Loki's new game (Sapphire Vixen and Josu_T)

Raina knew as well as he did that any amount of fighting on her part would not have any effect on him, but she would not willingly back down when there was still some damage she could do to him. She glanced briefly at the things he had dropped, then back to him. The room suddenly seemed much smaller now that it was nearly completely filled, and she would have a difficult time avoiding any of his attacks. She continued to watch him carefully, assessing his stance and the most likely move he would make. Her hand came up at the same time he threw a punch at her wing, knocking his fist aside. She waited only a few moments before stepping forward and angling a punch at his face.
Loki did nothing to block the fist to his face. It pushed his head back a little, but he recovered quickly. He kept aiming punches at her and ignored her attacks, not bothering to block them. He was content to fight and to show her that she really couldn't do anything to hurt him. Even when she made him bleed it wasn't a big deal. He just shrugged it off and continued to attack her. He wondered for a moment if she would ever be able to fly again after the damage that had been done to her wings since their first encounter. He didn't really care though. If she couldn't fly it would be even harder for her to get away from him. He started to focus on attacking her body. He avoided her head, not wanting to simply knock her out. Eventually he aimed a punch intended to miss her. When it did he continued his body motion around in a circle as he swept his leg, trying to trip her and knock her to the floor.
When he didn't even bother trying to block her attack, she was surprised enough to stop for a moment, but when he started to attack again she was forced to return her attention to the fight. She managed to land several blows to his face and body while at the same time blocking as many of his own punches as she could. His hit accuracy was significantly better than hers, though. It was only sheer luck that he didn't hit a bone in either of her wings. The delicate bone structure of her wings would have shattered easily under a heavy blow, and it would take a significant amount of time to heal, even without previous damage. It would take a while for her wings to return to their original state after the strain that had been placed on them the day before, but until they had fully recovered, trying to fly would prove to be a bad idea. When she saw the last punch coming her way, she automatically stepped to the side to avoid it. Her foot caught on his leg, and she twisted around before she fell so she wouldn't land on her back and cause further damage to her wings. Wincing a little at the sudden fall, she turned again and looked up at him. She knew she would have no time to try to get up again, so the only solution was to try and trip him also. She swung a leg at his feet, hoping to knock them out from under him.
He felt his leg connect with her and then she fell. He was about to try pinning her when she swung her leg at him. His legs swept out and he fell backward over her legs. He quickly grabbed hold of one of her legs and dragged her closer. As he tried to used his body to pin her down he reached out with one arm and quickly grabbed an anklet. They were really easy to put on, even with one hand. A second later he had it on her leg. One was now done and he had four left to get on her. He focused on it for a moment and got it locked to make sure she couldn't just take it off. He then let go of her leg and went for another limb. His new game plan was to keep her on the floor and get each of the collar items on her one at a time. Then he could pin her and get the one around her neck.
As soon as she felt his legs buckle from the swing of her own legs, she pulled back so he couldn't grab her. Apparently she didn't retreat quickly enough. She felt his hand grab her by the ankle and pull her back as if she weighed nothing at all. The sudden weight of another body on top of hers made it impossible to move, and she felt one of the anklets snap shut around her ankle. When he released her ankle she tore at the anklet, trying uselessly to pry it open. She soon found it impossible to evade him in the tiny room, and he soon had her other ankle and both of her wrists locked in the cuffs. But getting one around her neck would be a different matter. She kicked out at him again and felt her foot hit something solid, then scooted away from him and turned around to see how effective her last minute attack had been.
