Jugger x Princess


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan - Avatar

Nathan Stone is the son of the hokage of the village of Konoha, though the hokage does not give him any special privileges when it comes to his rank in society, saying that he needs to earn where he needs to be. However, the hokage does love his son and allowed him the privilege of being in a team with two other of the most beautiful women of his rank.

Nathan should have been silent and strong and commanding like royalty stereotypically was, but he was far from it. He was loud, obnoxious, a playboy, and a showoff. He smiles as he walks with Sakura Haruno out of Konoha's gates and out into the forest to meet the third member of their trio squad. Ino Yamanaka was already ahead of them and would meet them later, giving Nathan enough time to hang with Sakura, just the two of them. Just how he wanted. He smirks as he walks with her, eyeing her up and down. "Damn...So glad I got to be where I am today."
Sakura couldn't believe how things had ended up. Suddenly she had been pulled away from her normal duties and been told she was being assigned to a new team. The first member was to be her long time friend, and often times rival, Ino Yamanaka. The second was to be Nathan Stone, the son of the Hokage, arguably the most powerful, politically at least, young ninja in the village, second to only the Hokage himself. Still....Sakura had to admit....it wasn't an entirely unpleasent experience...being able to assosciate with someone so powerful...it could certainly have advantages.

"Hm?" Sakura glanced over at Nathan as he spoke, raising an eyebrow. "What was that?" She glanced him up and down momentarily herself, then firmly fixed her gaze on his face, Sakura's arms now folded beneath her chest. She was suspiscious that Nathan himself had a hand in the determination of their new team...though she had been assured that the team was chosen entirely based on the mixture of their abilities. "I don't think we've introduced ourselves formally yet have we? I'm Sakura Haruno, it's a pleasure to meet you"
"Heh. No need to be formal. We're teammates aren't we? Just cause I'm the son of the hokage doesn't mean I should be treated any different." He laughed. "So just treat me like any other squad mate. Maybe more. Maybe less...That'll be up to you. Yes?" He said with a snicker as he reached out and smacked Sakura's ass. "And I'll treat you like I treat all the others. Though...With much more respect." He winked his eye at her and continued to walk on, smirking and snickering. "Come now Sakura. Lets be off before we're late. We have a mission to accomplish, yes?"
Sakura had heard rumours about Nathan....how he was a flirt and a womanizer, though oddly enough no woman who had ever claimed to have been 'truly close' to him, and the way he was talking she was beginning to suspect the rumours weren't an exaggeration as she might have first suspected. Then again that wasn't necessarily a bad thing...it certainly meant she could potentially obtain certain advantages from this new team, however long it lasted. The girl nodded slightly to herself, distracted and not noticing his hand, until it gave her a firm smack on the ass through her skintight leather shorts, the girl yelping slightly and glancing at him, half glaring out of instinctual anger and half curious as to why he would be so bold. Still....something in her liked that....the boldness....it went well with the power, both physical and political, that Nathan was said to wield.

