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Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Very few in the western world knew who and what Khaled was really all about. There were some in his own area of the world who knew Khaled very well and were working for the west. They gladly spilled secrets for cash and kept a close eye on Khaled. While there was no hard proof that Khaled funded terrorism, there was plenty of proof of other wrong doings. Khaled's hands were dirty in many ways. He was a cold blooded killer, he was one of the top distributors of narcotics to Europe. But his biggest money maker was kidnapping young white America & British women, then selling them to the highest bidders in the Middle East & Africa. Most times these women were kidnapped in their own countries. While other times they were kidnapped while on vacation in another part of the world. Khaled ran the biggest white sex slave trade in the world. America was ripe with women who could be drawn in with the promise of making big money. It had become Khaled's favorite place to gather new talent. Khaled would be leaving town in a few days after this party. He already had a few young women already picked out for a one way trip to his part of the world.

A woman like Evie could have been picked for this trip, but she had been picked for a starring roll in something far more painful. In less then 24 hours from now, Tori would make her big debut. That debut would also be her last. Khaled and his friends would enjoy the time they were having with Evie. While she was being groped & fucked by the other men, Khaled had forced his cock back down Evie's throat. Khaled reached under her head, placing his hand at the back of Evie's neck. He lifted her neck just enough so his cock would slide easily down into Evie's throat. Khaled's heavy sack smacked Evie's nose with each powerful thrust forward of his hips. Not long after the action had switched to a nearby table, a man pushed his way through the people watching and whispered something too Mason Hill.

Mason rose up from where he was sitting then left the this man. Jenna noticed Mason leaving and since Tori was keeping everyone else entertained, she decided to find out what Mason was up too. She left from the other entrance into the living room just in time too see Mason heading for his study. Jenna waited until Mason was inside the study before she moved. She walked down towards the study then took a hallway which took her around the study. From working on the last film, Jenna knew that there were two doors in Mason's study. The first was the main door in, but there was a second door off of the same hallway she was in now. It opened a few feet beyond where Mason's desk was sitting. Jenna careful opened the door just enough so she could see Mason sitting at his desk. In front of Mason there was a lap top open and on the screen was a pixelated picture of a man talking too Mason. Jenna heard this unknown man offering Mason a deal. The deal was that this man claimed to be able to find out who was working undercover for law enforcement inside of Mason's organization. He would do this for a fee of $50 million dollars a year. This was a service being offered and this man also said that he would take care of any moles found. He told Mason that he had a special group of trained personnel who would track down and eliminate anyone that worked for law enforcement or anyone who was a witness to be used against those who were paying clients. When Mason asked who this man was, he replied........Osiris.

Mason never believed that anyone working for the law could get inside of his family. He thanked Osiris for the offer, then turned it down. Mason just laughed at the thought that anyone close too him could be working for the cops. But Mason didn't know that there were three undercover cops in his house right now. Jenna closed the side door to the study as a chill ran down her spine. Could this man really do what he said? Could he really find undercover cops and agents inside criminal organizations? Was there a trail that could lead someone to find out who and what Jenna really was? Jenna wondered just how close she was to having her cover blown? She left the study and returned to the area just outside of the living room. Evie's show was still going on as the sounds of sex could be heard even out in the other areas of the house. The groans of men calling out that they were cumming drew Jenna to look towards the living room, but she could no longer see the action. Jenna noticed a lone pack of cigarettes sitting on a small nearby table. She reached down grabbing the pack and pulled one out. The lighter was with the pack which she used to lit her smoke. This was the same pack that Tom had taken a cigarette from before. Tom was already busy back at serving drinks to those who were outside by the pool. Listening too Evie's sex show became far to much for him to take and he need some fresh air.
Evie was oblivious to what Mason was doing. Ignorant as to what Jenna had overheard and what had now given her some cause for concern. She was also completely in the dark as to what Tom was trying not to think about. But on the last of these, it was a novel position. If Tom had felt that for Evie before, she hadn't noticed anything. Perhaps it was just simple niaivity; more likely it was simply that it never entered her head that Tom would break that particular force rule. But either way, ignorance ruled. This afternoon of course, her ignorance arose solely because she couldn't see any of them. Not Tom, or Mason, or Jenna.

From the time she had been lifted onto the table she had been surrounded by a group of men. She wasn't even aware of how many. She knew that Khaled had continued to fuck her mouth; she heard him talking usually about her rather than to her. In fact rarely to her and when he did the contempt was thick in his voice. At the same time she was aware of one cock after another fucking her cunt. She was kept in place on the table, providing the live entertainment for more than an hour. Secretly, she couldn't deny that she was having fun, but as far as she could, the main thought going through her head was to convince Mason to cast her in the movie.
Once Khaled and his friends properly used Evie as they saw fit, they left her laying on the table. Anyone stumbling upon this scene would surely think that this woman called Tori was nothing short of a whore. She had just let 5 men cum inside her body while many others looked on. Khaled himself flooded Evie's stomach with his cum. He didn't wish to soil his cock with having inside the cunt of such a filthy whore. Before the last man came, Mason returned to the living room. He was able too see the final part of Evie's show. Mason stopped for a moment and exchanged whispers with Khaled. Then Mason walked up to where Evie was laying on the table. He told her that the movie roll was hers and that a limo would pick her up around 8 am at Jenna's house. This limo would bring Evie to where the movie was being shot. All of the girls who starred in Mason's special movies got a limo ride. Even Lisa took her last ride in one of Mason's limos.

Jenna also returned just as Mason was telling Evie that she had the job. He walked away as Jenna walked up to Evie. She held out her hand and helped Evie up from the table. " There's a bathroom down the hall....Why don't you get cleaned up. " Jenna said while she helped Evie with her dress which now looked crumpled. The people started leaving the area and some started to leave Mason's house. The party was just starting to end. Tom came back inside the house being careful not to be spotted by Mason. He heard Mason talking on his cell phone about Tori being the next girl for his project. Tom then heard Mason call the other person Snow. There was little doubt that he was speaking with Clayton Snow. Tom pulled his own cell phone out and being to move around the house. He had an idea while outside of taking a few pictures of the party guests and checking up on who they were. He of course couldn't take pictures of everyone, but those 2 groups of men seemed like big time players. They didn't mingle with the other guests. They hardly spoke with anyone other then Mason. It wasn't an easy task, but before the party ended, Tom got the pictures that he needed. He sent those pictures to Tia so she could run a background check on them.

Tom found Jenna standing in the hallway outside of one of the bathrooms. She said that Evie was inside getting cleaned up. Tom told her what he was doing and also told her about the corner's report on Lisa's body. Jenna would pass this info on to Evie during their ride back to her place. Tom had to split quickly when Clayton Snow arrived to meet the newest star that Mason had picked. Clayton walked up and greeted Jenna just outside of the bathroom as Tom disappeared. They chit chatted while Evie was showering.
Evie let Jenna help her up off the table. There was an exchange of knowing looks; nothing that anyone else would have noticed. Perhaps the slightest hint of a mutual nod as they both confirmed to each other 'job done'. Well the first part of it at least. And that was assuming that the were right about Mason; that they were right that he was involved somehow with Lisa's disappearance and death. Evie started to straighten her dress and she was just beginning to think that any attempt at making herself look halfway decent was a little like arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic just after it had struck the iceberg. There really was no point. Decency was long gone.

