Loki's new game (Sapphire Vixen and Josu_T)


Oct 14, 2009
In a forest miles away from civilisation, the faint outline of skyscrapers barely visible on the horizon, the peaceful serenity was broken suddenly by the loud crash of something heavy falling through the tree canopy. A loud thud followed and a figure lay in the dirt staring up at the blue sky. No one was around to see. Only a flock of birds entered the air, startled by the sudden noise.

Loki lay there for a moment before sitting up and looking around. His green eyes took in the sight. He was on Earth. That was clear enough to him. Yet all he could see around him was forest. He thought for a few minutes, trying to decide what to do. He couldn't return to Asgard. Not without the bifrost. He didn't want to return anyway. At least not without a way to take back the throne. He had been so close, but it had been taken from him. Had he been in any other realm it would have been easy to find some strong beings for an army, but Earth was full of weaklings. But he needed to do something. The first thing he needed was comfort.

He stood and began walking out of the forest. When he reached the edge of the trees he got a better view of the area. He saw the city in the distance, but his attention went to the mountains. It was the perfect spot for his new palace. He ran to the biggest one and stood at the base. He inspected it carefully and then smiled. It was just right. He made his plans, but knew he wouldn't be able to do it alone without taking a long time.

His next move was to go to a small town nearby. He found a few strong men to work as labourers and brought them with him to build his new home. He used his magic to give them abilities and improved their strength and stamina. They worked harder and better than they ever had before in their lives. It took only a couple of weeks for the basics of the mountain palace to be completed. Another week saw the structure completely finished. Now it needed to be furnished. Of course, he couldn't have his workers telling anyone about what they had done. They were found some time later in the aftermath of a landslide on another mountain.

Furnishing was harder because Loki had specific tastes. For the first time since he arrived he went into the city, disguised as a normal person. Once again he used his magic to empower and manipulate. He used theives and initiated a crime spree unlike any the city had seen before. A variety of things were taken and Loki soon had all the luxury he could ever want. He filled his palace with everything that was taken. Most of the theives he allowed to be captured. A few he kept with him as servants.

A little over a month after arriving on Earth Loki stood on a discreet balcony high on the mountain, overlooking the town to the west and the city to the east. He smiled to himself. He was living like a king. The humans were weak and had no clue what was going on. It was almost too easy. They had a lot to learn. Yet he wasn't happy. Over the month his anger had grown. Anger with his father and his brother. One day he would deal with them. There were ways into Asgard. It was just a matter of time. Until then he needed to do something to get rid of some frustration. His eyes turned to the city. It was ugly. Humans knew nothing about how to design appealing buildings. He knew what to do. He would destroy it. Tear it all to the ground. That would improve the view from his palace. With a smile to himself he leapt from the balcony and speedily approached the city.

As he got near he sent out a broad telepathic message that should reach all the humans in the area. "Get out now, for by sunset your homes, and everything in the city, shall be no more. It will all be gone. If you want to spare your lives, leave now." With a grin he reached the middle of the city. The tallest sky scraper stood before him. It would be a nice place to start. He could take it down with one blow, but he decided that bit by bit would be much more fun. He leapt up to the roof and with one strike he shattered every window in the building at once. glass rained down into the street and onto the sidewalk. He stood there for a moment feeling pleased with his work as people all around realised the strange voice that had been in their heads was for real and they started to scatter, running out of the building, trying to get away.
In the middle of nowhere. That's where the city Socorro, New Mexico was located. Not for the first time, Raina Cypher found herself wondering again what the point of a city so far from the rest of New Mexico was. It was a couple miles from the Rio Grande, sure, but the citizens seldom ventured to the river. The city tended to keep to itself as long as it was in turn left alone by the various small towns scattered around the forest miles to the west.

Raina watched the daily actions of the city with relative boredom, simply skimming a few dozen feet above the height of the tallest skyscraper in the city, looking for any disruptions in life besides the occasional shouting match between a man and a woman on the street. Such a thing was trivial and unimportant to her. At twenty-two years old and with a head of long, dark brown hair and light grey eyes, she didn't necessarily look threatening, but with a pair of wings as white as the clouds miles above and spanning fourteen feet when fully extended, she was, as she called herself, the city's protector. Anything that wished to harm the citizens or anything within the city had to get through her first, and she was not an easy opponent to beat. She did look fragile at first glance, but she was stronger than the average human - not significantly, but enough to make a difference to anyone seeking to disrupt life in the city.

