Loki's new game (Sapphire Vixen and Josu_T)

He saw her move in close and expected her to try something. At the last moment she tried to get away. He stretched to try catching her. When he felt her arm he closed his grip and held on tight. Suddenly he had her wing pummeling him. He tightened his grip on her, making sure she couldn't get away. He brought his other hand across and tried to hit her wing to possibly stop her from using it to attack him. It took a while, but eventually he got hold of both her arms and dragged her to the bed. He used his weight to force her onto it, his body following and pinning her down. He roughly handled her until he had her in the middle of the bed on her back. He sat on top of her to make sure she couldn't get away. He grabbed one of the sheets and quickly tore it into long strips. He used the strips to tie her wrists together and then her ankles together. He also got one around her body, tying her wings down to make sure she couldn't use them. He really didn't care if he was hurting her or if he damaged her wings. At that point he just wanted her secure. Once he had finished making sure she couldn't fight or escape he got off of her.
As soon as she started attacking him with her wings, she felt the grip on her wrist tighten considerably, not showing any signs of letting her go. The unexpected blow to one of her wings made her retract them for a moment, but she continued to bat at him furiously with her wings. The problem with her plan was that she could see him no more than he could see her, and she soon felt him grab her other arm. She started to turn to kick out at him, but that was the wrong thing to do. Before she could land a blow he had pushed her onto the bed, his sheer weight making it impossible for her to wriggle her way free. Still attempting to break his grip, she heard the grating sound of ripping fabric. By the time he had her wrists and ankles tied, she had started to beat at him more quickly with her wings in a last attempt to throw him off balance. When she felt another strip of cloth slip its way around her body, she realized what he was trying to do. When he tightened the knot, she felt a sharp twinge of pain where the joints were bent too far down, and she let out a small yelp from the shock of the feeling. When he got off her the pain lessened, but she could still feel the pain of the strained joints whenever she moved. "What do you want?" she asked quietly, turning her head with some difficulty to look at him.
Loki got off the bed and stood next to it. He looked at his slave tied up like a parcel. She was all ready for him to unwrap too. She asked what he wanted and he simply smiled. He had told her already. She was his now. She also should have realised his intentions with his question. If she truly didn't know she would find out soon enough. He turned and walked across the room. He opened a drawer and found what he needed. He walked back to the bed with one of her knives in hand. He made sure she saw it before he leaned over her. He took hold of her clothes and used the knife to cut them off. Bit by bit he removed her clothing using her own weapon. Once he had her naked he looked at her body and admired it for a moment. He had a very sexy slave.

After a little admiration he got to work getting things ready for what came next. He used the remaining strips of bedsheet. He tied one to each wrist and then tied each lightly to the posts on the headboard side of the bed. He did the same with her ankles but secured them to the posts at the foot of the bed. He cut the strip that had been holding her ankles together and then retied the bindings to the posts, forcing her legs to be spread apart. He followed the same procedure with her wrists so her arms were above her head and spread apart. Her body was completely exposed to him. He smiled and placed his hands between her legs. He started to rub her soft flesh as he looked into her eyes.
Raina didn't take her eyes off him as he grinned at her, then turned and crossed the room. She had known what his intentions were from the question he had asked her only minutes before, but until now she had hoped she had misinterpreted it. She followed him with her eyes across the room to a small drawer, and she thought she saw the glint of metal, but she wasn't sure until he returned to the bed carrying one of her own knives. At first she thought he had changed his mind and was just going to kill her now, but when he took a handful of her shirt and started to slice through it with the knife, she understood what he was after. She didn't try to move away, though, for the risk of the knife slipping and cutting her instead of her clothes. When he had finished she lay still, afraid of further damaging her wings by moving too much.