As Jenna indicated that there was somewhere she could get cleaned up, Evie wasn't sure that there had been many times in her life when she had heard more welcome news. Another nod. This time it didn't matter if anyone saw. And then Evie followed jenna's direction and headed for the shower. She was in there maybe 30 minutes. Long. Hot. Very hot. The room was so full of steam by the end of it, it had more resemblance to a steam room than a shower. Evie had scrubbed herself clean. Whilst her dress was a little creased, somehow it had managed to remain stain free and once she had dried off, she dressed quickly. As she stepped back out into the now significantly quieter corridor, the air was cool on her skin. It wasn't cold of course; it was simply the contrast with the heat of the shower and the fact that her skin was positively glowing.

Jenna was waiting for her. She was stood next to a man that Evie recognized... Clay... Clayton... from that club. Jenna smiled and as Evie approached, she slipped her arm around Evie's and introduced Tori to Clayton Snow. Evie played ignorant of course, because whilst Snow might well have remembered Evie, he had never met Tori before. After some small talk, and after giving Clayton plenty of time to check Tori out, Jenna indicated that it was time they were leaving. An early night was definitely required as both of them now needed to be a set first thing in the morning. As they reached the back door, Jenna was caught momentarily in a conversation with one of the camera men from the earlier shoot... something about the location in the morning for the next instalment. Whilst she was stood at the door, Evie noticed that there was a set of keys hanging out of the lock on the inside of the door. At that precise moment, she couldn't have provided a rationale, but something made her decide that these keys might come in useful, and as quietly and quickly as she could, she slipped them out of the lock and into her purse.

Ten minutes later, she and Jenna were in Jenna's car, heading home. When they got in, they split a bottle of red wine, talked through what information they thought they had gained, and Jenna let Evie know what Tom had been up to in terms of gathering photographs and sending them back in the hope of some identification. They really didn't have much that was new at that time and so it didn't take long before they had covered what they needed to and then both of them headed off to bed.

Evie couldn't sleep. Rather, she slept fitfully. 40 mintes here... an hour there. And at 4.30am lying in the first hint of dawn's light, she was struck with an idea. If she had thought about it, she would have realized it was a bad idea. If she had spoken to someone about it, she would have learned it was a bad idea. Tom would have politely pointed out the flaws and the risks; james would have done so with a little more volume and Steve would have suggested that she found a new line of work if she couldn't see just how bad an idea it was. But, at 4.30 in the morning, with none of them to talk to, no-one told her and she didn't see it. She didn't give herself time to think it through. She climbed out of bed and dressed quickly and quietly in sweat pants, a t-shirt and a pair of Nike's. She pulled on a sweatshirt as she eased open the bedroom door. The house was deathly silent. She found the keys for the Barracuda and the keys that she had taken from the house on her way out. Maybe the place was empty. Maybe there was something she could find there. Use the keys, let herself in, have a look around and then let herself back out. No-one would know. She was almost out of the door when she hesitated, thought about it and then stepped back inside. She went into the kitchen and scribbled out a note for Jenna.

"If you're up early, don't panic. I couldn't sleep. Something I need to check out back at the house. Will be back in time for breakfast. Evie". She left the note on the on the counter and headed back out.

The roads were much quieter at this hour and it only took her 30 minutes to get back to the house. She parked the Barracuda half a block away and then jogged down the road, turning into the driveway of the house only when she had convinced herself that there was no-one around at least on the street. The house itself was in darkness. There was no more sign of life here than there had been at Jann's when she had left. She let herself in, closed the door behind her and stood in the silence for a moment. Listening. Checking. And then slowly, she made her way down the corridor away from the main lounge. She had seen enough of the lounge earlier.
Tom left the party shortly after he watched the girls leave. He wanted to make sure that they were safely on their way before he took off. Tom went back to his car, but didn't go home. He headed for his father's house in Bel Air after getting a text from Tia saying she had the info he wanted. Tom entered his father's house and quickly headed down to the basement where Tia was sitting in the security hub for the mansion. The security room was like something out of sci fi movie. Tia was seated at a computer station which would have made NASA jealous. A large screen hung on the wall just in front of her, this screen was for her computer. The wall to her right was it's self a huge computer screen which could hold one picture or multiple pictures. It was also controlled by Tia's computer.

Tia Jansen was Richard Reed's computer wiz, no one would ever think that this hot looking babe was a computer geek. Tia, like the other girls who worked for Rick Reed was hot and knew how to take care of herself. She had short dark hair, wore glasses, had a body which was lean and hard. Tia which is short for Cynthia had always been a bright girl in school. She scored 150 on an iq test back in middle school and was quickly places in an advanced learning class. Before long, Tia found herself at MIT where she graduated at the age of 18 when most kids were just getting out of high school. Tia who could have been a fashion model or movie star became a deadly assassin after catching the eye of Natasha who headed up Rick Reed's security team. She was the perfect mix of brains and beauty.

Tia greeted Tom as he entered the security room. She never once took her eyes off the small computer screen in front of her. Tom looked at the large once hanging on the wall over Tia. He asked what she had for him to which Tia replied a lot. She pressed a few keys then the picture that Tom took of Khaled popped up along with a much larger picture. " Mason Hill has some very bad men as friends. " Tia said as she began to tell Tom all about Khaled Muta Ghanem. She pointed out that Khaled was a big player in shipping and selling drugs to Europe. Tia also said that murder was just part of Khaled's everyday business life. The other men in Khaled's group were no angel's, but they weren't in Khaled's league when it came to being a bad ass. Tia then brought up one of the asian men that Tom got a picture of. His name was Yoshihiko Fujino from Tokyo Japan. Yoshihiko was one of the big boss in the Japanese Mafia known as the Yakuza. If it was illegal, then Yoshihiko had his hands in it. Drugs, gun running, white slavery, hell any color slavery as long as it made money. Yoshihiko once had a waitress's whole family put to death because she didn't show enough respect too him. He made her watch as each member was brought out and beheaded in front of her. Yoshihiko wasn't even allowed to be in America. He was on a list that stated that he couldn't travel to the states, but here he was. It was obvious that his power and money bought him a way in. As with Khaled's men, those with Yoshihiko were bad, just not as bad as the head man.

