Loki's new game (Sapphire Vixen and Josu_T)

Seeing that her knives had seemed to have barely any effect even though they had gone deep enough to cause any human a considerable amount of pain, Raina kept at a relatively safe distance while she waited for him to make his move. If he hadn't at least shown some kind of pain by now then he must be impervious to pain, or at least have an impossibly high pain threshold. Either way, he had turned out to be far more dangerous than she had originally taken him for. She jumped back again when he suddenly lunged at her, blocking his first several attacks. After several seconds, though, his continuous offense started to break through her defense. She found herself backing away slowly while still trying to fend off the blows he was showering on her. Her retreat, however, was interrupted when her heel caught on a large chunk of rubble. The extra effort of keeping up her defense made her lose her balance and fall backwards onto the street, scraping her arms and hands on the rough asphalt. Knowing she had nowhere to run to and no way to block another attack, she raised her head to look at him, quickly masking any sign of fear that might have been evident.
Loki was more and more surprised and amazed by the girl as she continued to struggle against him even though she should have known it was hopeless. He felt the stinging pain of the cuts she had inflicted on his body, but ignored it. When she suddenly fell backward he moved swiftly to get above her. He then quickly knelt, his left knee on her chest, pinning her down. He knew that standing over her would just give her a chance to attack with her feet. This way he would be able to avoid most of what she could possibly do. He then focused on getting her knives out of her hands and tossing them aside. He looked into her eyes for a moment. "Give me your weapons or toss them away and I may have some mercy on you. Continue to fight and you will seal your fate. There is nothing you can do now. I have you and I could crush you in an instant if I so desired. You should be fortunate that you fight well. If you didn't you would be dead already. Your life is too good to waste. So don't do something stupid to throw it away."
Raina felt a sharp twinge when her wings twisted as she fell back, further opening the cut in her right wing. She started to get back up, only to be pressed back down when he pinned her to the street with a knee. She pushed against the knee for a moment, before giving up. If he had enough force to crack the street then she would not be able to throw him off if his mind was set on keeping her there. Now the only way she might be able to get him off was by killing him or at least hurting him enough to push him off. Her eyes flicked between several points before returning to meet his own eyes. She waited while he presented her with her options, weighing each of the two carefully. She could either surrender now and see what he had planned for that instance, or she could fight and die. Glancing at her knives, she reached a compromise. She looked back at him calmly. "If you want my knives, you can have them." Without warning, she brought both knives up and plunged them deep into the leg resting on her chest.
For a moment Loki thought she would actually give in and hand over her knives. Then came the sudden movement. At once both knices were deep in his leg. He let out a yell from the pain, but his knee stayed on her. He glared down at her angrily. It took a few deep breaths to calm down and to focus, mentally dulling the pain. He reached down with his left hand and pulled out one knife and then the other. As he did this he looked down into her eyes. He was able to hold back a wince as the first knife came out. He tossed each one aside. He leg was bleeding quite badly but he ignored it. He wasn't able to keep as much pressure on her, but he was sure it was enough to hold her in place easily.

He thought for a moment and kept staring at her. When he finally spoke his anger was evident in his voice. "You are going to regret doing that. Death is too easy an end for you. I admire your spirit, but your decision making abilities need to improve. I am going to break that spirit of yours. But for now, this fight is over." He gave a blank look as he raised his left arm and aimed a strike for her head. He intended to hit her hard enough to knock her out, but not hard enough to do permanent damage or kill her. Once she was out he could easily restrain her. He had some new plans for her.
As soon as she stabbed him with the knives, Raina knew he would retaliate. But a return strike never came - instead, all he did was fix her with an angry glare and pull her knives out of his leg. She could see the blood welling from the stab wounds and the pressure he was putting on her lessened slightly, but she still couldn't move from where she was pinned to the ground. Knowing there was nothing else she could do, she stared back into his clearly angry eyes, waiting for him to make some kind of move.

