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Best Friend's Love (CLOSED)

RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon looked at the other, smiling widely like a little kid. This was the best possible thing he could think of to happen and he was excited to do everything with Akira. "Where do you want to go? I'll get plane tickets and everything for your brother and my family, though I don't know if my dad will come. We can do whatever you want" he told the other, wanting it to be perfect "I don't want you making the cake, no matter what size it is" he said, thinking that he should be able to enjoy a ceremony of any type without making anything. "I don't know if you want to pick out my band or not but it doesn't make a difference to me." He admitted and kissed the other. He was elated, and almost didn't know what to do with himself. "I would get some champagne to celebrate but I suppose you wouldn't want to do that" he said softly, thinking it would be fine since it was an extra special occasion.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

At the mention of his brother his smile dropped a bit "Simon....I don't...." he shook his head smiling again, wanting to ignore the complications at the moment. "I don't care where we go, just as long as we are together." he said and smiled, pouting a little bit when he mentioned he couldn't make the cake "Then let's get the bakery to do it." he suggested. Akira chuckled "I...I guess I don't mind some champagne...but not in front of others." he said "I get a little...frisky." he blushed "It's a bit embarrassing."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon frowned a little but didn't bring the other man up again just yet. There would be time for that later. "Good, how about the beach? Or Italy? It would be really nice and warm and they have great wine" he said, smiling. "The food's pretty good, too" he added, teasing the other. He would like it to be really memorable, something they wouldn't look back on and wish they had done something or gone somewhere. "I'm fine with them making the cake" he said, nodding, getting up for a moment. He heard a door open and then close and then some rummaging and Simon came into the bedroom with a bottle of champagne and two glasses, popping the cork and laughing as it came out, pouring them both a glass and then kissing him "don't worry, I want to have you frisky all to myself" he said, smiling as he raised his glass a little "to a lifetime of happiness with the man I love" he cheered, clinking their glasses together before drinking the glass.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira looked confused when the other got up but the moment that he came back he smiled "Well, as long as you are okay with it." he smiled and clinked his glass with Simon's. "Hmm, I like that." he said and sipped at his drink. Luckily with champagne he knew it would take him a little more to get to the point where he got frisky but he still avoided it. One too many times had he accidentally slept with someone he wasn't supposed to while drunk, the boy just couldn't hold his alcohol. He hummed "It's been a long time since I've had champagne." he smiled "it's nice."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon smiled at the other as he sipped on his own drink, just feeling elated with everything that had happened. He wasn't worried about either of them drinking since they would both be at home and could call Tucker if they needed anything, he would probably show up a little later anyways. He poured them both another glass, his hand touching the ring on the others hand and just trying to get used to it and get his mind wrapped around the thought of marriage. It had always seemed like a dream but that he would never find someone who would want to be with him for their entire life.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira leaned over and kissed the other a bit "What are you thinking?" he asked as he sipped at his drink and Simon filled it again. As he looked down at their hand he took another sip of the new drink. He sat back a bit on the bed and couldn't help but keep smiling. He was so happy that he finally got to be with someone who loved him for him and wanted to be with him just because. He smiled even wider the more he drank of the champagne, ideas popping into his head.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon returned the kiss and smiled a bit "I just never thought I could be so lucky to have someone like you" he told him, smiling from just watching the other. He looked up at him and just looked at him "what are you smiling about?" He asked, laughing quietly. Akira was just so cute, especially like this, though he figured the majority of it was the alcohol. It was helping him out a lot, he thought he was getting withdrawal symptoms from his lack of wine all of a sudden and he wouldn't do well with that. He had already dealt with it when he had quit smoking and that was hell, he didnt think he could do it again, especially when he liked drinking. H wanted to do something special but he just couldn't think of anything, his brain failing him at the moment.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira blushed a bit "I..." he finished up the second drink and licked his lips "have you ever been given a strip tease?" he asked before moving off of the bed. "I've been told I'm pretty good at giving one," he said and slowly started to pull off his shirt. Inch by inch he showed off his skin, not getting close enough to Simon that he could touch. "I've also been told I'm a terrible tease." he smirked some and tossed the shirt at Simon before slowly undoing his pants and stepping out of them.