She didn't know exactly where she had come from - the earliest memory she had of her life was waking up in a field fifteen years before several miles away. She had learned to fight by experience, but she still bore a few scars on her arms where attackers' knives had barely grazed her and one in her side where one guy had gotten in a lucky shot with a throwing knife. She had fallen rather behind the times, as the weapons she preferred to use were a pair of long, thin knives, but she made up for the antiquity of her fighting style by being quick and extremely difficult to land a blow on, much less catch.

Now, as she circled a group of sparrows, grinning a little at the small birds, her thoughts were disrupted by the sound of a male voice in her head telling her to leave the city. From the tone of the message and the slowing of the traffic on the streets far below she could tell that the voice had been heard by everyone in the city. She stopped moving, hovering in the air and looking for any kind of threat, before she heard breaking glass. A hell of a lot of breaking glass.

Following the sound, she turned around to see every single window in the tallest skyscraper in the city shatter and fall, as if in slow motion, to the ground, scores of feet below. She saw a small crowd duck and run for cover, and one unfortunate person who might have been leaning against the window when it shattered fall a good ten stories and land on the sidewalk, all within the space of less than a second. That was all it took for the adrenaline rush to kick in, and she shot off toward the building, building up speed until she stopped abruptly approximately fifteen yards from the building. She could see the shape of a man standing on the roof, and he was wearing a green...it look like a cloak. So this must be the voice that had broadcast itself to the city moments before.

With a flap of her wings, she brought herself to the edge of the roof behind the man, then folded her wings so that they would not be visible unless she either brought them out again or he caught a glimpse of her back. "So you're the one who thinks he can scare us away so easily," she said almost conversationally, walking toward him and stopped several yards away. "Before you do something stupid, know that this city is under my protection. Try to do anything to the city or its citizens, and I will not hesitate to kill you." Her hand drifted to her hip, where she wore the two daggers, out of sight, but easily reachable, then back again to cross her arms, waiting for a reply from the stranger.
Loki thought he heard the flapping of wings for a moment, but didn't look. He was busy watching the continued emptying of the building. He could also see people on cell phones. He assumed they were calling loved ones and warning them, telling them to either get to safety or simply get out of town. He also saw people in the buildings nearby start to get out and run. Some runners went into further buildings and those started to empty as the news spread through the city that there really was some kind of danger. Though high up on the tallest building he felt sure that nobody realised what it was yet.

That feeling went away as quick as it had come to him. There was a female voice. He was surprised by that. He figured none in the city would be brave enough to stand up to him. He hadn't heard the door open just a few feet away, so he figured she had to have some sort of ability. He slowly turned to face the one who claimed to be the city's defender. He saw her just in time to catch her hand move to her hip and back again. He didn't see any weapon there, but he was sure she had one. There was no other reason for her hand to move there.

He stood and looked at her in silence for a minute. She didn't appear too dangerous, but he would not take her lightly. She could actually bring him some amusement. She would make destroying the city a lot more fun. It was always better when something put up a fight. Finally he spoke in a cool, calm tone. "Do you think you can defeat me? There are few in the entire universe who have the power that I possess and I am quite certain that none of them are in this realm. Give up now and I shall spare your life. If you stay and fight you shall be destroyed. This is your final warning. If you stay, strike now, for you will not get another chance." He kept a neutral expression and stared directly into her eyes.
Raina had not missed the fleeing forms of the civilians, and realized she needed to buy them as much time as possible to escape. This looked like a being that could do significantly more than smash a few windows if he could broadcast a telepathic message to the entire city. As she approached him she noted the deep green of the man's cloak. Maybe he thought he was some sort of nobility. She shook the thoughts away as the stranger turned to look at her. The slow, unconcerned movements he made gave her the impression that he did not consider her to be much of a threat, but she would show him otherwise if the situation came to a direct fight.

She listened to his short speech, taking in the strange terminology he used. He mentioned a realm, and that he was one of the most powerful beings in the universe. She suspected it was simply an overinflated ego speaking. The most "power" he could possess, she thought, was a semi-automatic, and she could fight almost any weapon with ease. That is, assuming the weapon was from Earth. But she didn't think this man seemed like much more than a nutter from the local asylum gone on a violent rampage. With a little effort and perhaps a solid blow to the head, she thought, this would be over quickly. She returned the stare, her own grey eyes looking into his green eyes. "Then I think I'll stay and fight. You do not attack the city without consequences."

