Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Severus watched as both his daughter and Draco Malfoy were branded with the dark mark. The two were sixteen years old and Voldemort thought it fitting to make them both official death eaters. Severus cringed a little as Krys his daughter was branded, he had never wanted this for her but ever since the dark lord found out that he had a child he insisted that she become a death eater and Dumbledore also insisted her become one to protect Severus’ cover. After the branding Severus took his daughter into the sitting room and sat her down.

“Krys there’s something you need to know” ,He looked at his daughter who sat there with a curious look on her face. “Do you remember how I told you your mother was killed in a muggle prison”? Krys nodded her head, she still wore a confused expression. “Well I lied to you, she is alive and you will be meeting her soon, I had to tell you eventually because she was in fact in prison but she has recently….been freed so to speak, I wanted you to hear it from me instead of finding out yourself”.

Krys listened as he spoke and when he finished she looked at him with anger, she hated the fact that she had been lied to and even more that it was by her own father whom she trusted.

“I can’t believe this, you lied to me, how could you”? Krys said in response.

“Krys just listen to me….” ,Severus tried to say something in his defense but was cut off by Krys.

“Don’t even fucking bother, I don’t want to speak to you, I don’t want to hear what you have to say, hell I don’t even want to look at you right now” ,Krys snapped. She stood up and stormed off to her room and slammed the door. She sat down on the bed and sighed, she had been through so much and now she finds out she was lied to her whole life by someone she thought she could trust.

Severus sighed and stood up he knew better then to try and talk to his daughter while she was like this. He made his way to Bellatrix’s room and knocked on the door.

“Bellatrix it’s time” ,he stated knowing she knew what he meant.
Bellatrix Lestrange the most feared witch of the wizarding world she escaped with several other's from Azkaban, an inescapable prison, with the help of the Dark Lord. Fourteen years in pain and fear, lost in the dark wanting three things most of all, she wanted her freedom, the Dark Lord, and her family. Finally she was free, the Dark Lord had returned, and now after being dragged away from the ones she loved. 

Bellatrix arrived at the manor only a few days ago, weak and frail, though she tried not to show it. Her younger sister Narcissa has been babying her, making sure she eats and rest, grooms and bathes..and such like. Bella though still beautiful she was a shell of her former self. Her face was hollow, her curves had angled out, she was skin and bones, and her hair a matted mess before her sister fixed it. The Dark Lord put Bellatrix on bed rest to build up her strength, she was no good to him weak or he had said she was one of the most loyal after trying to find him and getting sent to prison and never stopped believing he would return. 

Bellatrix though she lived through Azkaban, fell into a deep depression for you see Bellatrix did torture the Longbottoms till insanity took them, while trying to find the dark lord, she had failed to find him and was caught. Bellatrix didn't care that she was caught but she did care that she was torn from her family. Bella had a secret.... her and Severus Snape were in love all through Hogwarts they were inseparable, until her parents forced her to marry Rudolphus Lestrange, which she did but she didn't love him, her and Severus continued to see each other. Her husband knew of this and though upset about it he couldn't do anything to stop her giving up after awhile. Bellatrix became pregnant and had a beautiful baby girl. The Dark Lord fell two  years later, Bella was ripped away from her lover and her baby, she lived to two very much and never stopped thinking about them, covering her depression with madness, and now her baby was sixteen and Bella was unaware to what Snape has told her. 

Bellatrix was laying down in her bed resting as her lord ordered her too. Thinking about everything, no longer having to fear the dementors. She heard the knock on her door and jumped, her eyes wide and crazed, it felt like her heart had stopped. Then she heard his voice and relaxed, nodding her head standing up walking over to the door. She still looked sickly and dead from the cold cell, lack of light, and other factors while still looking beautiful in a ghostly way. Bella opened the door and looked upon Severus, so serious and sad, though looking well at the same time, the first time she's really looked upon him, her heart hurt still feeling everything she once felt with him. 
When Bellatrix opened the door Severus looked at her the way he used to, his feelings for the woman never changed. His eyes were filled with hurt and regret, he was hurt because Krys resented him now and he regretted not telling her sooner.

