A bloody New Moon (Jugger x Luna)


Mar 15, 2011
It was sunset when the caravan set out from the capital city, headed towards the lord's family estate in the country. It was winter in the very rural based state, with fresh snow covering most of the landscape. The rolling hills were shining white with the last of the day's rays, making them sparkle with fading glory. The caravan consisted of a handful of wagons which carried goods for the estate and merchant hoping to sell their items further afield, and a carriage bearing the royal symbol of a white wolf head of a field of blue. For such a small group, there were close to two score guards for this late leaver. Half were on horseback, the other half were walking next to the vehicles or helping them along the muddy road. Inside the single carriage, which was the most heavily protected of the bunch, was the lord's daughter.

Amberly Vailia sighed in boredom after only ten minutes of travel. She leaned back, tossing away her fiery orange hair, and pulled her fur blanket closer to her pale skin. "Ronald!" She barked out to her squire, and a thick-set, bear of a man opened the side door to the carriage, looking up at his mistress. "Yes, your royal highness?" He said with a hard time keeping a straight face, knowing she hated her title. "Shut up, when are we supposed to get there?" She asked, pulling the blanket tighter to shield away a chill breeze. Ronald scratched his black beard and looked at the fast setting sun. "If we travel through the night, we will get there at morning. But we will not, we will camp in a couple hours most likely, as soon as we are under the Shimmergloom Forest." She nodded to her personal guard and motioned for him to close the door, sighing again and mulling over the question of," Why did dad send me away to the manor?" She fell back into her pillows and tried to nap.
Nathan - Avatar

Lurking in the shadows of the forest were her stalkers. Those bandits of the full blue moon were watching her, eyeing her caravan as they traveled and stealthily followed them until the time was dark and the moon was high, granting them some stronger powers in their human form compared to when they were in day. Nathan, one of these bandits, watches the girl, rather than the other men of the caravan that the other bandits were looking forward to eating. Nathan licked his lips as he saw the beautiful human. She would be his. Soon the war cry was said, howling and then the rustling of trees and bushes as the bandits emerged and began to strike the caravan, attacking it and its inhabitants. Nathan and the bandits spread out to take them out on all sides, and in the confusion and battle Nathan snuck into the cart and towered over Amberly. "Come with me. Now. If you want to live." He said menacingly as he reached down and grabbed her wrist and began to drag her out of the cart.
Once the screaming had started, mixed with the howls of the attacks, she gulped and fumbled around in her carriage, pulling out a silver dagger. Her father had warned her that the wolves might attack, but she never believed in his tales of men who could become massive wolf hybrids. Now, she thanked his old bones and readied her dagger. Once the sounds of fighting were close, along with the screams of men being torn apart, she steeled herself. The door was torn open and a massive hybrid (Nathan) pushed into the carriage and demanded that she follow him. Being the little fire she was, she lashed out at him, the knife slicing across his chest, the silver parting the otherwise natural armor, and causing flesh to steam. She ducked out behind him in his roar of pain, and struggled to find Ronald. "Ronald!" She screamed out desperately, knowing her guardian wouldn't be far in this. On cue, he arrived , his greatsword dripping red with blood. "Madam, it is time we leave here." He grabbed her by her wrist and started running for the forest, calling out for the remaining guardsmen to fight on. He cleared the way, hacking into the beasts, wounding but never really killing any of them. After a minute of brutal effort, they finally emerged at the end of the caravan line, sprinting into the woods.
Nathan was far in the lead of them as they rushed after the two that had escaped. From a group of thirteen, only six of the werewolf bandits remained in this small faction of the main pack. He continued to rush after her and her guardian, wanting his jewel and he had to kill the thief that had it. The two of them would find that they were running out of running room, and that they were now on the edge of a cliff, cornered now. It was either jump off, or fight the werewolf bandits. And only Nathan and one other werewolf bandit had arrived first, the others quickly in tow. "Give me the girl. And I might spare your life, Beard." He ordered as he pointed to the girl with one hand, his other holding his chest where he was cut. "I'm gonna make sure that prize is mine. And I won't have you or anything else get in my way."
