Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Evie smiled and closed her eyes, stretching tentatively this time and letting herself relax into the mattress.

"I don't remember the last time I wore a bikini so trust me when I say that's not top of my list. Not having to come up with an explanation as to why I got scarred by a beating however would be nice." Evie wasn't expecting an answer and as se heard the door close she gave into the desire to sleep once again.

Kim stayed silent throughout the car trip. She was trying to remember her training. She wanted to make sure she didn't screw this up. For Evie's sake. For Lisa's sake. And she didn't want to let Tom down. He was clearly pissed and he scared her a little. She was sure that he was going to do whatever it took to take down Mason Hill. As they talked the plan out with SWAT, she listened, made sure that she knew what was going on and what was supposed to happen. When Tom told her to stay close she nodded. She wasn't going o screw this up. They were going to take down Hill and she was going back to the academy. Real, decent job. Working with good people doing an important job.
Tom lead the team of 25 officers into the Century City Plaza. Century City is an important business center in Los Angeles. Many firms & executives particularly those with ties to the film, television, and the music industries have offices there. Mason had an office on the 32nd floor while Top Hat was one floor below his. Tom assigned some officers to cover the stairwells. The elevators were being locked down by the police. There was no escape from the building expect for straight out the window. A group of uniformed officers took one elevator to the 31st floor then git off and headed for Top Hat. Tom & Kim lead the SWAT team in the second elevator getting off at 32. They walked down the hallway until they reached office number 3216, Hill Enterprises.

Tom stared at the name for a long moment. Mason loved acting like he was legit and above board. This was a big fucking joke since Mason was involved with three murders and tried to have Evie killed on top of that. Tom opened the office door and stepped inside. Mason's Secretary looked up as cops filled the outer office. " I'm sorry.......Mr. Hill isn't seeing anyone today. " She spoke out as Tom walked towards the door that led to Mason's office. Tom just turned his head and glared at the woman. He then kicked the inner office door open with one well placed foot. Tom stepped in first, his Desert Eagle held in his hand and pointed at Mason who was sitting behind his desk. Kim had her Glock out and moved in along side of Tom. " Mason Hill.......I have a warrant for your arrest. " Tom's voice was cold as he spoke. He really wanted Mason to put up a fight or grab for a weapon. Tom pulled the warrant from his coat then tossed it down on Mason's desk. Mason sat there staring daggers at both Tom & Kim. On Mason's desk were two large suit cases. One was filled with money, the other was filled with big bags of cocaine. In between the cases was a 9mm Beretta laying on the desk. Mason looked down at the pistol laying there. " Go ahead........Reach for it.......Nothing would make me happier at this point! " Tom's voice was icy, almost like the hand of death it's self. Mason just raised his hands then slowly stood up from his chair. " Kim.....Search then cuff this piece of trash......And make sure to read him his rights. " Tom stayed in place covering Kim as a SWAT officer handed her his cuffs.
Kim nodded silently at Tom's instruction and she took the cuffs from the SWAT officer stood just to her left. As she moved past Tom, he pulled the card from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. For a moment she wasn't sure what he was handing to her and then she remembered. Since she had been undercover practically from the moment she walked out of the Academy, she hadn't had that much need for the Miranda warning. She took the card and moved behind Mason, drawing his left hand behind him, cuffing it then drawing his right hand back. Mason had the hint of a smile on his face and he half looked behind him before looking back to Tom. He wasn't going to give them the satisfaction. His lawyer would get him out. They would have nothing on him. He obviously didn't know about Jeff. Kim began to read out the Miranda.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand each of these rights I have explained to you? Having these rights in mind, do you wish to talk to us now?"

Mason smiled. "You think I'm going to give you anything? You got nothing on me... This stuff..." He nodded vaguely in the direction of the cases on the table. "Not gonna keep me anywhere for long. And i cant see detective Taylor being too willing to take the stand. i don't think she's gonna want her friends and family to see what she really is." Now it was Tom's turn to smirk. He stepped forward.

"You stay quiet. That's fine with us. Jeff has already given us everything. Taylor isn't going to have to say a word. Tagliatelle might though. We have cops taking your place apart. And I'm sure they're going to find something to tie you to her death! What's on the table probably won't even make it onto the charge sheet." Mason's smile fell away and he shook his head a little. He remembered the his mind's eye he saw Evie placing it back in his desk drawer.

"That fucking cunt. I should have killed her when I had the chance." He looked back at Tom, eyes blazing, "You better hope they put me to the chair, otherwise I'm going to make sure that you and that whore get what's coming. I have plenty of friends that would enjoy some more quality time with that bitch."
The need to shoot Mason in the head only grew as he was now talking. Tom could imagine what it was like too see Mason's head disappear and leaving silence. " Get him out of my sight! " Tom almost hissed through his teeth. Two SWAT officers came up and took Mason away from Kim and out of the office. Tom told another SWAT officer that everything need tagged then sent down to the station. Tom slowly put his weapon away as he looked around. He walked over and joined Kim as she stood looking out of the large window which over looked the city. It was clear that her mind was now in deep thought. Her cover was now broken, she was no longer useful inside the porn industry. Normally she could celebrate that her undercover work was over. But she made a deal which ends her police career when her porn career was over. Now as Kim looked out over the city, her future wasn't clear. She had no idea what would happen next for her.

