Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was a calm, pretty morning. The sky was a gorgeous blue with large fluffy clouds floating slowly through the air, and the wind was cool and warm, and the grass was bright green and smelled of fresh flowers as figures appeared on the Horizon. Four people, or perhaps creatures would be a better way to describe the majority of the people on the horizon. It was Sesshomaru, and his 'motley gang' of demons and one tiny human girl. Said tiny girl was giggling as she raced along the large grassy clearing, plucking up flowers, one after another and smelling each one before adding it to her rather large bouquet, the girl clearly intending on making many flowers necklaces for everyone... again. The large two headed beast lumbering behind them was already a victim of the girls flowering confections, not that it minded in the least. Sesshomaru paused, his eyes glancing around the clearing before looking down at Jaken and Rin. “we will rest here.” he ordered simply turning and standing near a tree where he could watch Rin as she cheered happily and raced around, gathering flowers. “Jaken, watch her.” he ordered suddenly. “i will get food.” and then he was gone, just like always.

Rin spent her time giggling as she ran around, ignoring Jaken as he complained to himself again and then she gasped, dropping her arm load of flowers. “Master Jaken! Come quickly!” she ordered, sounding shocked as she knelt in the grass, the grass so soaked with blood, that they gleamed red. Laying in the grass was a body, a form that was dead, it was ripped up too much not to be dead. The poor woman, for it was a woman, had practically been gutted. Though her pretty face was untouched, her eyes wide and glossed over, dead. Rin gently touched the woman's face, frowning a little as she turned and looked at Sesshomaru. “Lord Sesshomaru! Come quickly!” Rin ordered, waving her blood stained hands in the air, Sesshomaru felt a small pulse of panic at the sight of the blood, but walked slowly over to the girl, who didn't seam hurt in the least, which meant it was probably Jaken who was dead, again. Sesshomaru paused at the sight of the dead body his eyes narrowing. “Rin, step away from that.” he ordered, his voice filled with distaste. It was another filthy half blood, a Dog demon like his disgusting brother. “leave it lie there, it is a useless thing.”

he turned to walk away and paused as Tenseiga pulsed in it's sheath, and he looked down at the sword. “what?... you want me to bring her back to life?” he asked, still disgusted, but his sword had not failed him yet, and ignoring it did nothing but annoy him until he did what the sword wanted. So he pulled the sword out of it's sheath, and turned tot he dead body, swiping the sword once, cutting through both chains of death, and the little death demons, watching her body knit back together before breath, and life returned to her, watching curiously as she returned to life, wondering why Tenseiga would want him to return such a weak little thing back to life. There was no reason for bringing a half demon back to life, they where weak and ruled by their emotions. “rise, creature.” Sesshomaru ordered. “and tell me your name, and why I have bothered to bring you back from the realms of the dead.”
Reiko was indeed beautiful, even laying in a field of her own blood. That silvery blond hair that was shades lighter then inuyasha's, closer to sesshomaru's. Even the soft purple stripes on her cheeks matched sesshomaru's. Claws tipped her fingers as her fingers twitched when Sessomaru brought her back, slowly coming back to life, unlike rin's startled response, the demon seemed to be awaking slowly as if she'd been asleep."Lord sesshomaru!What are you doing?Are you sure you want to do this?"JAken said moving to stand next to the demoness looking down at her face, a startled yelp escaping as Reiko's hand lashed out, gutting him before she was even aware of doing it.