With the quick jibe at him, she quickly pulled a small throwing knife from where it was sheathed almost invisibly beneath her hair and hurled it at him with perfect precision before taking her knives in hand, the blades pointing backwards as was the old custom. If the smaller knife embedded itself in his throat as it was meant to, her work would be done. If not, she was perfectly capable of bringing the fight to close quarters.
Loki waited patiently for her to make her decision. He had no clue who she was, but he was coming to the conclusion that she thought of herself as some kind of hero. His keen eyes saw her hand move quickly upward. He didn't move until it came back down and the blade flew from her hand. He suddenly turned to his right and shrugged up his shoulders. He moved this way intentionally. The blade that was heading for his throat ended up stuck in his left arm. He felt a slight sharp pain. With a smile he turned to look at her again, seeing the knives in her hands. He stood facing her, his eyes once again locked with hers.

With a smile he casually reached over with his right hand and pulled the throwing knife out of his left arm. He didn't wince and showed no sigh of caring that a little blood trickled down his arm. It was already healing. Not very fast, but it wouldn't be a problem for long. He expected there would be almost no sign of it in a day or two. His arm felt a little stiff, but that was it. He tossed the small blade aside. "Is that it? I am afraid you're going to have to try a little harder. And know that I heal a lot faster than you do. Now, what are you going to do? Attack me with those little bits of metal?" He laughed before pausing for a moment, considering something. Then he grinned. "This is what I am going to do. I am not going to use my right arm to fight you. Only the left, which has already felt the sting of your blade. That should even things up a little, though you still have no chance against me. Now come. Attack me." He watched her movements, ready for whatever she had. He held his right arm behind his back, planning to keep his word that he would only use the left. It would be a lot more fun that way.
Raina blinked once, slowly, when instead of embedding in his neck, the small blade caught in his arm. Strangely, he didn't seem to be disturbed by the sudden attack. Returning her eyes to his, she gripped her knives a little tighter. If he could smile when a knife had just struck his arm and stuck there, buried halfway down the blade in his flesh, he might be more than a little insane.

She didn't move or make any outward sign as he extracted the knife from his arm, but she carefully watched his unhurt arm for any sign of action. Her eyes automatically followed her throwing knife as he tossed it aside, sending it skidding across the roof and off the edge to fall to the street below. But from the way he talked, he seemed to think he was invulnerable or possessing inhuman abilities, which was, of course, impossible. Her eyes narrowed as he told her he wasn't going to use his right arm to fight. So this was wasn't only delusional, he was also overconfident. Which could have been good or bad. She clearly suspected him of foul play - no man in his right mind would make such a decision without planning something. But she was fairly confident she could beat him, even if he was using both of his arms. Still unwilling to show her wings, instead of taking a flying leap, she darted across the roof and charged directly at him, slashing at his head with one of her knives.

