord like a puppy with a bone, needing the reassurance needing to be loved by someone. And even if it was a lie he needed to believe that voldemort loved him.”Father, Lucius and Narcissa will be fine, it will just take the antidote a few days to get the rest of the posion out.”
Shadowbane looked amused as Voldemort sent Finnick away, shaking his head a little before looking at Voldemort again, his eyes stern and cold, dark and furious, hiding his fear. he shook his head again as Finn told him their names. "all of that means nothing to me." he stated simply, Voldemort lifting his eyebrow. "look, i'm just your run of the mill Muggle assassin, i don't know about my own damn politics let alone your wizarding shit." he complained waving a hand a little. "let me put it this way then." Voldemort stated simply, turning his full attention to Shadowbane. "if you had succeeded in killing my Second in command, and my Heir, the people in this room, i would have hunted you down, and made that little Crucio you felt, feel like an orgasm." Shadowbane gulped, violently, the sound carrying through the room. "i understand perfectly..." Shadowbane whispered softly, Voldemort smirking viciously. "i am glad that we are understanding one another." Voldemort purred before moving over to Lucius, Shadowbane clinging to the counter that he had been leaning against when Voldemort had invaded his personal space.

"to avoid such... an event from happening again Shadowbane, you are now under my personal employment." Voldemort stated simply. "you will be payed handsomely of course, and every need you have will be met." his ruby eyes flicked up to his again. "i am a cold hearted man, but i am kind to those who work for me, aren't i Draco?" Draco smirked a little. "technically i don't work for you Sir." he admitted. "but you treat Father VERY well." he admitted as Lucius started to groan, coming to. "you will kill only who i give you permission to kill Shadowbane." Voldemort stated simply. "starting with the man that hired you to kill these people." "yes Sir." Shadowbane agreed. "i will have to contact my...er, Boss i guess you would call him, and inform him that i'm taking a permanent position." he admitted. "i have my doubts about him being pleased with this but considering you'd torture me to death i think i'm getting a pretty damn good deal." he admitted blinking slowly as Voldemort smirked again and shook his head as he looked at Finnick. "do you think you can control him Finnick? if you do, i will leave you in charge of him."
Finnick rolled his eyes looking up at draco.”You’re only saying that cause you’re tired of your father bitching cause he’s not getting laid.”He muttered sounding amused because everyone knew voldemort and lucius had a affair going on, though the only people who ever dared to say it out loud was finnick, and narcissa amusingly enough. “If you need help convincing him you’re okay, I can help.”Finn said grinning a little at the idea of helping shadowbane before looking up at his father, tilting his head a little.”Since when do you question if I can control things?”He asked sulking a little as he sighed, nodding a little.”I’ll be fine.”he said sulking a little himself because the very mention of his father’s sex life, had reminded him that he had no current lover, well besides the random whores that past through slytherin manor, leaving as quickly as they arrived.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "and your tired of listening to YOURS bitch that his lover is married." he retorted, Voldemort's eyes narrowed. "i am not his father." he complained simply before smirking as Finnick teased Shadowbane who just shook his head. "Shadowwraith would just kill you." he stated simply. "with me or not he'd kill you simply for the fact that i didn't and it would piss me off, he's a bit of a dick." he admitted simply, crossing his arms, getting in control of himself and his terror. he didn't understand why this... Voldemort, struck such a deep rooted terror into his soul. he'd never met the man before, he knew nothing about him... but some part of Shadowbane knew... that Voldemort was even more of an efficient, cold hearted killer than he was.

"i only ask, because this man is dangerous." Draco and Lucius both looked shocked, it wasn't often that Voldemort admitted that someone was dangerous, it wasn't often that someone made Voldemort.... nervous wasn't the right word, Wary perhaps. "if you are certain then i have business to attend to, Lucius, you rest." Voldemort ordered, Lucius having been about to try to sit up, Shadowbane smirking a little. "you'll be fine in a few hours." he promised Lucius, who GROWLED at him, Shadowbane not looking in the least bit worried. "hey, i'm just doing my job old man." he stated simply, shaking his head. "just be glad that the guy here had the sense to offer me money." he admitted looking amused as he looked over Finnick. "you know, i don't even know your names." he admitted. "i'm Niabi." he admitted. "Shadowbane is a title, of a sort, Niabi is the name that my...er, Boss gave me." "...no last name?" "what does an assassin need a last name for?" Niabi asked lifting an eyebrow. "i am Niabi the Shadowbane, that's all anyone ever needs to know about me." he admitted simply as he examined his nails again. "...well, since your...working for us now..." "he's only working for us until someone else pays him better..." "oh no..." Niabi admitted shaking his head. "that Ruby man.... there's no fucking way i'm crossing him..." he admitted shuddering hard. "if anyone can kill me... it's him."