"..."Reiko stared up at the lord of the west, frowning as she studied him, looking so curious about what he wanted, before ooking at her hands. Almost...conused at the sight of blood staining her hands. "I am..."She stopped tilting her head, searching for the memory, searching so hard to answer his question. The demoness in her responding to her lord, wanting to answer,but the human mind couldn't come up with the answer, couldn't tell this handsome lord what he wanted."...I don't know."She said after a moment frowning in thought.
Sesshomaru watched the human bastard as she slowly started to come back to life. she woke slowly, it was rather surprising that she returned to life so slowly, on everything else he had ever brought back to life it had been instantaneous, but with her it happened slowly. he had to wonder why that was, and despite himself he found himself curious about this creature. he watched her gut Jaken, without even a twitch of a response as he sliced through Jaken with Tenseiga, bringing him back to life yet again. "one of these days Jaken, you will learn not to question me." he stated simply as he watched the woman rise to her feet, sliding his Tenseiga back into it's sheath as he studied her. "you do not know your name..." he repeated, his eyes narrowed a little as he studied her, Rin looking up at the woman, her head tilted. "i'm Rin!" she chirped beaming at the woman. "i think your name should be Yuiko!" she decided beaming at the woman, Sesshomaru frowning at Rin. "Rin, do not name stray animals." he ordered. "we are not keeping her." Rin blinked at her Lord, a small pout crossing her face. "but Lord sesshomaru she is all alone!" she protested. "we can't leave her here all by herself!" "..." Sesshomaru made no sound, he just turned and walked away and Rin beamed.

"that means you can stay! YAY!" she chirped beaming at the half blood, taking her hand and leading her back tot he campfire that Jaken had made and then past it, taking her to the nearest river. "come on Lady Yuiko! lets get you cleaned up!" she didn't even give the poor woman a chance to protest, she just started working the tangles out of that long silver hair with bright happy sounds and chattering about how everything was so great with Sesshomaru. "May i braid your hair with flowers?" she asked beaming at her, already starting to braid the woman's hair, giggling happily as she braided flowers into the woman's hair. "so do you remember anything at all Lady Yuiko?" Rin asked curiously her head tilted a little. "like, anything at all?" she asked smiling at the woman her head tilted. "don't mind about sesshomaru, he's really quiet but he's really nice once he gets used to you." she promised giggling a little.
Reiko tilted her head looking down at the girl, smiling slghtly as she studied the human child, her nose wrinkling as she loked up at the dog demon, looking startled. Recognizing what and who he was, even if she couldn't put a name to who he was."..Are you sure?"She asked after a moment watching the demon lord leave but letting Rin lead her around as jaken started to make food. Looking at the river she yelped a little as the girl started to undo the knots in her hair, looking curiously at rin as she did."Yes, you may."she said tilting her head a little because she had no idea what to expect of herself, or by having her hair braided.Because she didn't know what braiding was. "I don't... I remember that you eat and drink things to live."She said blushing ever so softly before looking at her again,"Is he?"she asked looking worried about the idea of invading the man's space. As easily as he'd brought her back, she sensed that he'd just as easily kill her if the mood struck him.
Rin giggled a little and watched as Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at her, clearly displeased with her for some reason. she wouldn't understand but Jaken would, she was a half blood, and he despised them completely. Jaken would never know why, but he at least knew that he hated Half-bloods. Jaken had learned very quickly not to ask why. Rin was too young and innocent to understand so all that was left was a half-blood that Sesshomaru hated. Rin giggled as she beamed at the Demon woman and nodded. "yes, i'm sure!" she promised as she helped Reiko wash up, and then started braiding her hair. "wow, you don't really remember anything at all do you?" she asked beaming at the woman. "that's alright, you can stay with us and Lord Sesshomaru until you get your memories back! Lord Sesshomaru and Master Jaken will protect you!" she promised, ignoring Jaken's complaints like she always did as Sesshomaru stood off to the side, alone like always, watching the world through silent golden eyes. Reiko was certainly right about one thing, if she annoyed Sesshomaru too much, he would not hesitate to kill her. "wait here!" Rin ordered Reiko, running over to the two headed beast and pulling out one of Sesshomaru's spare Kimonos, Reiko's was damaged beyond all repair and she was going to need clothing.

