My Mother Will Hear About This (Krys Snape & LilyRoseBlack23)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Cameron looked straight into the blonde boy's eyes infuriated, "I will not tolerate that word in my class, Ms. Granger is a very bright young woman and it does not matter what her blood status is, calling her a mudblood is completely vulgar" ,he stated sternly. Draco just shrugged his shoulders and smirked a cocky little smirk. "So you see nothing wrong with your words? You sent the girl off in tears that was completely uncalled for" ,Cameron slammed his hand down onto his desk and looked Draco in the eyes, "You are behaving like a brat, you're sixteen years old Draco these childish games should be below you". The man paced for a few minutes rubbing his chin in thought, "Do you have anything to say for yourself"? He asked. Draco sat up and fixed his tie then looked at the young professor and smirked again, "Why yes Professor I do have something to say about myself, you have no authority over me and if you decide to punish me I'll have your job" ,Draco stated arrogantly. "Is that what you think young man well in that case I want to see you in this office after class for the next week and that includes the weekend as well and I'll be sending a letter home to your mother" ,Cameron stated before sitting down in his chair. "You're free to go I'll see you later".

When Draco left the classroom he met up with his pals Crabbe and Goyle, "You two are going to get a kick out of this, Donovan thinks he can punish me, he's new and obviously doesn't know who I am he even threatened to send a note to my mother, my mother guys I'm so scared" ,Draco stated sarcastically. The three started laughing and made their way to their next class.

Cameron sat at his desk for a moment and thought, how could that boy talk to him that way he couldn't understand where the lack of respect came from. He leaned forward and grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill then opened his ink jar and dipped the tip of the quill into the jar.

Dear Mrs. Malfoy,

I request your presence at the school, I've been having some issues with young Draco and I feel they need your attention. Please come up to the castle and sit down with me for a meeting about these issues.

Thank You,
Cameron Jasper Donovan

He folded the letter and sealed it then had one of his students send it out to Malfoy Manor. Cameron sat back in his chair and waited for his last class of the day to finish coming in.
Krys Snape said:
Cameron looked straight into the blonde boy's eyes infuriated, "I will not tolerate that word in my class, Ms. Granger is a very bright young woman and it does not matter what her blood status is, calling her a mudblood is completely vulgar" ,he stated sternly. Draco just shrugged his shoulders and smirked a cocky little smirk. "So you see nothing wrong with your words? You sent the girl off in tears that was completely uncalled for" ,Cameron slammed his hand down onto his desk and looked Draco in the eyes, "You are behaving like a brat, you're sixteen years old Draco these childish games should be below you". The man paced for a few minutes rubbing his chin in thought, "Do you have anything to say for yourself"? He asked. Draco sat up and fixed his tie then looked at the young professor and smirked again, "Why yes Professor I do have something to say about myself, you have no authority over me and if you decide to punish me I'll have your job" ,Draco stated arrogantly. "Is that what you think young man well in that case I want to see you in this office after class for the next week and that includes the weekend as well and I'll be sending a letter home to your mother" ,Cameron stated before sitting down in his chair. "You're free to go I'll see you later".

When Draco left the classroom he met up with his pals Crabbe and Goyle, "You two are going to get a kick out of this, Donovan thinks he can punish me, he's new and obviously doesn't know who I am he even threatened to send a note to my mother, my mother guys I'm so scared" ,Draco stated sarcastically. The three started laughing and made their way to their next class.

Cameron sat at his desk for a moment and thought, how could that boy talk to him that way he couldn't understand where the lack of respect came from. He leaned forward and grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill then opened his ink jar and dipped the tip of the quill into the jar.

Dear Mrs. Malfoy,

I request your presence at the school, I've been having some issues with young Draco and I feel they need your attention. Please come up to the castle and sit down with me for a meeting about these issues.

Thank You,
Cameron Jasper Donovan

He folded the letter and sealed it then had one of his students send it out to Malfoy Manor. Cameron sat back in his chair and waited for his last class of the day to finish coming in.

Nim races up the stairs, if she didn't hurry she'd surely be late for class. It was not like her to be late, but it was such a nice day out, and with fall fading fast, it was just a matter of time before the warm days would turn to cold and snow. As she turns a corner, she runs head first into someone, her books dropping to the floor. She bends down to pick them up and looks up to apologise and sees of all people, Draco Malfoy.

"Oi, it's you, well I was going to apologise, but I don't think I will."