" You did damn good work.......A credit to your training. " Tom said as he placed a hand upon her shoulder. He was already planning to speak with the Chief about her case. Tom knew that you don't toss out a good officer like Kim. " I'll take you back to your car.....You go home and relax.......I'll be in touch in a few days. " Tom and Kim slowly left the offices and returned to the street. He drove her back to the warehouse where her car was parked. Kim then returned back to a house that she could no longer afford. Living in this house along the beach wasn't cheap, it took a lot of the money she made working as a porn star. Kim would worry about moving later. She had a really busy day and needed to soak in the hot tub.

Tom returned to his place and allowed Jen to head home herself. Evie was still fast asleep when Tom came in. She would be that way for a while since Jen had given her something to relax her. The day slowly passed and soon night was just beginning to fall. Tom was sitting at his painting area working on a new beach scene. There was a little light jazz music playing in the background. His painting didn't have any person on it yer, but it would in time. Right now it was just a beach. Tom was sitting with his back towards the stairs which lead down to his bathroom, kitchen and bedroom.
The next time Evie woke up, it was dark outside. This time when she woke up she remembered to lie still and as she recalled where she was, how she got there and she remembered the doctor. Once she was happy that everything was in place in her head again, she moved slowly, tentatively. She winced a little here and there and if she was being nothing really felt that much different to the last time she was awake. But then it was only a few hours after all. She closed her eyes and let out a long sigh as she tried to relax the stiffness from her body. And then a puzzled look appeared on her face. Somewhere in the distance, on the otherside of the door, she could hear soft music. A saxophone. She listened harder. John Coltrane. She wasn't really a jazz fan; her Dad always said you either got jazz or you didn't and she didn't. She didn't disagree. Her iPod was Metallica, Def Leppard, ACDC and Jon Bon Jovi which her dad hated. She could help smiling to herself at the thought of one of his rants.

Se rubbed her hands over her face... Her face. She had in back again apparently. But she wanted to check. She looked around. There was a full length mirror on the far side of the room. She thought about it for a moment, took a breath and gently eased herself off of the bed. She groaned, winced, gasped, sighed, but gradually she made her way over to it. When she looked at her reflection she was relieved to see herself and but for a black eye and a small cut on her cheek, there didn't seem to be much damage. But she knew the real injury was her back. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt, with the sleeves had been rolled up, which came down to just above her knees. She guessed it must have one of Tom's. she looked towards the door, hearing the music again. Slowly she made her way to it, opened it quietly and followed the sound.

It seemed to take her for ever to make it up the short flight of stairs. She used the handrail to pull herself up as much as she actually stepped up it. But eventually she made it. She saw Tom sat with his back to her.

"Evening Detective."
Tom always listened to soft jazz when he was painting. It was a relaxing sound that calmed his nerves and made the tension slip away. Tom's musical taste was broad. He enjoyed listening too the Moody Blues, Yes, Boston, Billy Joel, Earth Wind & Fire, Chicago, The Beatles and even some Country music, Rhythm & Blues, Big Band and Jazz when the mood struck him. Tom was also fond of 50's Doo Wop music. There was something so pure in the songs from that time. It was easy to get lost in those lyrics.

Tom slowly turned around when he heard Evie's voice. He never could understand why she always tried to be so formal in these situations. " I was going to have something ready for you too eat......But since you were sleeping I wasn't sure when to make anything. " Tom said as he laid his brush and board down on a nearby stand and moved to help Evie. He reached out his hands and helped her up into the living room area of his boat. Tom guided Evie over to the couch then gently he lowered her down. He had extra pillows on the couch in case Evie would come up stairs. Tom was also going to be sleeping here since Evie would be using his only bedroom. " I could fix you something too eat.....Or I could order you something.......Pizza maybe? " Tom asked and he also wanted to know what if anything Evie wanted too drink. She was going to be his guest here for at least the next 4 to 4 days before she could return to work. Jen didn't want Evie to be by herself during this time. She would also be popping in to check up on Evie's wounds and how they were healing.
She smiled as Tom told her about his plans for food. He'd set himself a pretty impossible task of having food ready when he didn't know when she'd week. She winced occasionally as she moved across the floor with Tom's help. He was being quite sweet really - which didn't seem to be 'him' - but Evie hoped he wasn't trying to be like that for her benefit. She'd grown up in a houseful of generally unsympathetic men. They weren't unkind or unfeeling; not at all. But self pity didn't go down well in the Taylor household and getting better had a lot to do with state of mind. It wasn't about being stupid and ignoring common sense, but a cold was a cold; it wasn't the end of the world. Evie wasn't quite sure that she knew how to respond to Tom's sweetness.

She moved slowly into the seat of the couch, slightly out of breath from the effort. As Tom went through the possibilities around food she suddenly realised that she had eaten anything since yesterday and she was starving. She thought for a moment.

"How about we have pizza. No pineapple. No anchovies. Lots of cheese. Other than that whatever you want. And Whilst i could very nearly kill for a beer, I think your doctor friend would be pretty pissed in light of the number of pills she is pushing down me at the moment."
Tom picked up his cell phone and called a nearby pizza place. He ordered an extra large deluxe which came with pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, green & red peppers, onions and black olives. He also asked for extra cheese, a lot of extra cheese. It would take about 25 minutes for the pizza to arrive. Tom left Evie in the living room and went down to his kitchen. He knew that Jen wouldn't like Evie mixing beer with pain pills. Perhaps tomorrow she could have a beer, tonight Tom would bring her a coke.

