Whispers in the Dark (valkeryiefirestorm & Krys Snape)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
It was all out war at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, Harry Potter had risen from the dead so to speak and Krys Snape had just found her father's lifeless body lying in the shrieking shack. She made her way back to the school in search of Harry Potter. By the time she got there Voldemort had already fallen and the rest of the death eaters were fleeing. Krys looked around her at the damage that had been done her eyes filled with sadness and anger, she was all alone and within seconds was surrounded by aurors. The only choice she had was to give in or she would die, they took her away without question it didn't matter that she was only 17 or that her father just died. The simple fact was she was a killer and deserved to be punished for her crimes.

Krys sat in her cell thinking back to the day she had been locked up in this shit hole prison. It was 17 years ago, she had 17 years to sit and think, plot and plan. It took her years to figure out an escape and make a run for it, when the idea came to her she nearly kicked herself for being so stupid. Sirius Black had escaped by transforming into his animigus form to get by the dementors and that's exactly what Krys was going to do. Not many people knew Krys was an animigus simply because she wasn't registered so it would be easy enough to slip past the guards and get a decent distance away from the prison.

When the time was right she made her move the dementor that came in to check up on her had no idea that she had walked right by it as the gate was opened. Krys had successfully broken out of Azkaban prison before the day was over. She traveled to a spot where she could apparate and took herself to the old house on Spinner's End. When she got there she went through her clothes and got dressed, she put on a solid black tux with a green tie then tidied up her hair and teeth before leaving. The place was too depressing to stay in, the thought of her father once walking around in the house was too much for her to handle even after all this time.

Krys walked up the pathway to Malfoy Manor, when she reached the door she knocked on it hard and waited for an answer. Narcissa's jaw dropped at the site before her when she answered the door. The woman hadn't recognized the person standing before her at first but when it clicked it nearly brought tears to her eyes. "When did they release you"? She asked shakily. Krys just looked at her with a sort of glare in her eyes, "You know they don't release murderers from Azkaban Cissy, may I come in or do I have to find another place to go"? Krys asked. Narcissa moved to the side and let Krys step in before shutting and locking the door.

"SIt down I'll go get Lucius and Draco, they'll want to see you" ,Narcissa turned and made her way towards the study where Draco and Lucius were. When the two heard the news Draco nearly jumped from his seat and made his way to the sitting room where Krys was, Lucius on the other hand had a look of fear in his eyes he didn't expect to have the past come back to haunt him.

Krys stood in the room alone until Draco came in, "It's been too long since I've seen you mate, I'm sorry you had to sit in that place for so long" ,Draco said right before giving his old friend a hug. "It has been too long Draco you have no idea what it's like in there" ,Krys said in response. When Lucius came into the room Krys looked at him, he stood there silently just looking at Krys as if he had seen a ghost. "So Lucius how have you been? Life going good for you? Did you get your job at the Ministry back"? Krys asked with a tone of bitterness in her voice. Lucius was at a loss for words and he just kept looking at the woman in front of him. "What's the matter Lucius, cat got your tongue? I would think that I would at least get a hello or how ya doing out of the man who promised my father he would look after me" ,Krys snapped quietly. "Krys I never intended for you to get caught" ,Lucius finally said. Narcissa looked between the two, the tension was rising by the second. "Lucius save it I'm not here to argue with you I'm here because it was the only place I could go and Narcissa and Draco are the only people I trust".

Krys walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of fire whiskey and poured a glass. Draco joined her soon after so that he could talk to her and catch up on a few things.
Bellona walked into the parlor "whats all the racket cissy?" She asked, bellona was a spitting image of her mother the only difference was the eyes. They where a golden hue but they were somehow didn't look like they belong on bellona. She laughed somewhat when she head lucius stammering. "god your not the old vile man anymore uncle, you've gotten soft." She said as she walked into the kitchen to grab a water.

Bellona wore almost the exact same thing as her mother out the dress had flecks of silver in it. Bellona tried keeping her hair under control so most of the fme it was slicked to manage it and pulled into a ponytail. Her boots made a soft clicking sound on the floor of malfoy manor.

