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The School in the Afterlife (Always Accepting)

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"Sup. My name is Darian. A friend of Nathan's...I saw you leaving his room and I must've really piqued my interest." He said with a smile as he held his chin and looked up and down her. "And I do indeed like what I see." He joked. "I assume you are heading to class? Then let us be off. My classes are whatever I want them to be...thanks to the principal of this school being a woman." And a NPC, but even NPCs could fall under his charm and do what he wanted them to do. "So then, miss Kelly...Shall I escort you to your classroom?"
Kelly raised an eyebrow at him but nodded her head at him saying "okay hold on let me get my things". she ran back into her room gather up her math book and notebook and whatever else she might need for math class shoved it into a black backpack that so happened to be there too and she wondered if this place provided all the things she needed to make it and survive. She went out the door and said "thanks for the complement and your a sweet boy ". She wanted to smack herself in the head for she sounded not sure if that was what she wanted to say and all giddy around this book no matter if she had to kill him cause he attacked her she would . she did not know how she did but by god she was not going to die again if she could help it and from what Nate was saying about being obliterated she was not going to let that happen ether if she could help it. She wished she knew more about herself and how she got here so she could avoid dieing the same way twice.
Darian smiled and nodded to her, not knowing that she was so...cautious around him. She acted odd but he did not believe that she was just scared about the current situation she was in. When he found her first class to be math, he smiled and nodded, taking her to her math class and sat her down in an empty seat, though it would not be next to him, but one desk away. He was sitting against the window, and did not seem to care about the class. His head was held up by his hand as he gazed out the window and sometimes often looked to Kelly and smiled to her before looking back out of the window, waiting for today's class to be over and to go to a different class the next day. In this school, most people only went to one class a day everyday except for Saturday and Sunday. At least that was the case for Dead Souls.
Kelly took out her notebook and pencil and acted like she was paying attation but the truth was she was drawing in the notebook. She was the only one in her family that had art skills. she was drawing a cat for that was one of her favorite animals when something flashed thou her mind and it was that she had a pet cat and it was all black and she saw her playing with it . she did not know that was going to be her last time she would see the cat. She does not remember much else just that she had a black cat like the one she drew in the book. she wanted to cry for she knew she did not have the cat anymore for she was dead but she fought back the tears what else did she leave behind in her old life what else was there to know about her. she ignored Darian for the most part for her mind was else where while she stared at the cat she drew .
Darian smiled to her still and once that class was over, Darian stood up and walked over to Kelly. "So. What did you draw, miss Kelly?" He said with a smile as he opened her notebook up and saw the black cat she had drawn within the book. "A cat huh? The artistic skill in this is pretty good." He smiled to her. "Is this something from your life or did you just randomly draw a cat? Just being curious is all. You don't have to answer." Darian chuckled.
Kelly looked down at the cat and said "it was random and I found out I like cats and to draw them and I once had a cat like this too the picture jugged my memory". She stood up grabbed her things and went to the window. she pretended to look out the window as she let some tears fall but made no noise as she cried.
As she was standing in the window, crying, Yasibell came in whistling and swinging her flail around. "Hello there, Darius, only one student so far?" She asked, studying the girl intently. "How did she do so far? I do like keeping you student's rolling through here.." She grinned wickedly and stopped her flail, letting it jingle as it bounced to a stop. "Hello there Miss, what is your name? I do so love names...I hear so many and they are all unique. They all have a different taste..." She flapped her wings, which were composed of black raven feathers. She tucked them behind her back and leaned forward some, showing her black uniform, but with gold edging.
Darian watched as Kelly went to the window and turned to look as Yasibell when she came in. He seemed to step back and frowned when he saw the girl. "Yes....Hello there Yasibell...And the name is Darian. Not Darius." He murmured. Yasibell had been the only woman he knew who could resist his charms no matter how hard he tried. He stepped back and leaned against the window as well, not worried of dying. He had done nothing wrong, and it was daytime and during classes. Things were just fine. "Kelly...This is the so called 'Angel' as Nathan calls her. What are you doing here, hm?"
"No reason, I am just cruising around, stopping by teacher's rooms and seeing how they are doing with the new meat. So far, they look good." She licked her lips suggestively at Kelly and grinned, showing sharp teeth. A moment later when she smiled again, they were back to normal. So so loved to change her appearance, it allowed her to always be on edge. The student's and teacher's wouldn't know it would be her, letting her go stealthy. She jumped up on his desk and snapped her wrist, producing an apple and she bit into it.
Kelly quickly dried her tears with her hand. she spun around and looked at the girl with intrest and fear for she was not ready to fight her yet. She gave the girl her most brave face and rested her hand on the tip of her daggers. She then said to the girl "so what can I help you with".
By now, Nathan had arrived to see if Kelly and Darian had met, seeing as how he expected Darian of all people to meet her sooner or later. When he saw Yasibell, he chuckled as he approached her. "Hello there Angel." He smirked. "I hope you enjoyed that present I gave you yesterday. Though...I am surprised I had not seen you last night when I called out to challenge you once more. I guess even the great Angel must be scared of a silly Dead Soul like myself, hm?"
(Now who plays angel?)
Kelly watched as Nathen walked in and for some reason she feels better with the boys here then alone. Something about Angel brought out fear and anger she did not know why. She looked from both boys to the girl and knew tension was raising in the air. she moved closer to Darian with out realiseing it.
She swung her mace in an instant, splattering his head across the wall. "Never forgive and I never forget." She smiled and wiped her bloody hand on her clothing then went back to munching on her apple, enjoying the sweetness. "Oh, don't mind the gore, he will be back to his annoying ass self in five minutes, max." She finished and tossed the core away into the trash. She jumped to her feet. and tossed a playful wink to the girl. "Do come to my dorm sometime sweety, I bet we could have a lot of fun together. "She winked and left the room, whistling and spinning her flail again.
(Felixia is Angel. Angel is her character Yasibell)