Clearly he didn't share the same concern for her wings she did. She couldn't do any more than just watch as he secured her wrists and ankles to the bedposts, leaving her spread-eagled on the bed, completely naked and completely vulnerable. She tugged at the sheets, but all she accomplished was tightening the already tight knots and making escape more improbable. Her body automatically tensed when his hand slipped between her legs and started to rub her, and her eyes snapped back to look at him, a mixture of surprise and anger. "Take your hands off me." Her voice wasn't loud, but it held a good deal of threat promising violence if he did not comply.
Loki laughed at her and defiantly pushed a finger past her opening and into her tight passage. He started to moveit in and out slowly. "What are you going to do about it? You know you can not hurt me. In any case, you have no right to tell me what I can and can not do to you or with you. You are mine. You are my slave. My toy." He smirked as he leaned in and kissed her forcefully. He did it just to show her he would do whatever he wanted. After he pulled away he reached for the nearest cloth he could find. He happened to grab the torn remains of her panties. He shoved them into her mouth to act as a gag to keep her from talking.

He pulled his finger out of her and took a step back from the bed. He kept his eyes on her helpless form as he took his own clothes off. His cock stood hard once free from his underwear. He took a look at her pussy and thought for a moment. "I am not sure if I will be able to fit in there. But there is only one way to find out." He climbed onto the bed and leaned down,his head close to hers. He spoke softly in her ear. "I didn't get an answer from you before, but I don't think I need one. A girl like you wouldn't have had sex before, would you? I bet that is a nice, tight virgin cunt. Don't worry. It will probably only hurt for the first few weeks when I fuck you. Eventually your pussy will stretch enough so I can fit inside without hurting you." He laughed again as he lifted up. He shifted his hips closer to hers and lined his cock up with her opening, pressing against it.
When she felt his finger slide into her, she sucked in a sharp breath. She had never had anything inside her before, and even the relatively small width of his finger felt slightly painful as it slid in and out of her. She tried to pull away from his hand, but the ties on her wrists and ankles prevented her from moving more than a few inches in any direction. She jerked sharply under him when he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, barely able to get a breath around the kiss. When he finally pulled away she pulled in a deep breath, only to find her mouth stuffed with a wad of cloth. She made a halfhearted sound of protest, knowing that he wouldn't be removing the makeshift gag regardless of what she did.

Raina allowed herself to relax somewhat when he pulled his finger out of her and put a couple feet between them, but when she saw him start to pull off his shirt and pants she looked away, knowing what he would do next. She inwardly cringed at the implied threat in his words. He said he would find out, which could only mean one thing. When she felt the bed sink under his weight she tensed again, turning her face away as he whispered in her ear. He was right, of course, but that only made his words more terrifying. She had thought he wouldn't want her for more than a day or two before killing her, but now he seemed to imply that this was a long term arrangement. She let out an involuntary noise that was somewhere between a whimper and an angry outburst when she felt the tip of him against her opening, jerking as far backwards as her restraints would allow her to go.
When he tried to push forward he found that he simply couldn't get inside her. He could have forced it, but there was a better way. They needed some moisture. Something to act as a lubricant. He knew what was the best one too. He pulled back from her enough so he could lean down. He placed his hands lightly on her inner thighs. His fingers gently spread apart her pussy lips. He pressed his face forward and started to lick her. He began kissing, licking, and sucking on the soft, tender flesh. He was going to make her get good and wet for him whether she wanted it or not. He even started to tease her clit. He was really patient with it. Eventually her body would give in. He was fairly sure she couldn't stop her body from feeling pleasure and reacting to it like any normal mortal.
She cringed when he started to push forward without success - surely he must have realized that she was too tight to possibly allow him to be able to get inside her. Maybe this, at least, would prevent him from continuing with this. When he pulled away she thought he had given up, but instead he started to lick her. The sensation felt deceptively pleasurable, but she could not figure out any possible motive he might have had for it. That is, until the warmth started spreading from between her legs, getting her wet despite her efforts to deny her body the pleasure. She hated and loved the feeling at the same time, but any effort she made to pull away from his attentions was stopped before she had moved more than a few inches. Finally, she brought her knee up as far as she could, hitting him hard in the stomach.
Loki felt her getting wet and glancing up at her he saw her frustration. He knew she was trying to fight her body and he was sure that it was upsetting her. That made it even better. Suddenly he felt her knee in his stomach. It knocked the wind out of him for a moment. When he recovered he lifted up. He didn't hesitate for even a moment as he slapped her face hard. "You really aren't helping your situation. You need to learn how to behave with your master." He quickly retied her legs so she wouldn't be able to bend her knees even a little.