Tia printed out all the information she had on both Khaled & Yoshihiko for Tom. He took the papers and thanked Tia before leaving. Tom was going to stop and see his father until Tia said that Rick was out back taking his tennis lesson. She bought up a security camera from the tennis court where Rick was playing strip tennis with a hot looking blonde and the blonde was losing badly. " That's my dad.......Always the ladies man. " Tom said while shaking his head as he left the security room then the mansion. He jumped into his car and headed for home. Once back at his house boat, Tom settled down with a beer and read over all the information Tia had given him. He was up most of the night and finally went to bed around 2 am.
The room at the end of the corridor was impressive. A very nice study that any business executive would be happy to work in. Evie was impressed as she went in the main entrance and saw the size and decor of the room. The oak paneling. The thick plush carpet. A 65'' TV on one wall. The huge desk to the one side of the room which reminded her of the one which sat in the Oval Office. Evie guessed that if she was going to find anything, that desk was the likely place. She knew that any evidence she found here wasn't going to be admissible. This was about as far from a lawful search as it could be and no exceptions to the 4th Amendment were going to help her out. Similarly she knew that anything which came about... Any evidence found directly because of something she found here wasn't going to be admissible either. Fruit of the poisonous tree. But this wasn't about admissible evidence; this was about getting a lead. Just something to confirm suspicions. The evidence could come from somewhere else.

She walked around it and eased the large leather chair out of the way. Leaning forward, her left hand on the top of the desk whilst her right began to open drawers. Slowly. Inching them out until she was confident that they weren't going to stick; that they didn't need a little more force and that they didn't squeak. She moved from one drawer to the next. Quietly. Quickly. Searching each one thoroughly. She had no idea what she was looking for of course but hoped she would know it when she saw it. And she did. As soon as she opened the small wooden box which was tucked at the back of a bottom drawer, she knew she had found it. She stared at the silver shield. The engraved image of City Hall on the face of it. The blue lettering around the top and the numbers at the bottom. She knew the number. Tentatively she picked the badge out of the box, held it in her hand as her thumb ran over the number. Lisa's number.
Even though Evie had a key, entering Mason's house at this time of the morning wasn't the best idea. Mason like many men of his position in life had a security force keeping a close eye on his house. Once Evie entered the house, they tracked her movements. Security waited until Evie was inside the study before calling Mason with the news of an intruder. Mason already had a plan in place if something like this ever happened. He met with his aid and 2 guards just outside the study. A 3rd guard was sent down the long hallway to the side door which Jenna used to spy on Mason's conversation earlier in the day. Mason opened the main door slowly until he could see that the intruder was Tori. He quietly walked in flanked by 2 of his goons carrying Uzi's and his aid standing just behind Mason and to the left.

Mason could clearly see the item that Evie was holding in her hands. It was pretty obvious now that Tori wasn't who she claimed to be. " That's a keep sake from my last special movie........To bad you found it. " Mason said as he held a large lit cigar in between the fingers of his right hand and pointed it at Evie. " Marcus.......I wanna speak with that Osiris again.........It's clear that I've made a huge mistake in believing the cops couldn't get someone into my group. " Mason had leaned back just a little, but his words were loud for everyone too hear. " So.......Who are ya sweet cheeks?........LAPD?......FBI?.......Sheriff's Department?.........CHP?.........Or do you work for a competitor? " Mason asked as he and his men moved in to cut off any chance of escape for Evie. The 3rd guard was even slowly opening the door just behind and to Evie's left. There was little chance he would be spotted since she was focused on those standing in front of her. He would slip in behind her and take her by surprise.
Evie didn't hear them. She was so focused on the badge in her hand that she didn't hear the door open and didn't hear four men approaching. But when Mason spoke, her head snapped up. She stared at him. Frozen. Stunned. Wide-eyed. Her heart beat jumped as fear took hold. For a moment her brain stopped working. Her ability to think rationally and logically deserted her. What was she supposed to say? What could she say to explain this? Now the stupidity of her action struck her. On her own. No weapon. No backup. No-one would even know where she had gone for another couple of hours. She could almost see her brothers' exasperated looks, incredulous at her stupidity. She pushed the thoughts of her family out of her head, partly because she needed to take notice of the men in front of her and partly because she didn't want her thoughts to start to focusing on whether she was going to ever see them again.

"Mason!'s not how it looks." Evie hurriedly placed the badge back in the open drawer and pushed the drawer to. She was struggling to think of something to say. What was there that could possibly explain her being here! She looked back up at Mason, unaware of the man approaching her from behind. She wasn't even aware of the door that was there. At that moment, her thoughts were about how to get passed the men in front of her and out of the doors she came in. Her mind pictured the corridor, the corner of the lounge, the bak of the front door, the porch, the garden. She swallowed hard.

"I'm not a cop. Don't be ridiculous. I don't work for any of those... Would I have done what I did this afternoon if I were?" She took a couple of steps backwards. Suddenly she felt herself being grabbed from behind. Large strong ands grabbing the top of her arms, fingers wrapping around them, pulling the back. She squealed and then yelled out as the man's grip tightened and as he pulled her upper arms and her shoulders back.

"Hey! Wait a minute. Let me go. Mason. Please.
The only thing that Mason believed right now, was that Tori wasn't a whore. She could deny it all she wanted, but there were ways of making her tell the truth. Tori would be forced to admit who she was on camera. Mason was sure that she was a cop, even though she had sex on camera. " I'll find out one way or another who you really are.........After a few hours of torture you'll be begging for someone to listen too you. " Mason grinned wickedly at Evie. His aid then walked up holding a syringe in his hand. He jabbed Evie in her left arm with a clear liquid which would knock her out for about an hour. This would be enough to get to the warehouse and get her ready for shooting.

Once the drug had taken effect on Evie, Mason ordered his guards to take her to the warehouse. The warehouse and the cannery were closed today due to shooting. It was a paid vacation day for those who worked there. It would be a day when Evie wished that she was on vacation. The guards carried Evie out of the study while Mason called Clayton Snow. He told Snow that they would be shooting early today and he needed to be at the warehouse. Snow was also to call everyone else and have them report to the warehouse. The list of those who worked on these snuff movies were short. Jeff Preston worked the cameras, while two other goons helped to work over the helpless girl. The main man who would finally kill the girl at the end was Clayton Snow. He and the other 2 men on camera wore black hoods over his head which gave them the look of executioners. After Mason hung up, Snow git the ball rolling. He called Jeff then grabbed to of his bodyguards. These men severed as the goons for the snuff films. Once Evie awoke, she would find herself in a place which looked like a medieval dungeon. This was just the set however and none of the stone walls were real. It was Hollywood after all.
Her shoulders ached. That was the first thing Evie was really aware of. Then came the smell. It's was familiar but she couldn't quite decide where she knew it from. She needed to open her eyes, but at the moment that was proving harder than normal. If she could just move her position a little the ache in her shoulder would be gone. She moved or at least she tried but something wasn't right. Moving was has difficult as opening her eyes. Obviously she had drunk far too much at the party. She tried again to move her arm. Still nothing. A slight sense of panic started to descend. She had to open her eyes. Ready herself for the headache that was bound to hit as soon as the light was let in. Slowly... Bit by bit... The one positive was that there was no headache. But that caused more confusion. She swallowed...but something was different there too. What on earth had she done last night. Slowly her vision came into focus and then it was if she was hit by a hammer. Suddenly it made sense and the level of panic shot up. There was something in her mouth. A hard rubber ball. Then she felt the straps against her cheeks and around her head. She was gagged. She breathed a little harder through er nose.