Meanwhile, back at the Malfoy Mansion, an owl flutters into one of the open windows, carrying a letter from Hogwarts. Most of the Death Eater's were out on missions, at the moment not even the Dark Lord was nearby. She takes the letter and looks it over, and sighs. What on earth was Draco up to, he knows full well he has more important things to be doing, and getting in trouble with the professors would only make his job worse. Oh, if the Dark Lord found out, or worse, what if the professor had found out. No, Snape would know if that had happened and would have alerted her, he did afterall make her the unbreakable vow. Not wanting to leave this matter unattended for longer than necessary, and with no one around right now to question her intended destination, she summons a cloak, and heads out. With the current enchantments up on her house, she would have to walk outside of the gate before apparating to Hogsmeade.

Once outside the gates to Hogwarts, she makes her way quickly up the path, as the sun sank lower in the western horizon. Once entering the castle she notices Professor Slughorn.

"Professor, excuse me, could you perhaps tell me where Professor Donovan's office is? I need to speak with him."
As Draco was walking someone ran into him, he looked down and noticed Nim laying on the floor. Her statement made his face twist into an evil glare. "Well I wouldn't expect you to apologize anyway, people like you have no respect" ,he snapped back straightening his tie. He stepped over the girl and continued on with where he was going. "Do you believe that little bitch and her attitude"? He asked Crabbe and Goyle, he made sure he was loud enough for the girl to hear.