“I am.”inn agreed with draco shrugging a little before looking at finnick. Before looking startled at Voldemort’s admitance, tilting his head slightly as if sensing his adopted father was actually worried about his safety instead o just giving him a hard time”I do. I can take care of things here until Lucius is...up and about again.”Finnick said snickering a little before looking amused as lucius growled. “Finnick Odar.”Finn said looking amused at shadowbanne’s name, smirking slightly as he backtracked the translation, like voldemort, he had a gift for tongues. Snickering a little he nodded towards draco.”that’s draco.And the two you posioned is lucius and narcissa.”He said before snickering, grinning wider.”Well, I’m glad we all agree father would kill us all if the mood hit him. And on that pleasant note, draco, feed me. You interrupted my dinner. I want food.”He said tilting his head back to look at his best frien.
Shadowbane shook his head and flicked a cigarette out of his pocket, lighting it up and taking a deep inhale, sighing a little. "he'll be up and out smashing my face in before night falls." he promised smirking a little as Lucius glared at him. "put that out this instant! i will not have those filthy muggle things in my house!" "fine, fine, i'll go smoke outside i have to call Shadowwraith anyway." he grumbled as Draco shuddered. "i don't want him here!" he hissed grabbing Finnick by the front of his shirt. "are you MAD!? that son of a bitch tried to KILL us! and you invite him to STAY here?!" he shook his head hard and started pacing back and forth. "what if he tries again!?" "he won't." Lucius complained bitterly. "i saw the look on his face... he's honestly afraid of out Lord... i don't like it, and i certainly don't like Fennick but Shadow bastard will probobly not cause trouble...." Lucius hoped. "go feed the annoyance Draco and keep an eye on that brat, we don't need him torturing the peacocks." he growled Draco rolling his eyes. "never mind the Peacocks and try to rest Father." Draco ordered kissing Lucius's forehead and tucking him in before heading downstairs, watching Shadowbane walk around the backyard, looking for a cellphone signal. "god you freaks live in a dead zone." he complained shaking his head a little. "Muggle Technology doesn't work in wizarding Area's dumb shit." Draco growled Niabi rolling his eyes. "yes yes i get it, you hate me because i poisoned your mummy and daddy." he stated rolling his eyes as he continued to work with his phone. "Work you Fucker!" he ordered, the phone sparking, and then he smirked. "there we go." he muttered typing quickly on it and sending the message, Draco gaping. "you...but...it's not supposed to work!"
Fnnick winced a little looking at draco as he grabbed his shirt.”Don’t touch me.”He grumbled annoyed, because draco of all people knew just how ucomfortable he found touching. Sighing as he noodded,”Hey, I never did anything to you. I never tried to kill you.”Finnick said sulking a little at being lumped int the same category as shadowbane. Rolling his eyes as he smirked thinking about the peacocks, heading downstairs with draco. “Magic destorys muggle things, they don’t like that much magic, so they dont work.”Finnick said snickering at shadow’s proests rolling his eyes a little as the there strugged to get it to her, beore laughing when it did. “It wont for long. Probably wont last through a first spell used around it again.Don’t worry draco, the world is still what you think it is.”He teased his chest friend snickering a little.A little disturbed himself that it had worked.
Draco sighed a little. "sorry Finn." he muttered shaking his head. "i shouldn't get so worked up." he muttered straightening his best friends shirt out like he always did before heading downstairs, not even bothering to try and make his father be nice to Finn, he had given up trying to talk sense into his father. Shadowbane just ignored the other two as he glanced at them, smirking a little as he tilted his head. "you know i find it amusing that throughout this entire ordeal you never once tried to disarm me." he stated simply. "you should keep that in mind the next time someone tries to kill you." he pointed out as his phone rang, signaling a text had arrived, and Draco turned to glare at Finn. "...that...thing, is working in Magic! it shouldn't work, at ALL!" "pipe down Blondie! i've gotten this damn phone to work underwater, a little magic won't do a damn thing to it." he stated simply, Draco's eye twitching. "...damn muggles." he growled darkly as he ordered house elves to make Dinner, Shadowbane choking as he caught sight of one of the creatures, yanking out his gun and pointing it at the creature. "what the FUCK is that!" Shadowbane demanded, his eyes narrowed darkly, the creature squeaking in terror before vanishing, Shadowbane snarling as it vanished, his eyes looking around for it. "where the fuck did it go!?"
"No you shouldn't."finn said giving the blond a look looking amused as he followed the other. "Why should I?I knew you were armed, so I shielded against it."Finn said shrugging as he studied the other, looking thoughtful as he snickered at the phone. "Draco, don't look so surprised. You know all odd things happen around me."She said laughing hard as shadowbane's reaction to the house elf, "I-its a h--house elf.A servant."He said laughing so hard he was stuttering, "And it went back to the kitchens, now that you've terrified him."He said grinning.
