Blood of my Heart


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was a damp, warm Saturday night, heavy clouds where rolling over head spilling thunderous warnings of rain to come, not that it stopped anyone from running around. It was just a little past midnight and a small group of people where walking along the sidewalks of muggle London. “i know this is muggle zone you guys but my cousin works at one of the strip joints and they have a new guy there that is so beautiful you feel like dying just so he can have your heart! And besides isn't this supposed to be a birthday party!?” Neville Longbottom demanded, smirking at them all. He was throwing a party for his boyfriend, Blaise Zabini and was dragging them all to a local... muggle, strip club. Of course, considering Wizards didn't have strip clubs Neville was eager to see the pure bloods reaction to the dancers. Blaise was going to freak out, get drunk, and try to rape the dancers, but how where the others going to respond?

It wasn't long before a name appeared on the street. Guilty Pleasures, one of the hottest strip clubs the city had to offer, they had the prettiest, the hottest, and the down right lewdest dancers available there. And some of them even put out after if you had the right kind of cash or had an in with the owner. Neville paid for everyone's tickets, the once shy trembling terrible at magic boy, was now even more rich than the once Lucius Malfoy, who had died when he fell out of the Dark Lords Favor. The war had been over for years, and Neville, and Blaise, where now twenty four, Blaise a very important wizarding lawyer, Neville the worlds most amazing herbologist able to grow anything. They headed inside and settled into their red cushion seats and leaned back to enjoy the show, a woman on stage writhing in time to music, slowly tripping until she was nothing but bra and panties, grinding against a bar. Neville could feel Blaise shudder against him. Blaise was Bi, and Neville often let the large Italian 'off his leash' to enjoy the flesh of others, it was a strange relationship.

The woman finished dancing and left the stage and the lights dimmed, the music slowed and a new figure stepped onto stage, a male though you could only tell because of the lack of breasts, as his face was hidden by a mask. He began to sway, his skin as white as the moon and shimmering in the half light of the building, as if he himself was glowing. He had hair as while as lilies flowing around his shoulders, curling around his hips and as he moved the hair swirled with him, making those long, silken locks as seductive as the rest of him. Magic swept the room as he ran his hands along his body, nothing serious, just enough to fill the muggles, and the wizards watching with such an intense lust that many of the muggles lost themselves. The man on stage swirled and dance, touching and stroking, and then slid off the stage as if he was made of liquid and settled into a man's lap, dancing still as he removed the mask and bent down to kiss the stranger, Neville and Blaise both barley holding back cries of shock... it was Draco Malfoy, who had been missing for almost eight years.
"...I don't think I'd want to let him have my heart. A little sickening. Might not like the present."Gabriel said looking amused as neville looked at him, shrugging as he wrapped a arm around blaise's shoulders, leaning into his best friend's personal space, stealing a kiss before dancing away laughing. While he was a pureblooded wizard, he spent most of his time dealing with muggles as a business man, and so many deals went on in a strip club. So he for one, knew what was coming next. And he was sooo going to love seeing how Blaise reacted. Poor blaise, it was going to be so much fun teasing him after they sobered up in the morning.

Gabriel settled on his cushion as he watched the stripper, while he appericiated the beauty, he was not one to be moved by women, so he was interested in this male neville kept telling them about. smirking as he thought of the clubs name, oh yes, he was going to enjoy the guilty pleasures. Wtching the male he swallowed hard watching as he glowed, even at the man being dressed he wanted to lay his lips over that moon kissed skin. Sipping his drink he shifted in his seat to hide his reaction to the man's body, sipping his drink sighing softly as the dancer settled into his lap, thrusting up against him a little, teasing. Before the mask came off, instead of kissing him back, he rested his lips against the man's lips before he coughed, choking on his whiskey as he looked at the pretty blond in his lap.

"blood...bloody hell..."Gabriel gaped, not able to say anything more as he met dark grey eyes unable to make any more sense of the words. IT was so out of his realm of reality to find draco malfoy in his lap, that he had no idea what to think.
Neville stared at Gabriel for a moment before shaking his head Blaise snapping his teeth at the man playfully, though Blaise had actually bitten the man on more than one occasion when Gabriel had proven to be too slow. Blaise was certainly enjoying the shows, his breath coming in a short pant. "happy birthday to me!" he purred, pleased as he drank down his alcohol, wanting to get happily drunk so he could touch without feeling guilty. permission or not he always felt bad that he was screwing other people. he never realized that Neville got some sick pleasure out of it. it was a kink of Neville's that he just never bothered telling Blaise, the make up sex was always great the next day anyway. Neville was even enraptured by the dancing beauty on stage, moaning at the pulses of lust spilling through the crows as the man settled onto Gabriele's lap, Blaise actually whining pathetically.

Draco sighed softly as his lips brushed Gabriele's and paused for a moment, looking a little disgusted that he had been coughed on, his head tilted, no recognition on the blond's face. it had been eight years after all, and Gabriele hadn't become freinds with Blaise until after Draco had vanished so it was no wonder that Draco didn't recognize the man. "...Draco!?" Neville demanded, astonished and Draco tilted his head, freezing as he saw Neville, and then Blaise, both of whom where gaping at him and Draco hissed through his teeth, leaping to his feet and vanishing into the crowd, hands reaching for him, stroking the softness of his body, the hardness of his dick, the silky smooth strands of his hair, and then he was gone, vanished into the back room, the music still playing people muttering, confused as the owner of the store stepped out. "my apologies it would seam that our Albion has become ill for the night." the tall Frenchman smiled winningly into the crowd. "please, Enjoy our Aubrey." he stated, sweeping his hand to a golden haired man who was moving out onto stage and beginning his dance instead, Jean Claude smiling at the crowd again before moving out of the way of the show, people forgetting their confusion in favor of the new pretty male on stage.

"...was i the only one here who found that...strange?" Neville asked softly before getting to his feet. "come on, i'll see if my cousin can't get us in to see... Albion." Draco's stage name was Albion? how weird was that!? Neville moved through the tables and smiled at a man who looked too much like Nev to be a coincidence. "hey Nester... we where wondering if we could go backstage ad see Dra... Albion?" he asked the other man hesitating a moment. "i'd have to run it past the big man first Nev, Albion looked kind of freaked out..." Nester admitted shaking his head. "wait here and i'll go get Jean Claude." he promised vanishing. five minutes later the tall, black eyed, black haired, pale as moonlight man stepped out and examined the rag tag group. "i am afraid that Albion is not taking visitors. if you like, i will leave a message for him. he is very ill." "no he's not, he's avoiding us." Blaise stated crossing his arms. "whats all this Albion crap!? he's been missing for eight years! did you kidnap him!? what are you doing to him!?" "...Blaise... you of all people know better than that, Draco wouldn't..." he paused at Jean Claude's noise of soft startlement. "you know Albion's real name... you must be from his past... it is no wonder he looked so frightened... i am afraid i cannot allow you to see him, he does now wish to have any part of you, please, enjoy the rest of the show... do not come back." Jean Claude ordered his eyes staring each man down, wanting their agreement to not bother Draco anymore.