After his class ended and all the students cleared out of the room Professor Donovan leaned back in his chair and put his feet up to relax. "Professor Donovan there is someone here to see you" ,Slughorn's voice made Cameron open his eyes and look up. "Ah yes Mrs. Malfoy please have a seat" ,he said as he stood up and made his way around his desk to pull a chair out for the woman. "Professor Slughorn I can take it from here". After Slughorn left Cameron sat back down in his seat and waited for the woman to sit down before speaking.
Narcissa glares at Donovan and sits, "Well I see the standards for hiring have gone down hill here at Hogwarts. I don't think we've met before, and why isn't Severus dealing with anything that Draco supposedly did? He is his head of house, I would think it would fall to him, not you." Narcissa tried to maintain a hard exterior, not wanting to show any sign of weakness, until she knew for sure what Draco had supposedly done, she hoped for the best but feared the worst. Now she of course didn't care what this professor thought, but if Draco's been caught, and can't go through with the Dark Lord's commands, her son's very life was in danger, not to mention hers and her husbands.
Cameron smiled even though the woman's words angered him a bit, he was more then qualified to teach a Hogwarts and he worked his ass off to get to where he was. "Well Mrs. Malfoy while Severus may be the boy's head of house Draco has misbehaved in my class on more then one occasion, he is disruptive, disrespectful, and his remarks towards certain students are quite nasty and I for one don't approve of this behavior in my class" ,Cameron said kindly. He wasn't trying to anger the woman he just wanted to make her aware of her son's behavior. "I am truly sorry for bringing you all the way here but when I try and talk to Draco he snaps at me and tells me I have no authority over him".
Narcissa's smile turns cold, "You have no idea," Her eyes flash with anger for a moment, but she holds her tongue. The Dark Lord would be quite displeased with her if she mistakenly revealed anything to this mudblood lover, or perhaps maybe even a mudblood himself. "It isn't my son's fault the standards in which this school accepts students and teacher's is in so appalling. Why should I even believe you, that my son has done such things?! Most in the wizarding world are eager to pin anything they can on me and my son, since husband's incarceration."
The young professor's eyes widened after the woman snapped at him, "Pardon me Mrs. Malfoy but the standards of this school are just fine if I say so myself, I don't believe bigotry is ok by any means I understand certain people's beliefs differ but if their opinions hurt others then they should just keep their mouths shut" ,Cameron stated hotly. He could see he wasn't going to get anywhere with this woman right away but he wasn't going to give up, he now knew where Draco got his attitude from and he knew he would have to be patient with this woman. "I am not pinning a thing on you and I am sorry if you feel that I am I just thought certain things should be brought to your attention in regards to your son but I see that I may not get anywhere with you so next time I'll do my best to let Severus handle it if he is around".
Narcissa sighs a bit, not wanting to show weakness, but also not wanting any unneccesary attention drawn to her son if he is to complete his mission for the Dark Lord, "I'm sorry It is just Draco has been under a lot of stress since his father was taken to Azkaban. I am sure you can sympathise how difficult it would be for a teen boy having to face the fact that his father was very publicly imprisoned into Azkaban, what that would mean to the other students here and how some would treat him differently because of that." She tries to steady her breathing, but a mixture of emotions is brewing just under the surface, not just trying to protect her son from the Dark Lord, but the thought of her husband in that wretched place, and what it had been like at home without him, having to face both the Dark Lord and the Death Eater's without him by her side.
Cameron looked into the woman's eyes with sympathy, "I apologize for being a bit nasty toward you I shouldn't have overreacted, I understand where you are coming from and let me say this I treat all my students equally and if Draco is having issues with any of his peers I will take care of it personally you have my word" ,he told the woman sitting before him. The young professor could see the pain in her eyes and could tell that Lucius' imprisonment was taking it's toll on the family, of course he had no idea about the dark lord or the death eaters but he knew it must be hard not to have a father figure around for Draco.
Narcissa relaxes a bit, "I'll speak with Draco, I can't guarantee it will help, but we'll see." In truth she did have every intention of speaking with her son, but not for the reasons Cameron expected. Draco needed to focus on his task, not insulting mudbloods and getting professors on his bad side. Perhaps another word with Severus would be best as well, in case she couldn't get through to her son. What would Bella say if she found out Narcissa had even come here. Suddenly not wanting to hurry back to a house full of death eater's she hesitated, for she didn't really know what else she had to say to Cameron either. "Did you attend Hogwarts inn your youth professor?" She asked randomly.
When Narcissa asked Cameron the question he nodded, "Why yes I did I was a Gryffindor and I graduated with top grades and as head boy" ,he said in response. "I believe Draco can accomplish those things as well he just needs to focus, he gets tremendous grades when he does his work". Cameron leaned back in his chair and relaxed still keeping eye contact with the woman to show her she had his undivided attention. "So Mrs. Malfoy what house were you in when you attended Hogwarts" ,he asked her in return.
"My family has always been in Slytherin, as Draco is and as his children will be." She sighs and stands, wandering over to one of Cameron's book shelves, lightly touching her finger to each binding, looking at the titles. "You have quite the selection of books, I don't believe you told me what subject you teach here." Why was she dawdling here, she should get back to the mansion, but knowing what waited for her there, she hesitated, and decided there was no harm in speaking with Cameron a bit longer.
As Mrs. Malfoy stood up Cameron watched as she walked over to the book shelf her movements simple but beautiful in a way. The young professor shook his head to get rid of any thoughts about the woman he had that weren't professional then stood up and joined her. "I teach Muggle Defenses, it's a new class that teaches young witches and wizards how to defend themselves against muggles without magic, that way it doesn't cause any trouble for the ministry if a witch or wizard gets into a physical altercation with a muggle, of course I do teach them how to try and avoid any altercations as well, I'm also the flying instructor and the game keeper" ,he told her.
Krys Snape said:
As Mrs. Malfoy stood up Cameron watched as she walked over to the book shelf her movements simple but beautiful in a way. The young professor shook his head to get rid of any thoughts about the woman he had that weren't professional then stood up and joined her. "I teach Muggle Defenses, it's a new class that teaches young witches and wizards how to defend themselves against muggles without magic, that way it doesn't cause any trouble for the ministry if a witch or wizard gets into a physical altercation with a muggle, of course I do teach them how to try and avoid any altercations as well, I'm also the flying instructor and the game keeper" ,he told her.

