Fake Illusions

Nov 30, 2010
Cersei Saint smiled slightly as she stepped int the hotel room, like always pausing in the suites doorway as she tried to figure out where harry was. While most boyfriend/girlfriends would have just walked in, they weren't dating, no matter how much the public wanted to believe she was dating her most popular novelist. But because they seemed so determined to believe it, and Harry took care of her like draco did, for a few hours she was willing to forget that she really wasn't dating him."Potter?"she asked sounding amused as she walked through the living room of the suite, knocking on the bedroom door before walking in. Not even bothered as he finished buttoning up his dress shirt, smiling slightly."You look well."She said looking pretty glamourous herself.

the gown was a brillant black that made her soft skin glow almost white, the dark hair, so dark that it had blue highlights shown around her shoulders. That made her eyes even more extradioanry. A soft charcoal grey, framed by dark eyelashes, her makeup done just so that her eyes seemed even bigger, even more like a baby doe. In high heeled shoes she was almost as tall as he was, studying him with a soft smile.

While she didn't feel for him that same desperate passion that she had had with draco, she still cared for him, because he had been there in those first days of draco being dead. shaking her head to get rid of the thought she smiled slightly, "Come on. If we don't hurry, we're going to be late."She said grinning, widely. Because it was their last day in the states, and she wanted a true new york moment, and that meant seeing a play on broadway.
Harry smiled as he watched Cersei walk in, his head tilted a little. "thanks Cer, you look amazing too." he admitted gently taking her fingers and kissing him before he finished the last of his buttons. Harry never seamed to notice that she liked him, he did though, and he loved her just as much as she loved him. he never did a thing about it though, he could never betray Draco like that. "i know we're going to be late, i'll just time turn us back an hour if i take too long." he teased grinning a little. they both knew he had no such thing, he was only a novelist after all. in fact he was one of the most famous novelists in the world, the creator of the biggest romance erotica to hit both the muggle and wizarding world he made more money than Lucius Malfoy did, much to the Malfoy lords disgust. he smiled as he carefully pulled his hair back into a low ponytail, which was the only way to keep it under any real control and stroked the stubble on his cheek and chins. it wasn't a beard, but it wasn't five o clock shadow either, it was the perfect in-between that women loved.

"alright, i'm ready." Harry promised smiling as he took her arm, ever the gentlemen and led her out into the hall and down the street towards the theater where they where showing the Broadway musical Cats. Harry loved the show, and he was certain that Cersei would as well, she just loved felines. he smiled as he gave the attendant their tickets and where shown to their seats, Harry settling into his chair happily as he leaned back on the soft cushioned seats and settled his hands onto the small table in front of him, feeling his heart flutter as he gently settled his hand onto hers, smiling at her. "Draco would have loved this play..." Harry spoke of Draco often, the world knew that Harry and Draco had started a tentative friendship after their sixth year, Draco had given his life to save Harry's, at least that was what Harry had told everyone. no body, or parts had ever been found, except a few strands of hair, and a lot, a very lot of blood.

he grinned again. "i told you we weren't going to be late." he stated as most of the crowd swarmed into the theater, a very familiar figure walking in. tall, slender, pale skin, silver blond hair, eyes that where as silver as the ring on his finger. his own suit made his perfection even more perfect as he moved past Harry who froze, swallowing thickly as he glanced at Cersei, making sure she hadn't seen him, hoping desperately that the not dead in the least Draco Malfoy sat as far away from them as possible so Cersei didn't notice him. then, of course, Draco sat right in front of them, not at all aware of people who knew him being so close. he had run to America, New York City, for a reason after all, so no one would know who he was. Harry hoped desperately that she didn't notice him, or worse, he noticed them/ the lights already dimming to let the show begin, Harry could find an excuse to leave right?... terrible stomach ache maybe? no he had used that one to get out of going to that stuffy Gala? maybe he could start a fire? no she would know it was him, what the hell was he going to do!?
Cersei laughed quietly amused as she headed for the door, while they weren't dating or anything, they did enjoy each other's company,"You wouln't dare.If you had it, you would have arleady used it."she teased smiling as she leaned against him a little so that she could walk in the almost to high heels. when they got to the play house, Cersei smiled as she looked aroun her, taking in just how beautiful everything was around them, her smile sad as she rested her head against Harry's shoulder."He would have."She said, she missed drco. And depite never having a body, she had never onsidered that he might be alive. Because why would draco and harry lie?

Cersei frowned as she felt Harry tense next to her, frowning at him as she saw the house lights starting to go down."Harry?"She muttered looking at him worried because of his actions before pausing. Seemingly seeing what he was seeing. the glass goblet in her hand as she sipped wine slipping through her fingers, shattering on the floor with a sound of striking bells."Draco?"she said softly sounding desperate, sounding...sounding she wanted to knw what was going on.Because she wanted to desperately to believe that it was him that she was afraid her imagination had conjure a look alike, something that promised that her love was still alive. and yet her heart broke because if he really was there then it meant he had left her. had abanonded her.
Harry smirked. "how would you know? maybe i only got it for today?" he teased smirking a little. "make sure you grab a jacket, it's going to get cold tonight." he admitted wrapping his arm around her shoulder as if they where dating, they weren't but sometimes Harry liked to pretend Draco had never existed and that Cersei was his, all his. he smiled as they settled into their chairs and gently pressed a kiss to her forehead, comforting her as much as he could. "do you think Wizards go to heaven?" he mused softly, pondering that. Harry was one of the very few religious wizards, if Draco was there he would have been mocking Harry without mercy. Harry almost missed it... almost. he missed Draco desperately, they had become very close in the scant year that they had stopped being enemies. Draco knew things about Harry that no one else did, and when Draco disappeared Harry was the only person who knew why. though Harry did not know where the blond had gone, so he was just as shocked as Cersei was when he saw the handsome blond.

