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Best Friend's Love (CLOSED)

RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira groaned and was about to move his hands into Simon's pants as well, until the doorbell rang. He groaned and frowned "Just ignore it." he said and moved to sit down on the couch as Simon headed towards the door. He shook his head when Simon asked him about Max's jacket "No," he fidgeted on the couch, he wanted to play with Simon now. When Max came in his smiled and acted polite to the other. "That sounds nice." he said and crossed his legs to hide the slight hard on he had. "I didn't realize Tucker cooked." he smiled and looked around the living room "Simon, check the kitchen, it's probably in there." he called back into the home, he wanted Max out as soon as possible.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon finally found the jacket and put it into Max's hands, the man winking and grabbing Simon's hand momentarily before heading back outside, thanking him in the process. Simon was so blind with lust that he couldn't even think straight, going straight back to Akira and pushing him into the couch, kissing him hard and pulling his shirt off, his mouth traveling down his neck and chest, kissing and sucking on the pert buds. "'s........astounding" he managed to mumble through his kisses and slow thought process. He was very clearly aroused, flipping the other onto his stomach and pulling his pants off, burying his face in between his cheeks and diving his tongue into his puckered entrance.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira nearly shot a glare at Max, when he saw the wink, but it went away very quickly as Simon came back to him. Akira's hands ran along Simon's body, keeping him as close as he could, helping take his shirt off and let out like groans, "God....yes...Simon...more..." he moaned, arching into each of the kisses and sucks. When the other flipped him around and dove his tongue into his ass he gasped and his body was soon clawing at the couch to keep from his body writhing around too much. He was in full lust mode and soon he moved away from Simon, smirking some. He turned and crawled over to Simon pushing him back onto the couch and kissed him hard, lusting, needing. He worked his way down the other's jaw and neck, to his chest and stomach. All the while his hands were working on unbuttoning Simon's pants, he worked his hands into the pants and pulled out Simon cock before he worked his mouth over it like he was hungry and starving for the cock.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon responded eagerly to the others touches and the noises he was making. He groaned a little as the other moved away, looking at him, confused as to why and leaned back happily. His fingers grabbed onto Akira's hair, kissing him back roughly and not even thinking to help him with the buttons on his pants. As the kisses moved south his head fell backwards onto the couch and he closed his eyes, hands still lightly gripping the hair of the other. "Oh good 'Kira" he moaned, trying to keep his hips from jerking up into the mouth that was so wonderfully taking care of him. He urged to touch the other, and to take him but laying here and taking the pleasure that Akira was offering was so much more compelling. "Yes.. Akira more.....please" he begged, biting his lip as his feet moved, closer and further away, practically melting in the pleasure that was taking over his body.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira groaned against the cock and continued to suck and swallow and enjoy Simon's cock in his mouth. His head bobbed up and down along the cock before he finally let go. He moved his head further down and sucked on Simon's balls, his hand stroking Simon's cock. He pulled back a bit "God taste so good." he licked his lips before going back and sucking on Simon's cock, groaning. He moved to deep throat Simon before swallowing around his cock.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon was very clearly enthralled with the treatment he was receiving from his lover. He couldn't remember the last time Akira had done this, wondering why he didn't have the other do this more. Simon was moaning loudly, his hips jerking slightly though he didn't want to choke the other. "You're so good Kira" he moaned softly, and pulled his arm so the other would come closer and kiss his lips. Simon could taste himself on Akira's tongue "ride me" he told the other, though he was asking much more than ordering. He just really wanted the tightness and pleasure from the other and he wanted it now. He knew he should do something for the other but it just felt so good and he didn't really want to do anything. It was just so nice to lay there and have the other take care of him right now. He wondered if that was why old men married young women, because they wanted someone to make them feel young, the way Akira made him feel young, and that would take care of their older counterparts. He had to admit it sounded like a good plan and he would be more than happy to do nothing and have Akira take care of him.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira almost reluctantly came up and kissed Simon, groaning slightly. "Gladly." he whispered against the other's lips "But..." he started, taking Simon's hand and sucking on one of the fingers for a bit "I might need a little help getting prepared..." he whispered, taking another finger into his mouth "is that okay?" he asked, smirking a little. He wasn't really sure what had gotten him into this mood, but all he wanted to do was pleasure Simon at the moment do anything and everything that made Simon feel good.