Tom came back to the living room carrying two coke. He handed one to Evie then he joined her on the couch. He wasn't trying to pamper her, it was just that Tom cared deeply for Evie. Evie's family cared about her as did Tom, but if he was being honest, he would admit that he wanted more from her. Tom liked being partners with Evie. He found himself thinking more and more of her not as his partner, but as a lover. Evie was truly a beautiful women. She had a great athletic body which Tom had been able too finally see when she was doing that porn film. He pictured himself being Willy and fucking Evie in the kitchen or being Jim and fucking Evie on a desk.

Tom started to explain what happened while Evie was resting. He told her about Mason's bust and how well Kim did on the job. He also said that he was going to speak with the Chief about letting Kim stay on the force. Tom wanted Evie to join him since she had grown close with Kim. He also told Evie that he was going to San Diego in a few days to speak with Kim's Uncle. Her Uncle Jose served as a Lieutenant in the SDPD. He had disowned Kim after finding out that she had become a porn star. Tom couldn't let the truth go untold. He would tell Jose the truth about Kim's work. Tom felt that Kim deserved her job and her family. He then told Evie that she wouldn't have to talk about her involvement in this case with anyone. Tom said that the camera Jeff Preston rolled over on Clayton Snow & Mason Hill. Thanks to Jeff, during the raids on the two offices and Mason's house the police found evidence that would send Snow & Hill to jail for a very long time. The L.A. County Sheriff's Deputies found Lisa's badge in Mason's desk. Copies of all the snuff films where found in safes in Mason's office and in Clayton's office at Top Hat. The gun that Clayton was going to kill Evie with, was the same weapon used to kill Lisa and the other two girls. Tom also told Evie that bail was denied to both Mason & Clayton because they had murdered a police officer. " None of this could have happened if it wasn't for you Evie. " Tom placed his right hand onto Evie's shoulder. " You risked so much to bring them down.......I'm proud to have you as a partner. " Tom then remembered that this case was their last. Evie had asked for a transfer from Robbery/Homicide. Tom then admitted to having seen Evie's request for transfer. He told her how he found it on Lesley desk when she was out of her office. Tom then asked Evie to rethink that request. " I was so worried when you disappeared today.......I don't want to lose you Evie.......I know it sounds selfish......But I need you Evie. " Tom spoke while looking deeply into Evie's eyes. He then swallowed hard before speaking again. " Evie........I'm in love with you. " Tom stopped right there after dropping a huge bombshell. This was a big step and could be an even bigger mistake by admitting his true feelings for Evie.
Evie sipped on the coke as she relaxed into the couch. When Tom told her about Mason's arrest, she couldn't help but smile.

"Do you think the DA will go for the death penalty? Part of me wishes Mason had gone for his gun. I don't think anyone would have missed him if you'd blown hs head off." She nodded when he spoke about Kim. "If the department kick her out, it will be the biggest single act of betrayal against one its own that there has ever been. She deserves a promotion and a medal for what she's done over the last couple of years. I'll come with to the Chief. Absolutely.

The lightness of the conversation changed when Tom started talking about what Evie had done; what she had risked. When he put his hand on her shoulder, Evie stiffled a soft groan and she looked at where his hand rested, heavy on her bruised muscles. What Tom said though distracted her attention from any discomfort. She looked up slowly and was about to respond when there was a knock on deck. Pizza had arrived. Tom hesitated for a moment and then disappeared, returning a few minutes later with a huge box. Evie hadn't moved, still reeling from what Tom had said. She watched him open the box, and then push it a little in her direction, offering her a slice. She couldn't help but laugh...and then groan as she felt a little pain in her back.

"In love? You really know how to take a girl by surprise, Reed. I gotta give you that. And you wait until all I have to drink is coke." She paused for a moment and most of the smile slipped away. Not quite all of it. "I don't know what to say. My Dad would be over the moon at the idea of you and me." Again she paused. Adjusted her seat a little. "The transfer is because of McCaffrey. That's the only reason. Most of the station will have heard what McCaffrey was saying about me...and maybe they're right. Maybe I couldn't have done the whole Mason Hill thing if there wasn't some truth in it. I dont know if i can go back and face that. Not quite sure how Im gonna face my family." part of her knew she was running away. but could she run and hide for ever? she couldnt say that Mccaffrey was a mistake. she did it to get Lisa out from under him...and lisa died anyway. She swallowed.

"The irony is of course, if I withdraw the transfer request, then... That puts us back to being partners again and I don't have a problem with that but... That pretty much rules out anything... personal between us. It's not just the rules. changes the partnership. You know that. And the fact that we are in love with each other means mistakes get made because suddenly we're not thinking about the job." She stared at him wide eyed. Had she just admitted something that maybe even she hadn't been aware of until this moment.
Tom remained silent as Evie spoke about why she asked for the transfer and why they couldn't be lovers & partners. It all made sense and what Evie said sounded like she was reading it from the LAPD rule book. The department had nothing against it's officers dating each other or even getting married. They did however say that partners dating could lead to mistakes being made. " You fired that out like you had written the rule book yourself. " Tom said as he looked at Evie. " You do realize that no matter where you go......That story of you and McCaffrey will follow you?.......The only way to put out that fire is by facing it down and showing everyone that you're not afraid of your mistakes....Plus if you did transfer....That will only make them believe those stories and even bigger ones will start to be told about you. " Tom stood up then walked over to the radio and changed the station to something he thought Evie would enjoy. " Personally......I don't care if you enjoyed being treated like a whore......Okay.....Maybe you liked being with McCaffrey.....And maybe you liked doing that porn movie and even enjoyed getting fucked by those men at the party......That doesn't matter too me......I know that I do love you......And I'm willing to accept who and what you are. " Tom said as he turned around and faced Evie. His mind hadn't caught on yet to what else Evie had said.

