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The School in the Afterlife (Always Accepting)

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"Just to look around and see how the new ones are settling in. Heh, and of course to look in my favorite little boy." She grinned and walked over to him, open hand cupping his crotch and making him bend over with the force of the blow. "Keep your thought's out of my pant's and we will be fine." She said to the other boy, and she stepped back. She flicked her wrist and an apple fell into her hand, with an exaggerated bite, she took out half of it with one bite. "Oh, if you see Nathan, kick him in the nuts please. He shot one of my apples."
Altair watched as Yasibel stalked towards him and instinct told him to move but pride told him to stay. Of course his pride won over and he ended up curling over and falling to one knee. He sat there for a second holding his crotch but he didn't intend to be emasculated so easily. He would put up a good fight to gain his pride back. "Don't listen to her she's the frisky one as you can see. She just can't keep her hands off my junk." He let out a chuckle as he got up and smirked defiantly. "I'll have to pat Nathan on the back when I see him. I should slice your apple up into pieces."
Her normally purple eyes flared black and she punched him in the gut. "Don't...touch...the apple." She turned back to the other student, her eyes back to normal, and she smiled sweetly. "Just follow the rules and don't piss me off, and you will be ok." She smiled again and went off to the girl's locker room, deciding to go ahead and shower before her workout. "Don't peek or you will go blind!" She called out as she went into the locker room, closing the door behind her. She went over to one of the benches and stripped out of her school clothing, down to panties and a tank top. She smiled and waited, listening to the door.
By now twenty minutes had gone by and Nathan's body formed back to what it was, though unlike his body, his clothes did not put themselves back together. So he was sitting there, naked. He growled when he saw he was naked and picked up his crossbow with one hand and his spear in the other hand. He would rather not have walked around nude, so he went to the boys dorm to head to his room and get a change of clothes as well as as backpack to put his crossbow in. Once all was good, he sat down at his computer and opened up a program, it was a sort of Note-taking program and it had a lot of notes on what he had noticed from Yasibell. "Note number fourteen...Never touch her apple..." He typed in before saving and closing, sighing as he looked out his window. "How am I to compete with that if I cannot even touch her with my crossbow? I could have killed her then but I decided to shoot the fucking apple..." He was slipping into one of his more pessimistic moods and believed what he was doing was all for naught.


wildkat said:
Kelly nodded and let out a soft giggle at commit made about apples. She then grew serious and said "going to kill that girl for bringing that memory back later and if you try to rape me I will kill you." She was not going to let any boy at this school touch her in less she wanted it.

Darian frowned. "You can't kill me here. You don't have the power to. I'll just pop right back up sometime later. He shook his head to her. "I won't rape you. And I don't think I would want to. You're too sweet of a gal to rape." He smiled and winked to her before turning to leave. He started for the door but called out to her. "Feel free to follow me if you wish. I am going to go and find Nathan to see if he has recovered yet."
Altair took her punch to the gut and fell over fromthe impact. There was only so much you could do before a little revenge was in order. When he heard those sweet words about peeking came up he knew what he would do. He waited patiently for a while and started walking to the door but then he stopped. Should he be predictable about it? Of course he wouldn't so Altair took another route walking into the boys locker room he climbed up into the vents. This was the good way to get in he crawled through the vent sytem until he came to the girls locker room. With a grin a quietly opened it and climbed out slowly. He hit the jackpot because he landed right in front of her. "Well don't you just look beautiful." Altair smiled giving her a quick look over. "Is this just for me?"
"Just for you sweety." She grinned and swung her flail around aiming for his crotch. When he dodged, she just laughed and swung again, impacting the floor and leaving a semi-crater in the tiles. "Oh phooey, that will need to be repaired..." She swung her flail up and over her shoulder, setting it there. "You get one minute of free time, then you will be leaving. One way or another." She smiled and dropped her flail, the weight of it making another crater. She sat down and crossed her legs over her knee and leaned back against the wall. "Time"
Kelly let out a sigh knowing he spoke the truth. She followed after him cause he seemed so sweet and she did not want to be alone. She walked beside Darian for a bit then asked " how long have you known nathen"? she wanted to ask how he died but sense she still did not know how she died she figured it was not her place to ask.
Altair got lucky when he got inside he was able to see her with some clothes gone. Maybe if he had gotten there later he might have gotten to see everything. But he missed that chance. He didn't havetime to sulk before her flail was sent flying at him. He managed to tap into his training and dodge her swings though. She sat down though and her words came like an answer to his prayers. One full minute of free time to do whatever he wanted. He drew his swords and cut the rest of her clothing into tatters. Getting a good look he enjoyed her body. But he wouldn't puch his luck by standing there. He knew she would retaliate. He tweaked her nipples quickly and jumped back. "Maybe we'll finish this fun another time my lovely angel." Now hopefully he would be able to escape unharmed.
Darian shrugged when he heard her ask how long he had known Nathan. "A few months. Since I've been here. But he's been here longer than any of us. I've seen some people pass on within the few months I've been here but he's been here for a few years, battling Angel for control. It always makes me wonder...She's obliterated some of our friends completely for being complete asses and never seeming to understand they need to behave themselves and she's taken their souls to the void, so to say. I guess if he's gone, she has no one to play with like she does." He shrugged.