(ugh... going to bed. >< i'll be up at 5:20 am tomorrow and i'll respond to the rest then^^)
Gabriel looked startled as the blond was pulled out of his lap, looking confused as he tried to figure out what was going on. it was disorienting and confusing to see the man, who was now known as albion.surely there was no mistaking draco. All three of them couldn't be wrong about who the blond had been."Draco avoids everyone.nothing will ever change."Gabriel said. even if he hadn't known the blond personally, most of the wizarding world had been curious about his disappearance and spent idle time musing over what had happened to the blond. Gabriel stared at him, not at all bothered by the order to go away. He wanted to see draco, he was curious about this exile who willingly stayed away.

"No. Not until Dr....Albion tells us himself. These two were friends, once. They at least diserve more then a casual brush off by you."Gabriel growled raising his eyes to look at the dark haired vampire. Brave in his anger on his friends behalf, annoyed. Not obeying because his anger was protecting him from the vampire's touch, and e was determined to figure out this pale exile. Surely there was more to the story then the blond just willingly leaving the wizarding world. Surely he knew the battle was over which meant that the man could have come home. And he didn't understand anyone who willingly stayed gone, so he wanted to see the blond, make sure that he wasn't being held captive.
Jean Claude studied the three little humans who dared to disobey his words, his eyes flashing red before he smiled, all too sweetly. "Albion will tell you then... tomorrow." he stated firmly. "he is too worked up right now to face you, i fear he would do himself, or you harm if you where to see him now." he admitted simply his eyes back to their pretty black. "please, return to the show, and return tomorrow night, he will, hopefully, be calm by then." he stated simply, looking over at the waiters. "please escort these three back to their table." he ordered Neville growling low in his throat. he turned however as the blond waiter smiled at them all and led them to the table, settling himself in Gabriele's lap, determined to make the man happy for the night, touching and stroking, a gorgeous female planting herself in Blaise's lap, the man getting angry drunk so fast that he was off screwing the waitress before an hour had passed. Nev shoved away all who dared tried to touch him and he turned to Gabriele. "let's go home." he decided as Blaise came stumbling out of the back room, his eyes glossed over from pleasure, two tiny little marks on his neck from being bitten. "son of a bitch Blaise." Neville complained rolling his eyes. "don't you have ANY self control!?" he complained affectionately, the Italian grinning happily. "no!... gimme kiss." he ordered Neville shaking his head as he helped the man get to his feat, glancing at Jean Claude, who had been watching them the entire time. not letting them out of his sight, a look of fury on that perfect face before it vanished as Jean Claude realized he was being watched.

"...something just isn't right here..." but they wouldn't know for sure until tomorrow night. Neville let Gabrielle stay at his and Blaise's house, as he often did after a night out, and come evening he was also the one to get everyone up and going, dressed and fed, showered in Blaise's case the man rubbing the side of his neck. "i can't beleive i let myself be bitten by a vampire!" he complained for the fifth time as they drove back to Guilty Pleasure's, where Audrey was waiting or them, offering them a smile. "please follow me, my Master is waiting for you in the basement... unfortunately you upset Albion quite a but last night." he admitted calmly. "Master is displeased but he promised, and he always keeps his promises. my advice to you? be polite." the blond vampire ordered simply, leading the way down into Guilty Pleasure's dank basements, where room after room Vampires where beginning to wake from their coffins. "Master and Albion are still sleeping, so you may need to wait out of the room for a few minutes." Audrey warned holding his hand up as they reached the end of the hallway and the final door. "please wait here." he ordered before moving cautiously into the room.

"Master, the three human men are here... is Albion well enough to take the visitors?" "i do not know." Jean Claude admitted softly. "he hasn't stirred..." the Master Vampire sounded worried, and there was a soft sound of cloth against cloth. "will he attack them? he seemed very upset..." "i do not know." Jean Claude admitted. "he might, he has taken great lengths to keep from being found, even taking a new name... he might attack them just so that they can tell no one..." Jean Claude admitted before the voices dulled to whispers, and then nothing but silence. then Audrey was back, smiling sweetly at them, though there was fear in his pretty eyes. "Albion still isn't feeling well i'm afraid.. it, could be dangerous for you to go in... please reconsider and come back tomorrow perhaps? he... he is unstable right now.." "we won't leave until we see Albion." Neville stated firmly, Audrey sighing a little, looking nervous as he nodded and opened the door all the way. "he is resting now... i do not know when he will wake..." Draco was sleeping, laying on a bed of black silk sheets and a red comforter, which only served to make Draco look all the more ethereally beautiful. his head was resting in Jean Claude's lap, and the Master vampire was gently stroking Draco's hair, as if to keep the young man calm.
"fine."gabriel said shrugging as he allowed the waiter lead them back to their seats.Gabriel to, shoved his waiter away, looking annoyed taat jean-claude was seemingly trying to pacify him -them- with sex so that they would forget about the vampire they wanted to see."You know he doesn't, you've been dating him lng enough."Gabriel pointed out looking at Neville as he shrugged.'you could seduce him neville, before he jumps the girl he's holding."Gabriel pointed out sighing softly. "Tomorrow night then."He said looking at Jean-claude as they left. He was so going to figure out what was going on here.

"your a whore. Does it really surprise you you got bt by a vampire?"Gabriel asked rolled his eyes as he started to get dressed,reeady to confront the men from the night before. More then anything else, eh knew that they had to impress jean-claude ,because the owner had a iron cast grip on his club, so they would have to be impressive if they wanted to get in to see draco."Anyone who wants to attack him is dead or in jail."gabriel said looking slightly amused at that, planting his feet. Oh no, this was not going how he wanted it to, and damned if he couldn't be stubborn if he wanted to be. Even more then potter sometimes, gabriel could be recklessly stubborn.

