Lights, Camera Action! (Genkai and The King)

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Jan 24, 2012
Lights, Camera Action! (Genkai and The King)

Robert Downey Jr and Amber Heard

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It was amazing, she was quite excited to be taking on a role alongside people like Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey Jr. She had worked along others but she was happy to be around anyone she could learn from. Amber was quite passionate about acting and was a fan of Robert's for as long as she could remember. The blond was currently driving up in her red 1968 Ford Mustang toward a pre-production cast party and though she had a small role, it was still one that ran throughout the film. The technology aspect of the film was also interesting to the girl but for now she just wanted to get to know her fellow co-stars. She had read over the script about five times already, and it had only been in her possession for a week. Having signed on to also do the eventual sequel, she was ready to get to work and enjoy herself.

Pulling up to the large LA hotel, she got out and handed her keys to the valet. The young curvy blond had on a simple white dress, as it was summer and it was quite warm, even more so for the city where stars were born. Amber had her hair down and curled slightly. She headed inside and heard familiar sounds of people mingling and kissing ass. Putting on a smile, she waltzed out to where the party was, right by the pool. She had a large black purse with her, she was told to bring a suit if you wanted and since it was so hot out, she decided a swim might not be so bad, depending on who else was around. Being one of the younger but rising stars, she wasn't sure how her friendly competition would handle the party. Walking over to the director, she introduced herself, though they had already met of course.

The blond was handed a cool Margarita and pointed to where her main co-star was, Robert Downey Jr. She smiled and walked over to where he was. He seemed to be talking to some people. From the sounds of it, it had to do with the Iron Man suit that had been finished recently. "Hi, I'm Amber Heard." She held out a hand to him, always finding it a bit weird to introduce herself to someone she already felt like she knew. "I know you get this a lot but I'm such a fan, so it's quite an honor to be working with you." She told him with a smile.
Robert was just as thrilled about being a part of the Iron Man project. He'd been through some bad times as of late but this movie was intended to be Downey's big comeback on the big screen. His co-stars had all been picked very carefully, some of them he was familiar with and others not so much. Tonight was the big pre-production party which by this time was already in full swing. He'd arrived rather early and by now most of the guests were all mingling and talking in small knit groups. Sipping on a drink he felt great to be the star of such an experience.

The hotel was a great place, with a pool, provided catering, and several bars serving drinks. Having a few already he felt on fire however careful not to get too riled up tonight. After so much planning, the actor had the highest confidence in the film. Hearing a female voice beside him he turned to see Amber standing there who introduced himself. Smiling in return he clasped her hand in his own and shook it gently. Looking her up and down discretely before speaking. "Very nice to meet you, Amber. Oh, that's so nice of you to say, I'm flattered. I look forward to working with you, too." He remarked charmingly, trying to keep his eyes from wandering but his blonde co-star was just
Everyone was enjoying themselves, it was a contagious feeling but Amber knew how to act around people and to make a good first impression. Surely after everyone spent time together on set, they would be more comfortable. At least that's how the actress saw it. She brighten up when Robert shook her hand. "Well thank you, I'm sure it'll be a pleasure." Amber replied to him and sipped her drink. The girl glanced around and saw a few people already getting in the pool. Amber decided she would go swimming but not quite yet. Not sure what to say without embarrassing herself, she excused herself and went to go mingle some of the others. Everyone was quite nice, she was thinking this movie would be very fun. She was a fan of the comics, so seeing them come to life on the silver screen would be a wonderful thing to be a part of. Amber walked along and finished her drink and got another and snacked for a bit.

She kept in the shade for a while and twisted some of her hair around her finger. Being a bit earnest, she couldn't help but feel anxious to start filming. She and Robert's character got quite close with one another, as well had a few snippy conversations which could prove fun. Amber hoped she didn't do anything stupid in front of him though. He made her a bit nervous to be honest, but it kept the girl on her toes, and that wasn't so bad. Heading off to change, she slipped into a lightly stripped bikini. She came back out and made her way over to the pool. Amber had her own apartment in LA for rent and it did have a pool for her to use but she hadn't gone swimming in a while and could use a relaxing dip. Slipping into the cool water, she dipped under the surface and swam over and raised her head out of the pool and pulled her hair back.