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon watched the other, caressing his legs and the soft cheeks of his butt. He almost died. He had no idea what had gotten into Akira, but he absolutely loved it. His arms pulled Akira even further up on him so that his delicious ass hole was above his mouth. He licked and teased as his nose rubbed teasingly up against his balls, feeling unbelievably good right now. Simon took his fingers back and pushed a middle finger up into his tight cavern, wanting to hear the moans from the other as he moved his finger in and out of his hole, adding another finger and another, wiggling them around inside the other and enjoying it immensely. He moved out from underneath the other and kissed him deeply, pulling away for a moment "I'll be right back" he promised. He actually enjoyed the fact that he knew that Akira would be going crazy just being left there by himself after so much stimulation. He found one of the ribbed condoms he knew Akira liked and brought it back, putting it into the others hand and laying back down on the couch.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira groaned and arched into each of the fingers "Oh god..." he moaned and squirmed on the fingers, his body begging for more. When the other left him he looked at him, confused and dazed, his body protesting to the lack of stimulation. His own hands worked their way on his own body playing with it and searching around on it until Simon came back with whatever he was searching for. Akira looked even more confused when he saw the condom. He didn't mind at all, he was just confused, until he opened it. He let out a moan and worked the condom onto Simon's cock before moving back to straddle Simon. He slowly pushed himself down onto the cock and let out a slight whimper of pleasure as he rolled his hips, feeling the hard cock inside of him, with the ribbed condom pressing up against him.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

He wished he could have gotten a picture of Akira's face when confronted with the condom and then again when he had opened it and saw it. Simon bit his lip gently as he watched the other put the condom on his cock and then straddle him, shuddering and letting out a long moan of pleasure. His breathing quickened as the other began to move, and he grabbed at the others body, just loving to touch him and make him moan. They traveled up the boys torso and pinched at his nipples, hardening them even further and snapping his hips up into the other. He was trying to move his hips as much as possible to stimulate every spot inside of Akira. Simon could not imagine anything better than this right now, not just because of the sex, but because he just felt so connected to Akira, he knew that he would be just as content to lay there with him and hold him without doing anything like this.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira arched into the hands as his breath became even more shallow and he moved faster along Simon. His eyes finally closed as he continued to move along Simon's cock. He bit his lip, loving every touch and every stimulation that he felt along and inside of his body. He was lost in the feeling of having Simon near him and in him. "Kami..." he moaned, slowly moving into more and more of his native tongue. He knew that Simon had no clue what he was saying, but the more he said the more he felt himself come closer and closer to the edge "S-Simon...going to cum." he moaned and tried his best to keep himself at bay.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Even not understanding the other had made him more stimulated and hungry for the other. He was nearing his climax as well, rocking his hips into the other and starting to stroke the other. Hearing his name in the others mouth was hot, driving him to a few more hard, needy thrusts before he came, moaning and waiting for the other to cum as well. He wanted to taste it, his body finally relaxing from the tension building in the pleasure. "God, you're so good" he told the other, kissing him when he had finished as well. He didn't feel like moving from that spot for a while so he didn't, just holding the other before moving, still holding Akira close. Simon carried him into their bedroom and laid down next to him, kissing his face lightly and keeping him extremely close. "I love you. You're so wonderful" he promised, smiling as he kissed him again.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira shivered as he came and nearly collapsed on Simon. He watched the other taste him, blushing a bit. He didn't complain this time when Simon carried him to the bedroom, he didn't feel like moving away from Simon at the moment either "I love you too..." he said, closing his eyes for a bit, he was a little tired. "You felt so good..." he mumbled, parts of what he had said coming back to him, causing him to blush. "Oh..." he bit his lip but eventually shook his head, it wasn't like Simon knew what he had said at all anyway.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon curled around the other, just content to be near him. With the lights off, everything was fairly dark so Simon couldn't exactly see the blush on Akira's face, though he would have loved it. He was exhausted at that point and more than happy to fall asleep beside the other, not dreaming of anything the entire night. He woke up when he felt Akira stir, knowing it was him getting ready for work and getting up as well, though he just pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a thin shirt. Simon drove Akira to work and told him that he would be back around noon to bring him home so they could get ready for the party. He assured Akira that the cake didn't need to be anything special, just to be red velvet and the birthday boy would be completely thrilled with it. Simon brought him home when he said that he would, the bike and gameboy thing already wrapped up for him. Simon changed into jeans and a button down, driving them to his parents house where they always had birthday celebrations.