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Best Friend's Love (CLOSED)

RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon looked at Akira, a blush on his face, drinking water like he was dying of thirst. "Oh he's fine, he's just embarrassed because when he and Max were together one night Simon had some trouble 'getting up' and Max wouldn't let him forget it. What happened again Sim?" "Too much wine" he mumbled almost inaudibly. "Yeah, I think it's time for bed. Thanks for the pizza Tuck" he said, grabbing another piece as he shot into his bedroom. He assumed Akira would come shortly, Tucker was laughing and he could go on forever about anything somebody would listen to. Max was really the only one who could shut him up. He sighed and finished the pizza, laying there and waiting for Akira to join him, yawning a couple times.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira glanced at Simon and kept his mouth shut about it before looking over to Tucker. "I-um....yeah, I'm going to head to bed." he said, blushing still before he headed off to go to bed with Simon. He shut the door behind him and looked over at Simon "I can't believe you told him that!" he said, more flustered than angry with Simon. "And really? You had whiskey dick?" he asked, holding back a smile "Now that sounds like a fun story, cute too." Akira took his shirt off and moved into bed with Simon. "I bet that was embarrassing."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon wrapped his arms around Akira and kissed him "yeah, it was more embarrassing the next day, because when you're that drunk, everything is just a party." He had told him and rubbed the boys arm "it was not cute. At all. It was miserable and he still taunts me about it. I refuse to go anywhere near him on purpose" he said, frustrated by just the memory of it. "I knew he wouldn't think any less of you because of it and seeing you so hot and bothered is just so attractive" he admitted, winking. He sat up and pulled his shirt off, laying back and looking at Akira "are you going into work tomorrow? I don't even know what day it is. I'm sorry" he said softly, thinking about what day it could have been by counting backwards, though he had lost track and the doctors had said it wasn't important for him to keep track.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira smiled "it-it....oh god, have no idea how tempting that is and yet how embarrassing it is." he whispered and cuddled closer to Simon. "Yeah, I have work tomorrow. We'll just have to go check out that house later this week." he said "You probably should go out and find your nephew a birthday gift though, his birthday is in two days." he explained and yawned, stretching before cuddling closer and kissing Simon on the cheek.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"It's fine, you're just adorable. If you want to do something just let me know and I'll see what I can do. Seriously" he offered, sighing when he heard the other had to go into work. "Alright. I'll call and set up a time this weekend for us to go and look at the house and I'll go tomorrow and pick him up a present. Thank you" he said softly for reminding him about the party. Simon held Akira close and closed his eyes, listening to the sound of their breathing to put him to sleep. He slept soundly, not even stirring when Akira rose to go to work. Tucker got up and drove him, putting in some time patrolling before heading back to check on Simon. Simon got up a little while later and poured a cup of coffee, drinking it while watching the news and then heading out to find his nephew a birthday present, settling on a bike and some new sort of handheld gaming thing that the guy at BestBuy said was awesome with a few games to go with it, you know, for when it was raining and he couldn't go ride his bike.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira sat in Tucker's car nearly silent. He thanked him and told him that he would just have one of his employees bring him home. Work was pretty quiet other than everyone asking how Simon was doing. When he got home he looked at the bike and smiled "So you decided to go the bike route?" he called as he made his way into the kitchen to make dinner for them and Tucker. "Tucker...why don't you bring Max over, I can make him some dinner as well, it could be like a thank you for both of you for helping Simon and me." he explained.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"Yeah, his old one was tiny and it still had the training wheels on it, I figured it was time he got a big-boy bike" he explained, looking at him and just watching him move around the kitchen with ease. "Um, yeah. I'll go get him, he's been calling me all day anyways" he said, leaving to go get his boyfriend. "You're not planning on trying to spring sex on them are you? Max isn't the one to mess with and no matter what Tucker says, Max would not be up for group sex" he told him, and Simon knew for a fact that Max would not condone Tucker getting anywhere near the two of them with a lack of clothes in the equation. "Have you made the cake for him yet? Thank you for doing it by the way, I'm sure he'll be ecstatic that you made him one and it wasn't store bought like it always is" Simon said, smiling at him.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira blushed bright red "Simon! I am not planning on doing something like that! I...that's...if I'm going to get caught, it's going to be an accident. Plus, could you really share me? I don't think I could share you." he said, winking and started to chop up some cucumbers for the stir fry he was about to make. He was still blushing when the other asked about his nephew's cake, "No, I'm going to make it the day of, it will taste better that way." he smiled "It's no problem, really. It's something I like to do. Plus, I've always thought its nice to have a homemade cake rather than a store bought one."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"No, I don't think that I could share you willingly with someone else" he said, coming up behind him and wrapping his arms around his stomach, kissing his cheek. "I think so too, but my moms the only one in the family who can cook and she makes dinner so she doesn't ever want to make a cake" he explained, kissing him before moving away and pulling on a pair of jeans and t-shirt.