Loki got each limb in its cuff and then was focused on her neck. He knew he would need to pin her down to do it. Through the fight they had ruined the food and the water had been spilled all over the floor, but he didn't notice. He was too focused on her. Hewas ready to try jumping on top of her, but she struck. Her foot connected with his head. He felt a little dazed for a moment. He sat back and took a deep breath. It took a couple of seconds to recover. Fortunately she had moved away from him, giving him that short break needed. After regaining his senses he grabbed the collar with one hand and then he quickly got to his feet in a low crouch. He leapt at her, trying to get on top of her so he could force the collar around her neck.
As she sprung away after landing her blow, Raina heard no movement from behind her - maybe he had been knocked out by the strike. Spinning around to see her effect, she saw that he had only been momentarily stunned by the blow to the head. She knew he would come at her again once he had recovered, and she was right. She saw the collar hanging from one of his hands as he half stood up again. The sudden leap was no surprise, but it was still difficult to evade at such close quarters. By the time she could raise an arm to block him, he was already nearly on top of her. She kicked out instinctively at him, not knowing or caring where she hit.
Her foot made contact, but it only slowed him down. He landed on topof her and pulled her arms out of the way. He struggled to get in a good position above her.He focused on position and ignored any attacks. He needed to get the collar on her. Slowly he used his strength to get to where he was sitting over her. He reached forward and wrapped his hand around her neck. He pressed her head back into the floor, putting pressure against her throat. He quickly used his other hand to put the collar on her. He locked it into place and then he let go. He stared down at her. "You really need to learn. There is nothing you can do to stop me from getting what I want. Your life will be much better if you just start to do as I say. You are weak and the weak serve the strong. I am strong. Get that through your head. I am Loki, what you would think of as a Norse god. You should be happy to serve someone as powerful as I am."
When her kick had next to no effect on him besides just putting him off course for a moment, she tried lashing out with her arms, trying to land a hit. She felt her fists connect with him several times, but that didn't do anything to stop him or slow him. He was able to get on top of her fairly quickly and easily, despite her efforts to kick him off. Before she could push him away his hand had caught her around the neck and pushed her head down to the floor, making it slightly difficult to breathe. She felt the snap of the collar closing around her neck, then the pressure on her neck disappeared and she was again looking up at him. She didn't try to take off the collar - she knew from her attempt with the anklet that she wouldn't be able to pry it open. She looked up at him, listening to his short speech, then turned away, sitting up with her back to him,
When she didn't respond he simply turned away from her and went to the door. He stopped before leaving. "I'm going to give you some time to think. I also have some business to attend to. I hope you take the time you have over the next few days to really consider your attitude. I hope you won't get too bored sitting here in this tiny room naked and alone. I'm sorry that you won't have the chance to get any exersize or see realy light, have fresh air, or anything like that. But you made your choices and now you are going to live with them. Goodbye." He opened the door and slipped out. It quickly slammed shut and locked. He closed the window and walked away. He gave instructions that his servants were to care for her, but not interact with her. Whenever she slept they were to give her fresh food and water. They were also supposed to make sure her body had all the nutrients she would need through varous methods. They could sedate her to make sure she slept well and that she didn't wake up.