With a bark of laughter, Ronald swung his sword around into a ready position and glared at the beasts. "You filthy dogs are going to have to work for anything out of us." He spat in the dirt and whispered behind him, "It was an honor serving you my lady. Try to escape." With that, he roared nearly as loud as one of the beasts he was now charging at, leaving before Amberly could even ask what he meant. With a mighty swing, he took of the beasts to the ground, then was quickly torn apart by the remaining five. Crying through her rage, she skirt around the cliff, finding a secure way down to the side and fleeing as fast as she could, her legs pumping with fear. Her dash lasted approximately five seconds, before slamming headfirst into the biggest wolf-man she had ever seen. The wolf reached down and yanked her up by her hair, invoking shrieks of pain from the helpless girl. The alpha chuckled darkly, enjoying his wiggling victim. "My dear girl...you will wish that you had jumped from that cliff." He backhanded her, instantly knocking her unconscious with the bare force of the blow. Tossing her over his shoulder, her rag doll body bounced along as he made his way back to his remaining pack.
"Hey you ass!" Nathan called out after finally catching up to her after she had been knocked out by the alpha. He growled as he looked at the alpha. "That there was my girl! I saw her first and she's my prize, alpha! Give her to me!" He was known for usually going against the alpha, and when he barred his fangs and had his claws ready to attack, he meant business. "I want there girl. So give her to me Alpha. I saw her first and have a score to settle with her!" He said looking down to the scar on his chest and armor now. He could still feel the pain from the silver but it was not as powerful as before.
"Isn't this cute...little Nathan want to pay back a girl for a scratch." He howled out with laughter and shook his shaggy head. "No, pup, this is the lord's daughter, we have a massive bargaining chip in our hands. I won't have you erase it with your puny fury." He shifted the woman into a better position and started off back to their camp, the other remaining wolves following after him in close proximity. Once in their camp, the other wolves started digging through their fallen comrades' item, fighting over their possessions. The alpha, leaving them to it, grinned wickedly and headed into his tent, tossing the girl onto his bed and tying her up to it with heavy rope. "Wakey wakey princess..." He grinned and dug his claw into her arm, making her come awake with a pained scream. "Good...you are awake, it wouldn't do if you slept through it..." He laughed and dropped his pants, feeling like a king after his daring attack.
Nathan had stalked after the alpha as he and the rest of the werewolves made their way back to the camp. He slipped past the greedy werewolves who fought over their fallens' possessions and moved to see through the tent of the alpha, just seeing his pants fall. Nathan growled lightly before leaping out toward the alpha, striking him by piercing his claws into his back with both hands. Given how large the werewolf was, Nathan just hung there as his claws pierced into the shoulder of the werewolf. "I said she's mine! I won't have you defile her without my approval!"
Turning to look at the young whelp over his shoulder, then wolf grinned and reached behind him, hoisting up Nathan and slamming him into the ground, making a impact in the ground. "Whelp...I will skin you alive for that!" He roared and grabbed Nathan again, raising him over his head and throwing him out of the tent. Not bothering to put pants on, he stalked outside, barking at the other wolves to make a circle around the two fighters. "You must learn the order of things! I am the leader, you obey me!" He roared and swung hard at Nathan.
"Tch. I don't care who you are! A target is a target and she was mine!" He said as he got his balance as he shakily stood up, growling at the alpha. His fangs barred as he looked at the large wolf and the blue fur on his tail bristled from the anger. "It was my target and I'm tired of you taking whats always mine! Just cause you're the alpha doesn't mean shit to me!" He said as he rushed toward the large werewolf, claws extended as he began to lash out and bite at the alpha's legs to hopefully pin the large creature and cause him to be immobile.
Growling, he shook off the smaller creature and tackled him. Biting hard into his shoulder and shaking roughly, along with punches and swipes with his claws, the Alpha eventually overcame Nathan. Picking up the beaten wolf, he threw him once again, this time into a tree and causing it to creak with the impact. Wiping blood from his legs and from his chest, the wolf growled. "Get out of here you whelp, I won't be splitting any treasure with a brat who doesn't follow the leader. Get out of here you worm!" He howled, the other wolves joining in as they slowly made their way back to camp. The alpha started to limp a little bit, but quickly gained control again, needing to rest after the amount of energy expended this night. First off though...there was still the matter of rewarding himself. Licking his bloody lips eagerly, his flaccid cock started to throb into life.