He looked down at her pussy and frowned. She was wet, but not nearly as much as he had hoped for. But that was her fault and it was about to be her problem. He sighed and shook his head, looking into her eyes. "I was going to wait until you were really moist so I could get inside you easier. But now I'm not. No more waiting and nothing else to help the situation. It is time to bust that cherry and I've got a feeling it is going to hurt." He quickly lined himself up with her again. His tip pressed in against her. A moment later, without warning, he pushed forward hard. For a moment there was a lot of resistance, but he just kept up the pressure. With one final effort he forced his hard, thick cock into her as deep as he could get it. She was so tight he could barely get half his length inside, but he would eventually get completely inside. It was just a matter of stretching her out enough.
When she felt her knee make contact, she quickly pulled it back again, content to wait until the next opportunity to attack him presented itself. At first, when he started to rise again, she thought she might have dissuaded him from any further attempts. When his hand hit her hard across the face, rocking her head to one side, she blinked several times, a little dazed by the sudden blow. It was well worth it, though, if she had at least hurt him. When he moved to retie her legs she tried to kick him again and failed. By the time he had finished, she could not bend her legs at all, and she could feel her joints stretched almost too far.

She tried to pull on the strips of cloth tying her ankles to the bedposts in an effort to at least allow for more comfort, but they wouldn't move at all. She lifted her head quickly when he informed her of his plans, trying to see what he was going to do. When she felt him pressing against her entrance again, most of the blood drained from her face. She knew this time he wouldn't stop for fear of causing her discomfort. When he finally did force himself deep into her, she let out a scream as he tore through her hymen in one go. She could feel him resting inside her, and if he hadn't even gotten his full length into her yet, then she dreaded what he would later do. "Get off," she said, forcing the short sentence out through clenched teeth. "Get out of me, or I swear, I'll kill you."
Loki was a little surprised by her words. He realised that at some point with the slap and everything else the makeshift gag had come out. He glared down at her. "Once again you are threatening a man who you can not harm. You won't kill me because you can't. Now I suggest you relax because the harder you fight the tighter you will be and the more it will hurt. If you just give in and enjoy it as much as possible it won't hurt as much. Either way you are getting fucked. Your cunt is mine and I will use it however and whenever I want." He reached over and grabbed some cloth, forcing it into her mouth as a new gag. This time he also tied a strip of cloth around her head so it held the gag in her mouth.

When he felt she had loosened up a little he pulled back until he was nearly out of her. A glance down showed some blood. She really had been a virgin. He smiled and thrust forward again. He drove his cock into her deeper. He continued doing it until he finally forced his entire length into her tight pussy. She was so tight it didn't even feel as good as he had hoped. It felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't care though. It still felt good enough and more importantly it was causing her pain. He started to move back and forth, still needing a lot of force to get fully inside her with every thrust.
Once the pain of his cock inside her started to fade the slightest bit, she was able to allow herself to partially unwind, but when he responded to her demand, the cold twinge of fear returned quickly. When he approached her again with another crude gag, she closed her mouth tightly against it. Not that it helped - it took him almost no time to force it into her mouth and tie another piece of cloth to her head to prevent it coming out again. She tried to speak around the wad of cloth in her mouth, but nothing intelligible came out.