“I’ve told her, she knows her mother isn’t dead and she is furious with me” ,he sighed. “Maybe if you two got to know each other she would see things a little differently, it’s going to take time to get her used to things but if I know Krys she’ll come around eventually”.

Severus began making his way towards Krys’ room again motioning for Bellatrix to follow. When he got to her door he knocked softly.

“Krys can we talk, please” ,he said.


“You will have to deal with me eventually I am your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and you WILL NOT be skipping class this year” ,Severus snapped back.

“I’ll just have Draco bring me my work asshole I don’t have to attend your fucking class” ,Krys said, getting defensive after hearing her father’s tone.



A loud thud came straight after and Severus sighed again, he looked over at Bellatrix.

“I’ll have Narcissa talk to her later maybe we can all sit down and have dinner if she leaves her room that is” ,he told Bellatrix. “She’s hurt so in turn she’s angry, the girl hates to show emotion unless it’s anger”.

Severus held his arm out for Bellatrix to grab so that he could walk her back to her room, he felt bad for dragging her all the way down the hall for nothing.
 Bellatrix's lips curled in the corners and smiled at him, seeing the look he gave her. Then looking to his eyes he was troubled and she could tell. 

Shock and disbelief flashed in her eyes. "Severus...You told her I was dead?! How could you say didn't think I was coming back..did you?" Now Bellatrix was hurt, her daughter had no idea who she was...not even that, thought she was dead.  "Of coarse I want to get to know my daughter, I never thought I would be gone this long." Bellatrix stated with a sigh, following shakily after Severus. 
As the yelling went on Bella gently laid her hand on his back to try to calm him. Bellatrix nodded over dinner would be a decent time to talk. Bellatrix gently took hold of Snape's arm and walked with him. She was upset that Krys wouldn't even look at her, let alone speak to her. Wondering what Krys thought about Bellatrix Lestrange before being told that was her mother?
Snape walked Bellatrix back to her room and over to her bed. He laid her down gently and pulled the covers up onto her. After he finished he left the room and went to find Narcissa and Draco. The two were sitting in the parlor by the fireplace when Severus found them, he cleared his throat to get their attention, when they looked up he spoke.

"I need you two to get Krys out of her room at least for dinner, she's up in arms with me again and this time it's serious, I've told her the truth about her mother" ,he told them.

Draco had no idea what the man was talking about but Narcissa did, she patted Draco on the shoulder and sighed.

"Alright Severus, Draco go and get Krys to come down for dinner don't take no for an answer" ,Narcissa told her son.

Draco gave both his mother and Severus a look of confusion before making his way to Krys' room. When he got up there he knocked on the door.

"Hey Krys it's me mate open the door" ,he said.

After a few moments the door opened and Krys poked her head out. She looked angry and hurt and as if she were crying. Draco didn't dare ask if she had been crying though he knew exactly what usually happened if he did.

"Everyone wants you to come down for dinner, mainly my mum but they all want you to eat" ,Draco said slightly bending the truth.

Draco stood there and waited for Krys to respond. The young Snape thought for a few moments before looking at Draco and nodding. She stepped out of her room and into the hallway.

"Alright but I'm only coming down because your mum wants me to" ,Krys told him.

The two made there way downstairs and into the dining room, Krys avoided eye contact with her father as she walked by him. When her and Draco got into the dining room they sat down at the table. Krys looked to Draco and the two sat in silence as they waited for the others. Severus made his way back to Bellatrix's room to tell her Krys had agreed to come downstairs for dinner.
Bellatrix cuddled into the bed once Severus helped her into it, it was so much softer then the one she had been on for the past 14 years. Bellatrix watched as Severus left the room. She rested trying to build up some strength, just by how her daughter and Severus fought, Bella realised she was a firey one, like her. Bellatrix felt miserable if she never went to find the Dark Lord she would have know her little girl but it couldn't be fixed now, but the thought of Krys being mad at her hurt especially when they haven't ever spoken to each other. 

