Jugger x Princess

"I need release...I awoke with an erection from the thought of you and Ino 'practicing'...as you said..." He continued to thrust into her, reaching forward to grab her breast and massage it gently and press her own hardened nipple back into her breast as if it were a button, when pressed causes her to feel pleased. "Mm..." He moaned out gently as he leaned forward and began to kiss her ear gently before suddenly out of nowhere he spanked her ass while he thrust into her. "Do you like that...? Most girls I have known often loved spankings during sex, so they've told me anyway..."
Sakura had considered pushing Nathan away, telling him to just finish himself off and that she wasn't just some sex toy he could use to get himself off whenever he wanted...but...well he had already started....and who knew when she could get a cock quite this big again. "Nnn....just...this once...." She groaned and wiggled her hips on his cock. "Do this again though....I'll rip it off....got it...?" She moaned again, starting to roll slightly and trying to get onto her front, attempting to get on all fours just as he spanked her ass, the girl letting out a yelp. "Nnnghh.....yeah...ahh...."
"Wasn't my fault..." He murmured tiredly to her. "I just woke up like this...and figured you were letting me." He said as he began to thrust into her, sloppy and slow, his slumber affecting his performance. "God...too groggy..." He murmured as he held his head. "Why does my head feel like its going to explode..." He said as he stopped and held his head. "Finish me off...I think I need to rest for a while longer...my head hurts so much..."
Sakura graoned as he thrust into her, grunting in minor frustration from the slowness of it, until he seemingly stopped, just leaving himself still inside of her. "Hnn? Finish you..." She blinked, then frowned, pulling herself off his cock and turning to look at him. "Feh, if you can't even be bothered to finish what you started then no way in hell I'm going to do it. You can finish yourself off if you're that desperate" The girl grabbed her clothes and moved for the exit of the tent. "I'm going down to the stream to clean off"
Nathan groaned as he held his head when she pulled out and left. His head was in so much pain and he did not know why. "Why is my head splitting..." He said as he curled up into a ball and still held his head as he groaned in pain. Little did Nathan know, the hokage put a little punishment jutsu onto him, for if he would lay with a woman he would have a splitting headache the moment he woke up after he sleeps with her. He cried out in some small pain as it felt like his head was literally about to crack open until finally, it stopped. He sat up and began to pant, he was drenched in sweat. "The hell was that...?"
Sakura had been washing herself up at the river, cleaning the fluids of her and Nathan's activity from herself and sighing softly. "Selfish jerk....'finish me off' he says....feh....he didn't even finish -me- off....last night or this morning...just cared about getting himself off. Geez....if he didn't have a big cock I'd probably beat the crap outta him....still....maybe I can use a few techniques to get him to last longer sometime...." She started to stand up out of the cold water "This is gonna drive me crazy all day now..." She muttered and fidgeted, then went to dry herself off, pulling her clothes back on.

When she returned to the camp, her nipples were still hard and poking through her bra and shirt thanks to the cold water of the river. "So you get yourself off?" She had missed him crying in pain whilst she was gone, returning a little after he had recovered. "You wanna clean up then get down the river. Otherwise let's get ready and get moving so we can meet up with Ino"
Nathan shook his head. "No...No I didn't..." He murmured as he looked to her with a frown. 'The hell was that headache...' He thought in his head as he stood up and began to pack up the tent, transforming it back into its scroll form and put it in his scroll bag. He looked to her and nodded. "Of course I am ready to go...Lets go and see if Ino is any better than you." He said with a wink. "You said she's in a lesbian phase huh? Heh...Time for me to get her addicted to some cock." He chimed as he began to walk off toward the direction they originally started, whether or not Sakura was following him or not.
Sakura rolled her eyes at Nathan's rather cocky remark, moving to walk alongside him. "Get her addicted? You'll have to actually get her off first....lord knows you could use the practice" She glanced at him and smirked, folding her arms beneath her chest. The top of her shirt was open just a little, only just showing the top of her cleavage. Not quite as much as when she had been messing with him yesterday, but definately more than usual when she just had the top zipped up completely.
"Ah screw you too." He said with a laugh as they continued to walk on for about another two hours before they came upon the checkpoint that would actually lead them out of the forest and into the next lands outside of the territory of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Nathan turned to Sakura and cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Where is she? Did she just ditch us or something?" He said with a frown as he closed his eyes and began to wonder.
"You tried screwing me last night remember?" Sakura grinned slightly as they walked, then started to glance around as they came to the checkpoint, slowly staring into the trees above them. "No....she's here....she's just making sure it's us...you're a stranger after all" She chuckled, stepping forward. "It's alright Ino, you can come out, it's really him and not some imposter" A few moments later the blonde haired Ino dropped from one of the trees, landing on the path infront of the pair. "Hm....he's a little scrawny isn't he? I thought this guy was supposed to be the kid of the Hokage.....I thought he'd look more impressive"
"It would seem your hair overcompensates for your lack of breasts." He teased in response to her talking about how scrawny he was for being the son of the Hokage. He looked at Ino up and down and then looked to Sakura, they seemed to be pretty much the same in breast size but at least for Ino she gave him a reason to call her out on it. "So you're Ino...Never really saw you outside of a picture that my father showed me when I was allowed to select my own squad mates...Hm...I should have chosen the bigger breasted Hinata." He teased, though in just a few more years when Ino was a full adult, she would already have her breasts.

