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If I was invisible...

...I'd wait for you to fall asleep so I could replace the sticky feather with a dry, fluffier one. (A Prince shouldn't wear a wet, soiled plume, no matter how much the idea turns him on!) :D
^^ Funny!

I'd be able to attend every Bon Jovi concert for free. But I would have to do it alone.. because I'm invisible. :(

I don't wanna be invisible anymore! *cries*
I'd be an asshole and follow some random person around and make them think that they're being haunted. You know, really fuck with their mind, but I would stop my antics as soon as another person walks in the room so they assume the person I'm freaking out is going crazy.
^^ Pick me, pick me!! :p

...I'm sure I'd be a real menace. Perhaps I'd go around and "de-pants" everyone here at Blue Moon! :D
I'd be able to anonymously seduce Happy and then play all innocent if she asked me about it on the forum... *winks*
And I'd savage Kia so hard I'd leave teeth marks and a very satiated, exhausted, woman recovering from multiple orgasms.
Sorry... Currently recovering from being ravished!
He wouldn't let me rest! I can't walk! All your fault...

Would turn invisible just to hide from Dogged and his advances.
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