((Sorry that took forever...my muse died last night. >_< But it's back now. ^_^))
Loki was ready for her attack. He didn't know what she would do, but he was prepared. She ran at him and he slid his right foot back and prepared. The problem with her attack was that she slashed. He could see the wind up and knew what was coming, even if it was a split second before it happened. He also knew she had a second knife and needed to be weary of it. She seemed quite confident in herself and that was made clear by the fact that she was going for a direct attack. She had a lot to learn about fighting. He quickly ducked and used his right foot to pivot his body completely out of the way. He leapt back, covering a few meters at once. He stood in a fighting position and looked at her again. He decided to end things quickly. He moved to the edge of the building and stood there waiting. He was patient and when she attacked him again he leapt backwards. The skyscraper across the street was a lot shorter and he fell for a number of stories until landing on his feet on the roof. He looked up and watched his attacker, not sure what would happen. If she just stood there on the edge he would jump back up and start his own attack. If she fell it would be over. If she had some unknown skill then he would learn about it. In any case it gave him the upper hand. At least that was what he expected.
Skidding quickly to a stop as soon as her slash went just wide, Raina flipped around quickly to face him, prepared for a return attack. She had used a direct attack because her opponent seemed more than a little delusional and therefore could have even been slightly intoxicated. The attack had been more of an experiment to measure him up. When he successfully avoided her attack she realized he was not insane or anything of the like. She waited for his attack, but when none came and he instead jumped back and landed on the building across the street, she went to the edge and looked over, watching him carefully. She wasn't willing to reveal her secret yet, but if he did not return to this building and instead went to cause further damage to the city she would have no choice. She retreated several steps and crossed her arms, regarding him patiently, waiting for him to make a move. If he ran, she would be able to catch up. If he attacked, she would be ready to block his attack.
When his attacker did not follow or fall Loki decided it was time to go on the offensive. He leapt high into the air, well above the roof of the sky scraper, and looked down at his opponent. He grinned as he fell toward the other side of the roof from her. He landed, turned and dashed in her direction. Half way across the roof he stopped and looekd at her with a smile. He started to walk in her direction slowly. He seemed calm and unprepared to fight, but he was focused on ending things quickly. There was something strange about her that he really couldn't figure out, but he would learn soon enough. That or she would be dead and he'd never know, but it wouldn't be important. His smile turned into a smirk as he focused his mind and sent out a massive concussive wave at her, intended to knock her off the roof. He'd see then just what she was capable of. If she could survive the fall he'd know just how much fun he was about to have defeating her.
Raina stayed in the same spot, not moving until he did. She took a step back from the edge to meet him as soon as he leaped from the roof of the lower skyscraper and hovered in the air for a fraction of a second. He seemed to be grinning at her, and she spun to keep him in sight as he fell onto the other side of the roof, somehow still making a perfect landing. She didn't move when he started to run towards her, having planned to wait until he was only a few feet away before making a move to attack again. She frowned slightly when he stopped so suddenly in the middle of the roof. His smile was that of someone who knew he had some sort of advantage. He didn't seem like he was about to attack though - he didn't even seem like he was about to fight at all. Her thoughts were interrupted by an invisible force that suddenly slammed into her, making her stumble backwards. After two paces she started to regain her balance, then her foot met empty air and she fell backwards off the building with a sharp gasp. As soon as she began to fall she quickly weighed her options. There was no chance that she would survive the fall if she could not use her wings to stop. Having made her decision, she extended her wings, angling them upward to catch herself and arc back upwards to land again on the edge of the roof of the skyscraper where she had been standing before he knocked her off the roof. She didn't bother to hide her wings this time - he must have had already seen them by now, so there was no point in trying to conceal them.
Loki watched as his opponent was pushed back a few paces. He had succeeded in pushing her from the edge. He started to move forward to see the result when, suddenly, she appeared. She had wings spread wide behind her and he realised her secret. He grinned and stopped moving again. Now that he knew her secret he knew he would have fun with her and that he could easily defeat her. He reached out with his mind and transmitted his thoughts to her. Speaking without actually saying anything. "Give up now. Surely you see my power. In thirty seconds I will attack. After that I will fight you until I have killed you or until you have surrendered. However, if you do not leave now and surrender later, you will be agreeing that from that moment on you belong to me. Do you understand? Leave now, die, or live, but with me as your master. You have your choices. Consider them carefully. Your time starts now."

He kept his arm behind his back and was ready to fight. He patiently waited for the time to tick away and to see what she would do. He felt confident that they would begin their real battle at any moment. He was ready. He knew that nothing she could do with her little knife would be able to really hurt him. She had no idea just how well his body could heal itself. He could recall having his arm cut off once and being able to reattach it. It had taken a while to return to full strength, but he still had his arm. Even if she did land a lucky blow in a sensetive spot, he'd have a nice surprise for her.
When Raina landed on the roof, she had expected her opponent to be surprised at the sudden appearance of her fourteen-foot white wingspan, but rather than looking surprised, strangely, he just smiled. She had counted on the element of surprise to at least give her the upper hand, but since she no longer had that she would have to work with her agility and her knives. She made no move or outward sign when his voice suddenly echoed in her head. It was most likely the scaled down work of the same telepathy he had used before when he broadcast to the entire city. She listened to the options he presented to her, although she already knew what she would do. Leaving was not an option, and she would not surrender as long as she could still fight, so her options were kill, or be killed.

