On The Run (Krys Snape & Shani)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD"! Voldemort words made the crowd of death eaters behind him erupt with excitement. The war was over and they had won, everything would be different now, no more hiding, no more running, the dark lord was now in power and people would have to answer to all who proved loyal to him over the years. Or so they thought, no one expected Harry to jump from Hagrid's arms ready to continue fighting, Voldemort had killed him, Narcissa Malfoy even confirmed it while they stood in the forbidden forest. There was no time to stand and wonder why he was alive, a few death eaters fled at the site of Potter rising from the dead so their numbers went down a bit and they were obviously still at war.

Krys grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him into the castle right before he was hit with a curse, the two tried to stay hidden for the most part until they found an opportunity to strike. Draco was scared and Krys knew it, he was never exactly death eater material. "Draco stay here, stay hidden I'll come back for you" ,Krys told him. A look of fear was in the blonde's eyes as he looked at his friend, "N-No Krys don't I already lost one friend I can't lose you too" ,he said with tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Krys placed a hand on his shoulder and looked at him, not an ounce of fear present within her eyes instead there was a crazed, dark presence about her she was ready to die. "Don't worry about me I promise I'll be back for you I have to find your mother ok" ,Krys told him. Before he could answer Krys had stood and left his side.

"Not my daughter you bitch"! Those words made Krys stop dead in her tracks and turn around. Molly Weasley was dueling with Bellatrix and winning, that was something that couldn't happen. Even if Krys despised Bellatrix she knew that the dark witch was a great soldier and it would hurt the death eaters to lose her. "STUPIFY"! Krys yelled making Molly crash into the stone wall, knocking her unconscious. "BELLATRIX....GO....GET YOURSELF OUT OF HERE"! Krys ran off afterwards on the lookout for Narcissa. When Krys found Narcissa she was weak and could barely walk, "Merlin Narcissa what did they do to you"? The woman looked into Krys' eyes and sighed, "I-I can't move I've been hit with something I dunno what but it hurts" ,she said softly. Krys picked Narcissa up and brought her out of harms way, she found a place for the woman to apparate from and told her to go home and heal up.

Krys' eyes widened as she seen the dark lord fall at Harry Potter's hand, she quickly ran back inside to find Draco and whoever else was left. When she got to Draco she dropped down next to him, "We have to get out of here, now" ,Krys told him. "Why What's going on"? Draco asked with a note of panic in his voice. "The dark lord is dead, Potter killed him I just seen it with my own eyes, we have to go before the aurors show up". Without another word Draco stood up and both him and Krys fled from the castle and into the forest. "We'll need to figure out where to go from here, there's no way we can return to our homes ever again, we can try and sneak in to our houses to get a few things but after that we'll have to run" ,Krys told Draco who was leaning over trying to catch his breath. "I told Bellatrix to get out of the castle a little bit before seeing the dark lord die I really hope she listened, we should wait a little bit in here to see if she shows up if not the we move". Krys sat down on a nearby rock and began to wait to see if Bellatrix had listened for once.
As Voldemort yelled that Harry Potter was dead, Bellatrix jumped up and down with joy cheering with excitement. Nothing stood in their way now, they war had been won they dominated. No running from the law or hiding in the shadows life was looking great. Bellatrix was higher up then most being the Dark Lord’s most loyal servant. Bellatrix nearly skipped through the trees as they approached Hogwarts with the boy, she couldn’t wait to see the look on their faces, when they saw precious little Harry Potter dead as a door nail. As Harry jumped to life from Hagrid’s arms her eyes grew wide with shock then looked to the Dark Lord, her own sister was she mistaken or did she lie, lie to them, lie to her sister?

Bellatrix charged into the castle, fighting for her noble cause of blood purity, fighting for the love of her life. Bellatrix by now had killed her niece Nymphadora and her husband Lupen, taking out two more blood traitors. Bellatrix took a great many lives as she fought but none brought her such pleasure then removing the dead branches off her family tree. Bellatrix was also looking for her sister to see what had happened, but she became side tracted.

Bellatrix was jumped by three girls, fighting them all at the same time, just like Voldemort had, she was nearly his equal to him, as a female counterpart. Bellatrix fought and continued to fight, she was just about to hit the Weasley girl with a curse, when Molly stepped in and started dueling her “Not my daughter you Bitch!” She yelled at Bellatrix, she knew she could easily take her, Bellatrix cackled and fought with her. Bella was actually working up a sweat this wasn’t what she expected, she even started to get a bit worried. Bella had a feeling this was it, now or die, both wands raised as if about to curse the same thing, when all of a sudden Bellatrix heard someone yell Stupify. She turned her head to see Krys and to see Molly fly backwards. The young wretch just saved her ass, though she wasn’t fond of her she’d thank her later. But she couldn’t leave there was so much at stake. Bellatrix ran off in another direction fighting along the way.