She did have an idea of how to act, as she was skilled in modeling as well as acting. Modeling just ended up being second nature to Amber. She pulled her long hair back and off to her side. It felt quite nice to get into something cool after being in the LA heat.

Her suit - here
The heat was starting to get to Robert before long, especially in the suit he was wearing that really had him perspiring. The pool was looking that much more inviting especially with Amber in the water looking as good as could be. There was more than enough motivation at this point for the actor to join her. Dismissing himself from the conversation and grabbing another drink before going to change he found himself at the poolside before too long.

Throwing the blonde a smile he dove in skillfully, letting himself glide to the bottom before surfacing. Paddling over to the edge he pulled himself up and took a seat on the edge next to his co-star. "Great night for a swim, eh?" He remarked casually, eyes roaming her discretely but attempting not to be too obvious about his interest. "I've seen you in a few other films, and if you're as good in this one as you were in those, this picture is sure to be a hit. You're really on your way to becoming a rising star in this town, Amber."
Though she had been making good friends already, she was surprised but glad to see Robert come over and join her. She enjoyed talking with him. He got in to get himself wet and them moved to sit up by the side while she treed water by him. Amber looked up at him. She could tell he was checking her out, not that she minded much. She would probably be more insulted if he hadn't shown some interest in her to be honest. Amber nodded. "Yeah though you're not technically swimming, you're lurking." She pointed out to him. When he mentioned her other films and performances, she quickly blushed. She was sure he buttered up every actress he worked with but she didn't mind too much even if he might be lying a little. Even so, she knew she was picking up big titles and getting recognized, so it was all good to hr.

"Well thank you. I doubt I'll be as great as you but I'm going to get pretty damn close, so watch out." She told him confidentially as she pushed off from the wall slightly. Amber licked her lips and glanced off as she heard someone popping another bottle of champagne for everyone. "I'm really looking forward to filming, I've loved these comics. What about you?" She asked him. If they had to pick anyone else to play Tony Stark, she didn't think they'd do it as well as Robert could. As far as she knew though, most people wanted to be a superhero or have one around. And Tony Stark changed so much, she was sure Robert could relate to that. She envied his strength, most people would just wallow and not try to rise up from the ashes.
Smiling again as the two of them conversed, he was pleased that they were getting along so well. Not that he expected there to be any disharmony among the two of them, even if they hadn't worked together before. As Amber gave him a push Robert slid gracefully into the pool, surfacing within a moment and treading water just as she already as. "Well looks like I'm swimming now.." The actor teased with a slight grin on his handsome features.

Picking up on her comment on the comic books he was quick to reply. "I didn't really read comics much as a kid but for this role I had to get into them." He answered with an enthusiastic smile. "They're pretty interesting, and it's definitely a tough role to get into. But no one said it's be easy." Even with all his experience he knew this wouldn't be a walk in the park, especially since it was his comeback role they were talking about.
She just raised her brow at him when he did get into the pool thanks to her comment. "Isn't it better?" Amber asked him. "Well I think it's a sweet role if you have to read comics to prepare." She pointed out to him. "Really? I think this role would suit you pretty well, I'm sure you'll be great!" She assured him. People enjoyed his work and he was on the rise again. She was sure the movie would be a great hit and more would follow after the success of this one. Dipping under water to get herself wet again, she came back up and sighed deeply. "I can't wait to start shooting, we start next Monday right? I think you and I have some interesting scenes together." She couldn't help but comment.

