Lights, Camera Action! (Genkai and The King)

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Pausing, she glanced to him. "Dinner would be good." She commented and wondered what route to take. "Maybe just some simple take out, your place?" Amber replied. "Should I bring dessert or wine or something?" She asked him. She didn't mind the offer of course, though she just wanted to bring something to the table as well, so to speak. And she could have time to get changed into something more comfortable and get out of the make up. It wasn't her taste. "Is thirty good for you?" Amber asked him, getting ready to go back to her dressing room.
"Seven-thirty it is, my place. Bring whatever you think you need to." Robert answered smoothly, pleased at her acceptance of his offer. It was a chance for more time alone with Amber, something he was coming to relish a great deal. "See you then." The actor remarked conclusively before heading off to his trailer. Getting changed for the remainder of today's scenes it went by quicker then expected. Heading back to his place and waiting a while before ordering take out for them and waiting for her to arrive.
Heading off once their plans were confirmed, she got changed and checked her e mails and got changed back into her casual jeans and tank top. Amber headed off the set and headed back to her apartment to relax for a bit. She watched some tv and then took a shower, washing herself with a warm strawberry soap and shampoo. She got out and got dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a white tunic shirt and brushed her hair back into a lose bun. Amber snagged one of the bottles of red wine she had around and headed off to Roberts. If she didn't know any better, she might assume they were quietly dating or something. But she just parked and headed up and knocked on his door. "Hey." She smiled when he let her in. "I brought us drinks." She handed him the bottle.
His anticipation was growing quickly and it wasn't long before Amber arrived. "Please, come in." Robert said politely, stepping aside to allow the blonde into his home. His eyes wandering slightly, getting a view from behind before she had turned to face him again. "Great, the food should be here any minute. Make yourself comfortable." He said before stepping over and settling down on the couch, inviting her to do the same.
"Alright." Amber replied simply and walked over to the couch and set down the bottle on the table. She glanced to him and crossed her long legs. "So how was the rest of the shoot? Did I miss anything good?" Amber asked him. She knew a lot of other loose ends had to be tied up, as well as other actors and actresses had to make adjustments. Part of her was glad for her smaller role. The movie was going to be huge, she was sure Robert would have long days, a lot of the time.
"Nah, you didn't miss much. Didn't really get into much of the action yet." Robert remarked in reply, scooting a little closer to Amber on the couch as he spoke. Noticing her legs crossing he grinned slightly, eyes roaming her slightly before meeting with hers. "You were great today. I admire your enthusiasm." The actor remarked, getting up from the sofa momentarily and snatching a pair of wine glasses from the kitchen as well as a corkscrew for the bottle of wine. Opening it up he poured them each a glass, handing one over to her before taking a sip of his own.
Nodding at his first comment, she smirked a little at his next comment. "Oh yeah?" She was sure he meant it when during their bedroom scene. But she could also assume he had just made a comment regarding her acting as a whole. She decided it would be more fun to play coy. "Well I love acting, otherwise I wouldn't be here." Amber said as he walked back over and handed her a glass of wine. "Thanks." She said and took a drink and licked her lips. "You think they liked what we did or would we have to do another take?" She asked Tony.
"Yeah, we must have done a good job if they didn't make us re-shoot it once or twice." He replied with a smile, taking another sip of his wine before setting the glass aside on the coffee table. When she licked her lips Robert couldn't help but grin. Pleased to have this time alone with her, although unsure how far he'd be able to take things. Deciding to try his luck he leaned over, a hand moving to her side before their lips met in a gentle kiss.
It was good that what they had done was satisfactory. Scenes that only needed one take were pretty rare so it was a boost to her self esteem. Or maybe she and Robert just had good chemistry. Maybe it was a bit of both. Who knows. Amber watched him as she took another drink and set the glass down carefully. He moved closer and placed a hand on her side and kissed her softly. This seemed to be developing into a habit of theirs. Should she complain? Amber leaned in slowly and rested a hand on his chest, not really pushing him away though. It was mostly neutral and she just wanted to touch him, that too.
Robert felt her hand against his chest, however pleased as she didn't refuse or push him away. Hopefully he wasn't being too forward although showing her affection was groiwing into a habit for him most certainly. Which was natural given his attraction to Amber. His hand moved from her side to trail along her thigh, admiring the softness and smoothness of her skin. Tilting his head the actor started to deepen the kiss.