Bellatrix looked to Severus, "What if flips out? You told her I was dead and now I'm alive...Did you tell her my name does she know who I am?" She asked and went to stand up. 
Severus walked over and helped Bellatrix to her feet, he sighed when she asked the questions she did. "I can assure you she won't flip out, not at the dinner table your sister wouldn't have it and Krys knows and respects that. it's the best chance we have to talk to her and no I didn't tell her who you are yet I didn't have the chance to before she started flipping out on me" ,Severus told her. "Come now dinner should be ready soon".

It took a little bit but Draco had finally put Krys into a better mood and the two were joking around. The elf had brought a plate of rolls to the table and the two made a game to see who could eat the most within a minute. Narcissa came into the kitchen in the middle of the two's little game and shook her head, "Don't spoil your dinner and save some for the rest of us" ,Narcissa said jokingly, she knew the two would eat their dinner whether they filled up on bread or not.
"Thanks...I'm pathetic.." She stated softly, she could hardly get up anymore, from being in Azkaban she very well may have died from nature causes if left there. Bellatrix hated looking weak, being weak. "Alright...Severus...What if she wants nothing to do with me...?" She asked this was going to take some time to get used to. Bella nodded her head, starting for the door tottering as she walked. Her heart was pounding this was to be the first time she saw her daughter in 14 years.
"Like I said it will take time but she'll come around, she's stubborn but she knows her limits" ,Severus told her. "And you're not pathetic most people would have died having been locked in there for so long, you're a fighter Bellatrix you always have been". Severus looked into the woman's eyes as he spoke, the man was sincere. Severus lead Bellatrix down the stairs, just as he was going to lead her into the dining room there was a knock on the door. "Elf go get the door" ,Severus told the small creature standing in the room. When the elf opened the door both Crabbe and Goyle walked in. "Good evening professor, good evening Mrs. Lestrange" ,the two boys said. They were always invited to dinner a few days before the school year started. After the two boys walked into the kitchen Severus began to walk Bellatrix toward the dining room again.
"I know it will time...." She stated softly. "I knew he'd return...he wouldn't leave me in there...I knew I'd be return to the both of you...I never thought it would be this long.." She stated, feeling like she wanted to cry but wouldn't not until she was alone or at least with Severus alone. She smiled as he called her a fighter. Hearing the knock Bellatrix jumped, she was very jumpy at the moment. Bellatrix relaxed again then seeing the boys, Draco's friends. She nodded her head slightly as the bid her a good evening. Walking with Severus to the dining room.
Severus pulled a chair out for Bellatrix and sat her down, he then looked at his daughter who was now putting Crabbe in a headlock and Draco and Goyle were laughing hysterically. "Give it up you fat bitch" ,Krys said jokingly. She had paid no mind to her father walking in, when her and Draco horsed around with Crabbe and Goyle only one person ever broke it up and that person walked into the room right after Krys had swore. "Krys watch your mouth at the dinner table and let go of Vincent, it's time for dinner not horseplay" ,Narcissa said as she set a bottle of red wine on the table. "Yes ma'am" ,Krys said sitting in her chair. She looked across the table at her father and gave him a glare before taking a sip of water out of a glass that was sitting in front of her.
Bellatrix nodded to him, in the form of thanks. Bellatrix watched the two horsing around, she assumed the only girl there was her daughter, she was much different then she thought, still beautiful though. Bella was shocked by the language the girl used. As soon as Bellatrix saw her glare that was her daughter.   Bellatrix felt tired but needed to  be there, one she needed to have human interaction, two she needed to eat, and three she needed to know her child. 
Severus sighed after Krys glared at him, he had no idea how he was going to start the conversation off and hoped somebody else would talk first. His wish was granted almost immediately when Goyle looked at him, "So Professor Snape what do you have in store for us this year seeing you're the new defense against the dark arts teacher" ,Goyle asked. Krys just looked at him with a nasty look then decided to be a ball buster. "Hmm maybe he should teach us all about interrogation curses and let us demonstrate on him" ,Krys said sarcastically then gave her father a nasty look. "Enough Krys" ,Snape mouthed. "Fuck You" ,Krys mouthed back right before taking a bite out of a roll. Narcissa had read Krys' lips and slapped her on the shoulder, "Not at my table Krys you know better" ,Narcissa said sternly. "What are you talking about"? Krys asked in response as if she