(sorry for the short post)
"So how did you escape"? Draco asked curiously his eyes showing a glint of admiration. "I transformed into my animigus form and walked right past the dementors, I tell ya though it hurts like hell to transform in there it's like they have a charm to make sure it does" ,Krys told him. She took a sip from her cup, "So how have things been with you and the family"? "They've been pretty much the same except for the fact that Voldemort's not around anymore and my father got his job back at the Ministry mums been staying at home for the most part" ,Draco said in response. Krys let out a small snicker before taking another sip from her glass. "I knew he would weasel his way back in, I love you guys but your father truly is a snake" ,Krys said.

When she heard the door to the kitchen open she looked up and nearly choked on her drink, "Bellatrix" ,she said softly as she looked at the girl. Draco looked at Krys and sighed, he knew how much she had cared for Bellatrix before the woman had died. "Krys this is Bellona, she's Bellatrix's daughter" ,he told her. "Bellona this is Krys Snape you would've met her sooner if she hadn't been held up for the past few years". "17 years to be exact" ,Krys said with a hint of bitterness before she took another sip from her glass.
"hmmm snapes baby I wondered if he ever produced a heir?" She said and grabbed a glass "azkaban huh?" She said before sitting on a counter "i wondered when a snaps was going to wind up in there" she mumbled then shrugged "oh well what ever you done you must have been thinking along time about it" she said she looked at draco "ill leave you alone cousin for now" she said and walked out of the kitchen
"I'm no baby compared to you, I'm a murderer and yes I did have time to think of it, do I regret any of it no I'm not ashamed to say I was a loyal death eater" ,Krys said in response before the girl left the kitchen. She then turned to Draco, "She's just like her mother eh? Must be a handful at her age, I can only imagine how Bellatrix was at that age". Draco laughed a little bit before taking a sip from his glass, "So are you hungry? Who am I kidding you must be starving I doubt they fed you well in Azkaban" ,Draco said. Before Krys could answer Narcissa walked into the kitchen, "Dinner will be ready shortly" ,Narcissa said with a smile. "Krys your room is still in the same place everything you had in there before is still there, you know you're always welcome here". "Thank you Cissy you've always been so kind to me and I am grateful" ,Krys said in response.