he grimaced a little as Cersei asked him what was wrong and shook his head. "nothing... nothing just... seeing ghosts..." he muttered softly, but it was too late, she'd seen him. the blond in front of them tensed at his name, his real name. he went by Richard in the muggle world so to hear his real name was so shocking that he turned, looking at the two in the seat behind him, silver gray eyes blinking in shock as he saw Cersei. "i'm afraid you have the wrong person, my name is Richard." he stated simply, Harry smirking a little. Richard, really? well at least Draco had picked a nicely muggle name... Richard... really. Draco smiled softly at Cersei, shaking his head. "i'm sorry Cer..." he muttered softly. "i had to... i... i'll explain everything." Draco promised softly, not trying to reach for her. "you settled in new york?" Harry asked, his voice breaking a little. he knew that Cersei was going to be very, very pissed off at him in a few moments, once she got over her shock. "shall we go to my house?" he offered his head tilted. "i know the manager... he'll refund your tickets..." Draco promised as he stood up, Harry glancing at Cersei.

"i'm sorry Cersei." Harry admitted smiling sadly at her. "it was for your protection as much as it was his..." Harry admitted as he stood up and offered her his arm. "please let us explain before you get all furious and hateful?" he asked hopefully Draco smiling a little. "Potter, she's going to beat us both to death with our own arms." he admitted simply, shaking his head. "i knew this day was going to come, but i envisioned it very differently... for one thing i was hoping my father would be dead before you guys found me." "well... he's in the hospital does that count?" "no. not really." Draco admitted shaking his head. "he still has full control of the Malfoy name, myself included the sadistic bastard... sometimes i'll feel him tug at my magic... like he's using my name to get what he wants." "he's been trying to get the Auror's to look into your death." Harry admitted as they walked out of the theater just as the play started. "he doesn't think my story adds up." he admitted. "can't accept that we where... are freinds." Harry admitted looking at Cersei. "... Draco's death was the only reason why Lucius didn't have you killed...." he admitted softly, Draco swallowing thickly. "so you.. and Harry huh?" Draco asked softly, looking almost hurt and Harry smiled a little. "no... as much as i love her i... couldn't.. not when i knew you where perfect for her... where right for her..."
cersei smiled a little as she pulled on her jacket, leaning into harry as they walked. Because harry had been the only solid person in her life after draco had died, it was such a need to be with him, to reassure herself that she wasn't alone, that they probably wouldn't make it as a real couple, but it was fun to pretend sometimes. "I think tehy do, even if they don't believe in it."Cersei said after a moment of pondering that, before a smirk flinted over her face, smiling as she looked up at him."Draco would never stop teasing you after you asked him that."she said kissing harry's cheek, settling back in her seat as she watched the actors getting ready for their show.

Cersei stared at the others denial, her mind swimming as she tried to figure out what the hell was going on. being denied even though she could see clearly that this was Draco Malfoy. getting up out of her seat she turned, stepping back into the aisle."let's. There seems there is much you two need to tell me.'She said even the mild words held a whip crack of anger, even thugh she hadn't recovered fully from her shock of finding herself faced with the only two men she trusted, and then had betray her. Well...oky. Maybe not. Frowning as Harry smiled at her, smirking slightly as she ducked her head at draco's words as she headed for the door. Not about to pause, because she knew if she stopped she was going to start screaming. "He IS dying, much to your mother's....amusement."Cersei said as they walked over her, shaking her head. Lucius malfoy dying of a muggle disease was to perfect, to fucking perfect. The fact that a pureblood wizard had gotten cancer had sent shock waves through the world,even if no one mourned Lucius being sick, they were all worried about what it meant."You know potter, couldn't cook his food if the world depended on him again."Cersei said as they walked outside, anger starting to color the words. Because she got sarcastic when she was pissed or scared, and she was both.Because she had no idea what to think anymore.
Harry grinned a little, glad that Cercei was in his life while she was. as soon as Lucius kicked the bucket, Draco was going to come back. Harry smiled a little as he shook his head. "remind me to explain God and Heaven to you again Cer." he teased chuckling a little as he smiled. "Draco would NEVER tease me... he'd TORMENT me." he admitted with a laugh before grimacing at Draco's fail. or maybe it was an attempt at humor, Harry wasn't sure what Draco had intended for that statement to be. both men grimaced at her anger, well aware that she was going to start screaming or hexing them soon enough. probobly both with their luck. "Cersei... i'm sorry." Draco muttered softly, swallowing thickly at her rage. "Lucius is finally dying hmm? good. i was wondering when that would happen." he admitted Harry lifting en eyebrow. "you knew he was going to get cancer?" "...cancer? no... i hired an assassin to poison him about a month ago what's this about CANCER?" "...have you not been reading the papers!?" "oh, very smart potter, owls flying in and out of my window in the middle of a muggle city when i'm supposed to be dead. very smart." "... don't take that tone with me i killed you once!" "you faked my death." "it counts!" no it didn't.

