Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Evie looked at Gary and the hint of a smile played around her mouth.

"If I had a problem with any of that, I wouldn't be here. Jenna might be a big enough star to be able to pick and choose the kinds of scenes she plays but Im smart enough to know that if I want to be successful, I... do whatever is needed." She felt something at her arm and when she looked down it was Jenna tapping her arm with a copy of the script. She took it from her and started flicking through it. The she looked back up, to Gary, then Jim, then back to Gary. She wasnt entirely sure who was going to make the decision here.
Gary looked to Jim, then he looked back at Tori who had just be given a copy of the script by Jenna. " Okay......You got the job.....we'll start you out at $500 dollars for the day. " Gary said then he noticed Jenna shaking her head no. " I can't have my BFF working for less then $1500 dollars a day........She's not some street trash like many around here. " Jenna crossed her arms over her chest while she stared at Gary. He looked at Jenna then shook his own head. Gary knew better then argue with Jenna once she wanted something. " Okay......Tori gets $1500 dollars for the day......Now can we please all get to work? " Jenna laughed and agreed while taking Evie by her hand. " Come on......We can share a dressing room since it's our last day shooting. " Jenna started walking away withe Evie along side. They walked past the office set then down a short hallway until they reached a room with a gold star on the door. Jenna opened the door then walked inside. There were a few chairs, a table, a couch, a rake with clothing on it and a huge mirror hanging on the wall.

Jenna opened a small box which was sitting on her dressing table. " I've got some joints already rolled in case you feel the need to help yourself relax. " Jenna held the open box out towards Evie in case she wanted a smoke. " I have some cigarettes if you want something else. " Jenna pulled a pack of smokes out then offered them to Evie.
Evie smiled when Gary said that she had the job, and then smiled even more when Jenna negotiated a threefold pay rise. $1500 for one days work. Of course the money wasn't important. She would have to hand it all over, minus fully itemised expenses, once the operation was over. But she had to at the very least make it look like the money mattered to her. Nd getting paid $1500 rather than $500 was a big deal. She could only imagine what Jenny and her friends would think about getting $1500 for one trick. Jim looked pleased too with the way things worked out.

Evie then followed Jenna back stage to her dressing room. Evie declined the joint.

"If I cant get through this one without something then I'm really gonna be in trouble later on when it comes to the really heavy stuff. She hesitated for a moment but she did take an ordinary cigarette. She could hear Steve's voce in her head telling her how much he hated her smoking. She had given up shortly after joining the Academy but she missed it still.

Between them they found an outfit; a tight blouse with a balcony bra underneath. A tight lack pencil skirt. Black heels. They tied her hair back, did her make up and then ran through the script until she was called onto the set.
The dialog part of the shooting went surprisingly well. There were a few scenes where someone blew their lines, but everything worked in the end. The film crew packed everything up and everyone headed for 12304 Osborne Street in San Fernando. This house was owned by the Producer of this film, Mason Hill. He worked closely with Top Hat Production and Clayton Snow was a personal friend. Mason Hill was a big player in local & state politics. Hill also had his hands deep into the criminal underworld running what had been the Rosella Crime Family. Mason Hill was a man in his early 60's, but he hardly showed it. The man was fit enough to run a marathon and sit party like a 20 year old after. Hill's hair was white, his skin tan, he stood 5'8" and weighed 160 lbs. His body was rock hard since he worked out everyday and Hill had a kinky side, he enjoyed having girls who he fucked call him grandpa.

Mason Hill wouldn't be at the house during shooting, he was busy elsewhere in the city. Hill would be at the wrap party later that evening which would be held at the same home where the finally filming was taking place. Clayton Snow would also be at the wrap party enjoy himself. The two men were quite pleased at how their latest moneymaking scheme was working. Clayton had found out during a trip to the orient that big money could be made in special films. These films featured brutal beatings, torture, sex and at the end the female was murdered right in front of the camera for all too see. Their last film titled " Good Cop, Dead Cop " starred Lisa Tataglia and made them $50 million dollars in just one week. This film was being distributed in underground markets in many countries around the world and the money was still rolling in. Hill & Snow were even now planning their fourth snuff movie and looking for the right victim. She had to be pretty, have a great body and be unknown in the porn industry.