Since she had given him the knives, in a manner of speaking, but still found a way to lash out at him at the same time, she wasn't sure how he would react. Either he would kill her or reveal some other plan he might have concocted over the last several minutes. Her mental questions were answered by his short speech - from it, she gathered that he didn't plan to kill her, but what he was going to do remained a mystery to her. The threats did not scare her, but she had not expected the quick blow that followed them. Before she had time to react, his arm came up and hit her hard on the side of her head. For an instant there was a flash of pain when his hand struck her head, then everything went black.
As her body went limp Loki finally stood up. His heart rate slowed and he suddenly felt the pain a lot more. She had really done some damage with her knives. His clothes were nearly rags in some places. He tore off strips to make bandages, taking care of the fresher, deeper wounds. Once he was taken care of he got more strips of cloth and quickly tied up the girl's arms and legs. He left her there for a while as he found each of her knives and searched her to find any other weapons she might have. He tucked them away in what was left of his clothing. He would keep them as a little trophy representing his victory over her.

When he finished with everything he picked up the girl and tossed her over his shoulder. He then started to run. He carried her all the way back to his mountain. He wasn't able to move as fast because of his injured leg and that annoyed him. He definitely had some plans for this girl. After arriving back at his secret palace he took her to a room near the center of the mountain and set her down inside. He locked her in it and left. He assigned one of his servant theives to care for her and to make sure she recovered from any injuries she may have suffered during the fight. The girl nodded and began spending all her time making sure that the prisoner was taken care of. Loki would let her have a few days to recover and wonder about what her fate would be. He had other things to attend to that were more important.
After being knocked out, Raina had no memory of what happened between then and waking up in a strange little room that she did not recognize. Her right wing still throbbed painfully, but from the feel of it, the cut that the knife had left was mostly healed over. The other injuries she had sustained in the fight were also healing, most likely the result of some care while she had been unconscious. She stood up slowly, turning to see the rest of the room. From what she could see, there were no exits besides one door on the far side of the room. She crossed the room and tried the door, but as she had expected, it was locked. Stretching her wings to their full fourteen-foot span, the outermost feathers brushed the walls on either side.

She had thought he would be back after a few hours, but when nobody appeared by then, she started to pace back and forth, waiting for the door to open. When it did, she would have one chance to bowl over whoever would come through it. After several more hours, she gave up and sat against the wall, eventually falling asleep. When she woke again, there was a sandwich on a plate and a small glass of water by the door. She ignored both, more than a little suspicious of anything she would be given there. The monotony continued for several days - finally she took the glass of water that had been left for her that morning - or rather, what seemed like morning; it was impossible to tell. She could survive weeks without food, but water was something she needed at least every few days. When nothing happened when she drank the water, she returned to her sitting position, watching the door, leaving the empty glass next to her in case she needed it as a weapon.
Lokie spent the days following the fight dealing with a number of plans that he had. He left the city alone, deciding that it wasn't worth it to destroy it. Without the guardian he figured it would see a rise in crime. He had other things to deal with. One of which involved getting a number of his servants to create and furnish a number of new rooms. One was a very nice set of living quarters. He didn't visit his prisoner, but he did have the girl taking care of her give him a number of reports. He was happy that she was healing and that she was awake. They had kept her sedated for a while, but they couldn't keep it up. He wasn't happy that she refused to eat, but at least she was drinking. He made sure that fresh food and water was delievered each day as she slept. He still didn't visit her.

Eventually everything he needed for her was ready. He finally went to her room and opened a small slit in the door. He peeked inside and saw her sitting against the wall. He gave a signal and one of his servants approached the door. He slipped a hose through the opening in the door and then turned the handle on a large canister. Gas quickly filled the room. Once Loki was sure that the girl was asleep he opened the door and ordered two men to go inside wearing gas masks. Their job was to get her and carry her to her new living space deep inside the mountain.
By the time several hours had passed sitting against the wall, Raina had gotten thoroughly sick of the room she was trapped in. The same dull shade of grey stared back at her as she watched the door. At first she had wondered what had happened to the city, but even those thoughts faded into nothing after a couple hours. She spent some time inspecting her injured wing, but now the sign of the injury was nearly faded. She still waited for the door to open so she could make her escape attempt.