The room was in the semi gloom. There was noise coming from behind her; male voices, setting up equipment but she couldn't turn her head. She looked up. Her wrists were secured to a chain which in turn ran through a pulley hanging from the ceiling. The chain ran from the pulley down and was secured to a pillar perhaps 10ft away from her. She tried to pull on it, testing the strength of the chains then trying to pull a little harder, but she couldn't seem to get enough leverage to put any weight behind the pull. She looked down.

Her feet, still in her Nikes barely touched the ground. If she stretched her feet she could just about get her toes onto the floor. As she did so, the pain in her shoulders eased. She had been hanging, suspended by the chain from the ceiling. Now she could pull. The chain rattled. She pulled again. It made more noise but otherwise it should no sign of weakness.

So she was hanging -almost - gagged. Still dressed although her sweatshirt had gone. She looked around the room. There was enough light that she could see background scenery. In front of her was a line of high backed leather chairs. set out perhaps for an audience? To her left there was a sawhorse, and then a set of stocks at the far side of them. Just to her right was a metal trolley. On the top of it was a riding crop and a paddle, a box which seemed to contain small silver chains with clips on the ends. There was another box which seemed to contain small lead weights on hooks. She couldn't make out whether there was anything else in the gloom.

Suddenly she was conscious of an approaching noise from behind her... Getting louder. Something was being wheeled across the concrete floor. A man came into view wheeling a large stage light. He moved around from of her, past her, moved it into position and then turned around. He glanced at Evie, then looked again and smiled.

"Mason." He called out. "The bitch is awake"
This man was Jeff Preston. It wasn't clear at the moment, but Jenna had pointed him out too Evie when they were filming together. Jenna had told Evie that it was his boasting about filming Lisa's murder that caused her to inform the Chief. That lead to Evie getting a new face and making a porn movie. Now she was hanging from the ceiling not unlike a side of beef hanging up in a slaughterhouse. This was the same place where Lisa & the other two girls were murdered. Murder for profit and Mason was getting a lot of profit from these movies. Only 4 people worked on these films. Two of Clayton Snow's goons, Clayton Snow himself and Jeff. This kept the amount of money Mason paid out low so his profit was much higher then on any other movies he financed. Jeff did all the filming, then he edited the movie and copied it for the foreign markets. There was a 27 inch tv set up about 10 feet in front of where Evie was hanging. Once Jeff had announced that she was awake, Mason came over grinning from ear to ear.

" Jeff.......Be so kind as to play this for our newest star. " Mason said while handing a dvd to Jeff. This dvd held the footage of Lisa's death in the same room. Jeff put the disc into a dvd player which was hidden behind the tv. Then he started to play the disc. It started like any other porn movie. It showed Lisa hanging as Evie was now. It then showed a scene where Lisa was fucked & tortured. This was followed by more brutal scenes of torture and finally by Lisa being shot in the back of her head. The movie ran for almost 30 minutes and Mason just stood there proudly smiling as Evie looked on. Once the movie was over, Jeff pulled the tv away and Mason stood in front of Evie. " Are you ready to confess who you are now? " Mason asked as Jeff rejoined him. He then ordered Jeff to remove her shoes and socks. This was done quickly since Evie was hardly in a position to stop him.
That sense of fear was back again. Full force. As the DVD ran to the end which Evie knew was coming... her sense of fear grew. With Khalid the previous afternoon, it was the man who scared her. Now it was as much the situation. It took seconds for her to recognise Lisa and only a few more seconds to recognise that she was now in the same place, hanging in the same way. Mason was making it clear that what happened to Lisa was about to happen to her. And there was nothing she could do about it, anymore than Lisa had been able to do.

As the TV screen turned back to black letting Evie see her own image... hanging, gagged... And she looked carefully enough. But she was already looking at Mason as he moved in front of her. She glared at him, her eyes wide and wild, but even she couldn't hide the fear. Something told her that that was part of the thrill for those who watched... Young women, bound, used, subjugated, scared, discarded.
As she felt the hands on her ankles, quickly slipping off her socks and shoes, she looked down. In the position she was in, kicking out was her only option but to what end? Was that going to get her, quite literally, off the hook? Even if she had managed to kick Jeff away from her, he would have come back much more determined. Fighting now was going to get her nowhere. She looked back up at Mason, knowing that a chance of any kind of fight back was going to be somewhere between highly unlikely and not at all.

As she stared back, someone she couldn't see stepped up behind her. The first thing she felt was a left hand on her left hip. She tensed as the hand moved forwards over her flat stomach and then up. The man behind stepped close. As he pulled her back again him, the ache in her shoulders reminded her that she was hanging once again. Then the right hand came around in front of her. If it were possible, her eyes widened even more as she saw a 6inch silver knife, about two inches wide at the base, tapered to a point which even in the dark, you knew was sharp. As if to make the point the man slipped the knife into the fabric of the t-shirt. The blade cut the shirt like a knife through butter and it took only a few seconds before the rags of a t-shirt were being pulled from her shoulders, leaving her topless. Now there was just the sweat pants. They took less time that her t-shirt. Cut the elastic waist and there was nothing to hold them up. When the fell, they feel off her feet into a pool the floor. The blade then cut the sides of her panties and they were gone too.

"now that's better, don't you think sweetheart? Your audience needs to see you... All of you. Isn't that right Mason?"

Jeff Preston looked at Mason and then smiled as he turned and looked again over 'his star's' body. He took hold of her chin and lifted it, turning her face a little to the left and then the right. "There really is something about a whore with a gag in her mouth." He looked over Evie's shoulder to the man who was stood behind her. "Do you wanna keep this one or shift over to one of the others. The spider maybe?"
Mason never expected an answer to his question on whether Tori was ready to admit who she was. The ball gag made it impossible for her to talk. His question was more of a jab at her. In fact, Mason already knew who Tori really was now. Tammy did a masterful job at hiding Evie's face and making her into someone new, but Tammy didn't change Evie's finger prints. Using Evie's finger prints, Osiris was able to find out just who Tori was. While Jeff waited for Mason to respond to his question about the spider. Mason's aide appeared carrying a folder which was then handed to Mason.

Mason opened the folder while still standing in front of Evie. His eyes moved as he read over each line of information and his grin turned evil. Mason was joined by Clayton Snow who was dressed only in black pants and boots. He wore no shirt during the filming and neither did the men who helped in torturing the young women. Snow looked down at the folder then up towards Evie. His eyes showed signs of disbelief since he had seen Evie up close. " It seems I was right.........we have another cop in our hands.......Detective Evelyn Taylor........Badge number 10893.........The prints don't lie. " Mason said as he looked up at Evie. His eyes didn't show any doubt as to who she was. Mason then told Snow to bring in his men, the show was ready to begin. " Lisa made me a ton of money.......Your death will make me twice as much. " Mason closed the folder and tucked it under his arm. He reached into his coat and pulled out a cigar then lit it up. Mason looked very smug as he puffed away on the cigar then turned and walked a few feet behind where the main camera was set up. Snow soon returned with a black hood covering his head. Two other large men were with him dressed as he was. Jeff was told that he could get the spider and start filming right away.
As Mason stepped away, Jeff fetched the prop and handed it to Clayton as he stepped in front of her. He smiled and drew his hands up the sides of her body. Evie tried to pull away but she couldn't pull anywhere. She became aware of one of the men behind her unbuckling the leather strap of the gag. As it was eased from her mouth, she moaned, stretching her jaw out, opening and closing her mouth.