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"I know, Simon. Don't worry." he said and kissed Simon's cheek before going into work and working on the cake. He worked hard on the cake fixing it up for the boy. It wasn't too special but it did look like Akira put effort into it. He brought it with him as they headed to the party, changing out of his clothes before hand and changing into a new pair of jeans and a clean t-shirt. When they got to the house he pulled the cake out of the car and followed Simon up to the door. He smiled and greeted the mother and father again, following Simon's mother into the kitchen so that he could put the cake down.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon's mother pulled Akira into the house and took the cake from him and set it down on the counter before pulling him into a hug. "It is just so good to see you dear," she smiled, glad to see that someone good was taking care of Simon. Sam, his adorable little nephew, ran up to Simon and jumped into his arms, asking whether or not he had brought his present. "You're a little too old for presents, aren't you?" he teased the boy, tickling him. "Of course I brought you a present, what kind of person wouldn't give the birthday boy a present?" he asked him, Sam shrugging. Sam turned and looked at Akira "did your friend bring me a present?" "He sure did, and he made you a delicious looking cake. It took him a long time, you should go thank him" he said softly into his ear. Simon moved to talk to his sister, giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek, refusing to tell her what he got Sam for his birthday. "I have to say I'm a little surprised to see you're still with him, Simon," she told him, referring to Akira. "Thanks, glad I know that you don't believe I can have a lasting relationship," he retorted. "No, I'm just talking about what happened and you having to go to the hospital." "I think we've moved past it," Simon assured the other. He assumed that had been why they had been going at it the last couple of days, besides the fact that they couldn't go much longer than a day or two without having sex.

Simon went out to the car and brought in the presents, telling Sam that Akira had picked out the bike and he had gotten the other thing. Simon had put his arm around Akira and pulled him close. Sam got super excited when he opened the bike, running to Akira and giving him a big hug "thank you so much! I like you a lot more than Simon's other friends" he told him and went back to his presents. Simon's sister looked at him and told him afterwards that he had spent too much money on him, Simon just returning her gaze and told her not to worry about it. He was going to do what he wanted and he knew that Sam would love them, especially the bike. When the cake was cut into, Sam got a corner piece and Simon got a large corner piece as well, making pleased noises as he ate it, looking at Akira and nodding "this is what I want for my birthday, but just like three times larger" he joked and kissed his cheek when Sam wasn't paying much attention.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira smiled "It's good to see you too." he said and smiled. "Thank you for having me over for your grandson's birthday." he said and nodded to Simon's father. He wasn't sure if the man still had a problem with it, but he wasn't going to bring it up as long as he didn't try to break them up Akira could care less. He looked over to Simon when he told Sam that he had picked out the bike and blinked, about to retort about it but Sam decided he needed to thank Akira right then and there "It was nothing, and you know what...I like you a lot more than Simon's other friends too." he chuckled, pretty much anything to please a child. He stood back up and looked at Simon smiling "Not that I don't like your friends. They keep life interesting."

He nibbled on some of the birthday cake "Hmm...I was thinking smaller..." he said and gave Simon a look that he had something entirely different planned for Simon's birthday, "Though, I'm sure you will like it just as much." he chuckled "Plus, if I made it three times as large most of the cake would go bad before we finished it. You would complain about getting fat." he said poking Simon's stomach. He looked over to Sam "He really is a great kid." he said, watching Sam play around and eat his cake. "I'm glad I could make him happy."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon smiled as he looked over at Akira, knowing he would have said something when Simon told his nephew that Akira had picked out the present. In his mind, he had picked it out, at least somewhat. Simon nodded as Akira mentioned his friends "yeah, they are interesting, to say the least. Sometimes it would be nice if they were just a little less interesting," he admitted, biting his bottom lip just a little. Simon made a surprised face and smiled "oh really? I'm sure I'll love whatever you do though. By the way, spin the bottle is my favorite game" he teased, speaking softly so no one else would hear him. "That's because you're making me fat" he accused softly, lightly touching the others nose. He looked back at Sam, smiling "I'm glad you were around to see it. It would have been a major bummer to have to come without you, or not at all. Thank you" he said softly, taking his hand and stroking it with his thumb.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira chuckled "Well, then maybe you shouldn't eat so many sweets." he teased back and smiled when the other took his hand and stroked it. He watched the boy for a little while before chatting around with the rest of the family. He wasn't much of a socialite but this was his boyfriend's family. That made a difference. He stayed close to Simon though, unless Sam was there and then he would play with Sam and act just as goofy as the child was. It was Sam's birthday after all.