hadn't done anything. "Don't play dumb I seen what you said to your father I'm not stupid" ,Narcissa said back. Krys looked at Draco and then back to Narcissa, "Sorry, it won't happen again" ,Krys said politely. Goyle started laughing quietly from across the table and made fun of Krys while Narcissa's head was turned toward Krys. The young Snape just smiled as she pulled her wand from her pocket underneath the table and pointed it at Goyle, nobody seen it coming, mainly because not a word came from Krys' mouth but Goyle fell to the floor screaming in pain. Krys had cast a spell on Goyle that made him get a terrible burning rash on his legs, she quickly put her wand back into her pocket and continued to eat her food. Severus shot a look at Krys and Krys looked at him back and played it off as if she had done nothing.
Bellatrix took a biscuit from the middle of the table and started playing with it. Then she took a bite from it and started to play with the food on her plate. She stopped as she heard the screaming and smiled she loved the pain of others besides those she cared for. As he got louder Bella giggled she thought it was funny. 
Krys looked over at the woman sitting across the table next to her father noticing her giggle. Krys turned to her father and gave him a cocky smirk before looking back at her plate and taking a bite of food. Severus just shook his head and continued to eat. Krys didn't know much about the woman across from her she only knew that she was Draco's aunt. She knew his aunt was a feared witch but she had never met her in person until now.
Bellatrix went back to playing with her food still smiling. Narcissa saw her sister playing around. "Bellatrix please don't play with your food while we have guests." Narcissa stated. Bella glared at her sister and sighed softly, starting to eat her food properly. As much as she wanted to eat she could eat much, being unused to eating a full meal so she ate a bit of everything on her plate then stopped, took a sip of her wine, and rested her back against the chair. "Bella eat you food..." Bellatrix looked at her "Cissy I can't..." Bella replied, "Try and eat more." Narcissa stated trying to get her to eat more food. Bella took another bite. 
Krys listened as the two sisters argued. Narcissa was always a little stern from time to time but she took care of the people she loved and Krys was one of them. Narcissa and Krys had a sort of unexplained bond to each other and sometimes Krys felt that Narcissa was more family to her then her own mother whoever that may be.
Bella forced a few small bites then pushed her plate away from her gently. If she ate anymore she'd get sick. She sat there and drank her wine staying quiet for now, observing the people around the table. Bella started to drift out, staring off into space, one of her scape goats and her crazy glints came and went, she was trying to readjust.
Krys and Draco both finished their food rather quickly and sat and waited while everyone else at. Goyle had been fixed up by Narcissa rather quickly and Krys was given yet another stern look when Narcissa found out the spell came from her. Severus looked around the table as everyone began to eat their dessert, he figured that Krys was in a good enough mood probably as good of a mood he was going to get her in while she was around him so he decided to break the news to her now. "K-Krys" ,Severus stuttered out. Krys turned her head to look at her father, she still had an angry look in her eyes but her expression was more calm then before. "Krys this is your mother" ,he told her as he put his hand on Bellatrix's shoulder. Krys' eyes widened and she stood up, "Are you kidding me"? Krys shot a look to Narcissa. "You lied to me too"? Narcissa sighed, "Krys it was for your own good" ,Narcissa tried to explain but Krys was already halfway across the kitchen and nearly out the door. "You know what fuck all of you, my whole life has been a lie, I'm going to my room until school starts and I don't want ANY of you bothering me" ,Krys snapped as she stormed off.
Bellatrix snapped back when dessert was put in front of her. 
She took a bite then stopped it tasted great but she just couldn't eat it. When Severus spoke to Krys she figured he was about to tell her the big news. As she felt his touch her hand went to his and rested there. As soon as Krys stood up Bella bit her lip. Her eyes followed Krys as she stormed off. Bellatrix's heart was breaking 14 years she dreamed of this day and this was never how it went. Bellatrix stood up slowly and started to walk toward the door,  she needed to get out of that room, even if she only made it to the next one her pain was too much.
Severus followed Bellatrix out of the room and quickly grabbed her to keep her from falling. "Listen I'm sorry I should have waited until you were a bit stronger, Krys will come around eventually just give her time to cool of, this isn't your fault it's mine" ,Severus pulled Bellatrix into a loving embrace and held her for a little bit, he had missed the woman and was glad she was in his arms again.