Draco led the way down the street, barley a ten minute walk, both men strangely silent now as Draco led them to a large building tilted 'Beauty and Beyond'. inside was a massive hair salon and beauty parlor, where people had their nails and feet done, there where massage tables and area's where you could get anything waxed. mud baths and facial, it was almost more of a spa than a beauty salon. "my place is upstairs." Draco admitted unlocking a stairway and leading the way up the stairs. "you own a Salon?... why am i not surprised?" "shut up potter it's better than being a novelist, really the smut you write." "but you read it." "of course i read it, it's smut how could i resist." they both chuckled a little and Draco let them into his posh and perfect house everything clean and homey, not at all like the Manor where he had grown up. there was not a spec of tacky art anywhere and shockingly no statuettes either, save for one of Merlin, most wizards kept a painting or a statuette of Merlin for luck. "can i offer you anything to drink? it's mostly muggle stuff." he admitted. "actually it's all muggle stuff." he admitted with a small grin as he pulled out a can of diet coke for himself and a can of coke for harry, waiting for Cercei's request and grabbing that and handing it over to her, sitting down in a chair and sighing.

"... where do i start?" Draco mused softly, staring down at his glass of diet coke, biting his lip. "the years i was with you Cer... where the happiest i've ever been... for the first time i felt love, both giving and receiving and it was... it was perfect... i was going to propose to you... i even have the ring still." he admitted pulling out a necklace he had around his neck where two engagement rings where laying, one for him and one for her, along with the small pop open dragon pendant she had given him with her picture and a lock of her hair still inside. "Father found out of course... he always finds shit out like that, i should have known better..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i was... going to be married to Astoria, as my Patriarch, he could force me to marry anyone he pleased... i wouldn't have minded, it would have been easy, so easy to deal with Astoria and father... waiting for him to die so i could dump Astoria, kill her if i had to and find you... but... i found out he was going to kill you, to protect the Malfoy bloodline." Draco admitted sighing a little. "he knew i would go back to you, no matter how long it took he knew i would go back to you... so... he hired an assassin... i took out the assassin of course, and me and Harry faked my death so Father wouldn't bother trying again..." Draco admitted. "i waited for years for him to die, someone to kill him... i even paid assassins myself, muggle and magical using fake names and false money... but he always escaped alive the son of a bitch..." he sighed a little. "i hated lying... but as long as i was dead... you where safe..."
"I know what heaven and god are."she whined annoyed at the teasing but amused. "...no it doesn't.But I can remady the fact that your still among the living mafloy."Cersei said sounding very calm for a woman who was about ready to choke them both. even though the amusement at Draco's surprise showed through her anger, it amused her about the idea of seeing draco explaining owls to his neighbors. Cersei paused at the doorway before starting to laugh. Her anger breaking on the edges of her laughter. Well, more hysterical then anything else, but she ws calm at least for the moment, because it was so like draco to want to make other people pretty."...you always did have a obsession of not being the only pretty person."She said snickering a little.

"But its such good smut, he even gets to act out scenes sometimes."Cersei said as she slipped around Harry, pressing a kiss to his cheek teasing and light, more to give draco a hard time then harry. After all it was true. Harry DID get to go on dates sometimes, just usually not with her, despite what the papers would have them doing when they were on the business trips together. "....i'm depressed. If he has to do without being draco malfoy the only son of the richest family in europe, he should be living in sqaulor somewhere, with rats eating his food."Cersei grumbled as she walked around the apartment, more amusing herself then she was actually listening to the others talk.Sipping her glass of coke as she looked at the art work, more seemingly fascinated with it, even if she was acutely aware of draco and harry behind her.

"Lucius has always been good at not dying.He survived a fall of a dynasty that took out every other death eather with it.Your insane if you thought he'd just roll over and die for some assassin."she said more poking fun at Draco now, because it bothered her that he hadn't trusted her to know whwat was going on. She hated being the last person to know anything,and the fact that the man she'd cried over was alive, and the man who'd held her when she'd tried to die knew, it was devastating to her. Not that the grief and pain was showing under the sarcastic anger. moving to the window she looked out, looking pale and sickly instead of the ethernal beauty she'd started the night as. Resting her forehead against the window she sighed softly."Astoria's still obsessed you know. Even dead, i get a letter every once in awhile.Maybe now she can bother you."She said, also annoyed about that because it had been devastating to know that lucius had told astoria why draco had dug his heels in about getting married, and it hurt so badly to get the lovesick letters she sent.
Draco winced at Cersei's words and fell silent again, not about to test the woman's patience any further. she really would try to kill him if she felt the desire and need to, and he very much felt she had the desire to kill him. had smiled a little sheepishly when she burst into laughter at his line of work and he shook his head a little. "i can't make them all as gorgeous as me of course but at least they FEEL pretty when they leave." he agreed grinning a little before a wave of Jealousy flared through his eyes at Cersei's comment, making Harry wince at the hurt that immediately followed in those large silver eyes. "... you and Harry after all... i guess i shouldn't be surprised everyone likes Potter..." Draco muttered softly. not sounding angry like she had hoped, only hurt and sad as he turned away and fetched the drinks.

"i did for the first two years." he admitted suddenly. "only the rats didn't steal my food they where my food." he admitted shaking his head. "i nearly died, i was raped almost constantly... turns out being pretty in the muggle world doesn't get you food and whatever you want like it does in the wizarding." Harry winced at the information that Draco had been raped. "i eventually just started charging for being fucked, figured it was a good way to get money for food." he shook his head. "turns out there's a name for that... whore." he admitted his voice soft, low, almost frightened. "i almost died so many times on the streets, waiting for wizards to follow me, to take me back kicking and screaming, i trusted no one, i changed my name, i told lies, i did things no Malfoy... no wizard... no person should ever have had to do." well, at least Draco hadn't had an easy time of it, maybe Cersei would have an easier time forgiving him for all of that.