She sucked in a deep breath when he started to pull back, sliding almost completely out of her. When he pushed back into her again she let out another involuntary cry of pain as he pushed his way further into her body until he was farther in than she would have thought possible. He was stretching the walls of her passage painfully, making the pain even worse when he started to thrust into her repeatedly. Every time he pushed himself into her she cried out around her gag, not quite understanding that it was partially her resistance that made it all the more painful. While he was between thrusts, once, she threw her entire body upward, trying to break the bedposts or throw him off, shaking the bed and landing again on top of her wings, bending them even more in the wrong direction.
Her cries simply turned him on more. He found her attempt at stopping him to be quite amusing. It hardly even slowed him. He continued to fuck her. His thrusts gradually got faster. As he stretched her out more and more it got easier to get his entire cock inside. Getting her stretched also made it feel better. Eventually he was able to really take her. He was moving in and out with a steady pace. His hands began exploring her body. After a while he focused some attention on her tits. At first he played gently, but he got rougher. He started to attack her nipples, pinching, pulling, and twisting. His pleasure continued to increase. He started to moan each time he drove into her.
When her attempt to escape failed yet again, Raina found herself too winded by his forcefulness to try to struggle any more. After a while even her screams lessened in volume then stopped altogether as she got too tired to do anything but lie there and allow him to have his way with her. It still hurt considerably, but as he went on the pain started to fade in intensity as she started to stretch to fit him. When his hands started to move over her body, though, she shivered involuntarily at his hands running over the soft skin of her body. She yelped again in protest and pain when he started to abuse her nipples, prodding and twisting them painfully. It only made his awareness of his cock inside her increase. She was still trying to evade his touch, twisting away from his hands, but it seemed to be ineffective.
Loki felt his climax approaching, but he wasn't done with her yet. He took one hand away from her tits and moved it to her clit. He attacked it as well. At that point he had a quick pace of thrusting. His hips slammed into her. He was ready to explode and he knew it would be a big load. He hadn't had any kind of release in a very long time. He kept fucking her until he was at the edge. He wasn't able to keep control any more. He slowed his pace and made sure he was deep inside. He moaned and grunted loudly. "Oh fuck. You are so tight. I'm close. I'm going to fill your virgin cunt with my cum." With a last thrust he drove completely into her. His cock swelled for a moment and then he erupted. Shot after shot of thick cum pumped into her pussy.
Even as he was still pounding into her and pulling at her now sore nipples, Raina felt one of his hands slide down between her legs and start to pull at her. If he had been gentler it might have felt good, but he was being too rough to allow her to feel any pleasure from the sensation. Her screams were muffled by the gag in her mouth, but she kept struggling against him as he rocked her body back and forth with his thrusts. Her fear only worsened when he told her he was going to cum. She didn't want any remnant of him inside her after he was done with her. The suddenness of his last thrust and the unexpected feel of his seed filling her made her arch her back, screaming again in pain as he finally climaxed. When it was done she closed her eyes, hoping that now he would at least let her rest.
As his orgasm ended he felt his cock softening. He slowly pulled out of her. He was done for the moment. He moved off the bed and quickly cleaned himself up. Once he was clean he got dressed. He left her on the bed until he was ready. Then he carefully untied her limbs from the bedposts, but tied them together so she still couldn't move. He picked her up off the bed and carried her over his shoulder. With her completely under his control and unable to distract him with talking he figured it was a good time to show her what her new life was like. He carried her down the stairs to her bedroom.

Once in her bedroom he shifted her so she could easily look around. He gave her the tour of the rooms that had been made for her. He stopped before entering the final large room. He looked at her and explained. "All of this will only be yours if you behave. You must be a good slave. If you are you will be treated well. Until that time you won't be staying in here and we will likely be using the next room a lot." He grinned as he opened the door and carried her into his dungeon room. He made sure she got a good look at all the machines and tools he had. Finally he took her to the room that would be her bedroom while she refused to cooperate. He opened the door to the tiny room and set her down. "This is your room when you are a bad girl. The rules are simple. You will do whatever I want, whenever I want you to do it. No matter what. You will wear what I tell you to wear and do everything as I instruct. Refuse to do as I say and you will be in here again. Now, get some rest. I'll be wanting some more fun tomorrow." He quickly took the gag out and untied one of her wrists. Before she could do anything else he left the room and closed the door, locking it behind him.
Raina lay quietly on the bed after he got off her and moved away. She couldn't see where he had gone, but for the moment she was simply relieved that he wasn't pounding into her any longer. Several minutes passed and she thought he might have forgotten her, but then she heard his footsteps approach the bed again. When she felt the ties on her wrists and ankles loosen, she started to draw them in, but instead he retied her arms and legs together, keeping her movement extremely restricted. She made several noises of protest when he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, but when it became clear he wasn't going to try to assault her again she stopped struggling, knowing it was impossible to escape his grip with her limbs tied.