She hadn't expected him to keep his promise of fighting with only one hand, but it gave her an advantage, so she would not complain. She assumed that he would know she wouldn't walk away from this fight, which made devising a plan that much more difficult. All she needed to incapacitate him, though, was a well-placed blow with a knife or even a knee. Waiting only twenty seconds before making a move, she lunged forward without warning and aimed another stab with her knife at his throat.
When she gave no response he prepared himself for her attack. It came before her time was up. He had figured as much. She went for another direct attack. He smiled and as she got close he shifted and twisted his body. Her knife did not directly hit his neck, but it did slice through the skin fairly deep. It bled and he felt some dull pain. Yet as this happened he had aimed a strong punch toward her gut with his left arm. He would use his ability to take her attacks without serious injury and use it to trade attacks. Unless she was able to heal quickly as well, or simply take attacks without injury, he was sure she would not last long.
She spun around as she slashed her knife at his neck, feeling the blade catch on skin and come free again, all in the space of an instant. At the same time she felt something that felt like a fist ram into her gut, driving the breath out of her. She skidded to a stop, taking a moment to regain her breath enough to straighten up again. Grimly, she wondered why she hadn't gotten something that made her a little more difficult to hurt than wings. Instead of attacking, this time, she hung back, waiting for him to try his own attack. If she could figure out the techniques he used to fight she might be able to circumvent them and catch him unawares at some point.
When the girl moved away from him he turned toward her and ran a hand along his neck. The cut was fairly deep, but it was already healing. He noticed that she didn't seem to be ready to attack him. He wondered if his fist had really hurt her that much that she was afraid to come after him. With that thought he smirked and decided that it was his turn to attack again. He rushed forward at high speed and struck out with his left fist. From then on he made sure the combat was non stop. He relentlessly attempted to strike her with his left arm and his feet. He made sure to keep his right arm behind his back. He ignored every injury he took from her blades, not worried about what they might do. He had no problem with energy either. He knew he could continue as long as it took while she would likely get tired eventually.
By the time she had restraightened, the cut she had sliced into his neck seemed to already have lessened the bleeding. So he did have some sort of healing power. Either that or her knife hadn't really hurt him, or both. When he started to move forward again she assumed he would strike then retreat as she had done, but when she had blocked his first blow and he didn't move back but instead pressed the attack, she found it increasingly difficult to continually fend him off while getting in several slices with her knives. Whenever she got in a hit it didn't seem to affect him at all, but his attacks were considerably more effective. After only a minute she decided to take the fight to the air. She jumped backwards off the edge of the building, then extended her wings and rose several dozen feet above the roof. She waited to see what he would do, curious if he could also fly.
Loki continued to attack until the winged girl took off into the air. He smiled and was quite glad that it had come to this. Even more enjoyment for him. He knew that if he tried to leap and attack her, she would be able to easily move away. She could control her movements in the air while he couldn't. He decided to try something different. He leapt high into the air, well above the sky scraper, and then let himself drop. He fell down between the buildings toward the street. He gained as much speed as possible and slammed into the ground, just turning to land on his feet at the last moment. The ground shook and the road cracked beneath him. He stood among the settling dust and looked up. He looked around and spotted the throwing knife she had used before. He focused his mind and the knife began to hover in mid air a few feet above him and a little in front of him. He looked up and spotted her and then smiled. He spoke into her mind again. "Come on down, I think it is time to clip your wings. I hope you don't mind having your own weapon used against you."
Hovering steadily above the roof of the skyscraper, Raina had actually expected him to attempt to jump up as he had done before to aim another strike at her. When he did jump, however, it was not toward her, but rather forward into the gap between buildings. She responded immediately, tucking in her wings and allowing herself to fall in a steep dive angled so that she would stop a good twenty yards from where he would land. She pulled up again when he landed, squinting to see through the dust that had kicked up when he landed. When the dust did settle and she saw the large crack in the road where he had landed, she made no outward sign of surprise, but clearly whoever or whatever she was fighting was more powerful than she had realized. As more of the dust settled and she was more able to see through it, she could see the outline of her throwing knife seemingly floating in midair in front of the larger silhouette of her opponent. She jumped a little at the voice in her mind, but she did descend several yards until she was only a few feet off the ground. She doubted he would be able to hear if she replied, but the fact that she hadn't turned to run would be sufficient for him to see that she wasn't afraid of her own weapon. It was only a small throwing knife anyway; it couldn't inflict worse than a shallow wound. "You'll have to work harder than that if you want to keep me out of the air," she called back, expecting the small blade to come flying at her any moment and ready to either deflect it or duck it.
Loki watched her and waited for a response. What she said made him laugh. If only she knew what he was really capable of. He was only scratching the surface. He kept the small blade in mid-air. He knew she was expecting him to use it as his weapon. He made it move slowly toward her, shakily. It was as if he could barely make it move at all. As he did this he looked behind her. He was looking for something he could use. When he spotted what he needed he moved the knife even closer to her. Then it suddenly stopped and dropped. At that moment a metal garbage can behind her took flight aimed at her back. More directly, it was aimed at her wings. The whole time he was doing this he kept the same expression, attempting to hide his plan. He also had a back up plan. If she wasn't hit, but was distracted by the garbage can, he would send the knife toward her.
When the small knife did not come flying at her, but rather moved slowly and unsteadily, Raina let her guard down a little more, but was still wary of any tricks he might pull. Any being that was strong enough to make a crack in the road and land unharmed by a fall from over fifty stories was not likely to be given much trouble by such a simple thing as a knife. As soon as the knife stopped its advance and fell back to the ground again, she thought she heard the faint grating of metal against the sidewalk behind her. She turned abruptly to locate the source of the sound and was met with the sight of a large metal trash can flying toward her. Almost automatically, she ducked to the side, and the trash can missed the tip of her left wing by inches, but still she was unharmed. She turned back to look at him, assuming that it had been him that had sent the object at her. She moved closer, closing the distance between them by several yards, one of her knives ready to throw and the other ready to block whatever he sent her way.
Loki watched as the garbage can barely missed. He decided to let it go and its momentum carried it through the window of a shop across the street from the skyscraper. As she moved closer he was ready. He waited until she had gone past where the knife was on the ground. Then he made sure to lift it with his mind all at once so there would be no sound as it began hovering again. He turned it so it was facing her. He held it there in mid air and looked into her eyes. He grinned. This time he actually spoke. "You should try thinking more clearly. Time for your flight to end." With that he sent the knife at her from behind, aimed at the middle of her right wing. He knew that the middle might not do the most damage, but it was least likely to miss. Plus, if he hit he would be able to use it to create a large cut that would hopefully prevent her from being able to fly.
She watched the garbage can miss her and crash through a window of a small souvenir store, most likely wrecking whatever was inside. She didn't spare the shop a second glance, even when the sound of an alarm started to blare from the small shop. Nobody would be coming anyway, she knew. She didn't move as a grin spread across his face, assuming he must have been attempting to bluff. She had to move several yards closer to make out what he was saying, since when he started to talk he actually talked out loud rather than projecting his thoughts. She had spent several seconds trying to make sense of his words when a sharp pain exploded in her right wing as the small knife lodged itself in the middle of the white feathers. She dropped the few feet to the street, craning her head around to inspect the injury. The knife hadn't done more damage than just ripping through the thin membrane - attempting to fly would most likely tear the wing further, so instead she started to run toward him with her knives outstretched, keeping her wings close to her to minimize the slight flow of blood from the rip.
When the knife connected he stopped focusing on it. He watched her drop to the ground. He had actually been able to stop her from being able to fly. Now he really had the upper hand. It was time to finish her with his bare hands. Well, his hand. He still wouldn't use his right arm. That didn't matter since his left was almost fully healed by that point. He grinned as she ran at him. He focused his mind, this time internally, and augmented his own strength. If she thought he had been able to hit hard before, she was in for a big surprise.