Nathan watched with fading vision as he was stuck into the tree. He watched as the werewolves walked off and left him and Nathan began to slowly go unconscious for two whole days, not even falling from the indentment he left within the tree from the alpha throwing him into it. When he would awaken, his body would be sore and he cried out lowly with a small whimper as he tried to get himself free, feeling several large splinters had stabbed into his back upon the impact. "I'm coming...to get you..."
In the couple of days since he beat Nathan, the Alpha had had his way with the daughter several times. Amberly hung limply on the ropes, eyes closed, still covered in the last rape's sperm. Her clothes were ripped to shreds and she had given up hope for a quick rescue. The Alpha, naked and in human form, sat at his desk, writing up the ransom note while looking back and grinning every so often at her. He was feeling great, his wounds had healed, his pack was out catching dinner, and he was in position to get a great sum of money. Life was good.
When Nathan was up and walking, he limped toward where the Alpha was. He saw that no one was in the village and that it was just the alpha there, from his strong scent and the strong scent of sex coming from his tent. "You bastard..." He said weakly and silently as he walked over and peeked in, seeing his back was turned to Nathan as he assumed he was writing something. Nathan looked around and found one of the logs they usually burned for fire and grabbed one and slowly approached the alpha before striking him over the head with the wood, causing it to shatter upon impact. Nathan fell back and began to pant as he looked to see if the Alpha had been KOed or not.
With a heavy grunt of pain, he fell out of his chair and held the back of his, feeling blood pour freely. "You...bastard..." He groaned out, trying to find the concentration to change but unable to find it. After a few more hits, he was unconscious and sprawled out on the grass, leaking blood from splinters. The girl groggily turned her head to the sounds of wood on flesh, and saw Nathan standing over her rapist, bloody log in hand. Once he turned to her, she recognized the slash across his chest and groaned, seeing another werewolf to come and rape her. She softly started to cry.
"The hell are you crying for? I just saved your ass." He said to the girl as he moved to undo the ropes that bound her in her sexual arrangement. Once she was down, he held his nose and walked over to grab the clothes off the alpha and tossed it to her. "You smell like his sperm. Wipe yourself thoroughly. I'll be sure to take you to a stream to wash your dirty body. I won't have any of this along the way and I definitely won't have you keep his scent so strongly on you while we get the hell out of here."
She obediently started using the closes to wipe away as much of his dried sperm as she could, still crying and scared. Did he mean to eat her once she washed? Is this just a trick? What is going to happen? These questions and more swirled in her mind and she nearly froze up with fear. She kept cleaning and slowly stood up, collapsing nearly immediately, not having any sense in her legs. Having been tied up and hanging there for two days had sapped her strength, and she hadn't had any food or water, minus sperm from oral. The alpha growled softly and slowly started to gain his senses back.
"Shit! No time to spare!" Nathan said as he grabbed the girl and put her on his back before he began to rush off, making sure to step on the alpha's head extra hard as he ran by to slam it back into the ground. He dashed through the trees, following along a nearby river until they came to a waterfall, Nathan's goingaway spot for whenever he had been banished temporarily from the tribe for his disobedience. He threw her through the waterfall and she would land on the other side in a secret cave. Nathan jumped through it as well and landed beside her on all fours and then stood up. "We'll be safe here. They can't sense us through smell due to the water and the sounds of the waves will dry out anything we say so long as we aren't yelling." He looked down to her. "Name. You got one?"
She was pulling her hair from her face and wringing it out some when Nathan barked at her and she curled up a little, still not trusting him. "I..I am Amberly....Amberly Vailia." She mumbled out, heading back towards the water, and using it to wipe more of the filth away, and to look for an escape route. Maybe this wolf was just giving her false hopes...maybe he wanted wet food. She started to break down again, overwhelmed with fear.

With a groan that turned into a howl, the Alpha awoke and transformed again to his lupine form. He howled as loud as his lungs could allow, calling back the pack. Vengeance was going to be dealt, and it was going to be crushing. After several minutes, the pack returned and they set off at once, following the trail of Nathan's departure. They could easily follow it up until the river, were they lost it but could clearly hear the waterfall. With a sharp grin, and alpha made the pack take positions around it, with him in the middle.
