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The School in the Afterlife (Always Accepting)

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Sengaku looked at the watch on his right hand to see that he had a good period of time before his class would start. The young man smiled a bit as he slipped outside rather quietly moving into a cleared out area that he had found, and put down his bag. Taking out the tonfas that were inside he figured he might as well practice with them. He always knew to be good at something it took work, that was something he was very much game to as it were. He swung the two tonfas around attacking with the short mostly defensive weapon as he moved around. He enjoyed stuff like this far more now that he was dead then he did when he was alive, he didn't know why, but maybe it was cause he could do such thing or have time to do such things why he was still alive, and now he had the chance to really have some fun.
Julian's hands slid into the dark slits in his pants his eyes raising towards the top of the building. He wasn't sure if the place was just a school or a god damn insane asylum. The rustling of some kind of spar or something of the sort. Tilting his head to the side he looked nearly directly behind him at an angle as he peered at the two fighting in the distance. One being a girl and another a guy with two sticks from his hands and forearms, it appeared they were going all out. He had no clue how all these their hands on weapons so easily, he never really touched a weapon outside of his classes that his mother had convinced him to take. They were feudal weapons of sorts, he himself utilized the spear back home. However...where was his home, after he began tryin to think abou it everything blurred instantly.

He shifted his feet nearly tripping over himself as he caught himself with his hand on the stairs letting himself drop slightly as he sat at the top of the stairs. His hands interlocked as they crossed over his lap, his eyes liftin from the two fighting to the sky. "Where the fuck is this place."Julian muttered once more with a sigh once again.
Tsukiko was getting a bit annoyed from just following silently, and it didn't help that Natsuru kept insisting that they watch how everything goes around this place. However, when she saw somebody sitting on the stairs watching the fight she couldn't help but say, "So are you just gonna sit on your ass, or do you wanna know what the fuck is going on?" before taking a seat right next to her. It was a good thing she had decided to wear a male uniform today because she was sitting like a guy with her legs open.

Meanwhile, Natsuru decided to sort of glomp her before saying, "Hello, your new aren't you? It's okay, so are we." Although, his out fit made him look like a girl. He was wearing a long sleeved, off the shoulder top that had straps to hold it up and a pair of shorts that were half hidden by the length of the shirt.
Julian's hands clenched into fists and released, it was a habit he had developed at a young age. Even if he couldn't remember it, it somehow still stuck. The sudden voice caught him slightly off guard as he noticed a figure move to sit down next to him on the stairs. At first glance this character looked like an everyday normal guy, however Julian was much more intelligent than the average person. When in college he minored in anatomy just for a filler class, and he was remarkably good at it. Something was off about this guy, he could tell. Then suddenly the hands wrapped around his broad shoulders as a girl held onto him as well, another thing...something was wrong with this character to. They looked almost exactly the same, so...they must be fucked up or something.

"Well...I've come to the realization that trying to find out, well as you said, what the fuck is going on. Was quite unsuccessful, most of the people around here seem to be busy...Doug whatever the hell. And I've decided not to but in, because I don't feel like it, and I'd like to stay alive."Julian muttered calmly as he released a sigh. Leaning back on his elbows as he tossed his head back to look at the sky. "New? New where exactly? I don't know if I'm new necessarily, however you young'ns are...probably new."
Tsukiko actually liked his reply to her question, although she didn't understand the strange looks she was getting from him. "First of all, your dead and so are we. Secondly, no one really knows why we are here." she stated in the most nonchalant tone ever.

Meanwhile, when Natsuru noticed the strange looks they were getting he got off of his sister and leaned against the railing. "If you don't mind my asking, what is your name Mr?" he asked in a strangely sweet voice for a situation such as this.
Jugger82 said:
He was silent except for him moving his head around and biting his lip to stop him from moaning out as she continued to tease him. Soon enough he sighed as he looked down and watched her stroke his cock with the soles of her socks as she kept on telling him to say that he liked it. He shook his head and looked up to her, his eyes pleading. "I like it...I love it...Please keep going..." He wanted release, his lust overpowering his willpower as he moaned out, some precum slowly coming out and starting to stain her black socks, precum from such a long time from sexual release and to have something like this done on him only helped it. "Please...I promise I'll return the favor to you as well...However you want..."