Bellatrix was in a safe area as she watched the Dark Lord fight Harry Potter, he was doing well there was hope. Unfortunately at that moment things took a turn for the worse, she saw Voldemort fall at the hands of Potter, she nearly screamed out, but she was saved once that night it wouldn’t happen again. Bellatrix stumbled back and then took off, she stopped to catch her breath a moment where she saw one of the girls she had been training, she was hurt a bit but more frightened than anything, Bellatrix liked this one a treated her like her own daughter. “Iracebeth…” She whispered quickly walking over to her she had some rubble from the ceiling pinning her to the floor. She unburied the girl, “Come on we have go…Now!” She snapped quietly. ‘Why what’s happened?’ the girl asked. “The Dark Lord has fallen, common let’s go!” She stated they both ran, Iracebeth though hurt kept up with Bella fairly well. They both made it out of the castle running down the hill heading toward the forbidden forest. For once in a very long time Bellatrix had tears in her eyes, the man to lead them, the man she loved was dead. She had nothing, if captured she would die, if she stayed fighting Molly she would have died. At this moment Bellatrix would rather death then to live, with nothing left to live for. Bellatrix saw a figure and the two slowly crepted up on it until they could see who it was fully, Seeing Krys it was safe they walked over then also seeing young Draco.
While waiting Krys finally felt how much pain she was actually in seeing as her adrenaline had wore off a bit as she rested. She touched the side of her head and felt a huge gash, she gritted her teeth and put her hand back down. Draco was sitting down close to where Krys was and noticed her cringe when she touched her head, "Here let me have a look" ,he said making his way closer to his friend. "Damn Krys you got hit good, we'll have to get that cleaned up somehow or you'll lose a lot of blood". "Yeah I feel a bit dizzy and I dunno how far I can travel with this wound we have to get to a place we can apparate from and quick or I may pass out and that's the last thing we need" ,Krys said in response.