Nathan stood up and looked out the window. It was starting to become night time. This would be bad. Yasibell's powers would be completely unleashed during the night, she would not just simply fling a flail or do some fancy tricks to kill her victims. He shuddered, always having been afraid when she was completely angry and it had been at night, for her attacks on him, personally, were brutal. Then again, he was always an ass to her. He took his crossbow and set out to roam the grounds as nightfall was approaching, but the sunlight still shown through the sky and will stay for just another hour or two.
The minute was, up, and she closed her eyes, knitting her clothes back together. "Very ballsy." She grinned and winked. "I like it...but now you have to endure some payback. "She snapped her fingers and her flail appeared in her hands, and she swung, knocking his legs out. She conjured up some rope and they quickly wrapped around his ankles, yanking him up so that he was hanging upside down. She giggled and walked over, jumping up and taking his weapons off and letting them drop the the floor. "Stay there while I go get a shower." She ordered him and then turned on the showers, filling the locker room with mist. Under that mist, she stripped and walked into the shower, singing lightly as she washed.
Kelly nodded then said with out thinking "do you always get this charming around woman". She quickly looked at the ground as she blushed boy did she sound stupid. she pretended to watch the sun set. but still followed him in fear of getting lost at night.
Unfortunately Altair's miracles ran out and she took him out pretty quickly. He was hanging upside down now and his swords were lying on the ground beneath him. If only he could reach his swords he would be able to get out of this little trap. He could have swung himself up and even bit through the roped but at the moment his legs were dead until they healed. He was useless right now so he decided to wait while he healed enough to plan his escape he'd be safe back with Nathan hopefully. He decided to start up some conversation though or more like shooting some flirty remarks. "You know you could have taken me with you in there. We could have washed each other. Who knows maybe something a little more fun." He spoke loudly trying to speak over the running shower and her singing.
Nathan sighed as he roamed. It would seem that Yasibell was not out for blood that night, otherwise he'd have fought her already. He looked up and saw some lights on in the shower building and smirked, thinking that the track team had just finished one of their daily races. Even if they were NPCs, they were still hot. Nathan began to use two of his arrows to start hiking up the wall, jabbing one into the wall and using the other to pull himself up by jabbing it up higher and so on until he got to the roof. It was foggy and he frowned. 'Dammit...' He murmured but put his ear to the window to listen in.