Tom had received Jenna's picture & texted while still at his place. He was beyond stunned by how different Evie looked. Tom wouldn't have known that this girl was Evie. They had spent so much time together over the past few months and Tom knew every feature of Evie's pretty face. Had he passed her on the street, Tom wouldn't have given her a second look. Tom left his boat house and headed for where the warehouse was. He only got half way there when he received a call from Lesley asking him to meet her at coffee shop down town. Tom made a detour and met with Lesley. During the meeting, Lesley showed Tom the coroner's report on Lisa's body. The coroner had found traces of fish scales on Lisa's body along with 3 different types of fish oil. The coroner listed the fish that the oil & scales came from as Tuna, Shark and Swordfish. Tom knew that the only place where Lisa could have come in contact with all of these was down at the waterfront area. He asked Lesley to run a check on all fish cannery's in the area. Tom needed to find out how many there were in & around the city.

Tom left the coffee shop and headed for the warehouse. He soon found out that the warehouse was part of a fish cannery. Tom was parked outside watching the place while the crew who had just finished filming was packing everything up. He couldn't go through official police channels to find out who owned this warehouse & cannery. Tom called his father for a favor. Rick Reed's personal security force was like a team of spies. Each of the six ladies was highly trained and devoted to Rick Reed. Tom needed his father's computer wiz Tia to track down the owner. While Tom was waiting for the information, he saw Jenna & Evie leaving the building. Jenna had spotted Tom's car, but acted like she was looking at nothing. Once in the car, Jenna handed her cellphone to Evie and asked her to text Tom with the address of the house they were going to. Jenna pulled her car out of the parking lot and passed right by were Tom was parked.

Tia called Tom back within 10 minutes after finding out what he was looking for. She told Tom that the owner of the warehouse & cannery where he was at was Mason Hill. Tom thanked Tia then he pulled out and headed for San Fernando. He believed that the same warehouse were Evie & Jenna had just been was the same place where Lisa was murdered. By the time that Tom arrived at the home where the movie would finish shooting, the crew was already hard at work setting things up. Tom was wearing a t-shirt & jeans in stead of his normal sports coat and pants. He parked his car well away from where the film crew's own vehicles were. Tom walked up and started to help carrying equipment into the house. No one took any notice of Tom as he blended into the crew who were to busy since they were behind on this film. Jenna had again spotted Tom carrying in stuff. She noticed how well built Tom was and realized that Evie never gave her answer about whether or not she wanted or even liked her partner. " Now there's a handsome stud. " Jenna gave Evie who was sitting beside her in a chair a gentle nudge. " I'll bet he's good for relieving all kinds of tension. " Jenna teased as she leaned closer to Evie.
Evie looked at Jenna as she climbed into the cat and then once seated looked at her again. Saw her looking back, expectantly, grinning.

"What do you want me to say. The guy's my partner. You know police policy on that stuff." Her smile broadened as Jenna continued to look at her expectantly, not starting the engine. Evie started laughing.

"okay. Okay. So he's a good looking guy. Now can we get to work"

Jenna laughed and then turned the ignition and drove the car out of the lot. Twenty minutes later she pulled into the arcing drive of an expensive house...not quite of the same standard as Rick's place but still very nice nonetheless. As the climbed out of the car, Elie wasn't sure what to expect. The driveway was already loaded with vehicles. The two women headed to the door.
Jenna sat with Evie in their chairs until the director came over and told Evie that they were ready for her first scene. This would be Evie's first sex scene of the movie and it was with a black man. The second sex scene for Evie would feature her with Jenna and Jim the man she met earlier. " Come on Tori....Times wasting. " Gary said as he waved her to come on. Jenna rose up from her chair then took a hold of Evie's hand. " If you don't mind......I wanna watch. " Jenna said as Gary just rolled his eyes. " Women.......They always wanna watch. " Gary grumble as he walked away going over his notes. He wanted nothing more at this point then to get this movie in the can. Jenna walked along with Evie explaining that in this scene Tori catches one of Big Max's guys and fucks him so they would know where Big Max is. She told Evie that it was pretty much straight sex, but there would be an anal finish. The black man would end up fucking Evie in the ass, but he would cum on the outside and not the inside. Jenna explained this as being called the money shot.