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira chuckled and hummed when the other kissed his cheek. He kept cutting up other veggies for the stir fry and placed them all in a pan before working through it. "That's why I'm doing it." he chuckled again and hummed as he worked through making the stir fry. "Its...not going to be a problem with Max here is it?" he asked, "I wasn't really thinking when I offered."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"Oh. Um. No, it shouldn't be a big deal. I doubt he'll say anything about it since you're feeding him and he won't know how to handle what just happened with me. Did you notice he didn't even come in my room the entire time, even just to say hello?" he asked, looking at him. It didn't bother him too much, he probably wouldn't have come if Max had been in the hospital. They hadn't had a very long relationship, and it was based mostly on sex, he didn't even know if he had any family, something that he thought should have bothered him but it didn't. He yawned slightly and went towards the cabinet to pull out a bottle of wine before he even realized what he was doing, stopping and turning to get some water from the fridge. It was weird not drinking with dinner, he felt like he should be, and his head had been hurting almost all day.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira tilted his head slightly before standing back a bit "You've been drinking an aweful lot of water rather than wine lately...any reason why?" he asked, he understood...or rather had an idea why he wasn't but at the same time Akira was really curious as to why the other had just stopped cold turkey. "I can't say that I really mind, but you don't seem to look very happy about it." he mentioned before moving back to his stir fry and making sure that it didn't burn.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"Yeah, I don't know. It's for you, because I know you don't like it and for Tuck, too. I owe my life to him and I feel like drinking is sort of a slap in the face to what he did for me. It's not easy and I can't say that I particularly enjoy giving it up but I know I need to get it under control and not let it control me and when I can do that then I may let myself drink again occasionally" he explained to the other, his eyes remaining on the vegetables he was pushing around the pan. "What all are you putting in that?" he asked, wanting to change the subject instead of talking about it any further. He dug through some of the cabinets and found a rice steamer and some white rice, prepping it and putting the rice in there "yeah, one of the very few things I can cook" he teased, looking over at it. He was somewhat worried that he would end up screwing that up too just because he said he could make it.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira opened his mouth to respond but Simon changed the subject before he could "cucumbers, carrots, baby corn, eventually chicken is going to be going in there." he looked over at Simon fixing up the rice. "Along with cereal?" he asked, chuckling before pulling chicken out and cutting it up and fixing it in another pan. "I can always teach you if you want." he said and glanced over to Simon "I wouldn't mind. It's fun to teach, sometimes."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"I can fix slightly more than just cereal." He said back to him, sticking his tongue out. He went up behind him and kissed his neck, squeezing his butt in his hands "you could teach me something else" he whispered softly, perfectly content just to leave the food to burn and take Akira and fuck him on the table, not caring about the fact that Tuck and Max would be coming back. He knew he was going to be denied right now, it was really difficult to get him away while he was cooking, he almost wouldn't be surprised if he was scolded for harassing him while he was cooking.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira gasped when his ass was squeezed "S-Simon!" he turned to look at him "not when I'm cooking..." he said "At least attempt to turn the stove off if you want to screw around." he chuckled and shook his head, turning the stove down a bit as he worked with the food. "We can't just eat rice, we have guests coming over, so the food needs to actually be good and, you know, ready."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"Come on Akira" he whined, continuing to kiss his neck and press his body against the others. He moved to cut the heat off. "I can call and tell them that you aren't feeling well and that we should just do this another time. I know they wouldn't mind" he said to him softly, touching the others wrists as he kissed his neck. He made a displeased noise when he heard the door open and Tucker talking to Max loudly. Simon groaned as he pulled away from Akira and turned the stove back on, moving to check on the rice in the steamer. "Hey Max, can I get you anything?" "Water's fine. Thank you" he said politely, taking the glass that was handed to him. Tucker had changed out of his uniform into some more comfortable clothing and sat at a barstool to talk to Akira.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira groaned "Oh god...Simon...please don't..." he arched into kiss to his neck and pushed his wrists into the fingers that teased him. He let out a displeased noise as well "Hey." he said as the two came into the kitchen and smiled at Tucker. "Thank you. I know I've said that lots of times, but I mean it. You've been a great help to both me and Simon." he said and put the finishing touches on the stir fry. "I today didn't bother you or anything, I mean, I guess it didn't I um.." he bit his lip "Sorry..."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira was saying no while his body was wanting more. He knew Akira wanted it, especially with the quiet noise he made when they heard the door and he pulled away. Tuck shook his hand "you don't need to thank me, I'm just trying to be a good friend." He frowned for a moment "earlier today?" He commented, not exactly remembering what had happened. So obviously it wasn't a big deal for them. Simon and Max had walked outside to talk, the air was a little cooler out there. "Sorry about the trouble I've caused you and Tuck, I didn't mean to interfere in your lives again," "Simon it's okay. I know it's been rough for you but Tuck has loved the fact that he's in your life again, and frankly I'm glad I'm in your life again, I missed you Simon." "What are you saying Max" he said softly, calmly, looking at the male. "I'm saying, if you ever get tired of him, you know where to find me" he said to him softly as Max touched Simon's groin and kissed his lips for only a moment before going inside to his current boyfriend. Simon stood there for a while, looking stunned before he, too, went inside for the meal, staying close to Akira just to show Max what he thought about his offer. When Simon looked over to Max he just shrugged and mouthed 'I can wait'.