On what she thought to be the fourth day sitting in silence watching the door, she heard a soft click coming from the general direction of the door. What looked like a small hatch in the door slid open to admit something that looked like a hose. She stood and went closer, intending to find out what it was, then she heard a hissing sound. With an unpleasant jolt she realized that it was most likely gas being poured into the room. She retreated to the far wall again to put as much space between her and the gas as possible. After several seconds she started to feel drowsy. She blinked it away at first, but half a minute later she gave in and fell asleep, back in her position sitting against the wall.
The two men found her against the wall and picked her up. They carried her out of the room and Loki took a good look at her. She seemed to be in fairly good health. He nodded and the men took her along a number of long corridors until they reached a thick wooden door. Loki opened it for them and let them inside. They passed through three rooms before entering a fourth. It was a large bedroom that was very nicely furnished. Much nicer than most wealthy people have in their homes. The men laid the girl down on a large bed. Once she had been set down they left. Loki was alone with her. He was finally ready to face her again. This time she had no weapons and she was in his domain.

The room was hers. It had been prepared for her. It held all the comforts she could want. Small holes led to the outside of the mountain and let fresh air in. It was too deep to be able to get natural light inside though. But the room was well lit. At the moment there was a limited number of extra items in the room to prevent her from creating makeshift weapons. One door on the wall on the opposite side of the room from the bed led out to another room. The left wall had a large walk in closet. The right wall had a door leading to a nice bathroom. Near the bed a small door opened up to a long staircase that led directly to Loki's bedroom. Cameras were in place to watch her and make sure she didn't do anything that she shouldn't be doing. They were well hidden though and they made sure there were no blind spots. The room connected to the bedroom was a small dining room. A kitchen was connected to that. Another door in the dining room led to a comfortable room with large chairs and the potential for plenty of entertainment. A door in there opened to a large room filled with a number of devices, tools, and other objects. It was much less comfortable than any of the other rooms. It was in this room that the large wooden doors were located, as well as a much smaller door leading to a very small room barely as wide as Raina was tall. It was poorly lit and held no comforts at all. It would be her room if she refused to cooperate.

Loki sat and waited for the girl to wake. The effects of the gas wouldn't last too long. He wasn't sure what to expect when she woke. It could easily turn into a fight, but he hoped she would at least listen to him before attempting to start something she couldn't win.
When Raina woke again she was no longer in the small, bare room, but now she was lying on what felt like a mattress. Her wings felt a little stiff from being fixed in a half-opened position for so long, but she felt otherwise unhurt. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing she did not yet know. The bed she was lying on, however, was one of the most comfortable she had ever felt. She pulled her wings back in, folding them flat against her back to minimalize any difficulty moving, before sitting up, blinking hard to clear the lingering effects of the gas. She hadn't felt anything while being transferred to this room, which made it even more disorienting for her to suddenly wake up in completely unfamiliar surroundings.

Sitting up slowly, Raina looked around the room, stopping only when her eyes flicked past someone. She turned quickly, standing up on the bed as well as she could to face him. She got a better look around the room as she stood, a little unsteady on the soft mattress, but her focus stayed on the man sitting nearby watching her. Now that she had no weapons she couldn't - or rather, wouldn't try to attack him before gathering more information. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice sounding abrupt and harsh even to her ears. But that was what she wanted. "Where are we?" Even if she had nothing to stab at him, she was still fairly strong, and could at least get in one escape attempt by the time he finished talking.
Loki watched as the girl woke up. It hadn't been too long since she had been moved. He waited patiently for her to get up. She surprised and amused him by leaping up onto the bed to face him. She seemed to be quite demanding even though she was the prisoner. He laughed. He stayed seated casually and focused, speaking to her telepathically again. "Don't bother trying anything. You belong to me now and I won't be giving you any chance. You know what I can do with my mind. You wouldn't make it anywhere close enough to hurt me at all. There is nowhere to run either."

He smiled and paused for a moment to let her think about it. Then he continued. "My name is Loki. But that is not important for you. To you I am Master. I am an Asgardian. We are currently in my mountain. More specifically we are in your bedroom. Quite nice, isn't it? You will get to stay here if you behave. Now, who are you? What is your name? Or would you rather just have me call you Girl?"
Raina never took her eyes off him, even though he stayed seated and didn't make any move to stop her standing up. She concealed her surprise when his voice sounded in her head as it had over half a week before, but although she knew he could do incredible things with his mind alone, she would still try to get out. If he was capable of stopping or killing her as he had claimed to be, then if he hadn't killed her yet, then he must have some use for her. For now, she would assume she was safe from his threats.