the Kimono was a man's, but it was all they had, it was large on the female but it kept everything covered and was comfortable and warm for the cold nights, darkness was already starting to fall around them, turning the world a dusky gray as Sesshomaru finally turned to glance at Rin, making certain that she was alright with the stranger before turning back to the rest of the world. "Rin, cease your chattering." Sesshomaru ordered simply, rin beaming at him. "yes my lord!" she chirped before going silent as he had ordered and helped herself to the food that Jaken had cooked. "Half Breed... you will either prove yourself valuable, or you will leave.' he ordered simply. "you will protect Rin, you will follow my orders, or you will die." he didn't even glance at her as he stated this, treating her as if she was a common animal, or a servant or slave to simply do as he ordered... but at least he wasn't killing her, that was certainly a lot of self control on his part. "the woods here are filled with dangers." he stated simply. "do not wander away from the fire." "yes my lord." Rin promised as she ate, knowing that it was her he was speaking to. it always amazed Sesshomaru how Rin always knew when he was addressing her and when he wasn't.
Reiko looked nervous about that, but it wasn't like she had any choice but to consider that she needed their help, at least until she figured out how the world worked again. "Thank you lord sesshomaru."Reiko said lowly looking up at the young lord watching everything,bowing her head slightly before looking amused as rin returned with the kimono. Taking it she sighed softly because while she had nothing else to wear, she almost wanted to keep her own things, because that's the only thing she had connected to her past. But, rin was right it was to bloody and torn to keep. Smiling slightly as she stepping into the forest edge to change, looking even more like sesshomaru in his clothes, actually looking more like his sibling then inuyasha did, despite the two not sharing blood.

Reiko looked up startled at his words, feeling surprise that he would trust a stranger with a girl that obviously meant something to him. Finding his attitude annoying about not looking at her, but feeling that she almost, almost understood why he was ignoring her. But she just couldn't find the memory that would tell her what it was."Yes, lord."She said bowing her head slightly before looking around her, watching the woods even as she ate. Taking her new job of protecting rin very serious since the girl had helped her so much, though it seemed that she was worrying even with sesshomaru standing there. It was odd to realize that the woman cared,but understandable because the girl had always been kind and overprotective. It seemed even without her memory, she was still a little OCD.
Sesshomaru made no motion at all to indicate he had heard her thanks, he didn't even twitch, he just stood there, like always. it was very rare that Sesshomaru slept, and when he did it was always far away from Rin and Jaken. he would never look so week in front of someone, never. he rarely ate as well, not that he needed to, he ate Demon food, and that was fairly easy to find, once you know what to look for. he didn't make any noise or motion when Rin took his spare Kimono either, he just let the human girl do as she pleased, and he didn't react when she came back in new clothes either, though he did recognize the fact that she looked very pure blooded. if it wasn't for her stench he never would have known. Sesshomaru stayed there, standing very still even as Rin yawned and laid down, resting her little head on Reiko's lap. "good night Master Jaken, Lord Sesshomaru, Lady Yuiko." she muttered softly before going to sleep, Sesshomaru making only one comment. "good night." and then it was back to silence. there was no motion from him until Dawn, and then he turned and moved over to Jaken, kicking the little toad awake rather brutally.

"Wake, Jaken." he ordered, his eyes narrowed. "and tend to Rin, watch her closely, if harm comes to her it will be your head toad." he ordered before looking at Eiko through narrowed eyes. "and you, filth, will tend to Rin as well. if she gets so much as a scratch upon her person i will personally make you wish that i had been kind enough to simply kill you." he stated firmly, Rin sleeping through Sesshomaru's threats as the Dog Demon turned and stalked into the woods to do his own thing for a few hours. by the time he came back, Rin had woken, bathed, eaten, and was picking up camp and gettign ready to go, the little girl chattering happily about what good dreams she'd had. "did you sleep well Lady Yuiko?" she asked beaming at her half blood friend, looking so chipper and delightful it should have been a sin.
Reiko smiled softly as she stroked rin's hair as the girl fell asleep.Glaring a little at sesshomaru's threats in the morning, and despite recognizing a stronger demon, she disliked being talked down to, even if she didn't protest because she knew he'd just kill her."She will be well taken care of."she promised watching sesshomaru leave. Looking amused at rin's qeustion she nodded,gently stroking the girl's hair as she stood."I am. Did you?"She asked smiling gently as she considered just how kind this girl was. Even if she had no idea what the world was like, or who these three really were, she understood that a stronger demon didn't have to take care of her. And she was thankful that sesshomaru had allowed her to stay, despite his obvious disgust for her presence.
Sesshomaru ignored the Glare, he had every right to threaten this new creature that Rin had brought into their group. the half breed was dangerous, and no one knew anything about her, a death threat would keep her in line and make sure she didn't try anything stupid, like eating Rin. he made no indication that he had heard the mutts promise that she'd protect Rin. he just left, heading into the forest to sleep for a while, and bathe, he smelled. nothing that anyone else would notice, but to his own highly sensitive nose he smelled badly, and therefore needed to wash. and he just wanted to be alone for a while and try and figure out why in the world his Tenseiga would ever bring such a useless thing back to life.