The admition sounded so sweet to her ears. The looks on his face, the way his eyes gleamed and pleaded for release. He was so cute, but, then again, they all did whenever they had such a lust filled looked to them. She herself was panting a bit, her legs trembling from the exertion of stroking him, her socks sticking to her feet a bit thanks to the pre-cum his cock was collecting. She tingled between her thighs, her pussy throbbing to have itself filled. Amelia complied with her promise and stroked him fast and hard, rubbing her feet up and down his shaft.

"So beautiful."She whispered, her hands holding on to the edges of the desk. Her eyes kept watch of his face as it changed expressions."cum for me Nathan. Go ahead. Cum. You look so beautiful with such a face. I wanna see it morph from the release."Amelia was relentless on her onslaught. Her feet pressed together, squeezing his dick, pumping him fast, commanding for his cum to shoot out and stain her socks and legs. She never expected him to love this act and since he did, she would secretly use this against him anytime he broke the rules. Now she hoped that he did break the rules more often so she could do this to him whenever the chance came.
Julian's eyes lit up at the response, his eyes shifted to the sky as his hand lifted to clench a his chest. Dead? He couldn't be, he had so much to live for. He hadn't even found a woman he truly loved...wait. Then there's the young ones near him...were they dead too? The simple thought sent his mind into a crazed rampage as it tried to fill in the information with whatever it could trying to put the pieces together as to how it happened. Only...everything he tried to remember was nothing but a colorless blur. His hands shifted releasing his coat, he had no heartbeat...his body wasn't the way it used to be, his jitters began coming back and he knew it wouldn't be good.

Julian slid a cigarette out of his pocket once more, his hand fluidly pulling out his lighter as he flicked it on placing the butt of the cigarette agains his lips as he took a puff, his jitters slowly beginning to fade. "Dead my ass. Even if that's true...I'm going to live this dead ass life like no ones ever done before."Julian said as he stared off into nothingness, taking puffs at his cigarette. "My names Julian."He said calmly turning to them as he gave them a genuine smile his eyes closing slightly as he laid on the boyish charm. "What are yours?"Julian asked smiling as he pulled the cigarette out so he could speak more clearly.
Lustfull_Sin said:
Jugger82 said:
He was silent except for him moving his head around and biting his lip to stop him from moaning out as she continued to tease him. Soon enough he sighed as he looked down and watched her stroke his cock with the soles of her socks as she kept on telling him to say that he liked it. He shook his head and looked up to her, his eyes pleading. "I like it...I love it...Please keep going..." He wanted release, his lust overpowering his willpower as he moaned out, some precum slowly coming out and starting to stain her black socks, precum from such a long time from sexual release and to have something like this done on him only helped it. "Please...I promise I'll return the favor to you as well...However you want..."

The admition sounded so sweet to her ears. The looks on his face, the way his eyes gleamed and pleaded for release. He was so cute, but, then again, they all did whenever they had such a lust filled looked to them. She herself was panting a bit, her legs trembling from the exertion of stroking him, her socks sticking to her feet a bit thanks to the pre-cum his cock was collecting. She tingled between her thighs, her pussy throbbing to have itself filled. Amelia complied with her promise and stroked him fast and hard, rubbing her feet up and down his shaft.

"So beautiful."She whispered, her hands holding on to the edges of the desk. Her eyes kept watch of his face as it changed expressions."cum for me Nathan. Go ahead. Cum. You look so beautiful with such a face. I wanna see it morph from the release."Amelia was relentless on her onslaught. Her feet pressed together, squeezing his dick, pumping him fast, commanding for his cum to shoot out and stain her socks and legs. She never expected him to love this act and since he did, she would secretly use this against him anytime he broke the rules. Now she hoped that he did break the rules more often so she could do this to him whenever the chance came.

When she began to get more fierce with it, Nathan moaned out and began to struggle in his bindings, his torso and head moving from side to side as he was getting so much pleasure from the onslaught. He clenched his eyes and moaned out as he began to shoot his cum out toward her, the warm white love juice going up into the air and landing back down on his groin and her feet and somewhat up her leg. He began to pant as he was sweating and looked up to her, a blush on his face and he was embarrassed that such a thing had just happened. 'The wrong with this girl...!?' He thought in his head.
Jugger82 said:
When she began to get more fierce with it, Nathan moaned out and began to struggle in his bindings, his torso and head moving from side to side as he was getting so much pleasure from the onslaught. He clenched his eyes and moaned out as he began to shoot his cum out toward her, the warm white love juice going up into the air and landing back down on his groin and her feet and somewhat up her leg. He began to pant as he was sweating and looked up to her, a blush on his face and he was embarrassed that such a thing had just happened. 'The wrong with this girl...!?' He thought in his head.