Darian laughed. "You could say it is what got me killed." He was not joking but his voice did not seem serious. He turned to her and smiled. "It is getting late and unless you want to be hunted down by Angel, I suggest we get into the dorm rooms. Yes? Shall I escort you to your room before I head to my own as well?"
For his effort, he was pegged in the face with a soap bar. While it did crumple on his face, it was thrown with enough force to send him spinning around. He then went spinning back the other way when the force from the throw died out. "Shush." She called out, going back to her singing. After about 15 mins, she finished up, turning off the shower and closing her eyes again, drying off that way. She then thought about tonight's outfit and decided to go casual. Was it a Friday? Who cared. She snapped her fingers and she changed into a mini-skirt and a tank top that hung off of one shoulder. She felt slutty, why not? Give the new boys something to ogle. She walked out and snapped her fingers again, and the rope detached from the ceiling and came to her hand. "Time for tonight's round." She smiled and blinking, appearing on a stage in the middle of the vast courtyard where they all arrived. She hung him from the roof of the stage, letting him dangle, and she walked up to the microphone. "Welcome! Welcome one and all to tonight's rumble! In one corner, we have the lovely Yasibell, myself, and the new fish! Along with some old classics, Nathan and Altair!" She yelled into the microphone, making sure everyone heard. "Time to get the party started!" She laughed and fireworks popped off behind her, giving the official start of tonight's attempt. "The game is on!"
When Nathan heard Yasibell begin to sing, he put on a disgusted look and began to slowly loosen his grip, without knowing, and soon fell from where he was and landed hard on the ground below. He grumbled as he held his head as it shook with pain and his vision was shakey. After some minutes, he stood up and picked up his crossbow and shook his head, only to hear Yasibell announce the fight for the evening. He shook his head. "She's going with the arena thing again...doesn't she know NPCs think this is all just a show rather than an actual fight..." He murmured, wondering who exactly her audience was when it was that NPCs were 99% of the school and they had no minds to actually fully understand what was happening in the world around them. He soon approached the stage and pointed his crossbow out to Yasibell. "I thought I told you not to make this a public gimmick!" He said, annoyed with her action. "I'm going to do to you, the same I had done to that apple you were eating!" He looked around and wondered if Altair was actually going to show up to fight alongside him. He could use the distraction.
Kelly nodded her head with a smile. She let out a sigh of releif. Kelly then said in a small voice "can I stay with you I do not want to be alone". She kept up with his pace but still looked at her feet. Was it allowed for a girl to be in a guys dorm room. She did not care they was safe there so surely angel won't attack her there.
Altair's attempt to get a little frisky with Yasibel failed and resulted with a soap bar to the face. As he sat there spinning dazed he knew the next chance he got he would take her down. She was pretty cocky and she neede to be taken down a size or two. He had feeling back in his legs and he knew he could escape now. But his escape didn't have a chacne of starting because she came right back out. She was dressed pretty slutty and it caught his attention of course. "You just like showing off your body for me don;t you." HIs remark went unheard because before he knew it he was dangling from a roof. He noticed that angel was trying to put on another show and right on cue Nathan showed up. He was loking around though maybe looking for him Could he not see him dangling here yet? But a thought came to him. He could help take out Yasibel right here and he shouted as loud as he could. "Nathan shoot the rope hurry!" Hopefully Nathan would act swiftly.
"Oh yea, you are up there aren't you?" She said and turned around, looking up at him. "Hmmm, damn, shouldn't of put you that high." She turn back around to face Nathan, but the arrow had already left and sliced through the rope, though it was still tied around his ankles. She stifled a laugh as he fell and landed hard onto the stage, breaking through some of it. "Damn....nice one boys." She giggled and started spinning around, her flail wailing as it went into motion. She jumped off of the stage and whirled towards Nathan.
(Aye. You're god modding and controlling what my character does. Just be careful please T__T )

"Idiot." Nathan said out loud when he saw Altair fall from the stage and turned his attention back to Yasibell, only to bend his back enough to not get hit by a flail that almost took his head. He ducked under and barreled away from her, aiming his crossbow to her feet and shooting out some arrows in a volley, hoping that some of them would impale and pin her to the ground so that she would be temporarily immobile. "Hurry and get your stupid weapons, Altair!" Nathan called out as he ran to get some distance from Yasibell. "Come on Angel! I'm right here!"