With the instructions given Loki went to prepare for the trip he needed to make. There were some supplies he needed to pick up. Unfortunately they were locked away in a top secret military facitilty and he would need to go in person. None of his servants would be able to effectively get in and out with all he needed. It would take him at least four days. He planned on leaving in the morning. That meant Raina would be alone for five days without any contact, stuck in the tiny room. He hoped for a change in attitude when he got back, but wasn't sure what to expect. He went to sleep fairly early and woke before dawn the next morning. He left just as the sun was peeking above the horizon.
She had originally thought he would be angered by her failure to acknowledge his presence, but when instead he turned and left she had to fight the urge to turn around and watch him leave. A slight twinge of fear pricked her when he said that he was going to leave her in the room for even days at a time. The room was barely light enough to be able to see comfortably by, and there was no heating system in it, so she would be cold the entire time unless she was brought a set of clothes. She spun at the sound of the door starting to close, but before she could even get up again, the door had swung closed with a bang and a click as it was shut and bolted. There was still a ray of light coming in from the open window in the door, but that, too, was closed, extinguishing the rest of the light from the room.

Once she was again alone in the nearly complete darkness, Raina brought her hands back up to the newly attached collar, searching it with her fingers for anything that might release whatever kind of locking mechanism was in it. For all she could tell, the only way to get it off was by breaking it, unless there was a hidden lock somewhere. Giving up, she stretched out on the floor, taking up most of the tiny room, finally able to sleep without worrying that Loki would return for her. She was asleep in several minutes, worn out from the recent fight.
Once she was asleep the servants went into the room and cleaned up the plates and glasses. The then made sure she was taken care of. When they were done they left the room and let her sleep. The next morning as Loki was leaving he sent a message to the main servant in charge of Raina and told her to provide a blanket after a day. He then kept going on his journey. It took him a day and a half of constant travel to arrive at the facility. He spent some time carefully looking at it and creating his plan. He could have simply busted in and taken what he wanted, but he didn't want to be so bold about it and end up revealing his intent directly. Fortunately he could change his appearance.

Three days later he arrived back at the mountain in a large truck. It was filled with everything he needed from the military facility. He had his servants take everything to where it needed to go. He went to his room to get some rest. It had been a long four and a half days. Fortunately he had been able to get in and out without a fight. Deception had been the key to victory. Eventually the military would learn of their mistake, but they wouldn't know where to start. Even if they did learn it was him they wouldn't know who he was or where he was. They wouldn't know what to do or what he had planned. They also couldn't stop him. He was sure of that.

He slept for a while and woke up late at night. Having been along for a while he wanted some time with his slave. He got up and walked through the mountain. He wasn't sure if Raina would be awake or asleep. Stuck deep inside a mountain with no idea what time it was she might think it was noon. He hoped her attitude had changed, but couldn't know. He would learn soon enough.
Raina slept soundly for a good six or seven hours before waking again, having not moved at all from the position she had fallen asleep in. Someone had taken away the food and water that had been spilled on the other side of the room, and for once had not replaced the food and water. She spent what she thought was five or six hours either staring blankly into the darkness or slowly pacing around the edges of the room. She hated being confined for any period of time, even in an entire house, and now she was not even able to leave the room that was less than five and a half feet in width and length. Her wings had started to stiffen, and she had to at least partially extend them every so often to keep them in shape.

The next day, nothing had changed besides the thin blanket that appeared by the door when she woke up after one of her naps. In any other case, she would have ignored it, but as she was both alone in the dark and had no clothes to keep her warm, she reached out and wrapped it around herself, allowing it to keep in her body heat. The next several days dragged by agonizingly slowly. With nothing to do inside her small prison, Raina began to lose all sense of time. She was no longer sure when it was night or day, nor did she care at this point. By the time Loki had returned, she was again wrapped in her blanket, sleeping, lying on the floor with her wings also folded into the blanket for warmth.
Loki arrived at the large doors and the servant was there waiting for him. He spent a few minutes listening to the reports about how things had gone. They explained everything they had done. He wasn't happy with the details. He had expected food to be left so she would have a choice about whether she ate or not. He had expected a decent blanket. He had also expected at least some dim lighting. They had failed on all those things. It seemed the punishment had pretty much been torture. He hadn't wanted to do that quite yet, but it was done. He just hoped it was effective.

They went to the door and looked inside. She could be seen sleeping, covered in the blanket. He gave instructions that they would go through the nightly routine. He stood outside the door as they went inside to take care of her. As they were finishing up he handed them some chain. They finished off by using the chain to connect her wrists together and then connected a leash to her collar. A long piece of chain between her ankles would let her get up on her own, but would restrict her movements. When they finished the servants all left. The door was closed and then he turned on the light so it would be very dim. He didn't want to blind her if she had been in the dark for a week. He knocked loudly on the door to wake her up.
She had been deep in sleep for a few hours by the time she was woken again by a sudden loud pounding on the door. She jerked upward, only to fall back onto her side again when her hands couldn't separate to push herself up. Looking down, she could see a length of chain attached to her wrists by the light glowing dimly in the darkness, slightly illuminating the small room. She could also see that her ankles had been similarly restrained, save that she was allowed a greater range of movement by the longer chain. With an abrupt movement she pushed herself to her knees, then to her feet, keeping her eyes on the door, the blanket slipping off her shoulders in the process and her wings coming back to cover herself. The servants who had been inside had never woken her or interacted with her in any way, so this could only mean that their leader had returned.