"You son of a bitch" she spoken to no-one in particular. "You're not going to keep getting away with this. I'm just sorry I'm just not gonna be there to see you in the electric chair." Evie was not a supporter of the death penalty - something else which was banned as a subject for discussion at the Taylor household - but for these guys she could maybe make an exception.

Clayton just smiled. He stroked a hand down Eve's cheek. "We'll then. I guess we're just going to have to make the most of it now then aren't we. Do you remember that night at the Club Verve Detective Taylor? Do you remember begging for cock that night? Are you going to beg for it now?"

"Go to hell!" Clayton's smile didn't change as he turned a little away from her. But then he turned back sharply, singing his right hand as he moved. The back of it slapped hard against Evie's left cheek. She squealed and then groaned, feeling her cheek stinging.

"Perhaps, if you cant e civil, things are better with the gag after all." He nodded to one of the men behind her who grabbed hold of a handful of hair and pulled her head back. Clayton brought his right and up and he grabbed hold of Evie's jaw, squeezing, forcing it open. Then he brought his left hand up. It took him a few moments, but it wasn't long before Evie's mouth was NW being held open by a spider open mouth gag. It was quickly secured behind Evie's head.

"What do you think Jeff... As good as the ball gag?"
Jeff openly laughed at Snow's comment about the spider gag. He did add that at least her mouth could be useful now. Jeff took his spot behind the main camera, the other cameras which were set up in different parts of the area were being run by remote control. All Jeff had to do was look to his right where a lap top was sitting on a small table too see what the other cameras saw. He could then zoom in when needed or pull back. These cameras could even move slightly since they were on tracked rollers. These rollers were robotic allowing the cameras to move only when and if Jeff wanted. Jeff pressed a few keys on his lap top and the cameras started to film Evie's last movie. Snow moved back from where Evie was left hanging. He walked over in front of the camera then leaned down and picked up a cat o nine tails whip. This whip was 30 inches in length, all black with a wrist strap on the end.

Snow walked back over towards Evie swinging the whip in the air making circles. He moved to where he was standing on her left side. The whip was then swung hard against Evie's stomach. Snow teasingly let the leather whips crawl up to Evie's breasts before they to felt the bitter sting. One of his men undid his black pants and exposed his cock to the full view of the cameras. He stroked his meat until it was hard while slapping Evie's bare ass with his free hand. " It's time to show everyone what we all know Detective Taylor........Which is just how much of a filthy whore you really are. " Mason said as he happily chews on his cigar. The man behind Evie let his fingers run down between her legs. He found her pussy was growing wet. This wasn't odd since Lisa who acted just as Evie did became wet when her punishment started. They knew that no matter how Evie acted, her body would betray her and even if she never asked for more, it would.
Evie screamed and closed her eyes tightly as the tails of the whip bit against her skin. And even after the leather had left contact with her body, the bite tightened... The sting onto used to burn. She dropped her head forward and her shoulders rotated uncomfortably as they took more of the weight of her body. And then he next stroke fell and the one after and Tuor each one she screamed in response as her skin started to burn. Such was the distraction of the whip, her brain barely registered the hand smacking her ass or the hand pushing between her legs. Her mind was too occupied with pain to put up any fight. Saliva dripped from her open mouth and her jaw ached to close.

"Now now Detective. Let the world see that pretty face" a hand reach forward, grabbed hold of her hair again and pulled her head back hard. At the same time the man slammed his cock into Evie's wet pussy. Jeff zoomed his own camera in on Evie's upper body and at the same time clicked a few keys on the lap top sending one of the other cameras off on its rails to film Evie being fucked.
Clayton Snow was amazed by the fact that Evie had a new face. He allowed his fingers to brush over the skin of her cheeks when the man behind yanked her head back up. There was no scars, no signs that Evie's face was false in any way. He was greatly puzzled by how this happened in such a short time. But sadly, Clayton felt that he wouldn't get any time to question Evie on how she came by this new face. They had a movie to make, Evie was the star and she would die at the end. Mason dropped his cigar on the hard concrete floor and crushed it out. He wanted too stay and watch how this ended in person, but he businesses to run. Mason & his aide soon slipped away leaving by a side door. Clayton Snow would finish up and take care of the mess afterwards.

The men standing behind Evie was slamming her pussy hard. He held onto her hair like the mane of a horse. He kept her head held so the camera wouldn't miss a second of her face. " American women are such whores........Even our female police officers are nothing more then cunts willing to be fucked by anyone. " Snow spoke his lines as he looked towards the camera. " This is another of the LAPD's finest whores......Detective Evelyn Taylor. " Snow continued as Evie was getting a nice hard fuck. The second man came into view holding a box with small chains and clamps. He placed one clamp on each of Evie's harden nipples then connected small chains to them. Each chain then received a 6 ounce weight which hung down from the end. The clamps where pulling Evie's nipples out even as her fucking became faster and harder.
The beating continued. The man behind her continued to fuck her. Once he was satisfied, Evie was aware that another man took his place. He reached around her and toyed with the clamps making her scream as they bit into her nipples.

At some point she must have passed out. When she came to, she had no idea how long she had been unconscious but the gag in her mouth had been removed and she was able to move her jaw; opening and closing, easing out the cramp which had set in as a result of her lower jaw being kept wide open. Her whole body ached... No... To say it ached didn't cover it. Parts of her body ached... He jaw, her nipples, her pussy. But her shoulders screamed with pain as they were forced to take almost her entire weight. Her abdomen and torso were in pain from the regular impact of the whip.

Evie's breathing was short and shallow. She lifted her head slowly, noticing odd streaks of light streaming through small holes in the roof or gaps at the side of shuttered windows. Dawn had broken. Evie wondered how long ago. She wondered whether Jenna was awake? Up? Had she had time to find the hastily written note? What would her response be? Pissed that Evie had gone off on her own. Would she hurry to the house? Sit down and have breakfast assuming Evie would walk back in at any minute? Would she call Tom? Could Ebie hang on until Eli arrived? If help arrived? As she brought her head up, a hand took hold of her chin and lifted it the rest of the way. It was something to be grateful for; it took the effort out of it for Evie. As her eyes opened, there was Clayton. Smiling.

"Welcome back."
While Evie was passed out, Clayton & his men used her for the camera. They took turns fucking her ass, pussy and mouth. This was all show for the camera. It didn't matter that Evie was unconscious, she would still let out gasps and moans. These sounds would only add to the idea that people who watched this kind of movie had about American women. This was of course that they were all whores looking to get fucked for money. Clayton and the others stopped filming for about 45 minutes while having breakfast.