A 6'3" 195 lbs man named Willy Longjohn stood waiting in the kitchen. He grinned wickedly when Evie came into the room. Willy enjoyed fucking white women and he enjoyed fuck new women in the business. " We'll have some fun baby. " Willy said as he came over to greet Evie. His eyes checking out very inch of her body. " Tori is a cute name.......It suits you honey. " Willy added before Gary called for everyone to take their places. A few moments later, Gary yelled out action and the scene started. Jenna stood back away from the camera where she could watch. She soon noticed that Tom had joined her. " You know.....A girl can tell when another girl likes a guy. " Jenna whispered softly as Evie was down on her knees sucking Willy's huge cock. Tom was watching Evie in action and he found himself longing to be that guy. He did however look at Jenna when she started to speak. " She likes you. " Jenna looked to Tom who just shook his head and replied that Evie was his partner. It only made sense that she liked him. " No....She really likes you.......She's just afraid of the departments rules to admit it.....I don't even believe that she's admitted it too herself. " Jenna looked back to where Evie was now getting her pussy plowed by Willy. What Jenna had said made Tom wonder whether Evie had hidden feelings for him. It was true that he was keeping his feelings for her hidden, but was it possible that Evie wanted him in the same way?

Once Willy shot his hot cum all over Evie's ass, Gary yelled out cut! He was pleased that Evie had done so well on her first time. They had gotten the scene in one take. ' Okay Tori get cleaned up......Can we get some wet naps for Tori! " Gary walked around the room as everyone started to leave the kitchen. The last scene would take place in the study and Jim was already there waiting for Evie to arrive. A girl came up and helped to clean Evie's bare ass then Jenna walked up too her. " That was a hot scene......You were born for sex Tori. "
Evie did what she had to do as far as the screen action with Willy was concerned. She wasn't going to come out and say she had enjoyed it, but truth was she kind of had. Willy had been a good fuck if a little predictable. What was different was the audience of course. At the club and at Lewis' there had been people watching so maybe it was knowing the cameras were there. Something added a level of excitement that was new for her.

When they were done and once Gary had called the cut, Evie cleaned up with the help of one of the dressing room staff. New clothes had been provided for her and she re-dressed where she was. As Jenna told her that her scene had gone okay, Evie simply smiled and listened and then readied herself or the next scene.
Jenna & Evie went over the final scene before they were called on to the set. The final scene was taking place in Mason Hill's study and his desk would be the place where both Jenna & Evie would be fucked by Jim. Big Max who was being played by Jim was a crime boss. In many ways this character was the same as those who were being sought by the police for Lisa's murder. The script didn't call for much dialog, Evie as Tori would yell out undercover sluts and that Big Max was under arrest. Jenna would reply that they should have some fun before taking Big Max to the slammer. The girls would then lower their guns and badges while walking towards the desk. From there the sex would start.

Everything was now set for Tori & Jenna to push the door in. A few close up shots of the girl's faces and Jim were already done. All that was needed was for Tori & Jenna to say their lines and start working Jim over. Tom had already got an eyeful when Evie fucked Willy. Now, Tom was going too watch Evie not only with another man, but a woman as well. The script called for Jenna & Tori to be making out when Jim was fucking them. Tom never wanted Evie as much as he did right now. He wanted to pull Evie into a closet or a dark corner and fuck her tight little pussy. Tom wanted to make Evie scream with pleasure. He wanted too hear her call out his name while his cock worked her over. Tom had been lost in his thoughts, but was soon jarred back when Gary yelled out ACTION!!
Once Jenna had suggested that they have a little fun before effecting the arrest, Evie saw the smile spread across Max's face. He certainly didn't seem to be looking to make any get away at that moment in time - not with that offer on the table. Over the next hour, Evie and Jenna took turns in sucking Jim's cock, letting him fuck both of them, then sucking his cock again. While he fucked Jenna, she had her face buried in Evie's pussy then he had Evie suck him clean. After that, it was Evie's turn to get fucked. It hadn't taken long before she became lost in the scene, forgetting the camera and the audience and just enjoying the feel of Jim's cock.

Once the scene was done, and as the three of them were putting on towel robes which they had been given, Gary told them that they could get a shower and change before the party. One of his assistants led them out of the room, through the kitchen, out a door at the back of the house, around the pool to a small quadrangle tucked behind large hedges. There were two small single storey buildings... guest quarters. The assistant pointed Jim in the direction of one of them and the girls in the direction of the other. Inside was a single room, two double beds and an ensuite bathroom. Jenna had had a case in her car and this was now on one of the beds. Jenna had packed clothes for them both to wear at the party.

It took them a little over an hour to shower and dress. Jenna spent much of the time briefing Evie on what to expect. Plenty of wine. Drugs weren't unusual. Lots of flirting... groping... and in all likelihood, based on how the filming had gone today, hopefully she would get an introduction with someone who looked like a potential suspect for the snuff movies.

Jenna had brought a simple black dress for herself but it suited her very well. She'd brought pink for Evie and it showed off her curves very well.