When Krys heard footsteps she pointed her wand in the direction where she heard them coming, even though she could barely see who ever it was wouldn't know that. "Relax Krys it's only my aunt and Iracebeth" ,Draco told her placing a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. Krys dropped her arm down and let her head hang back down, her breathing was heavy and her vision was getting worse by the minute, they had to leave now. "Good to hear that you made it" ,Krys told them. "Now let's go before I lose my vision completely and pass out from loss of blood". She stood up and began to walk feeling around so that she wouldn't run into anything. All Krys could see was blurry green and brown spots she assumed were trees.
Bellatrix saw that Krys wand was pointed at them she watched amoment making sure it was Krys before continuing but then hearing Draco it was fine. Bellatrix was letting Iracebeth lean on her knowing she was injured, Bella was hardly touched by anyone, besides almost dying thanks to Molly. Bella quickly wiped away her tears as she got closer not wanting anyone to see her cry. All she wanted to do was scream being angry and upset, but refrined from doing so. "Likewise, alright we don't need you knocked out, nor do we need to be found. Let's go so we can bandage eveyone up." Bellatrix stated continuing to help Iracebeth. "Draco you alright?" she asked wanting to make sure her nephew was alright for the most part. IRacebeth stayed silent.
"Yeah I'm ok I stayed hidden for the most part" ,Draco said in response. "Let's just get these two out of here and quick". Krys continued to walk until she no longer felt the force of the protection charms. "Right here we should be clear to apparate" ,Krys said weakly. "Draco can you apparate me please I dunno if I'm strong enough to do it myself"? Draco nodded then grabbed Krys' arm and apparated her to Malfoy Manor. They would have to grab whatever they could and get the hell out of there as quick as possible so Krys and Iracebeth both needed to be patched up and quick.
Bellatrix rolled her eyes at the fact that he stayed hidden, for most of it, but she was glad he was alright. Bellatrix and Iracebeth walked following Krys and Draco. Bella couldn't feel the charm at all, once they were through. Bellatrix apperated her and Iracebeth to the Manor, sittling the girl down. Bellatrix summoned the first aid and started to patch Iracebeth up, saying various healing charms to fix the girl. Bellatrix wanted to yell at her sister she had said potter was dead, she wanted to be sure if it was a mistake or if she did so purposely.
Draco began to fix up Krys' wounds as Bellatrix fixed up Iracebeth's. When he finished Krys stood up and drank a potion to help further heal her, she handed a potion to Bellatrix, "Give her this when you've finished, I'm gonna go grab a few things before we head out" ,Krys told her before heading to her father's room and emptying the contents of his potion cabinet into a trunk, she then packed the necessities a tent, clothes, and other things like that. She also cleaned out the liquor cabinet and packed it in with the rest of the stuff, she then muttered a spell to condense everything so that she could place the trunk into her pocket therefor making it easier to carry. When she finished packing everything she made her way back to where everyone was, "I've packed stuff for everyone but if you believe you need anything else please go pack it then we'll get going".
Bellatrix took the potion and nodded, she finished wrapping Iracebeth's wounds, and gave her the potion. "I'll be back..." She stated heading upstair to grab a few articles of clothing, and a picture of her and her sister, notknowing the next time they would meet again. She grabbed a small purse that was easy to carry, to put her things in there, her clothes and anything that made her feel better, her blanket and pillow, shinking everything so it would fit. Bellatrix went to her sister's room. Narcissa was shocked to see her sister thinking she would have fought to the death, "Bella.." she whispered. "I'm here Cissy.." She replied, Narcissa quickly got up and went to her sister hugging her tightly, Bellatrix wrapped her arms around her little sister, she wanted to take out her angry and frustration on her but she couldn't not knowing if she'd see her sister again. "I'm so happy to see you Bella...I thought you were..." She was then inturpted, "I know Cissy...listen I love you very much...but I have to go, you and Lucius will probably be let off...I won't...I'm leaving to make sure you're safe and I'm not recaptured if not you know I'll get the kiss...Krys, Draco, and Iracebeth are leaving as well, it's too much of a risk...we're leaving now...Oh I'm gonna miss you...I'll see you soon." she stated kissing her sisters forehead, trying not to cry. Narcissa was shocked at this news, her sister, and her son, plus Krys and Iracebeth were all going on the run, "Bella they're only kids...I love you too...please becareful." She stated knowing there was no stopping them. "I know they are, we will be....We'll see you again soon...I promise.." She stated and with that she went downstairs, to go with the rest of them, still holding back tears and her emotions.
Krys watched as Bellatrix went to go pack her things, Draco ran off really quick as well to gather a few things before leaving. She began to pace around as she waited knowing they didn't have much time. When they returned Krys looked at them, "We should flee the country I've packed a tent and some other things we'll just have to figure out food but I think we'll manage" ,Krys sighed she couldn't believe what she was about to say, "Our best bet is to listen to Bellatrix seeing she's been in this situation before, we'll have to be a bit more careful though seeing we're all fucked if we get caught both Bellatrix and I are responsible for more deaths during this war then anyone plus I killed Arthur Weasley's wife and his son has just become a fucking hero so they'll have some pull in the ministry and they'll give me right to the dementors" ,Krys continued. "Alright let's get out of here".
Bellatrix listened to the girl she had the right ideas, to flee getting as far away as possible, food isn't that hard to come by. They were listening to her, did they not realize she was captured the last time. "Should we stay in the wizarding world or should we hide out in the muggle world? Suclude ourseleves until we know what we're going to do. Plus none of us like muggles I doubt they'd come after us thinking we ourselves wouldn't go there?" She asked quickly, since all of the wizarding world knew there faces.