Darian looked to Kelly as she seemed to inch herself closer to him and he moved his arm around her and pulled her to him. "Don't you worry Kelly. I will protect you. I'll make sure you don't permanently die." He said jokingly, knowing that in this world they cannot truly die except by obliteration. He looked to Yasibell as she conversed with Nathan. When his head was splattered against the wall, Darian sighed and shook his head as he wiped the blood off of Kelly's forehead. "I do not believe she will have anything with the likes of you so long as you act his way in the open."

When Nathan came to once more, his body putting itself back together, he yelled out in pain. "Damn! Ow...Bitch..." He murmured, only to see that Yasibell had left. He stood up and smirked. "The fight is on." He said before rushing out of the room to grab his equipment from the office and then to her locker, waiting beside it as he held his crossbow in his hands and his spear holstered on his back. Darian shook his head and returned to look at Kelly. "Are you alright?"
Kelly"s face was pale at the sight of blood. The smell sent her flashes of the past where she was losing her virginty to an older man and she was screaming. The touch and sound of Adrian brought her back screaming and she grabbed a dagger and stabbed him in the arm. she ran to the other side of the room crying and holding the dagger for dear life. She now knew more about herself and that the man in her flashes must have something to do with her death.
She skipped down the halls, swinging her flail and eventually wound up to her locker. She sighed at the small and flicked her wrist again, restoring it back to normal. "That's getting annoying you little bastard. Why don't you graduate already? Save me a lot of trouble..." She sighed and reached into her locker, pulling out her apple stash and biting into another one, smiling widely, she stuffed more into her satchel and started away again. She ate and spun her mace, closing her eyes and enjoying that little peace.
"Fool. You should know we can't graduate from here. Unless you mean pass on." He said as he watched her trot away. He growled. "Don't you ignore me!" He said as he aimed his crossbow out toward the apple she had in her hand. It struck the apple and impaled it into the wall down the hall and he smirked as the crossbow reloaded itself and he was ready to shoot again to her, hoping to get her angry enough to attack him for this fight.