When the two of them walked arm in arm back into the kitchen of the main house, there were a few people in there and heads turned. It wasn't long before Gary had approached Jenna and he started talking about where the next movie in the series was probably going to go. Evie wasn't really paying that much attention; instead she was looking around the main room, just taking things in. Then Jim came up behind her, two glasses of champagne in hand. He grinned, holding one out for her, but taking his time in looking her up and down. Evie took the glass and simply smiled.

"So... did you enjoy your first movie?" Evie took a sip of the wine, still smiling.

"What was there not to enjoy?" Jim smiled back and slipped an arm around her waist, letting his hand rest on her ass.

"Come on... let me introduce you to our host. Mason is around here somewhere and I think he's gonna want to meet you."
There was no way in hell that Tom could stand there for an hour and watch Evie having sex with another woman & a man. He lasted about 30 minutes before slipping outside. Tom waited around outside until the crew started breaking everything down. Jenna had sent him a text reminding Tom of the party which would happen later. Tom wasn't sure how he would get into that party, but he would get in somehow. As the crew was working hard, Tom left the house and headed for his place. He needed something very badly from there and that was a long cold shower. The cold shower helped a little, but it couldn't remove those images of Evie having sex from his mind. Evie may have a new face, but that body was all her.

Tom returned to the house in San Fernando once he was back to his old self. Well pretty much as close as he could get with out jerking off while thinking of Evie. Tom waited outside, nosing around a bit. He noticed a guy standing out behind the house smoking a joint. This guy was dressed in the clothes being worn by the bartenders and waiters. Black pants, white shirt, Black vest and a black bow tie. Tom walked up to this man and flashed his badge. The young man almost died from fright upon seeing the badge. He never noticed that it read Los Angeles Police and not Los Angeles County Sheriff. Tom asked if the guy had brought a change of clothes to which the guy said yes. The guy was then told that everything would be forgotten if he would change out of his work clothes and leave the! Tom waited until the guy had changed and left before putting on his uniform. He stashed his own clothes in the backseat of his car then entered the house.

Inside the house where the party was just getting started. Mason Hill was sitting in the living room with a hot honey on his lap. She was hoping for a big break into the porn business. Mason was eyeing her up for the open spot on his next special film. Even though Jenna was speaking with Gary, she never let Evie wander to far with out knowing where Evie was. Jenna was Evie's inside backup and she couldn't let Evie down, it could cost Evie her life. Tom was now in the kitchen speaking with the caterer about how Chucky came down sick so suddenly and that he was replacing him.
Jim led Evie through the large lounge, moving round people, saying 'hi' to some, responding to congratulations from others with a 'thanks man'. In between he sipped his champagne and at one point excahnged an empty glass for a full one which he picked of a tray being carried by a waiter. All the time his hand never left Evie's ass and all the way through, Evie made no attempt to move away from him. She knew that pulling away from the man - even though they were off camera - might mean that she didn't get the introductions she needed. So she was more than willing to flirt with Jim.
As they walked through, Evie became aware of familiar sounds. Then she realized that at various places around the room there were large plasma TV screens. All of them were playing the movie they had just finished filming. At that moment, Willy had just pushed his black cock into Evie's pussy and she had moaned and whimpered as she felt it stretch her. It was unnerving to see and hear herself in that position, but she couldn't help but notice that it looked genuine... looked like any other porn movie - at least in comparison to the small handful she had seen. Very few others in the room were taking much notice and it was obviously standard practice. Plus the fact of course, almost all of the people here were more than used to seeing girls getting fucked.

Finally, Jim brought her to a halt. They were stood in front of a couch. There was a good looking eldery man sitting there with a pretty girls sitting in his lap. The man had one arm around her waist, holding her close whilst the other rested on, and squeezed at, the girl's tanned thigh.

"Mason... let me introduce you to my co-star this afternoon. This is Tori. She did her first scenes today... didn't you baby..." He pulled her a little closer to him, squeezing her ass.
Mason sat there as Jim & Evie came up too him. He made no attempt to hide the fact that he was checking out her body. Mason hand picked most of the girls who would start and finish their porn careers in his special movies. The only time that Clayton Snow picked a girl was when they used Lisa. Most men wouldn't have allowed a cop to be killed on camera, but Mason Hill wasn't most men. Mason was confident and powerful, perhaps too confident since he didn't believe that the police could get inside his organization. " Pleased to meet you Tori.....Some of that work Jim spoke of his playing right now. " Mason said as he pointed at the large tv on the wall.