When dinner was ready Krys sat down at the table next to Draco and across from Cissy and Lucius just like they used to when her and Draco were kids the only thing missing was Krys' father at the end of the table. Narcissa set everyone's plate on the table along with the silverware then sat down. "The elf should be bringing the food soon" ,Narcissa told them. "Ah so you've got a new elf"? Krys asked. She remembered how their old elf Dobby ended up free due to Harry Potter pulling a fast one on Lucius. "Yes he is quite sufficient too, a lot quicker then our previous elf" ,Lucius said. He had finally seemed to be getting used to Krys being there again.
Bellona helped narcissa set the table. Then sat down at the the table, before he elf came with the food she looked at nacissa "i got to go after dinner and pick up some feeder rats for alcove" she said referring to her familar/pet a black andaconda snake. Who was currently draped around her waist and shoulders. She stroked alcoves head, his tounge flicked on her hand.
When the elf came with the food Krys waited for everyone to make a plate before making her own. Krys had always been polite when it came to Narcissa and her family even if she didn't see eye to eye with Lucius. "That's a nice snake you've got there I remember the snake the dark lord had she was a beauty it's a shame she was killed by a filthy fucking blood traitor" ,Krys said. Narcissa's eyes widened, "Krys you know I don't like that kind of language at my table" ,she said. "Right, sorry Cissy won't happen again" ,Krys said in response.
"hes it was a shame alcove mother was killed" she said and offered him a peice of the meat on her plate "sorry cissy, I know you don't like me feeding him from my plate but he ran out of the food this morning and you know hungry he gets" she said and grabbed her napkin and cleaned off the peice of meat the smeared on his mouth " pretty boy you are" she said "i raised him as a egg he was a gift from my mother before that witch killed her" she looked over at narcissa "sorry cissy"
"Oh that's Nagini's baby eh? He's a beauty, It is a shame that your mother was killed by that Weasley bitch, Bellatrix was an amazing woman, you look like her you know" ,Krys told Bellona. Narcissa gave her a look after hearing yet another curse come from her mouth, "Sorry Cissy, give a convict a break" ,Krys gave her a pouty face making the blonde woman laugh a little. "I'll be needing a wand, anyone know where I can get one"?
"i have no idea but you can come to knockturn alley if me to try and find one krys." Alcove flicked his tounge at the.compliment that he got from krys "hes does.love to be complimented" bellona said as she began eating herself "draco your all of sudden quite what.is troubling your mind cousin?" Bellona asked "i know I wish I could rember my mother and.know.who my father.is" she said
"Sounds good to me, I'll have to put on my cloak with the hood so I don't get snatched up by those pesky aurors again" ,Krys said in response right before taking a bite of food. Draco looked at Bellona after she asked him the question, "I'm alright just thinking about a few things that's all" ,he said in response. "Lucius I have to speak with you when I get back we have a few things to discuss" ,Krys told him.
Bellona looked at alcove as he flicked his tounge back amd forth looking at his freind/owner "i know my freind" she said "will get you some food" she said the past bit I'm parseltounge. The snake nooded and set his head on her shoulder
Krys looked at Bellona after she heard her speak in parseltongue and smirked, "I see you've picked up a few traits of the dark lord as well" ,Krys said before taking a sip from her glass. "Well let's not keep this beauty waiting he's hungry let's go get him some food, Draco would you like to come"? Draco looked at Krys, "Sure why not it'll be good to get out" ,he said in response.
Bellona smiled and stood alcove positioned himself comfortably around her body. She smiled and got her cloak alcove slid of her body, so she can put on her cloak. Once she did he got back on her body her wand she placed in her sleeve along with her money "what do you want to travel by?" She asked
"Can you apparate? That would probably be the safest way for me to travel it's quick and less noticeable" ,Krys said in response as she put her own cloak on. She pulled her hood over her head, "If you can't apparate either me or Draco can apparate you to Knockturn Alley".
When they got to Knockturn Alley Krys looked around to figure out where she was going to go. Finally she decided to go into Borgin and Burkes to see if anyone there could help her get a wand. "I'll be right back guys" ,she told Draco and Bellona before making her way inside the store. Krys walked up to the counter and looked at the owner, "I need a wand and I can't exactly walk into Ollivanders and get one if you catch my drift" ,Krys said as she pulled her hood down. The owner looked at her an evil smirk on his face, "Welcome back Snape" ,he hissed. "I happen to have quite a few wands but I think this one will fit you best". The man handed Krys a wand and she had to fight back the tears, "Where did you get this"? She asked. "It was brought here by a cloaked man, he just gave it to me, you can have it free of charge seeing as it was your father's" ,the man said before slipping into the back of the store. Krys made her way back outside after putting her hood back on and went to find Draco and Bellona when she did she waited for them to be done with what they were doing.
Bellona smiled and walked out of the store and apparated back to malfoy manor. She walked to the living quarters and held out a rat to alcove, whom took the rat and ate it.
"I do love watching them eat" ,Krys said as the snake took the rat. She played around with a ring she had on her finger for a bit before looking at Bellona, "So do you go to Hogwarts or have you gone to Hogwarts"?
"gone to hogwarts" she said and petted alcove. Alcove slithered back up bellonas body "sleep my pet" she said to alcove rested his head on her shoulder.
"Hmm I wonder how different it is now" ,Krys said as she sat down in a chair by the fire. Narcissa walked into the room and looked at Krys and the other two, "Lucius and I are heading to bed you three behave and we'll see you in the morning" ,Narcissa said right before heading to her room with Lucius. "So Draco do your parents still get nasty during the night"? Krys asked teasingly making Draco twitch with a look of disgust on his face. Krys laughed knowing the effect her joking around had on him.
Krys looked at the elf, "Go get us a drink and make it quick" ,she told it. The elf made it's way into the kitchen to grab drinks, when it returned Krys took her drink from the tray and took a sip from it.
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