Krys listened as Bellatrix spoke, "Maybe we should go to the muggle world, I mean the ministry rarely gets involved with the muggles and as you said that's the last placed they'd look, of course we can't just up and buy a house we'll have to rough it for a bit but I think it's our safest bet" ,Krys said in response. She looked at everyone else, "Does anyone disagree with this plan or are we all set to go"?
"Exactly the ministery aviods them as much as we do, I've roughed it before so..." Bellatrix stated she didn't want to be around muggles but it might be there only choice for now. Bella was glad that Krys agreed with it, not wanting to have a scene blow up and them getting captured. Iracebeth shook her head she had nothing to say, plus she would follow Bellatrix anywhere so she was fine with it though she hated the muggles too.
"Alright then let's get out of here before they raid the place, we'll have to figure out a way to travel other then apparation but we'll discuss that when we're out of here" ,Krys told them. She made her way toward the door and looked around outside before leaving the manor. "It looks to be clear but stay alert just in case". Although she didn't see anyone it didn't mean they weren't there hiding around the manor.
"You heard her lets go." She stated and followed Krys. Once Krys gave the all clear they walked out and head out, though Bella wasn't so sure if they knew they were alive and running or if they found all the bodies. She took her wand out and held it tight she was ready to fight for her life, and freedom. Bella had killed a good lot of people during this war, so it she was caught again it would be striaght to death or they'd make her sit in the cell untill she went completely bonkers.
Krys took the lead and kept an eye out for any signs of aurors, she led everyone down the path away from Malfoy Manor then looked back at the place one last time. So many memories both good and bad were held there and she would most likely never see the place again. "Alright guys we need to apparate together so that we can all end up in the same place" ,Krys told everyone.
Bellatrix saw that Krys had the front she she stayed in back just in case of an attack. Once they stopped Bellatrix looked back one last time, her sister and brother-in-law were still there, she would never see this home again. Bellatrix to Iracebeth's hand, how took Draco's who in turn took Krys', Bella then took hold of Krys' hand. "Alright who wants to do it?"
Krys looked at Bellatrix when she asked who should do it, "You should do it you know where we're going so go ahead" ,Krys told her in response. She closed her eyes and waited for Bellatrix to apparate them. Krys was a bit worried about everything, how they were going to get food, where they would sleep, and how long they could hide for.
"Alright..."She stated she only asked so they all didn't pick a place and get splinched. Bellatrix closed her eyes and apperated the group to the muggle world, they ended up in the country side there were woods aplently and fields, she wasn't sure how they would get food, she had a good idea about shelter though.
When they reached their destination Krys looked around, "Alright good job Bellatrix" ,she said in a low mumble. "We'll set up camp in the woods over there until we can figure out a good solid residence. Krys made her way deep into the woods and set up camp she looked around as she thought about what they could do for food.
Bella nodded her head, upon hearing Krys' complement. It wasn't the best of places but it was better then nothing. "Alright lets go," She went off into the woods scoping the area. Bella wasn't sure about food, not that she ate much a trait she kept thanks to Azkaban.
After Krys set up the tent she set a fire, she then looked around at everyone, "So I figure I'll go into town hooded to cover my face and I'll get some food it's either that or we have to hunt for it and I haven't seen one damn animal yet not even a squirrel" ,Krys said. She knew the risks of going into town but they had to eat and she wasn't going to let anyone go hungry.
"I haven't seen any animals either...You don't have any muggle money do you? or do you plan to steal it?" She asked curiously. They were hiding amoungst muggles, without money, food or shelter besides the tent. It was late anyway so Bellatrix didn't see the point in eating for any of them, sleep it off and they'll be fine.
"No I don't have any muggle money, yes I was going to steal it" ,Krys said putting her head down. She felt so low having to rough it out, she wasn't used to having to really work too hard for anything because it was usually right there for her. "We'll figure out what to do in the morning but for now I'm going to sleep" ,she said. Krys walked into the tent and laid down, she looked up at the top of the tent for a while and thought about everything that had just happened.
Bellatrix didn't say another word about it, it was tough for all of them right now, she was the only one who had been through this before. She had to rough it, though she was always used to having someone hand her things if and when she need them. Bella nodded at Krys as she said they'd figure it out later, and that she was off to bed. Bella looked at the other two, "It's best you two get some rest as well, I'll watch out for a bit to make sure." Bellatrix stated to Iracebeth and Draco. Iracebeth climbbed into the tent followed by Draco. Once Bellatrix figured they were all asleep, she went a little ways away from the tent, thinking it was safe to at least cry. Bellatrix was do devastated the war she put her life into was lost, the man she put her faith, love, and life for was dead, she nearly died and she wouldn't see her sister again. Everything she had given or had was now lost in the battle there was really nothing to live for now. She had loved Voldemort, to death, and though nothing happened with it she still felt great sorrow. She continued to cry both silent tears with a few sniffles.
When Draco and Iracebeth came into the tent Krys closed her eyes and pretended to sleep so they wouldn't ask any questions or try and start a conversation. It wasn't that she didn't like their company it was just that she wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone. After the two drifted off to sleep Krys went through the back pack she brought with her and grabbed a bottle of rum from the inside and made her way out of the tent and sat down by a tree and started to drink from the bottle. She then got up after hearing someone in the distance, she pulled her wand out and followed the sound she heard. When she got up to who it was she realized it was Bellatrix and she was.....crying. Krys walked over to her and draped the bottle over her shoulder, "Can't sleep eh? Well here drink this, I'm not used to sleeping either after years of being on alert" ,Krys admitted.
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