By the time that Evie finally woke, they were just getting ready to play out the final scenes. Clayton's hood was removed when he greeted Evie. His goons were standing not far away still drinking their coffee with Jeff. " I'm so glad that you've come back around for the end. " Clayton's voice was soft as he spoke too Evie. Almost like he was trying to comfort her or put her at ease that her pain would soon be gone. But that wasn't going to happen, not just yet. Clayton would dish out a bit more pain to Evie before finally ending her suffering. He was holding her chin with his left hand while in his right was a old metal coat hanger. Clayton was soon pull it apart then straighten it out. He would then bend the hanger back into a large long loop which would be used against the soft skin of Evie's back and bare ass. This is the point in the movie where those watching wanted too hear screams of pain. Those people wouldn't be disappointed since there would be little chance that Evie could withstand the beating she was going to get without crying out.

Jenna had started her day much as she always did. She was up around 5 am, then showered. Jenna put on her normal running outfit then headed for Evie's room. She enjoyed the morning run they had yesterday. Normally, Jenna ran alone along the beach, but it was nice to have someone that she felt so close to running with her. They were cops after all, well Evie was a cop, Jenna felt like a glorified spy. Jenna's job was important and she had helped the department bring down some very bad people, but it didn't feel like real police work too her. She never knew what it was like to walk into a police station, meet up with your partner and head out on patrol. Jenna never busted anyone or even wrote out a traffic ticket. This would all seem pretty simple too someone like Evie. Things she had done hundreds of times, but too Jenna, it was only something she could dream about.

Jenna knocked on Evie's bedroom door without any answer. " Hey!........You plan on sleeping all day? " Jenna asked as she opened the door only to find Evie's bed empty. She entered the room looking around then checked the bathroom. Jenna stared calling out for Evie as she started looking around her house. Her first thought was that Evie took off running on her own, but that though disappeared when Jenna spotted Evie's running shoes. Jenna then spotted the note that Evie had left for her. Evie wrote for Jenna not to panic, that Evie wanted to check something out at the house. Jenna was sure that Evie was talking about Mason's house. The note also said that Evie would be back before breakfast. Jenna laid the note back down, she had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. She looked towards the big doors which lead out to where the hot tube sets. The sun hadn't come up yet, it was still dark outside. Jenna made herself some coffee then sat down at the table and stared at her cell phone. She was sure that Evie would call when she was coming back.

An hour had passed, the sun was just breaking. Jenna was still there looking at her phone trying her best to will Evie to call her. That terrible feeling that Jenna had in her stomach grew worse with each passing second. " Damn it! " Jenna said as she stood up. She could no longer wait for Evie to call. Jenna was sure that Evie was in trouble. Her gut was telling her this. Jenna went back into her bedroom and quickly stripped out of her running clothes. She slipped on a pair of blue jeans then she opened the bottom drawer of her dresser. In the back she kept something very special too her. It was a dark blue t-shirt with LAPD Academy in bright yellow big letters on the back and smaller letters on the front left side of the shirt. Jenna had kept this even though she was told to get rid of it. She slipped the t-shirt on then Jenna went to her closet. Jenna dug inside until she pulled out a heavy metal box which was locked. She opened the lock and flipped the lid open. Jenna reached in and pulled out her service Glock, holster and badge. The LAPD Badge was given too Jenna by the Chief of Police. She was a real police officer even though she didn't complete the academy. Jenna slipped the badge onto the belt of her jeans, then she placed the holster on. She pulled the Glock just to make sure it was loaded and ready. Jenna returned the pistol back to the holster then she grabbed her car keys and cell phone.

Jenna notice that her barracuda was missing as she jumped into her mustang. It didn't take long for Jenna to crank the mustang up to full speed once she was out of her driveway. Using her GPS, Jenna was able to find her other car. It was miles away from where Mason's house was. Jenna pulled her phone and quickly dialed Tom. He didn't answer his phone so she left a message for him to call her right away. The GPS told Jenna that her barracuda was parked in East Los Angeles. There was no reason for Evie to have gone to East L.A., not when Mason lived in San Fernando.

Tom was in the shower when Jenna called him. He was in no hurry today since he was on vacation and no one had called to let him know what was going on today. He was expecting another day of Evie working undercover and perhaps another party later on. It was a good 20 minutes before Tom did check his phone. The message left by Jenna sounded very urgent. He quickly called Jenna back and she filled him in on what was happening. Tom didn't like the sounds of Evie running off on her own. He told Jenna not too worry about Mason's house. Tom felt that Evie was no longer there. He told Jenna to head for the warehouse where they had been filming yesterday and he would meet her there. Tom quickly dressed in his normal work clothes. Pants, white button down shirt, tie and a sports coat. He of course was packing his Desert Eagle in his shoulder holster. Tom left his boat, jumped into his car and headed for the warehouse. He couldn't call in back up without knowing that Evie was there. There was always the chance that Mason could have changed plans at the last second. " Damn it Evie!......What were you thinking! " Tom cursed out as he drove on, the light and siren of his unmarked police car were clearing the road of other cars. This was like some bad dream. If Evie dies, how could Tom ever face Jack, Steve and James again?

Jenna's mustang stopped just acrossed the street from the cannery's warehouse. She jumped out of the car and ran acrossed the street. Jenna careful looked around then she slowly opened the rear door and heard the most terrible sounding screams coming from inside. There was a whipping sound along with those gut wrenching screams. Jenna knew that she should wait for Tom, but those screams sounded so full of pain. Jenna was hearing Clayton beating Evie with that metal coat hanger. Blood was running down Evie's back and also from the cheeks of her ass.

Clayton just laughed through his black hood at Evie. He laid down the metal coat hanger and picked up his pistol. " Beg for me to end it......And I will. " Clayton said in a cold and uncaring voice as he placed the pistol to the back of Evie's head. Jeff zoomed in on her face as Jenna pulled her Glock and entered the building. Jenna slowly moved up to where the false dungeon walls were placed. She was holding her Glock out in front of her and slightly down. Jenna then jumped around the fake wall. " POLICE!......NO BODY MOVE! " Jenna's voice was strong and commanding as she spoke. She was holding her weapon at the man standing behind Evie then she moved it towards Jeff and the other two who were standing beside him. Jeff looked up from behind the camera. " What game are you playing Jenna!......Get the fuck out here before you get hurt! " Jeff said while shaking his head. " This ain't one of your movies!........You're not playing a cop here!.....Stupid cunt! " Jeff started to laugh as he spoke. Jenna then fired a shot into the floor just in front of where Jeff was standing. " You laugh at me again.......And I'll shoot you where you stand! " This made Jeff jump back and raise his hands into the air.