"Well then we shall just wait for him to wake. The view is very pretty tonight, and your boss does a evening show. He has to wake up sometimes, which means waking albion."He said leaning against the wall as he thought, having a feeling that the missing jean-claude was with draco, which meant that the vampire was probably not wanting them to see draco. Which meant that he was all the more determined to see the blnd. Even if he had to wait all night, he was going to see him.Not knowing what was making him stubborn about wanting to see him,but he was.
Blaise snorted a little and rubbed his neck again. "you know you could have stopped me!" he complained sulking a little Neville smirking a little. "and what would be the fun in that Blaise my love?" he asked curiously as he shook his head as Blaise sulked at him. "you can't deny you didn't enjoy it." he teased with a small snicker as he led the way over to the waiter. "well, you see.." Audrey muttered fidgeting. "Master is awake.. it's Albion who doesn't stir..." he admitted looking very uneasy. "you.. you will have free drinks while you wait..." he promised. "and any food you desire." he promised before scampering off, a young man moving over to them, a young werewolf, all clad in sexy leather. "hello, i'm Stephan, Jean Claude has asked me to personally make sure your evening is a good one. he's very sorry you can't see Albion right now but i think after his so called 'Peu d'amour' took down half the back room well, we had to take some drastic measures." he admitted simply. "i have to tell you, doing this is only going to get you enemies. Jean Claude will do anything to keep Albion safe, he's not above murder." he warned before grinning brightly at them. "of course, he might also just give you what you want so he can find out more about Albion..."

he grinned a little as Neville scowled. "ah, well see, Albion just showed up one day, skinny, half starved, beaten bloody, victim of a vampire attack. poor kid was lucky he wasn't turned vamp, let alone survive." he admitted. "Jean Claude patched him up, gave him a new life, the kid refuses to talk about where he came from." he admitted with a shrug. "we don't even know his real name." he admitted pulling out a small notepad. "but don't tell the boss i told you that, he'll punish me." Stephan admitted with a smug little smirk. "can i get you guys anything?" "yeah.. what sort of drastic measures did you take against Albion?" Blaise demanded lifting an eyebrow at Stephan, the werewolf hesitating. "oh...well... we, had to lock him into a coffin. he nearly ripped out Jean Claude's throat, poor Audrey almost had his arm ripped off. Mishty, well... she's still healing after he tried to gut her." he admitted. "Albion has a good control of his temper but... when it snaps... he's just crazy." "... Draco's afraid of small spaces..." Neville admitted, his eyes wide. "yeah, imagine that eh? we didn't know of course, he started freaking out twice as much when we put him in the coffin, poor Jean Claude didn't know what to do so he..." Stephan fell death;y silent for a moment before he coughed. "i have to go..." he admitted turning on his heal and fleeing, Neville lifting an eyebrow as he watched Jean Claude step out, the vampire looking as pale and perfect as ever.

"Ladies and gentlemen due to a fast traveling flu i am afraid we are going to have to cancel tonight's show. please, for your safety and health go home." he ordered ignoring the whines and groans. "you will be reimbursed for your tickets with a small bonus for your troubles." Audrey was back by their sides. "Albion is awake... he, is stable enough to see you but... he.. he is still very upset." he admitted swallowing thickly. "please follow me to the back... My Master waits for you there..." he admitted softly, leading the way to the back rooms, which where a complete mess, there really was a wall knocked down, ripped apart more like, and once you where close you could see most of Jean Claude's neck was new, freshly healed. "Albion is awake." the master vampire informed them. "but i have my doubts about him welcoming you with anything less than fury. i will try to keep him from attacking you, but there is only so much that i can do. are you sure that you must see him?"
"no i couldn't have. You would have been pissed."Gabriel pointed out looking at blaise, snickering a little at the man's pouting. Tilting his head as he listened to the others talking, watching the show. Tilting his head as he wondered what had happened to poor draco to make him more wild then tame. Draco malfoy was well known for just how icy his control over himself was, and the new one worried him. But he knew Blaise and neville enough, that if they didn't find out right now, they would obsess about how draco was treated, and if he was being there on his own free will.

Gabriel was looking around the room,studying the mess before looking at jean-claude when he spoke, tilting his head a little."Yes."He said simply before going back to his staring at the room before adding,"He was a friend once....honor requires I speak to him just to make sure he wants for nothing...even if yo usay he doesn't."He said wincing a little because he wished he could take the other's word for it,but he couldn't. He had to see draco because the man had been misused in their war, and him being here worried him. Scared him to.
Blaise sulked at Gabrielle, even knowing it was true he didn't want to admit it. he and Neville where worried as well, the man they had seen yesterday was a far, very far cry from the Draco Malfoy they had once known. he was feral, beautiful in so many ways and yet liable to rip your face off. there was a passionate wildness to Draco now, like a Leopard, it would either beat you up and then fuck you, or beat you up and then eat you. "so Draco just happens to come alone after a Vampire Attack!?" Blaise demanded, shocked, Stephan nodding, offering them a grin. "it happens more often than you'd like to think, Jean Claude is a kick ass Mater, but things tend to happen when people think he's getting lazy or getting week, then he has to put everyone back in line." he shook his head. "everyone thinks Jean Claude is weak but he's not and it causes turbulence." he admitted writing down a random order so it looked like he was working instead of gossiping. he fled though once he felt his masters eyes on his neck, well aware he was going to be punished.

Jean Claude just sighed as Gabrielle moved to the other room and he set his fingers on Gabrielle's shoulder. "just wait." he ordered softly. "he is... frightened, right now. you must move slowly, as if he is a wild animal." he admitted softly. "fast movements are going to hone him to you like a beast to prey." he admitted softly shaking his head as Neville stared at Jean Claude. "... he's a vampire... isn't he?" "yes." Jean Claude admitted shaking his head. "though he is not one of mine." he admitted simply. "who turned him?" "she is dead, i had her destroyed for her insolence." Jean Claude admitted. "Draco's change was.... strange." Jean Claude admitted. "it altered his personality and his body in ways that i have never before seen..." he admitted shaking his head. "he's half raging beast, and half spoiled brat." Jean Claude said spoiled brat with such affection you'd swear Draco was his child. or perhaps lover. "there are many things that you... wizards, do not understand." he said the term wizards with such loathing you'd think he hated them just because they WHERE wizards and it had nothing to do with Draco at all.

"please wait here for a moment." Jean Claude ordered, moving into the room, letting them catch a glimpse of Draco on that black silk and red bedsheets, Neville's eyes widening. "i didn't notice it yesterday but... did he get twice as gorgeous?" Draco Malfoy had always been beautiful, now he was almost insanely so, complete perfection. whatever had been imperfect in any way as a human, had been fixed when he'd been turned into a vampire. the blond shifted out of view as the two vampires muttered to each other, Jean Claude making an exasperated noise. "you are being stubborn My Peu d'amour!" Jean Claude finally complained loud enough for the three humans to hear him. "get out of bed, and get dressed!" "you can't order me about like some silly Slave like you can the others Jean Claude! i will not see them!" "well they will not leave until you have! now i am glad you are feeling better Peu d'amour, but you WILL get out of bed, you WILL get dressed or you WILL be punished." "you can't do shit to me." Draco stated petulantly, Blaise and Neville sharing a look. that sounded more like the spoiled brat they had grown up with.