Tom finally made his way out of the kitchen carrying a tray of hors d'oeuvres. Looking around parts of the house, Tom was sure that about half of the people in this house were wanted for something. He then noticed two groups of men, one Asian and the other Middle Eastern. They were in two small groups 5 men to a group. He couldn't understand a word that was being said by any of the men in ether group, but his gut was saying that they weren't talking about the latest score of the Dodger game. These men were some of the high priced buyers and sellers of Mason's special movies. Mason's specialty films were a huge money maker and these men were promised a special behind the scenes look at how these movies were made. It didn't take long before Tom spotted Jenna. He was slowly walking over too her when he looked to his right and saw Evie speaking with Mason Hill. Tom had to keep his face far away from Hill since Hill had been a competitor of Rick Reed and knew what Tom looked like.
Evie took a sip of her drink, smiled and then looked up at the TV for a moment. She saw a close up of Willy's thick black hard rod driving into her white ass and then the edit switched the camera to her face as Willy pulled her head back by her hair and slammed into her making her cry out. For a moment her mind let her remember and it was almost as if she could feel it once again. She took another drink and then slowly turned and looked back to Mason.

"So it is Mr. Hill."

"I'm telling you Mason, this girl is a born star... " He leaned in to Evie a little, almost conspiratorially, but making no attempt to quieten what he was saying. "... and she loves a good hard cock in her ass... don't you baby." Suddenly he smacked her ass hard, the sound ringing around the room as he laughed loudly. Evie jumped... yelped... felt her cheeks turn red.

Mason looked Evie up and down again. Then he pushed the girl off his lap.

"Go and fetch me a scotch." The girl got up and glared at Evie and Jim as she did; she was not happy and she was pretty sure that her big break chance had just been set back by these two and the fact that Evie was showing her stuff at that moment on a half dozen TVs around the house clearly didn't help.
Once Mason's little plaything had disappeared, he patted his hands upon his lap. " Why don't you come and sit here........And you can call me Mason until I tell you differently. " Mason leaned back into the couch giving Evie room to sit on his lap. Jim smile and gave Evie a pat on her ass. " Go and enjoy your new friend Tori.......Mason is the big man in town. " Jim then walked over and sat down in a chair a few feet away from the couch. He wanted too see just how far Tori would go to get what she wanted.

" This just isn't fair! " Tom thought too himself as he walked around serving people food then drinks. Those images of Evie were still very fresh in Tom's mind and the damn movie was playing where ever Tom went. He wanted Evie so badly and she never once showed any signs that she wanted him. Jenna took a drink from a new tray that Tom was carrying. She could see that this was bothering him, but he wouldn't let that stop him from doing his job. Jenna walked slowly into the living room and leaned against the wall. She was close enough too keep an eye on Evie. Yet far enough away as to not get in Evie's way. Jenna watched Evie while she sipped her drink. Just from how Evie was moving and acting, it was obvious to Jenna that Evie had done this kind of thing before. " It must have been on a case. " Jenna thought then she decided to ask Evie were her experience in being sexy came from. This of course would happen once they were alone.
Evie watched the girl walk away and then turned her head back and looked at Mason. Mason was sat looking up at her expectantly. She hesitated for a moment and then felt the pat on her rear. She looked up briefly at Jim and then back to Mason and then she stepped forward, turned around and sat herself down on his lap. She felt his arm wrap around her waist immediately and felt his other hand move straight to her thigh, so that he had her sat just as he had the other girl. He pulled her close with a sudden jerk and a bounce of his knees. She felt his hands rough as they moved up and down her thigh, creeping a little higher with each stroke until his fingers were slipping underneath the bottom of her dress. Evie did nothing. She lifted her own arm around Mason's neck. If this was the 'big man in town', she needed to find out whether he a big crook too.

"You have a very nice home Mr.... I mean Mason."

Evie was suddenly aware that she was being watched. Smiling, she looked around as she took another drink. She saw Jenna stood against a wall and gave her a brief smile but then kept turning her head. Then she saw two men... an Asian guy and a man who appeared to be from the Middle East. They were stood next to each other talking quietly but both of them were looking at her. Or maybe it was Mason? She didnt linger and as she finished taking a drink she turned her attention back to Mason.
Mason was a bold man who wasn't afraid to make bold moves even in front of a crowd of people. To Mason, Tori was just another cunt who was looking for the road to easy street. Mason really didn't see much difference between Tori and the girl who had been sitting on his lap. Tori had done one movie and she looked great on camera. This played well in her favor, but Mason was looking for a girl who was willing to do anything no matter how it made her look in the eyes of others around her. He wanted a girl who wasn't afraid to show just how big a slut she really as to get a job. Mason teased around Evie's thigh while the friends of the Asian and Middle Eastern men came into the room. Now all 5 Asian men and all 5 Middle Eastern men were standing in the room. They had gathered along the wall between the entrance way and where Jim was sitting beside the couch. Jenna was standing near the other wall, her eyes shifting from man to man then to Evie.