" I want you to be my partner......My friend........My lover.......And my whore. " Tom was looking at Evie while he spoke, then he turned and walked back to the couch. He knew that if Evie transfers now, she'll lose all of her probationary time and most likely end up back in uniform. Evie only had a few days left before she became a full detective. Her transfer would screw that up and Evie would have to start all over again. " I know that becoming lovers changes things.......But I think that being with you is worth the risk. " Tom suddenly got a very puzzled look on his face. He looked at Evie as if she had suddenly become a different person. " What a minute.......You said we are in love........Does that mean you love me? " Tom asked still trying to grasp what Evie had said.
Evie watched Tom as he moved across the room, listening to what he was saying. She couldn't help but smile.

"You know that its not just about the rules. It's what happens. But maybe your right about not being able to run away from McCaffrey. And I gotta tell you, you sound exactly like Steve. I can practically hear him now going on about 'cowards running away from their mistakes never can quite run fast enough'" As she spoke she gave a poor imitation of her oldest brother, although the mannerisms were pretty accurate. When she finished she moaned, having forgotten about her back and moved a little too much. " as the pain eased, she sighed. "And for the record. I didn't enjoy being with McCaffrey. Not for a second. If I could have thought of another way to keep him away from Lisa I would have done it." She took another drink of coke and then smiled when Tom suddenly realised what she'd said before. She shrugged. "Did I say that?" She shook her head playfully. "I don't think I said that... Look... Maybe if I don't transfer... Maybe you could find another partner? Take another probationer? Then... Well... That would kind of solve the problem don't you think?"
Tom didn't think that Evie's imitation of Steve was that bad, in fact it sounded pretty good. He knew that Steve would deny even sounding or acting the way Evie had, even though he did. Tom was glad that Evie didn't like being with McCaffrey. He would have accepted Evie liking it, but he felt better knowing that she didn't. " Don't play games with me Evie.....You know damn well that you said we. " Tom shot back just as playfully as Evie had moments before. He listened as Evie laid out a proposition of how things could change. Tom didn't want to lose Evie as his partner, he felt they shared something special. But if this meant Tom had the chance at a relationship with Evie, then perhaps it was worth trying. " So.....You're saying that if I get a new partner......You'll admit too saying we......And we can start a relationship? " Tom leaned closer too Evie while asking his question. " You do realize that we must work as partners until your probationary period is over? " Evie's time undercover didn't count since she wasn't officially on the police payroll when she went undercover. Her sick time would cover the time needed to heal while at Tom's boat. But Evie would still need to finish out a work week on the clock to end her probation.
Evie looked at him as he leaned closer to her. He really was a good looking man and whilst it was a long time since she had seen Rick, she could see that he was his father's son when it came to looks. For a fleeting moment she wondered whether that was true in any other sense.

"I'm not playing games." There was a long silent pause. "I did say we." She swallowed. "I don't think I realised until just now but... love with you. And because of that I don't want you making some stupid decision on the street which gets you or someone else killed because you're more concerned about saving my ass rather than you are about doing what's right from an operational perspective. You'd never forgive yourself. There aren't many rules in the police handbook that makes sense... This one does. And you know it too. So... That doesn't leave us with too many options. I transfer out...or quit...or new partners once my probation is done."
Transferring or quitting isn't an option.........You know you can't do those things.......We'll work around things until You have the choice of picking your partner. " Tom leaned back into the couch while he stared into Evie's eyes. With Evie laid up for a while, there wouldn't be any hanky panky going on. Tom was already planning on sleeping on the couch.

Since it seemed that they both agreed that they loved each other, Tom rose up one more time. He turned the radio off and turned the tv on. He returned to sitting next too Evie. Tom found a scary movie for them too watch then he picked up a piece of pizza. He took a bit of the pizza then he held it for Evie to take a bit. He cuddled with her as best that he could without causing her any pain or discomfort. They remain like this for a few hours before Evie fell asleep leaning against Tom. He carefully picked Evie up and carried her down to the bedroom and tucked her in for the night. Tom returned to the living room cleaned up then laid down on the couch and drifted off to sleep.

He was up early in the morning, showered, dressed and then walked to the kitchen. Tom started cooking Evie's breakfast, eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. Tom made breakfast, lunch & dinner for Evie every day. During many early afternoons they walked along the docks of King Harbor just talking. As Evie grew stronger, Tom drove them too Manhattan Beach were they walked along the shoreline and shared their first kiss. He had gone to Evie's apartment a few days before and picked up some of her own clothes to wear while she stayed with him. Jen came in everyday checking up on Evie until she gave her a clean bill of health. During one late morning when Jen was there, Tom drove down to San Diego to visit Kim's Uncle.