It was a good thing they were talking now and getting to know one another, hopefully some of the intimate scenes wouldn't be too hard now. "Though I guess I don't have too many scenes to shoot so I'll have to make sure they're perfect." She commented and swam around a bit. She couldn't wait to see the final product. She had heard buzzing around what the effects would do and she was sure it would be great and that Robert had nothing to worry about.
It seemed that Amber had a great deal of confidence in him and her words gave Robert a great deal of reassurance about the film. It was true that he'd been basking in the limelight for some time before adopting a handful of bad habits that only recently he'd broken himself of. This was a fresh start for him, his comeback. Watching as she dove under the water before surfacing once more, the actor simply smiled and paddled to stay afloat in the pool.

They were definitely getting to know each other better and considering their characters became rather intimate at one point during the picture, it was probably better if they were as comfortable as possible with one another. If he was going to get involved with another character he was certainly pleased it was this blonde beauty. Swimming around a little himself he ended up near her again. "I might be calling it a night soon, but perhaps you'd like to come back to my place for drinks?" He invited, unsure if she'd had any already although it was likely at this events for the guests to get pretty boozed off. Not that he was judging or assuming that in case.
Once filming started, she was sure they would get to know their characters a little better and be comfortable with the direction. At the moment, she could understand his slight uncertainty. Amber moved around a bit, almost like a fish in its natural habitat. She did enjoy swimming and she sometimes surfed to stay fit. There were plenty of hobbies to adopt in LA and she had plenty of time to tend to them. When Robert brought up heading back to his place for drinks as he was thinking of heading out soon, she had to stop and weigh the pros and cons. The pros would be getting to know him more and continuing their conversation. The cons would be getting a little too close but she thought about it and decided one drink couldn't hurt and it wasn't that late anyway.

At least for her. After thinking about it, she nodded. "Sure I wouldn't mind that." Amber replied. She only had two drinks so she was going to be mindful of she drank next. The last thing she wanted to do was do something seriously stupid on her first day of meeting the people she'd be working with for the next few months. Moving over to the edge, she got out carefully and wrung out her hair and glanced to him. "I'll go get changed then." And with that, she headed off to dry herself and get back into her fitted white light weight dress. She got a towel inside the dressing room and freshened up after taking a quick shower. Amber took her time getting dressed and came back out and went to talk to some others while she waited for Robert to snag her so they could go.
He was admittedly pleased at her acceptance to his propose. Robert was already enjoying her company a great deal and definitely wouldn't mind it a while longer. Once Amber vanished to go get changed he swam a little longer before doing the same. Grabbing a shower for himself, he changed back into his suit and found Amber mingling with another group. Approaching casually, there was a smile on his face, politely taking the blonde by the arm as they left the party.

She looked just as nice in her white dress as the bikini, which had already given him a good look of her body. Considering how attractive she was it only made him that much happier to be working with her. "I assume you took your own car here so just keep on my tail." The actor advised as they reached the valet stand. It wasn't long before their cars were brought around. Parting her company for now he hopped in his sports car, driving off from the hotel. His apartment wasn't far, and pulling into the driveway he met his co-star by her car before they headed inside.

The place was rather spacious despite being just one of his smaller properties. Usually for little get-togethers or more intimate plans. Not that he really intended to make a pass at Amber, not that it wasn't tempting. It wouldn't exactly be appropriate to get involved with a co-star. Not to mention before they even started filming. "Make yourself at home." He remarked before disappearing into the kitchen. Returning promptly with a drink in each hand. Offering her one before taking a sip of his own.
The sun had just set which made everything around her glow a bit, colors of orange and pink glossed over the pool behind her. As she was finishing a conversation about her modeling Robert approached her and they headed out together. She couldn't help but notice some people watching them. Rumors in LA spread faster than hot wildfires. She was used to it so she didn't pay much mind as what they were doing was harmless and didn't concern anyone else for that matter. Amber glanced to him, she always enjoyed seeing men in suits. What man didn't look good when they were dressed up right? "Yes I did." Amber replied when he asked about how she got to said party. When their cars were brought around, she got into her own and followed him.