Rin was smiling as she woke up and beamed at Reiko happily as she hugged the woman. "i am glad you slept well!" she admitted. "i wasn't sure you'd sleep because Lord Sesshomaru never sleeps!" she admitted looking almost amazed. "at least, i've never SEEN him sleep, have you Master Jaken?" she asked blinking at the Toad her head tilted a little. "i wonder why Lord Sesshomaru is so grumpy?" she mused her head tilted a little as she pondered that before beaming at Reiko. "come on Lady Yuiko! let's go pick flowers!" she decided giggling as she skipped off into the field, gettign a ways away, but going nowhere near the forest... that wasn't enough apparently, because soon she was screaming, dropping her bundle of flowers and racing for camp. "Lord Sesshomaru! Help me!" she pleaded as a Centipede demon charged out of the woods after her, Rin squealing as she tripped, landing hard in the dirt, the giant Centipede rearing, and driving down to attack the girl, wanting to devour her sweet young flesh.
Jaken shook her head,"Lord Sesshomaru is above small things, such as sleep."The toad said shaking his head. Reiko laughed softly smiling, "Well, he is a full blooded demon. He does not function like the rest of us."She said before pondering the words, where they came from, but nodding because they seemed to be right. Reiko smiled as she followed the girl at a slow pace, not worried about keeping her close before snarling at the centipede as it neared rin. Running with that speed that could be matched by a half demon, even if sesshomaru would have been even faster then the lightening speed. And yet, she was slow because of the ill fitting clothes. After a moment of trying to get to rin she realized she couldn't fight like this. shedding the clothes because they were making her clumbsy, she slipped in between the monster and rin, wincing as she felt teeth slicing into her shoulder."Go. Rin run, find sesshomaru."she growled shoving the girl towards the camp as she twisted to take care of the monster. Looking dark and glorious fighting naked, the pale purple stripes standing out on pale skin as the two fought. Soon enough she was covered in both her own blood, and the centipede's. Fisting her hand she snarled lashing out, finding the other's chest, slamming her hand through the hard armor, feelign the bones breaking in her hands, as she wrapped her hand around the beasts heart and pulled, panting as artirial blood sprayed her face, collapsing back as the centipede fell dead.
Rin gasped as the half demon was suddenly above her and she ran back to the Camp fire, hiding behind the massive two headed beast, which laid over her, protecting her while Reiko took on the Centipede. the creature was vicious, attacking her with all of it's sharp legs, slicing at her with massive teeth, trying to kill her so it could devour her as well. it nearly had a hold on her neck when Reiko slammed through it's armor and took out it's heart. it screamed, the high pitched shriek was enough to send sharp pains through poor Rin's ears, the pain for the sharp eared Demon's must have been unimaginable. the monster collapsed around Reiko, dead and still as Sesshomaru stepped out of the woods, his eyes firm, stern as he studied the Centipede, moving over to Reiko with an aura of almost fury wafting around him. he stopped in front of her, his eyes narrowed as he looked down at her, as if daring her to say something, then, he took off his upper shirt, leaving his pants intact, and dropped it on her head, giving her something to cover herself with as he turned and moved over to Aun and Oun. (SP?)