Jose Gonzales worked in the San Diego Police Department's Narcotics Division as it's Lieutenant. He had been the commanding officer for the last 10 years and had served 22 years on the force. Tom was hoping that Jose would listen to reason, but sometimes it's hard to get passed old wounds. He pulled up and parked at the station where Jose worked. Tom entered the building and stopped at the front desk. He showed his badge & ID to the desk Sergeant who then pointed out where Tom could find Lt. Gonzales. Tom walked through the squad room which didn't seem any different then the one he worked in. He walked up to Jose's office door and knocked. Tom walked in showing his badge and ID to a puzzled Jose. " Welcome to San Diego Sergeant Reed.......Tell me what can I do for an L.A. Homicide Detective? " Jose said as he offered Tom a seat. Tom sat down then he started talking about Kim. Evie was right about Tom, he wasn't one to beat around the bush. Jose's look went from helpful and happy to one of pure disgust when Tom talked about Kim. She was dead as for as Jose was concerned. Jose pretty much told Tom that then he told him to leave. Tom tried for the next 10 minutes to talk with Jose, but Jose was bullheaded. Tom saw that he was getting no where with a man who could only see things from his point of view. Tom stood shaking his head as he walked towards the office door. " You know......My father was a crime boss in Los Angeles for years......I grew with people thinking that I would continue with his work......They were wrong about me.......My father always wanted something better for me.....And when I wanted to become a cop....He was there to support me........Kim has done some great work undercover.....You may not like what she did.......But she served the people of L.A. without worrying about her reputation. " Tom said then he slowly opened the door, but instead of walking out, He turned around and faced Jose. " You can sit there behind your desk Lieutenant and act like she doesn't matter......But she matters too me........Kim blew her cover to save my partner's life........She's worked harder then half of the detectives in the LAPD put together........Kim's a cop......Always has been......A damn fine one too " Tom started to walk out as Jose asked for him to wait. Jose asked for Tom to stay a while. Tom did and finally was able to tell Jose the whole story about his nieces past. He explained why Kim couldn't tell Jose the truth and all of the bust that came from her undercover work.

Tom left Jose's office about an hour later. Jose was now seeing his niece in a new light. He even told Tom that he was going to come and visit with Kim soon. Tom returned to his boat house and told Evie everything that happened in San Diego. It all seemed to be turning out alright for Kim. Now Tom & Evie would have to talk their Chief into keeping her on the force. The day finally came for that to happen. Evie was finally able to return to work. She still had to work the rest of the week as Tom's partner before getting the chance to pick who she would work with next.

Evie stayed with Tom at his place the entire time. They drove to work together that first morning. It was something totally new for both of them. But they had become a couple now and riding to work would become an everyday thing. The whole deal with McCaffrey seemed like light years away. Everyone now believed that Evie was forced by McCaffrey and that wasn't cool with them. Evie was be teased for a different reason now. The story went around that Evie had gone and did some work with the F.B.I. So when she came back into the squad room, many of the others teased her about being special. This was all done in good nature, Evie had found respect.

Evie's first job was to have her transfer stopped and ripped up. Then she & Tom would pay a visit to the Chief in his office upstairs. Tom called Kim and asked for her to come down to the station. She believed that this was to turn in her badge and weapon. Kim didn't know that Tom & Evie were going to fight for her. She also didn't know that Tom had a surprise for her. This would be a day of surprises for Kim.
It seemed that each passing day took longer and longer to pass. Evie had never been so inactive in her life. When they were teenagers, Jack had never let his kids just lounge around the house. By the time Evie got to her teenage years Steve was just about to start college and James was a sophomore at high school - so neither one were particularly keen to have their 13 years old sister hanging around with them. When she wasn't studying, a lot of her time was taken up with sport. Jack had first taken her to play soccer when she was 8 and she had played in school and City teams pretty much from that point until she left UCLA. When she went to high school she also joined the softball team and for a couple of seasons she ran track. Jack also seemed more than willing to volunteer her services for a substantial part of most vacations; various charitable organizations that he came across through his job - homeless shelters, soup kitchens and church groups.

For four weeks, she was forced to sit around on Tom's boat and each week got harder. Spending time with Tom was great and he did a lot to keep her occupied but it wasn't work. After about two weeks, she had gone out for her first run. Running around the Harbor was a lot different to the beach. It was a lot busier; there was a lot less room and it didn't quite provide the opportunity for thinking things out as the beach at her place did. At least she got out though. Gradually, she built up some distance again but it would take a little longer before she was hitting the 10k again. Finally Jen 'signed' her off for a return to work which meant finally Tom would allow her return to be public. Once the message had been passed back to the Lieutenant and the Chief, Evie went 'home' to see her Dad to let him know that her job was done and she was coming back to the force. The following night, she and Tom had gone to the bar - arriving separately - and there had been a full Taylor reunion.

Now, it was the morning of her first day back. It was as if McCaffrey hadn't happened and the guys around the station seemed genuinely pleased to see her back. After getting a coffee and firing up her computer, suddenly it felt almost as if she had never been away. She had seen the LT and the transfer request had been shredded and now she and Tom were waiting to get in to see the Chief.
The meeting started when Tom & Evie arrived at Chief Beck's office. At first Chief Beck tried to blow off the detectives by saying that Kim had agreed to the deal and nothing could be done to change that. This didn't sit well with Evie and she tossed her badge on to the Chief's desk. Tom's badge soon joined his partners which silenced the Chief. Tom & Evie were ready to resign right there if something wasn't done to save Kim's career. Chief Beck placed a call to Police Commissioner Fernandez. He told his boss what the two detectives were demanding. She would have normally said no if it had been most any other detectives. But Tom & Evie had become a high profile duo and Commissioner Fernandez wasn't willing to lose her most valued pair of plain clothes officers. She told Chief Beck to agree with what they wanted. Beck hung up the phone and told Tom & Evie that they won while handing back their badges. Chief Beck did request that Kim get some more training at the academy before she hit the streets. Both Tom & Evie agreed since Kim was pretty green. Kim would take a couple of weeks of refresher training at the academy then she would join the force as a full time Detective. Kim's time undercover was being taken into account. If she had graduated from the academy with her class, Kim would be a detective by now.