Darian gasped as he felt the dagger go into his arm and reached for it, pulling it out and tossing it aside. He saw the girl begin to cower in the corner of the room with her other dagger and shook his head. "Memories starting to return? They aren't a pretty sight...They never are when it comes to remembering just how you died." He held his hand out to her to try and help her up.
She stopped and turned to face Nathan, her face blank and her eyes pools of blackness. "Don't...touch...the...APPLE!!!" While it was spoken normally, it rebounded across the campus, knocking everyone to the ground with its psychic potential. She flashed right in front of Nathan and swiped her flail across, literally cutting him in half with its force. She then proceeded to obliterate his form until he was nothing but paste. She knew he would reform, but it would take at least twenty minutes. She dissipated the arrow and caught her apple, restoring it and biting into it again. "She spit on his paste and walked away, finishing the apple and tossing it out an open window. "Seriously hate that kid....thought I do get a lot of anger issues out on him...meh." She mussed out loud, not caring if people heard or not.
Kelly was breathing hard still as the memory played over and over again. She took the hand into her own. She stood up still shaking . she took one look at Darian and said "Yea it was not pleasent and I still do not know how I died only that some older guy raped me."
(Aye. Don't use Obliterate when you mean like... disintegrate lol. In this world Obliteration is completely destroying the soul. lol)

"Holy shit!" He said as he tried to barrel back away from her, trying to jump back away but the range of the flail was more than he was able to jump and he was cut in half by the chain. He tried to use what energy he had left to shoot an arrow out into her but she beat him to that as well and began to melt him down to paste. His crossbow and spear landed to the side as he lay there in bubbling mush.

Darian shuddered when he felt the outburst from Yasibell and frowned as he looked up, shaking his head as he assumed Nathan had pissed her off once more. He was used to this happening now and then, though this one felt a little more severe. "The girl sure does love apples..." He said, though he meant it more as a sexual innuendo without being obvious. Looking to Kelly he frowned. "We all have to live with the memories of how we died. You have to learn to live through it."
Kelly nodded and let out a soft giggle at commit made about apples. She then grew serious and said "going to kill that girl for bringing that memory back later and if you try to rape me I will kill you." She was not going to let any boy at this school touch her in less she wanted it.
Sengaku moved down the hall having noticed not much up until that point, he did know he was dead, and that this was his new home. The brown haired now dead young man walked calmly down the halls, a bag which held his tonfas held over one shoulder as he walked. He remained calm as he did so, not really saying much, as the blue eyed young man looked around. He didn't have much to say in general at the moment, and he always found that it was best to remain quiet in such situations from what he had read when he had been alive. He figured he would need to get a handle for this place before anything else, and that would just mostly take just time to manage. He figured he could handle that. Then, he could also do some learning, and maybe based on what he had seen have an adventure like the type he was unable to have when he was still alive and so had dreamed to have when he was still alive.
Altair walked through the halls casually as he strolled on his way to the gym. It was time for him to train for the day and he didn't want to feel out of practice. He had his katanas strapped to either side of him and they felt in place. He remembered waking up here for the first time and it was a pretty scary experience to say the least. But he joined up with Nathan to fight Yasibel without question. Ever since he's been devoted to their cause and has been training daily. He even helped the newcomers eventually if they needed training but they ended up obliterated. They slowly became more involved in school life and then they where gone for good. He sighed missing his old companions and apprentices. But his trip down memory lane was cut short. He noticed a guy walking in his direction. He shouted to Sengaku trying to get his attention. "Hey you kid! Are you new around here? I haven't seen you before."
She cocked her head to the side when she thought she heard that other pest that hung around with Nathan, Altair. He wasn't as big of a nuisance as Nathan, but he still bugged her. She flipped her flail over her shoulder and she walked down the hall towards the gym. She could also use a workout she thought, she had to keep in shape to make sure Nathan had no chance. She looked down and fixed her shirt, making sure her breasts didn't bounce a lot. Her swings happened to miss when her arm had to swing across her chest. She smiled at the two boys in the gym. "Hey boys, what's up?"
Altair heard the aggravating voice that alerted him of the girl that could end his fun. He didn't have any real issues with the girl until he learned that she could send him from this world. It was a natural reaction to try and preserve himself. He held no real anger towards her because he really didn't have a reason too. He survived this long so obviously he had what it took to remain a Dead Soul. He turned from the newcomer and looked to Yasibel. "Well well well if it isn't my most favorite person in the world." He smirked throwing he a little sarcasm just for the fun of it. He really did like when she came around though it always got interesting whenever she came around. Personally setting aside her killer instincts trying to wipe him out of this world she was pretty cute. Often he found himself noticing her breasts when they bounced as she moved. "What brings you here to the gym?"
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