Closing her eyes, she breathed in his scent, rather enjoying what one might consider to be an appetizer of sorts. Amber felt his hand trail along her bare smooth legs and rub her thigh. Though his touch was gentle and warm, it was stable able to send a slight chill up her back. In a good way. She was attracted to him, she couldn't refute that claim. Nor could her body it seemed. She didn't mind the kiss being deepened as she followed his lead, parting his lips slightly as her hand moved up to rest on his shoulder.
While his hand was still caressing her thigh, his free hand wandered up to comb his fingers through her hair. Fingers finding what held her bun together and pulling it look, letting her blonde mane free. Hand next moving to her cheek as their lips remained in consistent contact. Pulling away simply for need of breath their eyes met and he smiled. A little at a loss for words although as far as he was concerned his actions spoke for themselves.
Amber didn't mind as her hair came undone and brushed along her shoulders. She soon pulled away when he did and smiled softly, breathing in. Maybe they didn't need to wait so long to try and have a relationship. They were adults after all. And waiting probably wouldn't work so well in the end anyway. The girl wasn't sure what to say at the moment either so she decided to lean in and kiss him.
Robert wasn't sure how Amber felt about this although her smile gave him some reassurance. A little surprised as she was the one to kiss him this time he didn't hesitate to kiss back. Hands moving to her hips, pulling her a little closer as he leaned back against the arm of the sofa.
She shifted as his hands pulled her to him when he laid back slightly. Amber moved her arms around him as she kept their lips together. Then she brought up a hand to rest on the side of his face as she broke the kiss for a moment. "So...would you call this a date?" Amber asked him. Maybe it wasn't fair she was asking said question in their current position but it probably was better to get things straight rather than assume.
He smiled as they kept kissing before she pulled away to address him. "I'd say so." Robert said with a grin, leaning up to kiss Amber again quickly. Starting to deepen it before a knock came at the door. Reluctant to pull away he shook his head. "That must be the food.." He remarked and slid off the couch. Answering the door and paying for it before bringing it in and laying the bags on the coffee table.
Smiling, she leaned in to get back to what they were doing when they were interrupted. She pulled back and moved back to where she was sitting when he got up to get the food. She brushed some of her hair behind her ear when he returned with said meal. Amber rubbed her neck slightly. "Do you need any help with the uh plates or anything?" She asked him as she snagged her wine and drank some more.
"Nah, I got it." He told her reassuring, going to the kitchen and grabbing a couple of plates. Laying one out for each of them before taking a sip of his own wine. Pulling out a few containers of rice and noodles. "I got Chinese, hope that's okay."
"Chinese is fine." She smiled. "Whoever didn't like Chinese was probably someone I couldn't date anyway." She said to him with a smile as she took her plate and got what she wanted. She sat back and snagged a fork and began to eat. "So..." She wondered what to say. "You don't this to ever pretty girl you work with right? I mean if you do, I'd love to know my previous competition." Amber smiled teasingly.
Robert laughed at her remark, shaking his head at Amber. "Heh, only the girls I really like get this treatment." He teased in return, piling some noodles onto his own plate and starting to eat as well. Taking a sip of wine in between, his eyes wandering although in no way being discrete about it this time around.
Amber glanced to Tony. "Lucky me." She said to him as she went back to eating. The food was good, though LA was notable for having good places to eat, even with take out. A lot of stars used take out after all, so even those standards were higher than say her hometown. Finishing her drink, she set it down and noticed him staying. Of course she didn't mind, she almost felt like some sort of African gazelle.
Robert grinned, not taking long to finish off his first plate and most of his wine. Moving closer to Amber again, he smiled and leaning close. A hand moving to her hip as their lips met once more.
Letting the kiss last for a moment or two Robert pulled away, matching her smile with one of his own. "I don't want you to think I'm rushing you into anything..but can you blame me for not keeping my hands off you? You're gorgeous.." The actor remarked sincerely with a slight grin.
He was a smooth talker, also sweet. Amber grinned and glanced down slightly sheepish. "Well thank you." She said to him softly and glanced up to meet his dark eyes. "I don't mind what we're doing." Amber said. "Though it would be nice if we could go out and do something." She smiled. "How about we go out tomorrow when you're done with work." She suggested.
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