Kim was set up stairs by the desk Sergeant where she waited for Tom outside of Chief Beck's office. She was still expecting to be turning in her badge and gun. Tom & Evie left Beck's office and ran right into the waiting Kim. She was glad that Evie was looking so good and back on her feet. She held out her badge and weapon asking for Tom to take them. He just laughed and said that Kim should keep them. Evie then told Kim that she was staying on the force. She also said that Kim would need to report to the academy bright and early the next day. Kim was at a loss for words, she was so grateful. Then her Uncle Jose appeared walking up the hall behind her. Tom leaned forward and told Kim that she had something else to be happy about. He pointed as Kim turned seeing her Uncle. She turned around again and wrapped her arms around Tom's neck. She could hardly speak, but she did get out how much this meant too her. Kim then moved to Evie pulling her into a deep hug. She told Evie that she was her best friend in the whole world. Kim broke the hug then turned and moved towards her Uncle. They met in the hallway embracing each other. Jose looked too Tom & Evie and mouthed the words thank you. He then placed an arm around Kim as they walked away.

" Well I don't know about you......But I could use some coffee....Shall we head out on patrol........I know this place downtown that has these great donut sticks. " Tom said as he wrapped and arm around Evie's waist and started to walk with her towards the elevators.
It wasn't that they had agreed to resign if the Chief said no. They hadn't even discussed it. But when the chief I'd say no, it just seemed the obvious things do. Evie was relieved though when the order came down to allow Kim back in. And Kim certainly seemed pleased to be going back to the academy. The hug she got from Kim outside was heart felt and genuine enough although Evie thought it was a little over the top. Kim... Jenna...had saved Evie's life in the warehouse and Evie would always be grateful. Maybe that's why offering her badge was an obvious reaction. But the idea that she was her best friend in the whole world... It was a little too sickly sweet for Evie but perhaps it said more about Kim's lack of friends.

When Tom suggested coffee, Evie nodded. She tried to take no notice of the arm around her waist and she hoped that Tom had just momentarily forgotten where they were. She didn't mind that people knew about them once they weren't partners and she definitely wasn't ashamed, but this was work. And cops didn't walk around the station with their arms around each other.
If Evie had thought back, she would have remembered Tom putting an arm around her before. Being that it was around her waist, was a little too far and Tom removed his arm. Their day went by peaceful enough and soon the day ended. Before leaving Tom & Evie were given the news that some detectives dread. They would have to do a uniformed patrol the evening. This was called " Uniform Days " by the detectives. One day out of each year detectives had to wear their uniforms to work and pull a patrol shift in a black n white. There were two reasons for this. One, it let the higher ups in the department know that each detective still had their old uniforms and those uniforms were in good order. The 2nd reason was that it reminded the detectives of where they came from since all detectives start out as street cops. Tom & Evie were also asked to pull a double shift. They would start the day off as normal working Robbery/Homicide. Then they had to switch into their uniforms and work a night patrol. This night patrol just happened to be on October 31st, Halloween Night.

As the day before, the day shift went pretty normal for Tom & Evie. Part of the day was spent dealing with the jokes about the two detectives dressing up for Halloween as " Real Cops. " Tom would reply that it was hard to find any "Real Cops" since all he could see were bad comedians. The day shift ended with Tom & Evie in their respective locker rooms putting on their blues. Tom couldn't carrying his Desert Eagle, but he could bring it in the car. He had the weapon inside a black bag that he was carrying when he exited from the men's locker room. His uniform was pressed and neat. Around his waist, his gun belt which also carried his baton, handcuffs, pepper spray,two extra clips for his Glock, a hand held police radio and a flashlight. Along with the black bag, Tom also had the log book for their evening patrol. Each patrol needed to keep a log of all calls they answered and what they did when not answering calls. He waited for Evie outside of the Female's locker room. Tom was going to let Evie drive the black n white tonight while he kept the log. Their next stop would be roll call for the uniforms working the night shift. After that, they would sign out a shotgun and a patrol car, then hit the streets.