Mason pushed Evie's legs apart exposing the fact that Evie wasn't wearing panties. His fingers started to rub over her pussy lips as the men looked on. " I'm looking for a girl to become a superstar over night......That could be you Tori.......If your slutty enough to prove you deserve it. " Mason said as his fingers worked slowly but firmly over Evie's cunt. " I'm willing to pay you $10 million dollars for one movie starring you.........But first you have to earn the job......Here and now.....Are you a big enough slut to show everyone here that you deserve that job and not someone else? " Mason asked while his fingers were drawing the wetness from Evie's body.
Instinctively Evie wanted to fight against having her legs spread but she knew she couldn't. And so as she felt her outside leg bing pushed way, off of Mason's lap, she made no effort to resist. She felt the dress ride up a little and knew that anyone in the room who looked in her direction would have a clear view of what Mason was doing. And then she felt his hand move up and into her pussy. He wasn't gentle or hesitant. Evie couldn't help but moan loudly, closing her eyes, and sliding down a little in Mason's lap. As she did so, her hips rose against his fingers, then fell, then rose again. She chewed on her lower lip as she continued to moan and sigh. She was aware of the glass being taken from her hand but when she opened her eyes she wasn't sure who had taken it. She just saw people looking back at er including the Asian and middle eastern men... Suddenly a lot more of them. All watching. Talking quietly to each other as they sipped their drinks enjoying the live show.
Mason waited for Tori to answer him which never came. He wasn't a patient man and Tori could find herself in a world that she never expected. Mason using his free hand grabbed the hair on the back of Tori's head. " I asked if you were a big enough slut to deserve the job I'm offering you! " Mason hissed out as he yanked Tori's head backwards. " I don't like asking questions twice! " Mason growled out then he shoved Tori from his lap down on to the floor at his feet. " You need to do one hell of a job proving too me that you deserve that job now......There's a lot of girls at this party who would jump at my offer without even thinking.....Perhaps you're just not slutty enough for me. " Mason looked down on Tori as he spoke, his eyes showing disgust and disappointment.

The Asian and Middle Eastern men who looked on were now laughing at Tori. They had all been watching her with growing lust in their eyes, but now they saw only a girl who thought she was a woman. Jenna pushed herself off the wall when Evie hit the floor. She was going to rush over and help Evie, but Jenna stopped herself. Jenna wasn't sure of Evie was playing hard to get or perhaps she had let herself get lost to quickly in a rush of passion. She remained where she stood without moving any closer. Jenna didn't want to blow this for Evie since it was likely the best shot Evie had at getting on the inside of these snuff films.
When Mason grabbed hold of her hair, Evie's hand reached up and held onto his wrist. In doing som she showed off even more of her body. Her legs stretched out, spread, long, toned, tanned. Her dress was now up such that if Mason withdrew his hand from between her legs, everyone would have a clear view of her mound. The silk fabric of her dress stretched across her flat stomach, the curve of the bottom of her rib cage, the swell of her tits. Her hard nipples were clearly visible.

She gasped as Mason tugged her head back and then groaned as her ass was pushed off his lap and landed on the floor between his feet. Her hair was pulled even more as she fell and she squealed. She kept her gaze on Mason though, looking directly at him. He was a scary man Evie thought to herself. She could see the disgust; she could see that he looked at her as trash...a piece of meat. And if he was offering her $10m, even knowing that she was never going to get that money, then he must be expecting to make a lot more than the one she did this afternoon was ever going to make. This guy had to be involved in the snuff movie business somewhere along the line. A thought struck her and she glanced to the two groups of non-Americans who could now see her open damp freshly shaved pussy. The buyers she wondered? She looked back at Mason, knowing she had to convince him. She forced the hint of a smile onto her lips.