Shadowbane smirked a little. "if you had unarmed me you might have avoided me poisoning the adults." he stated with a smirk. "of course, no one ever checks the mouth... or the hair for that matter." he admitted, slipping several long, sharp needles out of his braid. they weren't particularly frightening, until you remembered someone could stab you in the eye, or the temple with one, and knowing Shadowbane, they where probobly poisoned. he slid it back into place and smirked again as he resumed using his phone, Draco scowling at Shadowbane. "that is not cool! Make his phone stop working! it's not supposed to work!" Draco growled darkly, Niabi snickering a little as he glanced at Draco. "calm down butterscotch." he ordered calmly. "i have weird effects on technology, this is just one of them." he admitted simply before he freaked out about the house elf. "it was a WHAT now!?" he demanded, wide eyed. "i scared IT!?" he demanded. "that thing came out of freaken nowhere!" he growled as he flipped his long braid behind his back and scowled at them. "in ANY case.' he growled as he watched Draco snickering at him, slipping his weapons back into their sheaths. "that Red eyed Man... who was that?" he demanded. "he..." his eye twitched. "he frightens me in a way i have never felt before..." he admitted sitting in a chair and studying them both. "and why did this Arthur Weasley want you dead?" well, it was more Dumbledore wanted them dead, he'd just made Arthur hire the assassin in case things went wrong.
"And what am I supposed to do to stop it from working?"Finn said leaning against the garden wall, tilting his head as he looked t draco. Smirking slightly at draco's nickname, maybe he would enjoy having niabi around. "A house elf. A servant here."Finn said calmly, not at all disturbed at being yelled at."That is Lord Voldemort, the only man strong enough to keep dumbledore's-the supposed leader of light- from becoming all powerful."he said for once leaving himself off that list of people dumbledore wasn't willing to directly duel. Between voldemort and his heir, the death eaters and lords managed to run corral on dumbledore's ambitions."He dislikes me. I don't know why, I just told him the truth. The fact that he's a old goat fucking pervert should have been common knowledge by now."
Draco glared at Finn. "i don't know! just do it! he could be calling reinforcements!" "i could." Niabi agreed, Draco gaping at him. "it's amazing, never met a pretty blond who had a brain before." Draco sputtered, turning bright red. "a..are you... flirting with me!?" "no." Niabi smirked. "this is flirting." he took Draco's hand before the blond could run away and just barley brushed the knuckles, smirking up at Draco. "never have i met such a beauty, as white as marble, as graceful as a swan. so fragile like a crystal statue, and so rare, as a pure crystal." he purred, Draco's face as red as a tomato as he stared at Niabi who snickered, straightened and moved over to the house elf as it cautiously returned with a large platter of food, studying it. "so there's a war then?" he asked his head tilted a little. "this Voldemort, against this Dumbledore." he mused. "that does sound very interesting." he admitted as he gripped the House Elf's ears and wiggled them. "what a strange looking thing." "Tippy is not a THING!" the house elf protested, Niabi jumping violently. "By the gods it SPEAKS!" he protested gaping at the house elf who glared at Niabi, put the food down and vanished with a huff, Niabi blinking. "...i think i insulted it." he mused thoughtfully before smirking at Finnick. "you called a majorly powerful figure that he was a goat fucking pervert?... i'll have to call Shadowwraith that." he decided with a laugh. "he'll kill me but it would be worth it to see the look on his face!" he admitted with a snicker. "so, why don't you tell me a little bit more about this Voldemort Dumblepuss thing."
Finn smirked a little watching the two tilting his head a little. "Why would he be calling in reinforements when we're going to pay him?"Finn pointed out starting to laugh at the flirting, looking amused. It was so interesting to see someone flirting with draco instead of trying to get in finnick's pants. Finnick, who had such a strong adversion to touching that only draco got away with accidentlly touching him, and only when draco lost his temper. HAving so far removed himself from casual touching, that the only time he touched someone was usually with a knife in hand. No one knew why he'd done it, only that one day he'd stopped."Yes, there is."Finn said sighing a little as he started to eat, laughing at niabi's words, looking amused when naibli jumped."i think you did to."He said before eating his apple, tilting his head a little."I also asked him if he was enjoying screwing malfoy to, but lucius tried to beat my head in for that."he said before smirking a little before starting to explain the war and everyhting.