Driving along, she checked herself again in the mirror, a bit of a habit but not a conceited one by any means. Amber soon arrived at his apartment and parked out of the way and walked over to where he was waiting. She glanced around as he let her inside. It was much bigger than hers though it was likely because he had much more in the bank, and for good reason. She couldn't help but feel a little intimidated though. "Thanks." She said and walked inside, she looked around a bit more. He had a great view of the beach. Making her way over to the couch, she seated herself and Robert soon came back over with a drink.

Taking hers, she sipped it. "You have a nice place here, puts mine to shame." Amber laughed. She sipped her drink again and set it down and glanced to Robert, wondering what to talk about without sounding like a stalker or a drooling fan, she didn't consider herself to be either though. "So...if you could have sort of super power, what would you pick?" Amber asked him, since they were working on a super hero themed movie, it's what came to her mind first.
Seating himself on the couch with Amber, he sipped his own drink, peering out at the beach view before his attention promptly returned to her as she posed the question about super powers. "Hmmm, that's a tough one." The actor remarked as he thought it over. "I'd probably have to go with invisibility, I could have a lot of fun with that." He teased, moving a little closer to his co-star without trying to seem imposing. It would've been a lie to say he wasn't attracted to her although hopefully it would be something he could control considering they'd probably be working together for a good while before the film was finished. Still she seemed nice enough and at the very least they'd be good friends.

"What about you?" He asked in return, simultaneously allowing his eyes to wander discretely. Trying however not to stare, but she was just so gorgeous that it was hard to avoid stealing a glance or two. And only hoping, if she did notice, that she didn't mind it.
Amber was leaning back rather comfortably, and didn't mind too much when he moved closer. It meant he was interested in the conversation, as was she. And of course the actor was highly talented and nice, she had no fuss when it came to getting close to him. Of course she was new to the chaos, she still knew to not get involved with co-stars. If things went back, it could snow ball into something much worse, not to mention the press would eat them alive. Though there was temptation. She'd have to be insane not to note Robert's attractiveness. "I'm somehow not surprised by that answer." Amber gave him a sly smile. A man picking such a trait wasn't a surprise to her, though she would admit that one could have some fun with it.

But it wasn't what she would pick first. "Hm..." She had been expecting him to turn the question over to her, though she hadn't thought about her answer if he did. "I guess I'd pick flight or time travel. But I guess flight." She finally said. She loved roller coasters and speed so she wouldn't mind taking to the sky. It could be pretty fun. Brushing a hand through her hair, she grabbed her drink and took another sip from it, watching him closely, not minding if he noticed since she was being pretty obvious. "You don't have any pets." Amber found herself comment. "Must get lonely." She said. With the job, it might be hard to take care of any though.
Robert nodded at her answer, knowing that being able to fly was what most people only dreamed of. He was glad she didn't seem to mind him moving closer, and taking another sip of his drink his eyes were wandering again, a smile on his face. He was considering making a move, in fact from the instant they'd become acquainted at the party the attraction to her was instant. At her comment about lacking pets he simply shook his head at the blonde before speaking up in reply.

"Never been much of an animal person. I prefer people.." He said with a slightly suggestively, a hand innocently moving to her thigh as he spoke. It was true he'd had his share of affairs and relationships over the years, with those famous or not. And depending on her reaction she might have become another. "I hope I'm not too bold saying this but you really do look stunning, Amber." The actor complimented, unsure what she might make of his slight advances, but hopefully he'd received a positive reception even if they weren't the most appropriate of actions.
Flying in real life in the movies was very different than. People were probably closer to it when at an amusement park or something. She looked to him when he replied, saying he preferred people over animals. Well that was good, wasn't it? Amber glanced down as his hand moved to her thigh. Of course right off the bat, she was flatter, despite whether or not he had innocent intentions. But then of course her brain told her this would just cause trouble down the line for them both and the last thing she wanted to was mess up a good thing. A small blush still formed on her face as she leaned her head against her hand which was tangled in her hair, resting against the couch.