"I...I'm sorry Mason... You just... You took me by surprise... A girl doesn't get an offer like that every day... And with your hand where it was... Feeling so good... I... I'm sure I can be the kind of slut you need." She reached out her free hand and rested it in his thigh, squeezed...caressed a little. She didn't want to push things any further at that moment but even if she did, the way she was jammed on the floor between his legs, she couldn't anyway. And she didn't want to deny the potential buyers an opportunity of continuing to see her.
Mason had no plans of paying Tori a dime. She wouldn't live long enough to even get paid. The offer was just Mason's way of bating the girls. No offer of money had been made to Lisa, she was just kidnapped and murdered. Jenna found out about the murder of Lisa after overhearing the cameraman who also shot many of the porn films bragging about it with one of Clayton Snow's bodyguards. Jeff Preston was that cameraman and he was standing about 15 feet from where Evie was sitting on the floor. He was the only one who Mason & Clayton trusted enough to film these special movies. Jeff was checking out Tori and setting up in his mind the camera angles.

" If you want the money and the job.......You had better start proving yourself........I want a cheap whore who doesn't care what she needs to do to make money. " Mason said as he looked down on Tori. He wasn't effected by Tori's touch, other girls tried harder to show their slutty side. Mason looked around the room, counting the men who were standing around watching. There was 23 men gathered around along with 7 women. " You've got a lot to pick from.........I'm a man of little patients Tori and I'm sure that Candy is still around somewhere. " Mason was verbally pushing Tori to act. She had little choice but to do something in front of the crowd or lose her chance.

Tom had no choice but stay away from where Mason was. Many of those attending the party were now filling up the entrances into the living room area of the house. Tom laid his tray down on a table then sat down in a chair. He looked over on the table and saw a pack of cigarettes laying there. He reached over grabbed the pack and the lighter which as laying with the pack. Tom pulled a cigarette out then lit it up. It had been years since Tom had a smoke, but right now he needed one. He needed something and this cigarette was all he was gonna get.
"Let me give you a hand sweetheart."

Jim pushed himself up out of his chair and stepped over to the couch where Mason was sat. He smiled as he leaned over and wrapped a hand around the back of Evie's neck. He firm in his movement. Not gentle but he didn't cause pain. Evie was left in no doubt about the fact that he wanted her to move and he left her with little choice. She was half pushed, half pulled from between Mason's feet and knees and 'guided' towards the group of five middle eastern men. It took seconds and she hardly had the chance to move her feet and legs. She effectively scuttled across the floor on her knees as she tried to move her lower body to keep up with how Jim manoeuvred her upper body simply through the use of his hand on the back of her neck.

She was brought to a stop at the feet of two men, with the other three stood next to them. The five men were olive skinned, black hair and beards, probably all in their late 30s to late 40s. They looked down at her... In both senses of the phrase. Their contempt for the white slut on her knees in front of them was clear in their grins and in their eyes.
Mason was hardly impressed with Tori at this point. Jim had to almost drag her acrossed the floor towards some of Mason's guests. But, she could still take the part in his next special film. Tori didn't have to act since it was all real. It would start with Tori getting real pleasure. Then it move on to Tori feeling real pain and finally end with Tori's real death. Still, Tori began to bore Mason. Hell, she hadn't even showed that she deserved to have been in "Undercover Sluts." Mason was beginning too think that Tori may not be who she said she was. Any other girl wouldn't have needed to be dragged acrossed the room. " Tori!.......You had damn well better start impressing me!.......I'm a man of little patents and you've used up all I have for you! " Mason snapped out at Tori as she was kneeling in front of the Middle Eastern men.

Everyone watching was silent as they looked on wondering if Tori really wanted what Mason was offering. Candy had returned and was staring daggers at Tori. " Stupid cunt!.......She doesn't even know what to do! " Candy snarled as she pushed her way through the crowd. " What's wrong Tori!?......Are you afraid to let everyone see that you're a cheap whore!? " Candy added as she stood just a few feet beside Evie looking down on her. She then reached down grabbing a handful of Evie's hair and pushed her head into the man's crotch who was standing in front of her. " YOU'RE DAMN FACE GOES HERE!......YOU STUPID COW! "
It really wasn't that Evie *needed* to be dragged across the floor. Things were just moving a little too quickly. Initially she thought it was Mason she had to impress... Meaning that he was the one she had to one on to. That there were more than a dozen people watching wasn't going to put her off. She knew what she needed to do...or she thought she did. When Mason rejected her advance, it took her a liitle by surprise. Then before she had a chance to work out what it was that she needed to do next, Jim had literally taken control. She wasn't really in a position to tell him to leave her be. Jim was in danger of spoiling any chance she had of getting the role in the movie. and without that, her life as a porn star was done. And so she tried to keep up with him as he pulled her across the floor.