"Rin?" he asked, kneeling on the dirt next to the beast. "are you damaged." "n..no L..Lord Sesshomaru." she promised as she crawled out from underneath her demon friend, flinging herself into Sesshomaru's arms, the Dog Demon standing with Rin in his arms. "come, we are leaving this place." he ordered simply, looking at Reiko. "you will ride on Aun, Oun." he ordered indicating the saddle on the beasts back. he actually waited for Reiko to get dressed and settled onto the beasts back before he pulled his cloud together and rose into the sky, Rin still in his arms as he rose into the sky over the trees, the Two headed beast following with Reiko on it's back, Jaken, as always, by Sesshomaru's side as Sesshomaru led them away from the bloody clearing. he said nothing else, he simply stared ahead, and held Rin while the young girl cried.
Reiko's whole head rang with the shriek, raising her hands to press her hands to her ears, trying to stop the shriek. Looking up at sesshomaru as he ooked up at him before swallowing hard, sitting up slowly, making sure she wasn't to hurt before she stood and dressed, looking like...she was ready to go to bed with his shirt belted closed around her hips, the fabric soaking with blood even as she followed sesshomaru back to rin. Looking worried before relaxing as she realized that the girl was okay. Looking startled at being allowed to ride the beast,she settled on the dragon's back looking interested as they were left. "Can we find water?I am ruining your clothes by getting blood on them."Reiko said after a few long moments, rubbing her hands against her bare legs to try and get rid of the drying blood. Feeling anxious because she was ruining such a nice feeling shirt.
Sesshomaru ignored the mutt once he had given her his shirt and given her orders, looking along the ground for a place to stop before heading for the ground, stopping along a clearing, a large human settlement ahead as Sesshomaru gently set Rin on the ground, setting a small gold pouch in her hand. "go and buy clothing for your pet Rin." he ordered. "find an Inn, stay there until i come for you." he ordered, Rin nodding. "Yes Lord Sesshomaru!" she chirped beaming at him and hugging his knees tightly before taking her hand and leading the woman into the town. people where used to Demon's in a town like this, and no one looked twice at the group of three. Sesshomaru had kept Aun and oun, but had made Jaken go with the girls with the promise that if Jaken let Rin get hurt, he'd kill him for good. he didn't bother threatening Reiko, she had already risked her life to protect Rin, Sesshomaru knew she would do it again if it came down to it. Rin led Reiko to a clothing store, and without even letting Reiko make any noise of acceptance or denial she started picking out Kimono's and outfits. getting Reiko an entire wardrobe if silk things and stuffed them into a pack that she made Reiko Carry with happy giggles as she found an Inn and Bath. Rin sure was bossy for an innocent little girl.

of course, Rin was also just enjoying spending time with a woman, and shopping, Rin, like all little girls, loved to shop. she giggled happily as she headed into their room for the night to put their new things away for now. "i wonder how long Sesshomaru will be gone for." she mused as she got large fluffy towels and smiled at Reiko. "lets go take a bath! i got Sesshomaru a new shirt, so you don't have to worry about that one." she promised beaming at the woman as she moved through the Inn to the outdoor bath, which was heated naturally. "your all cut up..." Rin muttered looking worried as she touched the many claw marks that now marred Reiko, not that they would for long, she'd be healed by morning no doubt. "do i need to get bandaged Lady Yuiko?"
Rieko smiled gently as she followed rin into town looking amused that sesshomaru hadn't bothered to threaten her when he''d threatened jaken. Looking even more amused when Rin started picking out her clothes,"Rin, do I not get a choice in clothes?"She asked teasing the girl even though she didn't have any problems with any of the beautiful clothes she'd gotten. Really, it was more then she'd thought she'd ever get from sesshomaru.for some reason, she sensed that he was not generous with anyone but rin, and most definately not with a half breed demon."I am sure Sesshomaru will return soon."Reiko reassured the girl, gently stroking the girl's hair. Looking curious about the demon lord's business, but not enough to question it to closely because she had a feeling sesshomaru would not be apperciative of it.

