Lights, Camera Action! (Genkai and The King)

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Her grin gave Robert some reassurance, listening attentively as she spoke. It was true that dinner had been good but it would've been better to go out on the town as Amber seemed to be suggesting. "Sure, that sounds great. I can pick you up at your place around 8:30, how's that sound?" The actor proposed casually.
"That sounds fine with me." She said, rather relived he agreed. "It's a date then." Amber said and kissed him lightly. She sat back and glanced to him, wondering if she should let him get some rest or if they could have a bit more time together. "Should I get us some more wine or are you good?" Amber suggested. She also did want to help him clean up a bit, after all, this was the second time he had invited her over.
"It's a date." He remarked in return with a nod, leaning back into the couch with a content sigh. Robert didn't mind if she stuck around, enjoying her company quite a bit considering how well they got along and the already evident chemistry they shared. As she asked about wine he nodded. "Sure, I could use another glass."
"Great." She grabbed his glass as well as her own and got up. Amber headed off to the kitchen and poured them some more and headed back. Sitting down next to Robert, she handed him his refilled glass and tapped them together. Then the blond took a drink and set it down. She wondered what they could do tomorrow. It should be something they both enjoy.
Stealing a few glances as Amber entered the kitchen he waited patiently for her return. Tapping his glass against hers in return before taking a heavy sip of his refreshed glass. Smiling in her direction and letting himself relax. Already he had an idea of what tomorrow night would hold and only hoped she would enjoy what he had planned, too.
Amber brushed a hand through her hair and took another sip of wine. She didn't think she had to go into work tomorrow though she was sure that she would the next day. It was a scene in some sort of Gala event or something. At the moment they probably shouldn't talk about work though. "You need any help cleaning up...?"
Looking to her again as she spoke Robert shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I wouldn't want you to take the extra trouble." He reassured, knowing the trash from the take out they ordered was easy enough to clean up. Drinking down a bit more of his wine, there was a smile on his face as he leaned over for a quick kiss.
She nodded. "Alright." She said to him. Amber grabbed her glass after he kissed her. She leaned against him and took another sip. She was quite comfortable at the moment. It was nice to spend tine with Robert. He seemed to feel the same way. She felt rather lucky to be honest.
Robert smiled in return, setting his glass of wine aside and putting an arm around Amber once she leaned into him. Perfectly content with the time they were spending together, surprised at how quickly she'd grown to enjoy his company, too.
They got along with one another pretty well. Though she didn't want to get Hirt or anything, she also knew that she couldn't just sit on the sidelines. Since they were both interested in one another why not try it out and see how it went? Still, Amber hoped it didn't interfer with work. It was possible work could be more fun because of their relationship. She glanced to him as he had his arm around her now.
He didn't anticipate any problems with carrying on a relationship with his co-star even though usually things like that had a tendency to blow up in people's faces. They got along so well it was hard to believe just because they worked together that it would get in the way of the fact they enjoyed one another's company. With a smile Tony leaned closer, a hand caressing Amber's side as their lips locked.
Amber breathed in softly when Robert's hand moved along her side. Amber leaned her head up and kissed him back. She set her glass down and turned toward him, still kissing him deeply. A hand moved up and cupped the side of his face gently. Dessert tonight was pretty good. Better than dinner even.
Robert smiled against her lips, daring to deepen the kiss and leaning more towards Amber as he did so. His other hand moved to trail along her thigh as things grew slightly more heated. Although as he said before the actor had no intention of rushing things with her.
She didn't mind him deepening things. She kept kissing him as her hand moved from his cheek to his hair. She had to admit that with his new mustache, it rather tickled. It was nice. Amber broke the kiss for a moment and looked at then leaned in to kiss him once more. So far, she was quite enjoying her visit. Robert seemed to share the sane feelings. Not to mention his hands were quite comforting. Her fingers trailed down to the back of his neck.
Robert was pleased that Amber didn't mind his boldness although he didn't intend to take things too far tonight. Pulling away as she did the actor smiled, and within a moment they were kissing again deeper than before. His hands caressed her gently, excited by her own wandering against the back of his neck, nearly making the hairs stand on end. His tongue traced over her soft lips before seeking entry to her mouth.
She didn't mind his bold moves. But she also enjoyed that he was understanding about not jumping the gun or anything. Amber enjoyed the warmth against her. Whn the man brushed his tongue along her lips, Amber let out a soft moan and parted her lips, not minding his request. Moving her own tongue along his own, she moved her other hand to rest on his side. For now they could enjoy other without worrying too much.
He definitely didn't want to jump the gun with Amber despite the temptation. Kissing her a few moments longer Robert pulled away, clearly reluctant to do so before speaking. "Maybe you should get on home. I don't want to end up doing something I'll regret." He remarked, knowing they'd be going out tomorrow night and that maybe it was for the best if she didn't stay too long.
Amber looked to him as he soon pulled away and suggested she go. She nodded, understanding. "Yeah you're right." She said and slowly got up. "Um I'll just see you tomorrow night then." Amber leaned over and picked up her bag and glanced to him with a smile and headed off.
"Looking forward to it." Robert remarked, watching Amber as she left before getting up from the couch. Getting things cleaned up he went to bed a little earlier than usual. Eagerness keeping him restless as he was excited for his date tomorrow with the blonde after he finished filming.
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