Something bumped lightly against her left wing, swinging back and forth from a focal point that seemed to be the collar. She reached out with both hands, taking the long object and looking at it. She gave it a light tug, and felt the tug on the collar. She could feel hot anger swelling up inside her, but by this time she had gotten thoroughly sick of the tiny room and was willing to swallow her anger to get out. She assumed that if he got no response, he would come in anyway looking for her.
Loki made sure the light in the dungeon room was off as he peeked through the window. With the dim light in her room he could see her. She stood and he watched as she realised what had happened as she slept. He smiled and stayed silent. She seemed to be waiting. He reached over and turned the light up a little bit. He waited for her eyes to adjust and then did it again. Eventually he had the light on completely and he was sure she could see him through the window. He smiled at her and stepped back from the door. He turned on the light in the dungeon. He made sure the heat was on so the room was warm. He wanted her to be reminded of what she would get if she cooperated with him.

He returned to the door and unlocked it. A moment later he opened it and let it swing out into the room. He looked her in the eye. She was covering herself with her wings and that didn't let him get a good look at her body. He took a step into the room. "I am back like I said I would be. Yes, it has only been five days. I see you noticed the restraints that have been added. That's because we are going to have some fun tonight. Why don't you step out here and I'll tell you where to go. Oh, and get your wings out of the way. When I am with you I expect to be able to see you completely. Your wings will be behind you."
Raina stayed where she was for the moment, unsure of what to expect now that she was awake and waiting. She blinked a little in the slowly increasing light, but thankfully it only brightened in small increments, allowing her eyes to adjust properly rather than nearly blinding them with a full intensity light. After several minutes, her eyes had completely adjusted to the light, now on full power, and she could now see his face through the window. After he disappeared from the small window, the light flickered to life in the room behind the door. She took a small step forward, wondering if he would finally let her out of the tiny room she had been in for nearly the last week.

She heard the latch on the door click open and watched the door swing open and took another small step forward, feeling a draft of comfortably warm air coming from the adjacent room. When he stepped into the room, she moved forward a few steps, keeping the same amount of distance between them. He seemed to expect her to come out of her small room and into the larger one she vaguely remembered. She listened to his expectations quietly, making her own decisions based on them. Stepping out of the room, her memory of the room was instantly refreshed by the view of it as she was flooded with the warmth she had sampled moments before. She stood to the side of the door, waiting to see what he would say, but keeping her wings folded in front of her, still covering herself with the white feathers.
Loki smiled as she exited the room. He backed out in front of her, keeping his eyes on her. His smile faded quickly when she continued to defy him by covering herself with her wings. He glared at her angrily. He moved quickly and shut the door to her room so she couldn't retreat inside for any reason. He looked at her again, moving closer. "Do what I tell you. Don't make me restrain those wings. I have no idea what will hurt them and what won't. If I have to deal with them myself I will likely damage them permanently and I will not care. Your ability to fly is up to you. Abide by my rules and keep that ability, or defy me and end up unable to fly ever again."

He didn't wait for a response. He moved forward and reached for her wings. He forced one aside and exposed her chest enough that he could grab the leash. He wasn't worried about her running because she couldn't. He wasn't worried about her attacking because he could easily beat her with her in restraints. He started to walk across the room, tugging on the leash impatiently. If he had to drag her he would. The floor wasn't exactly smooth either. Not too rough, but not something anyone would normally like to be dragged along.
Still waiting by the door to the small room, Raina glanced to the side when he moved forward again, closing the door and cutting off any route of escape she might try to take - not that she could, being unable to move her feet far apart enough to run properly. She edged to the side as he came closer, returning his angry glare to her. She had no doubts that he would seriously damage her wings if he tried to restrain them, whether intentionally or not. If kept in a harmful position for too long, they could be permanently disabled, making flight impossible. As much as she hated Loki and what he was doing, she would have to protect her wings.