Truly beautiful. When the first shot of cum was forced, Amelia continued to stroke, helping him out. Rope after rope, cum coated her feet and a bit up her legs, some landing on her knee here and there. She stopped, panting, hearing his pants as well.She forced her feet from his cock, dangling now from the edge of the desk.Her face was hot, her hands shaking from how hard she gripped the desk, knuckles white. Amelia hadn't realized or noticed, but she had cracked the desk a bit. "Don't be embarrassed."she said, releasing the desk, hands reachin forward, cupping his cheeks.She leaned in and kissed him sweetly before pulling away and pressed her forehead against his. "Don't ever be embarrassed about anything. Live your dead life with boldness Nathan. Live it now, because if you don't, you'll regret never having to once you reach Heaven." False statement, she wasn't sure. She wasn't allowed to tell Dead Souls where they were going, not yet at least, not until it was their time.

Pulling away, she looked down at her feet, seeing the white stains. "Oh my, what a mess."She sighed, wiggling her toes, feeling the fabric stick to her skin." If you want a repeat,"She smirked," then by all means, keep breaking school rules Nathan, but if you don't ever want this to happen again, then I suggest you behave from now on."She smiled even more." And truth be told, I hope you keep breaking the rules."And with that, she disappeared, the rope that bound him gone as well.

Amelia appeared back in her room, her body standing infront of the large white bath tub. "So innocent."She said to herself and began to prepare in filling the tub a bit in order to soak her feet.She removed her socks and skirt, since some of his cum landed on the hem. Tossing those to a dirty clothes basket, she dipped her feet into the warm water, bubbles beads thrown in.She sighed and wondered if she should say hello to the new Dead Souls that have appeared. There seemed to be many for today, which was surprising to her.
wildkat said:
Kelly woke up again blushing at her wet dream. She looked down to see Darian still sound asleep she sat there debating on if she should cuddle with him. He looked so cute and was so nice to give her the bed all. She soon realised she wanted him as a boyfriend and hoped he felt the same way. She moved to the floor and laid down beside him with her back resting against his.
Felixia_Luna said:
Her spinning flail was enough to entangle his thrusts, and she threw them to the side, taking his swords with her flail as they sailed away. She grinned at her now weaponless attacker and punched him in the face, and then she did the same maneuver, grabbing his hair and using that to fly behind him. She looked over her shoulder and nodded grudgingly at Amelia. She grated on her nerves with all of her mercy and kindness. She was never chaotic in the least...she was boring. Though, she did know how to tease people, and that was the one thing she liked about her. A punch to the face made her snap back to attention, and felt her cheek on the floor. "Damn....need to stay awake during a fight." She rolled to her feet.

Altair watched his swords go flying and he wasn't too happy about that. This was the second time he'd been disarmed and he was starting to get pissed. He felt weak and he didn't do weak it made him feel lesser than what he was truly capable of. He watched as angel dropped her guard and he swung his fist full force laying her out. He grabbed his swords quickly and pinned her to the ground. He held one sword over her neck and one pressed to her chest. He smirked as he looked down at Yasibel. "You put up a nice fight but you let your guard down."
"Yea...I did..." She sighed and looked up at him, glaring. "So...what do you want?" She always gave out a little gift whenever someone beat her. It was basically giving them a one shot deal. She put her hands under her head and crossed her legs at the ankles, waiting for a reply while she tried to find someway out of this.
Lustfull_Sin said:
Truly beautiful. When the first shot of cum was forced, Amelia continued to stroke, helping him out. Rope after rope, cum coated her feet and a bit up her legs, some landing on her knee here and there. She stopped, panting, hearing his pants as well.She forced her feet from his cock, dangling now from the edge of the desk.Her face was hot, her hands shaking from how hard she gripped the desk, knuckles white. Amelia hadn't realized or noticed, but she had cracked the desk a bit. "Don't be embarrassed."she said, releasing the desk, hands reachin forward, cupping his cheeks.She leaned in and kissed him sweetly before pulling away and pressed her forehead against his. "Don't ever be embarrassed about anything. Live your dead life with boldness Nathan. Live it now, because if you don't, you'll regret never having to once you reach Heaven." False statement, she wasn't sure. She wasn't allowed to tell Dead Souls where they were going, not yet at least, not until it was their time.