"Lucius should have died with the fall of that madman!" Draco snarled. "he only survived because of luck!" he growled before sighing a little as he hung his head, his hair hiding his face for a moment then looked up at Cersei. "i wanted to tell you so much, i wanted to show you i was alive... i wanted to go, see you, write you a letter but..." "...Lucius never accepted Draco was dead so he was watching you." Harry explained studying her. "i've been keeping an eye on them, Roy Rodgers from your work, Thane bills, the man you dumped after a week of dating because he was so overly controlling?... both of them are Lucius's men." Harry admitted swallowing thickly. "if Draco had contacted you, they would have killed you..." Harry admitted softly. "if i had told you the truth, you would have gone to look for him, they would have followed you, and as soon as you found him, they would have killed you..." he sighed a little and shook his head. "Astoria's just obsessed because she wants my money." he grumbled. "she told me so." Harry snorted a little. "she was investigated pretty good too for threatening to kill Draco once they where married. so she could get his money, a few Auror's thought maybe she'd gotten overeager." he admitted looking amused. "her life was hell for about three weeks."
"Not everyone. just his readers."Cersei winced as she realized she'd just hurt him, not angry. Sighing softly because it still hurt her to hurt him. Even through the numbness and anger over this, she hurt. But then again, she was more hurt then angry, even if the pain didn't show. Draco's death had damn near crippled her emotionally, him being alive might just kill her. tensing a little at the other's story she swallowed hard, glad that she was at the window, that he wouldn't see the tears that gathered in her eyes. It hurt to know what he had to do to survive. "Everyone assumed you had died. We all trusted the great hero, no one bothered to see what had really happened.well. until lately. Lucius has been trying to find out."She said more talking to herself because she didn't trust herself not to forgive him. Not when it nearly crippled her to think that he had been so used.

Cersei frowned tilting her head, staring out the window."Then you are both fools.If you hink i would have looked."She said sounding hurt. Hurt that they hadn't trusted her to know that she couldn't find draco. She wouldn't have been happy, but she could have lived just knowing he was still among the living. "it was pretty amusing. Poor girl had no idea whata to do with all the attention."She mused shaking her head before moving away from the window, having gotten herself under control. The only sign that she was still upset, still unsure what to think was that her wide eyes held a glittering edge of tears. Shaking her head she looked at harry."We better get back to the hotel.You have a early morning."She said not adding that if she asked, they probably could stay here. She had no idea if her nerve was good enough to stay in a appartment with Draco and not touch him. And if she touched him she was going to forgive him.And she couldn't...not when she knew she was going to lose him again.
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. "everyone always likes potter, he is the reason why Voldemort finally died right?" he asked grinning a little as Harry snorted. "besides, he's handsome, people like handsome fellows... why the beard?" "it's not a bear! it's STUBBLE! it's SEXY! get's me lots of dates." he admitted smirking a little before wincing at Cersei's words, sighing a little as he closed his eyes. "i'm sorry Cersei." Harry whispered softly. "i know we didn't handle this well, we should have done things differently." he admitted swallowing hard. "we didn't mean to hurt you..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i was going to tell you when Lucius got sick... but..." Draco swallowed thickly. "Father decided it would be best to have you killed, me alive, or not..." "and... that's why we went on our little trip... because Lucius can't follow us out of the country..." Harry admitted softly biting his lip hard. "we both know you wouldn't have just lived life without Draco knowing he was alive Cersei... you can lie to yourself but you can't lie to us." he admitted softly, shaking his head a little.

"she's a bitch." Draco admitted simply. "when she found out i didn't marry her she started trying to poison me with love potions." he admitted shaking his head. "with Fathers help of course she's too stupid to do anything on her own." he admitted simply looking up at Cersei, his face as cold a mask as he could manage. he was well out of practice and the cold mask failed to hide his heartbreak and sorrow. "don't go?" he pleaded softly. "stay here for the night... just the one night and if your still angry in the morning... then you can leave and i'll never bother you again." he promised softly. "not until you contact me first." he promised his silver eyes begging her. "please... just give me a chance..." he pleaded swallowing thickly. "please, Cer..."
"He's right. Though kissing him does gain you whisker burn."cersei said sounding amused because she really had seen girls through themselves at harry just for the chance for a kiss. It sold books, and made teasing him so much more fun. Listening to the other speak she sighed shaking her head as she crossed the room, bending down to look Harry in the face."You are a fool."She whispered pressing a kiss to his cheek, because had she known draco was alive she would have fought harder, dealt with Lucius. This, had been badly done for her, who wanted to be left alone."A lovable one, but a fool nonetheless."she said heading for the door.Pausing at the door when she heard draco pleading, resting her forehead against the door.Closing her eyes because she missed him, more then anything else, she missed him.