Clayton was still holding the gun to Evie's head. He wasn't sure just what the hell was going on. " WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM CUNT!?......DID YOU GET HOLD OF SOME BAD DRUGS!!? " Jenna glared at Clayton as he ripped the hood from his head with his free hand. " I'm Officer Kimberly Gonzales Los Angeles Police Department......You're all under arrest! " Clayton mockingly laughed at this porn star/ cop. " I'm holding all the cards here cunt!.......I'll kill Evie if you don't drop your weapon! " Clayton warned as he ready his pistol to fire. Kim coolly walked up to Clayton and pressed her gum too his head. " You fire.....And I'll fire. " Kim announced her own warning. She could now see how badly Evie had been beaten. The beating must have been going on for at least 10 minutes before she arrived.
Evie wanted it all to stop. Of course she did. Who wouldn't want this to stop? But she wasn't going to give Clayton the satisfaction. He was going to kill her anyway. It was going to be over soon no matter what, and maybe she would pass out again soon. But whatever was going to happen, she was not going to give him the satisfaction. She felt the end of the gun barrel press lightly against her head. Her body stiffened a little as she braced herself. Logic suddenly kicked in in her head. The speed of a bullet shattering through bone and brain matter... It would surely be too fast for her brain to recognise the pain that that was going to generate. Was the speed of the bullet quicker than the electro-impulses which would send the pain signals through her nerves and sinews? By the time those messages arrived, would the brain have already exploded inside her skull as the bullet tore through it ? This wasn't going to hurt, she was sure. She wasn't going to feel anything.

And then in the next blink of her eye, she pictured her funeral. Lines of uniformed police officers. Dark blue full dress uniforms. White gloves. Highly polished shoes. It wasn't that she was going to die which was upsetting at that moment, although she had certainly not envisaged dying so young. Did anyone? What was surprising to her was her own sense of grief at the loss of her family. That she would never see them again. That she would never get drunk with them again. Never fight with them again. Never laugh with them. Truth was of course she didn't know whether she would feel that sense of loss once she was dead. She had faith but what was there after life? She was about to find out!

And then she heard Jenna's voice. But only Jenna's voice. She shifted her gaze from Clayton, past the camera and out into the darkness on the other side of the lights. Was Jenna alone? Was she as stupid as Evie had been? A stand-off. She was past caring about her own death at that moment but that Clayton would be dead a few seconds later gave her some sense of satisfaction and the hint of a smile appeared on her face.
As a porn star, Jenna had become good at that job quickly. It didn't take a great actor to moan like hell when someone was fucking you. But Jenna the porn star was now gone. She was replaced by who Jenna really was, Officer Kimberly Gonzales. Kim didn't have time to think when she first came into the building. She was working on pure adrenaline and the hopes of saving someone she thought of as a friend. Kim's mind was starting to think about everything now. She saw the bleeding marks on Evie's body. She saw Clayton's gun pressed at the back of Evie's head. Her own weapon was pressed against his head. Jeff and two of Clayton's men stood about 15 feet away by the main camera. None of them were armed, at least not that Kim could tell. This was like a scene from an old movie Kim watched a few weeks ago. The bad guy was holding a hostage while the cop had to bad guy in his sights. A quick shot from the cop's gun put the bad guy down before he could get off a shot of his own. But that was just a movie and this was real life.

Kim wondered if she could shot Clayton before he shot Evie? She began to curse the fact that she took this undercover job. Kim only had a short amount of police training before she was handed a badge and took this position. She thought that trained police officers wouldn't get into a stand off like this. Kim however was wrong in her thinking. Tom was in just such a position just before he became partners with Evie. He was able to talk the man in giving up without hurting the woman he was holding. Clayton saw that Kim's mind was wandering and he took the chance given too him. Using the hand which was holding the gun, he elbowed Kim sending her crashing into the false wall behind her. Kim didn't fall as this wall although it moved, it saved her from hitting the ground. She sent a kick straight into Clayton's stomach which made him drop his weapon and drop to his knees. Kim was rushed by Clayton's men which she engaged in hand to hand.

Tom arrived just moments before the fight started. He noticed that Jenna was already here, but she wasn't outside. This meant that she had to be inside. Tom pulled his Desert Eagle and stormed the building. He rushed in heading for where Kim was take on two men and doing a good job at it. Tom looked to his left and saw Clayton rising up from the floor holding a pistol and pointing it at Jenna. Tom raised his own gun, then a thunderous boom echoed inside the warehouse. Clayton's body went sailing through the air like he had been hit by a car. Tom appeared pointing his pistol at Jeff then down at the two men laying at Jenna's feet. " Oh my God. " Were the words that came from Tom's lips when he saw Evie hanging there bleeding and beaten.

Kim picked up her weapon which had been knocked from her hand when the fight started. She kept Clayton's men covered while Tom ordered Jeff to help him get Evie down. Tom replaced his weapon back into the holster then he removed his coat and wrapped it around Evie as Jeff freed her arms. Jeff then unhooked her feet and Tom took her full weight on his arms. Tom cradled Evie against him and tossed Kim 2 sets of handcuffs from his coat. " I'm gonna get you out of here......You'll be alright......I swear. " Tom whispered as Kim cuffed Clayton's goons together then she cuffed Jeff too Clayton himself. Clayton was still live, the shot hit him in the left shoulder breaking his collarbone. Tom made sure that Evie was laid down with great care before he stood up and walked over too Jeff. He pulled his Desert Eagle and pointed it straight at Jeff's head." If I pull this trigger......There won't be enough of your head left for anyone to identify who you were. " Tom was clearly pissed off, his tone was gruff and forceful. " I have only one question......And you had better answer it quickly. " Tom growled out as his pistol grew closer too Jeff's skull. " Where is Mason Hill? " It took only seconds for Jeff too say that Mason would be in his office down town. He told Tom what office building, what floor and the office number.

Tom returned to Evie while Kim used her cell phone to call the station and report that Sergeant Reed requested black n whites to come and clean up this mess. There must have been a patrol car nearby because the sound of a siren could be heard soon after the call was made. " In the trunk of my car is a police blanket........We've got to get Evie out of here. " Tom said as he gently picked Evie up into his arms. He rushed outside with Kim just ahead. She opened the trunk and pulled out the blanket just as Tom had asked. The blanket was wrapped around Evie as Kim opened one of the rear doors to Tom's car. He helped Evie inside then he joined her. Kim jumped into the front seat and Tom told her where they were taken Evie. Tom couldn't take Evie to a hospital and Kim's place was to far away. They would take Evie to his boat house at King Harbor.
Evie went through a whole strong of contrasting emotions. Jenna's arrival on her own brought a concern and a sense of worry that if she couldn't pull this off, she would find herself the star of an altogether different kind of movie compared to the ones she had been in to date. The idea of Clayton being dead moments before or after her brought a sense of satisfaction, perhaps even pleasure. Then when the scuffle broke out, it seemed like the very worst was going to happen. Clayton would survive. She and Jenna would be dead, one way or another. There was a sense of panic and she tried to pull herself up, to lift at least one leg and kick out, but she simply didn't have the strength. All she succeeded in doing was twisting slightly one way then the other and she groaned loudly as the pain in her shoulders exploded once again. Her self preservation instinct told her to stay still.