"i will give you to Stephan for the night!" "please, he can't even make me cry anymore." "Richard then!" "Richards a puss, i end up on top." "... i will put you with a WOMAN!" "you wouldn't dare!" "get, UP! Albion!" "no!" "...fine." Jean Claude's voice had gone soft and quiet, a fierce rage in his voice, and then there where shrieks of fury from Draco, and through the crack in the doorway you could see Jean Claude forcefully dressing him. "Jean Claude you put me down! right now!" Draco demanded, the vampire dumping the boy on the bed and grabbing a leather strap and a brush, brushing Draco's hair, the boy simply sitting there, glaring at the wall. "... should have fucking destroyed everything..." "control Peu d'amour." Jean Claude ordered. "you must learn to act on control." Jean Claude stated calmly, pulling the man's hair into a long ponytail so that it stayed out of Draco's face. "will you not speak to them? only for a few minutes? i will loose money if i keep letting them in for free." Neville was nearly gaping at the strange scene before him and he glanced at Blaise. "... i think Jean Claude is the one being held against his will in this case." he admitted looking almost amused as Draco sighed and nodded, turning to the door. "fine... come in then." Draco ordered, sulky and annoyed as Blaise entered first, looking relieved to see Draco. "... i thought you where dead..." the Italian admitted, voice filled with pain which Draco ignored. "i am dead, in a way."
'Gabriel looked thoughtful as he considered how much control Jean-claude had to have just to make sure that no one turned on him, or when they did that he was the surviving master. It was...interesting. And the fact that draco seemed more feral then sane was also interesting. Making him wonder if the blond's mind had survived the change. Before smirking a little, even as he looked up at jean-claude, worry showing in blue eyes even if he would never say it."Draco was always a little strange."He pointed out before laughing,"Draco's always been a brat, even when he wasn't old enough to demand what he wanted."he said studying the vampire, wondering at the relationship between the two vampires, and the loathing he heard in the man's words.But at this moment, he wasn't here to poke at Jean-claude's wounds, he was here to see if draco was fine. And wondering why his sometimes warped, sometimes odd sense of honor was demanding that he take care of Draco.

Gabriel started at Neville's words, tilting his head as he thought about it, before nodding."Yes."He said simply staring like a rabbit would a wolf, half wanting to catch their attention and half wanting to run away. draco no longer showed that human inperfections, and he wondered just how much draco had been changed by his time here. Grinning a little at the sound of draco's words, from the stories he'd heard, that did sound like draco malfoy. indeed, Gabriel to was watching the scene with his mouth hanging open, before laughing at Draco and blaise's words, shaking his head before looking at neville, then back at the blond."ONly in that you don't always have a heartbeat. Or breath. look better then any other kind of undead."He said more to have something to say, then that he was actually interested in draco's opinion on the undread.
Jean Claude smirked a little and shook his head, a slow, left to right motion that was almost more amusement than anything else. "has he? well that hasn't changed in the years that i have known him." he admitted simply. "he is a brat in every way possible." he admitted studying Gabrielle. "i can smell your arousal human." he admitted, a fierceness to his calm almost gentle words. "i would suggest you keep your hands to yourself." he stated simply Neville lifting an eyebrow as he glanced at Gabrielle. "thinking of pounding fine Vampire ass are you Gabby?" he asked smirking a little, mostly because he knew Gabrielle hated to be called Gabby. Blaise watched with a mix of horror and amusement as Jean Claude manhandled Draco into getting dressed and decent, yet none of them caught more than a glimpse of Draco's naked chest the entire time and nothing else. impressive considering how much Draco had struggled.

Draco was sulking as the three men walked in, leaning against Jean Claude as if looking for comfort, Jean Claude wrapping his arms possessively around Draco's waist, holding him close. "i have a heart beat, and a breath." Draco admitted calmly. "i am not like any vampire you have ever seen." he admitted his eyes staring at them, his mind sliding into theirs, and no matter how good at occlumency they where, they could not resist Draco's mind which wrapped around their feeble human minds like Voldemort's hand wrapped around a babes throat. "i can feel your fear." Draco admitted licking his lips. "i should kill you all..." "now now Peu d'amour, remember? you must use control, self control. Ma Petite would be angry if you killed humans, Wizards or not." "Ma Petite my ass Anita can suck dick for all i care., she can't stop me, she is weak, and useless." "then why, Peu d'amour, do you fear her?" Jean Claude asked his head tilted. "they are only humans, yet you also fear them... what are you hiding my Little Albion, that you do not want me to find out, hmm?" Jean asked his eyebrow lifting. "what can these three little humans tell me about you i wonder." "stay out of this Jean Claude!" Draco snarled, his eyes flashing red. "if i feel like killing them, then i will kill them you and Anita be damned!" "... we where best freinds.... you'd kill us just to keep your past hidden? even knowing i would never tell anyone!?" Blaise demanded, afraid, and hurt.

Draco paused, his eyes narrowed at Blaise before he sighed. "no... i wouldn't kill you." he agreed shaking his head. "i could never kill you, you where my brother in every way but blood." he admitted closing his eyes. "i fear nothing, least of all YOU." he growled glaring at the three. "Jean Claude only let you in to see me so i would hand over my secretes, my past. he does not even know my full name or who i was before he found me, laying in the streets bleeding to death." he admitted crossing his arms. "and if i find you telling him anything about me or who i was, i WILL kill you." "why the secrecy Peu d'amour?" Jean Claude complained. "why are you so afraid of who you where." "shut up Jean Claude, that's none of your business!"
"I always keep my hands to myself."Gabriel grumbled making a face at neville, "I'd be worried about your boyfriend more then me."He said twitching a little because gabby just made him twitch."You're not like anyone, malfoy.At least that's what your bloodlines claim."He said amused because it was a well known fact that malfoys would never do something as common as be like other people."..."Gabriel stared at the vampires exchange, looking interested in this woman that Draco seemed to be afraid of, and yet seemed ot delight in antagonizing. Looking at jean-claude he raised a eyebrow a little." I could tell you so many things."He said looking amused. the amusement hiding whta he was really feeling, because it scared him that he wouldn't be able to protect neville or blaise if the two vampires decided to kill them.