When he turned her so that she could see the room they had gone to, she was surprised to see the bed she had woken up in. She paid close attention while he showed her the rooms, knowing that in case an opportunity to escape presented itself she would need to know her way around. The next room he showed her wasn't nearly as nice as the others he had taken her through. To put it simply, it looked like a room that had been crafted for a dungeon, which was most likely what the room was. She was given, for reasons clear to her, a long look at everything in the room. The message remained clear, but so did her determination to keep resisting him. The next room, she thought, was just a cupboard for storing extras, but when he put her down and informed her that this was to be her room, she looked around it nervously. The room couldn't have been any wider than she was tall, and her wings would get no opportunity to stretch properly here.

Once the gag was out of her mouth and her wrist untied she turned and lunged for the door, her one free hand grasping clumsily at the door. When she heard it close and lock she gave up and instead turned to the strips of cloth tied around her other wrist and legs. When her limbs were free she untied her wings, allowing them to go back to their normal position tucked against her back. She tried the door again, even slamming her shoulder into it, but it did no good against the lock. She slid down and sat in the corner farthest from the door, pulling her knees up to rest her chin on them. After an hour she realized that she would get no sleep that way. Her bare body was too cold and the position was too awkward. Instead, she curled into a small ball in the corner, pulling her wings out to cover her body and to conserve heat. She fell asleep quickly in this position, too tired at the moment to even contemplate keeping awake for the night.
Loki left the room without a second thought. He went first to the girl who had been looking after Raina before. He sent her to do it again. She went with food and water to the small room. She was also instructed to get all the cloth out of there and to check on Raina's wings. With the instructions given he went to have a shower and got some sleep of his own. He had the sheets of his bed changed to fresh ones and slept very comfortably. He didn't worry at all about his slave being comfortable or warm. She had made her choices even with many warnings.

In the morning he got up and had breakfast. He gave his servants their jobs and sent them on their way. He thought about giving Raina a little visit, but decided that letting her sit in the tiny room would be the best option. Hopefully she would learn quickly. He didn't really care, but it would be a shame to end up doing serious damage to her. He spent the morning on his own, thinking about his plans and continuing to perfect his own ideas.
Raina slept fitfully through the night; every couple hours she would wake and shift her wings to cover herself more efficiently and to loosen the stiffness of the joints connecting the wings to her back. After several cycles of sleeping and waking, she woke to see a plate of food and a glass of water by the door, just as they had been placed there in the previous room she had been put in. The cloth that had been used as makeshift ropes had disappeared. Again, she did not drink or eat. She had already taken a drink either earlier that day or the day before. Now she would be able to go another few days without water.