Darian blinked and laughed lightly to her and nodded. "But of course, miss." He said as he hooked his arm around hers and led her out to the boy's dorm. Once at his own room, he alked her in and closed the door behind him. "You may take the bed and I will take the floor. Is that alright with you?"
(( Oops...I thought that's what you wanted...Altair anyways ))

She yelped in pain and stopped her spinning, holding her foot and jumping up and down, looking at the arrow in her foot. "That hurt!" She pulled out the arrow and shook her foot some, getting feeling back into it. " Ass!" She yelled and threw an apple at him, and whispered a minor spell so it popped into a ball of sparks. She hopped away, holding her foot and muttering under her breath.
Kelly smiled and let him lead the way. once inside his room she saw just how true his words were about not raping her. she gave him her most cute smile and said "yea that is alright with me ". She then went and sat her things from class on the floor by the bed. she pushed back the sheets and got into bed pulling the covers up over her and rolled to face him saying "thanks Darian for being so kind to me".
Altair managed to swing just before the arrow shot the rope. With good timing it broke and he was sent flying to the ground but this was all planned on of the hanging school banners were close enough to him to grab it. he held on and slid down until he could drop down safely. There was still a lot of space left to the ground but it didn't injure him to badly. He drew his swords quickly from their sheaths and cut Yasibel off to stop her escape. He got into his stance and quickly rushed her bring both swords across. With one coming down at her chest to torso and another from her thigh to her hip. He swung with full force and speed.
She quickly spun out of the way and let him carry on through with the strikes, though her clothing did get a little ripped from the speed. She snarled and punched, hitting him in the face and she reached forward, grabbing his hair an d using it to flip over him. She kicked off of his back and went flying through a window on the second floor. She yelped loudly when she landed on her wounded foot but she looked out and laughed at him. "Haha, gotta be faster then that." She stayed there to make faces at Altair. Her clothing was ripped along the belly and that her skirt was now way shorter on her right side.
As she'd make faces toward Altair, Nathan smirked and saw that she had forgotten that he was there. He aimed his crossbow just right and shot an arrow out to go tpward her stomach. He knew this would not kill her, but hopefully enrage her to make this much more fun even if the arrow had hit her or not.. He shot several more arrows toward her, now aiming for her head. Three arrows went for her chest, two for her head, and two more went back to her wounded foot. All this would happen while she was tangling with Altair.

When she went through the window and had moved away from the shots sent after, he growled and followed after her. "Altair hurry up and don't fall behind!" He called out to him as he rushed past Altair and went into the building in search of her. "Yassibeeeeell. Yasibell! Come on out, Angel!" He said with a smirk as he checked everywhere around him in a 360 to make sure she had no surprise attack.


wildkat said:
Kelly smiled and let him lead the way. once inside his room she saw just how true his words were about not raping her. she gave him her most cute smile and said "yea that is alright with me ". She then went and sat her things from class on the floor by the bed. she pushed back the sheets and got into bed pulling the covers up over her and rolled to face him saying "thanks Darian for being so kind to me".

Darian smiled and shook his head. "No. Do not thank me. It was only in help out a young, beautiful woman in need." Darian said with a small laugh as he laid down on the floor, using his arms as a pillow. He smiled to her and closed his eyes to slowly begin to drift off to slumber, unless she had awoke him.
She smiled and limped off to the girls bathroom, the perfect hiding spot! She set her foot down and wavered her hands over it mumbling. She finished when they had gotten closer, and she hopped up and down some, smiling as her wound was healed. She snapped her fingers and her flail appeared in her hands, jingling loudly. She cursed her luck and quickly closed her eyes, repairing her clothing, and then leaving the bathroom, seeing them down the hall way. She groaned and quickly brought her flail up, spinning it in front of her, making a whirling shield.
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