Reiko smiled as they got to the tub, stripping down and moving slowly and carefully into the tub, sighing softly as she relaxed."No. I am okay Rin. I will be healed in the morning."She promised, and it was true, even now her body was already starting to knit the wounds together, they were no longer bleeding and smaller then they had been. Even though it looked bad, it was nothing compared to what had killed her, or what her demon body would be able to heal given a few hurs to do so.
Rin blinked at her and then shook her head. "nope! i have to choose the dresses because Lord Sesshomaru said so!" she stated beaming at her. "he thinks that you won't pick the right kind of clothes..." she admitted frowning. "something about making him look bad or something... he said that if you are going to be near him then you had to be dressed properly so that you do not dishonor him or something..." she admitted, though when he had told Rin all of that only Rin knew and she never thought to say that. "so we have to get you pretty clothes that make your pretty face even prettier!" she admitted beaming at the other woman as she giggled and let Reiko pick out a few pieces of jewelry for herself as well, making sure that the woman picked out at least two bracelets and three necklaces. "i don't know... sometimes he's gone for WEEKS!" she admitted blinking at Reiko. "sometimes he comes back with interesting things." she admitted giggling happily.

she looked worried about Reiko though when the woman stripped down, and she very carefully helped the woman wash her back and her hair, and giggled as she demanded to brush and braid Reiko's hair again, running her demon hair brush through the Demon's hair, humming happily. "you have such pretty hair Lady Yuiko." Rin admitted. "do you ever think i'll be as pretty as you when i grow up?" she asked curiously her head tilted a little. "Lord Sesshomaru says that i am pretty for a human." she admitted. "he doesn't like humans much." she admitted completely oblivious to the fact that she was one of the humans he hated so much. "why do you think that is?" she asked her head tilted as her nimble fingers ran through the hair, braiding and twisting the long silver locks into elegant designs.
reiko looked startled at that, before laughing a little."I wouldn't do that. Thugh nothing could really make him look bad, he's pretty."She said snickering a little before smiling down at the girl, amused that she seemed so intent on making sure that she was pretty."Well, I am sure he will have something interesting for you when he returns."she said.

Reiko looked startled when rin demanded to brush her hair, sighing happily at the feel of her hair being brushed out. It felt so nice, to not have to take care of the silvery locks. "Sesshomaru's hair is prettier. Do you ever do this to his hair?"She asked curious laughing to herself at the idea of the man suffering through the indiginity of letting a human braid his hair."I am sure you will be very pretty.Prettier even."The demoness smiled turning to look at the girl, before frowning a little thinking about it before shrugging."I do not know rin.I might have once...but now, I do not know."She said looking confused for a moment because it hurt to think about the lost memories.
Rin smiled a little. "well you wouldn't mean to... but admit it Lady Yuiko if you where picking the dresses you wouldn't be picking up silk or anything like that." she teased giggling a little as she picked out all of the clothing humming happily. "oh i hope he does! he always finds such wonderful things!" she admitted giggling happily as she brushed the woman's hair. "he lets me brush it sometimes." she admitted. "but he won't let me braid it, or put flowers in it..." she admitted pouting a little. "i've never been able to braid someone else's hair before it's so much fun!" she admitted beaming happily before beaming at Reiko. "do you really think so? i would like to be pretty, maybe then the other humans would like me, don't you think?" she asked her head tilted a little at the woman before sighing a little. "i forgot... you don't have any memories..." she admitted blinking at the woman. "...does it hurt? not having memories?" she asked softly, jumping as Jaken returned to the room with food. "Master Jaken you frightened me!" she complained pouting at the toad before finishing off the braids and helping herself to the dinner.
"Okay, maybe I wouldn't have been picking them up."She said pouting a little, even if she didn't have her memories, she sensed that she wasn't a normal person who had rich things."Well, you can braid my hair whenever you like, since you did help me get approiate clothes."She said smiling at the girl gently, looking amused that she was so happy at being allowed to braid hair."I think they would be fools if they did not like you.No honey, it does not hurt. Just confusing sometimes."The demoness said smiling gently as she turned, pressing a kiss to rin's forehead, jumping when jaken came in."Silly girl, always braidin with flowers. What did lord sesshomaru tell you abou that?" "To not do it to him, he never said anything about my hair."Reiko said snickering a little as the small frog demon just glared at her.
Rin giggled a little and smiled at the other woman. "and Lord Sesshomaru will NOT stand for you to be dressed in Rags." she admitted nodding happily. it did make sense, in a way Sesshomaru was her benefactor and caretaker, if he allowed for her to be dressed in rags, then he would look bad, no matter how he hated her, his own training and lifestyle forced him to make sure that she was properly taken care of. she giggled happily as she brushed Reiko's hair and stuck her tongue out at Jaken. "yeah Master Jaken! Reiko likes it so there!" she stated happily before looking at Reiko sadly. "humans have never liked me much... even in my home village..." she admitted sighing a little as she nibbled on her meal and curled up against Reiko in the bed, smiling as she drifted towards sleep. "goodnight mommy..." she whispered softly, too asleep to realize what she'd said, and asleep fully before Reiko even had time to react.