"....fine."She paused turning away from the door, rubbing a hand over her face as she looked at the two."I need different clothes. Potter might sleep in his tux, but I'm not sleeping in formal wear."She said calmly, because it was taking everything not to crawl into draco's lap and cry. She wouldn't, she couldn't. Because she was going to have to leave in the morning, and that was the only thing that could be done. Because she had to prove to herself, and to them that she could walk away to keep draco safe. While she wasn't sure if draco would let her, she was going to try. smiling a little to herself because if he convinced her to stay, he was going to have to put up with harry to.Thankfully though, the novelist could write anywhere, so that didn't matter.But she needed harry, in the two years since draco'd died she'd come to rely on the man, harry'd become the touchstone to let her know that her life was okay, that she could survive the day. And even with draco back, sort of, she couldn't give harry up, because she knew draco would leave again, and she was determined not to let herself love him as deeply as she had. That first love had been all consuming, trusting. This had broken trust in both of them,and she was unwilling to risk everything again.
Harry smirked a little. "women looove whisker burn." he teased right back running his hand along his own cheeks with a small smile. "when have i ever been anything else?" he asked softly. "i have always been a stupid fool." he admitted swallowing thickly as he looked down at himself and his handsome clothes. "i can always apparate back to the hotel to pick up out things, it wouldn't be the first time i handled your panties." he teased smirking a little at her as Draco's face filled with jealousy again. he smiled at her his head tilted. he and Draco both looked very sad. upset that she was upset, upset because they knew they had done the wrong thing. they both sighed in unison, shaking their heads. "what we did was wrong." Draco whispered suddenly. "i know that now that i see how upset you are... i don't know what i was thinking really... but i... i just wanted you to be safe... nothing mattered to me more than making sure you where safe and happy... even if it had to be with Harry." Draco admitted swallowing thickly Harry smiling a little.

"Draco..." Harry muttered, guilt and shame on his face, he had fallen in love with Draco's girl and they all knew it, and harry felt so terrible about it. "it's fine Harry." Draco promised smiling at Harry. "at least i know she was well taken care of..." Draco admitted smiling a little as he stared at his hands. "i'll... be right back." Harry muttered, vanishing to go get them both a change of clothes and his toothbrush. Harry didn't care that he could clean his teeth with magic, he needed that toothbrush for his mouth to actually feel clean. "figures... he always runs away when women start crying." he muttered wiping his eyes where tears had started to fall. "i'm sorry i just... i don't want to guilt you or anything." he promised swallowing thickly, had he really just referred to himself as a woman though? "i just missed you so much and i feel bad because all of this... was my idea and it was a stupid one at that... i never should have made Harry promise not to tell you." he admitted wiping his eyes again. "please don't be angry with him... i made him swear..."
"Ah, but this time your not pulling them off me."cersei pointed out, looking amused. Because it was true, tehy'd never had sex or been dating that way but those first few days draco had been 'dead' she hadn't been able to function, able to dress or take care of herself. "Go get my underwear potter.And none of that lacy crap you made me wander around in.That crap itches."She whined, because it annoyed her that she'd lost a bet once and had to not dress for a whole day and walk around in the outfit of his choosing. which had included a lacy black set of underwear and bra.

Cersei laughed softly as she walked over to him, unable to help herself, not when she saw that he was crying. Sinking to her knees she huddled against his legs, laying her head in his lap."You just called yourself a girl."She teased wrapping her arms around his legs crying softly. she hated that he was upset, but she couldn't help being upset with him when it felt like a knife through the heart that they hadn't trusted her."well, you were always a little dumb."She teased rubbing her cheek against his thigh before sighing,"YOu better show me the bathroom before I cry off all my makeup and mess up your pants."she said sniffling as she leaned back, mascara already starting to run down her cheeks

(lol see you when you get up ^^)
Harry smirked a little. "i saw more of you than i ever wanted to see." he teased chuckling a little. "though i do miss washing your hair." he grinned at her mention of black lace underwear snickering a little. "how about that sexy two piece Bikini that Rain got you? you know, the one that flosses your ass?" he teased imagining her in the blue swimsuit a friend of hers had gotten her as a joke. it was barley a thong and bra, and he'd never even seen Cersei pull it out of the closet. he half wondered if she even still had it.

Draco smiled a little at her and settled his hand on her head, running his fingers through her hair, like he had once done. her hair was as soft and silky as he remembered. "i am a girl, i spend more time in front of the mirror than most women do." he pointed out. "i even wear makeup sometimes." he admitted grinning a little as he wiped his eyes again and gently rubbed her back as she cried as well, shaking his head. "it's alright, don't worry about messing up my pants, i can buy new ones." he promised summoning a box of Kleenex onto his own hands, offering her one. "here, wipe your eyes." he offered smiling at her a little his head tilted as he gently dabbed at her cheeks with his own Kleenex, helping her wipe away her Mascara. "...you don't really have a bathing suit like that do you?" he asked lifting an eyebrow, he had to ask, he just couldn't help himself.
'Keep telling yourself that, me and you know you liked it."She teased rolling her eyesIt did feel good to my hair washed."She said before smirking, tilting her head at harry's teasing. Her eyebrow twitching a little at the idea of the bikini.'Just go. I might kill ou if you return with it."She grumbled looking amused as she watched him go. So not even going to think about that bikini."this is true.You did spend a god awful time in the bathroom."She muttered sighing softly, wiping her eyes before she laid back down,pressing her face against his legs. "Oh yes.bright blue and barely enough to cover indecent parts."se muttered sighing softly, looking amused as she looked up at him,"Potter enjoyed watching my face when I opened it. Sooo so bad.Sara thought I needed help getting over you, so seh wanted me to wear it to the beach."She muttered blushing hard because of all her friends, only sara had stayed put and loyal instead of leaving her when she no longer had access to draco. It had been like her friends had only wanted her because draco was generous to everyne around him, and when they no longer had the chance to get things they'd left a woman still reeling in the death of her lover.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i'll have to bring it back then." he teased as he vanished Draco snorting a little. "he lives to piss people off i see... still." Draco muttered shaking his head a little as he ran his fingers through her hair before smirking a little. "i'm even worse now, i took two hours to get ready this morning and that was just for work." he admitted snickering a little before blushing hard as she admitted to actually owning the bathing suit. "oh yeah, i remember Sarah." he admitted grinning a little. "i loaned her thirteen thousand dollars to start her bakery." he admitted chuckling a little. "she made the best doughnuts and always let me have free cookies whenever i went in." he admitted smiling at her. "is her bakery still going strong?" Sarah's Bakery was more than strong, it was so busy every afternoon that she had to hire three more people just for that hour and a half alone. she could pay Draco back if she felt the desire to do so and wouldn't even have to work a month to get the money. "isn't she the one that bought me that leopard print thing?" yes. yes she was. "... she seams perverted." he admitted with a small chuckle.