Once Evie came out of the locker room, they walked down to the uniforms squad room. Evie certainly did cut an impressive figure in her uniform. They went into the briefing room and sat down. That evenings watch commander, Sergeant Emma Drake welcomed and introduced Tom & Evie to the other officers during roll call. She talked about the city's annual Halloween party which is held at Griffith Park each year. There would be a lot of kids in and around that area, plus out trick or treating. She reminded all of the officers too keep a watchful eye out when patrolling the neighborhoods. Sergeant Drake then talked about the Female Phantom. She spoke of how this unknown woman dressed all in white from head to toe would rob stores using a handgun. This had been going on for the last 3 years and the Chief wanted her caught. Roll call ended, Tom went to pick up a shotgun while Evie went to sign out a marked police car. They would meet in the garage area as soon as Tom got their. Tom arrived to find Evie doing the safety check on the car. Before the start of each patrol, the officers needed to make sure that their car was working properly. Tom locked the shotgun into place between his seat and Evie's. He then stashed his Desert Eagle under the front seat. The black bag Tom had also held candy that he & Evie would hand out during their night. Once Evie was done checking the car over, she joined Tom inside. " 1 Adam 18......Taylor and Reed......PM watch clear. " Tom hung up the microphone after clearing them with dispatch. The time was 5:36 pm and their night was just getting started.
Evie worked her way slowly around the exterior of the car, checking there were no dents or scratches that weren't already logged which either she or Tom might get blamed for come the end of their shift. She checked the tyres and the lights. As she worked diligently, an unmarked car pulled into the garage. Two men stepped out, both of them grinning as they looked at each other, then at Evie, then back to themselves. Webb and Pierce were finished for the day. They knew that Reed and Taylor had to pull a double shift with the second one in uniform and for the most part they were simply relieved that it wasn't them, although they knew their turn would come soon enough. They had spotted Evie as Webb had turned into the garage and Webb had let out a long whistle. They had both seen Evie in full dress uniform at Connors' funeral seven or eight months back, but that was dress pants and a suit jacket. Now they were looking at her in standard issue pants and a shirt tucked in at the waist. She wasn't wearing the jacket at that point; she had tossed is over the hood whilst she checked over the car. The tucked-in shirt showed her narrow waist and accentuated her bust and ass. The pants were tight around her ass and the utility belt didn't hide anything. Once out of the car they both headed over to where Evie was crouched down, checking the rear tyres.

"Hey cupcake... looking good." She turned a little, the identity of the voice not registering with her.

"Now now... you're talking to a former FBI agent... to a special agent." Pierce said to Webb then looked back to Evie. "Is that right... were you a... special agent... I bet there were lots of bad guys who thought you were real special." The two men stepped close enough to her so that she was effecively sandwiched between the two of them; crouched down looking up with Webb slightly to her left and Pierce slightly to her right

"Special agent cupcake? Hmmmm. Why dont you show us exactly how you got that special agent designation?"

"No man. She was special before she went to the Feds. Remember how special McCaffrey said she was." Evie looked from one to the other and then slowly squeezed herself up so that she was now standing between the two of them.

"Oh... I'm special in ways you two couldn't begin to imagine and in ways that you two will NEVER get to see." Webb started to laugh and he reached out a hand and rested it on her hip. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted.

"Everything okay?" Seemingly from nowhere, unnoticed by any of the three of them, Steve stepped into the conversation. Webb withdrew his hand at speed and both he and Pierce spun round to look at him then they glanced at each other saying nothing. Evie couldn't help but smile a little as she saw them both physically tense. She shook her head a little. "Yeah... everything is... just fine... isn't it guys?" She reached up and patted each one of them on the arm. "They were just making sure that I settling back into the job okay."

"What... erm... yeah... that's... that's all" Webb stuttered.

"Sure... absolutely!" Pierce took a couple of paces back away from both Steve and Evie. "Come on Webb. We should... go sign out... Let Evie here finish off and get out on the street." Both Steve and Evie watched as the two of them hurried to make their exit. Evie chuckled to herself.

"You know. You should put in a complaint about those two." Steve said.

"Really?" Evie stared at Steve, smiling but not really believing what she was hearing. "Steve, unless the LT has suddenly become a very different woman while Ive been away, pretty much the only thing you can't tell me about being a cop is sexual harrassment. Webb and Pierce are nothing. I can deal with it.... honestly." Her smile widened a little. "And since when have you been my knight in shining armour. You're the one usually telling me to suck it up and deal with it... no matter what 'it' might be."

"Well.. maybe... maybe if I hadn't been like that then McCaffrey wouldn't have..."

"Whoa! Wait a minute." The smile disappeared and she shook her head a little in disbelief. "McCaffrey wasn't your fault. Dont... ever think that... Him deciding to say those things about me... he did that purely because I found out what he doing to Lisa. It wasn't your fault." Steve looked at her for a long moment as if he were searching her expression to convince himself that she was talking the truth. Slowly he nodded. "Okay." Evie smiled again.

"Really, Webb and Pierce are nothing. You and Dad and James taught me to deal with much worse than them." She reached up and patted him on the arm and then it was his turn to nod. "You be careful out there okay."

"Yes Sergeant. I'll be careful. Remember I've only been out of uniform for 8 months; its Reed who will be out of practice." Steve turned and laughed and headed back into the building.

Five minutes later, Evie was just finishing up and Tom appeared with the shotgun. They climbed into the car in an easy silence and Evie pulled the car out of the garage as Tom logged them in to Control.
Tom was clueless as to what Webb & Pierce were doing before he arrived. He passed them as Tom came out with nothing said. Had Tom been quicker, he certainly would have given them a special assignment to do the next day. Tom could have also sent them to the academy and let his friends work the glaring disrespect out of them. It wasn't that Evie needed Tom or anyone to protect her. Tom knew very well that she could handle herself against just about everyone. The first thing Tom did after clearing them with dispatch, was to start the log book. It wasn't long before they had something to do. A few blocks from the station, a car had failed to signal while making a right turn. This wasn't just any car, since this was Halloween, the car turned out to be a hearse. Evie came up from behind as Tom turned on the lights and hit the siren. The hearse pulled to the side as Tom grabbed his ticket book. " I got this........You run the plate. " Tom gave Evie a wink as he climbed out of the car. He walked up to the driver's side while Evie ran the plate through the computer in their patrol car. The window came down and Tom was surprised too see a celebrity was driving this car. But this wasn't just any celebrity, this was one who lives for Halloween, it was Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.