"I see....well...yes, let's be off..." The girl smiled slightly then began to walk alongside him. Perhaps she could have a little fun to pass the time whilst they were on their way to meet Ino....there was nothing better to do and she needed some entertainment. "The weather sure is hot today isn't it?" She reached up to pull the top of her zipper down a little, showing the beginnings of some cleavage as she tugged the jacket open just slightly, enough for Nathan to notice...just enough to tease him a little....Sakura wanted to see just how far she could push the poor guy.
Nathan took notice of her pulling down her zipper and his eyes gleamed as they beamed down her clothes to look at her cleavage. His face turning somewhat red but he retained his posture and continued on. "So then pinky..." He said as they continued on. "It really is getting hotter the more we walk yes?" He began to take off his own jacket, the heavy weight of it getting off of him showed a sleeveless skin-tight shirt, making him seem so much thinner than his clothes made him out to be. They were large and baggy so the appearance was easily illusioned and falsified. He looked over to her, smirking as if waiting for her to continue on with her removing her clothes. He wondered...if she was playing the same game he was at.
Sakura noticed where he was staring and couldn't help but smirk slightly, especially when she noticed his face turning rather red. So cute...clearly he really was mostly about the talk....she wouldn't be entirely surprised if the poor boy had never seen a real naked woman, just pictures. Still, that would just make it more fun to mess with him. The girl raised an eyebrow at the nickname pinky, though she didn't correct him, just watched out of the corner of her eye as he removed his jacket. Interesting...not quite as muscular as she might've expected....but then she knew that appearances could be very deceptive. "Yeah....it is pretty hot...." She fanned herself slowly. "I just wish I was wearing more than a bra under my jacket so I could take it off......"
"Hm hm..." Nathan said with interest. "You see me without my shirt on. Is it not fair if you were to take your shirt off as well? Who cares if you are only in your bra. We are squad mates, yes? Comrades in arms? Brothers to the End, as some would say?" He said, wanting her to remove it all. Most girls were not this easy, and he did not know Sakura before this so this is a surprise to him that she would be so easy and outgoing with her nudity like this. "Come now Sakura...You'd best remove your shirt. You wouldn't want to die of a heat stroke would you?"
Sakura couldn't help but chuckle as he tried to justify, with logic no less, why she should remove her jacket for him. It was almost cute really. There was little subtlety to his practical demands to see her semi-naked at the very least, he almost seemed desperate. Poor guy...she really did wonder if he had ever seen a real naked woman before. "Hmmmmm...." She tapped her chin, as if thinking about what he had said, considering whether she should remove her shirt. "Oh I'm still not entirely sure.....I mean it hardly seems fair that you're still wearing a shirt and I'll be down to nothing but a bra..." She smirked as she glanced over at him, almost teasing him now by drawing this out. She wasn't going to make things too easy for him...
"Hmph..." He said as he crossed his arms. "Nevermind then." He said as he continued to walk on, though his eyes still scanned her, especially her breasts. He had given up, thinking she would not remove her shirt like he wanted. He continued to walk on, and the day was getting by quickly. "The checkpoint is much farther than I had expected...We may have to rest for the night." He said as he turned and looked to her. "Let us set up camp here, yes?"
Sakura was rather surprised by how easily he had given up. Still, she could feel his eyes on her constantly as they walked, and she couldn't help but smirk slightly. He might've given up....but it seemed it was almost certainly only for the time being. She reached up to pull her zipper down just a little more, almost showing a little of her bra, though not quite. Just enough to drive his imagination into overdrive whilst they walked. Sure it might've been a little cruel....but that just made it all the more fun.
"Camp huh? It is further than I thought it would be....it's no wonder we were told to meet Ino there rather than wait for her to return to the village...." Sakura slowly stopped and glanced around. "Sure, here's as good a place as any. Wish I'd brought a tent though.....looks like I'll just have to sleep out under the stars again..."
"Or you could always sleep with me." He said with a smirk as he unrolled a scroll that turned into a tent after a puff of smoke had come out of it. He walked inside and laid down in the one-room tent and smiled as he called out to her. "Sakura. Come on in, there is plenty of room in here for the two of us, and then some. The bottom is even padded down with cushion so we don't have to sleep directly on the hard ground. What do you say, huh?"
"Oh? Well that really is very kind of you..." Sakura had expected as much....of course he would have brought a tent and offer to share it with her. She had to suppress a slight chuckle as he called out to her, slowly moving to make her way inside, crawling into the tent and glancing around. "Well, this certainly will be more comfortable than sleeping on the ground, especially since I don't even have a sleeping bag with me either. I really wasn't expecting us to be away from the village overnight...."
"No worries...You can even share a sleeping bag with me if you wanted to." He said with a sly grin as he moved to a compartment flap of the tent and opened it, pulling out a sleeping bag. "Would you prefer to lay on it, or in it? It can turn into a blanket as well. Whatever you prefer, my comrade in arms." He said as he rolled it over to her for her to decide.
She knew it. Sakura couldn't hide the momentary smirk on her face except by glancing away briefly, looking back to Nathan once she regained her composure. "Well....it does look like it's going to be a pretty cold night out...perhaps sleeping inside the sleeping bag would be best to keep us warm hm?" She shuffled a little closer. "I'm sure neither of us wants to catch a cold before we even start whatever our mission is going to be now do we?" As she got closer Nathan would be able to get a better look down her still partially unzipped jacket, her cleavage clearly on display now that she was on her knees and getting close.