"you never wore it?" he asked curiously, blushing hard again with a cute little grin as he watched her, his head tilted at her curiously. "i at least wore my leopard print thong." he smirked. "actually the strip joint i worked for thought it was great." he admitted with a snicker. "if i give you a lap dance will you forgive me?" he asked with a grin. "i won't even charge you for it, i promise." he teased as he gently kissed her forehead grimacing as Harry returned and snapped something at Cersei... something blue.... something skimpy... something... "...Potter is that what i think that is?" Draco asked lifting an eyebrow, Harry snickering. "well since Cersei won't wear it i thought maybe you might Draco." "hell i'd pull it off better than you Potter." Draco admitted as he picked up the thong like bottoms and examined them, snickering a little.
"that he does. He lives to drive me up the walls. Especially when he's late for deadlines."cersei said smiling a little as she snickered."it's a good thing you're not seeing anyone. Shed be pissed about the mirror time."she said stuttering a little, not sure if she could handle it if he told her he was seeing someone. That would kill something in her to know that he had moved on. Granted, she loved Harry but she hadn't given herself permission to date date him. If draco was over here having fun with some girl it'd kill her."sara's doing so good in fact that she's opening another shop next month."cersei said smiling at him, blushing harder as he commented on the bathing suit, blushing more at the mention of the thong." she IS perverted, and determined to get me to get out of the house sometimes"

"I don't swim, you know that draco" she said smiling before laughing at the idea of him working at a strip joint. That really was to priceless. She sooo wanted pictures of that. Blushing at his next words,"itd have to be a he'll of a lap dance."she teased looking at Harry" you could give Harry one. That would be amusing and the perfect revenge for not telling me"she teased them both knowing they'd rather kill each other then touch that way.a at least that's what she thought. Helping a little as Harry snapped the bottoms at her, smiling at them both."but I'd look better than you both"she stated before giving Harry a look"please tell me you brought some real clothes to."
he snorted a little. "any woman who's ever talked to me is convinced i'm gay, Sara included." he admitted smirking a little. "you know, she tried to set me up with her brother when we first started dating?" he asked smirking a little his head tilted at her. "i couldn't even look at other women knowing i'd left you behind." he admitted softly. "though there was that cute boy..." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. "i did discover something horrifying about myself though." Draco was shocked, those first days on the street, when he was first raped. he had never, ever expected he'd.... enjoy it... "a lot of things actually." he admitted chuckling a little. "some good, some bad..." he admitted with a small shrug. "we should invite Sarah over sometime, i'll wear my thong and make you ladies SQUEAL." he teased chuckling a little.

"i don't either." Draco admitted with a small chuckle. "but i do go lay on the sand sometimes with a book... i always regret it though." he admitted grimacing a little. because of his pale as hell skin he never tanned, only burned. no matter how much or how little he was in the sun he always, always burned. "and before you ask, yes, i have pictures of me stripping." he promised with a small snicker. "would you like to see?" he asked with a small smirk before blinking at Harry, lifting an eyebrow at Harry who blinked. "what am i getting?" "a lap dance." "from Cercei?" "no from me." "well.. i suppose i wouldn't mind. you look enough like a girl." "well thanks potter i appreciate that." Draco admitted with a small snicker. "besides, of course you'd look better than us Cer, you have the boobs to wear it properly."

"of course i didn't bring you real clothes." Harry teased lifting a suitcase. "i even brought your cuddly." he promised, thinking about the adorable stuffed teddy bear that Draco had gotten her when they first started dating. she slept with it every night and Harry always made doubly sure she always had it. he'd even hunted down a thief who had taken all of his stuff, beat the shit out of the man, and walked out with only the teddy so that Cersei wouldn't have to sleep without it. "you want to see me stripping?" Draco asked with a chuckle, summoning a photo book to his hands. "their all muggle pictures unfortunately." all the pictures int he book where of Draco with new muggle freinds, most of them from a strip joint where he worked, Draco looking haggard in the first pictures, but slowly growing in health and beauty, though he wasn't smiling in many of them, most of them where of him giving very sultry looks out to the crowd, barley dressed, looking very good at his job.
"It doesn't actually surprise me."She laughed softly smiling a little.Tilting her eyes as she studied the man not sure if he was being serious or not."Oh are you so sure you can make me squeal?"she muttered smiling a little as she looked amused at the idea. Shifting she wrapped her arms around his legs, trying to comfort him,even mad at him,she couldn't help it."There's something horrifying about you?Oh, lets call the papers.We must let everyone know that you have something horrifying."She teased nuzzling his thigh with her cheek.Giggling a little at the memory of how red draco got at the beach."poor baby."She teased.

Laughing whe he mentioned the pictures, blushing a little at the idea of that."I would."She said before laughing looking at harry."He is pretty isn't he?Such a girl."She said smiling a little as she stood up, straightening out her clothes as she reached for the suitcase."Give me that."She sulked a little at the teasing, biting her lip."I don't need the cuddly...."She said not about to admit to needing t sleep with the teddy bear with draco in the room.She didn't sleep well without it,but she didn't want draco to know just how deeply she had felt his loss.