She knew morning had finally come when she woke and felt no need to return to sleep. Looking around the tiny room, she knew there was nothing she could do to escape it. So she did the only thing she could do. Sitting in her corner again, she resumed her silent observance of the door, her wings pulled in front of her to cover her body from the cold of the room and from the eyes of whoever might open the door next, if anyone did open the door at all.
When it came to the afternoon Loki got the report that Raina seemed to be refusing to eat still. He decided it was time to pay her a little visit. He made his way through the hallways of the mountain. He was very pleased that it didn't feel like they were in a mountain. He arrived in the dungeon and gathered a few items that he would need. Then he went to her door. He peeked through a small window and saw her sitting there and saw her food and water. He frowned and sent a servant for more food and water. When they returned he opened a slit in the door and opened the window so she could see his face. He spoke sternly. "You are not being a very good slave. When I have food brought to you I expect you to eat it. When I give you water I expect you to drink it. There is nothing wrong with it. I promise you that. Why would I want to poison you? I have no need to drug you. Now I'll be coming in with some more food and water. I want you to eat and drink it all. I've also got some presents for you. You may want to think about cooperating." He opened the door and stepped inside. The servant closed it behind him and watched through the window. Loki held a plate of food and a glass of water. Hanging from his belt was a small bag with the things he had for her. He watched her carefully, not sure what she would do.
After a number of hours sitting as she was in the corner, Raina could hear footsteps outside her door. Maybe it was more food and water, or maybe it was the strange gas they had used before. She returned her gaze to the opposite corner, watching it intently. The sudden noise of the window in the door opening surprised her - she hadn't noticed the window earlier. She had assumed her would have been displeased with her continued refusal to eat or drink. She listened to him calmly, knowing that he hadn't poisoned or drugged any of the food or water in any way. She did not eat simply because it was a way of refusing him directly. She was sure the presents he mentioned couldn't be any gifts she would find desirable. She didn't move from her position when he came into the tiny room, a bag swinging from his belt and more food and water in his hands. She looked past him as the door closed again, leaving the two in uncomfortably close quarters. Almost without knowing it, she drew her wings in closer around herself, as if they would protect her more if they were closer. She stood up slowly, her wings still covering her from him. "As long as I am here, I have no need to eat," she said, lifting her head a little as if to show him that she wouldn't so easily bow to his requests.
Loki glared at her. She was more defiant than he had expected her to be. He set the food and water down and then opened the bag. He was quite annoyed, but he had plans for her. He had idaes of what he could do that would get past her defiance. "Fine, but know that you won't be able to starve yourself to death. I have ways of making sure your body gets the nutrients it needs. Go hungry and go thirsty, but that is simply your choice. In fact, go ahead and just stop eating because there will simply be no need. My servants will take care of you as you sleep. Now, for your presents. I've got some special accessories for you." He grinned and pulled out a collar, two bracelets, and two anklets. They could lock into place to prevent being removed and they had strong rings for attachment of ropes, chains, leashes, and whatever else he wanted to use. He felt sure that once she saw them there would be a struggle, but he knew that in such a small space there wasn't much she could do.
Raina knew he couldn't force her to eat or drink, but she would have to sleep eventually, and when she did, she was sure he would have some way to keep her alive even though she wasn't eating. She could do nothing about that unless she could become a light enough sleeper to hear when someone entered the room at night. When he pulled from the small bag what looked like a collar and four smaller devices of the same shape, she knew immediately what they were for. But she would not let him put them on her without a fight. The close quarters of the room were both an asset and a disadvantage. He wouldn't be able to block her attacks so easily because of the cramped nature of the room, but then, she wouldn't be able to avoid him so easily for the same reason. "I will warn you now. I will rip your hand off if you come anywhere near me with those." She knew if it came to a fight she wouldn't have the same advantage she did last time - she had no weapon to use, and she had to focus partially on keeping her wings covering her body in lieu of clothing. But if he insisted on taking it to a fight, she would not hesitate to attack.
All the fighting was getting tedious. Loki knew he could not be defeated by her on her own, but she seemed unwilling to learn that. He would have to teach her. He dropped the items on the floor and took a fighting stance. "You will wear them. Whether you like it or not. You need to stop threatening me. You know you can't stop me. You have threatened me with ripping other things off and I still have everything. But if you wish to fight, I shall fight you. Just know that you are being quite foolish." He shook his head, sighed, and then attacked. He would not continue to give her any chances. Once he had the collar and other things on her it would be a lot easier to restrain her. He moved toward her quickly aiming a punch at her wing.
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