"Its a little chilly now don't you think?" He smirked and moved closer to her, eyes peering down her cleavage to see her breasts and he looked back up to her. "Maybe we should go ahead and crawl under that sleeping bag...Though...Our body heat is so much warmer, and these clothes just keep us from staying warm...Maybe we should lose them when we sleep?"
"Well it is getting rather chilly...." Sakura chuckled, he certainly was getting rather bold again. If he'd asked girls this before then it was most likely they'd slapped him at this point and stormed out. But Sakura wanted to mess with him a little more. "Hm....well I suppose you do have a point....perhaps we should sleep in our underwear hm?" Sakura reached up towards her zipper, playing with it.
"Maybe so." He said with a smirk as he began to take off his shirt, revealing his small muscles in the bare though his body would still be toned more than the average person his age. He smirked and began to hold the rim of his pants as he stood up and looked down at her. "Come now. Don't let me be the only one stripping. My shirt's off...What about yours, huh? Or does Sakura Haruna not play a fair game when it comes to things, hm?"
Sakura watched as he removed his shirt, a little like Sasuke....perhaps a tad more toned actually. She smirked slightly when he reached for his pants and stopped, the girl still playing with the zipper on her jacket. "Hmm....oh come now, maybe I never play fair..." She leaned towards him a little and smirked, but then tugged the zipper down a little more. "But since you're being so nice to me and letting me share your tent and sleeping bag..." She lowered the zipper the rest of the way, though kept the jacket held closed until it was all the way unzipped. She hesitated for a moment, then slowly opened up the jacket, letting it slip down her arms. Her own body was nicely toned, showing just hints of muscle, but only just. Her chest was a plentiful handful, contained within a simple black bra especially designed for Kunoichi to give them support and freedom of movement, not unlike a sports bra.
Nathan's eye twitched opened quickly to the sight of her breasts in her bare bra and he smirked. "Nice...Nice pair of twins...Wait...Thats four...Uh...Anyway..." He shook his head and began to undo the zipper to his pants and unbuttoned them, looking at her as he slowly slid his pants down and stepped out, only being in his boxer shorts now. He kicked his clothes to the side and looked to her. "Now...Your turn Sakura."
Sakura almost giggled at his reaction, the way he twitched and stared, then stammered and fell over his words. This really was the first time he'd been this close to an almost topless woman. Well, at least one that knew he was there anyway. She smiled as he removed his pants, kicking them aside and then turning to her expectantly. "Hm...well alright then" Sakura got back onto her feet, bending over and reaching down to start removing her skintight shorts, sliding them down her toned thighs, revealing a rather simple pair of black panties to match her bra. The shorts dropped down around her feet, the girl stepping out of them and moving them aside as she sat down. "Brrr....it's starting to get colder like this isn't it? Maybe we should get under the sleeping bag pretty soon"
"Damn right..." He said almost breathlessly as he saw her well curved hips and her long slender legs that seemed more appealing to him than the panties that she wore. He moved over to the sleeping bag and crawled inside of it, scooting over to the farthest he could go and lifted up the flap for her to come under there with him. "Well now, Sakura Haruno...Shall we get to sleeping then, comrade?" He said as he waited to feel the warmth of the beautiful seductress next to him.
Sakura could feel his eyes on her, the way he was staring...it was rather flattering really. "Why yes we shall, I'm getting rather chilly..." As Sakura moved towards the bed she started to turn her back to Nathan. For a moment he might've just caught sight of hardening nipples beginning to poke through her bra, but it could easily have been his over-active imagination as well. The view was instead replaced by a view of her tight ass until she slipped into the sleeping bag beside him, shuffling back a little, but not quite enough to press against Nathan. "Ahhh, much better"
Nathan bit his lip, his blush was beginning to come out and he was silent as she lay there. He didn't expect her to lay next to him, she would more than likely just have done this just to tease him. 'Like she'd have even been interested in me in the first place...' He thought in his head though he stayed silent for a few moments before closing his eyes. "Well then...Good night Sakura..." He said gently as he closed his eyes, though his breathing pattern hadn't changed to something slower to indicate him having fallen asleep. He was still awake, just relaxing.
Sakura had to admit the tent was definately the most comfortable she had slept in, the cushioned bottom combined with the sleeping bag made it almost as comfortable as most beds she had slept in. She'd have to get one of these for herself at some point. She was glad she had her back to Nathan, unable to wipe the smirk from her face as she listened to him breathing. It was a good act, but as a medical ninja she could pick up on the most subtle hints....he was still awake....wide awake. She smirked, putting on her own act of being asleep, even making gentle snoring noises.
As she 'slept', Sakura moved a little, wiggling and moving even closer to Nathan, her ass almost brushing up against his crotch.
Nathan wasn't putting on an act to be playful. He was just relaxing for some moments until his eyes shot open when he felt her body heat getting warmer and he saw her begin to get closer to him. His blush intensified as he couldn't help but begin to slowly erect, his cock pressing into her right butt cheek as it was almost near him and he bit his lip, trying to move it away but it only made his cock rub up and down on her until he managed to get some centimeters away so that his cock didn't touch her.
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