"No you're not too bold." She couldn't help but grin. She still wasn't sure what she ought to do. If she had been in the same position about a month ago without her contract, she would gladly take the opportunity to get closer to Robert but the old fashioned part of her couldn't help but tell herself not to become like one of those bland LA typical girls who just slept around. She really did value a real relationship which was something most guys didn't want to hear. She had to pick her words carefully as she didn't want to turn down the offer completely but at the same time she thought it was ill timed. "I'd prefer you know, going out and stuff first." She smiled to him.

"If work, works out, and you're still interested, I am." Amber said. Of course she wouldn't really have much to say if sparks flew while on set. That was always a possibility. Hopefully he knew where she was coming from. Her father always said, make a guy work for a reward and the real ones would be weeded out quick. And if she wanted to date someone, she wanted something real, not just fabricated.
He liked a relationship as much as the next person although the physical part of it was always the most enjoyable, at least for him. But Robert could understand where Amber was coming from, hand fondly caressing her thigh but only momentarily before he withdrew it. Considering they would be working together for a while on the film, there would be plenty of time to get closer and know each other. Wearing a smile he leaned closer, a hand extending once more, fingers brushing against her cheek as he spoke.

"Just one kiss, then." He spoke softly, lips touching gently to hers in a soft, affectionate exchange. Hoping she didn't find this too forward although he had given warning. There was no need to rush of course but his attraction to her made this time they had alone rather tempting.
She watched him closely knowing it was likely an answer he didn't want but she knew one of them had to practice self control. At least he asked right? Most guys wouldn't ask so he got some points for that anyway. Amber noted how warm his hands were. They would have more time to get close to one another, the movie would make sure of that. As long as they kept things light, she was sure they would be alright. When he leaned forward and move a hand to the side of her face gently, she glanced to his lips for a moment, finding herself once again quite nervous but it wasn't bad, it was more exciting than anything.

Amber didn't mind one kiss, how could she turn that down? Leaning in, she pressed her lips to his own. She wouldn't admit it aloud, but she always wondered what kind of kisser he was like. On screen he looked like a good one and she got to test her theory first hand. She smiled against his lips softly and they broke apart. "No I didn't mind." She said to him. "I mean, we'd have to practice right?" Amber found herself shrug slightly. She did have a point there.
He was terribly pleased when she kissed him back, it was clear as long as they didn't take things too quickly that Amber would be comfortable. Pulling away as he Robert smiled, her lips had felt warm and soft against his own, and made for quite the enjoyable experience. It was definitely something he could get used to. And on film, knowing how involved their characters became, it was likely something he would get to do again.

Taking up his drink again the actor downed the last of it before setting the glass aside on the coffee table adjacent to the couch before looking to the blonde beauty once more with a fond expression. Glad she didn't mind the affection.
Brushing some of her hair back, she sat up and finished her drink as well, following Robert's lead. She glanced to him and glanced outside. It was getting late. "As much as it's not my style to just drink and leave, I should get going." Amber commented. She needed to get herself home. If she stayed and had anything else to drink, well she knew she shouldn't do that, it would be rude for starters. She would save the heavy drinking for celebrating a job well done at the end of everything. "Thank you though." Amber told him softly. "I think we're going to have a good time together." On set of course.

Getting up, she picked up her purse and glanced to him. "It was nice getting to know you." She grinned and dug out one of her business cards that her agent made for her and handed it to him. "My card." She laughed softly. "Just don't 3 AM drunk calls please." She joked and headed over to the door and they headed down to her car. "I'll see you on set." She told him. Though if he called and wanted to go out for lunch, she likely wouldn't turn him out. Getting in her Mustang, she waved and headed back to her own place so she could get some rest. The next few days passed without much incident. Amber spent her time reading the script again and talking to various people who needed to tie lose ends up.