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"You wouldn't make everything taste so good," he responded, smiling. The truth was just that he needed to get some more exercise, especially now that he could use his leg again. Simon wasn't one for social events either, and he hated when associates came into town because he had to entertain them for at least one expensive meal, though this was a required went because it was his nephew. He could bail on his sisters or parents birthdays but not Sam's. "Thank you for coming Akira" he said to the other softly, glad he could come and so his mom would get off his back about finding someone. He knew his father would rather see him single than with another man but he would just have to get over himself. At least Simon was on speaking terms with him now. A few hours later Simon was able to talk them out the door, opening Akira's door before going around to his side. "Well, that was fun" he said, even though it wasn't bad at all. It was actually one where no one got into an argument about something stupid.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira chuckled "I had lots of fun playing with your nephew." he said and glanced out of the window. "It's nice to see children so happy without a care in the world other than if the crayon their holding his red or green." he smiled and sighed a bit, completely content with the world. "Simon." he said, glancing over to him "when..." he bit his lip "when we buy the house...could...I mean..." he started to chew on his lip "I would like it if...if was really our house." he said and fidgeted. He wasn't really sure how to ask for what he wanted to ask for without just coming out and saying it. "You know, like if we both owned it..." He wasn't talking about the house at all really. He had been thinking about it for a little while, and when Simon got amnesia and everything seemed to be going wrong, he couldn't help but notice that no matter what he still wanted to be with Simon. "What if we..." he trailed off "What if we got married?" he asked, whispering the words.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon frowned a little when he heard him start speaking "it will be our house," he responded, obviously not understanding what he was getting at. Simon wasn't really thinking as the other was talking, just thinking he was literally talking about the house "your name can be on the papers if that's what you're worried about" he assured him, feeling like the conversation was awkward and pointless, wondering if Akira was worried about Simon wanting to leave him or something. Simon was stunned by what he said next, almost running off the road because he was staring at the other. He started laughing a little as he corrected himself "you're bringing this up while I'm driving." He shook his head a little and looked at the other. "For a second I thought you were going to tell me you wanted a child" he admitted, something that would have terrified him, just because he didn't think he could even be a good father. Simon looked at the other sideways and opened up the center console, pulling out a little black box and handing it to the other, waiting for him to open it. Inside was a silver band with a diamond put into the center so that it wasn't sticking out from the band, looking fairly modern and sleek. "I had gotten it, but I was trying to find the right moment to ask you, I thought you would think we were moving too fast" he said, smiling at him "if you don't like it we can go get a different one" he told him, making sure he would get what he wanted and not get 'stuck' with whatever Simon had picked out. "I love you, and I don't ever want to be without you."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira nearly screamed when Simon jerked the car back onto the road. "Well, I didn't think that you were going to try and kill us!" he said and took a deep breath, calming himself down. "N-No...I don't think I could handle a child." he said, chuckling a bit. He looked at the box a little confused, but the moment he opened it he covered his mouth. He didn't know why it surprised him, probably because Simon was thinking the same thing he was. "Simon...I moved into your house only about a week after I met you...I think we've thrown the moving to fast thing out the window." he chuckled and smiled "I'd ask you to put it on, but I would rather actually get to marry you than die having you put the ring on me."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"Well you surprised the hell out of me" he mumbled, trying to pay more attention to the road, driving a little bit faster so they could get home. He reached over and snapped the box shut, holding it until he pulled into the driveway and shut the car off. He went around to the others side and opened the door, letting him get out and then going down to one knee "Akira, will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?" Waiting for the other to say yes before he got up and kissed the other deeply, taking the ring out of the box and sliding it onto the others finger, then kissing him again happily. He picked the other up and carried him inside and onto their bed, just happy laying there and kissing him, the feeling of the ring on the others hand was strange, and would be strange when he got one for himself as well.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira blushed a bit and nodded when the other got on one knee. He was shocked that Simon was actually going to go through the whole motions. He gasped when Simon picked him up and he kissed him back. He chuckled when they were on the bed "It feels strange, to have a ring on." he mumbled between the kisses "but I like it." he smiled, kissing him again. In the back of Akira's mind though he was thinking about how he was going to tell his brother about this.
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