Gabriel tilted his head, looking thoughtful. Because well, he to was wondering why Draco was fearing the past, and he wanted to know. So if he had to pull a tiger by the tail and risk being eaten, he would. Smirking as he strolled across the room, a rolling gait that matched jean-claude's, violence and grace contained, walking to the dark haired vampire he trailed his fingers over the dark haired man's shoulder, twirling a dark curl around his finger."Draconis Lucius Malfoy, the only scion of the malfoy line."He said slowly, raising his eyes to look at draco. more because something about this man bothered him, then anything else, and he wanted to see what the man would do.
Blaise shook his head. "i wouldn't touch Dray with a twenty foot pole." Blaise admitted. "he's practically my brother and it's pretty damn clear he'd rather eat my face off than let me touch him." he admitted looking a little amused, pale and nervous, terrified of Draco, but amused. he swallowed thickly as he studied Draco who was tucked against Jean Claude as if he where a giant friendly tiger, friendly his ass. the blond snarled at Gabrielle, baring long fangs at Gabrielle, Blaise wincing a little as he backed away from Draco's clear fury. he watched with fury as Gabrielle came close, and Jean Claude's eyes narrowed as he watched the wizards hand touching him, baring a single fang, Neville swallowing thickly. "Gabe... you shouldn't..." Neville tried to warn, both men completely terrified. Jean lifted en eyebrow at the names, they meant little to him, he knew nothing of Malfoy's and Draco's, sure he knew Draco was Albion's real name, but when he looked into it the name Draco had never brought up any good leads. there where too many even in the wizarding world.

Draco's reaction to the name was instant and furious, and before anyone could react Draco was on top of Gabriel, spittle flying and mad with rage as he slammed the man's head into the floor, trying to stun him or kill him no one knew, but Jean Claude was clearly not fast enough to stop Draco. Jean Claude was fast, Draco was faster as he sank his fangs into Gabe's neck, fingers gripping hard and tight as he drank, sucked Gabe's life force, ignoring Blaise and Neville who where beating on him with their fists, trying to get him away from Gabrielle, who would find himself in pain so searing, it was almost pleasure, firm hands gripping tightly, leaving harsh bruises as Draco's groin pressed hard against Gabriele's, sucking hard and fast, voices screaming, but Gabriel wouldn't hear it, he had lost too much blood already, greedy Draco was well on his way to bleeding him dry. the last thing Gabriel knew was Draco's voice in his head, cursing his death, and calling his soul to hell and then darkness swarmed his vision, Draco had every intention of killing Gabriel.

when he woke, Draco was gone, and the entire left half of his face and neck would probobly be throbbing in pain, but he had woken. Stephan was standing over him with a medical kit, carefully bandaging his neck and he smiled when Gabriel woke, his head tilted. "you really shouldn't torment Albion you know." he admitted shaking his head a little. "he has only been a vampire for a few years, he has no restraint... he really meant to kill you." he admitted finishing the bandaging. "we have cleaned your wound with Holy water, don't worry about being turned into Albion's vampire slave." he promised his eyes staring at Gabriel. "you should leave, forget that you ever saw Albion, he neither wants you, nor needs you and staying will only get you killed." he admitted simply. "Jean Claude will fin a way to use you as well if you stay, he finds a way to use everyone, he is the Master of the City. just leave before you and your freinds regret ever finding out about this place." he ordered calmly turning and letting a very pale Blaise and Neville walk in, Neville with a matching neck bandage and face bruises. "... you where dead." Neville whispered. "your hears stopped and he got bored with you and... Merlin almighty he... he just... there was no THOUGHT he just...." Blaise was pale and silent, but he looked strangely determined.
Gabriel shrugged at neville's warning, he enjoyed playing with fire to much to actually be swayed from telling Jean-claude things. Gabriel snarled as he started t black out, the sound of a wolf in a fury, of a hunting falcon that had spotted prey. While most shape shifters were cursed or diseased, like the werewolves, Gabriel had gained animals as another form as a child, slipping as easily into animal skin as he slipped on a coat. But even now, even with draco's body riding his into the ground, he couldn't clear his head enough to do something he'd done since he'd been old enough to walk. Passing out as he fell limp under the man's form, a absent thought about what he tasted like crossing his mind as he slumped limp to the floor.

Gabriel winced as he woke, his face and neck were indeed acing like someone had tried to shove a stake through it. But it hurt, sighing softly as he sat up slowly. "I enjoy tormenting people."He said waving the werewolf away from him, to uncontrolled and hurting that when he looked up he looked with a wolf's eyes of solid amber.'And if I want to be used?"He asked thinking about the vampire's attitude. Despite knowing that he should run screaming in the other direction, he was interested in this club and the beautiful draco malfoy. Wondering if he was vampire struck, entralled to the vampires magic. "Well, I feel good for being mostly dead all day."He muttered, yes,yes he was qouting,well sort of, qouting princess bride. "are you two going home?"He said looking at the two, tilting his head before wincing as the move made his neck and face throb.
Stephan gasped as he saw the wolf's amber eyes and he swallowed thickly. "... you are already lost my friend." he admitted softly. "for the Wolf is Jeans to call." he admitted softly. "he will control you just as he controls the City. just as he controls all of us." he admitted letting his own amber eyes show for a moment. "you are not a werewolf... but a Lycanthrope... i did not know our disease could carry to wizards." he admitted with a small shake of his head. "where you bitten, or born this way?" he asked curiously his head tilted before shaking his head. "The master is calling me, Albion refuses to calm down... he will have to be restrained again..." he admitted sighing a little. "he does so hate that." he grumbled as he turned to the doorway. "you should never want to be used Gabriel... it is a loss of pride that can never be regained." he admitted, pain shining in his eyes. "you had best hope he has no power over you." he admitted with a shake of his head as he let the humans in and left himself.

neither Neville or Blaise smiled at the joke, they both just swallowed thickly, worried. "Gabe, you almost DIED." Blaise whispered furiously, his eyes shining with terror. "...Draco's not the person we remember anymore we should leave..." "i am afraid, that your good friend will not be leaving." Jean Claude admitted staring at Gabriel. "...Albion put his power into that bite." he admitted staring at the man with a barley controlled rage. "you are, in essence, his servant now." he admitted his lips pulled into a thin line, Neville swallowing thickly. "and... and what does that mean?" "it means, that if Gabriel leaves, Albion will get ill, and i will not let my Peu d'amour get ill." he admitted lifting his chin as he stared at the wolf. "my powers are over your kind. if i have to, i will force you to bend to my, and Albion's will. this, you will not like. you can choose to stay willingly, or you can choose to try and fight my power, which will it be?"

" can't just... expect Gabriel to do what you tell him to!" because Neville did not know that Gabriel was a wolf. "stay with us willingly, and i will let your human freinds come, and go, as they please." Jean Claude promised, setting his hand on Neville's shoulder, the young man tensing visibly, terror flooding his expression. Neville was clearly terrified of Jean Claude, who had nearly broken Draco in half to get him off of Neville. "b..but.. i..i c..can't l..let you..j..j..just..." he squeaked and fell silent as Jean Claude turned his expression down to Neville. "your presence here has upset my Peu d'amour. your Gabriel has tormented my Albion, and my Peu d'amour has Marked him as his servant, he WILL stay, or you will ALL be punished for Gabriele's crime." Neville swallowed thickly, trembling violently, he was so close to wetting himself it wasn't even funny. "... m..miss us you... you c..c.ant...." "a lot of accident's happen in this city, i cannot be held accountable for ALL of them." he admitted his eyes dangerous, his voice even more.
"Born."Gabriel said looking confused, frowning slightly."Wolf is not the only animal I have, just the one that is most comfortable."He said shuddering a little, because he was wondering what in the world the other man was talking about, and wondering why it scared him to think that jean-claude would do to him if he knew he was a wolf."Tell him to just enjoy the sex, being tied down should make it better."he said sounding amused at the idea because he knew draco would not be in the mood for sex, but it was amusing himself. Strange, strange wolf.