Draco scowled a little. "we're PAYING him!?" he demanded groaning a little. "well, at least he knows if we die his cash flow will stop." he grumbled Niabi snickering a little as he flirted with the blond who stared, stunned at Niabi. "...i fell very strange right now..." Draco admitted simply. it was no secrete that Draco was straight, like a ruler. he didn't mind gay relationships, or gays, so long as they didn't hit on him... when they did he sort of shut down because he just didn't know what to do. "relax butterscotch i wouldn't fuck you if you where the last man on earth, i don't like men that can compare to me in pretty." he admitted simply looking amused as Draco went bright red again. "i am not Pretty damn you!" "oh yeah, pretty, VERY pretty, like a gi..." "if you DARE finish tat sentence i will hold you under the Crucio for HOURS and watch you go mad!" Draco snarled, Niabi snickering, but he didn't finish the sentence, he ate a sandwich instead. he listened as he ate to the story that Finnick told, frowning a little. "so Dumbledore is trying to ruin the wizarding world, is blaming all the bad things on Voldemort, who is a very well control sociopath.... Christ the wizarding world is more of a mess than the muggle one is." he stated simply as he shook his head. "so, your the son of the guy who makes me piss my pants." he stated pointing at Finnick. "and your the son of the guy who fucks the guy who makes me piss my pants... well, am i glad i failed in killing you." he muttered shaking his head as Draco snorted. "your only glad that you got paid a shit load of money." "your damn straight... but also... i'm fairly sure Voldemort could and would hunt my ass down and slaughter me." Niabi admitted shaking his head a little. "so, where am i sleeping then?"
"of course we're paying him. We pay all our assassins."Finn pointed out before snickering,"The fact that your in love with Annie, should have made you feel weird years ago."finn said looking amused because his younger sister was....not right. Not his real sister by blood, but another foundling voldemort had sort of taken in, Annie Odair was..broken in some way, always had been. They assumed the damage had happened when she was young, but no one was really sure what had driven the pretty teen insane. Snickering at Naibi's answer, he smirked at draco as he went red."he is pretty isn't he?"He said looking amused at their fight, "You are nearly as pretty as Annie.She says it all the time."Finn said snickering because Annie was probably the only person in the world that could get away with calling him pretty. Snickering again at Naibi's summary of things before nodding."I am, and he is."he said tilting his head a little."Oh yea, he would have destroyed you."He said before nodding a little."Well.Draco, do you want him to stay here, or are we still planning to go to slytherin manor?"He asked, the night's plans had been upset by naibi's arrival.
Draco growled and grumbled before scowling at Finnick. "i'm not in love with Annie!" he protested, sniffing before flushing brightly as Finnick added to the comment. "...she really thinks i'm pretty?" Niabi barley managed to not laugh, barely as he pulled his cellphone out as it rang and started texting again, talking to his 'father' Shadowwraith... not his real name of course but Niabi didn't intend on getting him sucked up into this. "shit." Niabi groaned as he shook his head. "that rat bastard Arthur was intending me to die for this!" he snarled slamming his fist hard into the table, his eyes alight with rage. "i kill you, and Voldemort kills me, and then no one can trace the deaths to him, and thus to Dumblefucker!" he growled his eyes narrowed darkly as he stood up and started to pace, running a coin through his fingers in a nimble dance, walking the coin across his knuckles because he didn't want to use a knife and get Finnick on his ass again.

"Voldemort said i could kill him right?" he asked looking at the two, Draco shaking his head. "not yet... some of the Weasley clan are..." he wrinkled his nose distastefully. "innocents... and two or three of them actually work for us..." Draco admitted shaking his head. "Voldemort won't say which ones, but i know that they are in there." he grumbled, annoyed. Finnick knew though, the twins, Fred and George, and Charley Weasley where spies. Bill, Arthur and horrifically Ginny Weasley where well and firmly into the light, they usually did Dumbledore's dirty work. only Molly and Ron where not involved, and where completely oblivious to the internal War that was going on. "let me guess, Voldemort doesn't want to kill this...clan, because it would upset his spies? clever man, and here i thought he was just a murderous psychopath." he admitted shaking his head a little.

"i'm staying here just long enough to make sure Father and Mother are going to be alright and then we'll head to Riddle Manor, i don't want HIM, here any longer than he has to be." "i second that motion." Lucius grumbled, moving to the table with Sev's help, the potions master carefully easing him into the chair, shooting Niabi a glance, looking him over, recognizing the danger that Niabi posed without anyone saying anything. being a spy for both sides, though he was very much a man of the dark he was giving information to Dumbledore to keep his life safe, he knew to look for danger as soon as he entered a room. "your mother is going to be fine as well, the poison he gave them wasn't even dangerous." Niabi smirked, looking FAR too pleased with himself. "they would have been sick for a week and gotten better." Snape admitted shaking his head. "and that's without the antidote." Niabi had tricked them! tricked them all! "i'm keeping my money."
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