But the name Loki sounded familiar to her...almost as if it were...it was. She had read Norse mythology as a child, but she had never once imagined that the Asgardians could be real. It would explain his telepathic abilities, but it was downright impossible. For now, she needed to wait until he was distracted enough to provide her with an opportunity to test one of the exits to the room. "My name is Raina Cypher," she said, slowly making her way to the edge of the bed. "And if you think you're Loki, you may want to get your head checked." Without waiting for a response she dove off the edge of the bed and darted for the nearest door, the one by the bed. Wrenching it open, she was presented with a flight of stairs. Good, if she was in a mountain then stairs are good. She ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time and hoping it would be enough to outpace him for long enough to find a makeshift weapon.
Loki laughed again as she essentially called him crazy for thinking he was who he was. Suddenly she was running, but none of the doors would lead her anywhere helpful. He smiled and stood up. He started to walk after her. It was a fairly long stair case and she hadn't really exercised in days. He felt confident that she would get tired soon enough. He kept going at a steady, casual pace. As he went he sent out a telepathic command to a few of his servants to make sure his bedroom was locked from the outside. Even if she made it to his room there would be nowhere to go. He had a few things in his room that could be used as weapons, but they wouldn't help her.

He made it to the top of the stairs and looked at the open door. He stepped through and looked around for her in the large room. "If you wanted a tour you should have asked. I was planning on showing you around anyway. You haven't heard my rules yet though. If you want to be able to sleep in that nice room you are going to have to cooperate with me."
By the time Raina had reached the top of the staircase she was nearly winded from the effort of climbing the stairs. She found herself in yet another bedroom with a door on the opposite end. Crossing the room, she pulled at the handle, but it wouldn't turn. After several seconds attempting to open the door she gave up and glanced around for something large and heavy. She could find nothing but a relatively small poker resting by the room's fireplace. Snatching the small device up, she turned back to watch the staircase for any sign of him appearing.