Cersei smiled softly as she loked at the pictures, looking through him as she looked at the blond."You look good.Such a slutty little stripper."She teased leaning in almost kissing his cheek before she pulled away carrying the suitcase into the bedroom with her. relaxing when she realized that harry had just been teasing, and that she had real clothes. Changing into the soft black velvety sweatpants and the overly big gryffindor hoodie that she'd stolen from harry, she looked smaller and more fragile then she really was. But, she was seeking comfort, and harry's hoodie made her remember that harry had been there for her, when draco hadn't. Smiling as she let her hair fall down, the soft strands falling around her shoulders as she walked out, she sighed softly."So, who's sleeping where?"She asked looking at the two guys, giving them looks. Wondering what the two had been talking about when she was dressing.
Draco chuckled a little. "oh yeah, i can make you squeal." he teased running his hand up her side. before he'd vanished that had always made her squeal because it tickled, but you had to hit just the right spot. it was surprising that Draco still knew it after so many years. he chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. "there is a lot of things that are horrifying about me." Draco admitted his voice filled with an emotion she wouldn't be able to identify, pain mixed with something else. Draco had become a horrible person on the streets. stealing, killing, he had done terrible things, become a terrible person. hell he had fucked for money, how much lower could you get? "poor baby my ass your pleased by that fact." he teased snickering a little before sulking at Harry.

"yes he is, you know i bet he'd make a good wife for Nev." Harry teased Draco snorting. "that bumbling buffoon? i think not." Draco scoffed shaking his head a little laughing as she took the clothes away from Harry who sulked. "hey my stuff is in there too!" he protested before smiling a little. "cuddly?... did you like, pack a cat in there or something?" Draco asked curiously before shaking his head as he showed her the pictures, grinning a little. "i wasn't all that sexy when i first started." he admitted snickering a little. "but the guys made sure i had a place to sleep and lots of food. i'll have to introduce you to them sometime, they'd love to meet you." he admitted smiling a little. "i talked about you a lot apprently, in my sleep. i bragged about you a lot too." he admitted with a small chuckle as he and Harry watched her leave to get dressed, Harry grinning a little as he watched her come back out, Draco sputtering in indignation but saying nothing.

"well, i have my bed, i figure Cersei can have that since she's always cold, i have a lot of blankets and it's softer..." "hey... i'm always cold too." Harry complained pouting at Draco who snorted. "shut up potter you get the guest room and be glad your not sleeping on the couch!" Draco stated simply smirking, pleased with himself as Harry sulked again. "and where are you planning on sleeping?" "the couch." "... you can share the guest bed with me, you don't have to sleep out in the cold living room." "and give you a chance to feel me up?... yeah alright." Draco teased snickering a little as he shook his head. "but yes, Cersei will sleep in my room and me and potter will sleep in the guest room hows that sound good? great." he stated clapping his hands together. "now. are you guys hungry or are you too tired?" "i'm exaughsted and i have to be up at six tomorrow." he admitted shaking his head. "damn book signings..."
Cersei squealled a little moving awy from his fingers, whining as he tickled her. Raising her head she studied him trying to figure out what was in his voice.She laughed softly studying him."i am not."She said looking serious looking amused nonetheless. Blushing as she remembered the one vacation they'd managed to have together, making love on the beach, and him so red that they hadn't left the hotel the next day. Smiling a little as she thought about it, before starting to laugh at the idea of draco being a wife."He would make someone a good wife."She said snickering as she disappeared out of the room."Live with it potter, I want my clothes."She said scowling a little, not about to tell draco what else was in the bag. She so didn't draco to realize how attatched she still was. Cersei blushed hard at the thought of what he bragged about, he was so not going to say anything. she just didn't want to know what he'd said.

Cersei smirked a little watching them argue, knowing she was going to piss draco off,but he deserved it. She was feeling just a little vindictive for him putting her in this position of realizing he was still alive. And, well she usually slept in harry's bed, along with her teddy bear. Both of them had become the things she cuddled,because it scared her to sleep alone."Who said I'm sleeping alone?You're right, I'm always cold, and I want harry."She said smiling a little before shaking her head."I need to sleep.Potter wont wake up on his own, so I'm up early in the morning to."She said looking small and vulnerable huddling in harry's hoodie,bending down hesitating. Not sure if she could touch draco, before she kissed his cheek."get some sleep yourself. We'll be fine. We'll even not have sex in your bed."She teased bitingly, more because he had managed to make her feel vindictive and off balance, which in turn usually got her to be nasty over things. the fact that her and harry had seen more of each other naked without actually having sex, was just a amusing oddity.
he smiled as she squalled snickering a little. "see? made you squeal." he teased with a small smile. "you are too." he complained sulking a little. "remember that time i fell asleep and those mu... muggle born boys wrote 'Draco Bitch' on my chest with that sunscreen? and i was as red as a lobster from sleeping outside except those words?" he asked smirking a little. "you laughed so hard i thought you where going to wet yourself." he admitted with a laugh before blushing hard. "... i would not make a good wife." he growled a strange tone to his voice, a dangerous tone and Harry fell silent. "we where only joking Dray..." "... i know i'm sorry i just..." he shook his head. "Voldemort used to.. call me his little wife..." he admitted swallowing thickly before shaking his head. "sorry..." "...did Voldemort ever..?" "nah, he just made me do weird things like dress in a skirt and serve him his dinners and shit it was... more humiliation than anything else." Draco admitted shrugging his shoulder. "i'm used to humiliation now but sometimes... i dunno it just... gets to me." he admitted shaking his head. "i'm not drunk enough for this conversation." he admitted wrinkling his nose.