Nathan had not noticed the others that surrounded the waterfall. It was the same for Nathan and Amberly as it was to the alpha and his minions, neither could see nor smell nor hear each other as easily, so Nathan carried on his conversation with her. "Well then Amberly...I hope you can fend for yourself better than that bodyguard you had did." He reached into his pocket and tossed her the silver knife from before, having picked it up while scavenging the wreck. "Use it when you need to. But don't you dare think you could hit me with that twice. I'm here to save your ass and you know I'm all you got. Now if you're done bathing, we need to wait until full mid day when the sun is brightest. Werewolves are weakest then since its the exact opposite of night. We will travel when that time comes."
She growled at Nathan, dismissing her friend with he was nothing. She picked up the dagger and turned it over in her hand, still seeing Nathan's blood on it. Ronald would of told her to always fight and never give up...but what could she do? She was alone, near naked at this point, hungry, and beaten to an emotional wreck. What could she do? But then..what more could they do to her? This wolf wanted to help her, or so he claimed, but she had heard that he only wanted her for his prize...and to pay her back from what the Alpha had laughed about with his pack. She waited until he turned his back towards her, and with a sigh, she leaped up aiming the knife at his back, and immediately fell down as her legs buckled under her, sending the knife spinning away.
He turned around suddenly when he heard her leap for him but when she collapsed and the knife went away, he growled and walked over and kicked her, turning her over. "You bitch! I told you I wanted to help you and you try to backstab me, literally!?" He said as he walked over to the knife and picked it up. "Now I now I can't trust you with a weapon like this if you're trying to kill the only person who's trying to help you. Do you really want to go back and be his little fuck toy? He could impregnate you if he felt like it! Do you want to give birth to his little werewolf children!? Then stop being a stupid brat and listen to me!" He scolded, though his voice was loud from the anger of her trying to kill him.
"I'm not a bitch you monster!" She screamed at him, shakily getting to her feet by using the way as a support. She had to hold her side though from the force of the kick, and she knew it had bruised a rib. "And Ronald was twice the man you were! He gave his life to protect me! And you killed him..." She looked down at the wet floor, and then slowly moved her arm down to her belly, afraid that she had indeed been impregnated already. "I..I don't what pups..." She mumbled, overwhelmed with that possibility.

The Alpha heard Nathan's raised voice on the edge of his hearing and nodded to the pack, advancing towards the waterfall. With a quick bark, he and two others jumped the river and splashed onto the other side. With a short scream that was quickly stifled, the Alphas hand shot out and wrapped his paw around Amberly's mouth and half of her face, holding her up by it. "Hello there...Nathan..., thank you for cleaning my prize for me, she needed a bath...and will need another once I am done with her." He laughed and tossed her to the side, into the arms of one of the other wolves.
"Bastard!" He said when he saw the alpha suddenly appear and throw the girl into one of his henchmen. "Dammit girl! If you had just played along we'd have been safe! But you had to make me angry and yell!" He said as he face palmed in annoyance before looking to the alpha. "I'm not done with you yet! I can still kick your ass and get her out of here!" He said as he rushed toward the alpha, claws raised but instead of attacking, he would slide through the alpha's legs and bring his hand up, grabbing the sheathe of the werewolf and cutting it to shreds literally as they hung there now. Nathan made certain he could not defile her anymore for a good while until his regenerative properties kicked in to heal his manhood back to normal. Nathan made certain to dodge and roll away from any attacks from the alpha should he have attacked.
(That mental image...owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...and I am a freaking girl and that made me wince, damn)

Screaming in uncontrollable rage, he charged straight at Nathan, swiping furiously and biting. However, the blind rage mad most of his attacks miss, he did get a blow in against Nathan's shoulder, making it wretch back painfully before the regenerative process took over. He was still swinging whenever his manhood was mostly restored, then he stopped and panted for breath, needing to rest a minute before the next fury. "I will eat your manhood!" He roared out loudly, nearly knocking Amberly unconscious with the fury of the sound in the confined space, along with the waterfall. He made his way in front of the girl, knowing Nathan would want to take her and leave.
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