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira smiled and set the table for the meal "Good." he stated and sat down, smiling when Simon came over to sit near him. He didn't notice the interactions between Simon and Max, and it was probably good that he didn't. Akira did tend to get jealous when it was justified, very jealous. He started to eat and glanced up to Simon every now and then, smiling. One hand was underneath the table, resting on Simon's knee, while he ate and chatted with Tucker and Max. "So Max, what do you do for a living?" he asked, tilting his head slightly. He hadn't had the chance to really talk to Max when he had stayed over for the night.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon had an arm around Akira as they ate, smiling whenever he was smiled at. Max smiled "I'm an interior designer" he said, taking another bite of his food "this is awesome Akira, you're really talented. It's so great to have someone who can cook isn't it Simon?" He asked, smiling at him. "I'm just lucky to have him at all. It wouldn't make a difference if he could cook or not" he told him, touching and rubbing has shoulder. It was the truth. He really didn't care if he could cook, if he couldn't be would just order in or go out. They talked for a while before Tuck and Max decided they needed to go home, hugs going around between all of them, Max hugging Simon a little tighter than what would be normal. Simon waited till the door was closed and he knew they were gone "he kissed me when we were outside and he wants me to leave you for him" he said flatly, figuring he would just come right out and tell him.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira smiled "Well, that explains your home then." he chuckled "You are wonderful at what you do, if you designed the inside of your home. Maybe he can do ours when we finally get one." he mentioned and looked over to Simon. When they decided it was time to leave he hugged them both and turned around when the door was shut, going to do the dishes. What Simon said stopped him dead in his tracks, "And..." he said, trying hard to keep his cool. He was jealous, very jealous, but Simon hadn't said he was going to listen to Max. Akira was positive he wasn't going to, it was stupid. "And you've decided not you are telling me this because you don't want to lie to me?" he asked, turning around "therefore making me incredibly jealous, a little annoyed, and oddly enough wanting to either show you just how much you don't want to go with him or sit down and talk about it because this is actually something very serious."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"I would never leave you Akira." He told him plainly. "I'm telling you this because I had to tell you because you're who I want to tell everything to and I don't want to keep anything from you. I love you and I don't want him near our house" he said, putting a little more emphasis on the our. "I feel terrible for Tucker though and I don't know if Max has cheated on him before, and I can't just go and tell him what happened. He wouldn't believe me." He said, looking a little worried for him as well. "I will do whatever you want my love, I am all yours. Now and as long as you'll have me" he promised him, grabbing his hand and pulling him close to kiss him, holding either side of his head "nothing is going to come between us. I swear. There is nowhere I would rather be than in your arms."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira smiled softly and followed Simon into the kiss. "You should do what you think is right, Simon. Tucker is your friend, you should at least bring it up to him. If he doesn't believe you then...well, I guess there isn't much you can do about it." he said and kissed Simon again. "And I'm not sure what I should do, you seemed to really want me when I was making stir fry." he smirked "But now it just seems like you want to kiss." Akira bit his lip before kissing Simon again. His arms moved around Simon's waist and into his back pants pockets, pulling him closer to him. "It was pretty sexy what you've done to me today. In the shower, in the kitchen..."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon was fairly easy to handle, especially when Akira was acting the way he was. He looked a little surprised when he felt the others hands but looked extremely pleased. "Mmm, you enjoyed that, huh?" He asked softly and kissed his lips lightly, smirking a little down at him. He managed to pull his shirt off without moving any further away from the other, grabbing the others butt and squeezing "oh, I want to do much more than that" he told him, biting Akira's bottom lip lightly. His hands moved, going into the others pants to rub at his bare skin while kissing him deeply. The doorbell rang and Simon cursed softly "every time" he groaned softly, pulling away from Akira reluctantly to go to the door. He had ran his hand through his hair so it was sticking up a little, wearing only his pants and answered the door, Max standing on the other side "Hey Simon, I think I forgot my coat" he said, looking into the house, half expecting to see either a naked or half-naked Akira. "'Kira, do you see Max's jacket around here somewhere?" he asked him, going back inside the house to look for it, Max stepping inside for just a moment. Simon didn't even think to tell him to wait outside and stay away from Akira. "Thanks for dinner again, it was absolutely wonderful, we'll have to have you over soon and Tuck can cook for you two" he offered, smiling at him, completely unaware Simon had told him about his offer. The Simon he had known would never had said anything.
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