Krys had kept her promise and stayed in her room until school started. The morning her and Draco were set to leave Krys left the house before anyone woke up and made her way to Diagon Alley via the Floo network.

The train ride felt longer then usual, maybe it was because she sat alone for it. When the train stopped at the school Krys made her way into the castle by herself and she skipped the sorting feast altogether. She just wanted to be alone, she sat in one of the huge windows in the hallway and watched as a few of the house ghosts flew by.
Bellatrix tried to pull away to no avail, her mind was spinning and she was frail. Bellatrix gasped, her eyes widened and her body tensed. She wasn't used to physical contact like this anymore. Her breathing increased then looked at Severus, holding onto him tightly, crying, her body relaxed a bit in his arms. She missed him, she missed his embrace. 

Meanwhile Hermione was packed and ready to leave for Hogwarts her, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and the Twins, were at the burrow. Awaking in the morning to catch the train and off to Hogwarts. Once there heading to the great hall for the sorting Feast. 
Severus had stayed with Bellatrix up until it was time for him to go back to the school. He gave her healing potions and other things to help get her on her feet while he was away. When Severus had to leave he kissed the woman softly on the forehead and quietly left the room. He instructed Narcissa to give Bellatrix a potion a day to restore her health until she seen fit to stop the doses. When Severus got to the school and into the Great Hall he noticed that Krys was no where to be seen, he sighed and shook his head. Dumbledore looked over to him with a smile on his face, "I assume you've told her the news Severus" ,Dumbledore whispered so only Snape could hear him. Severus nodded his head, Dumbledore didn't miss a thing sometimes he amazed even Severus. "I'll have Dobby find her and bring her a plate of food" ,the old wizard told Severus who now had his usual stern look on his face, he hoped none of the students noticed him with his guard down.

Krys sat looking out the window until she was tapped on the shoulder, she turned to look at who it was and seen a small figure standing there, a plate of food in his hand. "Dobby was instructed to bring you food and I was told not to take no for an answer" ,the small elf squeaked. Krys sighed but gave Dobby a smile and accepted the food.
Bellatrix stayed close to Severus, she had missed him dearly, letting out long hidden tears of pain and suffering. Once she had calmed down again they went back up into her room. Bella took the potions and placed them on the side table. When it was time for him to go she tried to hold onto his cloak, but he slipped through her fingers, watching him leave. Bellatrix sat down on her bed, alone for a while. She was trying to sink in the fact that she was mow safe in her sisters manor with the Dark Lord...her family...her love...her child...
Severus left the Great Hall rather quickly after dinner and set off to find Krys to try and talk to her. When he finally found her he reached out his hand and touched her shoulder. Krys turned and looked to see who it was and an angry look came across her face when she realized who it was. "What do you want"? she hissed. Severus just sighed in aggravation, "You will have to talk to me eventually so you might as well stop putting it off" ,he hissed back. The two then got into a heated argument that drew attention, seeing dinner was over a lot of students and teachers were walking the halls of the school and when they all heard the commotion they stopped to see what was going on. Both Severus and Krys were red in the face with anger at each other by the time they noticed anyone watching. Krys hopped down off the windowsill and shoved past her father, "Why don't you all take a fucking hike" ,Krys snapped towards the students and teachers who were watching. Krys pushed past a group of students and ran off to try and find a place to be alone. After a few minutes she decided to head outside and go to the Quidditch Pitch, she knew she would probably get into trouble but at least she could be alone for a little while.
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