in the morning Sesshomaru stared at the sleeping half demon and Rin, his eyes narrowed, unhappy at the sight before him. Rin was too attached, that much was for sure, so any idea he'd had about simply killing the foul woman was out the window. he did not understand himself sometimes, he just didn't, but then Rin was a strange creature, even Jaken liked her, though he refused to admit, or show it. he tossed something onto the mutts lap, turning and walking over to the window, completely uncaring that he had woken her up. "you will use it, and you will not complain." he ordered firmly, meaning the item she had on her lap... it was a sword, a Demon sword, a very fine, well taken care of, strong Katana wrapped in a dragon etched sheath. it was a magnificent sword, and you could feel the power pulsing through the sword, powerful, but hidden. the power would not come to just anyone. "it is useless to me." Sesshomaru stated simply, and that was certainly no surprise. that particular sword only worked if you where protecting someone. very much useless to Sesshomaru, but perfect for Reiko and her 'babysitting' duties.
Reiko smiled sadly at rin's confession that the humans had never liked her much, it was sad that a full human could not find peace with other humans. It was one thing for themto not accept half breeds, or demons, but humans....starting at rin's name for her she stared down at the girl, trying to figure out what to think about that. But she was sure whatever she thought about that, because she knew sesshomaru was not gong to lke it.