Pulling away, she looked down at her feet, seeing the white stains. "Oh my, what a mess."She sighed, wiggling her toes, feeling the fabric stick to her skin." If you want a repeat,"She smirked," then by all means, keep breaking school rules Nathan, but if you don't ever want this to happen again, then I suggest you behave from now on."She smiled even more." And truth be told, I hope you keep breaking the rules."And with that, she disappeared, the rope that bound him gone as well.

Amelia appeared back in her room, her body standing infront of the large white bath tub. "So innocent."She said to herself and began to prepare in filling the tub a bit in order to soak her feet.She removed her socks and skirt, since some of his cum landed on the hem. Tossing those to a dirty clothes basket, she dipped her feet into the warm water, bubbles beads thrown in.She sighed and wondered if she should say hello to the new Dead Souls that have appeared. There seemed to be many for today, which was surprising to her.

Nathan stayed where he was even after Amelia had left. He looked down to his cock and shook his head as he put his boxers back up and zipped his pants back up. He shook his head. "The hell is wrong with that girl...What was she thinking?" He murmured as he looked to see that day had come now and classes would be starting soon. He stood up and grabbed his crossbow, noting that the desks were back in order and everything from before was repaired now. He left, going back to the office to skip classes, as he never attended them anyway. Amelia wanted him to break rules, so he would. But only because he wanted to defy the 'Gods' and he wouldn't give her the pleasure of torturing him again, for he would surely win the next fight and he'd show her some torture. He smirked at the thought as he entered the Office and began to pull up his programs to start typing in his notes for Amelia into the computer.

wildkat said:
wildkat said:
Kelly woke up again blushing at her wet dream. She looked down to see Darian still sound asleep she sat there debating on if she should cuddle with him. He looked so cute and was so nice to give her the bed all. She soon realised she wanted him as a boyfriend and hoped he felt the same way. She moved to the floor and laid down beside him with her back resting against his.

(My bad Wildkat.)

Darian looked to her when she had laid down next to him and chuckled lightly. He reached forward and wrapped his arm over her and pulled her close, whispering into her ear. "Good morning my little sunburst..." He said jokingly due to her being a blonde girl that had been the first thing he had seen when he awoke.
Kelly let out a soft chuckle saying"Good moring". His touch no longer brought on the memories of being rapt so she let him hold on to her. she then turned in his arm saying "I wonder what class I have today". Her face close to his as she looked deep into his eyes.
Day came and Amelia could feel the effects. She felt almost tired during the day and it was expected. Yasibel and she were much stronger during the night, healing faster and almost, just almost, vulnerable to attacks. During the day, they healed slower which she hated. She tended to ignore peoples faults during the day, not wishing to pick fights. While she had soaked her feet, she decided to take a full bath, stripping off her clothes and dipped herself into the warm watered. She didn’t take long. Her hair was up and pinned a few tendril rebelling against the pins. She wore a soft purple off shouldered kimono that exposed the top swells of her breasts as well as shoulders. The sleeved were long, almost reaching to the ground. The kimono itself was short, stopping just mid thigh. The obi that tied around was a harsh charcoal color, the bow rather big in the back. It was nice to think of clothes and they just appeared on ones person.

With a simple thought, she was outside under a tree just outside of a classroom and close to the track/field. A blanket was spread, boxes filled with different assortment of delights inside and a thermos with hot tea. Some NPCs would join her for tea and cookies; others would simply stand at a distance, just looking at her. Here wings were against her back and she sat herself down, filling a small tea cup with hot tea and sipped lightly. There was at or so new Dead Souls. Three were together, the other, she wasn't so sure. They should be safe; it wasn't like they could die again. “Maybe I ought to invite them for tea."She said, looking at the bento boxes filled with delicious food “Yes I shall invite them."She said, setting her cup down. She didn't have the ability to transport being to where she was, which rather sucked. With a thought, she appeared before the three Dead Souls that were seated in the hallway steps.

"Greetings."She said with a bright smile. The two twins looked rather adorable, but they couldn’t fool her. She knew who the male was and who the female. The other was a bit older than them and he had this air about him. She felt that he might be another Nathan, and she rather hoped that he behaved rather than misbehave.
Sengaku moved quickly at the imagined foe that he created in his mind, shadow boxing he heard when he was a real life student was similar in style, but to him, this was all about grace and form. Those two things were the center piece of the form of the brown haired young man. Toss in developing strength and quickness and he had everything that he would want to train for. He moved gracefully though the empty courtyard his movements as silent as possible.