She flinched back when his hand stretched out toward one of her wings, pushing it to the side and taking the leash that she had folded inside her wings along with the rest of her body. She knew there was no other option but to follow him - his previous threat had the desired effect as she started to follow him. As she walked behind him, she retracted her wings so that they were again folded against her back, hidden from sight.
Loki was pleased when he didn't have to pull her. Glancing back he saw her put her wings back and that made him happier. He decided it was time to show her how she could be treated when she cooperated with him. He led her to a simple bench about waist high. It had attachments for restraints, but he wasn't going to use them. He decided to keep her wrists and ankles together though. He didn't want to empower her too much and make her second guess her cooperation. With her unrestrained he would also be behind her to prevent any attacks. He got her to stand facing it and then went quickly to get a box of toys. He set it down next to the bench.

He let her stand there for a moment and then stepped up behind her. He leaned his head over her shoulder and spoke softly. "If you keep cooperating with me tonight I will make sure you know what things can be like if you are a good girl. Behave and you should actually enjoy it. Fight me and you know that you won't. There is still a virgin hole here and I guarantee that it will hurt even more if I decide to use it because you are misbehaving. Do you understand me? Plus, your wings are very accessible from here. Do you understand me?" He wrapped his arms around her and let his hands roam over her body slowly. He briefly brushed against her breasts and her pussy, but kept his hands moving.
She kept staring straight ahead, swiveling her eyes to fix him with a cold glare when he turned back to look at her. She may have complied with his wishes for the moment, but it was only in the interest of preserving the safety of her wings - it was not in the least willing obedience. She allowed herself to be led to the small bench. Giving it a cursory glance, she noticed the small rings on it for restraints and wondered if he would use them. When he made no move to either further restrain her or to release her wrists or ankles, she assumed he wasn't going to use the bench. She saw the box as he left and returned with it, but what was inside it she couldn't make out as he put it down.

She glanced around herself once he had disappeared from her vision, starting a little when she suddenly felt his presence behind her, brushing against her wings a little. She fought the urge to hit him as his head came forward over her right shoulder, talking to her in a low voice. She knew by now that he could make her feel good, even if she didn't want it. Her body may enjoy his attentions, but everything in her head told her it was wrong. But as they both knew, it was only a simple matter for him to twist her wings, or snap them, or hurt them in some other way to ensure that she would never fly again, so she stood still, tense but unresisting under his hands as they explored her body. She felt a slight shiver come over her when his hand brushed over her side, but quickly hid it, unwilling to let him know that he had had any effect at all.
Even though she didn't verbally respond he knew she understood. She didn't fight him when he touched her. He pressed his body forward against her. His hips were up agaisnt her ass as a bulge began forming in his pants. One of his hands moved down her body slowly until it got between her legs. He started to gently rub her pussy lips, making sure to hit her clit as well. His other hand moved up to her chest. He played with her breasts, massaging them and teasing her nipples. He knew that he could get her body turned on even if she didn't want it.

He kept going until she was getting wet for him. His hands stayed in place and he focused on the box. Using his mind he opened it and raised up a small egg vibrator. He grabbed it with the hand that had been on her chest. A second later he had it turned on and lightly pressed against her nipples. After that he moved it down and used it against her clit. He kept his body pressed close to hers so he maintained complete control over her. He was getting quite hard and wanted her, but he needed to be patient. As long as she was behaving he was going to make her feel good. He used his mind again to lift up the next toy he had planned for her, a small dildo.
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