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon looked at the other, starting to laugh before he realized that the other was being serious. His eyes widened a little as he followed the others body, licking his lips. "You are a terrible tease, now come here" he told him, looking at him hungrily. Akira was a little too good at being a tease for his own good, seeing as they had already gotten into arguments about it before. Simon wanted to grab him and fuck him until he was too exhausted to move, and he would get to whether Akira came to him willingly or if he had to chase him down all over the house. It didn't bother him either way.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira smirked a bit "Make me." he said and stepped out of his boxers, stepping back towards the door. His expression was flirtatious and attempted to show that he was just going to be going a little bit further with the teasing. The moment Simon got up though he bolted for the door running around in each room, trying to avoid Simon only letting him get close enough to touch lightly. "Come on, Simon..." he teased gently, running into the laundry room and cursing quietly when he realized that there wasn't any other way out but the door he came in.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon chased Akira through the rooms, his fingers brushing against his skin a couple times but not catching him until he had made the mistake of turning into the laundry room. A wide smile was on his face as he cornered him, grabbing him and kissing him hard. His fingers tangled in the males hair and jerked his head back as he kissed at his neck and grabbed his butt. Simon backed the male against the washing machine, the rocking of the metal a little weird but didn't mind it enough to go somewhere else. He was pleased with how things had progressed and how Akira was acting from the alcohol, simply thinking that it was funny, wondering how bad he would get if he got even more into his system.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira groaned at the hard kiss. "Oh Simon..." he moaned and ran his hands along Simon's back, before reaching towards the front and working on undoing it. He gasped at the cold washing machine behind him "Hmm, Simon..." he smiled and worked his waist towards Simon even more, wrapping one of his legs around Simon's waist before he leaned in and kissed at Simon's neck. Occasionally he nipped at the skin on the neck and the crook of Simon's neck.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon didn't know how Akira could have got even better at making love to him but he obviously did, completely able to drive him crazy without doing much of anything. He squeezed the others ass and moaned as his neck was kissed and bitten, grabbing at the other in an attempt to move even closer to him. Simon was trying to unbutton his pants with one hand and failing miserably, though he didn't want to pull bith hands away from his lover, ending up using both for a moment before he was back to molesting Akira again with renewed vigor.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira didn't seem to even notice the hands leaving his body for the moment that they did. He did notice the renewed vigor however and arched into the hands before running his hands down to Simon's ass and squeezing. One hand finally moved over to play with Simon's cock, stroking it a few times before sucking on his fingers and stroking Simon's cock again. "Hmmm, so delicious." he whispered before going back to kissing Simon's neck and up to his earlobe, nibbling on it "So good.." he whispered.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon made a sharp gasping noise and then moaned, completely hard just from the others actions and his wonderful ability to drive him nuts. His body shuddered and eyes closed as he felt the nibble on his earlobe, about collapsing right then and there. He just wanted to hear his lover talk to him and have the others lips against his ear as long as he lived. He would more than happy to die as long as Akira was pleasuring him. He flipped Akira around suddenly and pushed him into the washer, rubbing his cock against the others ass before penetrating and pushing into the others tight cavern, moaning at the tight warmth. "God, you're so good" he moaned softly, kissing the others neck happily.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira smirked more and was about to nibble on his earlobe again but he was flipped over and pressed into "Oh god..." he groaned as the other took him up the ass. "God, good." he moaned and shivered against the washer as it vibrated against him. His breath became very shallow as with the cock inside of hims and the vibrating against his cock. He moved his ass back, trying to push as much of Simon's cock into him before grinding against him.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon felt the other pushing back so he pushed all the way in fast, pressing him against the vibrating machine that he knew the other was enjoying. It was actually making Akira vibrate a little and that was enough to make him moan. "Fuck yes," he moaned softly, driving his hips into the other and repeatedly slamming the other into the washer, hoping he was enjoying the treatment he was being given, which by the sounds of it he was. He trust hard and fast into his ass, cumming from the stimulation and grinding into the others ass, waiting for his release before he pulled out, panting softly. He smiled down at the other "I think I may need to get you to drink more often" he teased, kissing him. He heard a knock at the door and hurried Akira into their room, closing his door as he heard the front door open and Tucker call out that it was just him coming to check up on them. Simon was pleased he hadn't been a few minutes earlier or he would have been pissed.