(Shipuuden I believe. Though our time skip will involve the pic of Sakura I showed you and your own pic of Ino, yes?)
((Yep, only picture I've found for Ino though is this one, http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1456932 , what do you think?))

Ino twitched, suddenly clenching her fists at his comment about her breasts. "What the hell did you just say?!" Her temper was almost as quick to anger as Sakura's, and Ino certainly wasn't restrained in showing it. It was only Sakura grabbing onto the other girl to hold her back that stopped her from pouncing Nathan and attempting to beat him to a pulp. "Now now Ino....I doubt the Hokage would be very happy if you beat up his son...let's just stay calm......" Ino growled, glaring at Nathan as he compared them to Hinata, before suddenly turning her back, folding her arms. "Feh, fine....this scrawny prick isn't worth dirtying my fists anyway.....let's just get moving..." Ino suddenly reached out to give Sakura's ass a pinch, the pink haired girl yelping for a moment, before they started to walk down the path ahead of Nathan.
(Looks good. :] )

Nathan smirked as he saw that Ino had pinched Sakura's ass. This would indeed be very...very interesting indeed. He walked up and forced himself between the girls, smirking as he laid a hand on both of their asses and gave them a squeeze. "Well then girls..." Nathan said with cockyness in his attitude. "I think we will be a very great team indeed." He said as he made sure to dodge any attack that was sent out toward him from the two girls due to his surprise groping of their butts.
Ino stumbled a little when Nathan forced himself between her and Sakura, then yelped as he squeezed her ass, going to take a swing at him, though it seemed he had been anticipating it. Sakura had done the same, though her own attempted slap passed by him along with Ino's fist, the two glaring at him and growling angrily, then looking away instead, muttering to themselves under their breath as they walked towards the town where their mission was to take place. "Feh....great team....yeah right..." Ino folded her arms beneath her chest, rolling her eyes. "Whatever you say...."
"Oh come now. Lighten up." Nathan said as they continued to watch, wondering if he had a better chance to choose Hinata for a partner, but blondes and pinkheads always got on his good side. At least Hinata would have been willing and submissive...well...submissive anyway, according to his partners. "So what is it we are to do exactly again?"
Ino rolled her eyes when he asked what they were doing, glancing over at him, or more accurately glaring angrily at him. "Did you even bother to read the mission before you left?" She stared for a moment, then sighed and shook her head, looking away. "We're going to be staking out a small town not too far from here. We're on the lookout for a drug smuggler bringing new addictive drugs into the region. Our mission is to wait for him to show up, spy on him and then catch him in the act. Got it? Or shall I explain it using smaller words for that tiny little brain of yours?"
"I got it, I got it. Sheesh. Calm down. I'm more of an attack dog, only waiting for orders while I let you all handle the uh...political and stuff related to mission tactics and whatever." He shrugged and moved over to Sakura, leaning in to whisper into her ear. "Is she always such a bitch? Jeez...At least you're not this bad." His hand moved back to her ass, hoping to reignite something that had happened the day before so that Ino could possibly get jealous...Or not. This would be his last chance before he'd just focus on the mission.
"Waiting for orders. Right" Ino rolled her eyes. "You get given orders and don't read them until someone actually tells you what to do. What, did nobody tell you to read your orders or something?" Ino was so busy complaining that she didn't notice Nathan going to whisper to Sakura, the pink haired girl seeming to think on it for a moment, before nodding in confirmation. This was pretty much how Ino always was....finding something to complain about in just about everything. She jumped when his hand was back to her ass, Sakura rolling her eyes this time. "Do you ever think about anything besides women?"
"Yes. I think of the safety of my partners. I may be a roaring sexual beast, but I am also a protector of my friend and allies. I'm not the hokage's son and am just some runt who thinks I can get everything I want just by asking. I always do what needs to be done and protect those helping me." He smirked and continued to rub her ass, though he stopped and removed it. "In any case...I guess we should go ahead and get to the city then, if you are annoyed of me already, then maybe we should hurry and finish this mission so that I could request to be transferred so that I do not bother you two anymore."