He cut the air with his motions, each one calculated and prepared before he even made each little step in the motion. One by one the motions came together to create greater motions that were like that of a highly complex dance, as he slipped forward, to the right left or backwards. He was in the moment of training, knowing that this release was something that he had never been able to enjoy why he had been alive. Not even for a moment of time had he been able to do that. Had he had such skill would he had died, most likely not, but it was something he couldn't regret, for one couldn't change the past and the outcome that had occurred to him while he was alive. At least he was able to help someone, and have at least a minor relevant impactful death.
Julian smiled sitting around as he tapped the cigarette slightly to rid itself of the excess burnt out tobacco as he placed it once again against his lips. "Yea but it seems to be pretty boring around here for us."Julian said suddenly he noticed it, a figure randomly appearing in front of him, a gorgeous young woman probably around his age, his eyes lit up at the sight of her. His jaw dropped barely, but he quickly closed it with the physical use of his hand. His hand ran into his hair as he tossed the cigarette to the ground, stomping it out as he adjusted to sit up straight and fix his jacket. "H-h-hello."Julian said nervously for the first time. He wasn't one to be nervous, but the simple beauty of this woman put him on edge.

"You're incredibly beautiul."Julian found himsel thinking out loud, his hand clapped against his cheeks as he slammed his hands over his mouth, blushing a crimson red. His eyes dived down to the ground as a crack in the concrete had become incredibly interesting all of a sudden. Just then the wind picking up as it ruffled his hair into the boyish mess many took time and money to try and portray and create. His eyes ran over the other two, blushing even more as he realized they probably heard that too. His feet moved quick, trying to back away slightly, but realizing...he was all out of stair.
Amelia smiled sweetly.”Why thank you. You are too kind.”She spoke, her voice laced with such velvety sweetness. “I am Amelia, an Angel and overseer of this realm. Yasibell is another Angel, though I will ask that you behave if you do not wish to be punished by either her or me.” She couldn’t help, but chuckle at the way he shuffled his feet and back away.

Some men either acted that way around here or didn’t. Some woman as well. She was flattered by the attention. “You three are new and seem a bit lost as to what goes on around here. Would you care to join me for some tea and delicious treats? In truth, we do not need to eat, but doing so, in a way, keeps us from going insane and let us act more human.” Eating was a pleasure that one could not deny themselves from. Here, in this realm, or the In-between as she personally called it, one could not die, just keep on living and not age until either she or Yasibell chose when to send someone on their way.

“Come. Join me.”She said and turned, heading down the hallway. She wasn’t going to bother in leading them all the way around the school to where she left her blanket and food. Instead, right when she got to where they were, she placed her hand on the wall and summoned a door, placing it before here. “I love this kind of power.”She chuckled, opening it and ushered them out. “Please, remove your shoes and sit. Relax. I shall explain everything to you all. “She removed her slim sandals, sat down, tucking her feet under herself and summed three more cups. She filled them with hot tea and offered them to the Dead Souls.
wildkat said:
Kelly let out a soft chuckle saying"Good moring". His touch no longer brought on the memories of being rapt so she let him hold on to her. she then turned in his arm saying "I wonder what class I have today". Her face close to his as she looked deep into his eyes.