She smiles as he stands up, he was quite good looking, even if he was teaching a subject that seemed to favour muggles. Keeping her back straight, her movements graceful she turns to him, eyeing a bottle of Rosmert'a mead unopened on his desk, "Would it be too bold of me to ask for a drink?" She knew she shouldn't be thinking this, but perhaps she could win him over in other ways. Whatever she did, she needed him off her son's case, the last thing her or her son needed was a nosey professor, and if she had him on her good side, maybe he wouldn't push things.
Cameron turned his head towards his desk at the bottle when the woman asked for a drink, "Not at all ma'am, in fact it would be my pleasure in fact I've been looking for an excuse to crack this bottle open for quite some time" ,he said in response. The young man walked over to his desk and opened the draw and pulled out two glasses, he figured since his classes were over it would be okay to have a drink with another adult. Cameron opened the bottled and poured the liquid into the two glasses then walked over to the woman and handed her one. "Here you go, if I may say I am glad we could talk and sort things out today Mrs. Malfoy" ,Cameron gave the woman a kind smile before taking a small sip from the glass that was in his hand.
She smiles coyly at him before drinking a few deep swallows of the mead, savouring the taste as it slides down her throat. More and more she started looking at him like a fly in her web, she would normally be disgusted at the idea of doing anything with anyone while her husband was in Azkaban, but if it meant getting this professor off Draco's case, so that he'll be able to better follow the Dark Lord's orders, who was she to not at least explore this possibility that stood before her. Bella would of course insist she do anything if it furthered the Dark Lord's plans to have Dumbledore killed, she moves a few inches closer to Cameron. "So is there a Mrs. Donovan?"
The man looked at the woman after she asked the question, "No there isn't a Mrs. Donovan, I came close to marrying but then the woman ran off with another man, guess I just wasn't up to par" ,Cameron admitted. He had no shame nor did he regret anything and he didn't mind telling the truth to whomever wanted to know. "After the woman left me I just decided to stay single until I found the right woman" ,he took another sip from his glass this one a bit larger then before.
Krys Snape said:
The man looked at the woman after she asked the question, "No there isn't a Mrs. Donovan, I came close to marrying but then the woman ran off with another man, guess I just wasn't up to par" ,Cameron admitted. He had no shame nor did he regret anything and he didn't mind telling the truth to whomever wanted to know. "After the woman left me I just decided to stay single until I found the right woman" ,he took another sip from his glass this one a bit larger then before.

She finishes her glass and than uses a spell to fill it again, taking one more sip before speaking, a bit of a grin playing on her lips, it had been quite awhile since Lucius had really fulfilled her. Last year he had been too busy on the Dark Lord's commands to join her in the bedroom much, forcing her to have to pleasure herself. "Someone as attractive as you I figured would have a line of beautiful young witches lining up at your door."
Cameron blushed at the woman's words, "Well thank you for the kind words Mrs. Malfoy but I've found that now a days even a pure blooded wizard such as myself can't even get a marriage contract now a days, sometimes I think it may be easier for me to get a woman if I had one signed to me" ,he joked. The man also finished his glass then refilled it as the two continued to converse, "So have you found any books that interest you in my collection, if so you're more then welcome to borrow a few".
She smiles at the words "Pure blood", well maybe he was a mudblood lover, but at least his blood was pure, she finishes off another glass of mead and with a new burst of liquid courage within her, she steps closer, running her fingers down the collar of his shirt. "Oh something interests me, but not your books. I'm curious, with no woman in your life, what do you do with yourself."
As the woman ran her fingers down his collar he got chills, there was no denying Mrs. Malfoy was attractive but he wasn't sure if she was just being overly friendly or flirting with him. "Well without a woman in my life I just keep myself busy with my work and focus on my teaching" ,he said in response leaving out the fact that he pleasured himself at least once a day. It was a bit embarrassing for Cameron so he didn't exactly broadcast the fact he had to masturbate to relieve any sexual urges he had.
She leans in enough to smell his cologne, her face only inches from his, "Such a shame, no one to even give you pleasure?" She leans up and whispers into his ear, "Someone to give you release? Perhaps we could be more help to eachother, maybe you scratch my itch, I'll rub yours?" Her body is nearly completely up against his, but she makes sure to remain so that there's an inch in-between them, toying with him, teasing him.
Cameron's breathing got heavier the closer the woman got to him, the smell of her perfume intoxicating. Her words sent chills up his spine and they confirmed that the woman was indeed coming on to him. The young man knew he should probably deny her advances but he was only human and he was terribly lonely. "What do you mean scratch your itch Mrs. Malfoy"? He asked before he could argue with his conscience.
She grins and starts nibbling down his neck and back up to his ear, using both teeth and tongue, "It's been quite awhile since my husband took care of me in the bedroom, " She nibbles at his ear and pushes him gently up against the book case, closing the gap between their bodies, pressing her body up against his, "Professor, I'd like you to have your way with me, I'd like you to fuck me senseless, would that be ok with you?"
He was a bit shocked when the woman pushed him against the bookcase, he sighed with pleasure as she nibbled at his neck. Cameron thought for a moment about stepping away from this for it would be the right thing to do but before he could deny her she nibbled on his ear and the words she spoke wiped his mind of any thoughts of stopping. "Y-Yes....that would be perfectly ok with me, Let me show you to my quarters they're right beyond that door" ,he stated in response as he motioned to a door that was about ten feet behind his desk.
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