And then the boom echoed around the room, literally bouncing from one wall to another the echo diminishing over seconds. She looked at Tom as he wrapped his coat gingerly around, her eyes only just about all the way open, but her eyelids heavy. She fought to hold back a hiss as the coat came into contact with the broken skin on her back. But when Jeff unhooked her arms, she could doing nothing to hold back the scream as her shoulders were suddenly free but unable to hold up the weight of her own arms. Her face contorted in pain as her arms feel down onto Tom's shoulders. But she heard Tom's words; she heard his promise and there was no doubt in her mind that he would do it. She gave the slightest of nods as her head rested against his shoulder and for the first time that morning silent tears began to flow. She had managed to to shed a single one during the entire beating but now, she could not hold them back. She whimpered at little as he aldi her on the floor, and as he stepped away from her, she managed to find enough energy to turn onto her side just enough to take some of the pressure off of her back.

Evie wasn't aware of the conversation between Tom and Jeff or between Tom and Jenna. She felt herself being picked up again but she had no sense of how long she had been on the floor. And then she was being moved; being carried, being eased gently into the car. Again she tried to fight back the moans and groans of pain as she kept telling herself it was over. It was done and she was going to be okay because Tom had promised her. And still the tears fell silently.

The next thing she knew was that she was in a bed. Clean white sheets. A warm duvet. The room bright but she couldn't quite make anything out and she really wasn't that sure she wanted to open her eyes all the way just yet. Then she felt the bed move, very slightly. And then again. A gentle rock. And she remembered what she had heard Tom say. She was at King Harbour. At Tom's. She wasn't going to have to explain anything to a nurse or a doctor anytime soon. She wasn't going to have cops demanding withness statements; not yet at least. She wasn't going to have to try and put on some kind of show for her family or answer any of their questions or look them in the eye even. She smiled a little to herself and let her eyes close back shut again.
Evie had again passed out while in the backseat of Tom's car. She never heard him call Lesley and explain most of what just went down at the cannery warehouse. Evie also didn't hear Tom tell Lesley to lean on the cameraman. Tom wanted Mason Hill and he wanted him today. He told Lesley that he didn't care what she had to do. He wanted a group of uniformed officers and a SWAT team to meet him at Mason's office at Century City with an arrest warrant. At this point, Tom didn't really care if Lesley used rubber hose to beat Jeff in order to get what she needed. Tom was going after Mason Hill, with or without the department behind him. Another conversation that Evie didn't hear was between Tom and a close friend. He needed someone who he could trust and wouldn't ask a lot of questions. Tom called an old poker buddy Doctor Jennifer Lee. Jen was the first in her family to be born in America. Her parents had come to the States from China. Jen is the Chief of Emergency Medicine at East L.A. Doctors Hospital and lived just a short ways from King Harbor.

During the drive Kim made her own call. She called Tammy to meet her at Tom's place in King Harbor with some of that face cream. Kim pulled the car up and jumped out to help Tom with Evie. It was just a short jog down some steps, then down the dock where Tom's house boat was tied up. An Asian woman was already waiting there with a large red bag at her feet. She asked Kim to grab the bag as Jen helped Tom with Evie. Evie was then carried down below to Tom's bedroom where Jen would care for her while Tom & Kim waited for Tammy. She came quickly with the cream and removed Evie's false face. Jen was shocked too see that it was Jack's daughter. She knew Jack from those monthly poker game here on Tom's boat. Tom asked that Jen not say anything to anyone about this. Jen did agree then she continued to treat Evie's wounds.
The next time Evie started to regain consciousness, she was vaguely aware of a stiffness in her body. The only time she remembered feeling quite that bad was after she attempted a triathlon when she was still in the Academy. She had finished somewhere in the top half of the field which wasn't bad for her first go but for three days afterwards, she could barely walk. Without thinking she began to stretch her body out on the bed and at the same time she started to roll of from her side and onto her back. She got part way and the pain hit her, waking up completely and causing her to yell out. She half sat up but that stretched her back and caused sharp pain again. And so she finished up falling back and twisting back onto her side, eyes closed tight, breathing hard through the pain. She didn't hear the footsteps or the door opening but she was suddenly aware of someone at the side of the bed, hand n her shoulder. Evie opened her eyes and saw an Asian woman looking back at her, concern evident on her face. Evie was sure she knew her from somewhere.

"Afternoon Evie. Just try and lie still. Stay on your side. Trust me, you'll feel better."

"Evie? Do you... Do you recognise me?" The woman nodded.

"Your friend Tammy has been and gone. You're back to looking like you." She smiled. "Do you remember what happened to you?" Now it was Evie's turn to nod, slowly.

"A sick twisted son of a bitch tried to beat me half to death."

"I hate to tell you, but he succeeded. He did beat you half to death. Maybe closer." Evie looked at her and then laughed a little. She ctainly couldn't deny the truth of that statement. It had been a close run thing. Far too close. Evie decided to try again to get up.

"Will you give me a hand. Help me up."

"Not a chance. You need to stay there for a couple of days. You need plenty of fluids. Time for your back to start to heel. I've given you some antibiotics to ward of infection and some pain meds which are gonna keep you comfortable." Ebie stared at her for a moment.

"You're a doctor? Tom brought you." She nodded. "Do I know you?" Evie asked.

"Your dad does..."

"Oh crap! Does he know about this..."

"No? Not a word. Nothing. Tom doesn't want anyone to know right now and I've promised him that I wouldn't do anything to compromise that."

"Thank you. Where is Tom? And Jenna? Kim, I mean?"
Jen slowly sat down on the bed after Evie asked about Tom & Kim. She told her that they left 10 minutes ago. Tom received a phone call from Lesley saying that the warrant for Mason Hill was ready. It seemed that Lesley didn't have to lean to hard on Jeff. During his ride to the station, Jeff decided to protect his own ass by becoming a witness. He double crossed Clayton & Mason telling the police everything that they did. Jeff talked about the murders of those 2 other girls and everything about Lisa's murder. That was more then enough to get all the warrants Lesley asked for. Lesley called the L.A. County Sheriff's Department and requested them to raid Mason's house in San Fernando. The deputies would hit Mason's house about the same time that Tom was kicking down Mason's office door.

Jen slowly stood up smiling down on Evie. " Tom asked me to stay with you until he got back......So if you need anything just ask. " Jen said as she turned towards the door then slight turned back towards Evie. " Your wounds will heal in time......You just have to rest......Oh and.....You'll be able to wear a bikini again. " Jen said jokingly as she walked out of the room.

Tom & Kim were flying through the city and finally meet up with the officers and the SWAT unit. He pulled up and they climbed out joining them. Tom took control of the scene, he ordered the uniformed officers to raid Top Hat Production while he, Kim and the SWAT team went after Mason. Clayton Snow's company was one floor below where Mason's office was. The lead SWAT Sergeant handed Tom the warrant for Mason's arrest. Tom took the warrant then he looked at Kim. " We got one last rat to nail......Stick close. " Tom said too Kim then everyone entered the building.
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