"Roaring sexual beast?" Sakura glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. "If you really think that after last night then you are seriously deluding yourself..." She rolled her eyes as he continued to rub at her ass, not stopping him...it did feel rather nice to have the attention after all. When he spoke again, Ino sighed slightly, rubbing her head. "Yeah I wish we could hurry and finish the mission....but it could be anything up to a month or two before this smuggler shows up...we might have to put up with you for way longer than I think I can hold back from strangling you...."
"What I meant by sexual beast was simply the size of my lust for your information dumbass." Nathan replied as he narrowed his eyes at her. When Ino spoke of how long the mission could take, he frowned. "A month? Or two? Thats much longer than I thought that smugglers would appear in town. Are we really just being sent out here to just stop some smugglers when there are other missions to take care of? Bah. Whatever. Lets just get this one over with. And listen you, you lay a hand upon my neck and you might regret it." He smirked.
"Right. Sure you did" Sakura smirked slightly, then glanced over at Ino. She too was surprised by how long the mission was going to take....but then again it made sense. When it came to smugglers information was often quite vague as they didn't exactly work to a set timetable. In the past Sakura had been on missions where she'd had to stake out places for 3 or 4 months just waiting for someone to arrive....it was just the reality of being a ninja.
Ino just sighed and nodded. "Yes, a month or two, maybe more. The mayor of the town has paid for us to wait for this smuggler. He could turn up tomorrow, could be next week, could be next month. All we can do is watch the town ad wait" She rolled her eyes. "Oh believe me....I wouldn't regret throttling you for a second....it'd be totally worth the punishment"
"Don't think I meant the fact that I am the Hokage's son meant you would be punished. I meant I'd deal with you myself." He said in retaliation and crossed his arms, frowning. "So a month or two...Do they at least have us set up to sleep somewhere and will provide us food or are they going to make us pay for our entire trip here?" He murmured out loud, hoping that he didn't have to pay. Though the Hokage was his father, he was left pennyless to learn how to live on his own even if he was still under a roof in the Hokage's manor.
"Yeah....of course you will..." Ino smirked as he commented he'd deal with her himself....guys like him, rich self important guys from powerful families...they always ran back to the family when things got tough. She wouldn't believe different until she saw it. "Yes, we have basic accomodation and basic food provided as part of the job. We've got two rooms at the local hotel and three basic meals a day, but that's it. Anything extra we gotta pay for" Ino sighed slightly, living basically like this....she was going to be looking forward to getting back home...at least this mission was going to pay well at the end of it all. "So me and Sakura will share one of the rooms...." Ino gave a discreet glance to Sakura and licked her lips when the pink haired ninja wasn't looking. "...and you can have the other room....hopefully as far from ours as possible"
"Well screw you too." Nathan replied with annoyance. "I'm sure I can find someone else to occupy my time." He said with furrowed brows that showed his annoyance as they continued to walk and eventually arrived to the city, Nathan having not said anything else or done anything for the remainder of the walk. He immediately went for the inn, checked in, and left them to go to his room, still annoyed with her. When he arrived to his room, he laid back on the bed and frowned, wondering how he could occupy his time here. It was already complete sunlight outside, he doubted that smugglers would work during the day. So he needed something to do while he waited for the night. "Wonder if I can get that transfer..." He murmured as he pulled out a scroll from his pocket and began to write in it, asking for his father to send a third member or to send someone to just 'occupy' his time. Though whether or not his father would do such a thing, and who he would send, would be up to him. He walked out to the balcony of his room and whistled for a hawk to come and attached the scroll to its leg. The hawk screeched before darting off, messenger hawks were far faster than any other bird and they were usually enhanced by ninja's chakra to make them appear almost instantly to their designation.
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