"You should leave. You would not be good here."Gabriel said looking at his two best friends, biting his lip. Looking amused behind those wolf amber eyes even as he was trying to figure out what to think of the demand to stay. But as the vampire tortured neville rage,something hot and angry filled the air, like bath water warmed to hot, the heat of gabriele's anger at jean-claude's treatment heating the air between them."let them go.I will stay. But I am no one's servant."he growled, that deep rumbling growl of a dog that was moments away from taking a bite out of something. Richard now wasn't the only anger driven alpha Jean-claude would have to deal with, but gabriele, even if he had no idea what he was. He had always assumed that he was alone, that since he was not like the other werewolves, in that he was not ruled by his wolf, that he was alone in the world. And he was, in that he could take more then one form,but he was lord, and he was no one's servant. Jean-claude or albion would have to break him if they really thought he'd serve. Though if they offered him the a choice, he'd serve them willingly, and lay the world at their feet as a gift. Only time would tell to know if the two men were smart enough to let him have the room to choose.
Stephan stared at Gabriel. "the wolf is not.. your only?" he sounded so confused it was almost cute. he had to grin though and he shook his head. "that is now how Albion is restrained, he is too strong for ropes and chains. he will be confined to a cross wrapped coffin until he calms down." he admitted shaking his head and leaving with that information. Jean Claude smirked at Gabriel as Blaise swallowed thickly and nodded at the order to leave, looking terrified as Jean Claude smiled almost sweetly as he ran his thumb along Neville's cheek, making the boy whimper even more, trembling hard. he moved away from Neville as soon as Gabriel promised he would stay, the boy nearly sagging with relief as he rushed over to Blaise, clinging to him, looking so frightened you expected him to pass out right then and there. "you are Albion's servant, the magic has made it so." Jean Claude stated, ignoring the human's now, letting Blaise carefully take Neville out of the room, Stephan there to carefully lead them home and get them a Taxi.

Jean Claude studied Gabriel as the two human's left, his head tilted a little. "you are a strange reature." he admitted suddenly. "you are a Wolf, i know you are. i knew it the moment i set eyes on you, but you do not answer my Call." he admitted simply. "i cannot control you as i do Stephan and Richard." he admitted moving over to Gabriel and sat down on the bed. "clearly you are not a wolf, but you are not human either." he ran the tips of his fingers along the others chin. "i do not want to force you to do anything, Gabriel." he admitted suddenly. "i do not want to harm you, or your human freinds but i think you may be the key to Albion's sanity." he admitted simply. "it is not in my nature to accept no for an answer." he admitted. "it is not in my nature to ask, but i will, since clearly you are no creature that can simply be summoned." he studied Gabriel. "Albion needs a servant, he needs someone to control, someone who knows him, knows his past but can keep his secretes should they be the kind that need to be kept." his eyes never left Gabriel's. "it is strange, even my mind tricks do not work on you as they should, as they do on most living creatures." he admitted his head tilted. "please consider staying as Albion's servant, it is not the same kind of servitude as you are thinking." he admitted smiling a little.

"you see, conscious of it or not, Albion gave you the first Mark of a Human servant... in my realm of Vampires, this means that you are one step to being his equal. he will not be able to play mind tricks on you, you will be faster, stronger, harder to kill." he explained. "he needs you, desperately, he is so very hard to control, he was never meant to be a vampire... never has a creature such as him existed." he admitted glancing at the clock. "it is almost dawn. i must hide myself for the day, roam the place freely, escape if you think you can." he shrugged a shoulder. "but i ask you to stay, for Albion's sake." he admitted, flashing a fang. "i will of course, deny it if this conversation ever gets out. i am the Master of the City after all, i cannot be seen asking anyone for anything." he admitted getting to his feet. "try not to move too quickly, you where hurt fairly badly, and please... if you see Albion... please do not provoke him, he will kill people if you upset him again while i am sleeping." he admitted turning and leaving the room, leaving Gabriel alone to think and rest.

(alright i'm going to bed but if your up i'll see you at 5:20 am XDD you don't work tomorrow right?)
"i am be his servant in name, but I serve no one."Gabriel snarled, annoyed at having his life turned upside down because his damnable honor wouldn't let him walk out the door. Gabriel smiled slightly at the man's reaction, he sounded so sure that he was not a wolf, glancing at the floor he raised his eyes again, that solid wolf amber that belonged to no one but a lycanthrope of pack. Yet when he blinked it became the spiral iries of a falcon, as if he was shuffling through the animals he owned like a deck of cards, choosing which one he wanted."Well. I guess I could pretend."He said thinking about it, before tilting his head at the explaination."i am already damnablly hard to kill, at least that's what blaise tells me."He said sounding amused, though not adverse to doing this. Because his honor wanted to see what would happen with Albion, and becausehe knew draco. Surely ife with draco would not be the worst thing he could be doing. Smirking as he realized Jean-claude had no idea what to think of him, so he'd leave it to be a surprise for the master of the city, to see just how much he was immune. Wondering if all the different forms allowed him to spill around the master's call.He might be able to call a wolf, but he couldn't summon the falcon, the stag, or panther.

"Of course not master, even if the person fascinates you by never existing before."He said sounding amused as e watched the other leave. Settling on the bed to sleep, because even being up for that short time had left him with a headache. So he'd do the simlpe thing, and just avoid going out. That solved the problem of seeing Albion.

But by the time the sun set Gabriele had grown bored and because he could was wandering the lower levels of the complex, the soft padded panther moving easily and freely, ignoring the looks he was getting. Unlike his werewolf and lycanthrope counterparts, while he had more forms he followed the natural size of the animal. So while some of the leopards guarding the place were as big as small ponies, they dwarfed gabriele, making him want to change into the stag ot just be bigger.but he stayed a panther and wandered, not sure when everyone would be up.