Once she had been brought to a stop, she looked up at the men who were now towering above her. A smile began to play around her mouth and she reached out a hand, bringing it to the thigh of the man stood in front of her. And then it was Candy's turn to interfere. Things were going from bad to worse. She turned her head to glare at Candy, just in time to see her reach out and grab her har. Her hand immediately reached up and grabbed hold of Candy's wrist. It squeezed tight and began to twist. As her face was pressed into the crotch of the man she ad been looking up at seconds before, Evie kept twisting. It wasn't going to take much of her police training to get Candy to let her go. The only thing was she couldn't come across as someone properly trained. Evie knew though that most girls on the street knew how to look after themselves - at least against other girls...and some guys. But generally they fought dirty. Scrappy. Evie had to make it look scrappy if it was going to come to that. But first she had to get Candy to let go of her hair. And so she squeezed and twisted. candy squealed and let go. And then that was the end of it.

As Evie pulled her head away from the man's crotch and relied herself, the man simply clicked his fingers at Candy and told her to mind her own business. Any thoughts that Candy had about pushing Evie out were squashed in that moment. As Candy turned and stormed away, the man looked back down at Evie expectantly. The smile reappeared on Evie's face as she lifted both hands and began to undo the man's pants, before easy out his semi hard cock. Minutes later she had a cock in each hand and one fucking her mouth.
The man who had sent Candy away and now had his cock in Evie's mouth was Khaled Muta Ghanem. Khaled was leading this group of Middle Eastern men who came here as special guests of Mason Hill. Each of these men had paid a great deal of money for Mason's snuff films and in turn they were selling those same movies in their own parts of the world. They were making back the money used to buy these snuff movies, plus making extra money for themselves and Mason. It was believed by the Western world that Khaled is helping to fund terrorism against them. He is currently on the watch lists of the F.B.I., Interpol, MI6, C.I.A, N.S.A. and N.C.I.S. Those who knew Khaled well, knew of his disdain for white women. He believed that white women such as Evie were only useful for sexual services like she was doing to him now. This was the reason why he gladly got into business with Mason Hill. Khaled knew that movies showing white women used like the whores they were, then tortured and finally murdered would make big money. Evie was showing her skills in sucking cock and Khaled was pleased. Khaled would make sure that this Tori was picked for the next film.

" You know your place.......Don't you whore?.......On your knees servicing your master. " Khaled's voice showed his accent as he spoke. He looked down on Evie brushing her hair away so he could see his cock sliding in and out of her mouth better. " We will make a huge star out of you. " Khaled added while grinning down upon Evie. As his hips thrusted forward pushing his cock into Evie's mouth. Khaled's suit coat would open just enough for Evie to notice he was carrying a pistol in a holster on the right side of his belt. This weapon wasn't for show, Khaled knew how to use it and he did so very well. Right now, there was no need for any weapons other then the one Khaled had between his legs. This weapon had grown long and very hard inside of Evie's mouth.
Evie mumbled a yes in response to Khaled's question as she continued to feed on his cock and stroke the members of his associates. None of the men were small men by any means; Khalid ran Rick close in terms of both length and girth and every stroke stretched her mouth. As she looked up at Khaled, there was something about the way he looked at her. In a lot of ways, based on her experience, he looked like any man who was getting his cock sucked by a girl on her knees in front of him. He looked like a man who thought ... knew he was in control of both the girl and the situation; confident that he was going to get anything and everything he wanted to one way or another. But Evie could see something else. She didn't know what it was; it was something she had never seen before. More than contempt. More than a man simply drunk on the sense of power and control he had at that moment. Whatever it was, it unnerved her. No. It scared her. There wasn't much that she had come across on the job that genuinely scared her; made her nervous... of course. Everytime she went in to take down a perp, she was nervous. Those nervous meant that she wasn't complacent or over-confident. They reduced the chance that she would make a mistake and get herself or her partner killed. But genuinely scared... she couldn't remember a time. But the man stood in front of her at that moment scared her. And her instinct told her at that moment that he had something to do with Lisa's death.

Suddenly out of nowhere she felt herself being grabbed from behind. An arm wrapped around her waist and she was pulled backwards and lifted off of the floor. Before she really appreciated what was happening, she was laid down, face up on a table, across the width of the table so that her head would hang off of one side if she let it, whilst her ass was just off of the other side. Almost as soon as she was laid down, a hand grabbed hold of her head and forced a cock back into her mouth. Other unknown, unseen hands pulled the top of her dress to the side, exposing her tits and then she felt hands on her legs, hooking under her knees and lifting them pushing them up and back towards her upper body, before the man doing it eased his cock inside her, making her moan as she sucked hungrily on the cock.
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