Soon the first day of filming arrived and Amber arrived on set in a simple pair of dark tight jeans and a black tank top with a large pair of shades on. She walked over to her hair dresser to say she was around now. Amber picked up an apple and decided to have a quick light breakfast before filming. She wasn't sure what scene the director wanted to start with first but she was just eager to get going.
Robert watched as his company finished off her drink next, and her remark about needing to leave before it got too late was almost predictable. Naturally he would have liked her to stay longer but obviously they would both need their rest. At her words about having a good time filming together the actor nodded and stood up from the couch as she did.

Taking her card he couldn't help but chuckle at the comment about not making drunk calls. "I'll be sure to remember that." He remarked, tucking it in his pocket as his eyes fell on the blonde again with interest. Walking her out to the car he waved good-bye in return. Before he knew it the day to start filming arrived and he arrived on set shortly after Amber. Tracking her down he was dressed casually, although slightly nicer in a button-up shirt and pair of slacks. "Today's the day, eh?" He said, approaching slightly from behind but hoping not to alarm her.
The sets looked nice, this would be the biggest film she'd get to do, at least to date. Amber couldn't help but be a little nervous but she knew that once she got into character and the cameras started rolling, she would be fine. Heading someone, she turned around. "Oh yes, yes it is." She smiled to him. "The first of many." Amber pointed out to him. "I can't wait to see what happens and how this will translate, you know?" She commented. And she was interested in seeing him act in his natural habitat or sorts.

Finishing her snack, she tossed it in the trash and slipped her hands into her back pockets. "Guess I should start calling you Tony or something?" She asked him with a teasing smile. She could see out of the corner of her eye that people were already getting ready, even extras were. A few years ago, that was her, so she could sympathize with them but she was happy to be where she was. And not to mention she was in good company.
Robert smiled calmly, eyes wandering but just a little as they talked. Laughing softly at her remark. "Yeah, you probably will make a habit of calling me that. Guess that makes you Christine." He teased back, stepping a little close to place a soft peck on the blonde's cheek. Affection was starting to become a habit although God only knows he desired to do so much more with her already. But willing to respect her wishes it was probably a better idea to get to know each other better before jumping into anything physical.

Noticing as well everyone already preparing he spoke up once more. "Well I better get into wardrobe and all that. See you out there." He said smoothly before heading off to get ready like everyone else already was.
"Right." She nodded as he pointed out her own character as well. Christine was a reporter and a sassy one at that. Amber would have an interesting time playing someone who dug up people's secrets but that's why it was called acting right. She smiled when he leaned in and kissed her. "Yeah, same here." She replied as he headed off to get ready. Amber headed off to her own trailer to get ready. It seemed the first scene they would do, was the casino and near the end that's where her character would show up, sort of like a pesky stalker. Amber got changed into her costume, a simple grey tight fitted business suit with a short pencil skirt, blazer and under it, a red blouse.

She went off to get her hair and make up done as well as her hands on her props she would be needing. Amber was sure things would go smoothly though she couldn't help but find that her mind was wandering off a little in the direction of Robert. She honestly couldn't help that though. Hopefully when the cameras started rolling, she didn't actually act as distracted as she might look.
Robert went off to wardrobe and got changed into new attire, his costume slightly less casual that what he'd previously been wearing. Getting a little make-up put on too, just to make sure he looked extra good on camera. Not his idea but that was Hollywood these days. Now and then he glanced over to Amber across the set as she was getting ready, too. A smile on his face, she looked absolutely spectacular.

Everyone took their positions on the set as the cameras were set up. "And..action!" The director called, and he walked out from the set of the casino, approaching the car and waiting expectantly for Amber to deliver her line.
Amber glanced at herself in the mirror, glad that she didn't need too much time to get ready like extensive make up or hair. That would have been troublesome but still pretty cool. She made her way over to the set when she was given the ok. When the cameras started to roll and Robert headed off to his car, she walked over to him. "Excuse me, Mr. Stark, Christine Everhart with Vanity Fair, can I ask you a few questions?" She asked him.

( Since this should be more quick, we can keep this part short. )
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