(Yea, I'm off, and Ill be on early to.XDD)
Jean Claude's eyes narrowed at Gaberiel's statement of serving no one, everyone served someone, even he, Jean Claude served someone, usually Draco or Anita but he did it. he ran his thumb along the others cheek as he watched those eyes slide from Wold to bird, looking almost... aroused. "such a rare thing you are, so gifted." he murmured softly before grinning a little. "i have no doubt you are... and yet you very nearly died tonight under Albion." he admitted. "it it was not for Stephan's CPR you very well would have died." Jean Claude actually chuckled at Gabriel's words of never existing before, if there was one, there had always been another, at least in nature that was true. and Jean Claude doubted very much that Gabriel was a result of science or unnatural magic.

once the sun set life returned to the Guilty Pleasures, it would not be open for several hours yet, but people where getting ready for it. one room opened suddenly to Gabriel's left and inside was yet another bed with Draco laying on it, sleeping peacefully, a large rosewood coffin lay on the floor next to the bed and you knew it was Jean Claude's just from the designs along the edges. another coffin lay next to it, this one was empty, but one could be sure that until recently it had held one pissed off Draco Malfoy. you could see the scratch marks along the lid and sides where Draco had fought to get out. there was a small, almost movement from the bed and Draco's eyes slowly opened as he stared at Gabriel's Panther form, magic sliding into Gabriel and tugging at him as if Draco's very magic wanted Gabriel to come to him. "come here." Draco whispered, somehow managing to make it both a plea, and an order as he swept the covers back so that the other could crawl into bed with him. "change into human?" he asked softly, blinking at the other. "i hate being alone." he admitted swallowing thickly, an almost fear in Draco's voice as he closed his eyes and went back to sleep, not even bothering to see if Gabe would do as requested, too exaughsted from righting against his cross wrapped coffin.

Albion was a strange creature indeed, one minute he was so furious he nearly broke his own coffin, cross or not, and the next he was almost timid, like a kitten finding herself in a strange place without warning, and then he was rude, spoiled, egotistical Draco Malfoy like he had been at school... what had happened to poor Draco to affect his very personality in such a way? he appeared to be Bi Polar but no disease of such a thing had ever been found in wizards, let alone vampires. as soon as you where turned, all mental and physical ailments where swept away. even the genetic ones. Albion was so pretty too, and that was without the vampires mystical glamor, what did normal muggles see when they looked upon Draco? something so ethereally gorgeous that they fell to their knee's thinking he was an angel? or did Draco simply not bother with making himself look prettier since he was already perfect? if Gabe got close enough, or even crawled into bed with Draco the boy did not have that same cold smell as all undead things did. he smelled very much alive, as if he wasn't a vampire at all, he smelled of life, and roses. if would figure that a Malfoy's natural scent resembled roses, roses and lilies. soft, good smells.
"Well,eventually something will killme. Just not this."Gabriel shrugged seemingly not at all bothered by the idea of dying. He knew he would do it one day, and just because he put it off as long as he couldn't, didn't mean that he hadn't accepted the idea.

Gabriele frowned, well as much as a panther could frown as he felt the other's magic touch him, making the order stick.Despite the ple he took his time crossin the room, exploring the room, nudging his nose against jean-claude's coffin, snorting as he looked at the decorated thing. Yawning widely, fangs the size of his palm flashing in the light as he climbed up in the bed with Draco,settling down on the bed before he shifted back to human, closing his eyes."You'd feel better cuddling a cat, or a don't want to talk to me..."He said slowly even as he shifted to wrap himself around the weak vampire, something demanding that he take care of him.Gabriel sneezed as he felt that fur ruffling power, and that nose wrinkling scent. While it smelled good, there were to many scents laying over the boy's natural scent to not make him sneeze."You smell good."he muttered closing his eyes, sighing softly as he watched the timid draco malfoy. This was...this was so weird,but it was almost nice to know that he wasn't as bad as he used to be.But...something had had happened to cause this change, and he very much wanted to know what it was.Btu that could wait, until draco trusted him to tell him. hed learn more if he just waited.
Draco actually seamed amused when Gabriel took his sweet time, but didn't push him to go faster at all, his head tilted. "that's Jean Claude's Coffin." he admitted softly, looking amused. "he likes pretty things." he admitted shaking his head. "i don't want a cat.. or a wolf... i want you." he admitted softly snuggling into the other. sighing softly, his breath ruffling against the back of the others neck. "of course i smell good." he murmured happily. "Pretty people always smell good." he mumbled softly smiling as he ran his nose along the others neck. "you smell good too." he admitted smiling a little as he closed his eyes and drifted off. an hour later the lid of Jean Claude's coffin swung open without so much as a noise and Jean Claude got out as liquid and graceful as water, smiling as he saw Draco snuggled into Gabriel. "see, i told you he needed you." he admitted smiling a little. "he can't stand to sleep alone, but he can't stand people either so he's never happy no matter what he decides." he admitted stretching as he slowly woke up.

"there is food in the kitchens, can you cook? Albion is going to want food after all that struggling." he admitted watching Draco with affection. "you know... i do not feel many emotions." he admitted his head tilted. "Albion makes me feel every goddamn single one of them." he admitted with a small chuckle as he shook his head. "he is even worse than my Ma Petite really." he admitted shaking his head a little. "he will probobly sleep for another few hours." he admitted. "i wouldn't try to get up he has enough strength to crush all of your ribs and your lungs and he'll grip tightly if you try to get up." he warned running a brush through his hair. "you might brush his hair when he get's up?" he asked simply. "Albion refuses to cut it and he can't brush it by himself, it get's so tangled..." he looked at Gabriel his head tilted. "you are a strange man Gabriel." he admitted simply. "have you ever considered a career in stripping? you are very pretty and i can Guarantee you will make more money in tips here than you will in whatever wizards job you have now." Jean Claude looking for more talent, what else was new?

Jean Claude looked at his watch and sighed a little. "loosing money." he complained shaking his head as he headed out. "loosing money..." he complained shaking his head. "dammit Albion.." he complained, Draco cracking a grin. "you love me anyway." Draco muttered softly shaking his head a little. "i wouldn't crush his ribs..." "not on purpose." Jean Claude teased as he handed Gabriel a brush. "brush his hair... please.." he stated simply, Draco snorting a little. "i can do it on my own!" "no you can't, you try but you can't reach the middle and then you bitch until someone else brushes it for you." Jean Claude admitted simply as he left the room, Draco sulking. "i can do it on my own." he grumbled, sulking as he snatched the brush away from Gabriel and started to brush his own hair before sighing and holding the brush out to Gabriel. "will you...?" he asked hopefully, sulking as soon as Jean Claude was out of earshot.
"Ah well, I'm just a pretty pretty kitten."Gabriel muttered laughing softly as the other snuggled into him.