"I do not know. Check your paper. As for me...Well...I don't think I will attend class today. I've got an errand to run..." He said after having checked his phone, receiving a text message from Nathan to create some weapons for the newcomers. "You may come at your own peril at the fear of dying to Angel, though. I must go and create weapons for the newcomers, should they wish to fight with us." He stood up and stretched, popping his bones as he looked to her. "Come if you want. It is entirely up to you. Though...It would be horrible to see us get killed before my errand can be completed. Maybe you should attend classes and I shall be back when your class ends." He nodded to her and smiled. "If you'll excuse me...I must head to the Factory." He turned to leave, letting her do as she wanted and began to head to Nathan's room. Once there, he opened a trap door under his bed and crawled into it, letting himself fall a long fall only to die when he got to the bottom. Something simple, Nathan didn't care for dying so he didn't bother to cushion the fall and it only took a minute or two to revive. He'd be able to get out by walking through a secret cave at the far end of the school near a creek in a ravine and then hike his way back to the school. This may have been harsh, but it was to make sure Amelia and Yasibell did not know where their weapons were constantly created from.
Kelly watched him go with a sigh. she left and found her way to her room. she took a shower still feeling his touch. She got dressed and checked her paper and groaned she had health class why on earth would they teach that here she was dead. she got her books togather and made her way to class wishing Darian was here to attened class with her. she found herself a seat as class started but looked out the window the whole time.
Julian blushed hearing her response apparently she had heard him speak his mind. It was definitely awkward to him, usually he was so calm and funny when around anyone but this girl set him on edge almost the instant she came into view. "I-I am J-Julian."Julian said as he began to recollect his nerves, somehow without a cigarette although he could smell a small amoun of the residue on his clothes, his eyes peered up at her as he patted himself off and threw on his best smile. It took him awhile, but he was slowly getting his nerves back. The sound of her voice was pleasant to his ears, like a sweet tart made into a sound, he loved hearing it. "P-P-punished? Angels? The angel part explains a lot..."Julian paused as he moved to a standing position, his tall six foot two cram casting a shadow as he smiled. "your looks do match the stories I've heard of angels."Julian finished with a laugh.

"Id love to join you for tea, I absolutely love eating! I swear I was a fat kid or something!"Julian said his laugh escaping his plump lips. "And that explanation...that would be nice."Julian said as he leaned forward a bit his eyes closing slightly as he smiled ever so brighter. His eyes dropped to the small pouch on her leg...what exactly did she keep in there? Some kind of torture tool to cause pain to the disobedient dead souls? "Come on guys! She's invited us for tea!" Julian smiled as he said it waving atthe two others to follow him.

Julian's eyes followed her as she moved over to the doors. "Oh! A tour? That would be no-"Julian was cut off at the sudden portal-like creation now in the doorway. "The fuck?"Julian questioned a laugh escaping his lips as he watched her walk through. He nodded quickly his shoes slipping of as he neared the portal. He set his shoes aside on the otherside, but couldn't help himself as he began jumping trough the portal multiple times. "Oh that's cool."Julian said with a laugh, realizing why he was there he tumbled back through the portal. Landing on the ground but moving into a sommersault somehow as he landed in a slightly awkward sitting position.
Not waiting for a response, she kicked out and kicking him in the balls, knocking him over. She flipped up and giggled, watching him clutch himself and she waves, disappearing. She popped up in her room and she sighed in relief. "Who knew that they would actually one up me....gotta keep on my toes now days it appears." She shrugged and shook her head, changing into her night time clothes, a tank top and silk pants. "Mmmmm, much better." She hopped into her bed and started reading a magazine, thinking to head to bed after a few funny articles.
SpecialKay said:
Julian blushed hearing her response apparently she had heard him speak his mind. It was definitely awkward to him, usually he was so calm and funny when around anyone but this girl set him on edge almost the instant she came into view. "I-I am J-Julian."Julian said as he began to recollect his nerves, somehow without a cigarette although he could smell a small amoun of the residue on his clothes, his eyes peered up at her as he patted himself off and threw on his best smile. It took him awhile, but he was slowly getting his nerves back. The sound of her voice was pleasant to his ears, like a sweet tart made into a sound, he loved hearing it. "P-P-punished? Angels? The angel part explains a lot..."Julian paused as he moved to a standing position, his tall six foot two cram casting a shadow as he smiled. "your looks do match the stories I've heard of angels."Julian finished with a laugh.

"Id love to join you for tea, I absolutely love eating! I swear I was a fat kid or something!"Julian said his laugh escaping his plump lips. "And that explanation...that would be nice."Julian said as he leaned forward a bit his eyes closing slightly as he smiled ever so brighter. His eyes dropped to the small pouch on her leg...what exactly did she keep in there? Some kind of torture tool to cause pain to the disobedient dead souls? "Come on guys! She's invited us for tea!" Julian smiled as he said it waving atthe two others to follow him.

Julian's eyes followed her as she moved over to the doors. "Oh! A tour? That would be no-"Julian was cut off at the sudden portal-like creation now in the doorway. "The fuck?"Julian questioned a laugh escaping his lips as he watched her walk through. He nodded quickly his shoes slipping of as he neared the portal. He set his shoes aside on the otherside, but couldn't help himself as he began jumping trough the portal multiple times. "Oh that's cool."Julian said with a laugh, realizing why he was there he tumbled back through the portal. Landing on the ground but moving into a sommersault somehow as he landed in a slightly awkward sitting position.