Yelping as she jerked wake, a hand lashing out to strike out t whatever had awoken her, frowning when she saw the sword sitting in her lap, frowning even harder when she saw the demon lord. Frowning at him she raised a eyebrow,"I don't know how to use it. Swordmanship, like my memories, is gone."She pointed out, not exactly complaining, but voicing a concern. Not realizing that her body given the chance to use it, would go through the motions of existite and highly trained swordmanship, even without her memories. It would be very obvious someone had trained her, and probably her dog demon father. Because only a demon would be able to complete in some of the complex moves, and the strength and speed to complete them before a eney could predict the move.
Sesshomaru didn't even care that she had lashed out in shock and fear, he was too far away to be struck. "you will learn." Sesshomaru stated simply, his golden eyes turning to her. "you will be in charge of Rin's safety from this point on, Jaken is not enough." he stated simply. so even he realized that if it had only been Jaken in that field with the Centipede, Rin would be dead and devoured, and even Tenseiga would not bring her back. he had witnessed Reiko nearly give her life to save Rin, as far as he was concerned she was much more competent than the toady fool. "The Body remembers what the mind does not, if there is Sword Knowledge within you, your body will remember." he stated simply turning back tot he window silently staring at nothing as Rin shifted. "mmm Lord Sesshomaru? your back?" she asked smiling happily. "did you bring me a present?" she asked blinking at him, beaming as he nodded and handed her something. a new hairbrush, this one made of a Demon bone with such fine hair bristles that Rin gasped in glee and leaped out of bed to hug her Lords leg. "oh THANK you! Thank you Lord Sesshomaru it's wonderful!" she chirped happily as she bounded back onto the bed and ran the brush through her own messy hair. as Sesshomaru watched her his face didn't change, but it did seam to soften just a touch. Sesshomaru truly did love her, despite being a demon. "Rin, stay in the room, Half breed, you will come with me." he ordered turning and moving out of the room to a large grassy field where Sesshomaru would test her competency with a sword, using practice sticks. she couldn't protect Rin if he lopped her arm off. speaking of arms, had she realized that Sesshomaru was missing one? he hid it far too well. he lifted his stick and swung it out, getting a feel for it before staring at her. "attack me."
Reiko looked curious as she looked at the demon lord, tilting her head as she considered it. Starting a little when rin hopped out of bed, looking slightly amused as she watched the girl leap on sesshomaru.Smiling a littlel when rin started brushing her hair it amused her to see the girl embrace the cold man so completely. Looking startled at the order to follow she frowned as he handed her a stick, looking surprised. The man was so comptent it wasn't until that moment that she'd realized that he had been one armed. Lifting the stick, she angled the 'sword' across her body, testing its weight in her hand before lashing out, the stick a brown blur as she worked at attacking him.While she easily matched inuyasha for speed, she was no where close sesshomaru's. A half breed fighting a full breed was almost no contest.But it was a good workout. And the workout proved that she had held a sword before, even if she didn't remember.
He watched her through his yellow eyes and when she struck his 'blade' was in the way, blocking her. every time she attacked, he blocked her, and nearly effortlessly flung her backwards, away from him. by the time he finally disarmed her, sending her stick flying across the clearing she was probobly exhausted... he wasn't even sweating, or having trouble breathing. it wasn't just that he was a full blooded demon, it was that he was simply Sesshomaru, a powerhouse if there ever was one. he stared at her and then turned and left. "you will train in swordsmanship until i deem you skilled enough to protect Rin." he ordered simply. "until that time, you will watch over her, entertain her, keep her safe." he ordered sternly before turning to her. "i do not like you and your foul stench, but Rin desires you to stay, and for some reason Tenseiga desired for you to live. you will be useful, or you will die." he ordered simply, his fingers twitching, as if he desired to simply kill her right then and there. "you and your kind should rot." he stated simply before turning and stalking away. "gather rin and the items she purchased, we are leaving this disgusting village." well wasn't he in a happy mood?
Reiko was indeed panting as she bent, hands resting on her knees as she struggled to breath easily again. Tilting her head a little at Sesshomaru's orders before nodding. Not only because she wanted to remember things, and thought fighting would help,but because she had been killed, whoever killed her, when they found out was going to be back to finish the job. snickering a little t sesshomaru's words, she shook her head, amused that he was so disgusted by being near humans. Heading back to the hotel she gathered jaken and rin, heading for the edge of the village where sesshomaru was waiting, her nose twitching a little as she turned slightly, scenting something on the air, scenting another dog demon....but it didn't smell like sesshomaru, or any full blooded demon.

(Can you play inuyasha and sango, and I'll take miroku, kagome and shippo?)
Sesshomaru felt a strange sort of glee seeing Reiko in such a state, breathless and sweating, he wasn't sure where the feeling came from or what it meant but it pleased him all the same. Rin was happy to be leaving, and all too easily gathered their things and made Reiko carry them because she was too little. she giggled happily and showed off her brush to Jaken, who probobly didn't care considering he didn't have hair. Sesshomaru was staring at the middle of the village as they appeared and he turned to Reiko. "we are about to be attacked, move." he ordered simply, Rin blinking, looking astonished as she took Reiko's hand and led her away. "SESSHOMARU!!!!" the voice was loud, and furious and the person who screamed it slammed into Sesshomaru, sparks flying as massive blade met indifferent blade, Sesshomaru flinging the half blood mutt back with a sweep of his arm. "Little Brother." Sesshomaru hissed, such hatred in his voice. "you will die today."

"Inuyasha Stop it! not near the village!" Sango ordered following Inuyasha at a more sedated pace, Kagome and Miroku next to her, the woman scowling as she shook her head before blinking, astonished as she witnessed Reiko and she looked over at Kagome. "...does Sesshomaru have a sister?" she asked looking amazed as Rin giggled a little. "Lady Kagome! hi!" Rin chirped happily. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru fought as often as they could, and the fight usually lasted hours, Rin and Kagome and Sango had a nice long time to get to know one another. "This is Lady Yuiko!" she admitted beaming at them all as Sango moved over to the demon, kicking Jaken hard. "she just didn't like Jaken, and kicked him every chance she got. "Sesshomaru is playing with Inuyasha again... this is going to take a while..." Sango admitted sighing as she sat down, the Villagers having already ran away, terrified of the fighting Demons.
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