"Well,its a good thing I'm a animal part of the time isn't it?then he wont have to deal with me as a person."Gabriele said amused as he sat up stretching."I can cook. Not well,but I can."He said sounding amused as he tried to figure out how t get the young vampire off of him without disturbing him to much."well, Draco has always been good at bringing out emotions in other people...though usually the emotions are the ones that make you want to beat him outside the head."Gabriele mused before laying back down to let draco hold him."Oh great. I go from curious oddity to hair brushing servant."He grumbled though he sounded amused at it.Before lookng startled at the vampire, raising a eyebrow a little befre shrugging."Never considered it,but I'm always willing to take off clothes to please someone."He said smirking a little as he thought about it."I work as a lawyer.But stripping would make people like me,instead of cursing when I walked into the room."He said amused because it was true. Most of his clients or oppentants started cursing them moment he walked into the room because he had not only a rep for being harsh with his oppoenants, but also with his clients.

Gabriele smiled a little before taking the brush, smirking as it was given back to him."so not brushing your own hair?Poor draco."He teased setting down on the bed behind him to gently run the brush through his hair, way gentler then he had to be as he ran the brus through the soft strands."So, what exactly do you do here?"He asked curious wondering just what he was going to be doing all day. If he wasn't on stage he was going to be so bored.
Jean Claude smirked a little and nodded. "this is true, keep in mind most of the time he is like a child, he'll need lots of cuddles." Jean Claude teased, snickering a little as he shook his head. "just make him a sandwich that's all he normally eats anyway." he admitted. "and while i desire to throttle him, i would never lay a hand on him." he admitted smirking at Draco Gabriel. "you would be a lovely dancer." he admitted with a small smirk. "you would have all the attention, the only who would be more coveted than you would be our little Albion." he admitted smirking. no use telling lies, they all knew Albion was the star of the show, all shows, and always would be. that he chose to dance instead of be in movies was only Jean Claude's gain, not that the man would stop Draco if the boy decided to give acting a try. "a lawyer?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. "... that could be very useful as well." he admitted pondering that. "i think either option, i could make you a very rich man." Jean Claude promised grinning a little. "i am so very glad that Albion has found you." he admitted smirking a little as he left the room.

"a lawyer hmm?" Draco asked softly as the other brushed his hair silver eyes sliding closed as he enjoyed the attention. "i do... well, various things i guess. i dance, mostly just so everyone knows i'm sexy." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i hang out here and piss off as many people as i can for my own amusement, mostly just Jean Claude." he admitted. "he and Stephan are just about the only people i can stand these days..." he admitted sighing a little. "i spend most of my time researching... trying to figure out what i am..." he admitted. "there's never been a creature quite like myself before." he admitted looking back at the other as he pulled his hair back into a long ponytail now that it was properly brushed, his stomach growling loudly. "i need food." he stated standing up and heading for the door pausing at the doorway and glancing back at Gabriel. "... if you tell Jean Claude anymore about me... i won't fail to kill you next time." he promised, turning and leaving without another word to order someone to make him food.
"Cuddling....okay. I can do cuddling."Gabriel said looking amused as he nodded.He could make a sandwich."Draco was always prettier then he knew what to do with."He said loking amused at the idea of being a dancer.He was so going to be doing it. It was going to be etertaining to see who was better, him or draco."i don't know muggle laws."He pointed out tilting his head a little frowning at the vampire. Amused because the man seemed so determined to use him in some way. He used that it was to be expected. As master of the city he needed to be able to use every tool that was available to him."Yes a lawyer."He said looking at draco laughing softly."what, I don't look like one?"

"So sexy that you damn near caused a riot when you kissed me."He teased rolling his eyes because it was true. But because he didn't believe that was his only reason."Well, I'm a lawyer. I have experiene at research if you want help."He offered smiling a little,"I know what it's like to be the only one."He said shrugging as he stood rolling his eyes at the threat.Knowing that draco meant it but he couldn't help but not find it overly threatening despite nearly getting killed earlier. Shifting forms he padded after the man in wolf form, more just to disturb the lycanthropes he'd past before as a panther then anything else. Yes, he had a perverse streak that encouraged him to play harmless teasing, and disturb someone. But sometimes, like with draco, it led him to truly dangerous moments. Shifting back when they got to the kitchen he looked at draco."Sit.I'll cook something."He said already starting tomake a sandwich and trying to decide what to make for himself.
Jean Claude smirked a little. "what a nice thing to say." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. "you could learn them i bet... besides... it's not the muggles i'm worried about." he admitted hesitating a little. "..." he looked like he was about to say something before he left Draco having been giving him that look that threatened pain if more conversation went on. "Frankly no, you look more like.." he studied the other. "someone normal." he admitted smiling a little. "a newspaper man maybe, or a quidditch player." he admitted sighing a little. "i miss quidditch." he admitted frowning a little before smirking darkly. "you enjoyed that kiss so much you nearly came in your pants. the crowd loves it when i tease them with a sensual kiss." he teased snickering a little before hesitating a little. "my research contains... personal information that i'm not sure i want you to know..." he admitted his voice as cold as ice as he headed out into the hall, watching the other slip into Wolf form, a scowl on his face. "...weren't you a panther before?" he asked his head tilted a little. Draco had just assumed that the Panther had been an animagus form but with a wolf too?

"...your no more human than i am are you?" he asked smiling a little at the other. "no wonder your blood tasted so good." he mused. "i don't normally like blood you know... it's thick, and it tastes like warm copper and it slides down my throat like it's ooze, like i'm drinking mud." he admitted making a strange sound in the back of his throat. "but your blood tasted much differently, it was thin, like a smoothie, and sweet." he admitted. "there was little copper, and so much sweet." he licked his lips. "i've never drank blood that i liked before." he admitted smirking a little as he watched several people give Gabriel strange looks, certain he had been a panther before. "most amusing." he murmured, pleased with the looks they where getting. Albion was well known for hating anything that moved, chasing them away and making sure they never bothered him again, animal and otherwise. yet there he was walking with a wolf, which was supposed to be a panther, yes Draco really was enjoying himself.

the blond sat as ordered and watched Gabriel make something, smirking a little. "i want turkey with that white cheese." he ordered simply. "and mayonnaise." he yawned a little. "other than that i don't care what you put on there." he admitted blinking at him. "except ketchup, don't put that on there i'm allergic to tomatoes." what a strange allergy, but then when was a Malfoy ever mundane in any way? he yawned a little and blinked as Stephan raced in looking almost frightened. "er... Anita's back..." he admitted. ".. with news about the wiz... er... the... the... problem." Draco swallowed thickly and nodded. "i'll get news from Jean Claude..." he muttered sternly glancing at Gabriel. "... there are things you need to know." he admitted his lips thinning. "there are reasons why i don't want to be found. and reasons why i don't want Jean Claude knowing who i am... if i tell you, certain things, i need you to swear, to tell no one."

(ugh, can't stay awake anymore... need a nap XP see you in a few hours?^^)
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