When he did finally arrive at the top of the stairs, he didn't seem to have seen her, but instead looked around. She didn't trust him in the least when he said she might be able to sleep on the comfortable bed she had woken up on. The worst he could do was return her to the room she had been in before. "You imprison me inside a mountain, then you expect me to cooperate? You really aren't from this world if you think that will work on me." She knew he wouldn't miss the poker in her hand, and she would use it if she had to.
Loki heard her voice and grinned at her words. He turned to face her. "Of course I expect you to cooperate. I expect all my servants to do as I tell them. But more than that I expect my property to obey me completely. That is what you now are. You are my property. My slave. To do with as I please. Now, why don't you put the fire poker down before you get hurt. This is your last chance before I get mad and you get punished." He slowly moved across the room toward her. With a quick focused thought the door behind him swung closed and locked. He felt certain that this would end up at her first lesson. He felt himself starting to harden at the thought. He watched her carefully, but more to admire her body than to be cautious of any attack. He visibly stared at her in a very sexual way.
Raina gripped the poker even tighter, if possible, listening to his words. She could hear more than a hint of a threat in his voice, but still, she was the one with the sharp object in her hand and he seemed to be unarmed. She started to back away when he started to move forward toward her, her eyes flicking to the door when it slammed closed with an audible click as it locked. She was forced to stop when her back pressed into the wall, cutting off her escape, and she raised her poker slightly, just in case she needed to ward him off somehow with it. She felt more than vulnerable under his stare, though she felt as if he was watching her in a more predatory than wary way. "And this is your last chance before I put the poker through your heart, so watch yourself."
He continued to follow her until she was pressed against the wall. It seemed she wasn't going to give in to him. That was fine. It would be more fun that way. He laughed as she threatened him. "You have no hope. But you just gave up your chance. It is time to teach you a lesson. You will learn to obey me. Now tell me, are you a virgin?" He grinned and left it at that. He certainly hoped she was. First he had to deal with her weapon. He focused on it and attempted to pull it from her hands. As he tugged on it with his mind he bolted forward. This time he had the use of both arms and both hands. He was focused on the poker, ready to grab hold of it whether she attacked him with it or not. Once he got rid of it she would be his.
Now trapped against the wall with no way out on either side, it was either take a shot with the poker or nothing. His question jolted her at first - it was the last thing she had expected him to ask her at such a moment. She only had time to start to wonder what he had planned for her when an invisible force tugged at the poker in her hands, lightly, then more forcefully. She still had a tight grip on it, but before she could react he had rushed forward, directly at her. Almost without thinking she drove the poker forward at his stomach. Maybe if she could strike a more sensitive part of him than just a leg or an arm then he would be slowed and she could find another way out.
Loki saw her aim her strike. He was able to shift and turn just enough to avoid it. As it slipped back his stomach his shoulder slammed against her. He grabbed onto the poker and yanked on it with all his strength, forcing it away from her. Once he had it he tossed it completely across the room. Then he turned to face her again. A mix of anger and desire filled his eyes. He made a grab for her. It was time for him to have his way with her and to show her just what she was there for. It would be fun breaking her spirit and turning her into a good slave. He was sure it would take time and effort, but that was just part of the fun. He was still getting harder as he imagined what he would be doing to her in just a few minutes.
Raina's attempt at an attack went wide unexpectedly as he dodged the blow with inhumanly fast reflexes. The impact of his shoulder less than a second later drove her back into the wall, winded. She felt him tear the poker away from her, then heard it clatter across the room, coming to rest in the opposite corner. If there had been room to back up further when he turned back to her, she would have retreated further at the expression on his face when he turned back to her. She saw his hand coming as he lunged forward to grab her. Cringing away and sliding to the side quickly to avoid his hand, she felt it brush against her left wing before retreating quickly to a safe distance from him. She knew she couldn't reach the poker in time, but if she could somehow get one of the doors unlocked before he beat her to the exits, then she would have something of an escape route.
When his hand grazed her wing he felt annoyed that she was still struggling. He quickly turned to face her, chasing her across the room. He moved in a calculated way. He needed to make sure that he prevented her from escaping past him to either side. If he could get her into a corner he would have her. She no longer had a weapon and that meant she really couldn't possibly hurt him. It was just a matter of catching her. He could have called in a number of his servants to help catch her, but it was better to do it himself. He needed to show her that she couldn't do anything to prevent him from getting what he wanted. He worked carefully, shifting from side to side and preventing escape. He saw her getting close to a door, but with his abilities he felt confident that even if she somehow unlocked it she wouldn't be able to open it. He closed in and the dashed forward, arms wide and aiming to tackle her.
She kept up the retreat until she was again pressed against the wall in an effort to avoid his advances, but she had nowhere else to go from there. Glancing to her left, she caught a glimpse of a door, but there was no way she could get it unlocked and open before he was on her. She tried slipping to the side, but he seemed to have anticipated that, making sure that all escape routes were covered. She looked again at the poker, resting a good ten feet from where she was standing, then decided it would never work if she tried to reach it. What she wasn't expecting was a direct attack from him - as he ran forward with his arms spread she ducked to the right, narrowly missing one of his hands. Now the poker was even further from her reach - her position had made it impossible to run the other way, closer to it. But now she was where she had the nasty feeling he wanted her to be. Lodged in a corner with the wall on one side and a bed on the other side, there was now nowhere to run but forward, and that way was blocked.
Loki let out an annoyed grunt as she dodged out of the way of his attack. He turned to face her and smiled. It had turned out well. He had her now. She was in the corner. He moved closer slowly, ready for anything she might try. For a moment he focused and adapted his own agility. Using that he moved toward her quickly again. He stayed low enough that she couldn't duck, but was ready for any attempt to jump. He was fairly sure she couldn't fly yet. His arms were wide, ready to catch her. She couldn't go back and she couldn't move to the side. Unless she surprised him she would soon be in his arms. Even then he felt like it wouldn't be the end of their struggle, but it would be nearly done.
Raina heard the frustrated sound he made when she evaded him yet again - she almost grinned at the level of annoyance he must have been feeling at the moment. But now she had made it all too easy for him to finish this off. She could try to fly over him, but there wasn't enough room to fully extend her wings. Trying would have ended in the delicate bones being broken or injured. When he started to move forward again she only had two options: stay where she was until he was on top of her, or try one more time. It was not a difficult decision. She might not have been able to fly, but she could still use her wings somehow. Darting forward to meet him, she swerved to the right at the last moment, hoping to slip past him. She felt a cold hand close on her wrist, and in response she partially extended her wings, beating at his face with them, trying to distract him long enough to be able to pull her wrist free.
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