Tom was a big horror movie fan and he enjoyed those cheesy bad movies that Elvira had on her show. The latest version of Elvira's Movie Macabre ran just last year. Elvira showed her drivers license & proof of insurance to Tom. The car was hers, she used it to drive to special shows. Elvira was hosting a Halloween show in Hollywood tonight. Tom gave Elvira back her license and insurance. Reminded her about driving safely, then he let her go with just a warning. Tom returned to the car and to Evie.
Evie watched Tom as he stepped out of the car and followed procedures. Checking the driver's license and registration whilst she waited for confirmation that there was nothing on the plates... No outstanding warrants or affix violations. When the information came back, she did and double take and smiled. She looked back up and out at Tom, knowing that this was one stop her would be getting some enjoyment from. Evie made a silent bet that no ticket would be issued on this occasion and she waited for Tom to return to the car. She smiled at Tom as he climbed in.

"Did you get the lady's autograph?"
Tom slowly turned his head and looked at Evie when she asked about getting an autograph. Living in Los Angeles all of his life, Tom had met his share of celebrities. He wasn't one who sought out their signatures, but in this case he did. Tom slowly opened his ticket book and pulled out a piece of paper which Elvira had signed. He showed Evie the paper then tucked it back into the book. They returned to patrol duty. Many people of all ages were out walking around in costumes. Seeing people dressed in weird outfits was nothing new, it was an everyday deal. Tom laughed as he commented to Evie about how even on Halloween, Los Angeles never changes. Their shift was moving along slowly. An hour passed by before Tom & Evie got their first call. It was a 415 Disturbing the peace call. Two neighbors were fighting over Halloween that the one had in his yard. Tom & Evie were able to defuse the situation without placing anyone under arrest.

While Tom & Evie were busy with their call. The female phantom struck her first target of the night. She nailed a liquor store just 6 blocks west from where Tom & Evie where. Another unit handled the call and even gave chase to the unknown female. She however just seemed to disappear into thin air. This just added to the stories that she was a real ghost and couldn't be caught. Tom & Evie returned to their car in time too hear that the other unit was chasing the woman, but by the time they arrived she was long gone. The other officers were at a loss as to how she got away. Tom didn't believe that this phantom lady was a real ghost. He felt that she was just clever and very lucky. Tom knew that sooner or later, her luck would run out. Tom & Evie returned to patrolling and did a pass through Griffith park where the city party was going on. They stopped and checked the area before returning to patrolling the streets. Night had fallen and with the sun going down, the calls became more serious. " 1 Adam 18.......1 Adam 18........647(f) and 415 fight......316 West 2nd Street.........The Redwood Bar.......1 Adam 18 handle code 3. " Tom rogered the call after the dispatcher finished with the information. The night had so far been easy for Tom & Evie. Now that the sub was down, that would change.
Evie laughed as Tom showed her the signed pece of appear, then put the car in her and drove away. They drove their way randomly around the streets in he area. Diffused the yard fight. Responded to the liquor store hit and listened to two uniformed officers called Mason and Fitch try and explain how a gun-totting woman dressed in white had "simply disappeared" in front of them. As they tried to convince Reed, Evie checked out the alleyway they had all finished up in. She walked back to the patrol car and shrugged. Shook her head.

"Maybe send a unit in the morning because I can't see anyway out down there at the moment." And she couldn't. No matter where she focused the torchlight. Not a window or a door. Just a dead end. She climbed back in the car listening to Reed talking about how it wasn't possible; how there had to be a rationale explanation. Evie said nothing other than to repeat the fact that there was no exit that she could see.

She dove over to Griffith Park which was awash with parents and kids in fancy dress. And then when the call amenities, once again she hit the blues and twos and turned the car around, heading for The Redwood Bar
Tom jumped from the car as it came to a screaming halt. He grabbed his baton from the holder on the door and slipped it into his belt. Tom walked quickly towards the front doors of the bar with Evie just behind him. Upon entering the bar, Tom & Evie were greeted with the sight of two men slugging it out. One was dressed like a cowboy while the other was dressed like a princess. " You take queen for a day......I'll take wild Bill. " Tom said to Evie as he moved towards the cowboy. He broke the pair apart and pulled the cowboy to one side. The men dressed as a princess certainly wasn't ready to give up the fight. He jumped onto Tom's back and started swinging wildly at both the cowboy & Tom.

The men dressed as a princess wasn't heavy. He weighted around 130 lbs, but the force of the jumped pushed Tom and the cowboy against a nearby pool table. The cowboy again started swinging back until Tom brought his baton out and forced the man down on to the table.

Evie reached out for the back of the princess's dress as he suddenly launched himself onto Tom's back.she grabbed hold with both hands and pulled hard, turning as she did so. As she pulled and twisted, the man was pulled backwards and around, spinning until he met the wall that Evie had intended to throw him against. She pivoted from one foot to another, transferring her weight so she didn't fall away or keep spinning. As he hit the wall with a groan, she pushed herself forward so that h body hit his, slamming him against the wall for a second time. she let go of his collar with one hand and grabbed the man's right wrist. In one smooth movement she pulled his arm back and up forcing it high between his shoulder blades.

"CALM DOWN. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ABOUT.?" She looked over her shoulder to where Reed was.

"You okay?"
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