both men where grinning all too innocently when she came back out, clearly they had been talking about her... or fighting. Draco winced when she changed the sleeping plans and Harry shrugged. "your the woman, whatever you say goes." Harry agreed smiling a little. "and i will too wake up on my own!.... it just takes me about five hours to do so!" he complained sulking a little Draco snorting a little as he shook his head. "alright, Cer and potter in my bed then." Draco agreed sounding wistful actually flinching when she mentioned sex in his bed but said nothing as he led the way to his bedroom, tucking them both in and smiling at them. "... it is good to see you both again..." he admitted swallowing thickly before he left to go to sleep alone, Harry sighing a little. 'Cer?... are you going to be mad at him... us, forever?" Harry asked softly. "i know what we did was wrong... but we did it out of Love." he admitted swallowing thickly. "we where only trying to keep you safe, we're men, we don't consider emotions. we're too stupid for that you know?"
"Hey, that was amusing.You did it to me to.I had to go around with draco's bitch on my back for a week."She smiled a little looking amused at his pain.because it had been so amusing, raising a eyebrow at what had nearly said. Nudging him hard before going quiet, biting her lip as she studied him."you'd look good in a skirt.maybe I should let you wear my bikini."She teased wanting him to think of something else shaking her head. she hated thinking about draco and voldemort, it hurt so badly to see him so upset.

Cersei studied the two, not about to ask about what they were talking about. She probably didn't want to know."Yes it does."She said smiling enjoying the idea of being in charge, smiling a little as harry sulked."Well, we don't have time for you waking up slowly tomorrow."She said before following him to the bedroom. Watching him go she sighed quietly, not looking at harry."...you are pretty stupid."She agreed, not wanting to admit that she had already forgiven them for caring enough to try. Even if they had chosen the wrong way to take care of things, she knew they had done it for good reasons."Go to sleep harry."She said setting the suitcase on the floor, digging around it for a moment before pulling out the teddy bear, wrapping her arms around it and him as she climbed into bed. cuddling against harry, she rested her head on his chest, sighing softly."Just sleep harry."She said, soft and pained because she wanted it to be draco.Despite everyting despite wanting to be held by harry to, she wanted to be with draco.She missed him.

in the morning though, Cersei was more composed already up and moving by the time both draco and harry got moving, looking at draco as he walked into the kitchen."You better get in the bathroom first. You'll take forever otherwise."She said tryingn not to walk across the room and cuddle against him, remembering a year's worth of morning spent in a kitchen similar to this one, cuddling and kisses, laughter and sex on the counters. oh yea, she'd spent the two hours she'd been awake trying to wade through memories.
Draco snickered a little and nodded. "this is true." he admitted chuckling a little before lifting an eyebrow at her and flipped to a page in the photo book where Draco was dressed in Drag, looking utterly gorgeous in a miniskirt and a pretty blouse. "hell, i look more woman than the women in the audience." he admitted with a small snicker. "they went, freeking, wild." he admitted laughing a little as Harry gave Draco a wolf whistle. Harry just grinned as he was led tot he bedroom like a small child, shaking his head as Draco tucked them in. "do you need more blankets?" Draco asked, Harry shaking his head. "no, these are perfect thanks." he promised smiling at Draco who grinned and left. Harry smiled as he kissed her temple gently and smirked as she grabbed her Teddy. "there's a charm on it you know." he admitted simply. "i put it on your Cuddly when i grabbed it, just in case." he admitted. "Draco will see a panda teddy instead." he promised smiling a little as he slipped off to sleep, breathing softly.

Draco chuckled a little as he watched her. "i'm already ready." he admitted, his hair and face perfect. "i used magic to get ready this morning so you and Harry could have the bathroom." he admitted blinking at her. "Harry still eats oatmeal in the mornings right? you too?" all three of them loved oatmeal, so long as it was made right. Draco pulled out an enormous tub of oatmeal and started the stove, deciding to make breakfast for everyone. he smiled at her. "with strawberries right? and Harry's with blueberries?" he asked his head tilted a little as he poured the oatmeal into the boiling water, smiling a little as he moved to his fridge pulling out strawberries, blueberries, and some banana's and a knife and started to slice them up. "...hey Cer?" he asked suddenly, looking over at her. "... i know.. i shouldn't ask but... after your book signing thing... will you come back?" he asked softly, swallowing thickly. he wasn't sure he could bare to leave her again, even if she was the one who was leaving.
"You are pretty girly. Even dressed as a guy."Cersei said snickering a little as she leaned against his shoulder to look. Giving him a little look, stasrtlement showing in her face as she realized that harry'd thought ahead to that. Smiling she grinned, snuggling down into his side to go to sleep.

Cersei smiled looking at him, before laughing a little at the idea of him getting magiked just so her and harry could have some time in the bathroom. It was so like draco to have to do that. Smiling she nodded as she finished the orange juice she'd been squeezing, settling at the table to watch him cook."Right.Oatmeals only good with fruit."She said laughing softly as she looked over at him, tilting her head as she looked at him. not answering for awhile, willing to let him sweat before sighing.Because she couldn't say goodbye, even if she wanted to be angry with him, she couldn't be. Which meant she was dragging harry back with her today. Frowning a little as she looked at him, wondering what he was thinking before nodding."We'll be back. You two owe me a night at the threater.I didn't get to see the play cause you had to come back from the dead."She teased shrugging a little.
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