As she got close he crouched down. When she was within a few paces he leapt toward her with all his strength. His left arm was wound up and ready to strike. He timed it and tried to aim his punch at the center of her body. He didn't pay any attention to her knives. He was quite sure she would get both of them into him, but if he could finish her with one blow then he felt he would be able to handle whatever damage she did to him with her blades. He was moving too fast to stop anyway. From the time he had leapt she'd only have a second or two to get out of the way if she wanted to avoid the high speed collision.
Darting directly at him at full speed, she had neither the time nor the inclination to stop her attack. She had expected him to launch his own offense when she was him crouch as if preparing to strike, but she hadn't forseen the inhuman speed he possessed. When she was only feet away, she watched almost in slow motion as he leaped to meet her mid-air. In the last instant before they collided, she leaned to the side, managing to evade the worst of the blow he aimed at her, but she still took his fist hard in her side. At the same time she sliced at him, feeling both of her knives catch on flesh and come free again.

As soon as she landed behind him she spun around again to face him. Never turn your back on the enemy was a lesson she had learned the hard way years ago. The strong blow to her side had slightly winded her, but she was now ready for more. Rather than taking the initiative this time, however, she backed up several paces, waiting for him to make his own move.
Loki felt the knives connect and felt the sting. He was annoyed that she had been able to avoid full contact with his strike. He hit the ground and turned to face her. She was more skilled than he had given her credit for. He smiled, glad that this hadn't ended yet. He'd tried afew times to finish her and she simply refused to go down. He still felt confident though. It was just a matter of time. When she didn't attack him again he knew it was up to him to continue the assault. He focused again and then dashed at her. He began a relentless combination of attacks with his left arm and his legs. Now that she couldn't fly he had her. Eventually he would wear her out and then he could finish her for good. His stamina was much better than any mortals. He felt that without a doubt she would either become too hurt or too exhausted long before he did.
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