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira groaned and moaned and panted as the other continued to fuck him into the washer. He came soon after Simon did and moaned, catching his breath as the other pulled out of him. "Hmm, see, you would have to make sure that you were the only one-" he heard the knock and freaked slightly until Simon rushed him into his room. Akira hurried into the bed and looked over to the door. "He has amazing timing." he mumbled. "I swear one day he is going to walk in on us." he blushed bright red.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"Yes, he does" he agreed, asking what he was doing there already and said he had forgotten he had left a load of laundry in the washer, Simon smirking just a little. "I hope he does, I want him to know just how much you enjoy being fucked" he said softly, just so the other could hear it as he approached him and laid over him, not that he really meant it. He was a little too jealous to truly enjoy that too much. He kissed the other and laid down beside him, yawning and closing his eyes, planning on going to sleep if Tucker would leave them alone since it was the weekend and they were planning on going and looking at their possible future new home the next day.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira blushed even more when he realized that the other was going to be looking at the washer "I-..." he bit his lip and kissed the other before laying down next to him. "I am hoping he doesn't notice the cum...on the washer..." he mumbled and stared at the door, trying to listen to see if Tucker noticed anything. He soon curled up with Simon and closed his eyes, just listening to Simon's heart and things going on around their house. "Go away, Tucker!" he called out to Tucker. "We want some sleep!"
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon chuckled at his lovers response, kissing his cheek and wrapping arms around him. "Good night my love" he said softly and closed his eyes, falling asleep easily. Tucker saw the cum but didnt make a comment about it, it was their house after all and he probably interupted them before they could clean it off. He wiped it up and got his clothes out, folding them and taking them out to his car, figuring that they would be fine for the night and going home. Simon woke up before Akira did and laid there holding him, his other hand drifted down to Akira's member and started stroking him.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira fell asleep pretty quickly as well. He needed the sleep, the past few nights he had had trouble sleeping. Akira's face changed as the other started to stroke him. He moaned a bit in his sleep and squirmed at the touches. He didn't wake up though, he just moved closer to Simon and groaned slightly as the other continued to pleasure him in his sleep. His breathing started to change and he started to mumble "A-Aric..." he mumbled.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon smirked as Akira moved towards him and moaned. He kept stroking him until the other mumbled what sounded like a name, anger and jealousy flooding him. His grip tightened on the boys member without even realizing it, waking the other up in the process. "Who in the hell is Aric?" He asked in a low, dangerous tone. He moved away from Akira and ran a hand through his hair, waiting for an explanation from him.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira gasped when the other tightened his grip on his cock. "What?" Akira looked confused, he had just been rudely woken up after all. "Who.." he tried to start thinking about what was going on before sitting straight up and covering his mouth. "I-I...he'" he bit his lip "Simon, I'm sorry, I just...I can't help my dreams. He was just an old boyfriend. That's all, he doesn't mean anything. He really doesn't, I swear Simon." he said, if only a little too defensive.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"Aric, who the hell is he?" He asked shortly, his jaw clenching as he looked at the other. "He doesn't mean anything?!" He asked, voice rising to a higher pitch as he laughed coldly, throwing the covers back as he got out of the bed. "He obviously means something if you're fucking thinking about him when I'm touching you" he said angrily, not caring if it was a dream or not. He pulled clothes on and left the room, going to make himself some coffee and considering pouring some vodka into it before deciding against it. He wouldn't look at the other but told him that if he wanted to come see the house he had five minutes before he was leaving. It had started getting colder so he pulled a hat on along with his coat, smiling and shaking the realtors hand when they met, simply introducing Akira by his name. The other man noticed the ring and congratulated them, which Simon didnt respond to. Simon still refused to look at the other as they moved through the house, glad there was a second bedroom for times like these when Simon could barely look at Akira he was so angry, let alone sleep with him. "Here is the wine cellar, which I know you said you were very interested in, and right above is the granite kitchen with an island and top of the line appliances, hardwood floor and a large window looking out into the trees and backyard." Simon thanked the other as they were leaving, thinking the house was perfect in every way. In the back of his mind he just knew it was all too good to be true, especially with Akira and what had happened, he just didnt know if he was willing to get a new house to live in it all by himself.
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