Amelia watched with amusement as Julian jumped back and forth through the portal like door way. "Be care. It tends to close unexpentanly and if you mid jump, you might be sliced in half.She said with a smile on her face, making it seem as if that wasn't a problem or anything. Laughing when he jumped out once more, she clapped her hands together, applauding him for his performance. "Bravo. Here."She offered him his tea, then opened one of the boxes, revealing a whole array of pastires. She opened the second box revealing sandwhiches of different kinds and the third box had steamed dumplings and cut up eggrolls. "Here. Enjoy. Like I said before. We do not need to eat, but it gives us a sense of humanity still. NPC's don't eat, so I know the last thing youw ant to feel like is an NPC."

She reached her hand and picked up a strawberry sweet tart, popping some in her mouth and moaned at the sweet taste."So delicious."She licked her fingers, realizing she didn't have napkins."Oh. Silly me."She snapped her fingers and a little piled of linen napkins appeared in the center. "There we go."She took one and dabbed the side of her mouth." Now. Lets see. First off, you're dead, though I get the feeling you all know that."She chuckled. "Second. I am an Angel and there is another Angel. Her name is Yasibell. You could say that me and her are the ying and yang of this realm. She's more of the evil one, I'm more good, though our role here is the same." She took another sip of her tea. " This is isn't Purgatory persay. I called it the InBetween. This place is betwen Heaven and Hell, though it truly does not have a name for itself. Yasibell and I are the overseers of the Dead Souls that are sent down here. Those that weren't automatically placed. We Angels get to choose where to send the Dead Souls. Either to Heaven, or Hell or simple obliterate their soul so they are nothing.

The young ones, like yourselves, are sent here, to this school where you basically live a normal life like you did when alive. Follow the rules and you will be fine. Break them, like say, skipping classes and picking fights with either Yasibell or I, then expect to be punished. Trust me when I saw that having your limb removed over and over can get bother some, though the pain never changes." She wasn't going to reveal to them that both Yasibell and her were weaker during the say and much stronger during the night. Best to keep such tid bits on the down load. "Hmm...I wonder if I missed anything?"She asked herself, taking another sip of her tea
Julian smiled wide, the applause and compliment made him blush a profuse and crimson red. His eyes lighting up at the tea, a single memory flowing back into his mind from when his mother was still alive. She has given him tea every day from the moment he got home and the lot. His hands extended grabbing hold of the tea cup. Nodding his thanks as his eyes peered up from the cup a gentle smile on his lips. "Th-thank you."Julian said with a smile as he sipped the cup ever so gently. "I'm supposing all those other...people are NPC's then."Julian said with a laugh. "They seem awfully dull...and boring."Julian said emphasizing the last word as he gave a mock yawn before chuckling slightly.

Julian laughed slightly as she ate the tart his ears perked up at her moan. "Woah now keep it in your pants."Julian teased with a laugh as he reached for a different tart as well biting a small piece his eyes widened. "Wow that's delicious."Julian said setting it down as he listened to the story, it was a strange explanation. A world in between two worlds? That was an odd thing to hear. The angel thing was understandable , however knowing he couldn't die...oh that was so nice to know. "So if I were an angel would I be beautiful too?"Julian asked as he took another sip of the tea, his eyes lifting as he listened to her speak.

"If I were to break the rules then...would you be the one coming to punish me? Oh and what about the weapons then? It seems that everyone has a weapon and is trying to kill eachother or something. I have no such thing so...I really don't know how it works I guess."Julian said with a small laugh as he finished the tea, setting it down as he looked at her gently, tryin to keep his eyes from wandering. He didn't really feel like eating, even if it wasn't really eating to much. So he picked up the remnants of his tart and lifted it to her lips across the table. "Here, try it."Julian said with a bright, slightly goofy smile.
Kelly let out a sigh as the class teacher went on and on about how life here was different then the land of the living. She then went to her book and drew Darian in it. She would have to hide this picture for if he saw she drew him he might figure out her feelings for him if he had not already. She wanted to just walk out of the class room and go find him if she could but then again she doubted she could sense all he said was he was going to find Nathan for something and all she knew was were Nathan's office was beyond that was a mystery. she would be breaking a rule on top of that and she was not sure she was ready for that just yet. Soon she heard the teacher dismiss class and there was some daylight to go exploring and she decided that was best to get to know the place and maybe later on use it against Angel.
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